move to ../ia32
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# libFLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec library
# Copyright (C) 2001 Josh Coalson
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# nasm build rule:
SUFFIXES = .s .lo
$(NASM) -f elf -d ELF $< -o $@
libFLAC_asm_la_SOURCES = \
cpu_asm.s \
fixed_asm.s \
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
; libFLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec library
; Copyright (C) 2001 Josh Coalson
; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; Library General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
; License along with this library; if not, write to the
; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
%include "nasm.h"
cglobal FLAC__cpu_info_asm_i386
; **********************************************************************
cident FLAC__cpu_info_asm_i386
push ebx
pop eax
mov edx, eax
xor eax, 00200000h
push eax
pop eax
cmp eax, edx
jz .no_cpuid
mov eax, 1
mov eax, edx
jmp short .end
xor eax, eax ; return 0
pop ebx
@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
; libFLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec library
; Copyright (C) 2001 Josh Coalson
; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; Library General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
; License along with this library; if not, write to the
; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
%include "nasm.h"
cglobal FLAC__fixed_compute_best_predictor_asm_i386_mmx_cmov
; **********************************************************************
; unsigned FLAC__fixed_compute_best_predictor(const int32 data[], unsigned data_len, real residual_bits_per_sample[FLAC__MAX_FIXED_ORDER+1])
; {
; int32 last_error_0 = data[-1];
; int32 last_error_1 = data[-1] - data[-2];
; int32 last_error_2 = last_error_1 - (data[-2] - data[-3]);
; int32 last_error_3 = last_error_2 - (data[-2] - 2*data[-3] + data[-4]);
; int32 error, save;
; uint32 total_error_0 = 0, total_error_1 = 0, total_error_2 = 0, total_error_3 = 0, total_error_4 = 0;
; unsigned i, order;
; for(i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
; error = data[i] ; total_error_0 += local_abs(error); save = error;
; error -= last_error_0; total_error_1 += local_abs(error); last_error_0 = save; save = error;
; error -= last_error_1; total_error_2 += local_abs(error); last_error_1 = save; save = error;
; error -= last_error_2; total_error_3 += local_abs(error); last_error_2 = save; save = error;
; error -= last_error_3; total_error_4 += local_abs(error); last_error_3 = save;
; }
; if(total_error_0 < min(min(min(total_error_1, total_error_2), total_error_3), total_error_4))
; order = 0;
; else if(total_error_1 < min(min(total_error_2, total_error_3), total_error_4))
; order = 1;
; else if(total_error_2 < min(total_error_3, total_error_4))
; order = 2;
; else if(total_error_3 < total_error_4)
; order = 3;
; else
; order = 4;
; residual_bits_per_sample[0] = (real)((data_len > 0 && total_error_0 > 0) ? log(M_LN2 * (real)total_error_0 / (real) data_len) / M_LN2 : 0.0);
; residual_bits_per_sample[1] = (real)((data_len > 0 && total_error_1 > 0) ? log(M_LN2 * (real)total_error_1 / (real) data_len) / M_LN2 : 0.0);
; residual_bits_per_sample[2] = (real)((data_len > 0 && total_error_2 > 0) ? log(M_LN2 * (real)total_error_2 / (real) data_len) / M_LN2 : 0.0);
; residual_bits_per_sample[3] = (real)((data_len > 0 && total_error_3 > 0) ? log(M_LN2 * (real)total_error_3 / (real) data_len) / M_LN2 : 0.0);
