/* * Copyright 2011-2019 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. * License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx#license-bsd-2-clause */ #include "common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace stl = tinystl; #include #include #include #include #include "vs_texture.bin.h" #include "vs_texture_cube.bin.h" #include "fs_texture.bin.h" #include "fs_texture_array.bin.h" #include "fs_texture_cube.bin.h" #include "fs_texture_cube2.bin.h" #include "fs_texture_sdf.bin.h" #include "fs_texture_msdf.bin.h" #include "fs_texture_3d.bin.h" #define BACKGROUND_VIEW_ID 0 #define IMAGE_VIEW_ID 1 #define BGFX_TEXTUREV_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define BGFX_TEXTUREV_VERSION_MINOR 1 const float kEvMin = -10.0f; const float kEvMax = 20.0f; static const bgfx::EmbeddedShader s_embeddedShaders[] = { BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER(vs_texture), BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER(fs_texture), BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER(fs_texture_array), BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER(vs_texture_cube), BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER(fs_texture_cube), BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER(fs_texture_cube2), BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER(fs_texture_sdf), BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER(fs_texture_msdf), BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER(fs_texture_3d), BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER_END() }; static const char* s_supportedExt[] = { "bmp", "dds", "exr", "gif", "gnf", "jpg", "jpeg", "hdr", "ktx", "pgm", "png", "ppm", "psd", "pvr", "tga", }; struct Binding { enum Enum { App, View, Help, About, Count }; }; struct Geometry { enum Enum { Quad, Cross, Hexagon, Count }; }; struct Output { enum Enum { sRGB, scRGB, HDR10, Count }; }; static const InputBinding s_bindingApp[] = { { entry::Key::KeyQ, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "exit" }, { entry::Key::KeyF, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "graphics fullscreen" }, INPUT_BINDING_END }; const char* s_resetCmd = "view zoom 1.0\n" "view rotate 0\n" "view cubemap\n" "view pan\n" "view ev\n" ; static const InputBinding s_bindingView[] = { { entry::Key::Esc, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "exit" }, { entry::Key::Comma, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view mip prev" }, { entry::Key::Period, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view mip next" }, { entry::Key::Comma, entry::Modifier::LeftShift, 1, NULL, "view mip" }, { entry::Key::Comma, entry::Modifier::RightShift, 1, NULL, "view mip" }, { entry::Key::Slash, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view filter" }, { entry::Key::Key1, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view zoom 1.0\n" "view fit\n" }, { entry::Key::Key0, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, s_resetCmd }, { entry::Key::Plus, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view zoom +0.1" }, { entry::Key::Minus, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view zoom -0.1" }, { entry::Key::KeyZ, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view rotate -90" }, { entry::Key::KeyZ, entry::Modifier::LeftShift, 1, NULL, "view rotate +90" }, { entry::Key::Up, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view pan\n" "view file-up" }, { entry::Key::Down, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view pan\n" "view file-down" }, { entry::Key::PageUp, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view pan\n" "view file-pgup" }, { entry::Key::PageDown, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view pan\n" "view file-pgdown" }, { entry::Key::Left, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view layer prev" }, { entry::Key::Right, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view layer next" }, { entry::Key::KeyR, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view rgb r" }, { entry::Key::KeyG, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view rgb g" }, { entry::Key::KeyB, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view rgb