2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0400
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
The Application class encompasses the entire application,
and has the widget hierarchy declared by main_window().
The "self tests" are all named test_xxx(), and are static
functions because they were designed that way originally
(testterm.cxx), so they remain static.
They only need access to the global G_tty to access the
terminal for printing, and handle their own state
To add /new/ tests:
1. Create the test function similar to existing test_xxx().
2. Add the function's name to the NextEscapeTest() function's
This makes the new test become part of the self tests.
NextEscapeTest() keeps track of the last test shown as
a static value internally, and the integer argument
tells it how to advance to the next test, either fwd or back.
The tests themselves may keep state information, so that
a single test might have several pages. The return value
determines whether to recall the test again, or if it's
on the last page.
} {in_source not_in_header
decl {\#include <stdio.h>} {public global
decl {\#include <stdlib.h> // rand()} {private global
decl {\#include <errno.h>} {public global
decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>} {public global
decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Terminal.H>} {public global
decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Scheme_Choice.H>} {public global
decl {\#include <FL/fl_ask.H>} {public global
decl {\#include <fcntl.h>} {public global
decl {\#ifdef _WIN32} {public global
decl {\#include <io.h> // _read()} {public global
decl {\#else} {public global
decl {\#include <unistd.h> // read()} {public global
decl {\#endif} {public global
decl {MyTerminal *G_tty;} {
comment {Global access to tty} private global
decl {Application *G_app;} {
comment {Global access to application} private global
decl {////// TERMINAL RING BUFFER DEBUG CLASS //////} {private local
class MyTerminal {
comment {Fl_Terminal derived class that can access ring buffer internals for debugging} open : {public Fl_Terminal}
} {
decl {Fl_Double_Window *ring_debug_win;} {private local
decl {Fl_Terminal *debug_tty;} {private local
decl {bool interactivecursor;} {private local
Function {MyTerminal(int X,int Y,int W,int H, const char *L=0):Fl_Terminal(X,Y,W,H,L)} {
2024-10-06 17:53:41 +02:00
comment CTOR open
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
} {
code {ring_debug_win = 0;
debug_tty = 0;
interactivecursor = false;} {}
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
Function {show_ring_debug_window()} {return_type void
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
} {
code {// Show the internal ring debug window
if (!ring_debug_win) {
ring_debug_win = new Fl_Double_Window(1250,800,"Fl_Terminal Ring Buffer");
ring_debug_win->callback(debug_winquit_callback, (void*)this);
debug_tty = new Fl_Terminal(0,0,ring_debug_win->w(),ring_debug_win->h());
// Start timer to update ring debug updates
Fl::add_timeout(.5, ring_debug_timer_callback, (void*)this);} {}
Function {interactive_cursor(bool val)} {
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
comment {Enable/disable interactive cursor movement in test app} return_type void
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
} {
code {interactivecursor = val;} {}
Function {debug_winquit_callback2()} {return_type void
} {
code {// Hide debug window, disable its update timer
Fl::remove_timeout(ring_debug_timer_callback, (void*)this);} {}
Function {debug_winquit_callback(Fl_Widget*,void *userdata)} {return_type {static void}
} {
code {MyTerminal *o = (MyTerminal*)userdata;
o->debug_winquit_callback2();} {}
Function {horiz_bracket(int w)} {
comment {Print a graphic horizontally oriented bracket of width w} return_type void
} {
code {debug_tty->append("┏");
for (int t=0; t<w-2; t++) { debug_tty->print_char("━"); }
debug_tty->append("┓");} {}
Function {update_ring()} {open return_type void
} {
code {// Handle updating the ring debug window's contents
int m1,m2,m3,m4;
// These reference the Fl_Terminal base class protected members
int x = 5;
debug_tty->append("\\033c"); // reset terminal (clear screen, history, home)
debug_tty->append("\\033[s"); // save cursor
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC \\033[7m Ring Index \\033[0m\\n", x);
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC ring_rows(): %-3d Mouse Selection (srow,scol,erow,ecol)\\n", x, ring_rows());
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC ring_cols(): %-3d \\033[7m(%d,%d,%d,%d)\\033[0m\\n", x, ring_cols(), m1,m2,m3,m4);
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC offset(): %-3d currentstyle->charflags=%02x\\n", x, offset(), (unsigned int)current_style().charflags()); // charflags(): show XTERM flags if any
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC ", x);
debug_tty->printf("\\033[u"); // recall cursor
x += disp_cols() + 11;
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC \\033[7m History Index \\033[0m\\n", x);
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC hist_rows(): %d hist_srow()=%d\\n", x, hist_rows(), hist_srow());
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC hist_cols(): %d hist_erow()=%d\\n", x, hist_cols(), hist_erow());
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC hist_use(): %d\\n", x, hist_use());
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC ", x);
debug_tty->append("\\033[u"); // recall cursor
x += disp_cols() + 11;
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC \\033[7m Display Index \\033[0m\\n", x);
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC disp_rows(): %d disp_srow()=%d\\n", x, disp_rows(), disp_srow());
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC disp_cols(): %d disp_erow()=%d\\n", x, disp_cols(), disp_erow());
debug_tty->printf("\\033[%dC ", x);
for ( int row=0; row<ring_rows(); row++ ) {
Utf8Char *u8c = u8c_ring_row(row);
debug_tty->printf("%3d R[", row);
for ( int col=0; col<ring_cols(); col++,u8c++ ) {
// Get Utf8Char's attrib,fg,bg and make that 'current' to draw the char in that style
debug_tty->print_char(u8c->text_utf8()); // print the char in current style
debug_tty->append("\\033[0m"); // restore default fg/bg/attrib
debug_tty->append("] ");
if ( row < hist_rows() ) {
u8c = u8c_ring_row(hist_srow() + row);
debug_tty->printf("%3d H[", row);
for ( int col=0; col<hist_cols(); col++,u8c++ ) {
2023-11-14 18:14:48 +01:00
// Get Utf8Char's attrib,fg,bg and make that 'current' to draw the char in that style
debug_tty->print_char(u8c->text_utf8()); // print the char in current style
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
debug_tty->append("\\033[0m"); // restore default fg/bg/attrib
debug_tty->printf("] ");
} else {
debug_tty->append(" ");
for ( int col=0; col<hist_cols(); col++ ) { debug_tty->append(" "); }
debug_tty->append(" ");
if ( row < disp_rows() ) {
u8c = u8c_ring_row(disp_srow() + row);
debug_tty->printf("%3d D[", row);
for ( int col=0; col<disp_cols(); col++,u8c++ ) {
2023-11-14 18:14:48 +01:00
// Get Utf8Char's attrib,fg,bg and make that 'current' to draw the char in that style
debug_tty->print_char(u8c->text_utf8()); // print the char in current style
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
debug_tty->append("\\033[0m"); // restore default fg/bg/attrib
} else {
debug_tty->printf("--- END\\033[0J\\n"); // clear eos} {}
Function {ring_debug_timer_callback2()} {open return_type void
} {
code {// Update the ring debug window
// Redraw after all changes have been made
Fl::repeat_timeout(.10, ring_debug_timer_callback, (void*)this);} {}
Function {ring_debug_timer_callback(void* userdata)} {return_type {static void}
} {
code {MyTerminal *o = (MyTerminal*)userdata;
o->ring_debug_timer_callback2();} {}
2023-11-14 19:02:08 +01:00
Function {handle(int e) FL_OVERRIDE} {
2023-11-15 15:59:23 +01:00
comment {Event handler} return_type int
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
} {
code {switch (e) {
if (interactivecursor) {
switch (Fl::event_key()) {
case FL_Up: cursor_up(1,true); redraw(); return 1;
case FL_Down: cursor_down(1,true); redraw(); return 1;
case FL_Left: cursor_left(); redraw(); return 1;
case FL_Right: cursor_right(); redraw(); return 1;
return Fl_Terminal::handle(e);} {}
decl {////// APPLICATION CLASS //////} {private local
class Application {open
} {
decl {int G_lines;} {
comment {Line counter for +50 line test
} private local
Function {Application()} {
comment {// Ctor}
} {
code {// CTOR
G_lines = 1;
// Do widget init in make_window()'s extra 'Code' section, not here.} {}
Function {show(int argc=0, char **argv=0)} {
comment {Show the app window
} return_type void
} {
code {if (argv) win->show(argc,argv);
else win->show();} {}
Function {AppendTty(const char *s)} {
comment {Append text to Fl_Terminal (and stdout if radio button set)
} return_type void
} {
code {// Append to Fl_Terminal
// Send to stdout too?
if (G_app->stdout_radio->value()) {
printf("%s", s);
}} {}
decl {////// ESC SELF TESTS //////} {private local
Function {NextEscapeTest(int dir)} {
comment {Advance/Reverse thru escape code tests} open return_type {static void}
} {
code {// *** ADD NEW TESTS HERE ***
typedef int (TestFunc)(bool);
static int testret = 1; // last test return value
static int testnum = 0;
static TestFunc *tests[] = {
int numtests = sizeof(tests) / sizeof(TestFunc*);
testnum += (dir * testret); // advance testnum only if last test isn't recall
if (testnum >= numtests) testnum = 0;
if (testnum < 0) testnum = numtests-1;
if (dir == 10000) { // 1000: special case to reset all tests, run first test
testnum = 0; // run first test
for ( int i=0; i<numtests; i++ ) tests[i](true); // reset all tests
// If cursor floating, do a crlf first
if (G_tty->cursor_col()!=0) G_tty->append("\\n");
// Run test, save return value
testret = tests[testnum](false);
G_tty->redraw();} {}
Function {show_test(const char **test, int &index)} {
comment {Show test in test[] starting at 'index', returns 0 or 1
} return_type {static int}
} {
code {// Show test in test[] starting at 'index'.
