/* * Copyright 2011-2024 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. * License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/blob/master/LICENSE */ #include #include #include #include "../../src/vertexlayout.h" #include #include #include namespace stl = tinystl; #include #define CGLTF_VALIDATE_ENABLE_ASSERTS BX_CONFIG_DEBUG #define CGLTF_IMPLEMENTATION #include #define BGFX_GEOMETRYC_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define BGFX_GEOMETRYC_VERSION_MINOR 0 #if 0 # define BX_TRACE(_format, ...) \ do { \ bx::printf(BX_FILE_LINE_LITERAL "BGFX " _format "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while(0) # define BX_WARN(_condition, _format, ...) \ do { \ if (!(_condition) ) \ { \ BX_TRACE(BX_FILE_LINE_LITERAL "WARN " _format, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } while(0) # define BX_ASSERT(_condition, _format, ...) \ do { \ if (!(_condition) ) \ { \ BX_TRACE(BX_FILE_LINE_LITERAL "CHECK " _format, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ bx::debugBreak(); \ } \ } while(0) #endif // 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef stl::vector Vec3Array; struct Index3 { int32_t m_position; int32_t m_texcoord; int32_t m_normal; int32_t m_vbc; // Barycentric ID. Holds either 0, 1 or 2. }; struct TriIndices { Index3 m_index[3]; }; typedef stl::vector TriangleArray; struct Group { uint32_t m_startTriangle; uint32_t m_numTriangles; stl::string m_name; stl::string m_material; }; typedef stl::vector GroupArray; struct Primitive { uint32_t m_startVertex; uint32_t m_startIndex; uint32_t m_numVertices; uint32_t m_numIndices; stl::string m_name; }; typedef stl::vector PrimitiveArray; struct Axis { enum Enum { NegativeX, PositiveX, NegativeY, PositiveY, NegativeZ, PositiveZ, }; }; static bx::Vec3 s_axisVectors[6] = { bx::Vec3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), bx::Vec3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), bx::Vec3( 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f), bx::Vec3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), bx::Vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f), bx::Vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), }; struct CoordinateSystem { bx::Handedness::Enum m_handedness; Axis::Enum m_up; Axis::Enum m_forward; }; struct CoordinateSystemMapping { const char* m_param; CoordinateSystem m_coordinateSystem; }; static const CoordinateSystemMapping s_coordinateSystemMappings[] = { { "lh-up+y", { bx::Handedness::Left, Axis::PositiveY, Axis::PositiveZ } }, { "lh-up+z", { bx::Handedness::Left, Axis::PositiveZ, Axis::PositiveY } }, { "rh-up+y", { bx::Handedness::Right, Axis::PositiveY, Axis::PositiveZ } }, { "rh-up+z", { bx::Handedness::Right, Axis::PositiveZ, Axis::PositiveY } }, }; struct Mesh { Vec3Array m_positions; Vec3Array m_normals; Vec3Array m_texcoords; TriangleArray m_triangles; GroupArray m_groups; CoordinateSystem m_coordinateSystem; }; static uint32_t s_obbSteps = 17; constexpr uint32_t kChunkVertexBuffer = BX_MAKEFOURCC('V', 'B', ' ', 0x1); constexpr uint32_t kChunkVertexBufferCompressed = BX_MAKEFOURCC('V', 'B', 'C', 0x0); constexpr uint32_t kChunkIndexBuffer = BX_MAKEFOURCC('I', 'B', ' ', 0x0); constexpr uint32_t kChunkIndexBufferCompressed = BX_MAKEFOURCC('I', 'B', 'C', 0x1); constexpr uint32_t kChunkPrimitive = BX_MAKEFOURCC('P', 'R', 'I', 0x0); void optimizeVertexCache(uint16_t* _indices, uint32_t _numIndices, uint32_t _numVertices) { uint16_t* newIndexList = new uint16_t[_numIndices]; meshopt_optimizeVertexCache(newIndexList, _indices, _numIndices, _numVertices); bx::memCopy(_indices, newIndexList, _numIndices * 2); delete[] newIndexList; } uint32_t optimizeVertexFetch( uint16_t* _indices , uint32_t _numIndices , uint8_t* _vertexData , uint32_t _numVertices , uint16_t _stride ) { unsigned char* newVertices = (unsigned char*)malloc(_numVertices * _stride ); size_t vertexCount = meshopt_optimizeVertexFetch(newVertices, _indices, _numIndices, _vertexData, _numVertices, _stride); bx::memCopy(_vertexData, newVertices, _numVertices * _stride); free(newVertices); return uint32_t(vertexCount); } void writeCompressedIndices( bx::WriterI* _writer , const uint16_t* _indices , uint32_t _numIndices , uint32_t _numVertices , bx::Error* _err ) { size_t maxSize = meshopt_encodeIndexBufferBound(_numIndices, _numVertices); unsigned char* compressedIndices = (unsigned char*)malloc(maxSize); size_t compressedSize = meshopt_encodeIndexBuffer(compressedIndices, maxSize, _indices, _numIndices); bx::printf("Indices