
694 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright 2013 Jeremie Roy. All rights reserved.
* License:
#include "../common.h"
#include <bgfx.h>
#include <freetype/freetype.h>
#include <edtaa3/edtaa3func.cpp>
#include <wchar.h> // wcslen
#include <tinystl/allocator.h>
#include <tinystl/unordered_map.h>
namespace stl = tinystl;
#include "font_manager.h"
#include "../cube_atlas.h"
struct FTHolder
FT_Library library;
FT_Face face;
class TrueTypeFont
/// Initialize from an external buffer
/// @remark The ownership of the buffer is external, and you must ensure it stays valid up to this object lifetime
/// @return true if the initialization succeed
bool init(const uint8_t* _buffer, uint32_t _bufferSize, int32_t _fontIndex, uint32_t _pixelHeight);
/// return the font descriptor of the current font
FontInfo getFontInfo();
/// raster a glyph as 8bit alpha to a memory buffer
/// update the GlyphInfo according to the raster strategy
/// @ remark buffer min size: glyphInfo.m_width * glyphInfo * height * sizeof(char)
bool bakeGlyphAlpha(CodePoint _codePoint, GlyphInfo& _outGlyphInfo, uint8_t* _outBuffer);
/// raster a glyph as 32bit subpixel rgba to a memory buffer
/// update the GlyphInfo according to the raster strategy
/// @ remark buffer min size: glyphInfo.m_width * glyphInfo * height * sizeof(uint32_t)
bool bakeGlyphSubpixel(CodePoint _codePoint, GlyphInfo& _outGlyphInfo, uint8_t* _outBuffer);
/// raster a glyph as 8bit signed distance to a memory buffer
/// update the GlyphInfo according to the raster strategy
/// @ remark buffer min size: glyphInfo.m_width * glyphInfo * height * sizeof(char)
bool bakeGlyphDistance(CodePoint _codePoint, GlyphInfo& _outGlyphInfo, uint8_t* _outBuffer);
FTHolder* m_font;
TrueTypeFont::TrueTypeFont() : m_font(NULL)
if (NULL != m_font)
delete m_font;
m_font = NULL;
bool TrueTypeFont::init(const uint8_t* _buffer, uint32_t _bufferSize, int32_t _fontIndex, uint32_t _pixelHeight)
BX_CHECK(m_font == NULL, "TrueTypeFont already initialized");
BX_CHECK( (_bufferSize > 256 && _bufferSize < 100000000), "TrueType buffer size is suspicious");
BX_CHECK( (_pixelHeight > 4 && _pixelHeight < 128), "TrueType buffer size is suspicious");
FTHolder* holder = new FTHolder;
FT_Error error = FT_Init_FreeType(&holder->library);
BX_WARN(!error, "FT_Init_FreeType failed.");
if (error)
goto err0;
error = FT_New_Memory_Face(holder->library, _buffer, _bufferSize, _fontIndex, &holder->face);
BX_WARN(!error, "FT_Init_FreeType failed.");
if (error)
if (FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format == error)
goto err0;
goto err1;
error = FT_Select_Charmap(holder->face, FT_ENCODING_UNICODE);
BX_WARN(!error, "FT_Init_FreeType failed.");
if (error)
goto err2;
error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(holder->face, 0, _pixelHeight);
BX_WARN(!error, "FT_Init_FreeType failed.");
if (error)
goto err2;
m_font = holder;
return true;
delete holder;
return false;
FontInfo TrueTypeFont::getFontInfo()
BX_CHECK(m_font != NULL, "TrueTypeFont not initialized");
BX_CHECK(FT_IS_SCALABLE(m_font->face), "Font is unscalable");
FT_Size_Metrics metrics = m_font->face->size->metrics;
FontInfo outFontInfo;
outFontInfo.scale = 1.0f;
outFontInfo.ascender = metrics.ascender / 64.0f;
outFontInfo.descender = metrics.descender / 64.0f;
outFontInfo.lineGap = (metrics.height - metrics.ascender + metrics.descender) / 64.0f;
