/* * Copyright 2018 Aleš Mlakar. All rights reserved. * License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx#license-bsd-2-clause */ /* * Reference(s): * - Sparse Virtual Textures by Sean Barrett * http://web.archive.org/web/20190103162611/http://silverspaceship.com/src/svt/ * - Based on Virtual Texture Demo by Brad Blanchard * http://web.archive.org/web/20190103162638/http://linedef.com/virtual-texture-demo.html * - Mars texture * http://web.archive.org/web/20190103162730/http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/catalog/mars.php */ #include #include #include "vt.h" namespace vt { // Constants static const int s_channelCount = 4; static const int s_tileFileDataOffset = sizeof(VirtualTextureInfo); // Page Page::operator size_t() const { return size_t((uint32_t(m_mip) << 16) | uint32_t((uint16_t(m_x) << 8) | uint16_t(m_y))); } // PageCount PageCount::PageCount(Page _page, int _count) : m_page(_page) , m_count(_count) { } int PageCount::compareTo(const PageCount& other) const { #define Comparer(a, b) bx::clamp(a - b, -1, 1) if (other.m_page.m_mip != m_page.m_mip) { return Comparer(other.m_page.m_mip, m_page.m_mip); } return Comparer(other.m_count, m_count); #undef Comparer } // VirtualTextureInfo VirtualTextureInfo::VirtualTextureInfo() : m_virtualTextureSize(0) , m_tileSize(0) , m_borderSize(0) { } int VirtualTextureInfo::GetPageSize() const { return m_tileSize + 2 * m_borderSize; } int VirtualTextureInfo::GetPageTableSize() const { return m_virtualTextureSize / m_tileSize; } // StagingPool StagingPool::StagingPool(int _width, int _height, int _count, bool _readBack) : m_stagingTextureIndex(0) , m_width(_width) , m_height(_height) , m_flags(0) { m_flags = BGFX_TEXTURE_BLIT_DST | BGFX_SAMPLER_UVW_CLAMP; if (_readBack) { m_flags |= BGFX_TEXTURE_READ_BACK; } grow(_count); } StagingPool::~StagingPool() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_stagingTextures.size(); ++i) { bgfx::destroy(m_stagingTextures[i]); } } void StagingPool::grow(int count) { while ((int)m_stagingTextures.size() < count) { auto stagingTexture = bgfx::createTexture2D((uint16_t)m_width, (uint16_t)m_height, false, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::BGRA8, m_flags); m_stagingTextures.push_back(stagingTexture); } } bgfx::TextureHandle StagingPool::getTexture() { return m_stagingTextures[m_stagingTextureIndex]; } void StagingPool::next() { m_stagingTextureIndex = (m_stagingTextureIndex + 1) % (int)m_stagingTextures.size(); } // PageIndexer PageIndexer::PageIndexer(VirtualTextureInfo* _info) : m_info(_info) { m_mipcount = int(bx::log2((float)m_info->GetPageTableSize()) + 1); m_sizes.resize(m_mipcount); for (int i = 0; i < m_mipcount; ++i) { m_sizes[i] = (m_info->m_virtualTextureSize / m_info->m_tileSize) >> i; } m_offsets.resize(m_mipcount); m_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_mipcount; ++i) { m_offsets[i] = m_count; m_count += m_sizes[i] * m_sizes[i]; } // Calculate reverse mapping m_reverse.resize(m_count); for (int i = 0; i < m_mipcount; ++i) { int size = m_sizes[i]; for (int y = 0; y < size; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x) { Page page = { x, y, i }; m_reverse[getIndexFromPage(page)] = page; } } } } int PageIndexer::getIndexFromPage(Page page) { int offset = m_offsets[page.m_mip]; int stride = m_sizes[page.m_mip]; return offset + page.m_y * stride + page.m_x; } Page PageIndexer::getPageFromIndex(int index) { return m_reverse[index]; } bool PageIndexer::isValid(Page page) { if (page.m_mip < 0) { return false; } else if (page.m_mip >= m_mipcount) { return false; } if (page.m_x < 0) { return false; } else if (page.m_x >= m_sizes[page.m_mip]) { return false; } if (page.m_y < 0) { return false; } else if (page.m_y >= m_sizes[page.m_mip]) { return false; } return true; } int PageIndexer::getCount() const { return m_count; } int PageIndexer::getMipCount() const { return m_mipcount; } // SimpleImage SimpleImage::SimpleImage(int _width, int _height, int _channelCount, uint8_t _clearValue) : m_width(_width) , m_height(_height) , m_channelCount(_channelCount) { m_data.resize(m_width * m_height * m_channelCount); clear(_clearValue); } SimpleImage::SimpleImage(int _width, int _height, int _channelCount, tinystl::vector& _data) : m_width(_width) , m_height(_height) , m_channelCount(_channelCount) { m_data = _data; } void SimpleImage::copy(Point dest_offset, SimpleImage& src, Rect src_rect) { int width = bx::min(m_width - dest_offset.m_x, src_rect.m_width); int height = bx::min(m_height - dest_offset.m_y, src_rect.m_height); int channels = bx::min(m_channelCount, src.m_channelCount); for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { int i1 = ((j + dest_offset.m_y) * m_width + (i + dest_offset.m_x)) * m_channelCount; int i2 = ((j + src_rect.m_y) * src.m_width + (i + src_rect.m_x)) * src.m_channelCount; for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) { m_data[i1 + c] = src.m_data[i2 + c]; } } } } void SimpleImage::clear(uint8_t clearValue) { bx::memSet(&m_data[0], clearValue, m_width * m_height * m_channelCount); } void SimpleImage::fill(Rect rect, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a) { for (int y = rect.minY(); y < rect.maxY(); ++y) { for (int x = rect.minX(); x < rect.maxX(); ++x) { m_data[m_channelCount * (y * m_width + x) + 0] = b; m_data[m_channelCount * (y * m_width + x) + 1] = g; m_data[m_channelCount * (y * m_width + x) + 2] = r; m_data[m_channelCount * (y * m_width + x) + 3] = a; } } } void SimpleImage::mipmap(uint8_t* source, int size, int channels, uint8_t* dest) { int mipsize = size / 2; for (int y = 0; y < mipsize; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < mipsize; ++x) { for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) { int index = channels * ((y * 2) * size + (x * 2)) + c; int sum_value = 4 >> 1; sum_value += source[index + channels * (0 * size + 0)]; sum_value += source[index + channels * (0 * size + 1)]; sum_value += source[index + channels * (1 * size + 0)]; sum_value += source[index + channels * (1 * size + 1)]; dest[channels * (y * mipsize + x) + c] = (uint8_t)(sum_value / 4); } } } } // Quadtree Quadtree::Quadtree(Rect _rect, int _level) : m_rectangle(_rect) , m_level(_level) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { m_children[i] = nullptr; } } Quadtree::~Quadtree() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (m_children[i] != nullptr) { BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_children[i]); } } } void Quadtree::add(Page request, Point mapping) { int scale = 1 << request.m_mip; // Same as pow( 2, mip ) int x = request.m_x * scale; int y = request.m_y * scale; Quadtree* node = this; while (request.m_mip < node->m_level) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { auto rect = node->getRectangle(i); if (rect.contains({ x, y })) { // Create a new one if needed if (node->m_children[i] == nullptr) { node->m_children[i] = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), Quadtree)(rect, node->m_level - 1); node = node->m_children[i]; break; } // Otherwise traverse the tree else { node = node->m_children[i]; break; } } } } // We have created the correct node, now set the mapping node->m_mapping = mapping; } void Quadtree::remove(Page request) { int index; auto node = findPage(this, request, &index); if (node != nullptr) { BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), node->m_children[index]); node->m_children[index] = nullptr; } } void Quadtree::write(SimpleImage& image, int miplevel) { write(this, image, miplevel); } // Static Functions Rect Quadtree::getRectangle(int index) { int x = m_rectangle.m_x; int y = m_rectangle.m_y; int w = m_rectangle.m_width / 2; int h = m_rectangle.m_width / 2; switch (index) { case 0: return { x, y, w, h }; case 1: return { x + w, y, w, h }; case 2: return { x + w, y + h, w, h }; case 3: return { x, y + h, w, h }; } return { 0,0,0,0 }; } void Quadtree::write(Quadtree* node, SimpleImage& image, int miplevel) { if (node->m_level >= miplevel) { int rx = node->m_rectangle.m_x >> miplevel; int ry = node->m_rectangle.m_y >> miplevel; int rw = node->m_rectangle.m_width >> miplevel; int rh = node->m_rectangle.m_width >> miplevel; image.fill({ rx, ry, rw, rh }, (uint8_t)node->m_mapping.m_x, (uint8_t)node->m_mapping.m_y, (uint8_t)node->m_level, 255); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { auto child = node->m_children[i]; if (child != nullptr) { Quadtree::write(child, image, miplevel); } } } } Quadtree* Quadtree::findPage(Quadtree* node, Page request, int* index) { int scale = 1 << request.m_mip; // Same as pow( 2, mip ) int x = request.m_x * scale; int y = request.m_y * scale; // Find the parent of the child we want to remove bool exitloop = false; while (!exitloop) { exitloop = true; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (node->m_children[i] != nullptr && node->m_children[i]->m_rectangle.contains({ x, y })) { // We found it if (request.m_mip == node->m_level - 1) { *index = i; return node; } // Check the children else { node = node->m_children[i]; exitloop = false; } } } } // We couldn't find it so it must not exist anymore *index = -1; return nullptr; } // PageTable PageTable::PageTable(PageCache* _cache, VirtualTextureInfo* _info, PageIndexer* _indexer) : m_info(_info) , m_indexer(_indexer) , m_quadtree(nullptr) , m_quadtreeDirty(true) // Force quadtree dirty on startup { auto size = m_info->GetPageTableSize(); m_quadtree = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), Quadtree)({ 0, 0, size, size }, (int)bx::log2((float)size)); m_texture = bgfx::createTexture2D((uint16_t)size, (uint16_t)size, true, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::BGRA8, BGFX_SAMPLER_UVW_CLAMP | BGFX_SAMPLER_POINT); _cache->added = [=](Page page, Point pt) { m_quadtreeDirty = true; m_quadtree->add(page, pt); }; _cache->removed = [=](Page page, Point pt) { m_quadtreeDirty = true; m_quadtree->remove(page); BX_UNUSED(pt); }; auto PageTableSizeLog2 = m_indexer->getMipCount(); for (int i = 0; i < PageTableSizeLog2; ++i) { int mipSize = m_info->GetPageTableSize() >> i; auto simpleImage = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), SimpleImage)(mipSize, mipSize, s_channelCount); auto stagingTexture = bgfx::createTexture2D((uint16_t)mipSize, (uint16_t)mipSize, false, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::BGRA8, BGFX_SAMPLER_UVW_CLAMP | BGFX_SAMPLER_POINT); m_images.push_back(simpleImage); m_stagingTextures.push_back(stagingTexture); } } PageTable::~PageTable() { BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_quadtree); bgfx::destroy(m_texture); for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_images.size(); ++i) { BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_images[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_stagingTextures.size(); ++i) { bgfx::destroy(m_stagingTextures[i]); } } void PageTable::update(bgfx::ViewId blitViewId) { if (!m_quadtreeDirty) { return; } m_quadtreeDirty = false; auto PageTableSizeLog2 = m_indexer->getMipCount(); for (int i = 0; i < PageTableSizeLog2; ++i) { m_quadtree->write(*m_images[i], i); auto stagingTexture = m_stagingTextures[i]; auto size = uint16_t(m_info->GetPageTableSize() >> i); bgfx::updateTexture2D(stagingTexture, 0, 0, 0, 0, size, size, bgfx::copy(&m_images[i]->m_data[0], size * size * s_channelCount)); bgfx::blit(blitViewId, m_texture, uint8_t(i), 0, 0, 0, stagingTexture, 0, 0, 0, 0, size, size); } } bgfx::TextureHandle PageTable::getTexture() { return m_texture; } // PageLoader PageLoader::PageLoader(TileDataFile* _tileDataFile, PageIndexer* _indexer, VirtualTextureInfo* _info) : m_colorMipLevels(false) , m_showBorders(false) , m_tileDataFile(_tileDataFile) , m_indexer(_indexer) , m_info(_info) { } void PageLoader::submit(Page request) { ReadState state; state.m_page = request; loadPage(state); onPageLoadComplete(state); } void PageLoader::loadPage(ReadState& state) { int size = m_info->GetPageSize() * m_info->GetPageSize() * s_channelCount; state.m_data.resize(size); if (m_colorMipLevels) { copyColor(&state.m_data[0], state.m_page); } else if (m_tileDataFile != nullptr) { m_tileDataFile->readPage(m_indexer->getIndexFromPage(state.m_page), &state.m_data[0]); } if (m_showBorders) { copyBorder(&state.m_data[0]); } } void PageLoader::onPageLoadComplete(ReadState& state) { loadComplete(state.m_page, &state.m_data[0]); } void PageLoader::copyBorder(uint8_t* image) { int pagesize = m_info->GetPageSize(); int bordersize = m_info->m_borderSize; for (int