; residual_bits_per_sample[4] = (real)((data_len > 0 && total_error_4 > 0) ? log(M_LN2 * (real)total_error_4 / (real) data_len) / M_LN2 : 0.0);
; return order;
; }
cident FLAC__fixed_compute_best_predictor_asm_i386_mmx_cmov
; esp + 36 == data[]
; esp + 40 == data_len
; esp + 44 == residual_bits_per_sample[]
push ebp
push ebx
push esi
push edi
sub esp, byte 16
; qword [esp] == temp space for loading uint64s to FPU regs
; dword [esp] == last_error_0
; dword [esp + 4] == last_error_1
; dword [esp + 8] == last_error_2
; dword [esp + 12] == last_error_3
; eax == error
; ebx == &data[i]
; ecx == loop counter (i)
; edx == temp
; edi == save
; ebp == order
; mm0 == total_error_1:total_error_0
; mm1 == total_error_3:total_error_2
; mm2 == 0:total_error_4
; mm3/4 == 0:unpackarea
; mm5 == abs(error_1):abs(error_0)
; mm5 == abs(error_3):abs(error_2)
pxor mm0, mm0 ; total_error_1 = total_error_0 = 0
pxor mm1, mm1 ; total_error_3 = total_error_2 = 0
pxor mm2, mm2 ; total_error_4 = 0
mov ebx, [esp + 36] ; ebx = data[]
mov ecx, [ebx - 4] ; ecx == data[-1] last_error_0 = data[-1]
mov eax, [ebx - 8] ; eax == data[-2]
mov ebp, [ebx - 16] ; ebp == data[-4]
mov ebx, [ebx - 12] ; ebx == data[-3]
mov edx, ecx
sub edx, eax ; last_error_1 = data[-1] - data[-2]
mov esi, edx
sub esi, eax
add esi, ebx ; last_error_2 = last_error_1 - (data[-2] - data[-3])
shl ebx, 1
mov edi, esi
sub edi, eax
add edi, ebx
sub edi, ebp ; last_error_3 = last_error_2 - (data[-2] - 2*data[-3] + data[-4]);
mov ebx, [esp + 36] ; ebx = data[]
mov [esp], ecx ; [esp] = last_error_0
mov [esp + 4], edx ; [esp + 4] = last_error_1
mov [esp + 8], esi ; [esp + 8] = last_error_2
mov [esp + 12], edi ; [esp + 12] = last_error_3
mov ecx, [esp + 40] ; ecx = data_len
; for(i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
; error_0 = data[i] ; save = error_0; total_error_0 += local_abs(error_0);
; error_1 -= last_error_0; last_error_0 = save; save = error_1; total_error_1 += local_abs(error_1);
; error_2 -= last_error_1; last_error_1 = save; save = error_2; total_error_2 += local_abs(error_2);
; error_3 -= last_error_2; last_error_2 = save; save = error_3; total_error_3 += local_abs(error_3);
; error_4 -= last_error_3; last_error_3 = save; total_error_4 += local_abs(error_4);
; }
mov eax, [ebx] ; eax = error_0 = data[i]
add ebx, 4
mov edi, eax ; edi == save = error_0
mov edx, eax ; edx = error_0
neg edx ; edx = -error_0
cmovns eax, edx ; eax = abs(error_0)
movd mm5, eax ; mm5 = 0:abs(error_0)
mov edx, [esp] ; edx = last_error_0
mov eax, edi ; eax = error(error_0)
mov [esp], edi ; [esp] == last_error_0 = save
sub eax, edx ; error -= last_error_0
mov edi, eax ; edi == save = error_1
mov edx, eax ; edx = error_1
neg edx ; edx = -error_1
cmovns eax, edx ; eax = abs(error_1)
movd mm4, eax ; mm4 = 0:abs(error_1)
punpckldq mm5, mm4 ; mm5 = abs(error_1):abs(error_0)
mov edx, [esp + 4] ; edx = last_error_1
mov eax, edi ; eax = error(error_1)
mov [esp + 4], edi ; [esp + 4] == last_error_1 = save
sub eax, edx ; error -= last_error_1
mov edi, eax ; edi == save = error_2
mov edx, eax ; edx = error_2
paddd mm0, mm5 ; [CR] total_error_1 += abs(error_1) ; total_error_0 += abs(error_0)
neg edx ; edx = -error_2
cmovns eax, edx ; eax = abs(error_2)
movd mm5, eax ; mm5 = 0:abs(error_2)
mov edx, [esp + 8] ; edx = last_error_2
mov eax, edi ; eax = error(error_2)
mov [esp + 8], edi ; [esp + 8] == last_error_2 = save
sub eax, edx ; error -= last_error_2
mov edi, eax ; edi == save = error_3
mov edx, eax ; edx = error_3