// 'index' is adjusted to point to next test.
// Returns number to add to parent test index:
// 0 - test shown, call here again for next page in this test
// 1 - test shown, move on to next test for next time
while (test[index]) {
if (strncmp(test[index-1], "--->", 4) == 0 ) {
if (test[index] == NULL) { index = 0; return 1; } // rewind, tell parent to move to next test
else { return 0; } // tell parent to call us again for next test
index = 0;
return 1; // hit end of test, reset} {}
Function {test_firstpage(bool reset)} {
comment {--- 0000: Test unicode alignment} return_type {static int}
} {
2024-10-06 17:53:41 +02:00
code {(void) reset; // unused arg: quiets compiler warnings
2024-06-30 09:25:31 -07:00
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
"\\033[0m\\033[H\\033[2J\\033[3J" // color/attr reset, home, cls, clear history
"hello.\\nLine one\\nLine two\\n"
"\\033[0;0;2m Dim text:\\033[31m red\\033[32m grn\\033[33m yel"
2023-11-14 18:14:48 +01:00
"\\033[34m blu\\033[35m mag\\033[36m cyn\\033[37m wht\\n"
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
"\\033[0;0;0m Normal text:\\033[31m red\\033[32m grn\\033[33m yel"
2023-11-14 18:14:48 +01:00
"\\033[34m blu\\033[35m mag\\033[36m cyn\\033[37m wht\\n"
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
"\\033[0;0;1m Bold text:\\033[31m red\\033[32m grn\\033[33m yel"
2023-11-14 18:14:48 +01:00
"\\033[34m blu\\033[35m mag\\033[36m cyn\\033[37m wht\\n"
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
"\\033[0;1;3m Bold Italic text:\\033[31m red\\033[32m grn\\033[33m yel"
2023-11-14 18:14:48 +01:00
"\\033[34m blu\\033[35m mag\\033[36m cyn\\033[37m wht\\n"
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
// Language Language
// Alignment Alignment
// <-----> <---->
"Here's some utf8: ||| AAA || AAA\\n"
"╳ ╳ ██ ▏▏┌─┬┐ ┏━┳┓ ╔═╦╗ ██████ ||| AAA Hell Yeah Jim - English || AAA\\n"
"╳ ╳ ██ ▏▏│ ││ ┃ ┃┃ ║ ║║ ██ ██ ||| AAA Первый рабочий - Russian || AAA\\n"
"╳ ╳ ██ ▏▏├─┼┤ ┣━╋┫ ╠═╬╣ ██ ██ ||| AAA テキスト処理法 - Japanese || AAA\\n"
"╳ ╳ ██ ▏▏└─┴┘ ┗━┻┛ ╚═╩╝ ██████ ||| AAA 香港增补字符集 - Chinese || AAA\\n"
" ||| AAA || AAA\\n"
"underbar: ______ ||| AAA || AAA\\n"
" overbar: ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ||| AAA || AAA\\n"
"\\033[23X >> KEYBOARD KEYS: Arrow keys move cursor <<\\n"
"\\033[23X >> 's'=speed test 'c'=colorbars <<\\n"
"\\033[23X >> 'e'=next esc test 'E'=prev esc test <<\\n"
"\\033[23X >> 'q'=quit <<\\n"
"\\033[23X >> <<\\n"
"\\033[23X >> <<\\n"
"Some floating text. >X<\\b\\033[D"); // put cursor between > < using BS and cursor_left
return 1; // tell parent to move to next test} {}
Function {test_esc_attr(bool reset)} {
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
comment {--- 0010: Test attributes} open return_type {static int}
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
} {
code {static int index = 0;
const char *test[] = {
// Screen 10
"\\033[H\\033[2J" "ESC TEST 0010: Attributes\\n",
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
" \\033[0;2m Some Dim text [█]\\033[0m \\033[0m Normal text [█]\\033[0m \\033[0;1m Some Bold text [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;3m Dim italic [█]\\033[0m \\033[3m Normal italic [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;3m Bold italic [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;4m Dim underline [█]\\033[0m \\033[4m Normal underline [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;4m Bold underline [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;5m Dim blinking [█]\\033[0m \\033[5m Normal blinking [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;5m Bold blinking [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;7m Dim inverse [█]\\033[0m \\033[7m Normal inverse [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;7m Bold inverse [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;9m Dim strikeout [█]\\033[0m \\033[9m Normal strikeout [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;9m Bold strikeout [█]\\033[0m\\n"
"Xterm Colors With Attributes\\n"
2024-10-06 17:53:41 +02:00
" \\033[2;3m(Dim+Bold attributes should affect brightness of all xterm colors)\\033 [0m\\n"
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
" \\033[2;30m Dim Blk(30) [█]\\033[0m \\033[30m Normal Blk(30) [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;30m Bold Blk(30) [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;31m Dim Red(31) [█]\\033[0m \\033[31m Normal Red(31) [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;31m Bold Red(31) [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;32m Dim Grn(32) [█]\\033[0m \\033[32m Normal Grn(32) [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;32m Bold Grn(32) [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;33m Dim Yel(33) [█]\\033[0m \\033[33m Normal Yel(33) [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;33m Bold Yel(33) [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;34m Dim Blu(34) [█]\\033[0m \\033[34m Normal Blu(34) [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;34m Bold Blu(34) [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;35m Dim Mag(35) [█]\\033[0m \\033[35m Normal Mag(35) [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;35m Bold Mag(35) [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;36m Dim Cyn(36) [█]\\033[0m \\033[36m Normal Cyn(36) [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;36m Bold Cyn(36) [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;37m Dim ---(37) [█]\\033[0m \\033[37m Normal ---(37) [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;37m Bold ---(37) [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;38m Dim ---(38) [█]\\033[0m \\033[38m Normal ---(38) [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;38m Bold ---(38) [█]\\033[0m\\n"
" \\033[2;39m Dim Def(39) [█]\\033[0m \\033[39m Normal Def(39) [█]\\033[0m \\033[1;39m Bold Def(39) [█]\\033[0m\\n"
"Xterm Fg/Bg Colors With Attributes\\n"
// walk fg colors 30..36, bg reset (49+0)
" Fg Bold:\\033[1;49;30m█ Def █\\033[31m█ Red █\\033[32m█ Grn █\\033[33m█ Yel █\\033[34m█ Blu █\\033[35m█ Mag █\\033[36m█ Cyn █\\033[0m "
" \\033[00;1;30m█ Def █\\033[31m█ Red █\\033[32m█ Grn █\\033[33m█ Yel █\\033[34m█ Blu █\\033[35m█ Mag █\\033[36m█ Cyn █\\033[0m\\n"
" Fg Norm:\\033[0;49;30m█ Def █\\033[31m█ Red █\\033[32m█ Grn █\\033[33m█ Yel █\\033[34m█ Blu █\\033[35m█ Mag █\\033[36m█ Cyn █\\033[0m "
" \\033[00;0;30m█ Def █\\033[31m█ Red █\\033[32m█ Grn █\\033[33m█ Yel █\\033[34m█ Blu █\\033[35m█ Mag █\\033[36m█ Cyn █\\033[0m\\n"
" Fg Dim:\\033[2;49;30m█ Def █\\033[31m█ Red █\\033[32m█ Grn █\\033[33m█ Yel █\\033[34m█ Blu █\\033[35m█ Mag █\\033[36m█ Cyn █\\033[0m "
" \\033[00;2;30m█ Def █\\033[31m█ Red █\\033[32m█ Grn █\\033[33m█ Yel █\\033[34m█ Blu █\\033[35m█ Mag █\\033[36m█ Cyn █\\033[0m\\n"
// walk bg colors 40..46, fg reset (39+0)
" Bg Bold:\\033[1;39;40m█ Def █\\033[41m█ Red █\\033[42m█ Grn █\\033[43m█ Yel █\\033[44m█ Blu █\\033[45m█ Mag █\\033[46m█ Cyn █\\033[0m "
" \\033[00;1;40m█ Def █\\033[41m█ Red █\\033[42m█ Grn █\\033[43m█ Yel █\\033[44m█ Blu █\\033[45m█ Mag █\\033[46m█ Cyn █\\033[0m\\n"
" Bg Norm:\\033[0;39;40m█ Def █\\033[41m█ Red █\\033[42m█ Grn █\\033[43m█ Yel █\\033[44m█ Blu █\\033[45m█ Mag █\\033[46m█ Cyn █\\033[0m "
" \\033[00;0;40m█ Def █\\033[41m█ Red █\\033[42m█ Grn █\\033[43m█ Yel █\\033[44m█ Blu █\\033[45m█ Mag █\\033[46m█ Cyn █\\033[0m\\n"
" Bg Dim:\\033[2;39;40m█ Def █\\033[41m█ Red █\\033[42m█ Grn █\\033[43m█ Yel █\\033[44m█ Blu █\\033[45m█ Mag █\\033[46m█ Cyn █\\033[0m "
" \\033[00;2;40m█ Def █\\033[41m█ Red █\\033[42m█ Grn █\\033[43m█ Yel █\\033[44m█ Blu █\\033[45m█ Mag █\\033[46m█ Cyn █\\033[0m\\n"
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: ",
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
if (reset) { index = 0; return 0; }
2024-10-06 17:53:41 +02:00
return show_test(test, index);} {selected
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Function {test_esc_rgbcolors(bool reset)} {
comment {--- 0020: Test RGB Colors} return_type {static int}
} {
code {static int index = 0;
const char *test[] = {
// Screen 20
"\\033[2J\\033[H" "ESC TEST 0020: RGB Colors\\n",
