add support for raw and aiff input in the multifile tests; also add proper checking for the correct operation of --sector-align
This commit is contained in:
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ done
# first make some chopped-up raw files
echo "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN" > master.raw
dddie="die ERROR: creating files for --skip/--until tests"
dddie="die ERROR: creating files with dd"
dd if=master.raw ibs=1 count=50 of=50c.raw 2>/dev/null || $dddie
dd if=master.raw ibs=1 skip=10 count=40 of=50c.skip10.raw 2>/dev/null || $dddie
dd if=master.raw ibs=1 skip=11 count=39 of=50c.skip11.raw 2>/dev/null || $dddie
@ -213,47 +213,47 @@ raw_dopt="$wav_dopt --force-raw-format --endian=big --sign=signed"
convert_to_wav ()
run_flac $raw_eopt $1.raw || die "ERROR converting $1.raw to WAVE"
run_flac $wav_dopt $1.flac || die "ERROR converting $1.raw to WAVE"
run_flac "$2" $1.raw || die "ERROR converting $1.raw to WAVE"
run_flac "$3" $1.flac || die "ERROR converting $1.raw to WAVE"
convert_to_wav 50c
convert_to_wav 50c.skip10
convert_to_wav 50c.skip11
convert_to_wav 50c.skip20
convert_to_wav 50c.skip30
convert_to_wav 50c.skip40
convert_to_wav 50c.until10
convert_to_wav 50c.until20
convert_to_wav 50c.until30
convert_to_wav 50c.until39
convert_to_wav 50c.until40
convert_to_wav 50c.skip10.until30
convert_to_wav 50c.skip10.until39
convert_to_wav 50c.skip10.until40
convert_to_wav 50c.skip20.until30
convert_to_wav 50c.skip20.until40
convert_to_wav 50c "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.skip10 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.skip11 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.skip20 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.skip30 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.skip40 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.until10 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.until20 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.until30 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.until39 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.until40 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.skip10.until30 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.skip10.until39 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.skip10.until40 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.skip20.until30 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_wav 50c.skip20.until40 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff ()
run_flac $raw_eopt $1.raw || die "ERROR converting $1.raw to AIFF"
run_flac $wav_dopt $1.flac -o $1.aiff || die "ERROR converting $1.raw to AIFF"
run_flac "$2" $1.raw || die "ERROR converting $1.raw to AIFF"
run_flac "$3" $1.flac -o $1.aiff || die "ERROR converting $1.raw to AIFF"
convert_to_aiff 50c
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip10
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip11
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip20
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip30
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip40
convert_to_aiff 50c.until10
convert_to_aiff 50c.until20
convert_to_aiff 50c.until30
convert_to_aiff 50c.until39
convert_to_aiff 50c.until40
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip10.until30
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip10.until39
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip10.until40
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip20.until30
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip20.until40
convert_to_aiff 50c "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip10 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip11 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip20 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip30 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip40 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.until10 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.until20 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.until30 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.until39 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.until40 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip10.until30 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip10.until39 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip10.until40 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip20.until30 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
convert_to_aiff 50c.skip20.until40 "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt"
test_skip_until ()
@ -545,13 +545,13 @@ echo "testing seek extremes:"
run_flac --verify --force --silent --force-raw-format --endian=big --sign=signed --sample-rate=44100 --bps=16 --channels=2 --blocksize=576 noise.raw || die "ERROR generating FLAC file"
if [ $is_win = no ] ; then
total_samples=`run_metaflac --show-total-samples noise.flac`
total_noise_cdda_samples=`run_metaflac --show-total-samples noise.flac`
[ $? = 0 ] || die "ERROR getting total sample count from noise.flac"