b" }, { entry::Key::KeyA, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view rgb a" }, { entry::Key::KeyI, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view info" }, { entry::Key::KeyH, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view help" }, { entry::Key::Return, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view files" }, { entry::Key::KeyS, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view sdf" }, { entry::Key::Space, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view geo\n" "view pan\n" }, INPUT_BINDING_END }; static const InputBinding s_bindingHelp[] = { { entry::Key::Esc, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view help" }, { entry::Key::KeyH, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view help" }, INPUT_BINDING_END }; static const InputBinding s_bindingAbout[] = { { entry::Key::Esc, entry::Modifier::None, 1, NULL, "view about" }, INPUT_BINDING_END }; static const char* s_bindingName[] = { "App", "View", "Help", "About", }; BX_STATIC_ASSERT(Binding::Count == BX_COUNTOF(s_bindingName) ); static const InputBinding* s_binding[] = { s_bindingApp, s_bindingView, s_bindingHelp, s_bindingAbout, }; BX_STATIC_ASSERT(Binding::Count == BX_COUNTOF(s_binding) ); static const char* s_filter = "" "All Image Formats (bmp, dds, exr, gif, gnf, jpg, jpeg, hdr, ktx, pgm, png, ppm, psd, pvr, tga) | *.bmp *.dds *.exr *.gif *.gnf *.jpg *.jpeg *.hdr *.ktx *.pgm *.png *.ppm *.psd *.pvr *.tga\n" "Windows Bitmap (bmp) | *.bmp\n" "Direct Draw Surface (dds) | *.dds\n" "OpenEXR (exr) | *.exr\n" "Graphics Interchange Format (gif) | *.gif\n" "JPEG Interchange Format (jpg, jpeg) | *.jpg *.jpeg\n" "Radiance RGBE (hdr) | *.hdr\n" "Khronos Texture (ktx) | *.ktx\n" "Portable Graymap/Pixmap Format (pgm, ppm) | *.pgm *.ppm\n" "Portable Network Graphics (png) | *.png\n" "Photoshop Document (psd) | *.psd\n" "PowerVR (pvr) | *.pvr\n" "Truevision TGA (tga) | *.tga\n" ; #if BX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS extern "C" void* __stdcall GetModuleHandleA(const char* _moduleName); extern "C" uint32_t __stdcall GetModuleFileNameA(void* _module, char* _outFilePath, uint32_t _size); #endif // BX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS struct View { View() : m_cubeMapGeo(Geometry::Quad) , m_outputFormat(Output::sRGB) , m_fileIndex(0) , m_scaleFn(0) , m_mip(0) , m_layer(0) , m_abgr(UINT32_MAX) , m_ev(0.0f) , m_evMin(kEvMin) , m_evMax(kEvMax) , m_posx(0.0f) , m_posy(0.0f) , m_angx(0.0f) , m_angy(0.0f) , m_zoom(1.0f) , m_angle(0.0f) , m_orientation(0.0f) , m_flipH(0.0f) , m_flipV(0.0f) , m_transitionTime(1.0f) , m_width(1280) , m_height(720) , m_filter(true) , m_fit(true) , m_alpha(false) , m_help(false) , m_about(false) , m_info(false) , m_files(false) , m_sdf(false) , m_inLinear(false) { load(); m_textureInfo.format = bgfx::TextureFormat::Count; } ~View() { } int32_t cmd(int32_t _argc, char const* const* _argv) { if (_argc >= 2) { if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "mip") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { uint32_t mip = m_mip; if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[2], "next") ) { ++mip; } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[2], "prev") ) { --mip; } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[2], "last") ) { mip = INT32_MAX; } else { bx::fromString(&mip, _argv[2]); } m_mip = bx::uint32_iclamp(mip, 0, m_textureInfo.numMips-1); } else { m_mip = 0; } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "layer") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { uint32_t layer = m_layer; if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[2], "next") ) { ++layer; } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[2], "prev") ) { --layer; } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[2], "last") ) { layer = INT32_MAX; } else { bx::fromString(&layer, _argv[2]); } m_layer = bx::uint32_iclamp(layer, 0, m_textureInfo.numLayers-1); } else { m_layer = 0; } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "ev") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { float ev = m_ev; bx::fromString(&ev, _argv[2]); m_ev = bx::clamp(ev, kEvMin, kEvMax); } else { m_ev = 