"\\033[0m\\n", // NORMAL
"\\tNormal Grayscale: \\033[38;2;32;32;32mXXX" "\\033[38;2;64;64;64mXXX" "\\033[38;2;96;96;96mXXX" "\\033[38;2;128;128;128mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;160;160;160mXXX" "\\033[38;2;192;192;192mXXX" "\\033[38;2;224;224;224mXXX" "\\033[38;2;255;255;255mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;255;0;0m\\n", // change to Red for next row
"\\tNormal RedScale: \\033[38;2;32;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;64;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;96;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;128;0;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;160;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;192;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;224;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;255;0;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;255;0m\\n", // change to Grn for next row
"\\tNormal GrnScale: \\033[38;2;0;32;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;64;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;96;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;128;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;160;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;192;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;224;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;255;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;0;255m\\n", // change to Blu for next row
"\\tNormal BluScale: \\033[38;2;0;0;32mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;64mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;96mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;128mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;0;160mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;192mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;224mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;255mXXX",
"\\033[0;3m\\n", // ITALIC
"\\tItalic Grayscale: \\033[38;2;32;32;32mXXX" "\\033[38;2;64;64;64mXXX" "\\033[38;2;96;96;96mXXX" "\\033[38;2;128;128;128mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;160;160;160mXXX" "\\033[38;2;192;192;192mXXX" "\\033[38;2;224;224;224mXXX" "\\033[38;2;255;255;255mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;255;0;0m\\n", // change to Red for next row
"\\tItalic RedScale: \\033[38;2;32;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;64;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;96;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;128;0;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;160;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;192;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;224;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;255;0;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;255;0m\\n", // change to Grn for next row
"\\tItalic GrnScale: \\033[38;2;0;32;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;64;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;96;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;128;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;160;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;192;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;224;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;255;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;0;255m\\n", // change to Blu for next row
"\\tItalic BluScale: \\033[38;2;0;0;32mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;64mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;96mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;128mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;0;160mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;192mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;224mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;255mXXX",
"\\033[0;4m\\n", // UNDERLINE
"\\tUnderl Grayscale: \\033[38;2;32;32;32mXXX" "\\033[38;2;64;64;64mXXX" "\\033[38;2;96;96;96mXXX" "\\033[38;2;128;128;128mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;160;160;160mXXX" "\\033[38;2;192;192;192mXXX" "\\033[38;2;224;224;224mXXX" "\\033[38;2;255;255;255mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;255;0;0m\\n", // change to Red for next row
"\\tUnderl RedScale: \\033[38;2;32;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;64;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;96;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;128;0;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;160;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;192;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;224;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;255;0;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;255;0m\\n", // change to Grn for next row
"\\tUnderl GrnScale: \\033[38;2;0;32;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;64;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;96;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;128;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;160;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;192;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;224;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;255;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;0;255m\\n", // change to Blu for next row
"\\tUnderl BluScale: \\033[38;2;0;0;32mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;64mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;96mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;128mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;0;160mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;192mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;224mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;255mXXX",
"\\033[0;7m\\n", // INVERSE
"\\tInvers Grayscale: \\033[7;38;2;32;32;32mXXX" "\\033[38;2;64;64;64mXXX" "\\033[38;2;96;96;96mXXX" "\\033[38;2;128;128;128mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;160;160;160mXXX" "\\033[38;2;192;192;192mXXX" "\\033[38;2;224;224;224mXXX" "\\033[38;2;255;255;255mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;255;0;0m\\n", // change to Red for next row
"\\tInvers RedScale: \\033[38;2;32;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;64;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;96;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;128;0;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;160;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;192;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;224;0;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;255;0;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;255;0m\\n", // change to Grn for next row
"\\tInvers GrnScale: \\033[38;2;0;32;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;64;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;96;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;128;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;160;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;192;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;224;0mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;255;0mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;0;255m\\n", // change to Blu for next row
"\\tInvers BluScale: \\033[38;2;0;0;32mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;64mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;96mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;128mXXX",
"\\033[38;2;0;0;160mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;192mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;224mXXX" "\\033[38;2;0;0;255mXXX",
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: ",
// Screen 21
"\\033[2J\\033[H" "ESC TEST 0021: RGB Color Ramps\\n",
"Red: ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"Grn: ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"Blu: ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
For generating an HSV hue ramp, see:
: R R
: R R
: R R
: R R
: R R
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
: G G
: G G
: G G
: G G
: G G
