WIN=win SYS=win32 OS=WinXP objtype=386 BIN=$9pm/bin DSRC=C:/src/dt2k # compiler, linker, librarian CC=cl LD=link AR=lib AS=ml RC=rc # file extensions O=obj L=lib CPUS= CFLAGS=-c -nologo -W3 -YX -Zi -MT -Zl -I. -I$DSRC -I$DSRC/include -I$DSRC/kern -DWINDOWS # -nologo a little less verbose # -W3 level 3 warning - u.h contains pragma's that inhibit some of the very silly warnings # -YX use precompiled headers (.PCH files) # -G5 generate code that runs best on Pentiums - has bugs on 4.2 # -Zi generate debug info (.PDB files) # -MT Link with LIBCMT.LIB (multi thread static) # -Zl don't include libcmt.lib and oldnames.lib in object files # -Oi enable intrinic function, i.e abs, sin, sqrt, etc # -FAs generate asm listing with source # -G5 Pentium code # -Ob2 Let the compiler inline function -O2 only inlines functions marked inline # -Fr or -FR generate .SBR files (browsing information) without or with local symbols OSLIBS=\ drawterm.res\ libcmt.lib\ oldnames.lib\ user32.lib\ advapi32.lib\ kernel32.lib\ gdi32.lib\ LDFLAGS=-entry:mainCRTStartup -debug -nologo -incremental:no #-nodefaultlib:libcmt.lib -nodefaultlib:oldnames.lib #TARG=drawterm.exe LDFLAGS=-nologo -incremental:no -debug -subsystem:windows -out:drawterm.exe ARFLAGS=-nologo # System specific targets DEVFS=devntfs DEVIP=devip-win OSHOOKS=os-windows %.res: %.rc $RC $RCFLAGS $stem.rc