i = 0; i < pagesize; ++i) { int xindex = bordersize * pagesize + i; image[xindex * s_channelCount + 0] = 0; image[xindex * s_channelCount + 1] = 255; image[xindex * s_channelCount + 2] = 0; image[xindex * s_channelCount + 3] = 255; int yindex = i * pagesize + bordersize; image[yindex * s_channelCount + 0] = 0; image[yindex * s_channelCount + 1] = 255; image[yindex * s_channelCount + 2] = 0; image[yindex * s_channelCount + 3] = 255; } } void PageLoader::copyColor(uint8_t* image, Page request) { static const Color colors[] = { {0, 0, 255, 255}, {0, 255, 255, 255}, {255, 0, 0, 255}, {255, 0, 255, 255}, {255, 255, 0, 255}, {64, 64, 192, 255}, {64, 192, 64, 255}, {64, 192, 192, 255}, {192, 64, 64, 255}, {192, 64, 192, 255}, {192, 192, 64, 255}, {0, 255, 0, 255} }; int pagesize = m_info->GetPageSize(); for (int y = 0; y < pagesize; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < pagesize; ++x) { image[(y * pagesize + x) * s_channelCount + 0] = colors[request.m_mip].m_b; image[(y * pagesize + x) * s_channelCount + 1] = colors[request.m_mip].m_g; image[(y * pagesize + x) * s_channelCount + 2] = colors[request.m_mip].m_r; image[(y * pagesize + x) * s_channelCount + 3] = colors[request.m_mip].m_a; } } } PageCache::PageCache(TextureAtlas* _atlas, PageLoader* _loader, int _count) : m_atlas(_atlas) , m_loader(_loader) , m_count(_count) { clear(); m_loader->loadComplete = [&](Page page, uint8_t* data) { loadComplete(page, data); }; } // Update the pages's position in the lru bool PageCache::touch(Page page) { if (m_loading.find(page) == m_loading.end()) { if (m_lru_used.find(page) != m_lru_used.end()) { // Find the page (slow!!) and add it to the back of the list for (auto it = m_lru.begin(); it != m_lru.end(); ++it) { if (it->m_page == page) { auto lruPage = *it; m_lru.erase(it); m_lru.push_back(lruPage); return true; } } return false; } } return false; } // Schedule a load if not already loaded or loading bool PageCache::request(Page request, bgfx::ViewId blitViewId) { m_blitViewId = blitViewId; if (m_loading.find(request) == m_loading.end()) { if (m_lru_used.find(request) == m_lru_used.end()) { m_loading.insert(request); m_loader->submit(request); return true; } } return false; } void PageCache::clear() { for (auto& lru_page : m_lru) { if (m_lru_used.find(lru_page.m_page) != m_lru_used.end()) { removed(lru_page.m_page, lru_page.m_point); } } m_lru_used.clear(); m_lru.clear(); m_lru.reserve(m_count * m_count); m_current = 0; } void PageCache::loadComplete(Page page, uint8_t* data) { m_loading.erase(page); // Find a place in the atlas for the data Point pt; if (m_current == m_count * m_count) { // Remove the oldest lru page and remember it's location so we can use it auto lru_page = m_lru[0]; m_lru.erase(m_lru.begin()); m_lru_used.erase(lru_page.m_page); pt = lru_page.m_point; // Notify that we removed a page removed(lru_page.m_page, lru_page.m_point); } else { pt = { m_current % m_count, m_current / m_count }; ++m_current; if (m_current == m_count * m_count) { bx::debugPrintf("Atlas is full!"); } } // Notify atlas that he can upload the page and add the page to lru m_atlas->uploadPage(pt, data, m_blitViewId); m_lru.push_back({ page, pt }); m_lru_used.insert(page); // Signal that we added a page added(page, pt); } // TextureAtlas TextureAtlas::TextureAtlas(VirtualTextureInfo* _info, int _count, int _uploadsperframe) : m_info(_info) , m_stagingPool(_info->GetPageSize(), _info->GetPageSize(), _uploadsperframe, false) { // Create atlas texture int pagesize = m_info->GetPageSize(); int size = _count * pagesize; m_texture = bgfx::createTexture2D((uint16_t)size, (uint16_t)size, false, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::BGRA8, BGFX_SAMPLER_UVW_CLAMP); } TextureAtlas::~TextureAtlas() { bgfx::destroy(m_texture); } void TextureAtlas::setUploadsPerFrame(int count) { m_stagingPool.grow(count); } void TextureAtlas::uploadPage(Point pt, uint8_t* data, bgfx::ViewId blitViewId) { // Get next staging texture to write to auto writer = m_stagingPool.getTexture(); m_stagingPool.next(); // Update texture with new atlas data auto pagesize = uint16_t(m_info->GetPageSize()); bgfx::updateTexture2D(writer, 