Flac-in-mp4 draft v0.0.0.

We've been working on a draft spec for encapsulation of FLAC
in the ISO Base Media File Format (mp4). This is the initial
draft created by Monty Montgomery based on Yusuke Nakamura's
Opus-in-mp4 draft.

More details at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1286097

Signed-off-by: Erik de Castro Lopo <erikd@mega-nerd.com>
This commit is contained in:
Ralph Giles 2016-10-04 08:41:07 -07:00 committed by Erik de Castro Lopo
parent a2420c1405
commit 4bbd73a854
1 changed files with 662 additions and 0 deletions

doc/isoflac.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
Encapsulation of FLAC in ISO Base Media File Format
Version 0.0.0 (early draft)
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 Supproting Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Design Rules of Encapsulation
4.1 File Type Indentification
4.2 Overview of Track Structure
4.3 Definition of FLAC sample
4.3.1 Sample entry format
4.3.2 FLAC Specific Box
4.3.3 Sample format
4.3.4 Duration of FLAC sample
4.3.5 Sub-sample
4.3.6 Random Access Random Access Point
4.4 Basic Structure (informative)
4.4.1 Initial Movie
4.5 Example of Encapsulation (informative)
5 Author's Address
1 Scope
This document specifies the normative mapping for encapsulation of
FLAC coded audio bitstreams in ISO Base Media file format and its
derivatives. The encapsulation of FLAC coded bitstreams in
QuickTime file format is outside the scope of this specification.
2 Supporting Normative References
[1] ISO/IEC 14496-12:2012 Corrected version
Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part
12: ISO base media file format
[2] ISO/IEC 14496-12:2012/Amd.1:2013
Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part
12: ISO base media file format AMENDMENT 1: Various
enhancements including support for large metadata
[3] FLAC format specification
Definition of the FLAC Audio Codec stream format
[4] FLAC-in-Ogg mapping specification
Ogg Encapsulation for the FLAC Audio Codec
[5] Matroska specification
3 Terms and Definitions
3.1 active track
enabled track from the non-alternate group or selected track
from alternate group
3.2 edit
entry in the Edit List Box
3.3 sample-accurate
for any PCM sample, a timestamp exactly matching its sampling
timestamp is present in the media timeline.
3.4 native metadata
4 Design Rules of Encapsulation
4.1 File Type Indentification
This specification does not define any brand to declare files
are conformant to this specification. Files conformant to
this specification shall contain at least one brand which
supports the requirements and the requirements described in
this clause without contradiction in the compatible brands
list of the File Type Box. The minimal support of the
encapsulation of FLAC bitstreams in ISO Base Media file format
requires the 'isom' brand.
4.2 Overview of Track Structure
FLAC coded audio shall be encapsulated into the ISO Base
Media File Format as media data within an audio track.
+ The handler_type field in the Handler Reference Box
shall be set to 'soun'.
+ The Media Information Box shall contain the Sound Media
Header Box.
+ The codingname of the sample entry is 'fLaC'.
This specification does not define any encapsulation
using MP4AudioSampleEntry with objectTypeIndication
specified by the MPEG-4 Registration Authority
(http://www.mp4ra.org/). See section 'Sample entry
format' for the definition of the the sample entry.
+ The 'dfLa' box is added to the sample entry to convey
initializing information for the decoder.
See section 'FLAC Specific Box' for the definition of
the box contents.
+ A FLAC sample is exactly one FLAC packet. See section
'Sample format' for details of the packet contents.
+ Every FLAC sample is a sync sample. No pre-roll or
lapping is required. See section 'Random Access' for
further details.
FLAC native metadata
4.3 Definition of a FLAC sample
4.3.1 Sample entry format
For any track containing one or more FLAC bitstreams, a
sample entry describing the corresponding FLAC bitstream
shall be present inside the Sample Table Box. This version
of the specification defines only one sample entry format
named FLACSampleEntry whose codingname is 'fLaC'. This
sample entry includes exactly one FLAC Specific Box
defined in section 'FLAC specific box' as a mandatory box
and indicates that FLAC samples described by this sample
entry are stored by the sample format described in section
'Sample format'.
The syntax and semantics of the FLACSampleEntry is shown
as follows. The data fields of this box and native
FLAC[3] structures encoded within FLAC blocks are both
stored in big-endian format, though for purposes of the
ISO BMFF container, FLAC native metadata and data blocks
are treated as unstructured octet streams.
class FLACSampleEntry() extends AudioSampleEntry ('fLaC'){
+ channelcount:
The channelcount field shall be set equal to the
channel count specified by the FLAC bitstream's native
METADATA_BLOCK_STREAMINFO header as described in [3].