outFontInfo.maxAdvanceWidth = metrics.max_advance/ 64.0f;
outFontInfo.underlinePosition = FT_MulFix(m_font->face->underline_position, metrics.y_scale) / 64.0f;
outFontInfo.underlineThickness = FT_MulFix(m_font->face->underline_thickness, metrics.y_scale) / 64.0f;
return outFontInfo;
static void glyphInfoInit(GlyphInfo& _glyphInfo, FT_BitmapGlyph _bitmap, FT_GlyphSlot _slot, uint8_t* _dst, uint32_t _bpp)
int32_t xx = _bitmap->left;
int32_t yy = -_bitmap->top;
int32_t ww = _bitmap->bitmap.width;
int32_t hh = _bitmap->bitmap.rows;
_glyphInfo.offset_x = (float)xx;
_glyphInfo.offset_y = (float)yy;
_glyphInfo.width = (float)ww;
_glyphInfo.height = (float)hh;
_glyphInfo.advance_x = (float)_slot->advance.x / 64.0f;
_glyphInfo.advance_y = (float)_slot->advance.y / 64.0f;
uint32_t dstPitch = ww * _bpp;
uint8_t* src = _bitmap->bitmap.buffer;
uint32_t srcPitch = _bitmap->bitmap.pitch;
for (int32_t ii = 0; ii < hh; ++ii)
memcpy(_dst, src, dstPitch);
_dst += dstPitch;
src += srcPitch;
bool TrueTypeFont::bakeGlyphAlpha(CodePoint _codePoint, GlyphInfo& _glyphInfo, uint8_t* _outBuffer)
BX_CHECK(m_font != NULL, "TrueTypeFont not initialized");
_glyphInfo.glyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(m_font->face, _codePoint);
FT_GlyphSlot slot = m_font->face->glyph;
FT_Error error = FT_Load_Glyph(m_font->face, _glyphInfo.glyphIndex, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
if (error)
return false;
FT_Glyph glyph;
error = FT_Get_Glyph(slot, &glyph);
if (error)
return false;
error = FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(&glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, 0, 1);
if (error)
return false;
FT_BitmapGlyph bitmap = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph;
glyphInfoInit(_glyphInfo, bitmap, slot, _outBuffer, 1);
return true;
bool TrueTypeFont::bakeGlyphSubpixel(CodePoint _codePoint, GlyphInfo& _glyphInfo, uint8_t* _outBuffer)
BX_CHECK(m_font != NULL, "TrueTypeFont not initialized");
_glyphInfo.glyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(m_font->face, _codePoint);
FT_GlyphSlot slot = m_font->face->glyph;
FT_Error error = FT_Load_Glyph(m_font->face, _glyphInfo.glyphIndex, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
if (error)
return false;
FT_Glyph glyph;
error = FT_Get_Glyph(slot, &glyph);
if (error)
return false;
error = FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(&glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD, 0, 1);
if (error)
return false;
FT_BitmapGlyph bitmap = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph;
glyphInfoInit(_glyphInfo, bitmap, slot, _outBuffer, 3);
return true;
static void makeDistanceMap(const uint8_t* _img, uint8_t* _outImg, uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height)
int16_t* xdist = (int16_t*)malloc(_width * _height * sizeof(int16_t) );
int16_t* ydist = (int16_t*)malloc(_width * _height * sizeof(int16_t) );
double* gx = (double*)calloc(_width * _height, sizeof(double) );
double* gy = (double*)calloc(_width * _height, sizeof(double) );
double* data = (double*)calloc(_width * _height, sizeof(double) );
double* outside = (double*)calloc(_width * _height, sizeof(double) );
double* inside = (double*)calloc(_width * _height, sizeof(double) );
uint32_t ii;
// Convert img into double (data)
double img_min = 255, img_max = -255;