0.0f; } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "pan") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { if (_argc >= 4) { float yy; bx::fromString(&yy, _argv[3]); if (_argv[3][0] == '+' || _argv[3][0] == '-') { m_posy += yy; } else { m_posy = yy; } } float xx; bx::fromString(&xx, _argv[2]); if (_argv[2][0] == '+' || _argv[2][0] == '-') { m_posx += xx; } else { m_posx = xx; } } else { m_posx = 0.0f; m_posy = 0.0f; } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "cubemap") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { if (_argc >= 4) { float yy; bx::fromString(&yy, _argv[3]); if (_argv[3][0] == '+' || _argv[3][0] == '-') { m_angy += bx::toRad(yy); } else { m_angy = bx::toRad(yy); } } float xx; bx::fromString(&xx, _argv[2]); if (_argv[2][0] == '+' || _argv[2][0] == '-') { m_angx += bx::toRad(xx); } else { m_angx = bx::toRad(xx); } } else { m_angx = 0.0f; m_angy = 0.0f; } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "zoom") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { float zoom; bx::fromString(&zoom, _argv[2]); if (_argv[2][0] == '+' || _argv[2][0] == '-') { m_zoom += zoom; } else { m_zoom = zoom; } m_zoom = bx::clamp(m_zoom, 0.01f, 10.0f); } else { m_zoom = 1.0f; } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "rotate") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { float angle; bx::fromString(&angle, _argv[2]); if (_argv[2][0] == '+' || _argv[2][0] == '-') { m_angle += bx::toRad(angle); } else { m_angle = bx::toRad(angle); } m_angle = bx::wrap(m_angle, bx::kPi*2.0f); } else { m_angle = 0.0f; } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "orientation") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { float* dst = NULL; char axis = bx::toLower(_argv[2][0]); switch (axis) { case 'x': dst = &m_flipV; break; case 'y': dst = &m_flipH; break; case 'z': dst = &m_orientation; break; default: break; } if (NULL != dst) { if (_argc >= 4) { float angle; bx::fromString(&angle, _argv[3]); *dst = bx::toRad(angle); } else { *dst = 0.0f; } } } else { m_flipH = 0.0f; m_flipV = 0.0f; m_orientation = 0.0f; } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "transition") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { float time; bx::fromString(&time, _argv[2]); m_transitionTime = bx::clamp(time, 0.0f, 5.0f); } else { m_transitionTime = 1.0f; } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "filter") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { bx::fromString(&m_filter, _argv[2]); } else { m_filter ^= true; } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "fit") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { bx::fromString(&m_fit, _argv[2]); } else { m_fit ^= true; } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "file-up") ) { m_fileIndex = bx::uint32_satsub(m_fileIndex, 1); } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "file-down") ) { uint32_t numFiles = bx::uint32_satsub(uint32_t(m_fileList.size() ), 1); ++m_fileIndex; m_fileIndex = bx::uint32_min(m_fileIndex, numFiles); } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "rgb") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { if (_argv[2][0] == 'r') { m_abgr ^= 0x000000ff; } else if (_argv[2][0] == 'g') { m_abgr ^= 0x0000ff00; } else if (_argv[2][0] == 'b') { m_abgr ^= 0x00ff0000; } else if (_argv[2][0] == 'a') { m_alpha ^= true; } } else { m_abgr = UINT32_MAX; m_alpha = false; } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "sdf") ) { m_sdf ^= true; } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "geo") ) { if (_argc >= 3) { if (bx::toLower(_argv[2][0]) == 'c') { m_cubeMapGeo = Geometry::Cross; } else if (bx::toLower(_argv[2][0]) == 'h') { m_cubeMapGeo = Geometry::Hexagon; } else { m_cubeMapGeo = Geometry::Quad; } } else { m_cubeMapGeo = Geometry::Enum( (m_cubeMapGeo + 1) % Geometry::Count); } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "output") ) { Output::Enum outputPrev = m_outputFormat; if (_argc >= 3) { if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[2], "srgb") ) { m_outputFormat = Output::sRGB; } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[2], "scrgb") ) { m_outputFormat = Output::scRGB; } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[2], "hdr10") ) { m_outputFormat = Output::HDR10; } } else { m_outputFormat = Output::Enum( (m_outputFormat + 1) % Output::Count); } if (outputPrev != m_outputFormat) { bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum format = bgfx::TextureFormat::RGBA8; uint32_t formatFlag = 0; if (Output::scRGB == m_outputFormat) { format = bgfx::TextureFormat::RGBA16F; } else if (Output::HDR10 == m_outputFormat) { format = bgfx::TextureFormat::RGB10A2; formatFlag = BGFX_RESET_HDR10; } bgfx::reset(m_width, m_height, BGFX_RESET_VSYNC | formatFlag, format); } } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "help") ) { m_help ^= true; } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "about") ) { m_about ^= true; } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "save") ) { save(); } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "info") ) { m_info ^= true; } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_argv[1], "files") ) { m_files ^= true; } } return 0; } static bool sortNameAscending(const std::string& _lhs, const std::string& _rhs) { return 0 > bx::strCmpV(_lhs.c_str(), _rhs.c_str() ); } void updateFileList(const bx::FilePath& _filePath) { bx::DirectoryReader dr; if (bx::open(&dr, _filePath) ) { m_path = _filePath; } else if (bx::open(&dr, _filePath.getPath() ) ) { m_path = _filePath.getPath(); } else { DBG("File path `%s` not found.", _filePath.getCPtr() ); return; } bx::Error err; m_fileList.clear(); while (err.isOk() ) { bx::FileInfo fi; bx::read(&dr, fi, &err); if (err.isOk() && bx::FileType::File == fi.type) { bx::StringView ext = fi.filePath.getExt(); if (!ext.isEmpty() ) { ext.set(ext.getPtr()+1, ext.getTerm() ); bool supported = false; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_supportedExt); ++ii) { const bx::StringView supportedExt(s_supportedExt[ii]); if (0 == bx::strCmpI(bx::max(ext.getPtr(), ext.getTerm() - supportedExt.getLength() ), supportedExt) ) { supported = true; break; } } if (supported) { const bx::StringView fileName = fi.filePath.getFileName(); m_fileList.push_back(std::string(fileName.getPtr(), fileName.getTerm() ) ); } } } } bx::close(&dr); std::sort(m_fileList.begin(), m_fileList.end(), sortNameAscending); m_fileIndex = 0; uint32_t idx = 0; const bx::StringView fileName = _filePath.getFileName(); for (FileList::const_iterator it = m_fileList.begin(); it != m_fileList.end(); ++it, ++idx) { if (0 == bx::strCmpI(it->c_str(), fileName) ) { // If it is case-insensitive match then might be correct one, but keep // searching. m_fileIndex = idx; if (0 == bx::strCmp(it->c_str(), fileName) ) { // If it is exact match we're done. break; } } } } void load() { bx::FilePath filePath(bx::Dir::Home); filePath.join(".config/bgfx/texturev.ini"); bx::Settings settings(entry::getAllocator() ); bx::FileReader reader; if (bx::open(&reader, filePath) ) { bx::read(&reader, settings); bx::close(&reader); if (!bx::fromString(&m_transitionTime, settings.get("view/transition") ) ) { m_transitionTime = 1.0f; } if (!bx::fromString(&m_width, settings.get("view/width") ) ) { m_width = 1280; } if (!bx::fromString(&m_height, settings.get("view/height") ) ) { m_height = 720; } } } void save() { bx::FilePath filePath(bx::Dir::Home); filePath.join(".config/bgfx/texturev.ini"); if (bx::makeAll(filePath.getPath() ) ) { bx::Settings settings(entry::getAllocator() ); char tmp[256]; bx::toString(tmp, sizeof(tmp), m_transitionTime); settings.set("view/transition", tmp); bx::toString(tmp, sizeof(tmp), m_width); settings.set("view/width", tmp); bx::toString(tmp, sizeof(tmp), m_height); settings.set("view/height", tmp); bx::FileWriter writer; if (bx::open(&writer, filePath) ) { bx::write(&writer, settings); bx::close(&writer); } } } bx::FilePath m_path; typedef stl::vector FileList; FileList m_fileList; bgfx::TextureInfo m_textureInfo; Geometry::Enum m_cubeMapGeo; Output::Enum m_outputFormat; uint32_t m_fileIndex; uint32_t m_scaleFn; uint32_t m_mip; uint32_t m_layer; uint32_t m_abgr; float m_ev; float m_evMin; float m_evMax; float m_posx; float m_posy; float m_angx; float m_angy; float m_zoom; float m_angle; float m_orientation; float m_flipH; float m_flipV; float m_transitionTime; uint32_t m_width; uint32_t m_height; bool m_filter; bool m_fit; bool m_alpha; bool m_help; bool