Note that the FLAC FRAME_HEADER structure that begins
each FLAC sample redundantly encodes channel number;
the number of channels declared in each FRAME_HEADER
MUST match the number of channels declared here and in
+ samplesize:
The samplesize field shall be set equal to the bits
per sample specified by the FLAC bitstream's native
METADATA_BLOCK_STREAMINFO header as described in [3].
Note that the FLAC FRAME_HEADER structure that begins
each FLAC sample redundantly encodes the number of
bits per sample; the bits per sample declared in each
FRAME_HEADER MUST match the samplesize declared here
and the bits per sample field declared in the
+ samplerate:
The samplerate field shall be set equal to the sample
rate specified by the FLAC bitstream's native
METADATA_BLOCK_STREAMINFO header as described in [3],
left-shifted by 16 bits. Note that the FLAC
FRAME_HEADER structure that begins each FLAC sample
redundantly encodes the sample rate; the sample rate
declared in each FRAME_HEADER MUST match the sample
rate declared here and in the
+ FLACSpecificBox
This box contains initializing information for the
decoder as defined in section 'FLAC specific box'
4.3.2 FLAC Specific Box
Exactly one FLAC Specific Box shall be present in each
FLACSampleEntry. The FLAC Specific Box contains the
Version field and this specification defines version 0 of
this box. If incompatible changes occur in the fields
after the Version field within the FLACSpecificBox in the
future versions of this specification, another version
will be defined. The data fields of this box and native
FLAC[3] structures encoded within FLAC blocks are both
stored in big-endian format, though for purposes of the
ISO BMFF container, FLAC native metadata and data blocks
are treated as unstructured octet streams.
The syntax and semantics of the FLAC Specific Box is shown
as follows.
aligned(8) class FLACMetadataBlock {
unsigned int(1) LastMetadataBlockFlag;
unsigned int(7) BlockType;
unsigned int(24) Length;
unsigned int(8) MetadataBlockData[BlockLength];
aligned(8) class FLACSpecificBox extends Box('dfLa'){
unsigned int(8) Version;
unsigned int(8) MetadataBlocks;
for(i=0; i <= MetadataBlocks; i++){
+ Version:
The Version field shall be set to 0.
In the future versions of this specification, this
field may be set to other values. And without support
of those values, the reader shall not read the fields
after this within the FLACSpecificBox.
+ MetadataBlocks:
The number of FLAC[3] native metadata blocks to
follow. This value must be at least 1 as a native
METADATA_BLOCK_STREAMINFO structure is required to
decode FLAC audio data.
These fields are followed by a sequence of FLAC[3]
native-metadata block structures that fill the remainder
of the box length.
+ LastMetadataBlockFlag:
The LastMetadataBlockFlag field maps semantically to
Last-metadata-block flag as defined in the FLAC[3]
file specification.
The LastMetadataBlockFlag is set to 1 if this
MetadataBlock is the last metadata block in the
FLACSpecificBox. It is set to 0 otherwise.
+ BlockType:
The BlockType field maps semantically to the FLAC[3]
defined in the FLAC[3] file specification.
The BlockType is set to a valid FLAC[3] BLOCK_TYPE
value that identifies the type of this native metadata
block. The BlockType of the first FLACMetadataBlock
must be set to 0, signifying this is a FLAC[3] native
+ Length:
The Length field maps semantically to the FLAC[3]
native MEATADATA_BLOCK_HEADER Length field as
defined in the FLAC[3] file specification.
The length field specifies the number of bytes of
MetadataBlockData to follow.
+ MetadataBlockData
The MetadataBlockData field maps semantically to the
METADATA_BLOCKDATA as defined in the FLAC[3] file
The FLACMetadataBlock structure consists of three fields
filling a total of four bytes that form a FLAC[3] native
METADATA_BLOCK_HEADER, followed by raw octet bytes that
comprise the FLAC[3] native METADATA_BLOCK_DATA. Taken
together, the bytes of the FLACMetadataBlock form a
complete FLAC[3] native METADATA_BLOCK structure.
Note that a minimum of a single FLACMetadataBlock,
consisting of a FLAC[3] native METADATA_BLOCK_STREAMINFO
structure, is required. Should the FLACSpecificBox
contain more than a single FLACMetadataBlock structure,
the FLACMetadataBlock contianing the FLAC[3] native
METADATA_BLOCK_STREAMINFO must occur first in the list.
Other containers that package FLAC audio streams, such as
Ogg[4] and Matroska[5], wrap FLAC[3] native metadata without
modification similar to this specification. When
repackaging or remuxing FLAC[3] streams from another
format that contains FLAC[3] native metadata into an ISO
BMFF file, the complete FLAC[3] native metadata should be
preserved in the ISO BMFF stream as described above. It
is also allowed to parse this native metadata and include
contextually redundant ISO BMFF-native repackagings and/or
reparsings of FLAC[3] native metadata, so long as the
native metadata is also preserved.