uncompressed: %10d, compressed: %10d, ratio: %0.2f%%\n" , _numIndices*2 , (uint32_t)compressedSize , 100.0f - float(compressedSize ) / float(_numIndices*2)*100.0f ); bx::write(_writer, (uint32_t)compressedSize, _err); bx::write(_writer, compressedIndices, (uint32_t)compressedSize, _err); free(compressedIndices); } void writeCompressedVertices( bx::WriterI* _writer , const uint8_t* _vertices , uint32_t _numVertices , uint16_t _stride , bx::Error* _err ) { size_t maxSize = meshopt_encodeVertexBufferBound(_numVertices, _stride); unsigned char* compressedVertices = (unsigned char*)malloc(maxSize); size_t compressedSize = meshopt_encodeVertexBuffer(compressedVertices, maxSize, _vertices, _numVertices, _stride); bx::printf("Vertices uncompressed: %10d, compressed: %10d, ratio: %0.2f%%\n" , _numVertices * _stride , (uint32_t)compressedSize , 100.0f - float(compressedSize) / float(_numVertices * _stride)*100.0f ); bx::write(_writer, (uint32_t)compressedSize, _err); bx::write(_writer, compressedVertices, (uint32_t)compressedSize, _err); free(compressedVertices); } void calcTangents(void* _vertices, uint16_t _numVertices, bgfx::VertexLayout _layout, const uint16_t* _indices, uint32_t _numIndices) { struct PosTexcoord { float m_x; float m_y; float m_z; float m_pad0; float m_u; float m_v; float m_pad1; float m_pad2; }; float* tangents = new float[6*_numVertices]; bx::memSet(tangents, 0, 6*_numVertices*sizeof(float) ); PosTexcoord v0; PosTexcoord v1; PosTexcoord v2; for (uint32_t ii = 0, num = _numIndices/3; ii < num; ++ii) { const uint16_t* indices = &_indices[ii*3]; uint32_t i0 = indices[0]; uint32_t i1 = indices[1]; uint32_t i2 = indices[2]; bgfx::vertexUnpack(&v0.m_x, bgfx::Attrib::Position, _layout, _vertices, i0); bgfx::vertexUnpack(&v0.m_u, bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, _layout, _vertices, i0); bgfx::vertexUnpack(&v1.m_x, bgfx::Attrib::Position, _layout, _vertices, i1); bgfx::vertexUnpack(&v1.m_u, bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, _layout, _vertices, i1); bgfx::vertexUnpack(&v2.m_x, bgfx::Attrib::Position, _layout, _vertices, i2); bgfx::vertexUnpack(&v2.m_u, bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, _layout, _vertices, i2); const float bax = v1.m_x - v0.m_x; const float bay = v1.m_y - v0.m_y; const float baz = v1.m_z - v0.m_z; const float bau = v1.m_u - v0.m_u; const float bav = v1.m_v - v0.m_v; const float cax = v2.m_x - v0.m_x; const float cay = v2.m_y - v0.m_y; const float caz = v2.m_z - v0.m_z; const float cau = v2.m_u - v0.m_u; const float cav = v2.m_v - v0.m_v; const float det = (bau * cav - bav * cau); const float invDet = 1.0f / det; const float tx = (bax * cav - cax * bav) * invDet; const float ty = (bay * cav - cay * bav) * invDet; const float tz = (baz * cav - caz * bav) * invDet; const float bx = (cax * bau - bax * cau) * invDet; const float by = (cay * bau - bay * cau) * invDet; const float bz = (caz * bau - baz * cau) * invDet; for (uint32_t jj = 0; jj < 3; ++jj) { float* tanu = &tangents[indices[jj]*6]; float* tanv = &tanu[3]; tanu[0] += tx; tanu[1] += ty; tanu[2] += tz; tanv[0] += bx; tanv[1] += by; tanv[2] += bz; } } for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < _numVertices; ++ii) { const bx::Vec3 tanu = bx::load(&tangents[ii*6]); const bx::Vec3 tanv = bx::load(&tangents[ii*6 + 3]); float nxyzw[4]; bgfx::vertexUnpack(nxyzw, bgfx::Attrib::Normal, _layout, _vertices, ii); const bx::Vec3 normal = bx::load(nxyzw); const float ndt = bx::dot(normal, tanu); const bx::Vec3 nxt = bx::cross(normal, tanu); const bx::Vec3 tmp = bx::sub(tanu, bx::mul(normal, ndt) ); float tangent[4]; bx::store(tangent, bx::normalize(tmp) ); tangent[3] = bx::dot(nxt, tanv) < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f; bgfx::vertexPack(tangent, true, bgfx::Attrib::Tangent, _layout, _vertices, ii); } delete [] tangents; } void write( bx::WriterI* _writer , const void* _vertices , uint32_t _numVertices , uint32_t _stride , bx::Error* _err ) { bx::Sphere maxSphere; bx::calcMaxBoundingSphere(maxSphere, _vertices, _numVertices, _stride); bx::Sphere minSphere; bx::calcMinBoundingSphere(minSphere, _vertices, _numVertices, _stride); if (minSphere.radius > maxSphere.radius) { bx::write(_writer, maxSphere, _err); } else { bx::write(_writer, minSphere, _err); } bx::Aabb aabb; bx::toAabb(aabb, _vertices, _numVertices, _stride); bx::write(_writer, aabb, _err); bx::Obb obb; bx::calcObb(obb, _vertices, _numVertices, _stride, s_obbSteps); bx::write(_writer, obb, _err); } void write( bx::WriterI* _writer , const uint8_t* _vertices , uint32_t _numVertices , const bgfx::VertexLayout& _layout , const uint16_t* _indices , uint32_t _numIndices , bool _compress , const stl::string& _material , const PrimitiveArray& _primitives , bx::Error* _err ) { using namespace bx; using namespace bgfx; uint32_t stride = _layout.getStride(); if (_compress) { write(_writer, kChunkVertexBufferCompressed, _err); write(_writer, _vertices, _numVertices, stride, _err); write(_writer, _layout); write(_writer, uint16_t(_numVertices), _err); writeCompressedVertices(_writer, _vertices, _numVertices, uint16_t(stride), _err); } else { write(_writer, kChunkVertexBuffer, _err); write(_writer, _vertices, _numVertices, stride, _err); write(_writer, _layout, _err); write(_writer, uint16_t(_numVertices), _err); write(_writer, _vertices, _numVertices*stride, _err); } if (_compress) { write(_writer, kChunkIndexBufferCompressed, _err); write(_writer, _numIndices, _err); writeCompressedIndices(_writer, _indices, _numIndices, _numVertices, _err); } else { write(_writer, kChunkIndexBuffer, _err); write(_writer, _numIndices, _err); write(_writer, _indices, _numIndices*2, _err); } write(_writer, kChunkPrimitive, _err); uint16_t nameLen = uint16_t(_material.size() ); write(_writer, nameLen, _err); write(_writer, _material.c_str(), nameLen, _err); write(_writer, uint16_t(_primitives.size() ), _err); for (PrimitiveArray::const_iterator primIt = _primitives.begin(); primIt != _primitives.end(); ++primIt) { const Primitive& prim = *primIt; nameLen = uint16_t(prim.m_name.size() ); write(_writer, nameLen, _err); write(_writer, prim.m_name.c_str(), nameLen, _err); write(_writer, prim.m_startIndex, _err); write(_writer, prim.m_numIndices, _err); write(_writer, prim.m_startVertex, _err); write(_writer, prim.m_numVertices, _err); write(_writer, &_vertices[prim.m_startVertex*stride], prim.m_numVertices, stride, _err); } } inline uint32_t rgbaToAbgr(uint8_t _r, uint8_t _g, uint8_t _b, uint8_t _a) { return (uint32_t(_r)<<0) | (uint32_t(_g)<<8) | (uint32_t(_b)<<16) | (uint32_t(_a)<<24) ; } struct GroupSortByMaterial { bool operator()(const Group& _lhs, const Group& _rhs) { return 0 < bx::strCmp(_lhs.m_material.c_str(), _rhs.m_material.c_str() ); } }; void mtxCoordinateTransform(float* _result, const CoordinateSystem& _cs) { bx::Vec3 up = s_axisVectors[_cs.m_up]; bx::Vec3 forward = s_axisVectors[_cs.m_forward]; bx::Vec3 right = cross(forward,up); if (_cs.m_handedness == bx::Handedness::Left) { right = bx::mul(right, -1.0f); } bx::mtxIdentity(_result); bx::store(&_result[0], right); bx::store(&_result[4], forward); bx::store(&_result[8], up); } float mtxDeterminant(const float* _a) { const float xx = _a[ 0]; const float xy = _a[ 1]; const float xz = _a[ 2]; const float xw = _a[ 3]; const float yx = _a[ 4]; const float yy = _a[ 5]; const float yz = _a[ 6]; const float yw = _a[ 7]; const float zx = _a[ 8]; const float zy = _a[ 9]; const float zz = _a[10]; const float zw = _a[11]; const float wx = _a[12]; const float wy = _a[13]; const float wz = _a[14]; const float ww = _a[15]; float det = 0.0f; det += xx * (yy*(zz*ww - zw*wz) - yz*(zy*ww - zw*wy) + yw*(zy*wz - zz*wy) ); det -= xy * (yx*(zz*ww - zw*wz) - yz*(zx*ww - zw*wx) + yw*(zx*wz - zz*wx) ); det += xz * (yx*(zy*ww - zw*wy) - yy*(zx*ww - zw*wx) + yw*(zx*wy - zy*wx) ); det -= xw * (yx*(zy*wz - zz*wy) - yy*(zx*wz - zz*wx) + yz*(zx*wy - zy*wx) ); return det; } void parseObj(char* _data, uint32_t _size, Mesh* _mesh, bool _hasBc) { // Reference(s): // - Wavefront .obj file // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavefront_.obj_file // Coordinate system is right-handed, but up/forward is not defined, but +Y Up, +Z Forward seems to be a common default _mesh->m_coordinateSystem.m_handedness = bx::Handedness::Right; _mesh->m_coordinateSystem.m_up = Axis::PositiveY; _mesh->m_coordinateSystem.m_forward = Axis::PositiveZ; uint32_t num = 0; Group group; group.m_startTriangle = 0; group.m_numTriangles = 0; char commandLine[2048]; uint32_t len = sizeof(commandLine); int argc; char* argv[64]; for (bx::StringView next(_data, _size); !next.isEmpty(); ) { next = bx::tokenizeCommandLine(next, commandLine, len, argc, argv, BX_COUNTOF(argv), '\n'); if (0 < argc) { if (0 == bx::strCmp(argv[0], "#") ) { if (2 < argc && 0 == bx::strCmp(argv[2], "polygons") ) { } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(argv[0], "f") ) { TriIndices triangle; bx::memSet(&triangle, 