m_about; bool m_info; bool m_files; bool m_sdf; bool m_inLinear; }; int cmdView(CmdContext* /*_context*/, void* _userData, int _argc, char const* const* _argv) { View* view = static_cast(_userData); return view->cmd(_argc, _argv); } struct PosUvwColorVertex { float m_x; float m_y; float m_u; float m_v; float m_w; uint32_t m_abgr; static void init() { ms_decl .begin() .add(bgfx::Attrib::Position, 2, bgfx::AttribType::Float) .add(bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Float) .add(bgfx::Attrib::Color0, 4, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true) .end(); } void set(float _x, float _y, float _u, float _v, float _w, uint32_t _abgr) { m_x = _x; m_y = _y; m_u = _u; m_v = _v; m_w = _w; m_abgr = _abgr; } static bgfx::VertexDecl ms_decl; }; bgfx::VertexDecl PosUvwColorVertex::ms_decl; static uint32_t addQuad(uint16_t* _indices, uint16_t _idx0, uint16_t _idx1, uint16_t _idx2, uint16_t _idx3) { _indices[0] = _idx0; _indices[1] = _idx3; _indices[2] = _idx1; _indices[3] = _idx1; _indices[4] = _idx3; _indices[5] = _idx2; return 6; } void setGeometry( Geometry::Enum _type , int32_t _x , int32_t _y , uint32_t _width , uint32_t _height , uint32_t _abgr , float _maxu = 1.0f , float _maxv = 1.0f ) { if (Geometry::Quad == _type) { if (6 == bgfx::getAvailTransientVertexBuffer(6, PosUvwColorVertex::ms_decl) ) { bgfx::TransientVertexBuffer vb; bgfx::allocTransientVertexBuffer(&vb, 6, PosUvwColorVertex::ms_decl); PosUvwColorVertex* vertex = (PosUvwColorVertex*)vb.data; const float widthf = float(_width); const float heightf = float(_height); const float minx = float(_x); const float miny = float(_y); const float maxx = minx+widthf; const float maxy = miny+heightf; const float minu = 0.0f; const float maxu = _maxu; const float minv = 0.0f; const float maxv = _maxv; vertex->set(minx, miny, minu, minv, 0.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(maxx, miny, maxu, minv, 0.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(maxx, maxy, maxu, maxv, 0.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(maxx, maxy, maxu, maxv, 0.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(minx, maxy, minu, maxv, 0.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(minx, miny, minu, minv, 0.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; bgfx::setVertexBuffer(0, &vb); } } else { const uint32_t numVertices = 14; const uint32_t numIndices = 36; if (checkAvailTransientBuffers(numVertices, PosUvwColorVertex::ms_decl, numIndices) ) { bgfx::TransientVertexBuffer tvb; bgfx::allocTransientVertexBuffer(&tvb, numVertices, PosUvwColorVertex::ms_decl); bgfx::TransientIndexBuffer tib; bgfx::allocTransientIndexBuffer(&tib, numIndices); PosUvwColorVertex* vertex = (PosUvwColorVertex*)tvb.data; uint16_t* indices = (uint16_t*)tib.data; if (Geometry::Cross == _type) { const float sx = _width /1.5f; const float sy = _height/1.5f; const float px = float(_x)-sx/4.0f; const float py = float(_y); vertex->set(0.0f*sx+px, 0.5f*sy+py, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(0.0f*sx+px, 1.0f*sy+py, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(0.5f*sx+px, 0.0f*sy+py, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(0.5f*sx+px, 0.5f*sy+py, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(0.5f*sx+px, 1.0f*sy+py, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(0.5f*sx+px, 1.5f*sy+py, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.0f*sx+px, 0.0f*sy+py, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.0f*sx+px, 0.5f*sy+py, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.0f*sx+px, 1.0f*sy+py, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.0f*sx+px, 1.5f*sy+py, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.5f*sx+px, 0.5f*sy+py, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.5f*sx+px, 1.0f*sy+py, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(2.0f*sx+px, 0.5f*sy+py, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(2.0f*sx+px, 1.0f*sy+py, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; indices += addQuad(indices, 0, 3, 4, 1); indices += addQuad(indices, 2, 6, 7, 3); indices += addQuad(indices, 3, 7, 8, 4); indices += addQuad(indices, 4, 8, 9, 5); indices += addQuad(indices, 7, 10, 