# some flavors of cygwin don't seem to treat the \x0d as a word
# separator, so we hard code it. we'll just have to fix it later
# if we change the way noise.flac is made.
echo -n "testing --skip=0... "
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ run_flac $wav_dopt --skip=0 -o z.wav noise.flac || die "ERROR decoding FLAC file
echo OK
for delta in 2 1 ; do
n=`expr $total_samples - $delta`
n=`expr $total_noise_cdda_samples - $delta`
echo -n "testing --skip=$n... "
run_flac $wav_dopt --skip=$n -o z.wav noise.flac || die "ERROR decoding FLAC file noise.flac"
echo OK
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ fi
echo -n "WAVE fixup test... "
echo -n "prepare... "
convert_to_wav noise || die "ERROR creating reference WAVE"
convert_to_wav noise "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt" || die "ERROR creating reference WAVE"
echo -n "encode... "
# the pipe from 'cat' to 'flac' does not work on cygwin because of the EOF/
@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ rm -f noise.wav fixup.wav fixup.flac
echo -n "AIFF fixup test... "
echo -n "prepare... "
convert_to_aiff noise || die "ERROR creating reference AIFF"
convert_to_aiff noise "$raw_eopt" "$wav_dopt" || die "ERROR creating reference AIFF"
echo -n "encode... "
# the pipe from 'cat' to 'flac' does not work on cygwin because of the EOF/
@ -822,18 +822,73 @@ rm -f noise.aiff fixup.aiff fixup.flac
echo "Generating multiple input files from noise..."
run_flac --verify --force --silent --force-raw-format --endian=big --sign=signed --sample-rate=44100 --bps=16 --channels=2 noise.raw || die "ERROR generating FLAC file"
multifile_format_decode="--endian=big --sign=signed"
multifile_format_encode="$multifile_format_decode --sample-rate=44100 --bps=16 --channels=2"
run_flac --verify --force --silent --force-raw-format $multifile_format_encode noise.raw || die "ERROR generating FLAC file"
run_flac --decode --force --silent noise.flac || die "ERROR generating WAVE file"
run_flac --decode --force --silent noise.flac -o noise.aiff || die "ERROR generating AIFF file"
rm -f noise.flac
mv noise.wav file0.wav
cp file0.wav file1.wav
cp file1.wav file2.wav
cp noise.wav file0.wav
cp noise.wav file1.wav
cp noise.wav file2.wav
rm -f noise.wav
cp noise.aiff file0.aiff
cp noise.aiff file1.aiff
cp noise.aiff file2.aiff
rm -f noise.aiff
cp noise.raw file0.raw
cp noise.raw file1.raw
cp noise.raw file2.raw
# create authoritative sector-aligned files for comparison
file0_samples=`expr \( $total_noise_cdda_samples / 588 \) \* 588`
file0_remainder=`expr $total_noise_cdda_samples - $file0_samples`
file1_samples=`expr \( \( $file0_remainder + $total_noise_cdda_samples \) / 588 \) \* 588`
file1_remainder=`expr $file0_remainder + $total_noise_cdda_samples - $file1_samples`
file1_samples=`expr $file1_samples - $file0_remainder`
file2_samples=`expr \( \( $file1_remainder + $total_noise_cdda_samples \) / 588 \) \* 588`
file2_remainder=`expr $file1_remainder + $total_noise_cdda_samples - $file2_samples`
file2_samples=`expr $file2_samples - $file1_remainder`
if [ $file2_remainder != '0' ] ; then
file2_samples=`expr $file2_samples + $file2_remainder`
file2_remainder=`expr 588 - $file2_remainder`
dd if=file0.raw ibs=4 count=$file0_samples of=file0s.raw 2>/dev/null || $dddie
dd if=file0.raw ibs=4 count=$file0_remainder of=file1s.raw skip=$file0_samples 2>/dev/null || $dddie
dd if=file1.raw ibs=4 count=$file1_samples of=z.raw 2>/dev/null || $dddie
cat z.raw >> file1s.raw || die "ERROR: cat-ing sector-aligned files"
dd if=file1.raw ibs=4 count=$file1_remainder of=file2s.raw skip=$file1_samples 2>/dev/null || $dddie
dd if=file2.raw ibs=4 count=$file2_samples of=z.raw 2>/dev/null || $dddie
cat z.raw >> file2s.raw || die "ERROR: cat-ing sector-aligned files"
dd if=/dev/zero ibs=4 count=$file2_remainder of=z.raw 2>/dev/null || $dddie
cat z.raw >> file2s.raw || die "ERROR: cat-ing sector-aligned files"
rm -f z.raw
convert_to_wav file0s "$multifile_format_encode --force" "--silent --force --decode" || die "ERROR creating authoritative sector-aligned WAVE"
convert_to_wav file1s "$multifile_format_encode --force" "--silent --force --decode" || die "ERROR creating authoritative sector-aligned WAVE"