0, sizeof(TriIndices) ); const int numNormals = (int)_mesh->m_normals.size(); const int numTexcoords = (int)_mesh->m_texcoords.size(); const int numPositions = (int)_mesh->m_positions.size(); for (uint32_t edge = 0, numEdges = argc-1; edge < numEdges; ++edge) { Index3 index; index.m_texcoord = -1; index.m_normal = -1; if (_hasBc) { index.m_vbc = edge < 3 ? edge : (1+(edge+1) )&1; } else { index.m_vbc = 0; } { bx::StringView triplet(argv[edge + 1]); bx::StringView vertex(triplet); bx::StringView texcoord = bx::strFind(triplet, '/'); if (!texcoord.isEmpty() ) { vertex.set(vertex.getPtr(), texcoord.getPtr() ); const bx::StringView normal = bx::strFind(bx::StringView(texcoord.getPtr() + 1, triplet.getTerm() ), '/'); if (!normal.isEmpty() ) { int32_t nn; bx::fromString(&nn, bx::StringView(normal.getPtr() + 1, triplet.getTerm() ) ); index.m_normal = (nn < 0) ? nn + numNormals : nn - 1; } texcoord.set(texcoord.getPtr() + 1, normal.getPtr() ); // Reference(s): // - Wavefront .obj file / Vertex normal indices without texture coordinate indices // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavefront_.obj_file#Vertex_Normal_Indices_Without_Texture_Coordinate_Indices if (!texcoord.isEmpty() ) { int32_t tex; bx::fromString(&tex, texcoord); index.m_texcoord = (tex < 0) ? tex + numTexcoords : tex - 1; } } int32_t pos; bx::fromString(&pos, vertex); index.m_position = (pos < 0) ? pos + numPositions : pos - 1; } switch (edge) { case 0: case 1: case 2: triangle.m_index[edge] = index; if (2 == edge) { _mesh->m_triangles.push_back(triangle); } break; default: triangle.m_index[1] = triangle.m_index[2]; triangle.m_index[2] = index; _mesh->m_triangles.push_back(triangle); break; } } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(argv[0], "g") ) { group.m_name = argv[1]; } else if (*argv[0] == 'v') { group.m_numTriangles = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() ) - group.m_startTriangle; if (0 < group.m_numTriangles) { _mesh->m_groups.push_back(group); group.m_startTriangle = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() ); group.m_numTriangles = 0; } if (0 == bx::strCmp(argv[0], "vn") ) { bx::Vec3 normal(bx::InitNone); bx::fromString(&normal.x, argv[1]); bx::fromString(&normal.y, argv[2]); bx::fromString(&normal.z, argv[3]); _mesh->m_normals.push_back(normal); } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(argv[0], "vp") ) { static bool once = true; if (once) { once = false; bx::printf("warning: 'parameter space vertices' are unsupported.\n"); } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(argv[0], "vt") ) { bx::Vec3 texcoord(bx::InitNone); texcoord.y = 0.0f; texcoord.z = 0.0f; bx::fromString(&texcoord.x, argv[1]); switch (argc) { case 4: bx::fromString(&texcoord.z, argv[3]); [[fallthrough]]; case 3: bx::fromString(&texcoord.y, argv[2]); break; default: break; } _mesh->m_texcoords.push_back(texcoord); } else { float px, py, pz, pw; bx::fromString(&px, argv[1]); bx::fromString(&py, argv[2]); bx::fromString(&pz, argv[3]); if (argc == 5 || argc == 8) { bx::fromString(&pw, argv[4]); } else { pw = 1.0f; } bx::Vec3 pos(px, py, pz); const float invW = bx::rcp(pw); pos = bx::mul(pos, invW); _mesh->m_positions.push_back(pos); } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(argv[0], "usemtl") ) { stl::string material(argv[1]); if (0 != bx::strCmp(material.c_str(), group.m_material.c_str() ) ) { group.m_numTriangles = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() ) - group.m_startTriangle; if (0 < group.m_numTriangles) { _mesh->m_groups.push_back(group); group.m_startTriangle = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() ); group.m_numTriangles = 0; } } group.m_material = material; } } ++num; } group.m_numTriangles = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() ) - group.m_startTriangle; if (0 < group.m_numTriangles) { _mesh->m_groups.push_back(group); group.m_startTriangle = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() ); group.m_numTriangles = 0; } bx::printf("obj parser # %d\n", num); } void gltfReadFloat(const float* _accessorData, cgltf_size _accessorNumComponents, cgltf_size _index, cgltf_float* _out, cgltf_size _outElementSize) { const float* input = &_accessorData[_accessorNumComponents * _index]; for (cgltf_size ii = 0; ii < _outElementSize; ++ii) { _out[ii] = (ii < _accessorNumComponents) ? input[ii] : 0.0f; } } void processGltfNode(cgltf_node* _node, Mesh* _mesh, Group* _group, bool _hasBc) { cgltf_mesh* mesh = _node->mesh; if (NULL != mesh) { float