-- -- Copyright 2010-2019 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. -- License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx#license-bsd-2-clause -- function filesexist(_srcPath, _dstPath, _files) for _, file in ipairs(_files) do file = path.getrelative(_srcPath, file) local filePath = path.join(_dstPath, file) if not os.isfile(filePath) then return false end end return true end function overridefiles(_srcPath, _dstPath, _files) local remove = {} local add = {} for _, file in ipairs(_files) do file = path.getrelative(_srcPath, file) local filePath = path.join(_dstPath, file) if not os.isfile(filePath) then return end table.insert(remove, path.join(_srcPath, file)) table.insert(add, filePath) end removefiles { remove, } files { add, } end function bgfxProjectBase(_kind, _defines) kind (_kind) if _kind == "SharedLib" then defines { "BGFX_SHARED_LIB_BUILD=1", } links { "bimg", "bx", } configuration { "vs20* or mingw*" } links { "gdi32", "psapi", } configuration { "mingw*" } linkoptions { "-shared", } configuration { "linux-*" } buildoptions { "-fPIC", } configuration {} end includedirs { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "3rdparty"), path.join(BX_DIR, "include"), path.join(BIMG_DIR, "include"), } defines { _defines, } links { "bx", } if _OPTIONS["with-glfw"] then defines { "BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED=0", } end configuration { "Debug" } defines { "BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG=1", } configuration { "vs* or mingw*", "not durango" } includedirs { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "3rdparty/dxsdk/include"), } configuration { "android*" } links { "EGL", "GLESv2", } configuration { "winstore*" } linkoptions { "/ignore:4264" -- LNK4264: archiving object file compiled with /ZW into a static library; note that when authoring Windows Runtime types it is not recommended to link with a static library that contains Windows Runtime metadata } configuration { "*clang*" } buildoptions { "-Wno-microsoft-enum-value", -- enumerator value is not representable in the underlying type 'int' "-Wno-microsoft-const-init", -- default initialization of an object of const type '' without a user-provided default constructor is a Microsoft extension } configuration { "osx" } linkoptions { "-framework Cocoa", "-framework QuartzCore", "-framework OpenGL", "-weak_framework Metal", "-weak_framework MetalKit", } configuration { "not linux-steamlink", "not NX32", "not NX64" } includedirs { -- steamlink has EGL headers modified... -- NX has EGL headers modified... path.join(BGFX_DIR, "3rdparty/khronos"), } configuration { "linux-steamlink" } defines { "EGL_API_FB", } configuration {} includedirs { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "include"), } files { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "include/**.h"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/**.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/**.h"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "scripts/**.natvis"), } removefiles { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/**.bin.h"), } overridefiles(BGFX_DIR, path.join(BGFX_DIR, "../bgfx-gnm"), { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/renderer_gnm.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/renderer_gnm.h"), }) overridefiles(BGFX_DIR, path.join(BGFX_DIR, "../bgfx-nvn"), { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/renderer_nvn.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/renderer_nvn.h"), }) if _OPTIONS["with-amalgamated"] then excludes { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/bgfx.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/debug_**.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/dxgi.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/glcontext_**.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/hmd**.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/image.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/nvapi.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/renderer_**.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/shader**.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/topology.cpp"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/vertexdecl.cpp"), } configuration { "xcode* or osx or ios*" } files { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/amalgamated.mm"), } excludes { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/glcontext_**.mm"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/renderer_**.mm"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/amalgamated.cpp"), } configuration { "not (xcode* or osx or ios*)" } excludes { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/**.mm"), } configuration {} else configuration { "xcode* or osx or ios*" } files { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/glcontext_**.mm"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/renderer_**.mm"), } configuration {} excludes { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "src/amalgamated.**"), } end if filesexist(BGFX_DIR, path.join(BGFX_DIR, "../bgfx-gnm"), { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "scripts/bgfx.lua"), }) then dofile(path.join(BGFX_DIR, "../bgfx-gnm/scripts/bgfx.lua") ) end if filesexist(BGFX_DIR, path.join(BGFX_DIR, "../bgfx-nvn"), { path.join(BGFX_DIR, "scripts/bgfx.lua"), }) then dofile(path.join(BGFX_DIR, "../bgfx-nvn/scripts/bgfx.lua") ) end configuration {} end function bgfxProject(_name, _kind, _defines) project ("bgfx" .. _name) uuid (os.uuid("bgfx" .. _name)) bgfxProjectBase(_kind, _defines) copyLib() end