/* * Copyright 2018 Attila Kocsis. All rights reserved. * License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx#license-bsd-2-clause */ #include "bgfx_compute.sh" #include "uniforms.sh" IMAGE2D_ARRAY_WR(s_target, rg8, 0); SAMPLER2DARRAY(s_blurInput, 1); // unpacking for edges; 2 bits per edge mean 4 gradient values (0, 0.33, 0.66, 1) for smoother transitions! vec4 UnpackEdges( float _packedVal ) { uint packedVal = uint(_packedVal * 255.5); vec4 edgesLRTB; edgesLRTB.x = float((packedVal >> 6) & 0x03) / 3.0; // there's really no need for mask (as it's an 8 bit input) but I'll leave it in so it doesn't cause any trouble in the future edgesLRTB.y = float((packedVal >> 4) & 0x03) / 3.0; edgesLRTB.z = float((packedVal >> 2) & 0x03) / 3.0; edgesLRTB.w = float((packedVal >> 0) & 0x03) / 3.0; return saturate( edgesLRTB + u_invSharpness ); } // ******************************************************************************************************** // Pixel shader that does smart blurring (to avoid bleeding) void AddSample( float ssaoValue, float edgeValue, inout float sum, inout float sumWeight ) { float weight = edgeValue; sum += (weight * ssaoValue); sumWeight += weight; } vec2 SampleBlurred( ivec2 inPos, vec2 coord ) { float packedEdges = texelFetch(s_blurInput, ivec3(inPos.xy,0.0), 0 ).y; vec4 edgesLRTB = UnpackEdges( packedEdges ); #if BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_GLSL vec4 valuesUL = textureGather(s_blurInput, vec3(coord - u_halfViewportPixelSize * 0.5 + vec2(0.0,u_halfViewportPixelSize.y), 0.0), 0).wzyx; vec4 valuesBR = textureGather(s_blurInput, vec3(coord + u_halfViewportPixelSize * 0.5 + vec2(0.0,-u_halfViewportPixelSize.y), 0.0), 0).wzyx; #else vec4 valuesUL = textureGather(s_blurInput, vec3(coord - u_halfViewportPixelSize * 0.5, 0.0), 0); vec4 valuesBR = textureGather(s_blurInput, vec3(coord + u_halfViewportPixelSize * 0.5, 0.0), 0); #endif float ssaoValue = valuesUL.y; float ssaoValueL = valuesUL.x; float ssaoValueT = valuesUL.z; float ssaoValueR = valuesBR.z; float ssaoValueB = valuesBR.x; float sumWeight = 0.5f; float sum = ssaoValue * sumWeight; AddSample( ssaoValueL, edgesLRTB.x, sum, sumWeight ); AddSample( ssaoValueR, edgesLRTB.y, sum, sumWeight ); AddSample( ssaoValueT, edgesLRTB.z, sum, sumWeight ); AddSample( ssaoValueB, edgesLRTB.w, sum, sumWeight ); float ssaoAvg = sum / sumWeight; ssaoValue = ssaoAvg; //min( ssaoValue, ssaoAvg ) * 0.2 + ssaoAvg * 0.8; return vec2( ssaoValue, packedEdges ); } // edge-sensitive blur NUM_THREADS(8, 8, 1) void main() { uvec2 dtID = uvec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy) + uvec2(u_rect.xy); if (all(lessThan(dtID.xy, u_rect.zw) ) ) { vec2 inUV = (dtID.xy+vec2(0.5,0.5)) * u_halfViewportPixelSize; imageStore(s_target, ivec3(dtID.xy, u_layer), SampleBlurred( ivec2(dtID.xy), inUV ).xyyy); } }