nodeToWorld[16]; cgltf_node_transform_world(_node, nodeToWorld); float nodeToWorldNormal[16]; bx::mtxCofactor(nodeToWorldNormal, nodeToWorld); for (cgltf_size primitiveIndex = 0; primitiveIndex < mesh->primitives_count; ++primitiveIndex) { cgltf_primitive* primitive = &mesh->primitives[primitiveIndex]; cgltf_size numVertex = primitive->attributes[0].data->count; int32_t basePositionIndex = (int32_t)_mesh->m_positions.size(); int32_t baseNormalIndex = (int32_t)_mesh->m_normals.size(); int32_t baseTexcoordIndex = (int32_t)_mesh->m_texcoords.size(); bool hasNormal = false; bool hasTexcoord = false; for (cgltf_size attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < primitive->attributes_count; ++attributeIndex) { cgltf_attribute* attribute = &primitive->attributes[attributeIndex]; cgltf_accessor* accessor = attribute->data; cgltf_size accessorCount = accessor->count; BX_ASSERT(numVertex == accessorCount, "Invalid attribute count"); cgltf_size floatCount = cgltf_accessor_unpack_floats(accessor, NULL, 0); float* accessorData = (float*)malloc(floatCount * sizeof(float) ); cgltf_accessor_unpack_floats(accessor, accessorData, floatCount); cgltf_size numComponents = cgltf_num_components(accessor->type); if (attribute->type == cgltf_attribute_type_position && attribute->index == 0) { _mesh->m_positions.reserve(_mesh->m_positions.size() + accessorCount); bx::Vec3 pos(bx::InitNone); for (cgltf_size v = 0; v < accessorCount; ++v) { gltfReadFloat(accessorData, numComponents, v, &pos.x, 3); pos = mul(pos, nodeToWorld); _mesh->m_positions.push_back(pos); } } else if (attribute->type == cgltf_attribute_type_normal && attribute->index == 0) { _mesh->m_normals.reserve(_mesh->m_normals.size() + accessorCount); hasNormal = true; bx::Vec3 normal(bx::InitNone); for (cgltf_size v = 0; v < accessorCount; ++v) { gltfReadFloat(accessorData, numComponents, v, &normal.x, 3); normal = mul(normal, nodeToWorldNormal); _mesh->m_normals.push_back(normal); } } else if (attribute->type == cgltf_attribute_type_texcoord && attribute->index == 0) { _mesh->m_texcoords.reserve(_mesh->m_texcoords.size() + accessorCount); hasTexcoord = true; bx::Vec3 texcoord(bx::InitNone); for (cgltf_size v = 0; v < accessorCount; ++v) { gltfReadFloat(accessorData, numComponents, v, &texcoord.x, 3); _mesh->m_texcoords.push_back(texcoord); } } free(accessorData); } if (primitive->indices != NULL) { cgltf_accessor* accessor = primitive->indices; for (cgltf_size v = 0; v < accessor->count; v += 3) { TriIndices triangle; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Index3 index; int32_t vertexIndex = int32_t(cgltf_accessor_read_index(accessor, v+i) ); index.m_position = basePositionIndex + vertexIndex; index.m_normal = hasNormal ? baseNormalIndex + vertexIndex : -1; index.m_texcoord = hasTexcoord ? baseTexcoordIndex + vertexIndex : -1; index.m_vbc = _hasBc ? i : 0; triangle.m_index[i] = index; } _mesh->m_triangles.push_back(triangle); } } else { for (cgltf_size v = 0; v < numVertex; v += 3) { TriIndices triangle; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Index3 index; int32_t vertexIndex = int32_t(v * 3 + i); index.m_position = basePositionIndex + vertexIndex; index.m_normal = hasNormal ? baseNormalIndex + vertexIndex : -1; index.m_texcoord = hasTexcoord ? baseTexcoordIndex + vertexIndex : -1; index.m_vbc = _hasBc ? i : 0; triangle.m_index[i] = index; } _mesh->m_triangles.push_back(triangle); } } _group->m_numTriangles = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() ) - _group->m_startTriangle; if (0 < _group->m_numTriangles) { _mesh->m_groups.push_back(*_group); _group->m_startTriangle = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() ); _group->m_numTriangles = 0; } } } for (cgltf_size childIndex = 0; childIndex < _node->children_count; ++childIndex) { processGltfNode(_node->children[childIndex], _mesh, _group, _hasBc); } } void parseGltf(char* _data, uint32_t _size, Mesh* _mesh, bool _hasBc, const bx::StringView& _path) { // Reference(s): // - Gltf 2.0 specification // https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/specification/2.0 _mesh->m_coordinateSystem.m_handedness = bx::Handedness::Right; _mesh->m_coordinateSystem.m_forward = Axis::PositiveZ; _mesh->m_coordinateSystem.m_up = Axis::PositiveY; Group group; group.m_startTriangle = 0; group.m_numTriangles = 0; cgltf_options options = { }; cgltf_data* data = NULL; cgltf_result result = cgltf_parse(&options, _data, _size, &data); if (result == cgltf_result_success) { char* path = (char*)malloc(_path.getLength()+1); bx::memCopy(path, _path.getPtr(), _path.getLength() ); path[_path.getLength()] = 0; result = cgltf_load_buffers(&options, data, path); free(path); if (result == cgltf_result_success) { for (cgltf_size sceneIndex = 0; sceneIndex < data->scenes_count; ++sceneIndex) { cgltf_scene* scene = &data->scenes[sceneIndex]; for (cgltf_size nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < scene->nodes_count; ++nodeIndex) { cgltf_node* node = scene->nodes[nodeIndex]; processGltfNode(node, _mesh, &group, _hasBc); } } } cgltf_free(data); } } void help(const char* _error = NULL) { if (NULL != _error) { bx::printf("Error:\n%s\n\n", _error); } bx::printf( "geometryc, bgfx geometry compiler tool, version %d.%d.%d.\n" "Copyright 2011-2024 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.\n" "License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/blob/master/LICENSE\n\n" , BGFX_GEOMETRYC_VERSION_MAJOR , BGFX_GEOMETRYC_VERSION_MINOR , BGFX_API_VERSION ); bx::printf( "Usage: geometryc -f -o \n" "\n" "Supported input file types:\n" " *.obj Wavefront\n" " *.gltf,*.glb glTF 2.0\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -h, --help Display this help and exit.\n" " -v, --version Output version information and exit.\n" " -f Input's file path.\n" " -o Output's file path.\n" " -s, --scale Scale factor.\n" " --ccw Front face is counter-clockwise winding order.\n" " --flipv Flip texture coordinate V.\n" " --obb Number of steps for calculating oriented bounding box.\n" " Defaults to 17.\n" " Less steps = less precise OBB.\n" " More steps = slower calculation.\n" " --packnormal Normal packing.\n" " 0 - unpacked 12 bytes. (default)\n" " 1 - packed 4 bytes.\n" " --packuv Texture coordinate packing.\n" " 0 - unpacked 8 bytes. (default)\n" " 1 - packed 4 bytes.\n" " --tangent Calculate tangent vectors. (packing mode is the same as normal)\n" " --barycentric Adds barycentric vertex attribute. (Packed in bgfx::Attrib::Color1)\n" " -c, --compress Compress indices.\n" " --[l/r]h-up+[y/z] Coordinate system. Defaults to '--lh-up+y' — Left-Handed +Y is up.\n" "\n" "For additional information, see https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx\n" ); } int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[]) { bx::CommandLine cmdLine(_argc, _argv); if (cmdLine.hasArg('v', "version") ) { bx::printf( "geometryc, bgfx geometry compiler tool, version %d.%d.%d.\n" , BGFX_GEOMETRYC_VERSION_MAJOR , BGFX_GEOMETRYC_VERSION_MINOR , BGFX_API_VERSION ); return bx::kExitSuccess; } if (cmdLine.hasArg('h', "help") ) { help(); return bx::kExitFailure; } const char* filePath = cmdLine.findOption('f'); if (NULL == filePath) { help("Input file name must be specified."); return bx::kExitFailure; } const char* outFilePath = cmdLine.findOption('o'); if (NULL == outFilePath) { help("Output file name must be specified."); return bx::kExitFailure; } float scale = 1.0f; const char* scaleArg = cmdLine.findOption('s', "scale"); if (NULL != scaleArg) { if (!bx::fromString(&scale, scaleArg) ) { scale = 1.0f; } } bool compress = cmdLine.hasArg('c', "compress"); cmdLine.hasArg(s_obbSteps, '\0', "obb"); s_obbSteps = bx::uint32_min(bx::uint32_max(s_obbSteps, 1), 90); uint32_t packNormal = 0; cmdLine.hasArg(packNormal, '\0', "packnormal"); uint32_t packUv = 0; cmdLine.hasArg(packUv, '\0', "packuv"); bool ccw = cmdLine.hasArg("ccw"); bool flipV = cmdLine.hasArg("flipv"); bool hasTangent = cmdLine.hasArg("tangent"); bool hasBc = cmdLine.hasArg("barycentric"); CoordinateSystem outputCoordinateSystem; outputCoordinateSystem.m_handedness = bx::Handedness::Left; outputCoordinateSystem.m_forward = Axis::PositiveZ; outputCoordinateSystem.m_up = Axis::PositiveY; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_coordinateSystemMappings); ++ii) { if (cmdLine.hasArg(s_coordinateSystemMappings[ii].m_param) ) { outputCoordinateSystem = s_coordinateSystemMappings[ii].m_coordinateSystem; } } bx::FileReader fr; if (!bx::open(&fr, filePath) ) { bx::printf("Unable to open input file '%s'.", filePath); return bx::kExitFailure; } int64_t parseElapsed = -bx::getHPCounter(); int64_t triReorderElapsed = 0; uint32_t size = (uint32_t)bx::getSize(&fr); char* data = new char[size+1]; size = bx::read(&fr, data, size, bx::ErrorAssert{}); data[size] = '\0'; bx::close(&fr); Mesh mesh; bx::StringView ext = bx::FilePath(filePath).getExt(); if (0 == bx::strCmpI(ext, ".obj") ) { parseObj(data, size, &mesh, hasBc); } else if (0 == bx::strCmpI(ext, ".gltf") || 0 == bx::strCmpI(ext, ".glb") ) { parseGltf(data, size, &mesh, hasBc, bx::FilePath(filePath).getPath() ); } else { bx::printf("Unsupported input file format '%s'.", filePath); exit(bx::kExitFailure); } delete [] data; int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); parseElapsed += now; int64_t convertElapsed = -now; std::sort(mesh.m_groups.begin(), mesh.m_groups.end(), GroupSortByMaterial() ); bool changeWinding = ccw; if (scale != 1.0f) { for (Vec3Array::iterator it = mesh.m_positions.begin(), itEnd = mesh.m_positions.