4.3.3 Sample format
A FLAC sample is exactly one FLAC audio FRAME packet (as
defined in the FLAC[3] file specification) belonging to a
FLAC bitstreams. The FLAC sample data begins with a
complete FLAC FRAME_HEADER, followed by one FLAC SUBFRAME
per channel, any necessary bit padding, and ends with the
Note that the FLAC native FRAME_HEADER structure that
begins each FLAC sample redundantly encodes channel count,
sample rate, and sample size. The values of these fields
must agree both with the values declared in the FLAC
METADATA_BLOCK_STREAMINFO structure as well as the
FLACDSampleEntry box.
4.3.4 Duration of a FLAC sample
The duration of any given FLAC sample is determined by
dividing the decoded block size of a FLAC frame, as
encoded in the FLAC FRAME's FRAME_HEADER structure, by the
value of the timescale field in the Media Header Box.
FLAC samples are permitted to have variable durations
within a given audio stream. FLAC does not use padding
4.3.5 Sub-sample
Sub-samples are not defined for FLAC samples in this
4.3.6 Random Access
This subclause describes the nature of the random access of FLAC sample. Random Access Point
All FLAC samples can be independently decoded
i.e. every FLAC sample is a sync sample. The Sync
Sample Box shall not be present as long as there are
no samples other than FLAC samples in the same
track. The sample_is_non_sync_sample field for FLAC
samples shall be set to 0. Pre-roll
FLAC bitstreams do not require pre-roll or
multi-sample synchronization. All samples
independently decode directly to a complete set of
valid samples. NeitherAudioRollRecoveryEntry nor AudioPreRollEntry
shall be used.
4.4 Basic Structure (informative)
4.4.1 Initial Movie
This subclause shows a basic structure of the Movie Box as follows:
|moov| | | | | | | | Movie Box |
| |mvhd| | | | | | | Movie Header Box |
| |trak| | | | | | | Track Box |
| | |tkhd| | | | | | Track Header Box |
| | |edts|* | | | | | Edit Box |
| | | |elst|* | | | | Edit List Box |
| | |mdia| | | | | | Media Box |
| | | |mdhd| | | | | Media Header Box |
| | | |hdlr| | | | | Handler Reference Box |
| | | |minf| | | | | Media Information Box |
| | | | |smhd| | | | Sound Media Header Box |
| | | | |dinf| | | | Data Information Box |
| | | | | |dref| | | Data Reference Box |
| | | | | | |url | | DataEntryUrlBox |
+----+----+----+----+----+----+ or +----+------------------------------+
| | | | | | |urn | | DataEntryUrnBox |
| | | | |stbl| | | | Sample Table |
| | | | | |stsd| | | Sample Description Box |
| | | | | | |fLaC| | FLACSampleEntry |
| | | | | | | |dfLa| FLAC Specific Box |
| | | | | |stts| | | Decoding Time to Sample Box |
| | | | | |stsc| | | Sample To Chunk Box |
| | | | | |stsz| | | Sample Size Box |
+----+----+----+----+----+ or +----+----+------------------------------+
| | | | | |stz2| | | Compact Sample Size Box |
| | | | | |stco| | | Chunk Offset Box |
+----+----+----+----+----+ or +----+----+------------------------------+
| | | | | |co64| | | Chunk Large Offset Box |
| |mvex|* | | | | | | Movie Extends Box |
| | |trex|* | | | | | Track Extends Box |
Figure 1 - Basic structure of Movie Box
It is strongly recommended that the order of boxes should
follow the above structure. Boxes marked with an asterisk
(*) may be present. For most boxes listed above, the
definition is as is defined in ISO/IEC 14496-12 [1]. The
additional boxes and the additional requirements,
restrictions and recommendations to the other boxes are
described in this specification.
