Doxygen documentation can be found at: BUILD: All build artifacts end up in build/<configuration>, where <configuration> is 'debug' or 'release'. Windows: - Open iqa.sln, select 'Debug' or 'Release', and build. The output is a static library 'iqa.lib'. - To run the tests under the debugger, first right-click the 'test' project, select Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Debugging and set 'Working Directory' to '$(OutDir)'. Then start the application. Linux: - Change directories into the root of the IQA branch you want to build. - Type `make` for a debug build, or `make RELEASE=1` for a release build. The output is a static library 'libiqa.a'. - Type `make test` (or `make test RELEASE=1`) to build the unit tests. - Type `make clean` (or `make clean RELEASE=1`) to delete all build artifacts. - To run the tests, `cd` to the build/<configuration> directory and type `./test`. USE: - Include 'iqa.h' in your source file. - Call iqa_* methods. - Link against the IQA library. HELP & SUPPORT: Further help can be found at: