mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 13:54:35 +03:00
devdraw: add new draw operators
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,22 +10,34 @@ static int tablesbuilt;
#define RGB2K(r,g,b) ((156763*(r)+307758*(g)+59769*(b))>>19)
* for 0 ≤ x ≤ 255*255, (x*0x0101+0x100)>>16 is a perfect approximation.
* for 0 ≤ x < (1<<16), x/255 = ((x+1)*0x0101)>>16 is a perfect approximation.
* the last one is perfect for all up to 1<<16, avoids a multiply, but requires a rathole.
* For 16-bit values, x / 255 == (t = x+1, (t+(t>>8)) >> 8).
* We add another 127 to round to the nearest value rather
* than truncate.
* CALCxy does x bytewise calculations on y input images (x=1,4; y=1,2).
* CALC2x does two parallel 16-bit calculations on y input images (y=1,2).
/* #define DIV255(x) (((x)*257+256)>>16) */
#define DIV255(x) ((((x)+1)*257)>>16)
/* #define DIV255(x) (tmp=(x)+1, (tmp+(tmp>>8))>>8) */
#define CALC11(a, v, tmp) \
(tmp=(a)*(v)+128, (tmp+(tmp>>8))>>8)
#define MUL(x, y, t) (t = (x)*(y)+128, (t+(t>>8))>>8)
#define MASK13 0xFF00FF00
#define MASK02 0x00FF00FF
#define MUL13(a, x, t) (t = (a)*(((x)&MASK13)>>8)+128, ((t+((t>>8)&MASK02))>>8)&MASK02)
#define MUL02(a, x, t) (t = (a)*(((x)&MASK02)>>0)+128, ((t+((t>>8)&MASK02))>>8)&MASK02)
#define MUL0123(a, x, s, t) ((MUL13(a, x, s)<<8)|MUL02(a, x, t))
#define CALC12(a1, v1, a2, v2, tmp) \
(tmp=(a1)*(v1)+(a2)*(v2)+128, (tmp+(tmp>>8))>>8)
#define MUL2(u, v, x, y) (t = (u)*(v)+(x)*(y)+256, (t+(t>>8))>>8)
#define MASK 0xFF00FF
#define CALC21(a, vvuu, tmp) \
(tmp=(a)*(vvuu)+0x00800080, ((tmp+((tmp>>8)&MASK))>>8)&MASK)
#define CALC41(a, rgba, tmp1, tmp2) \
(CALC21(a, rgba & MASK, tmp1) | \
(CALC21(a, (rgba>>8)&MASK, tmp2)<<8))
#define CALC22(a1, vvuu1, a2, vvuu2, tmp) \
(tmp=(a1)*(vvuu1)+(a2)*(vvuu2)+0x00800080, ((tmp+((tmp>>8)&MASK))>>8)&MASK)
#define CALC42(a1, rgba1, a2, rgba2, tmp1, tmp2) \
(CALC22(a1, rgba1 & MASK, a2, rgba2 & MASK, tmp1) | \
(CALC22(a1, (rgba1>>8) & MASK, a2, (rgba2>>8) & MASK, tmp2)<<8))
static void mktables(void);
typedef int Subdraw(Memdrawparam*);
@ -307,6 +319,9 @@ drawclip(Memimage *dst, Rectangle *r, Memimage *src, Point *p0, Memimage *mask,
* Conversion tables.
static uchar replbit[1+8][256]; /* replbit[x][y] is the replication of the x-bit quantity y to 8-bit depth */
static uchar conv18[256][8]; /* conv18[x][y] is the yth pixel in the depth-1 pixel x */
static uchar conv28[256][4]; /* ... */
static uchar conv48[256][2];
* bitmap of how to replicate n bits to fill 8, for 1 ≤ n ≤ 8.
@ -340,7 +355,7 @@ static int replmul[1+8] = {
static void
int i, j, small;
int i, j, mask, sh, small;
@ -357,6 +372,17 @@ mktables(void)
/* bit unpacking up to 8 bits, only powers of 2 */
for(i=0; i<256; i++){
for(j=0, sh=7, mask=1; j<8; j++, sh--)
conv18[i][j] = replbit[1][(i>>sh)&mask];
for(j=0, sh=6, mask=3; j<4; j++, sh-=2)
conv28[i][j] = replbit[2][(i>>sh)&mask];
for(j=0, sh=4, mask=15; j<2; j++, sh-=4)
conv48[i][j] = replbit[4][(i>>sh)&mask];
static uchar ones = 0xff;
@ -770,41 +796,85 @@ alphacalc0(Buffer bdst, Buffer b1, Buffer b2, int dx, int grey, int op)
return bdst;
* Do the channels in the buffers match enough
* that we can do word-at-a-time operations
* on the pixels?