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
: B B
: B B
: B B
: B B
: B B
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Here's some perl code that generates the Hue ramp:
$count = 0;
for ($t=0; $t<256;$t+=2) { printf("\\\\033[48;2;%03d;%03d;%03dm ",255,$t,0); if ((++$count % 8) == 0) { printf("\\n"); } }
for ($t=0; $t<256;$t+=2) { printf("\\\\033[48;2;%03d;%03d;%03dm ",255-$t,255,0); if ((++$count % 8) == 0) { printf("\\n"); } }
for ($t=0; $t<256;$t+=2) { printf("\\\\033[48;2;%03d;%03d;%03dm ",0,255,$t); if ((++$count % 8) == 0) { printf("\\n"); } }
for ($t=0; $t<256;$t+=2) { printf("\\\\033[48;2;%03d;%03d;%03dm ",0,255-$t,255); if ((++$count % 8) == 0) { printf("\\n"); } }
for ($t=0; $t<256;$t+=2) { printf("\\\\033[48;2;%03d;%03d;%03dm ",$t,0,255); if ((++$count % 8) == 0) { printf("\\n"); } }
for ($t=0; $t<256;$t+=2) { printf("\\\\033[48;2;%03d;%03d;%03dm ",255,0,255-$t); if ((++$count % 8) == 0) { printf("\\n"); } }
"Hue: ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"\\033[0m\\n ",
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: ",
"\\033[2J\\033[H" "ESC TEST 0023: FG/BG Specific Reset\\n",
"Test fg reset: \\033[31mThis is red on norm bg\\033[39m, This is ESC[39m reset (norm fg on norm bg).\\033[m\\n",
"Test bg reset: \\033[41mThis is norm fg on red bg\\033[49m, This is ESC[49m reset (norm fg on norm bg).\\033[m\\n",
"Test fg/bg with fg reset: \\033[32;44mThis is grn on blu\\033[39m, This is ESC[39m reset (norm fg on blu).\\033[m\\n",
"Test fg/bg with bg reset: \\033[32;44mThis is grn on blu\\033[49m, This is ESC[49m reset (grn on norm bg).\\033[m\\n",
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: ",
if (reset) { index = 0; return 0; }
return show_test(test, index);} {}
Function {test_esc_fgbg_colors(bool reset)} {
comment {--- 0030: Test FG/BG Colors} return_type {static int}
} {
code {static int index = 0;
const char *test[] = {
// Screen 30
"\\033[2J\\033[H" "ESC TEST 0030: FG/BG Colors\\n",
" Foreground Colors:\\n",
" \\033[2;31m" " Dim Red text \\033[0m \\033[0;32m" " Dim Grn text \\033[0m \\033[2;33m" " Dim Yel text \\033[0m\\n",
" \\033[2;34m" " Dim Blu text \\033[0m \\033[0;35m" " Dim Mag text \\033[0m \\033[2;36m" " Dim Cyn text \\033[0m"
" \\033[2;37m" " Dim Wht text \\033[0m\\n",
" \\033[0;31m" " Nor Red text \\033[0m \\033[0;32m" " Nor Grn text \\033[0m \\033[2;33m" " Nor Yel text \\033[0m\\n",
" \\033[0;34m" " Nor Blu text \\033[0m \\033[0;35m" " Nor Mag text \\033[0m \\033[0;36m" " Nor Cyn text \\033[0m"
" \\033[0;37m" " Nor Wht text \\033[0m\\n",
" \\033[1;31m" " Bold Red text \\033[0m \\033[1;32m" " Bold Grn text \\033[0m \\033[1;33m" " Bold Yel text \\033[0m\\n",
" \\033[1;34m" " Bold Blu text \\033[0m \\033[1;35m" " Bold Mag \\033[0m \\033[1;36m" " Bold Cyn text \\033[0m"
" \\033[1;37m" " Bold Wht text \\033[0m\\n",
" Background Colors:\\n",
" \\033[2;37;41m"" Dim Red bg \\033[0m \\033[2;37;42m"" Dim Grn bg \\033[0m \\033[2;37;43m"" Dim Yel bg \\033[0m\\n",
" \\033[2;37;44m"" Dim Blu bg \\033[0m \\033[2;37;45m"" Dim Mag bg \\033[0m \\033[2;37;46m"" Dim Cyn bg \\033[0m"
" \\033[2;37;47m"" Dim Wht bg \\033[0m\\n",
" \\033[0;37;41m"" Nor Red bg \\033[0m \\033[0;37;42m"" Nor Grn bg \\033[0m \\033[0;37;43m"" Nor Yel bg \\033[0m\\n",
" \\033[0;37;44m"" Nor Blu bg \\033[0m \\033[0;37;45m"" Nor Mag bg \\033[0m \\033[0;37;46m"" Nor Cyn bg \\033[0m"
" \\033[0;37;47m"" Nor Wht bg \\033[0m\\n",
" \\033[1;37;41m"" Bold Red bg \\033[0m \\033[1;37;42m"" Bold Grn bg \\033[0m \\033[1;37;43m"" Bold Yel bg \\033[0m\\n",
" \\033[1;37;44m"" Bold Blu bg \\033[0m \\033[1;37;45m"" Bold Mag bg \\033[0m \\033[1;37;46m"" Bold Cyn bg \\033[0m"
" \\033[1;37;47m"" Bold Wht bg \\033[0m\\n",
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: ",
if (reset) { index = 0; return 0; }
return show_test(test, index);} {}
Function {test_esc_curpos(bool reset)} {
comment {--- 0040: Test Cursor Positioning} return_type {static int}
} {
code {static int index = 0;
const char *test[] = {
// Screen 40
"\\033[2J\\033[H" "ESC TEST 0040: Cursor Positioning\\n",
"3: 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70\\n",
"4: |----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|\\n",
"\\033[5;10H" "X", "\\033[5;15H" "X", "\\033[5;20H" "X",
"\\033[5;40H" "X", "\\033[5;45H" "X", "\\033[5;50H" "X",
"\\033[6;10H" "|", "\\033[6;15H" "|", "\\033[6;20H" "|",
"\\033[6;40H" "|", "\\033[6;45H" "|", "\\033[6;50H" "|",
"\\033[7;10H" "10,5", "\\033[7;15H" "15,5", "\\033[7;20H" "20,5",
"\\033[7;40H" "40,5", "\\033[7;45H" "45,5", "\\033[7;50H" "50,5",
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: ",
if (reset) { index = 0; return 0; }
return show_test(test, index);} {}
Function {test_esc_tabstops(bool reset)} {
comment {--- 0050: Tabstops: Default Tabstops} return_type {static int}
} {
code {static int index = 0;
const char *test[] = {
// Screen 50
// We use <ESC>c to reset the terminal to default tabstops.
"\\033c" "ESC TEST 0050: Tabs: Default Tabstops\\n",
" A B C D E F G H I\\n",
" | | | | | | | | |\\n",
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: ",
// We use <ESC>c to reset the terminal to default tabstops.
// Should also clear screen and home cursor..
"\\033c" "ESC TEST 0051: Tabs: Change Tabstops\\n",
" 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72\\n",
"Setting new tabstops..\\033[3g\\n",
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: ",
"\\033c" "ESC TEST 0052: Tabs: Default Tabstops Again\\n",
"Back to normal tabstops:\\n",
" 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72\\n",
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: ",
if (reset) { index = 0; return 0; }
return show_test(test, index);} {}
Function {test_esc_insert_char(bool reset)} {
comment {--- 0060: Insert Char} return_type {static int}
} {
code {static int index = 0;
const char *test[] = {
// Screen 60
"\\033[2J\\033[HESC TEST 0060: Insert Char (ESC[@)\\n",
" 10> 20> 30> 40> 50> 60> 70> 80>\\n",
"\\033[s\\033[5;29H\\033[1;31m>\\033[0m\\033[u", // save curs, movcur, bold/red, '>', norm, recall curs
"---> Hit 'e' to test INSERT 1 char at row/col 5/30 (right of '>'): \\033[K",
"---> Hit 'e' to test INSERT 1 char at row/col 5/30 (right of '>'): \\033[K",
"---> Hit 'e' to test INSERT 4 chars at row/col 5/30 (right of '>'): \\033[K",
"---> Hit 'e' to test INSERT 4 chars at row/col 5/30 (right of '>'): \\033[K",
"---> Hit 'e' to test DELETE 1 chars at row/col 5/20 (right of '>'): \\033[K",
"---> Hit 'e' to test DELETE 1 chars at row/col 5/20 (right of '>'): \\033[K",
"---> Hit 'e' to test DELETE 2 chars at row/col 5/20 (right of '>'): \\033[K",
"---> Hit 'e' to test DELETE 4 chars at row/col 5/20 (right of '>'): \\033[K",
"---> Hit 'e' to test DELETE 1 char at row/col 5/20 (right of '>'): \\033[K",
"---> Hit 'e' to test DELETE 1 char at row/col 5/20 (right of '>'): \\033[K",
"---> Hit 'e' to test DELETE 1 *EXTRA* char at row/col 5/20 (right of '>'): \\033[K",
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: \\033[K",
if (reset) { index = 0; return 0; }
return show_test(test, index);} {}
Function {test_esc_clear_test(bool reset)} {
comment {--- 0070: Clear Test ESC[K / ESC[K} return_type {static int}
} {
code {static int index = 0;
const char *test[] = {
// Screen 70
"\\033[2J\\033[H" "ESC TEST 0070: Clear Test (ESC[K / ESC[J)\\n",
"2: 10> 20> 30> 40> 50> 60> 70> 80>\\n",
"---> Hit 'e' to test ERASE EOL (should make X's disappear): ",
"\\033[4;37H\\033[K\\n", // ERASE EOL
"---> Hit 'e' to test ERASE SOL (should make Y's disappear): ",
"\\033[5;37H\\033[1K\\n", // ERASE SOL
"---> Hit 'e' to test ERASE LINE (should make F's disappear): ",
"\\033[7;37H\\033[2K\\n", // ERASE LINE
"---> Hit 'e' to test ERASE EOD (should make Z's disappear): ",
"\\033[9;37H\\033[0J\\n", // ERASE EOD
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: ",
// Screen 71
"\\033[2J\\033[H" "ESC TEST 0071: Clear Test (ESC[K / ESC[J)\\n",
"2: | | | | | |\\n",
"---> Hit 'e' to test ERASE SOD (should make X's disappear): ",
"\\033[6;40H\\033[1J\\n", // ERASE SOD
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: \\033[K",
if (reset) { index = 0; return 0; }