convert_to_wav file2s "$multifile_format_encode --force" "--silent --force --decode" || die "ERROR creating authoritative sector-aligned WAVE"
convert_to_aiff file0s "$multifile_format_encode --force" "--silent --force --decode" || die "ERROR creating authoritative sector-aligned AIFF"
convert_to_aiff file1s "$multifile_format_encode --force" "--silent --force --decode" || die "ERROR creating authoritative sector-aligned AIFF"
convert_to_aiff file2s "$multifile_format_encode --force" "--silent --force --decode" || die "ERROR creating authoritative sector-aligned AIFF"
test_multifile ()
if [ $input_type = "raw" ] ; then
extra_encode_options="--force-raw-format $multifile_format_encode"
extra_decode_options="--force-raw-format $multifile_format_decode"
if [ $input_type = "aiff" ] ; then
if [ $streamtype = ogg ] ; then
@ -846,46 +901,52 @@ test_multifile ()
encode_options="$encode_options --sector-align"
run_flac --force $encode_options file0.wav file1.wav file2.wav || die "ERROR"
run_flac --force $encode_options $extra_encode_options file0.$input_type file1.$input_type file2.$input_type || die "ERROR"
for n in 0 1 2 ; do
mv file$n.$suffix file${n}x.$suffix
run_flac --force --decode file0x.$suffix file1x.$suffix file2x.$suffix || die "ERROR"
run_flac --force --decode $extra_decode_options file0x.$suffix file1x.$suffix file2x.$suffix || die "ERROR"
if [ $sector_align != sector_align ] ; then
for n in 0 1 2 ; do
cmp file$n.wav file${n}x.wav || die "ERROR: file mismatch on file #$n"
cmp file$n.$input_type file${n}x.$input_type || die "ERROR: file mismatch on file #$n"
for n in 0 1 2 ; do
cmp file${n}s.$input_type file${n}x.$input_type || die "ERROR: file mismatch on file #$n"
for n in 0 1 2 ; do
rm -f file${n}x.$suffix file${n}x.wav
rm -f file${n}x.$suffix file${n}x.$input_type
echo "Testing multiple files without verify..."
test_multifile flac no_sector_align ""
for input_type in raw wav aiff ; do
echo "Testing multiple $input_type files without verify..."
test_multifile $input_type flac no_sector_align ""
echo "Testing multiple files with verify..."
test_multifile flac no_sector_align "--verify"
echo "Testing multiple $input_type files with verify..."
test_multifile $input_type flac no_sector_align "--verify"
echo "Testing multiple files with --sector-align, without verify..."
test_multifile flac sector_align ""
echo "Testing multiple $input_type files with --sector-align, without verify..."
test_multifile $input_type flac sector_align ""
echo "Testing multiple files with --sector-align, with verify..."
test_multifile flac sector_align "--verify"
echo "Testing multiple $input_type files with --sector-align, with verify..."
test_multifile $input_type flac sector_align "--verify"
if [ $has_ogg = "yes" ] ; then
echo "Testing multiple files with --ogg, without verify..."
test_multifile ogg no_sector_align ""
if [ $has_ogg = "yes" ] ; then
echo "Testing multiple $input_type files with --ogg, without verify..."
test_multifile $input_type ogg no_sector_align ""
echo "Testing multiple files with --ogg, with verify..."
test_multifile ogg no_sector_align "--verify"
echo "Testing multiple $input_type files with --ogg, with verify..."
test_multifile $input_type ogg no_sector_align "--verify"
echo "Testing multiple files with --ogg and --sector-align, without verify..."
test_multifile ogg sector_align ""
echo "Testing multiple $input_type files with --ogg and --sector-align, without verify..."
test_multifile $input_type ogg sector_align ""
echo "Testing multiple files with --ogg and --sector-align, with verify..."
test_multifile sector_align ogg "--verify"
echo "Testing multiple $input_type files with --ogg and --sector-align, with verify..."
test_multifile $input_type ogg sector_align "--verify"
echo "Testing multiple files with --ogg and --serial-number, with verify..."
test_multifile ogg no_sector_align "--serial-number=321 --verify"
echo "Testing multiple $input_type files with --ogg and --serial-number, with verify..."
test_multifile $input_type ogg no_sector_align "--serial-number=321 --verify"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user