2020-12-07 12:00:06 +09:00

254 lines
4.9 KiB

#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
typedef struct Type Type;
typedef struct Node Node;
typedef struct Member Member;
// strings.c
char *format(char *fmt, ...);
// tokenize.c
// Token
typedef enum {
TK_IDENT, // Identifiers
TK_PUNCT, // Punctuators
TK_KEYWORD, // Keywords
TK_STR, // String literals
TK_NUM, // Numeric literals
TK_EOF, // End-of-file markers
} TokenKind;
// Token type
typedef struct Token Token;
struct Token {
TokenKind kind; // Token kind
Token *next; // Next token
int64_t val; // If kind is TK_NUM, its value
char *loc; // Token location
int len; // Token length
Type *ty; // Used if TK_STR
char *str; // String literal contents including terminating '\0'
int line_no; // Line number
void error(char *fmt, ...);
void error_at(char *loc, char *fmt, ...);
void error_tok(Token *tok, char *fmt, ...);
bool equal(Token *tok, char *op);
Token *skip(Token *tok, char *op);
bool consume(Token **rest, Token *tok, char *str);
Token *tokenize_file(char *filename);
#define unreachable() \
error("internal error at %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__)
// parse.c
// Variable or function
typedef struct Obj Obj;
struct Obj {
Obj *next;
char *name; // Variable name
Type *ty; // Type
bool is_local; // local or global/function
// Local variable
int offset;
// Global variable or function
bool is_function;
bool is_definition;
bool is_static;
// Global variable
char *init_data;
// Function
Obj *params;
Node *body;
Obj *locals;
int stack_size;
// AST node
typedef enum {
ND_ADD, // +
ND_SUB, // -
ND_MUL, // *
ND_DIV, // /
ND_NEG, // unary -
ND_MOD, // %
ND_BITOR, // |
ND_EQ, // ==
ND_NE, // !=
ND_LT, // <
ND_LE, // <=
ND_COMMA, // ,
ND_MEMBER, // . (struct member access)
ND_ADDR, // unary &
ND_DEREF, // unary *
ND_NOT, // !
ND_LOGAND, // &&
ND_LOGOR, // ||
ND_RETURN, // "return"
ND_IF, // "if"
ND_FOR, // "for" or "while"
ND_BLOCK, // { ... }
ND_GOTO, // "goto"
ND_LABEL, // Labeled statement
ND_FUNCALL, // Function call
ND_EXPR_STMT, // Expression statement
ND_STMT_EXPR, // Statement expression
ND_VAR, // Variable
ND_NUM, // Integer
ND_CAST, // Type cast
} NodeKind;
// AST node type
struct Node {
NodeKind kind; // Node kind
Node *next; // Next node
Type *ty; // Type, e.g. int or pointer to int
Token *tok; // Representative token
Node *lhs; // Left-hand side
Node *rhs; // Right-hand side
// "if" or "for" statement
Node *cond;
Node *then;
Node *els;
Node *init;
Node *inc;
// "break" label
char *brk_label;
// Block or statement expression
Node *body;
// Struct member access
Member *member;
// Function call
char *funcname;
Type *func_ty;
Node *args;
// Goto or labeled statement
char *label;
char *unique_label;
Node *goto_next;
Obj *var; // Used if kind == ND_VAR
int64_t val; // Used if kind == ND_NUM
Node *new_cast(Node *expr, Type *ty);
Obj *parse(Token *tok);
// type.c
typedef enum {
} TypeKind;
struct Type {
TypeKind kind;
int size; // sizeof() value
int align; // alignment
// Pointer-to or array-of type. We intentionally use the same member
// to represent pointer/array duality in C.
// In many contexts in which a pointer is expected, we examine this
// member instead of "kind" member to determine whether a type is a
// pointer or not. That means in many contexts "array of T" is
// naturally handled as if it were "pointer to T", as required by
// the C spec.
Type *base;
// Declaration
Token *name;
// Array
int array_len;
// Struct
Member *members;
// Function type
Type *return_ty;
Type *params;
Type *next;
// Struct member
struct Member {
Member *next;
Type *ty;
Token *tok; // for error message
Token *name;
int offset;
extern Type *ty_void;
extern Type *ty_bool;
extern Type *ty_char;
extern Type *ty_short;
extern Type *ty_int;
extern Type *ty_long;
bool is_integer(Type *ty);
Type *copy_type(Type *ty);
Type *pointer_to(Type *base);
Type *func_type(Type *return_ty);
Type *array_of(Type *base, int size);
Type *enum_type(void);
Type *struct_type(void);
void add_type(Node *node);
// codegen.c
void codegen(Obj *prog, FILE *out);
int align_to(int n, int align);