static int
chanmatch(Buffer *bdst, Buffer *bsrc)
uchar *drgb, *srgb;
* first, r, g, b must be in the same place
* in the rgba word.
drgb = (uchar*)bdst->rgba;
srgb = (uchar*)bsrc->rgba;
if(bdst->red - drgb != bsrc->red - srgb
|| bdst->blu - drgb != bsrc->blu - srgb
|| bdst->grn - drgb != bsrc->grn - srgb)
return 0;
* that implies alpha is in the same place,
* if it is there at all (it might be == &ones).
* if the destination is &ones, we can scribble
* over the rgba slot just fine.
if(bdst->alpha == &ones)
return 1;
* if the destination is not ones but the src is,
* then the simultaneous calculation will use
* bogus bytes from the src's rgba. no good.
if(bsrc->alpha == &ones)
return 0;
* otherwise, alphas are in the same place.
return 1;
static Buffer
alphacalc14(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
Buffer obdst;
int fd, sadelta;
int i, sa, ma, q;
ulong s, t;
ulong t, t1;
obdst = bdst;
sadelta = bsrc.alpha == &ones ? 0 : bsrc.delta;
q = bsrc.delta == 4 && bdst.delta == 4;
q = bsrc.delta == 4 && bdst.delta == 4 && chanmatch(&bdst, &bsrc);
for(i=0; i<dx; i++){
sa = *bsrc.alpha;
ma = *bmask.alpha;
fd = MUL(sa, ma, t);
fd = CALC11(sa, ma, t);
if(op == DoutS)
fd = 255-fd;
*bdst.grey = MUL(fd, *bdst.grey, t);
*bdst.grey = CALC11(fd, *bdst.grey, t);
bsrc.grey += bsrc.delta;
bdst.grey += bdst.delta;
*bdst.rgba = MUL0123(fd, *bdst.rgba, s, t);
*bdst.rgba = CALC41(fd, *bdst.rgba, t, t1);
bsrc.alpha += sadelta;
bmask.alpha += bmask.delta;
*bdst.red = MUL(fd, *bdst.red, t);
*bdst.grn = MUL(fd, *bdst.grn, t);
*bdst.blu = MUL(fd, *bdst.blu, t);
*bdst.red = CALC11(fd, *bdst.red, t);
*bdst.grn = CALC11(fd, *bdst.grn, t);
*bdst.blu = CALC11(fd, *bdst.blu, t);
bsrc.red += bsrc.delta;
bsrc.blu += bsrc.delta;
bsrc.grn += bsrc.delta;
@ -813,7 +883,7 @@ alphacalc14(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
bdst.grn += bdst.delta;
if(bdst.alpha != &ones){
*bdst.alpha = MUL(fd, *bdst.alpha, t);
*bdst.alpha = CALC11(fd, *bdst.alpha, t);
bdst.alpha += bdst.delta;
bmask.alpha += bmask.delta;
@ -828,11 +898,11 @@ alphacalc2810(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
Buffer obdst;
int fs, sadelta;
int i, ma, da, q;
ulong s, t;
ulong t, t1;
obdst = bdst;
sadelta = bsrc.alpha == &ones ? 0 : bsrc.delta;
q = bsrc.delta == 4 && bdst.delta == 4;
q = bsrc.delta == 4 && bdst.delta == 4 && chanmatch(&bdst, &bsrc);
for(i=0; i<dx; i++){
ma = *bmask.alpha;
@ -841,24 +911,24 @@ alphacalc2810(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
da = 255-da;
fs = ma;
if(op != S)
fs = MUL(fs, da, t);
fs = CALC11(fs, da, t);
*bdst.grey = MUL(fs, *bsrc.grey, t);
*bdst.grey = CALC11(fs, *bsrc.grey, t);
bsrc.grey += bsrc.delta;
bdst.grey += bdst.delta;
*bdst.rgba = MUL0123(fs, *bsrc.rgba, s, t);
*bdst.rgba = CALC41(fs, *bsrc.rgba, t, t1);
bmask.alpha += bmask.delta;
bdst.alpha += bdst.delta;
*bdst.red = MUL(fs, *bsrc.red, t);
*bdst.grn = MUL(fs, *bsrc.grn, t);
*bdst.blu = MUL(fs, *bsrc.blu, t);
*bdst.red = CALC11(fs, *bsrc.red, t);
*bdst.grn = CALC11(fs, *bsrc.grn, t);
*bdst.blu = CALC11(fs, *bsrc.blu, t);
bsrc.red += bsrc.delta;
bsrc.blu += bsrc.delta;
bsrc.grn += bsrc.delta;
@ -867,7 +937,7 @@ alphacalc2810(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
bdst.grn += bdst.delta;
if(bdst.alpha != &ones){
*bdst.alpha = MUL(fs, *bsrc.alpha, t);
*bdst.alpha = CALC11(fs, *bsrc.alpha, t);
bdst.alpha += bdst.delta;
bmask.alpha += bmask.delta;
@ -882,35 +952,35 @@ alphacalc3679(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
Buffer obdst;
int fs, fd, sadelta;
int i, sa, ma, da, q;
ulong s, t, u, v;
ulong t, t1;
obdst = bdst;