for (ii = 0; ii < _width * _height; ++ii)
double v = _img[ii];
data[ii] = v;
if (v > img_max)
img_max = v;
if (v < img_min)
img_min = v;
// Rescale image levels between 0 and 1
for (ii = 0; ii < _width * _height; ++ii)
data[ii] = (_img[ii] - img_min) / (img_max - img_min);
// Compute outside = edtaa3(bitmap); % Transform background (0's)
computegradient(data, _width, _height, gx, gy);
edtaa3(data, gx, gy, _width, _height, xdist, ydist, outside);
for (ii = 0; ii < _width * _height; ++ii)
if (outside[ii] < 0)
outside[ii] = 0.0;
// Compute inside = edtaa3(1-bitmap); % Transform foreground (1's)
memset(gx, 0, sizeof(double) * _width * _height);
memset(gy, 0, sizeof(double) * _width * _height);
for (ii = 0; ii < _width * _height; ++ii)
data[ii] = 1.0 - data[ii];
computegradient(data, _width, _height, gx, gy);
edtaa3(data, gx, gy, _width, _height, xdist, ydist, inside);
for (ii = 0; ii < _width * _height; ++ii)
if (inside[ii] < 0)
inside[ii] = 0.0;
// distmap = outside - inside; % Bipolar distance field
uint8_t* out = _outImg;
for (ii = 0; ii < _width * _height; ++ii)
outside[ii] -= inside[ii];
outside[ii] = 128 + outside[ii] * 16;
if (outside[ii] < 0)
outside[ii] = 0;
if (outside[ii] > 255)
outside[ii] = 255;
out[ii] = 255 - (uint8_t) outside[ii];
bool TrueTypeFont::bakeGlyphDistance(CodePoint _codePoint, GlyphInfo& _glyphInfo, uint8_t* _outBuffer)
BX_CHECK(m_font != NULL, "TrueTypeFont not initialized");
_glyphInfo.glyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(m_font->face, _codePoint);
FT_Render_Mode renderMode = FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL;
FT_GlyphSlot slot = m_font->face->glyph;
FT_Error error = FT_Load_Glyph(m_font->face, _glyphInfo.glyphIndex, loadMode);
if (error)
return false;
FT_Glyph glyph;
error = FT_Get_Glyph(slot, &glyph);
if (error)
return false;
error = FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(&glyph, renderMode, 0, 1);
if (error)
return false;
FT_BitmapGlyph bitmap = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph;
int32_t ww = bitmap->bitmap.width;
int32_t hh = bitmap->bitmap.rows;
glyphInfoInit(_glyphInfo, bitmap, slot, _outBuffer, 1);
if (ww * hh > 0)
uint32_t dw = 6;
uint32_t dh = 6;
uint32_t nw = ww + dw * 2;
uint32_t nh = hh + dh * 2;
BX_CHECK(nw * nh < 128 * 128, "Buffer overflow (size %d)", nw * nh);
uint32_t buffSize = nw * nh * sizeof(uint8_t);
uint8_t* alphaImg = (uint8_t*)malloc(buffSize);
memset(alphaImg, 0, nw * nh * sizeof(uint8_t) );
//copy the original buffer to the temp one
for (uint32_t ii = dh; ii < nh - dh; ++ii)
memcpy(alphaImg + ii * nw + dw, _outBuffer + (ii - dh) * ww, ww);
makeDistanceMap(alphaImg, _outBuffer, nw, nh);
_glyphInfo.offset_x -= (float)dw;
_glyphInfo.offset_y -= (float)dh;
_glyphInfo.width = (float)nw;
_glyphInfo.height = (float)nh;
return true;
typedef stl::unordered_map<CodePoint, GlyphInfo> GlyphHashMap;
// cache font data
struct FontManager::CachedFont
: trueTypeFont(NULL)
masterFontHandle.idx = bx::HandleAlloc::invalid;
FontInfo fontInfo;
GlyphHashMap cachedGlyphs;
TrueTypeFont* trueTypeFont;
// an handle to a master font in case of sub distance field font
FontHandle masterFontHandle;
int16_t padding;
#define MAX_FONT_BUFFER_SIZE (512 * 512 * 4)
FontManager::FontManager(Atlas* _atlas)
: m_ownAtlas(false)
, m_atlas(_atlas)
FontManager::FontManager(uint32_t _textureSideWidth)