11, 8); indices += addQuad(indices, 10, 12, 13, 11); } else { const float sx = float(_width); const float sy = float(_height); const float px = float(_x) - sx/2.0f; const float py = float(_y); vertex->set(0.0f*sx+px, 0.25f*sy+py, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(0.0f*sx+px, 0.75f*sy+py, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(0.5f*sx+px, 0.00f*sy+py, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(0.5f*sx+px, 0.50f*sy+py, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(0.5f*sx+px, 1.00f*sy+py, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.0f*sx+px, 0.25f*sy+py, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.0f*sx+px, 0.75f*sy+py, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.0f*sx+px, 0.25f*sy+py, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.0f*sx+px, 0.75f*sy+py, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.5f*sx+px, 0.00f*sy+py, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.5f*sx+px, 0.50f*sy+py, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(1.5f*sx+px, 1.00f*sy+py, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(2.0f*sx+px, 0.25f*sy+py, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; vertex->set(2.0f*sx+px, 0.75f*sy+py, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, _abgr); ++vertex; indices += addQuad(indices, 0, 2, 3, 1); indices += addQuad(indices, 1, 3, 6, 4); indices += addQuad(indices, 2, 5, 6, 3); indices += addQuad(indices, 7, 9, 12, 10); indices += addQuad(indices, 7, 10, 11, 8); indices += addQuad(indices, 10, 12, 13, 11); } bgfx::setVertexBuffer(0, &tvb); bgfx::setIndexBuffer(&tib); } } } template struct InterpolatorT { float from; float to; float duration; int64_t offset; InterpolatorT(float _value) { reset(_value); } void reset(float _value) { from = _value; to = _value; duration = 0.0; offset = bx::getHPCounter(); } void set(float _value, float _duration) { if (_value != to) { from = getValue(); to = _value; duration = _duration; offset = bx::getHPCounter(); } } float getValue() { if (isActive() ) { const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency() ); int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); float time = (float)(double(now - offset) / freq); float lerp = bx::clamp(time, 0.0f, duration) / duration; return lerpT(from, to, easeT(lerp) ); } return to; } bool isActive() const { const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency() ); int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); float time = (float)(double(now - offset) / freq); float lerp = bx::clamp(time, 0.0f, duration) / duration; return lerp < 1.0f; } }; typedef InterpolatorT Interpolator; typedef InterpolatorT InterpolatorAngle; typedef InterpolatorT InterpolatorLinear; void keyBindingHelp(const char* _bindings, const char* _description) { ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), _bindings); ImGui::SameLine(100); ImGui::Text(_description); } void associate() { #if BX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS std::string str; char exec[bx::kMaxFilePath]; GetModuleFileNameA(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), exec, sizeof(exec) ); std::string strExec = bx::replaceAll(exec, "\\", "\\\\"); std::string value; bx::stringPrintf(value, "@=\"\\\"%s\\\" \\\"%%1\\\"\"\r\n\r\n", strExec.c_str() ); str += "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00\r\n\r\n"; str += "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\texturev\\shell\\open\\command]\r\n"; str += value; str += "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Applications\\texturev.exe\\shell\\open\\command]\r\n"; str += value; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_supportedExt); ++ii) { const char* ext = s_supportedExt[ii]; bx::stringPrintf(str, "[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.%s]\r\n\r\n", ext); bx::stringPrintf(str, "[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Classes\\.%s]\r\n\r\n", ext); bx::stringPrintf(str, "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.%s]\r\n@=\"texturev\"\r\n\r\n", ext); bx::stringPrintf(str, "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Classes\\.