sadelta = bsrc.alpha == &ones ? 0 : bsrc.delta;
q = bsrc.delta == 4 && bdst.delta == 4;
q = bsrc.delta == 4 && bdst.delta == 4 && chanmatch(&bdst, &bsrc);
for(i=0; i<dx; i++){
sa = *bsrc.alpha;
ma = *bmask.alpha;
da = *bdst.alpha;
if(op == SatopD)
fs = MUL(ma, da, t);
fs = CALC11(ma, da, t);
fs = MUL(ma, 255-da, t);
fs = CALC11(ma, 255-da, t);
if(op == DoverS)
fd = 255;
fd = MUL(sa, ma, t);
fd = CALC11(sa, ma, t);
if(op != DatopS)
fd = 255-fd;
*bdst.grey = MUL(fs, *bsrc.grey, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.grey, t);
*bdst.grey = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.grey, fd, *bdst.grey, t);
bsrc.grey += bsrc.delta;
bdst.grey += bdst.delta;
*bdst.rgba = MUL0123(fs, *bsrc.rgba, s, t)+MUL0123(fd, *bdst.rgba, u, v);
*bdst.rgba = CALC42(fs, *bsrc.rgba, fd, *bdst.rgba, t, t1);
bsrc.alpha += sadelta;
@ -918,9 +988,9 @@ alphacalc3679(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
bdst.alpha += bdst.delta;
*bdst.red = MUL(fs, *bsrc.red, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.red, t);
*bdst.grn = MUL(fs, *bsrc.grn, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.grn, t);
*bdst.blu = MUL(fs, *bsrc.blu, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.blu, t);
*bdst.red = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.red, fd, *bdst.red, t);
*bdst.grn = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.grn, fd, *bdst.grn, t);
*bdst.blu = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.blu, fd, *bdst.blu, t);
bsrc.red += bsrc.delta;
bsrc.blu += bsrc.delta;
bsrc.grn += bsrc.delta;
@ -929,7 +999,7 @@ alphacalc3679(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
bdst.grn += bdst.delta;
if(bdst.alpha != &ones){
*bdst.alpha = MUL(fs, sa, s)+MUL(fd, da, t);
*bdst.alpha = CALC12(fs, sa, fd, da, t);
bdst.alpha += bdst.delta;
bmask.alpha += bmask.delta;
@ -953,34 +1023,34 @@ alphacalc11(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
Buffer obdst;
int fd, sadelta;
int i, sa, ma, q;
ulong s, t, u, v;
ulong t, t1;
obdst = bdst;
sadelta = bsrc.alpha == &ones ? 0 : bsrc.delta;
q = bsrc.delta == 4 && bdst.delta == 4;
q = bsrc.delta == 4 && bdst.delta == 4 && chanmatch(&bdst, &bsrc);
for(i=0; i<dx; i++){
sa = *bsrc.alpha;
ma = *bmask.alpha;
fd = 255-MUL(sa, ma, t);
fd = 255-CALC11(sa, ma, t);
*bdst.grey = MUL(ma, *bsrc.grey, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.grey, t);
*bdst.grey = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.grey, fd, *bdst.grey, t);
bsrc.grey += bsrc.delta;
bdst.grey += bdst.delta;
*bdst.rgba = MUL0123(ma, *bsrc.rgba, s, t)+MUL0123(fd, *bdst.rgba, u, v);
*bdst.rgba = CALC42(ma, *bsrc.rgba, fd, *bdst.rgba, t, t1);
bsrc.alpha += sadelta;
bmask.alpha += bmask.delta;
*bdst.red = MUL(ma, *bsrc.red, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.red, t);
*bdst.grn = MUL(ma, *bsrc.grn, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.grn, t);
*bdst.blu = MUL(ma, *bsrc.blu, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.blu, t);
*bdst.red = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.red, fd, *bdst.red, t);
*bdst.grn = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.grn, fd, *bdst.grn, t);
*bdst.blu = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.blu, fd, *bdst.blu, t);
bsrc.red += bsrc.delta;
bsrc.blu += bsrc.delta;
bsrc.grn += bsrc.delta;
@ -989,7 +1059,7 @@ alphacalc11(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
bdst.grn += bdst.delta;
if(bdst.alpha != &ones){
*bdst.alpha = MUL(ma, sa, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.alpha, t);
*bdst.alpha = CALC12(ma, sa, fd, *bdst.alpha, t);