return show_test(test, index);} {}
Function {test_esc_delete_row(bool reset)} {
comment {--- 0080: Delete Row - ESC[M} return_type {static int}
} {
code {static int index = 0;
const char *test[] = {
// Screen 80
"\\033[2J\\033[H" "ESC TEST 0080: Delete Row (ESC[M)\\n",
"\\033[12H", // to prompt row
"---> Hit 'e' to test [1/4] DELETE LINE 3 with ESC[M: \\033[K",
2023-11-14 18:14:48 +01:00
"\\033[2K", // clear prompt
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
"\\033[3H", // move to line 3
"\\033[M", // delete line 3
"\\033[12H", // back to line 12H for prompt
//"\\033[2K\\033[3H\\033[M", // clear prompt, to row 3, delete row
//"\\033[12H", // to prompt row
"---> Hit 'e' to test [2/4] DELETE 3 MORE LINES with ESC[3M: \\033[K",
"\\033[2K\\033[3H\\033[3M", // clear prompt, to row 3, delete 3 rows
"\\033[12H", // to prompt row
"---> Hit 'e' to test [3/4] DELETE 3 MORE LINES with ESC[3M: \\033[K",
"\\033[2K\\033[3H\\033[3M", // clear prompt, to row 3, delete 3 rows
"\\033[12H", // to prompt row
"---> Hit 'e' to test [4/4] DELETE 3 MORE LINES with ESC[3M: \\033[K",
"\\033[2K\\033[3H\\033[3M", // clear prompt, to row 3, delete 3 rows
"\\033[12H", // to prompt row
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: ",
if (reset) { index = 0; return 0; }
return show_test(test, index);} {}
Function {test_esc_insert_row(bool reset)} {
comment {--- 0085: Insert Row - ESC[L} return_type {static int}
} {
code {static int index = 0;
const char *test[] = {
// Screen 71
"\\033[2J\\033[H" "ESC TEST 0085: Insert Row (ESC[L)\\n",
"---> Hit 'e' to test [1/3] INSERT 1 ROW AT LINE 3 with ESC[L: \\033[K",
"\\033[2K\\033[3H\\033[L", // clear prompt, to row 3, insert row
"\\033[12H", // to prompt row 17
"---> Hit 'e' to test [2/3] INSERT 3 ROWS AT LINE 3 with ESC[3L: \\033[K",
"\\033[2K\\033[3H\\033[3L", // clear prompt, to row 3, insert 3 rows
"\\033[12H", // to prompt row 17
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: ",
if (reset) { index = 0; return 0; }
return show_test(test, index);} {}
Function {test_esc_scrolling(bool reset)} {
comment {--- 0090: Scrolling Up/Down - <ESC>[S / <ESC>M} return_type {static int}
} {
code {static int index = 0;
const char *test[] = {
// Screen 90
"\\033[2J\\033[H" "ESC TEST 0090: Scrolling up/down\\n",
"Line 2 🡅\\n",
"Line 3 [A]\\n",
"Line 4 🡅\\n",
"Line 5 [B]\\n",
"Line 6\\n",
"Line 7\\n",
"Line 8\\n",
"Line 9\\n",
"Line 10\\n",
"Line 11\\n",
"Line 12\\n",
// Do this weird thing so the lines still appear in order in our code
"\\033[200H\\033[10ABottom Line -10",
"\\033[200H\\033[9ABottom Line -9",
"\\033[200H\\033[8ABottom Line -8",
"\\033[200H\\033[7ABottom Line -7",
"\\033[200H\\033[6ABottom Line -6",
"\\033[200H\\033[5ABottom Line -5 [D]",
"\\033[200H\\033[4ABottom Line -4 🡇",
"\\033[200H\\033[3ABottom Line -3",
"\\033[200H\\033[2ABottom Line -2 [C]",
"\\033[200H\\033[1ABottom Line -1 🡇",
"\\033[200H" "Bottom Line 0",
"\\033[15H", // Line 15
"---> Hit 'e' to SCROLL UP 1 with <ESC>[S so top line at position [A]: \\033[K",
"\\033[H\\033[S\\033[14H", // Line 14 because up one line
"---> Hit 'e' to SCROLL UP 2 with <ESC>[2S so top line at position [B]: \\033[K",
"\\033[H\\033[2S\\033[12H", // Line 12 because up two more lines
"---> Hit 'e' to SCROLL DOWN 1 with <ESC>M at screen top: \\033[K",
"\\033[H\\033M\\033[13H", // Line 13 because down 1 line
"---> Hit 'e' to SCROLL DOWN 2 with 2x<ESC>M: \\033[K",
"\\033[H\\033M\\033M\\033[15H", // Line 15 because down 2 lines
"---> Hit 'e' to SCROLL DOWN 1 with <ESC>M for bottom line at posn [C]: \\033[K",
"\\033[H\\033M\\033[16H", // Line 16 because down 1 lines
"---> Hit 'e' to SCROLL DOWN 3 with 3x<ESC>M for bottom line at posn [D]: \\033[K",
"\\033[H\\033M\\033M\\033M\\033[19H", // Line 18 because down 3 lines
//TODO Other ESC commands to scroll up/down?
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: \\033[K",
// Screen 100
"\\033[2J\\033[HESC TEST 0091: Cursor Save/Restore Test\\n",
" Cursor positon at 'A' was saved with ESC[s.\\n",
"---> Hit 'e' to recall cursor position and change 'A' to 'B': \\033[K",
"---> Hit 'e' for next test: \\033[K",
if (reset) { index = 0; return 0; }
return show_test(test, index);} {}
decl {////// OTHER SELF TESTS //////} {private local
Function {show_file(const char *filename)} {
comment {Show the specified file in the terminal
} return_type void
} {
code {// If cursor floating, do a crlf first
if (G_tty->cursor_col()!=0) G_tty->append("\\n");
char s[1024];
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if ( fp == NULL ) {
snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "\\033[1;31m%s: %s\\033[0m\\n", filename, strerror(errno));
s[1023] = 0;
while ( fgets(s, sizeof(s)-1, fp) ) {
s[1023] = 0;
G_tty->append(s); // append line to display
// Last line in file? Done
fp = NULL;} {}
Function {speed_test()} {
comment {Run full screen random character update} return_type void
} {
code {// 50 iters of WxH random chars (no scrolling)
// First, switch redraw style to none, so we can handle redraws()
// Clear screen, do 50 iterations of random chars
G_tty->append("\\033[H"); // home
int rows = G_tty->display_rows();
int cols = G_tty->display_columns();
for (int i=0; i<50; i++ ) {
for ( int row=0; row<rows; row++ ) {
for ( int col=0; col<cols; col++ ) {
char c = ' ' + (rand() % 0x50); // random ASCII characters
G_tty->textfgcolor_xterm(rand() % 8); // random fg uchar color for each char
2024-04-06 23:36:04 -07:00
G_tty->plot_char(c, row, col);
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
// leave test with white on black
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
G_tty->append("\\033[c"); // reset terminal
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
// back to rate limited
// Show the Unicode alignment page
test_firstpage(false);} {}
Function {show_colorbars()} {
comment {Show colorbars in terminal
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
} open return_type void
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
} {
code {// If cursor floating, do a crlf first
if (G_tty->cursor_col()!=0) G_tty->append("\\n");
Fl_Color fgsave = G_tty->textfgcolor();
Fl_Color bgsave = G_tty->textbgcolor();
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
// ECR-1-1978
// grey yellow cyan green magenta red blue
Fl_Color bars1[] = { 0xc0c0c000, 0xbfc03700, 0x2ac0bf00, 0x25c03300, 0xbe00bb00, 0xbd051800, 0x1600ba00 };
Fl_Color bars2[] = { 0x1600ba00, 0x11111100, 0xbe00bb00, 0x11111100, 0x2ac0bf00, 0x11111100, 0xc0c0c000 };
Fl_Color boxes[] = { 0x05214a00, 0xffffff00, 0x32006700, 0x11111100, 0x03030300, 0x11111100, 0x1d1d1d00, 0x11111100 };
// -I 100% wht Q+ superblack black 4% black
// \\________________________________/
// pluge
const char *bar = "███████████";
const char *box1= "██████████████";
const char *box2= "█████████████";
const char *pluge = "███";
// Print 75% bars: bars1[]
for ( int y=0; y<16; y++ ) {
for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ ) {
// Print strip: bars2[]
for ( int y=0; y<2; y++ ) {
for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ ) {
// Bottom boxes
for ( int y=0; y<7; y++ ) {
for ( int i=0; i<8; i++ ) {
if ( i < 3 ) G_tty->append(box1);
else if ( i < 4 ) G_tty->append(box2);
else if ( i < 7 ) G_tty->append(pluge);
else G_tty->append(box2);
if ( y < 6 ) G_tty->append("\\n");
// Restore fg/bg colors
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
2024-10-06 17:53:41 +02:00
G_tty->textbgcolor(bgsave);} {}
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Function {unicode_alignment()} {
comment {Show unicode alignment test
} return_type void
} {
code {test_firstpage(true);} {}
Function {add_lines(int count)} {
comment {Add specified number of test lines to tty} return_type void
} {
code {// If cursor floating, do a crlf first
if (G_tty->cursor_col()!=0) G_tty->append("\\n");
for ( int t=0; t<count; t++ )
G_tty->printf("Line %04d -- AAA BBB CCC DDD\\n", G_lines++);} {}
Function {do_command(const char *cmd)} {
comment {Run the command, output appends to terminal
} return_type void
} {
code {// Run command in pipe, return output to tty
// TODO: This should probably be reimplemented as a thread.