0, 0, 0, 0, pagesize, pagesize, bgfx::copy(data, pagesize * pagesize * s_channelCount)); // Copy the texture part to the actual atlas texture auto xpos = uint16_t(pt.m_x * pagesize); auto ypos = uint16_t(pt.m_y * pagesize); bgfx::blit(blitViewId, m_texture, 0, xpos, ypos, 0, writer, 0, 0, 0, 0, pagesize, pagesize); } bgfx::TextureHandle TextureAtlas::getTexture() { return m_texture; } // FeedbackBuffer FeedbackBuffer::FeedbackBuffer(VirtualTextureInfo* _info, int _width, int _height) : m_info(_info) , m_width(_width) , m_height(_height) , m_stagingPool(_width, _height, 1, true) { // Setup classes m_indexer = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), PageIndexer)(m_info); m_requests.resize(m_indexer->getCount()); // Initialize and clear buffers m_downloadBuffer.resize(m_width * m_height * s_channelCount); bx::memSet(&m_downloadBuffer[0], 0, m_width * m_height * s_channelCount); clear(); // Initialize feedback frame buffer bgfx::TextureHandle feedbackFrameBufferTextures[] = { bgfx::createTexture2D(uint16_t(m_width), uint16_t(m_height), false, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::BGRA8, BGFX_TEXTURE_RT), bgfx::createTexture2D(uint16_t(m_width), uint16_t(m_height), false, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::D24S8, BGFX_TEXTURE_RT), }; m_feedbackFrameBuffer = bgfx::createFrameBuffer(BX_COUNTOF(feedbackFrameBufferTextures), feedbackFrameBufferTextures, true); m_lastStagingTexture = { bgfx::kInvalidHandle }; } FeedbackBuffer::~FeedbackBuffer() { BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_indexer); bgfx::destroy(m_feedbackFrameBuffer); } void FeedbackBuffer::clear() { // Clear Table bx::memSet(&m_requests[0], 0, sizeof(int) * m_indexer->getCount()); } void FeedbackBuffer::copy(bgfx::ViewId viewId) { m_lastStagingTexture = m_stagingPool.getTexture(); // Copy feedback buffer render target to staging texture bgfx::blit(viewId, m_lastStagingTexture, 0, 0, bgfx::getTexture(m_feedbackFrameBuffer)); m_stagingPool.next(); } void FeedbackBuffer::download() { // Check if there's an already rendered feedback buffer available if (m_lastStagingTexture.idx == bgfx::kInvalidHandle) { return; } // Read the texture bgfx::readTexture(m_lastStagingTexture, &m_downloadBuffer[0]); // Loop through pixels and check if anything was written auto data = &m_downloadBuffer[0]; auto colors = (Color*)data; auto dataSize = m_width * m_height; for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; ++i) { auto& color = colors[i]; if (color.m_a >= 0xff) { // Page found! Add it to the request queue Page request = { color.m_b, color.m_g, color.m_r }; addRequestAndParents(request); // Clear the pixel, so that we don't have to do it in another pass color = { 0,0,0,0 }; } } } // This function validates the pages and adds the page's parents // We do this so that we can fall back to them if we run out of memory void FeedbackBuffer::addRequestAndParents(Page request) { auto PageTableSizeLog2 = m_indexer->getMipCount(); auto count = PageTableSizeLog2 - request.m_mip; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int xpos = request.m_x >> i; int ypos = request.m_y >> i; Page page = { xpos, ypos, request.m_mip + i }; // If it's not a valid page (position or mip out of range) just skip it if (!m_indexer->isValid(page)) { return; } ++m_requests[m_indexer->getIndexFromPage(page)]; } } const tinystl::vector& FeedbackBuffer::getRequests() const { return m_requests; } bgfx::FrameBufferHandle FeedbackBuffer::getFrameBuffer() { return m_feedbackFrameBuffer; } int FeedbackBuffer::getWidth() const { return m_width; } int FeedbackBuffer::getHeight() const { return m_height; } // VirtualTexture VirtualTexture::VirtualTexture(TileDataFile* _tileDataFile, VirtualTextureInfo* _info, int _atlassize, int _uploadsperframe, int _mipBias) : m_tileDataFile(_tileDataFile) , m_info(_info) , m_uploadsPerFrame(_uploadsperframe) , m_mipBias(_mipBias) { m_atlasCount = _atlassize / m_info->GetPageSize(); // Setup indexer m_indexer = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), PageIndexer)(m_info); m_pagesToLoad.reserve(m_indexer->getCount()); // Setup classes m_atlas = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), TextureAtlas)(m_info, m_atlasCount, m_uploadsPerFrame); m_loader = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), PageLoader)(m_tileDataFile, m_indexer, m_info); m_cache = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), PageCache)(m_atlas, m_loader, m_atlasCount); m_pageTable = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), PageTable)(m_cache, m_info, m_indexer); // Create uniforms u_vt_settings_1 = bgfx::createUniform("u_vt_settings_1", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4); u_vt_settings_2 = bgfx::createUniform("u_vt_settings_2", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4); s_vt_page_table = bgfx::createUniform("s_vt_page_table", bgfx::UniformType::Sampler); s_vt_texture_atlas = bgfx::createUniform("s_vt_texture_atlas", bgfx::UniformType::Sampler); } VirtualTexture::~VirtualTexture() { // Destroy BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_indexer); BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_atlas); BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_loader); BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_cache); BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_pageTable); // Destroy all uniforms and textures bgfx::destroy(u_vt_settings_1); bgfx::destroy(u_vt_settings_2); bgfx::destroy(s_vt_page_table); bgfx::destroy(s_vt_texture_atlas); } int VirtualTexture::getMipBias() const { return m_mipBias; } void VirtualTexture::setMipBias(int value) { m_mipBias = bx::max(0, value); } void VirtualTexture::setUniforms() { // Set uniforms struct { struct { float VirtualTextureSize; float ooAtlasScale; float BorderScale; float BorderOffset; } m_settings_1; struct { float MipBias; float PageTableSize; float unused1; float unused2; } m_settings_2; } uniforms; // Fill uniforms int pagesize = m_info->GetPageSize(); uniforms.m_settings_1.VirtualTextureSize = (float)m_info->m_virtualTextureSize; uniforms.m_settings_1.ooAtlasScale = 1.0f / (float)m_atlasCount; uniforms.m_settings_1.BorderScale = (float)((pagesize - 2.0f * m_info->m_borderSize) / pagesize); uniforms.m_settings_1.BorderOffset = (float)m_info->m_borderSize / (float)pagesize; uniforms.m_settings_2.MipBias = (float)m_mipBias; uniforms.m_settings_2.PageTableSize = (float)m_info->GetPageTableSize(); uniforms.m_settings_2.unused1 = uniforms.m_settings_2.unused2 = 0.0f; // Set uniforms bgfx::setUniform(u_vt_settings_1, &uniforms.m_settings_1); bgfx::setUniform(u_vt_settings_2, &uniforms.m_settings_2); // Set textures bgfx::setTexture(0, s_vt_page_table, m_pageTable->getTexture()); bgfx::setTexture(1, s_vt_texture_atlas, m_atlas->getTexture()); } void VirtualTexture::setUploadsPerFrame(int count) { m_uploadsPerFrame = count; m_atlas->setUploadsPerFrame(count); } int VirtualTexture::getUploadsPerFrame() const { return m_uploadsPerFrame; } void VirtualTexture::enableShowBoarders(bool enable) { if (m_loader->m_showBorders == enable) { return; } m_loader->m_showBorders = enable; clear(); } bool VirtualTexture::isShowBoardersEnabled() const { return m_loader->m_showBorders; } void VirtualTexture::enableColorMipLevels(bool enable) { if (m_loader->m_colorMipLevels == enable) { return; } m_loader->m_colorMipLevels = enable; clear(); } bool VirtualTexture::isColorMipLevelsEnabled() const { return m_loader->m_colorMipLevels; } bgfx::TextureHandle VirtualTexture::getAtlastTexture() { return m_atlas->getTexture(); } bgfx::TextureHandle VirtualTexture::getPageTableTexture() { return m_pageTable->getTexture(); } void VirtualTexture::clear() { m_cache->clear(); } void VirtualTexture::update(const tinystl::vector& requests, bgfx::ViewId blitViewId) { m_pagesToLoad.clear(); // Find out what is already in memory // If it is, update it's position in the LRU collection // Otherwise add it to the list of pages to load int touched = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)requests.size(); ++i) { if (requests[i] > 0) { PageCount pc(m_indexer->getPageFromIndex(i), requests[i]); if (!m_cache->touch(pc.m_page)) { m_pagesToLoad.push_back(pc); } else { ++touched; } } } // Check to make sure we don't thrash if (touched < m_atlasCount * m_atlasCount) { // sort by low res to high res and number of requests bx::quickSort( m_pagesToLoad.begin() , uint32_t(m_pagesToLoad.size()) , sizeof(vt::PageCount) , [](const void* _a, const void* _b) -> int32_t { const vt::PageCount& lhs = *(const vt::PageCount*)(_a); const vt::PageCount& rhs = *(const vt::PageCount*)(_b); return lhs.compareTo(rhs); }); // if more pages than will fit in memory or more than update per frame drop high res pages with lowest use count int loadcount = bx::min(bx::min((int)m_pagesToLoad.size(), m_uploadsPerFrame), m_atlasCount * m_atlasCount); for (int i = 0; i < loadcount; ++i) m_cache->request(m_pagesToLoad[i].m_page, blitViewId); } else { // The problem here is that all pages in cache are requested and the new or high res ones don't get uploaded // We can adjust the mip bias to make it all fit. This solves the problem of page cache thrashing --m_mipBias; } // Update the page table m_pageTable->update(blitViewId); } bx::AllocatorI* VirtualTexture::s_allocator = nullptr; void VirtualTexture::setAllocator(bx::AllocatorI* allocator) { s_allocator = allocator; } bx::AllocatorI* VirtualTexture::getAllocator() { return s_allocator; } TileDataFile::TileDataFile(const bx::FilePath& filename, VirtualTextureInfo* _info, bool _readWrite) : m_info(_info) { const char* access = _readWrite ? "w+b" : "rb"; m_file = fopen(filename.getCPtr(), access); m_size = m_info->GetPageSize() * m_info->GetPageSize() * s_channelCount; } TileDataFile::~TileDataFile() { fclose(m_file); } void TileDataFile::readInfo() { fseek(m_file, 0, SEEK_SET); auto ret = fread(m_info, sizeof(*m_info), 1, m_file); BX_UNUSED(ret); m_size = m_info->GetPageSize() * m_info->GetPageSize() * s_channelCount; } void TileDataFile::writeInfo() { fseek(m_file, 0, SEEK_SET); auto ret = fwrite(m_info, sizeof(*m_info), 1, m_file); BX_UNUSED(ret); } void TileDataFile::readPage(int index, uint8_t* data) { fseek(m_file, m_size * index + s_tileFileDataOffset, SEEK_SET); auto ret = fread(data, m_size, 1, m_file); BX_UNUSED(ret); } void TileDataFile::writePage(int index, uint8_t* data) { fseek(m_file, m_size * index + s_tileFileDataOffset, SEEK_SET); auto ret = fwrite(data, m_size, 1, m_file); BX_UNUSED(ret); } // TileGenerator TileGenerator::TileGenerator(VirtualTextureInfo* _info) : m_info(_info) , m_indexer(nullptr) , m_tileDataFile(nullptr) , m_sourceImage(nullptr) , m_page1Image(nullptr) , m_page2Image(nullptr) , m_2xtileImage(nullptr) , m_4xtileImage(nullptr) , m_tileImage(nullptr) { m_tilesize = m_info->m_tileSize; m_pagesize = m_info->GetPageSize(); } TileGenerator::~TileGenerator() { if (m_sourceImage != nullptr) { bimg::imageFree(m_sourceImage); } BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_indexer); BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_page1Image); BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_page2Image); BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_2xtileImage); BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_4xtileImage); BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_tileImage); } bool TileGenerator::generate(const bx::FilePath& _filePath) { const bx::StringView baseName = _filePath.getBaseName(); // Generate cache filename char tmp[256]; bx::snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.*s.vt", baseName.getLength(), baseName.getPtr() ); bx::FilePath cacheFilePath("temp"); cacheFilePath.join(tmp); // Check if tile file already exist { bx::Error err; bx::FileReader fileReader; if (bx::open(&fileReader, cacheFilePath, &err) ) { bx::close(&fileReader); bx::debugPrintf("Tile data file '%s' already exists. Skipping generation.\n", cacheFilePath.getCPtr() ); return true; } } // Read image { bx::debugPrintf("Reading image '%s'.\n", _filePath.getCPtr() ); bx::Error err; bx::FileReader fileReader; if (!bx::open(&fileReader, _filePath, &err) ) { bx::debugPrintf("Image open failed'%s'.\n", _filePath.getCPtr() ); return false; } int64_t size = bx::getSize(&fileReader); if (0 == size) { bx::debugPrintf("Image '%s' size is 0.