neg edx ; edx = -error_3
cmovns eax, edx ; eax = abs(error_3)
movd mm4, eax ; mm4 = 0:abs(error_3)
punpckldq mm5, mm4 ; mm5 = abs(error_3):abs(error_2)
mov edx, [esp + 12] ; edx = last_error_3
mov eax, edi ; eax = error(error_3)
mov [esp + 12], edi ; [esp + 12] == last_error_3 = save
sub eax, edx ; error -= last_error_3
mov edx, eax ; edx = error_4
paddd mm1, mm5 ; [CR] total_error_3 += abs(error_3) ; total_error_2 += abs(error_2)
neg edx ; edx = -error_4
cmovns eax, edx ; eax = abs(error_4)
movd mm5, eax ; mm5 = 0:abs(error_4)
paddd mm2, mm5 ; total_error_4 += abs(error_4)
dec ecx
jnz near .loop
; if(total_error_0 < min(min(min(total_error_1, total_error_2), total_error_3), total_error_4))
; order = 0;
; else if(total_error_1 < min(min(total_error_2, total_error_3), total_error_4))
; order = 1;
; else if(total_error_2 < min(total_error_3, total_error_4))
; order = 2;
; else if(total_error_3 < total_error_4)
; order = 3;
; else
; order = 4;
movd edi, mm2 ; edi = total_error_4
movq mm4, mm1 ; mm4 = total_error_3:total_error_2
psrlq mm4, 32 ; mm4 = 0:total_error_3
movd edx, mm1 ; edx = total_error_2
movd esi, mm4 ; esi = total_error_3
movq mm3, mm0 ; mm3 = total_error_1:total_error_0
psrlq mm3, 32 ; mm3 = 0:total_error_1
movd ebx, mm0 ; ebx = total_error_0
movd ecx, mm3 ; ecx = total_error_1
mov eax, ebx ; eax = total_error_0
cmp ecx, ebx
cmovb eax, ecx ; eax = min(total_error_0, total_error_1)
cmp edx, eax
cmovb eax, edx ; eax = min(total_error_0, total_error_1, total_error_2)
cmp esi, eax
cmovb eax, esi ; eax = min(total_error_0, total_error_1, total_error_2, total_error_3)
cmp edi, eax
cmovb eax, edi ; eax = min(total_error_0, total_error_1, total_error_2, total_error_3, total_error_4)
cmp eax, ebx
jne .not_order_0
xor ebp, ebp
jmp short .got_order
cmp eax, ecx
jne .not_order_1
mov ebp, 1
jmp short .got_order
cmp eax, edx
jne .not_order_2
mov ebp, 2
jmp short .got_order
cmp eax, esi
jne .not_order_3
mov ebp, 3
jmp short .got_order
mov ebp, 4
; residual_bits_per_sample[0] = (real)((data_len > 0 && total_error_0 > 0) ? log(M_LN2 * (real)total_error_0 / (real) data_len) / M_LN2 : 0.0);
; residual_bits_per_sample[1] = (real)((data_len > 0 && total_error_1 > 0) ? log(M_LN2 * (real)total_error_1 / (real) data_len) / M_LN2 : 0.0);
; residual_bits_per_sample[2] = (real)((data_len > 0 && total_error_2 > 0) ? log(M_LN2 * (real)total_error_2 / (real) data_len) / M_LN2 : 0.0);
; residual_bits_per_sample[3] = (real)((data_len > 0 && total_error_3 > 0) ? log(M_LN2 * (real)total_error_3 / (real) data_len) / M_LN2 : 0.0);
; residual_bits_per_sample[4] = (real)((data_len > 0 && total_error_4 > 0) ? log(M_LN2 * (real)total_error_4 / (real) data_len) / M_LN2 : 0.0);
xor eax, eax
cmp eax, [esp + 40]
je near .data_len_is_0
fild dword [esp + 40] ; ST = data_len (NOTE: assumes data_len is <2gigs)
test ebx, ebx
jz .total_error_0_is_0
fld1 ; ST = 1.0 data_len
mov [esp], ebx
mov [esp + 4], eax ; [esp] = (uint64)total_error_0
mov ebx, [esp + 44]
fild qword [esp] ; ST = total_error_0 1.0 data_len
fdiv st2 ; ST = total_error_0/data_len 1.0 data_len
fldln2 ; ST = ln2 total_error_0/data_len 1.0 data_len
fmulp st1 ; ST = ln2*total_error_0/data_len 1.0 data_len
fyl2x ; ST = log2(ln2*total_error_0/data_len) data_len
fstp dword [ebx] ; residual_bits_per_sample[0] = log2(ln2*total_error_0/data_len) ST = data_len
jmp short .rbps_1
mov ebx, [esp + 44]
mov [ebx], eax ; residual_bits_per_sample[0] = 0.0
test ecx, ecx
jz .total_error_1_is_0
fld1 ; ST = 1.0 data_len
mov [esp], ecx
mov [esp + 4], eax ; [esp] = (uint64)total_error_1