// Also, I doubt this will work well on Windows.
// If it's a real problem, open a file and 'tail' it ourselves instead.
\#ifdef _WIN32
\#define POPEN(a,b) _popen(a,b) // effin windows
\#define PCLOSE(a) _pclose(a)
\#define READ(a,b,c) _read(a,b,c)
\#define FILENO(a) _fileno(a)
\#define SSIZE_T int
\#define POPEN(a,b) popen(a,b)
\#define PCLOSE(a) pclose(a)
\#define READ(a,b,c) read(a,b,c)
\#define FILENO(a) fileno(a)
\#define SSIZE_T ssize_t
// If cursor floating, do a crlf first
if (G_tty->cursor_col()!=0) G_tty->append("\\n");
FILE *fp = POPEN(cmd, "r");
char s[4096];
if ( fp == NULL ) {
sprintf(s, "\\033[0;31mCan't execute '%.200s': %s\\033[0m\\n", cmd, strerror(errno));
int fd = FILENO(fp);
\#ifndef _WIN32
// Non-blocking IO keeps interface "alive" during slow commands.
// Too bad Microsoft's implementation of the C library read() call
// is so poor it doesn't properly support non-blocking IO or fcntl().
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
// Read in byte blocks
G_tty->append(NULL); // (clears utf8 cache)
while (1) {
SSIZE_T bytes = READ(fd, s, sizeof(s)); // shout in uppercase so windows can hear us
if (bytes == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) continue; // no data yet
else if (bytes > 0) G_tty->append(s, bytes); // write block to terminal, handles utf8
else break; // pipe closed
G_tty->redraw();} {}
decl {////// GUI LAYOUT //////} {private local
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
Function {parse_color(const char *val_str, Fl_Color &col)} {
comment {Parse color in 'val_str', returns 0 and color in 'col', or -1 on error} return_type int
} {
code {unsigned long ival;
if (sscanf(val_str, "\#%lx", &ival) == 1 ) { col = Fl_Color(ival); return 0; }
2024-06-30 09:25:31 -07:00
if (sscanf(val_str, "%lu", &ival) == 1 ) { col = Fl_Color(ival); return 0; }
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
fl_alert("Illegal color value '%s'\\n(can be e.g. '12' or '\#0c', etc)", val_str);
return -1;} {}
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Function {update_inputs()} {
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
comment {Resync the inputs with widget's values} open return_type void
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
} {
code {// Scroll History
scrollhistory_input->value( G_tty->history_rows() );
// Redraw rate
redraw_rate_spinner->value( G_tty->redraw_rate() );
// Font Size
fontsize_input->value( G_tty->textsize() );
// Scrollbar Size
scrollbarsize_input->range(0, 80);
scrollbarsize_input->value( G_tty->scrollbar_size() );
// show_unknown() enable/disable
showunknown_radio->value( G_tty->show_unknown() ? 1 : 0 );
// ansi() enable/disable
ansi_radio->value(tty ->ansi() ? 1 : 0 );
// box() choice
switch ( G_tty->box() ) {
case FL_UP_FRAME: box_choice->value(0); break;
case FL_DOWN_FRAME: box_choice->value(1); break;
case FL_THIN_UP_FRAME: box_choice->value(2); break;
case FL_THIN_DOWN_FRAME: box_choice->value(3); break;
case FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME: box_choice->value(4); break;
case FL_EMBOSSED_FRAME: box_choice->value(5); break;
case FL_BORDER_FRAME: box_choice->value(6); break;
// ---
case FL_UP_BOX: box_choice->value(7); break;
case FL_DOWN_BOX: box_choice->value(8); break;
case FL_FLAT_BOX: box_choice->value(9); break;
case FL_THIN_UP_BOX: box_choice->value(10); break;
case FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX: box_choice->value(11); break;
case FL_BORDER_BOX: box_choice->value(12); break;
case FL_NO_BOX: box_choice->value(13); break;
default: box_choice->value(1); break;
// color()
char s[80];
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
sprintf(s, "\#%08x", G_tty->color()); color_input->value(s);
// textcolor()
char s[80];
sprintf(s, "\#%08x", G_tty->textcolor()); textcolor_input->value(s);
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
// textfg/bgcolor()
char s[80];
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
sprintf(s, "\#%08x", G_tty->textfgcolor()); textfgcolor_input->value(s);
sprintf(s, "\#%08x", G_tty->textbgcolor()); textbgcolor_input->value(s);
// defaults
sprintf(s, "\#%08x", G_tty->textfgcolor_default()); textfgcolor_default_input->value(s);
sprintf(s, "\#%08x", G_tty->textbgcolor_default()); textbgcolor_default_input->value(s);
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
// TODO: current_style().charflags()
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
// cursorfg/bg color
char s[80];
sprintf(s, "\#%08x", G_tty->cursorfgcolor()); cursorfgcolor_input->value(s);
sprintf(s, "\#%08x", G_tty->cursorbgcolor()); cursorbgcolor_input->value(s);
// Margins
int lt = G_tty->margin_left();
int rt = G_tty->margin_right();
int top = G_tty->margin_top();
int bot = G_tty->margin_bottom();
char s[100];
sprintf(s, "%d, %d, %d, %d", lt,rt,top,bot);
// selectionfg/bgcolor()
char s[80];
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
sprintf(s, "\#%08x", G_tty->selectionfgcolor()); selectionfgcolor_input->value(s);
sprintf(s, "\#%08x", G_tty->selectionbgcolor()); selectionbgcolor_input->value(s);
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
// output_translate()
int out = G_tty->output_translate();
outflags_lf_to_crlf->value((out&Fl_Terminal::LF_TO_CRLF) ? 1 : 0);
outflags_lf_to_cr->value( (out&Fl_Terminal::LF_TO_CR) ? 1 : 0);
outflags_cr_to_lf->value( (out&Fl_Terminal::CR_TO_LF) ? 1 : 0);
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
}} {}
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
Function {handle_output_translate(void)} {
comment {Handle the output_translation() flags} open return_type void
} {
code {// Handle combining output_translate() flags..
int out = 0;
if ( outflags_lf_to_crlf->value() ) out |= Fl_Terminal::LF_TO_CRLF;
if ( outflags_lf_to_cr->value() ) out |= Fl_Terminal::LF_TO_CR;
if ( outflags_cr_to_lf->value() ) out |= Fl_Terminal::CR_TO_LF;
G_tty->output_translate(Fl_Terminal::OutFlags(out));} {}
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Function {make_window()} {open
} {
Fl_Window win {
label {Fl_Terminal Test}
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
callback {exit(0);} open
2024-10-06 17:53:41 +02:00
xywh {831 66 897 838} type Double size_range {897 330 0 0} visible
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
} {
Fl_Spinner scrollhistory_input {
label {Scroll History}
callback {int val = int(scrollhistory_input->value() + .5);
tooltip {Scrollback history size.