: m_ownAtlas(true)
, m_atlas(new Atlas(_textureSideWidth) )
void FontManager::init()
m_cachedFiles = new CachedFile[MAX_OPENED_FILES];
m_cachedFonts = new CachedFont[MAX_OPENED_FONT];
m_buffer = new uint8_t[MAX_FONT_BUFFER_SIZE];
const uint32_t W = 3;
// Create filler rectangle
uint8_t buffer[W * W * 4];
memset(buffer, 255, W * W * 4);
m_blackGlyph.width = W;
m_blackGlyph.height = W;
///make sure the black glyph doesn't bleed by using a one pixel inner outline
m_blackGlyph.regionIndex = m_atlas->addRegion(W, W, buffer, AtlasRegion::TYPE_GRAY, 1);
BX_CHECK(m_fontHandles.getNumHandles() == 0, "All the fonts must be destroyed before destroying the manager");
delete [] m_cachedFonts;
BX_CHECK(m_filesHandles.getNumHandles() == 0, "All the font files must be destroyed before destroying the manager");
delete [] m_cachedFiles;
delete [] m_buffer;
if (m_ownAtlas)
delete m_atlas;
TrueTypeHandle FontManager::createTtf(const uint8_t* _buffer, uint32_t _size)
uint16_t id = m_filesHandles.alloc();
BX_CHECK(id != bx::HandleAlloc::invalid, "Invalid handle used");
m_cachedFiles[id].buffer = new uint8_t[_size];
m_cachedFiles[id].bufferSize = _size;
memcpy(m_cachedFiles[id].buffer, _buffer, _size);
TrueTypeHandle ret = { id };
return ret;
void FontManager::destroyTtf(TrueTypeHandle _handle)
BX_CHECK(bgfx::isValid(_handle), "Invalid handle used");
delete m_cachedFiles[_handle.idx].buffer;
m_cachedFiles[_handle.idx].bufferSize = 0;
m_cachedFiles[_handle.idx].buffer = NULL;;
FontHandle FontManager::createFontByPixelSize(TrueTypeHandle _ttfHandle, uint32_t _typefaceIndex, uint32_t _pixelSize, uint32_t _fontType)
BX_CHECK(bgfx::isValid(_ttfHandle), "Invalid handle used");
TrueTypeFont* ttf = new TrueTypeFont();
if (!ttf->init(m_cachedFiles[_ttfHandle.idx].buffer, m_cachedFiles[_ttfHandle.idx].bufferSize, _typefaceIndex, _pixelSize) )
delete ttf;
FontHandle invalid = { bx::HandleAlloc::invalid };
return invalid;
uint16_t fontIdx = m_fontHandles.alloc();
BX_CHECK(fontIdx != bx::HandleAlloc::invalid, "Invalid handle used");
CachedFont& font = m_cachedFonts[fontIdx];
font.trueTypeFont = ttf;
font.fontInfo = ttf->getFontInfo();
font.fontInfo.fontType = _fontType;
font.fontInfo.pixelSize = _pixelSize;
font.masterFontHandle.idx = bx::HandleAlloc::invalid;
FontHandle handle = { fontIdx };
return handle;
FontHandle FontManager::createScaledFontToPixelSize(FontHandle _baseFontHandle, uint32_t _pixelSize)
BX_CHECK(bgfx::isValid(_baseFontHandle), "Invalid handle used");
CachedFont& baseFont = m_cachedFonts[_baseFontHandle.idx];
FontInfo& fontInfo = baseFont.fontInfo;
FontInfo newFontInfo = fontInfo;
newFontInfo.pixelSize = _pixelSize;
newFontInfo.scale = (float)_pixelSize / (float) fontInfo.pixelSize;
newFontInfo.ascender = (newFontInfo.ascender * newFontInfo.scale);
newFontInfo.descender = (newFontInfo.descender * newFontInfo.scale);
newFontInfo.lineGap = (newFontInfo.lineGap * newFontInfo.scale);
newFontInfo.maxAdvanceWidth = (newFontInfo.maxAdvanceWidth * newFontInfo.scale);
newFontInfo.underlineThickness = (newFontInfo.underlineThickness * newFontInfo.scale);
newFontInfo.underlinePosition = (newFontInfo.underlinePosition * newFontInfo.scale);
uint16_t fontIdx = m_fontHandles.alloc();
BX_CHECK(fontIdx != bx::HandleAlloc::invalid, "Invalid handle used");
CachedFont& font = m_cachedFonts[fontIdx];