\n", _filePath.getCPtr() ); return false; } uint8_t* rawImage = (uint8_t*)BX_ALLOC(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), size_t(size) ); bx::read(&fileReader, rawImage, int32_t(size), &err); bx::close(&fileReader); if (!err.isOk() ) { bx::debugPrintf("Image read failed'%s'.\n", _filePath.getCPtr() ); BX_FREE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), rawImage); return false; } m_sourceImage = bimg::imageParse(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), rawImage, uint32_t(size), bimg::TextureFormat::BGRA8, &err); BX_FREE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), rawImage); if (!err.isOk() ) { bx::debugPrintf("Image parse failed'%s'.\n", _filePath.getCPtr() ); return false; } } // Setup m_info->m_virtualTextureSize = int(m_sourceImage->m_width); m_indexer = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), PageIndexer)(m_info); // Open tile data file m_tileDataFile = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), TileDataFile)(cacheFilePath, m_info, true); m_page1Image = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), SimpleImage)(m_pagesize, m_pagesize, s_channelCount, 0xff); m_page2Image = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), SimpleImage)(m_pagesize, m_pagesize, s_channelCount, 0xff); m_tileImage = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), SimpleImage)(m_tilesize, m_tilesize, s_channelCount, 0xff); m_2xtileImage = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), SimpleImage)(m_tilesize * 2, m_tilesize * 2, s_channelCount, 0xff); m_4xtileImage = BX_NEW(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), SimpleImage)(m_tilesize * 4, m_tilesize * 4, s_channelCount, 0xff); // Generate tiles bx::debugPrintf("Generating tiles\n"); auto mipcount = m_indexer->getMipCount(); for (int i = 0; i < mipcount; ++i) { int count = (m_info->m_virtualTextureSize / m_tilesize) >> i; bx::debugPrintf("Generating Mip:%d Count:%dx%d\n", i, count, count); for (int y = 0; y < count; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < count; ++x) { Page page = { x, y, i }; int index = m_indexer->getIndexFromPage(page); CopyTile(*m_page1Image, page); m_tileDataFile->writePage(index, &m_page1Image->m_data[0]); } } } bx::debugPrintf("Finising\n"); // Write header m_tileDataFile->writeInfo(); // Close tile file BX_DELETE(VirtualTexture::getAllocator(), m_tileDataFile); m_tileDataFile = nullptr; bx::debugPrintf("Done!\n"); return true; } void TileGenerator::CopyTile(SimpleImage& image, Page request) { if (request.m_mip == 0) { int x = request.m_x * m_tilesize - m_info->m_borderSize; int y = request.m_y * m_tilesize - m_info->m_borderSize; // Copy sub-image with border auto srcPitch = m_sourceImage->m_width * s_channelCount; auto src = (uint8_t*)m_sourceImage->m_data; auto dstPitch = image.m_width * image.m_channelCount; auto dst = &image.m_data[0]; for (int iy = 0; iy < m_pagesize; ++iy) { int ry = bx::clamp(y + iy, 0, (int)m_sourceImage->m_height - 1); for (int ix = 0; ix < m_pagesize; ++ix) { int rx = bx::clamp(x + ix, 0, (int)m_sourceImage->m_width - 1); bx::memCopy(&dst[iy * dstPitch + ix * image.m_channelCount], &src[ry * srcPitch + rx * s_channelCount], image.m_channelCount); } } } else { int xpos = request.m_x << 1; int ypos = request.m_y << 1; int mip = request.m_mip - 1; int size = m_info->GetPageTableSize() >> mip; m_4xtileImage->clear((uint8_t)request.m_mip); for (int y = 0; y < 4; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < 4; ++x) { Page page = { xpos + x - 1, ypos + y - 1, mip }; // Wrap so we get the border sections of other pages page.m_x = (int)bx::mod((float)page.m_x, (float)size); page.m_y = (int)bx::mod((float)page.m_y, (float)size); m_tileDataFile->readPage(m_indexer->getIndexFromPage(page), &m_page2Image->m_data[0]); Rect src_rect = { m_info->m_borderSize, m_info->m_borderSize, m_tilesize, m_tilesize }; Point dst_offset = { x * m_tilesize, y * m_tilesize }; m_4xtileImage->copy(dst_offset, *m_page2Image, src_rect); } } SimpleImage::mipmap(&m_4xtileImage->m_data[0], m_4xtileImage->m_width, s_channelCount, &m_2xtileImage->m_data[0]); Rect srect = { m_tilesize / 2 - m_info->m_borderSize, m_tilesize / 2 - m_info->m_borderSize, m_pagesize, m_pagesize }; image.copy({ 0,0 }, *m_2xtileImage, srect); } } } // namespace vt