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
10,000 max.} xywh {109 10 115 20} labelsize 10 minimum 0 maximum 10000 textsize 10
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Spinner fontsize_input {
label {Font Size}
callback {int val = int(fontsize_input->value() + .5);
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
xywh {109 38 115 20} labelsize 10 textsize 10
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Spinner scrollbarsize_input {
label {Scrollbar Size}
callback {int val = int(scrollbarsize_input->value() + .5);
G_tty->scrollbar_size(val); G_tty->redraw();}
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
tooltip {Size of scrollbar width in pixels} xywh {109 67 115 20} labelsize 10 textsize 10
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Spinner redraw_rate_spinner {
label {Min Redraw Time}
callback {float rate = float(redraw_rate_spinner->value());
//printf("Setting redraw rate to %.2f\\n", rate);
tooltip {Minimum time between redraws
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
Default is 0.10 secs.} xywh {109 94 115 20} type Float labelsize 10 minimum 0.05 maximum 5 step 0.1 textsize 10
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Choice scheme_widget {
label scheme open
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
tooltip Scheme xywh {109 120 115 20} down_box BORDER_BOX labelsize 10 textsize 10
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
class Fl_Scheme_Choice
} {}
Fl_Choice box_choice {
label {box()} open
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
tooltip {The border box for the Fl_Terminal} xywh {109 147 115 20} down_box BORDER_BOX labelsize 10 textsize 10
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
} {
MenuItem {} {
user_data FL_UP_FRAME user_data_type long
callback {G_tty->box(FL_UP_FRAME); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {10 10 100 20} labelsize 8
MenuItem {} {
user_data FL_DOWN_FRAME user_data_type long
callback {G_tty->box(FL_DOWN_FRAME); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {10 10 100 20} labelsize 8
MenuItem {} {
user_data FL_THIN_UP_FRAME user_data_type long
callback {G_tty->box(FL_THIN_UP_FRAME); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {10 10 100 20} labelsize 8
MenuItem {} {
user_data FL_THIN_DOWN_FRAME user_data_type long
callback {G_tty->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_FRAME); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {10 10 100 20} labelsize 8
MenuItem {} {
user_data FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME user_data_type long
callback {G_tty->box(FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {10 10 100 20} labelsize 8
MenuItem {} {
user_data FL_EMBOSSED_FRAME user_data_type long
callback {G_tty->box(FL_EMBOSSED_FRAME); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {10 10 100 20} labelsize 8
MenuItem {} {
user_data FL_BORDER_FRAME user_data_type long
callback {G_tty->box(FL_BORDER_FRAME); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {10 10 100 20} labelsize 8 divider
MenuItem {} {
label FL_UP_BOX
user_data FL_UP_BOX user_data_type long
callback {G_tty->box(FL_UP_BOX); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {10 10 100 20} labelsize 8
MenuItem {} {
callback {G_tty->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {20 20 100 20} labelsize 8
MenuItem {} {
callback {G_tty->box(FL_FLAT_BOX);
xywh {30 30 100 20} labelsize 8
MenuItem {} {
callback {G_tty->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {40 40 100 20} labelsize 8
MenuItem {} {
callback {G_tty->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {50 50 100 20} labelsize 8
MenuItem {} {
callback {G_tty->box(FL_BORDER_BOX); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {0 0 100 20} labelsize 8
MenuItem {} {
label FL_NO_BOX
callback {G_tty->box(FL_NO_BOX); G_tty->redraw();}
xywh {10 10 100 20} labelsize 8
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
Fl_Box {} {
label {Lt, Rt, Top, Bot}
xywh {110 172 114 15} labelsize 10
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
Fl_Input margins_input {
label Margins
callback {int lt,rt,top,bot;
const char *val = margins_input->value();
if (sscanf(val, "%d,%d,%d,%d",<,&rt,&top,&bot)!=4) {
fl_alert("Margins: expected four comma separated integers");
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
xywh {110 187 114 20} labelsize 10 when 28 textsize 10
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
Fl_Check_Button outflags_lf_to_crlf {
label LF_TO_CRLF
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
callback {handle_output_translate();}
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
tooltip {Line-feed (\\n) performs carriage-return and line-feed (CRLF)} xywh {333 7 77 24} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 9
Fl_Check_Button outflags_lf_to_cr {
label LF_TO_CR
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
callback {handle_output_translate();}
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
tooltip {Line-feed (\\n) performs carriage-return (\\r)} xywh {432 7 70 24} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 9
Fl_Check_Button outflags_cr_to_lf {
label CR_TO_LF
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
callback {handle_output_translate();}
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
tooltip {Carriage-return (\\r) performs line-feed (\\n)} xywh {528 7 70 24} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Check_Button showunknown_radio {
label {show_unknown()}
callback {G_tty->show_unknown(showunknown_radio->value() ? true : false);
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
tooltip {Shows unknown escape sequences/unprintable chars as "¿" character} xywh {331 31 105 24} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Check_Button interactivecursor_radio {
label {Interactive Cursor}
callback {bool val = interactivecursor_radio->value() ? true : false;
tooltip {Allow Up/Dn/Lt/Rt keys to move cursor
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
when terminal has focus} xywh {473 31 125 24} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Check_Button ansi_radio {
label {ansi()}
callback {G_tty->ansi(ansi_radio->value() ? true : false);}
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
tooltip {Handle ANSI/xterm escape sequences} xywh {331 55 95 24} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Check_Button stdout_radio {
label {Echo tests to stdout}
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
tooltip {Also send test output to stdout} xywh {473 55 125 24} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
Fl_Input textcolor_input {
label {textcolor()}
callback {Fl_Color c;
if (parse_color(textcolor_input->value(), c) == -1 ) return;
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
//DEBUG ::printf("IVAL is %08lx\\n",ival);
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
tooltip {The widget's text color. Has the effect of simultaneously setting:
> textfgcolor()
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
Can be decimal (e.g. 12) or hex (e.g. \#0c, \#0000000c, etc)} xywh {333 79 77 20} labelsize 9 when 28 textfont 4 textsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Input textfgcolor_input {
label {textfgcolor()}
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
callback {Fl_Color c;
if (parse_color(textfgcolor_input->value(), c) == -1 ) return;
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
//DEBUG ::printf("IVAL is %08lx\\n",ival);
tooltip {The text foreground color.
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
Can be decimal (e.g. 12) or hex (e.g. \#0c, \#0000000c, etc)} xywh {333 103 77 20} labelsize 9 when 28 textfont 4 textsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
Fl_Input textfgcolor_default_input {
label {textfgcolor_default()}
callback {Fl_Color c;
if (parse_color(textfgcolor_default_input->value(), c) == -1 ) return;
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
//DEBUG ::printf("IVAL is %08lx\\n",ival);
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
tooltip {The text foreground default color.
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
Can be decimal (e.g. 12) or hex (e.g. \#0c, \#0000000c, etc)} xywh {333 127 77 20} labelsize 9 when 28 textfont 4 textsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Input cursorfgcolor_input {
label {cursorfgcolor()}
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
callback {Fl_Color c;
if (parse_color(cursorfgcolor_input->value(), c) == -1 ) return;
//DEBUG ::printf("IVAL is %08lx\\n",ival);
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
tooltip {Foreground color for text under the cursor.} xywh {333 151 77 20} labelsize 9 when 28 textfont 4 textsize 9
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
Fl_Input selectionfgcolor_input {
label {selectionfgcolor()}
callback {Fl_Color c;
if (parse_color(selectionfgcolor_input->value(), c) == -1 ) return;
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
//DEBUG ::printf("IVAL is %08lx\\n",ival);
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
tooltip {The mouse selection foreground color.
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
Can be decimal (e.g. 12) or hex (e.g. \#0c, \#0000000c, etc)} xywh {333 175 77 20} labelsize 9 when 28 textfont 4 textsize 9
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
Fl_Input color_input {
label {color()}
callback {Fl_Color c;
if (parse_color(color_input->value(), c) == -1 ) return;
//DEBUG ::printf("IVAL is %08lx\\n",ival);
tooltip {The widget's background color().
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
Can be decimal (e.g. 12) or hex (e.g. \#0c, \#0000000c, etc)} xywh {521 79 77 20} labelsize 9 when 28 textfont 4 textsize 9
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
Fl_Input textbgcolor_input {
label {textbgcolor()}
callback {Fl_Color c;
if (parse_color(textbgcolor_input->value(), c) == -1 ) return;
//DEBUG ::printf("IVAL is %08lx\\n",ival);
tooltip {The text background color.
Refer to the docs for the special value 0xffffffff.
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
Can be decimal (e.g. 12) or hex (e.g. \#0c, \#0000000c, etc)} xywh {521 103 77 20} labelsize 9 when 28 textfont 4 textsize 9
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
Fl_Input textbgcolor_default_input {
label {textbgcolor_default()}
callback {Fl_Color c;
if (parse_color(textbgcolor_default_input->value(), c) == -1 ) return;
//DEBUG ::printf("IVAL is %08lx\\n",ival);
2023-11-15 15:59:23 +01:00
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
tooltip {The text background default color.
Refer to the docs for the special value 0xffffffff.
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
Can be decimal (e.g. 12) or hex (e.g. \#0c, \#0000000c, etc)} xywh {521 127 77 20} labelsize 9 when 28 textfont 4 textsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Input cursorbgcolor_input {
label {cursorbgcolor()}
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
callback {Fl_Color c;
if (parse_color(cursorbgcolor_input->value(), c) == -1 ) return;
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
//DEBUG ::printf("IVAL is %08lx\\n",ival);
tooltip {Background color for the cursor.
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
This is the cursor block's color} xywh {521 151 77 20} labelsize 9 when 28 textfont 4 textsize 9
2023-11-14 12:23:23 -08:00
Fl_Input selectionbgcolor_input {
label {selectionbgcolor()}
callback {Fl_Color c;
if (parse_color(selectionbgcolor_input->value(), c) == -1 ) return;
//DEBUG ::printf("IVAL is %08lx\\n",ival);
tooltip {The mouse selection background color.