fild qword [esp] ; ST = total_error_1 1.0 data_len
fdiv st2 ; ST = total_error_1/data_len 1.0 data_len
fldln2 ; ST = ln2 total_error_1/data_len 1.0 data_len
fmulp st1 ; ST = ln2*total_error_1/data_len 1.0 data_len
fyl2x ; ST = log2(ln2*total_error_1/data_len) data_len
fstp dword [ebx + 4] ; residual_bits_per_sample[1] = log2(ln2*total_error_1/data_len) ST = data_len
jmp short .rbps_2
mov [ebx + 4], eax ; residual_bits_per_sample[1] = 0.0
test edx, edx
jz .total_error_2_is_0
fld1 ; ST = 1.0 data_len
mov [esp], edx
mov [esp + 4], eax ; [esp] = (uint64)total_error_2
fild qword [esp] ; ST = total_error_2 1.0 data_len
fdiv st2 ; ST = total_error_2/data_len 1.0 data_len
fldln2 ; ST = ln2 total_error_2/data_len 1.0 data_len
fmulp st1 ; ST = ln2*total_error_2/data_len 1.0 data_len
fyl2x ; ST = log2(ln2*total_error_2/data_len) data_len
fstp dword [ebx + 8] ; residual_bits_per_sample[2] = log2(ln2*total_error_2/data_len) ST = data_len
jmp short .rbps_3
mov [ebx + 8], eax ; residual_bits_per_sample[2] = 0.0
test esi, esi
jz .total_error_3_is_0
fld1 ; ST = 1.0 data_len
mov [esp], esi
mov [esp + 4], eax ; [esp] = (uint64)total_error_3
fild qword [esp] ; ST = total_error_3 1.0 data_len
fdiv st2 ; ST = total_error_3/data_len 1.0 data_len
fldln2 ; ST = ln2 total_error_3/data_len 1.0 data_len
fmulp st1 ; ST = ln2*total_error_3/data_len 1.0 data_len
fyl2x ; ST = log2(ln2*total_error_3/data_len) data_len
fstp dword [ebx + 12] ; residual_bits_per_sample[3] = log2(ln2*total_error_3/data_len) ST = data_len
jmp short .rbps_4
mov [ebx + 12], eax ; residual_bits_per_sample[3] = 0.0
test edi, edi
jz .total_error_4_is_0
fld1 ; ST = 1.0 data_len
mov [esp], edi
mov [esp + 4], eax ; [esp] = (uint64)total_error_4
fild qword [esp] ; ST = total_error_4 1.0 data_len
fdiv st2 ; ST = total_error_4/data_len 1.0 data_len
fldln2 ; ST = ln2 total_error_4/data_len 1.0 data_len
fmulp st1 ; ST = ln2*total_error_4/data_len 1.0 data_len
fyl2x ; ST = log2(ln2*total_error_4/data_len) data_len
fstp dword [ebx + 16] ; residual_bits_per_sample[4] = log2(ln2*total_error_4/data_len) ST = data_len
jmp short .rbps_end
mov [ebx + 16], eax ; residual_bits_per_sample[4] = 0.0
fstp st0 ; ST = [empty]
jmp short .end
; data_len == 0, so residual_bits_per_sample[*] = 0.0
mov ecx, 5 ; eax still == 0, ecx = # of dwords of 0 to store
mov edi, [esp + 44]
rep stosd
mov eax, ebp ; return order
add esp, byte 16
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
pop ebp
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
; libFLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec library
; Copyright (C) 2001 Josh Coalson
; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; Library General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
; License along with this library; if not, write to the
; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
bits 32
%ifdef WIN32
%idefine code_section section .text align=16 class=CODE use32
%idefine data_section section .data align=32 class=DATA use32
%idefine bss_section section .bss align=32 class=DATA use32
%elifdef AOUT
%idefine code_section section .text
%idefine data_section section .data
%idefine bss_section section .bss
%elifdef ELF
%idefine code_section section .text align=16
%idefine data_section section .data align=32
%idefine bss_section section .bss align=32
%error unsupported object format!
%imacro cglobal 1
global _%1
global %1
%imacro cextern 1
extern _%1
extern %1
%imacro cident 1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user