Change vs_ibl_skybox.sc to correctly use radians instead of degrees when specifying field-of-view. Additionally, use u_viewRect to find the correct aspect ratio of the viewport, instead of hard-coding to 4/3. Change fs_ibl_skybox.sc, fixing a number of small issues and mistakes. These mistakes would lead to incorrect lighting results, especially with metallic materials at glancing angles. This commit does not include the rebuilt .bin output of shaderc for these shaders.
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106 lines
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$input v_view, v_normal
* Copyright 2014-2016 Dario Manesku. All rights reserved.
* License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx#license-bsd-2-clause
#include "../common/common.sh"
#include "uniforms.sh"
SAMPLERCUBE(s_texCube, 0);
SAMPLERCUBE(s_texCubeIrr, 1);
vec3 calcFresnel(vec3 _cspec, float _dot, float _strength)
return _cspec + (1.0 - _cspec)*pow(1.0 - _dot, 5.0) * _strength;
vec3 calcLambert(vec3 _cdiff, float _ndotl)
return _cdiff*_ndotl;
vec3 calcBlinn(vec3 _cspec, float _ndoth, float _ndotl, float _specPwr)
float norm = (_specPwr+8.0)*0.125;
float brdf = pow(_ndoth, _specPwr)*_ndotl*norm;
return _cspec*brdf;
float specPwr(float _gloss)
return exp2(10.0*_gloss+2.0);
void main()
// Light.
vec3 ld = normalize(u_lightDir);
vec3 clight = u_lightCol;
// Input.
vec3 nn = normalize(v_normal);
vec3 vv = normalize(v_view);
vec3 hh = normalize(vv + ld);
float ndotv = clamp(dot(nn, vv), 0.0, 1.0);
float ndotl = clamp(dot(nn, ld), 0.0, 1.0);
float ndoth = clamp(dot(nn, hh), 0.0, 1.0);
float hdotv = clamp(dot(hh, vv), 0.0, 1.0);
// Material params.
vec3 inAlbedo = u_rgbDiff.xyz;
float inReflectivity = u_reflectivity;
float inGloss = u_glossiness;
// Reflection.
vec3 refl;
if (0.0 == u_metalOrSpec) // Metalness workflow.
refl = mix(vec3_splat(0.04), inAlbedo, inReflectivity);
else // Specular workflow.
refl = u_rgbSpec.xyz * vec3_splat(inReflectivity);
vec3 albedo = inAlbedo * (1.0 - inReflectivity);
vec3 dirFresnel = calcFresnel(refl, hdotv, inGloss);
vec3 envFresnel = calcFresnel(refl, ndotv, inGloss);
vec3 lambert = u_doDiffuse * calcLambert(albedo * (1.0 - dirFresnel), ndotl);
vec3 blinn = u_doSpecular * calcBlinn(dirFresnel, ndoth, ndotl, specPwr(inGloss));
vec3 direct = (lambert + blinn)*clight;
// Note: Environment textures are filtered with cmft: https://github.com/dariomanesku/cmft
// Params used:
// --excludeBase true //!< First level mip is not filtered.
// --mipCount 7 //!< 7 mip levels are used in total, [256x256 .. 4x4]. Lower res mip maps should be avoided.
// --glossScale 10 //!< Spec power scale. See: specPwr().
// --glossBias 2 //!< Spec power bias. See: specPwr().
// --edgeFixup warp //!< This must be used on DirectX9. When fileted with 'warp', fixCubeLookup() should be used.
float mip = 1.0 + 5.0*(1.0 - inGloss); // Use mip levels [1..6] for radiance.
mat4 mtx;
mtx[0] = u_mtx0;
mtx[1] = u_mtx1;
mtx[2] = u_mtx2;
mtx[3] = u_mtx3;
vec3 vr = 2.0*ndotv*nn - vv; // Same as: -reflect(vv, nn);
vec3 cubeR = normalize(instMul(mtx, vec4(vr, 0.0)).xyz);
vec3 cubeN = normalize(instMul(mtx, vec4(nn, 0.0)).xyz);
cubeR = fixCubeLookup(cubeR, mip, 256.0);
vec3 radiance = toLinear(textureCubeLod(s_texCube, cubeR, mip).xyz);
vec3 irradiance = toLinear(textureCube(s_texCubeIrr, cubeN).xyz);
vec3 envDiffuse = albedo * irradiance * u_doDiffuseIbl;
vec3 envSpecular = envFresnel * radiance * u_doSpecularIbl;
vec3 indirect = envDiffuse + envSpecular;
// Color.
vec3 color = direct + indirect;
color = color * exp2(u_exposure);
gl_FragColor.xyz = toFilmic(color);
gl_FragColor.w = 1.0;