font.fontInfo = newFontInfo;
font.trueTypeFont = NULL;
font.masterFontHandle = _baseFontHandle;
FontHandle handle = { fontIdx };
return handle;
void FontManager::destroyFont(FontHandle _handle)
BX_CHECK(bgfx::isValid(_handle), "Invalid handle used");
CachedFont& font = m_cachedFonts[_handle.idx];
if (font.trueTypeFont != NULL)
delete font.trueTypeFont;
font.trueTypeFont = NULL;
bool FontManager::preloadGlyph(FontHandle _handle, const wchar_t* _string)
BX_CHECK(bgfx::isValid(_handle), "Invalid handle used");
CachedFont& font = m_cachedFonts[_handle.idx];
if (NULL == font.trueTypeFont)
return false;
for (uint32_t ii = 0, end = (uint32_t)wcslen(_string); ii < end; ++ii)
CodePoint codePoint = _string[ii];
if (!preloadGlyph(_handle, codePoint) )
return false;
return true;
bool FontManager::preloadGlyph(FontHandle _handle, CodePoint _codePoint)
BX_CHECK(bgfx::isValid(_handle), "Invalid handle used");
CachedFont& font = m_cachedFonts[_handle.idx];
FontInfo& fontInfo = font.fontInfo;
GlyphHashMap::iterator iter = font.cachedGlyphs.find(_codePoint);
if (iter != font.cachedGlyphs.end() )
return true;
if (NULL != font.trueTypeFont)
GlyphInfo glyphInfo;
switch (font.fontInfo.fontType)
font.trueTypeFont->bakeGlyphAlpha(_codePoint, glyphInfo, m_buffer);
font.trueTypeFont->bakeGlyphDistance(_codePoint, glyphInfo, m_buffer);
font.trueTypeFont->bakeGlyphDistance(_codePoint, glyphInfo, m_buffer);
BX_CHECK(false, "TextureType not supported yet");
if (!addBitmap(glyphInfo, m_buffer) )
return false;
glyphInfo.advance_x = (glyphInfo.advance_x * fontInfo.scale);
glyphInfo.advance_y = (glyphInfo.advance_y * fontInfo.scale);
glyphInfo.offset_x = (glyphInfo.offset_x * fontInfo.scale);
glyphInfo.offset_y = (glyphInfo.offset_y * fontInfo.scale);
glyphInfo.height = (glyphInfo.height * fontInfo.scale);
glyphInfo.width = (glyphInfo.width * fontInfo.scale);
font.cachedGlyphs[_codePoint] = glyphInfo;
return true;
if (isValid(font.masterFontHandle)
&& preloadGlyph(font.masterFontHandle, _codePoint) )
const GlyphInfo* glyph = getGlyphInfo(font.masterFontHandle, _codePoint);
GlyphInfo glyphInfo = *glyph;
glyphInfo.advance_x = (glyphInfo.advance_x * fontInfo.scale);
glyphInfo.advance_y = (glyphInfo.advance_y * fontInfo.scale);
glyphInfo.offset_x = (glyphInfo.offset_x * fontInfo.scale);
glyphInfo.offset_y = (glyphInfo.offset_y * fontInfo.scale);
glyphInfo.height = (glyphInfo.height * fontInfo.scale);
glyphInfo.width = (glyphInfo.width * fontInfo.scale);
font.cachedGlyphs[_codePoint] = glyphInfo;
return true;
return false;
const FontInfo& FontManager::getFontInfo(FontHandle _handle) const
BX_CHECK(bgfx::isValid(_handle), "Invalid handle used");
return m_cachedFonts[_handle.idx].fontInfo;
const GlyphInfo* FontManager::getGlyphInfo(FontHandle _handle, CodePoint _codePoint)
const GlyphHashMap& cachedGlyphs = m_cachedFonts[_handle.idx].cachedGlyphs;
GlyphHashMap::const_iterator it = cachedGlyphs.find(_codePoint);
if (it == cachedGlyphs.end() )
if (!preloadGlyph(_handle, _codePoint) )
return NULL;
it = cachedGlyphs.find(_codePoint);
BX_CHECK(it != cachedGlyphs.end(), "Failed to preload glyph.");
return &it->second;
bool FontManager::addBitmap(GlyphInfo& _glyphInfo, const uint8_t* _data)
_glyphInfo.regionIndex = m_atlas->addRegion( (uint16_t) ceil(_glyphInfo.width), (uint16_t) ceil(_glyphInfo.height), _data, AtlasRegion::TYPE_GRAY);
return true;