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { it->x *= scale; it->y *= scale; it->z *= scale; } } { float meshTransform[16]; mtxCoordinateTransform(meshTransform, mesh.m_coordinateSystem); float meshInvTranform[16]; bx::mtxTranspose(meshInvTranform, meshTransform); float outTransform[16]; mtxCoordinateTransform(outTransform, outputCoordinateSystem); float transform[16]; bx::mtxMul(transform, meshInvTranform, outTransform); if (mtxDeterminant(transform) < 0.0f ) { changeWinding = !changeWinding; } float identity[16]; bx::mtxIdentity(identity); if (0 != bx::memCmp(identity, transform, sizeof(transform) ) ) { for (Vec3Array::iterator it = mesh.m_positions.begin(), itEnd = mesh.m_positions.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { *it = bx::mul(*it, transform); } for (Vec3Array::iterator it = mesh.m_normals.begin(), itEnd = mesh.m_normals.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { *it = bx::mul(*it, transform); } } } bool hasColor = false; bool hasNormal = false; bool hasTexcoord = false; { for (TriangleArray::iterator it = mesh.m_triangles.begin(), itEnd = mesh.m_triangles.end(); it != itEnd && !hasTexcoord; ++it) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { hasTexcoord |= -1 != it->m_index[i].m_texcoord; } } for (TriangleArray::iterator it = mesh.m_triangles.begin(), itEnd = mesh.m_triangles.end(); it != itEnd && !hasNormal; ++it) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { hasNormal |= -1 != it->m_index[i].m_normal; } } if (changeWinding) { for (TriangleArray::iterator it = mesh.m_triangles.begin(), itEnd = mesh.m_triangles.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { bx::swap(it->m_index[1], it->m_index[2]); } } } bgfx::VertexLayout layout; layout.begin(); layout.add(bgfx::Attrib::Position, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Float); if (hasColor) { layout.add(bgfx::Attrib::Color0, 4, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true); } if (hasBc) { layout.add(bgfx::Attrib::Color1, 4, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true); } if (hasTexcoord) { switch (packUv) { default: case 0: layout.add(bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, 2, bgfx::AttribType::Float); break; case 1: layout.add(bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, 2, bgfx::AttribType::Half); break; } } if (hasNormal) { hasTangent &= hasTexcoord; switch (packNormal) { default: case 0: layout.add(bgfx::Attrib::Normal, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Float); if (hasTangent) { layout.add(bgfx::Attrib::Tangent, 4, bgfx::AttribType::Float); } break; case 1: layout.add(bgfx::Attrib::Normal, 4, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true, true); if (hasTangent) { layout.add(bgfx::Attrib::Tangent, 4, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true, true); } break; } } layout.end(); uint32_t stride = layout.getStride(); uint8_t* vertexData = new uint8_t[mesh.m_triangles.size() * 3 * stride]; uint16_t* indexData = new uint16_t[mesh.m_triangles.size() * 3]; int32_t numVertices = 0; int32_t numIndices = 0; int32_t writtenPrimitives = 0; int32_t writtenVertices = 0; int32_t writtenIndices = 0; uint8_t* vertices = vertexData; uint16_t* indices = indexData; const uint32_t tableSize = 65536 * 2; const uint32_t hashmod = tableSize - 1; uint32_t* table = new uint32_t[tableSize]; bx::memSet(table, 0xff, tableSize * sizeof(uint32_t) ); stl::string material = mesh.m_groups.empty() ? "" : mesh.m_groups.begin()->m_material; PrimitiveArray primitives; bx::FileWriter writer; if (!bx::open(&writer, outFilePath) ) { bx::printf("Unable to open output file '%s'.", outFilePath); exit(bx::kExitFailure); } Primitive prim; prim.m_startVertex = 0; prim.m_startIndex = 0; uint32_t positionOffset = layout.getOffset(bgfx::Attrib::Position); uint32_t color0Offset = layout.getOffset(bgfx::Attrib::Color0); Group sentinelGroup; sentinelGroup.m_startTriangle = 0; sentinelGroup.m_numTriangles = UINT32_MAX; mesh.m_groups.push_back(sentinelGroup); bx::Error err; uint32_t ii = 0; for (GroupArray::const_iterator groupIt = mesh.m_groups.begin(); groupIt != mesh.m_groups.end(); ++groupIt, ++ii) { const bool sentinel = groupIt->m_startTriangle == 0 && groupIt->m_numTriangles == UINT32_MAX; for (uint32_t tri = groupIt->m_startTriangle, end = tri + groupIt->m_numTriangles; tri < end; ++tri) { if (0 != bx::strCmp(material.c_str(), groupIt->m_material.c_str() ) || sentinel || 65533 <= numVertices) { prim.m_numVertices = numVertices - prim.m_startVertex; prim.m_numIndices = numIndices - prim.m_startIndex; if (0 < prim.m_numVertices) { primitives.push_back(prim); } if (hasTangent) { calcTangents(vertexData, uint16_t(numVertices), layout, indexData, numIndices); } triReorderElapsed -= bx::getHPCounter(); for (PrimitiveArray::const_iterator primIt = primitives.begin(); primIt != primitives.end(); ++primIt) { const Primitive& prim1 = *primIt; optimizeVertexCache(indexData + prim1.m_startIndex, prim1.m_numIndices, numVertices); } numVertices = optimizeVertexFetch(indexData, numIndices, vertexData, numVertices, uint16_t(stride) ); triReorderElapsed += bx::getHPCounter(); if (0 < numVertices && 0 < numIndices) { write(&writer , vertexData , numVertices , layout , indexData , numIndices , compress , material , primitives , &err ); } primitives.clear(); bx::memSet(table, 0xff, tableSize * sizeof(uint32_t) ); ++writtenPrimitives; writtenVertices += numVertices; writtenIndices += numIndices; vertices = vertexData; indices = indexData; numVertices = 0; numIndices = 0; prim.m_startVertex = 0; prim.m_startIndex = 0; material = groupIt->m_material; if (sentinel) { break; } } TriIndices& triangle = mesh.m_triangles[tri]; for (uint32_t edge = 0; edge < 3; ++edge) { Index3& index = triangle.m_index[edge]; float* position = (float*)(vertices + positionOffset); bx::memCopy(position, &mesh.m_positions[index.m_position], 3*sizeof(float) ); if (hasColor) { uint32_t* color0 = (uint32_t*)(vertices + color0Offset); *color0 = rgbaToAbgr(numVertices%255, numIndices%255, 0, 0xff); } if (hasBc) { const float bc[4] = { (index.m_vbc == 0) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, (index.m_vbc == 1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, (index.m_vbc == 2) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, 0.0f }; bgfx::vertexPack(bc, true, bgfx::Attrib::Color1, layout, vertices); } if (hasTexcoord) { float uv[2]; bx::memCopy(uv, &mesh.m_texcoords[index.m_texcoord == -1 ? 0 : index.m_texcoord], 2*sizeof(float) ); if (flipV) { uv[1] = -uv[1]; } bgfx::vertexPack(uv, true, bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, layout, vertices); } if (hasNormal) { float normal[4]; bx::store(normal, bx::normalize(bx::load(&mesh.m_normals[index.m_normal == -1 ? 0 : index.m_normal]) ) ); normal[3] = 0.0f; bgfx::vertexPack(normal, true, bgfx::Attrib::Normal, layout, vertices); } uint32_t hash = bx::hash(vertices, stride); size_t bucket = hash & hashmod; uint32_t vertexIndex = UINT32_MAX; for (size_t probe = 0; probe <= hashmod; ++probe) { uint32_t& item = table[bucket]; if (item == ~0u) { vertices += stride; item = numVertices++; vertexIndex = item; break; } if (0 == bx::memCmp(vertexData + item * stride, vertices, stride) ) { vertexIndex = item; break; } bucket = (bucket + probe + 1) & hashmod; } if ( vertexIndex == UINT32_MAX ) { bx::printf("hash table insert failed"); exit(bx::kExitFailure); } *indices++ = (uint16_t)vertexIndex; ++numIndices; } } prim.m_numVertices = numVertices - prim.m_startVertex; if (0 < prim.m_numVertices) { prim.m_numIndices = numIndices - prim.m_startIndex; prim.m_name = groupIt->m_name; primitives.push_back(prim); prim.m_startVertex = numVertices; prim.m_startIndex = numIndices; } BX_TRACE("%3d: s %5d, n %5d, %s\n" , ii , groupIt->m_startTriangle , groupIt->m_numTriangles , groupIt->m_material.c_str() ); } BX_ASSERT(0 == primitives.size(), "Not all primitives are written"); bx::printf("size: %d\n", uint32_t(bx::seek(&writer) ) ); bx::close(&writer); delete [] table; delete [] indexData; delete [] vertexData; now = bx::getHPCounter(); convertElapsed += now; bx::printf("parse %f [s]\ntri reorder %f [s]\nconvert %f [s]\ng %d, p %d, v %d, i %d\n" , double(parseElapsed)/bx::getHPFrequency() , double(triReorderElapsed)/bx::getHPFrequency() , double(convertElapsed)/bx::getHPFrequency() , uint32_t(mesh.m_groups.size()-1) , writtenPrimitives , writtenVertices , writtenIndices ); return bx::kExitSuccess; }