bdst.alpha += bdst.delta;
bmask.alpha += bmask.delta;
@ -1045,7 +1115,7 @@ alphacalcS(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
Buffer obdst;
int fd;
int i, ma;
ulong s, t;
ulong t;
obdst = bdst;
@ -1055,13 +1125,13 @@ alphacalcS(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
fd = 255-ma;
*bdst.grey = MUL(ma, *bsrc.grey, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.grey, t);
*bdst.grey = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.grey, fd, *bdst.grey, t);
bsrc.grey += bsrc.delta;
bdst.grey += bdst.delta;
*bdst.red = MUL(ma, *bsrc.red, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.red, t);
*bdst.grn = MUL(ma, *bsrc.grn, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.grn, t);
*bdst.blu = MUL(ma, *bsrc.blu, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.blu, t);
*bdst.red = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.red, fd, *bdst.red, t);
*bdst.grn = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.grn, fd, *bdst.grn, t);
*bdst.blu = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.blu, fd, *bdst.blu, t);
bsrc.red += bsrc.delta;
bsrc.blu += bsrc.delta;
bsrc.grn += bsrc.delta;
@ -1070,7 +1140,7 @@ alphacalcS(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
bdst.grn += bdst.delta;
if(bdst.alpha != &ones){
*bdst.alpha = ma+MUL(fd, *bdst.alpha, t);
*bdst.alpha = ma+CALC11(fd, *bdst.alpha, t);
bdst.alpha += bdst.delta;
bmask.alpha += bmask.delta;
@ -1117,7 +1187,7 @@ boolcalc236789(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
Buffer obdst;
int fs, fd;
int i, ma, da, zero;
ulong s, t;
ulong t;
obdst = bdst;
zero = !(op&1);
@ -1134,16 +1204,16 @@ boolcalc236789(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
*bdst.grey = MUL(fs, *bsrc.grey, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.grey, t);
*bdst.grey = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.grey, fd, *bdst.grey, t);
else if(zero)
*bdst.grey = 0;
bsrc.grey += bsrc.delta;
bdst.grey += bdst.delta;
*bdst.red = MUL(fs, *bsrc.red, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.red, t);
*bdst.grn = MUL(fs, *bsrc.grn, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.grn, t);
*bdst.blu = MUL(fs, *bsrc.blu, s)+MUL(fd, *bdst.blu, t);
*bdst.red = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.red, fd, *bdst.red, t);
*bdst.grn = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.grn, fd, *bdst.grn, t);
*bdst.blu = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.blu, fd, *bdst.blu, t);
else if(zero)
*bdst.red = *bdst.grn = *bdst.blu = 0;
@ -1157,7 +1227,7 @@ boolcalc236789(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op)
bmask.alpha += bmask.delta;
if(bdst.alpha != &ones){
*bdst.alpha = fs+MUL(fd, da, t);
*bdst.alpha = fs+CALC11(fd, da, t);
else if(zero)
*bdst.alpha = 0;
bdst.alpha += bdst.delta;
@ -1890,7 +1960,7 @@ boolcopyfn(Memimage *img, Memimage *mask)
assert(0 /* boolcopyfn */);
return 0;
return nil;
@ -2353,7 +2423,7 @@ DBG print("bsh %d\n", bsh);
bx = -bsh-1;
ex = -bsh-1-dx;
bits = 0;
v = par->sdval;
/* make little endian */
@ -2457,7 +2527,6 @@ _memfillcolor(Memimage *i, ulong val)
ulong bits;
int d, y;
uchar p[4];
if(val == DNofill)
@ -2471,11 +2540,6 @@ _memfillcolor(Memimage *i, ulong val)
default: /* 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 */
for(d=i->depth; d<32; d*=2)
bits = (bits << d) | bits;
p[0] = bits; /* make little endian */
p[1] = bits>>8;
p[2] = bits>>16;
p[3] = bits>>24;
bits = *(ulong*)p;
memsetl(wordaddr(i, i->r.min), bits, i->width*Dy(i->r));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user