4.5 Example of Encapsulation (informative)
size = 17790
[ftyp: File Type Box]
position = 0
size = 24
major_brand = mp42 : MP4 version 2
minor_version = 0
brand[0] = mp42 : MP4 version 2
brand[1] = isom : ISO Base Media file format
[moov: Movie Box]
position = 24
size = 757
[mvhd: Movie Header Box]
position = 32
size = 108
version = 0
flags = 0x000000
creation_time = UTC 2014/12/12, 18:41:19
modification_time = UTC 2014/12/12, 18:41:19
timescale = 48000
duration = 33600 (00:00:00.700)
rate = 1.000000
volume = 1.000000
reserved = 0x0000
reserved = 0x00000000
reserved = 0x00000000
transformation matrix
| a, b, u | | 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 |
| c, d, v | = | 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000 |
| x, y, w | | 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 |
pre_defined = 0x00000000
pre_defined = 0x00000000
pre_defined = 0x00000000
pre_defined = 0x00000000
pre_defined = 0x00000000
pre_defined = 0x00000000
next_track_ID = 2
[iods: Object Descriptor Box]
position = 140
size = 33
version = 0
flags = 0x000000
[tag = 0x10: MP4_IOD]
expandableClassSize = 16
ObjectDescriptorID = 1
URL_Flag = 0
includeInlineProfileLevelFlag = 0
reserved = 0xf
ODProfileLevelIndication = 0xff
sceneProfileLevelIndication = 0xff
audioProfileLevelIndication = 0xfe
visualProfileLevelIndication = 0xff
graphicsProfileLevelIndication = 0xff
[tag = 0x0e: ES_ID_Inc]
expandableClassSize = 4
Track_ID = 1
[trak: Track Box]
position = 173
size = 608
[tkhd: Track Header Box]
position = 181
size = 92
version = 0
flags = 0x000007
Track enabled
Track in movie
Track in preview
creation_time = UTC 2014/12/12, 18:41:19
modification_time = UTC 2014/12/12, 18:41:19
track_ID = 1
reserved = 0x00000000
duration = 33600 (00:00:00.700)
reserved = 0x00000000
reserved = 0x00000000
layer = 0
alternate_group = 0
volume = 1.000000
reserved = 0x0000
transformation matrix
| a, b, u | | 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 |
| c, d, v | = | 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000 |
| x, y, w | | 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 |
width = 0.000000
height = 0.000000
[mdia: Media Box]
position = 273
size = 472
[mdhd: Media Header Box]
position = 281
size = 32
version = 0
flags = 0x000000
creation_time = UTC 2014/12/12, 18:41:19
modification_time = UTC 2014/12/12, 18:41:19
timescale = 48000
duration = 34560 (00:00:00.720)
language = und
pre_defined = 0x0000
[hdlr: Handler Reference Box]
position = 313
size = 51
version = 0
flags = 0x000000
pre_defined = 0x00000000
handler_type = soun
reserved = 0x00000000
reserved = 0x00000000
reserved = 0x00000000
name = Xiph Audio Handler
[minf: Media Information Box]
position = 364
size = 381
[smhd: Sound Media Header Box]
position = 372
size = 16
version = 0
flags = 0x000000
balance = 0.000000
reserved = 0x0000
[dinf: Data Information Box]
position = 388
size = 36
[dref: Data Reference Box]
position = 396
size = 28
version = 0
flags = 0x000000
entry_count = 1
[url : Data Entry Url Box]
position = 412
size = 12
version = 0
flags = 0x000001
location = in the same file
[stbl: Sample Table Box]
position = 424
size = 321
[stsd: Sample Description Box]
position = 432
size = 79
version = 0
flags = 0x000000
entry_count = 1
[fLaC: Audio Description]
position = 448
size = 63
reserved = 0x000000000000
data_reference_index = 1
reserved = 0x0000
reserved = 0x0000
reserved = 0x00000000
channelcount = 2
samplesize = 16
pre_defined = 0
reserved = 0
samplerate = 48000.000000
[dfLa: FLAC Specific Box]
position = 484
size = 48
Version = 0
MetadataBlocks = 1
LastMetadataBlockFlag = 1
BlockType = 0
Length = 34
[stts: Decoding Time to Sample Box]
position = 490
size = 24
version = 0
flags = 0x000000
entry_count = 1
sample_count = 18
sample_delta = 1920
[stsc: Sample To Chunk Box]
position = 514
size = 40
version = 0
flags = 0x000000
entry_count = 2
first_chunk = 1
samples_per_chunk = 13
sample_description_index = 1
first_chunk = 2
samples_per_chunk = 5
sample_description_index = 1
[stsz: Sample Size Box]
position = 554
size = 92
version = 0
flags = 0x000000
sample_size = 0 (variable)
sample_count = 18
entry_size[0] = 977
entry_size[1] = 938
entry_size[2] = 939
entry_size[3] = 938
entry_size[4] = 934
entry_size[5] = 945
entry_size[6] = 948
entry_size[7] = 956
entry_size[8] = 955
entry_size[9] = 930
entry_size[10] = 933
entry_size[11] = 934
entry_size[12] = 972
entry_size[13] = 977
entry_size[14] = 958
entry_size[15] = 949
entry_size[16] = 962
entry_size[17] = 848
[stco: Chunk Offset Box]
position = 646
size = 24
version = 0
flags = 0x000000
entry_count = 2
chunk_offset[0] = 686
chunk_offset[1] = 12985
[free: Free Space Box]
position = 670
size = 8
[mdat: Media Data Box]
position = 678
size = 17001
5 Authors' Address
Monty Montgomery <monty@xiph.org>