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
Can be decimal (e.g. 12) or hex (e.g. \#0c, \#0000000c, etc)} xywh {521 175 77 20} labelsize 9 when 28 textfont 4 textsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Choice {} {
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
label {Terminal Color} open
tooltip {The (XTERM) colors can be influenced by Dim/Bold, whereas the (RGB) colors are not.} xywh {379 206 180 20} down_box BORDER_BOX labelsize 9 textsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
} {
MenuItem {} {
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
label {White on DarkAmber (XTERM)}
callback {G_tty->color(0x30200000); // amber widget bg color
2024-03-19 15:09:14 +01:00
G_tty->textfgcolor_xterm(7); // XTERM_WHITE (influenced by Dim/Bold)
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
G_tty->textbgcolor(0xffffffff); // "see through" color
2024-10-06 17:53:41 +02:00
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
tooltip {Sets text fg to XTERM White, text bg to "see through", and widget's color() to amber. Text fg can be influenced by Dim/Bold.} xywh {10 10 100 20} labelsize 9
MenuItem {} {
label {White on Black (XTERM)}
2024-03-19 15:09:14 +01:00
callback {G_tty->textfgcolor_xterm(7); // XTERM WHITE (influenced by Dim/Bold)
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
tooltip {Sets text fg to XTERM White, text bg to "see through", and widget's color() to black. Text fg can be influenced by Dim/Bold.} xywh {20 20 100 20} labelsize 9 divider
MenuItem {} {
label {White on DarkAmber (RGB)}
callback {G_tty->color(0x30200000); // amber widget bg color
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
G_tty->textbgcolor(0xffffffff); // "see through" color
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
xywh {20 20 100 20} labelsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
MenuItem {} {
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
label {White on Black (RGB)}
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
callback {G_tty->textfgcolor(0xd0d0d000);
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
xywh {30 30 100 20} labelsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
MenuItem {} {
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
label {Black on White (RGB)}
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
callback {G_tty->textfgcolor(0x00000000);
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
xywh {20 20 100 20} labelsize 9
MenuItem {} {
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
label {Green on Dark Green (RGB)}
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
callback {G_tty->textfgcolor(0x00d04000);
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
xywh {30 30 100 20} labelsize 9
MenuItem {} {
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
label {Orange on Dark Orange (RGB)}
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
callback {G_tty->textfgcolor(0xd0704000);
2024-02-16 13:14:15 -08:00
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
xywh {40 40 100 20} labelsize 9
Fl_Group {} {
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
label {Terminal Ops} open
xywh {608 21 152 210} box ENGRAVED_FRAME labelsize 11
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
} {
Fl_Button {} {
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
label {Reset Terminal
callback {G_tty->reset_terminal();
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
// Reset the 'Add +50' line counter to 1
G_lines = 1;}
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
tooltip {Reset terminal using reset_terminal()
Clears: screen, history, sets default tabstops, etc.} xywh {616 26 64 24} labelsize 8
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Button {} {
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
label {Reset Terminal
callback {G_tty->append("\\033c"); // reset terminal
// Reset the 'Add +50' line counter to 1
G_lines = 1;}
tooltip {Reset terminal using ESC[c
Clears: screen, history, sets default tabstops, etc.} xywh {686 26 64 24} labelsize 8
Fl_Button {} {
label {Home Cursor
callback {G_tty->cursor_home();
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
tooltip {Moves cursor to home position (top/left) using cursor_home()} xywh {616 54 64 24} labelsize 8
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Button {} {
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
label {Home Cursor
callback {G_tty->append("\\033[H");
tooltip {Moves cursor to home position (top/left) using ESC[H} xywh {686 54 64 24} labelsize 8
Fl_Button {} {
label {Clear History
callback {G_tty->clear_history();
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
tooltip {Clear scrollback history using clear_history()} xywh {616 82 64 24} labelsize 8
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Button {} {
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
label {Clear History
callback {G_tty->append("\\033[3J"); // clr history
tooltip {Clear scrollback history using ESC[3J} xywh {686 82 64 24} labelsize 8
Fl_Button {} {
label {Clear Screen
callback {G_tty->clear();
// Reset the 'Add +50' line counter to 1
G_lines = 1;}
tooltip {Clear terminal screen using clear().
Moves what was on the screen to the scroll history.} xywh {616 110 64 24} labelsize 8
Fl_Button {} {
label {Clear Screen
callback {G_tty->append("\\033[H\\033[2J"); // home, cls
// Reset the 'Add +50' line counter to 1
G_lines = 1;}
tooltip {Clear terminal screen using ESC[H + ESC[2J
Moves what was on the screen to the scroll history.} xywh {686 110 64 24} labelsize 8
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {616 138 134 24} box FLAT_BOX color 45
} {
Fl_Button {} {
label {Clear Screen
To Color}
callback {Fl_Color c;
if (parse_color(clear_color_input->value(), c) == -1 ) return;
// Reset the 'Add +50' line counter to 1
G_lines = 1;}
tooltip {Clear terminal screen to specific color
Moves what was on the screen to the scroll history.} xywh {616 138 64 24} labelsize 8
Fl_Input clear_color_input {
tooltip {The color used by "Clear Screen To Color" button
Can be decimal (e.g. 12) or hex (e.g. \#0c, \#ff000000, etc)} xywh {686 138 64 24} labelsize 9 when 28 textfont 4 textsize 9
code0 {clear_color_input->value("\#ff000000");}
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Button {} {
label {Speed Test}
callback {speed_test();}
tooltip {Runs a full screen random chars/colors
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
Shortcut: S} xywh {640 168 90 25} shortcut 0x73 labelsize 11
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Button {} {
label {Ring Debug}
callback {// Force scroll history to be small so we can see entire ring w/out scrolling
if (scrollhistory_input->value() > 35) {
// Show debug window
2023-11-21 11:23:58 -08:00
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
tooltip {Show the Fl_Terminal raw ring buffer contents.
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
(Warning: This slows the UI and uses continuous cpu until closed)} xywh {640 198 90 25} labelsize 11
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Group {} {
label {Terminal Tests}
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
xywh {767 21 115 210} box ENGRAVED_FRAME labelsize 11
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
} {
Fl_Button {} {
label {Unicode
callback {unicode_alignment();}
tooltip {Show a Unicode screen alignment test
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
Checks that troublesome Unicode chars don't cause misalignment} xywh {778 31 90 30} labelsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Button {} {
label {+50 Lines}
callback {add_lines(50);}
tooltip {Add 50 lines of text to terminal.
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
Tests screen history, scrollup} xywh {778 66 90 30} labelsize 9
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Button {} {
label {Color Bars}
callback {show_colorbars();}
tooltip {Show colorbar test
Tests API for setting colors
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
Does *NOT* use ESC codes} xywh {778 101 90 30} labelsize 11
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Box {} {
label {Self Tests}
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
xywh {782 173 90 15} labelsize 10
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Button {} {
label {@<<}
callback {NextEscapeTest(-1);}
comment {Move to previous test}
tooltip {Reverse through the ESC code self tests
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
Shortcut: SHIFT+E} xywh {778 191 40 30} shortcut 0x10065 labelsize 11
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Button {} {
label {@>>}
callback {NextEscapeTest(1);}
comment {Move to next test}
tooltip {Advance through the ESC code self tests
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
Shortcut: 'e'} xywh {828 191 40 30} shortcut 0x65 labelsize 11
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Input showfile_input {
label {Show File}
callback {showfile_input->deactivate(); // causes focus loss?
Fl::focus(showfile_input); // return focus
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
tooltip {Type in the pathname of a file to cat to the screen} xywh {109 238 773 25} labelsize 12 when 10 textfont 4
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
Fl_Input command_input {
label Command
callback {showfile_input->deactivate();
command_input->deactivate(); // causes focus loss?
Fl::focus(command_input); // return focus
tooltip {Command to run.
Hit ENTER to run command.
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
The command's stdout will appear in terminal.} xywh {109 269 773 25} labelsize 12 when 12 textfont 4
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
2023-11-16 14:58:49 -08:00
Fl_Terminal tty {
2024-10-06 17:53:41 +02:00
xywh {10 302 872 524}
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
class MyTerminal
2023-11-15 15:59:23 +01:00
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
code {// CTOR
G_tty = tty; // global access
G_tty->color(0x30200000); // dark orange (makes true black easy to see)
G_tty->textsize(12); // smaller text (RGB demo needs this)
command_input->take_focus(); // ensure command prompt has keyboard focus on startup
\#ifdef _WIN32
command_input->value("dir c:\\\\windows");
command_input->value("ls -la --color && ping google.com -c 5");
// Sync input vals with widget's current values
update_inputs();} {}
decl {////// MAIN //////} {private local
Function {} {open
} {
code {G_tty = NULL;
2023-11-14 18:14:48 +01:00
Application app; // sets G_tty
2023-11-14 07:01:52 -08:00
G_app = &app;
app.show(argc, argv);
// Run the "firstpage" test
app.test_firstpage(false);} {}