/* * Copyright 2018 Ales Mlakar. All rights reserved. * License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx#license-bsd-2-clause */ /* * Reference(s): * - Sparse Virtual Textures by Sean Barrett * http://web.archive.org/web/20190103162611/http://silverspaceship.com/src/svt/ * - Based on Virtual Texture Demo by Brad Blanchard * http://web.archive.org/web/20190103162638/http://linedef.com/virtual-texture-demo.html * - Mars texture * http://web.archive.org/web/20190103162730/http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/catalog/mars.php */ #include "common.h" #include "bgfx_utils.h" #include "imgui/imgui.h" #include "camera.h" #include "bounds.h" #include "vt.h" namespace { struct PosTexcoordVertex { float m_x; float m_y; float m_z; float m_u; float m_v; static void init() { ms_layout .begin() .add(bgfx::Attrib::Position, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Float) .add(bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, 2, bgfx::AttribType::Float) .end(); }; static bgfx::VertexLayout ms_layout; }; bgfx::VertexLayout PosTexcoordVertex::ms_layout; static const float s_planeScale = 50.0f; static PosTexcoordVertex s_vplaneVertices[] = { { -s_planeScale, 0.0f, s_planeScale, 1.0f, 1.0f }, { s_planeScale, 0.0f, s_planeScale, 1.0f, 0.0f }, { -s_planeScale, 0.0f, -s_planeScale, 0.0f, 1.0f }, { s_planeScale, 0.0f, -s_planeScale, 0.0f, 0.0f }, }; static const uint16_t s_planeIndices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, }; class ExampleSVT : public entry::AppI { public: ExampleSVT(const char* _name, const char* _description, const char* _url) : entry::AppI(_name, _description, _url) { } void init(int32_t _argc, const char* const* _argv, uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height) override { Args args(_argc, _argv); m_width = _width; m_height = _height; m_debug = BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT; m_reset = BGFX_RESET_VSYNC; bgfx::Init init; init.type = args.m_type; init.vendorId = args.m_pciId; init.resolution.width = m_width; init.resolution.height = m_height; init.resolution.reset = m_reset; bgfx::init(init); // Enable m_debug text. bgfx::setDebug(m_debug); // Set views clear state (first pass to 0, second pass to some background color) for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { bgfx::setViewClear(i , BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR | BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH , i == 0 ? 0 : 0x101050ff , 1.0f , 0 ); } // Create vertex stream declaration. PosTexcoordVertex::init(); // Create static vertex buffer. m_vbh = bgfx::createVertexBuffer( bgfx::makeRef(s_vplaneVertices, sizeof(s_vplaneVertices)) , PosTexcoordVertex::ms_layout ); m_ibh = bgfx::createIndexBuffer( bgfx::makeRef(s_planeIndices, sizeof(s_planeIndices)) ); // Create program from shaders. m_vt_unlit = loadProgram("vs_vt_generic", "fs_vt_unlit"); m_vt_mip = loadProgram("vs_vt_generic", "fs_vt_mip"); // Imgui. imguiCreate(); m_timeOffset = bx::getHPCounter(); // Get renderer capabilities info. m_caps = bgfx::getCaps(); m_scrollArea = 0; // Create and setup camera cameraCreate(); cameraSetPosition({ 0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f }); cameraSetVerticalAngle(0.0f); // Set VirtualTexture system allocator vt::VirtualTexture::setAllocator(&m_vtAllocator); // Create Virtual texture info m_vti = new vt::VirtualTextureInfo(); m_vti->m_virtualTextureSize = 8192; // The actual size will be read from the tile data file m_vti->m_tileSize = 128; m_vti->m_borderSize = 1; // Generate tile data file (if not yet created) { vt::TileGenerator tileGenerator(m_vti); tileGenerator.generate("textures/8k_mars.jpg"); } // Load tile data file auto tileDataFile = new vt::TileDataFile("temp/8k_mars.vt", m_vti); tileDataFile->readInfo(); // Create virtual texture and feedback buffer m_vt = new vt::VirtualTexture(tileDataFile, m_vti, 2048, 1); m_feedbackBuffer = new vt::FeedbackBuffer(m_vti, 64, 64); } virtual int shutdown() override { // Cleanup. bgfx::frame(); cameraDestroy(); imguiDestroy(); bgfx::destroy(m_ibh); bgfx::destroy(m_vbh); bgfx::destroy(m_vt_unlit); bgfx::destroy(m_vt_mip); delete m_vti; delete m_vt; delete m_feedbackBuffer; // Shutdown bgfx. bgfx::shutdown(); return 0; } bool update() override { if (!entry::processEvents(m_width, m_height, m_debug, m_reset, &m_mouseState)) { imguiBeginFrame( m_mouseState.m_mx , m_mouseState.m_my , (m_mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left] ? IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT : 0) | (m_mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Right] ? IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT : 0) | (m_mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Middle] ? IMGUI_MBUT_MIDDLE : 0) , m_mouseState.m_mz , uint16_t(m_width) , uint16_t(m_height) ); showExampleDialog(this); int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); static int64_t last = now; const int64_t frameTime = now - last; last = now; const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency()); const float deltaTime = float(frameTime / freq); float time = (float)((now - m_timeOffset) / freq); if ((BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_BLIT | BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_READ_BACK) != (bgfx::getCaps()->supported & (BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_BLIT | BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_READ_BACK))) { // When texture read-back or blit is not supported by GPU blink! bool blink = uint32_t(time*3.0f) & 1; bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 0, blink ? 0x4f : 0x04, " Texture read-back and/or blit not supported by GPU. "); // Set view 0 default viewport. bgfx::setViewRect(0, 0, 0, uint16_t(m_width), uint16_t(m_height)); // This dummy draw call is here to make sure that view 0 is cleared // if no other draw calls are submitted to view 0. bgfx::touch(0); } else { ImGui::SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2(m_width - m_width / 5.0f - 10.0f, 10.0f) , ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2(m_width / 5.0f, m_height - 10.0f) , ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin("Settings" , NULL , 0 ); //ImGui::SliderFloat("intensity", &m_intensity, 0.0f, 3.0f); auto showBorders = m_vt->isShowBoardersEnabled(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Show borders", &showBorders)) { m_vt->enableShowBoarders(showBorders); } auto colorMipLevels = m_vt->isColorMipLevelsEnabled(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Color mip levels", &colorMipLevels)) { m_vt->enableColorMipLevels(colorMipLevels); } auto uploadsperframe = m_vt->getUploadsPerFrame(); if (ImGui::InputInt("Updates per frame", &uploadsperframe, 1, 2)) { uploadsperframe = bx::clamp(uploadsperframe, 1, 100); m_vt->setUploadsPerFrame(uploadsperframe); } ImGui::ImageButton(m_vt->getAtlastTexture(), ImVec2(m_width / 5.0f - 16.0f, m_width / 5.0f - 16.0f)); ImGui::ImageButton(bgfx::getTexture(m_feedbackBuffer->getFrameBuffer()), ImVec2(m_width / 5.0f - 16.0f, m_width / 5.0f - 16.0f)); ImGui::End(); // Update camera. cameraUpdate(deltaTime, m_mouseState); float view[16]; cameraGetViewMtx(view); float proj[16]; bx::mtxProj(proj, 60.0f, float(m_width) / float(m_height), 0.1f, 1000.0f, m_caps->homogeneousDepth); // Setup views for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { uint16_t viewWidth = 0; uint16_t viewHeight = 0; // Setup pass, first pass is into mip-map feedback buffer, second pass is on screen if (i == 0) { bgfx::setViewFrameBuffer(i, m_feedbackBuffer->getFrameBuffer()); viewWidth = uint16_t(m_feedbackBuffer->getWidth()); viewHeight = uint16_t(m_feedbackBuffer->getHeight()); } else { bgfx::FrameBufferHandle invalid = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE; bgfx::setViewFrameBuffer(i, invalid); viewWidth = uint16_t(m_width); viewHeight = uint16_t(m_height); } bgfx::setViewRect(i, 0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight); bgfx::setViewTransform(i, view, proj); float mtx[16]; bx::mtxIdentity(mtx); // Set identity transform for draw call. bgfx::setTransform(mtx); // Set vertex and index buffer. bgfx::setVertexBuffer(0, m_vbh); bgfx::setIndexBuffer(m_ibh); // Set render states. bgfx::setState(0 | BGFX_STATE_WRITE_RGB | BGFX_STATE_WRITE_A | BGFX_STATE_WRITE_Z | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LESS ); // Set virtual texture uniforms m_vt->setUniforms(); // Submit primitive for rendering to first pass (to feedback buffer, where mip levels and tile x/y will be rendered if (i == 0) { bgfx::submit(i, m_vt_mip); // Download previous frame feedback info m_feedbackBuffer->download(); // Update and upload new requests m_vt->update(m_feedbackBuffer->getRequests(), 4); // Clear feedback m_feedbackBuffer->clear(); // Copy new frame feedback buffer m_feedbackBuffer->copy(3); } else { // Submit primitive for rendering to second pass (to back buffer, where virtual texture page table and atlas will be used) bgfx::submit(i, m_vt_unlit); } } } imguiEndFrame(); // Advance to next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to // process submitted rendering primitives. bgfx::frame(); return true; } return false; } bgfx::VertexBufferHandle m_vbh; bgfx::IndexBufferHandle m_ibh; bgfx::ProgramHandle m_vt_unlit; bgfx::ProgramHandle m_vt_mip; uint32_t m_width; uint32_t m_height; uint32_t m_debug; uint32_t m_reset; int32_t m_scrollArea; entry::MouseState m_mouseState; const bgfx::Caps* m_caps; int64_t m_timeOffset; bx::DefaultAllocator m_vtAllocator; vt::VirtualTextureInfo* m_vti; vt::VirtualTexture* m_vt; vt::FeedbackBuffer* m_feedbackBuffer; }; } // namespace ENTRY_IMPLEMENT_MAIN( ExampleSVT , "40-svt" , "Sparse Virtual Textures." , "https://bkaradzic.github.io/bgfx/examples.html#svt" );