%s]\r\n@=\"texturev\"\r\n\r\n", ext); } bx::FilePath filePath(bx::Dir::Temp); filePath.join("texture.reg"); bx::FileWriter writer; bx::Error err; if (bx::open(&writer, filePath, false, &err) ) { bx::write(&writer, str.c_str(), uint32_t(str.length()), &err); bx::close(&writer); if (err.isOk() ) { std::string cmd; bx::stringPrintf(cmd, "/s %s", filePath.getCPtr() ); bx::ProcessReader reader; if (bx::open(&reader, "regedit.exe", cmd.c_str(), &err) ) { bx::close(&reader); } } } #elif BX_PLATFORM_LINUX std::string str; str += "#/bin/bash\n\n"; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_supportedExt); ++ii) { const char* ext = s_supportedExt[ii]; bx::stringPrintf(str, "xdg-mime default texturev.desktop image/%s\n", ext); } bx::stringPrintf(str, "xdg-mime default texturev.desktop image/x-dds\n"); str += "\n"; bx::FileWriter writer; bx::Error err; if (bx::open(&writer, "/tmp/texturev.sh", false, &err) ) { bx::write(&writer, str.c_str(), uint32_t(str.length()), &err); bx::close(&writer); if (err.isOk() ) { bx::ProcessReader reader; if (bx::open(&reader, "/bin/bash", "/tmp/texturev.sh", &err) ) { bx::close(&reader); } } } #endif // BX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS } void help(const char* _error = NULL) { if (NULL != _error) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:\n%s\n\n", _error); } fprintf(stderr , "texturev, bgfx texture viewer tool, version %d.%d.%d.\n" "Copyright 2011-2019 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.\n" "License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx#license-bsd-2-clause\n\n" , BGFX_TEXTUREV_VERSION_MAJOR , BGFX_TEXTUREV_VERSION_MINOR , BGFX_API_VERSION ); fprintf(stderr , "Usage: texturev \n" "\n" "Supported input file types:\n" ); for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_supportedExt); ++ii) { fprintf(stderr, " *.%s\n", s_supportedExt[ii]); } fprintf(stderr , "\n" "Options:\n" " -h, --help Help.\n" " -v, --version Version information only.\n" " --associate Associate file extensions with texturev.\n" "\n" "For additional information, see https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx\n" ); } int _main_(int _argc, char** _argv) { bx::CommandLine cmdLine(_argc, _argv); if (cmdLine.hasArg('v', "version") ) { fprintf(stderr , "texturev, bgfx texture viewer tool, version %d.%d.%d.\n" , BGFX_TEXTUREV_VERSION_MAJOR , BGFX_TEXTUREV_VERSION_MINOR , BGFX_API_VERSION ); return bx::kExitSuccess; } if (cmdLine.hasArg('h', "help") ) { help(); return bx::kExitFailure; } else if (cmdLine.hasArg("associate") ) { associate(); return bx::kExitFailure; } uint32_t debug = BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT; inputAddBindings(s_bindingName[Binding::App], s_binding[Binding::App]); inputAddBindings(s_bindingName[Binding::View], s_binding[Binding::View]); View view; cmdAdd("view", cmdView, &view); entry::setWindowFlags(entry::WindowHandle{0}, ENTRY_WINDOW_FLAG_ASPECT_RATIO, false); entry::setWindowSize(entry::WindowHandle{0}, view.m_width, view.m_height); bgfx::Init init; init.resolution.width = view.m_width; init.resolution.width = view.m_height; init.resolution.reset = BGFX_RESET_VSYNC; bgfx::init(init); // Set view 0 clear state. bgfx::setViewClear(BACKGROUND_VIEW_ID , BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR|BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH , 0x000000ff , 1.0f , 0 ); imguiCreate(); PosUvwColorVertex::init(); const bgfx::Caps* caps = bgfx::getCaps(); bgfx::RendererType::Enum type = caps->rendererType; bgfx::UniformHandle s_texColor = bgfx::createUniform("s_texColor", bgfx::UniformType::Sampler); bgfx::UniformHandle u_mtx = bgfx::createUniform("u_mtx", bgfx::UniformType::Mat4); bgfx::UniformHandle u_params0 = bgfx::createUniform("u_params0", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4); bgfx::UniformHandle u_params1 = bgfx::createUniform("u_params1", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4); bgfx::ShaderHandle vsTexture = bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "vs_texture"); bgfx::ShaderHandle fsTexture = bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "fs_texture"); bgfx::ShaderHandle fsTextureArray = bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "fs_texture_array"); bgfx::ProgramHandle textureProgram = bgfx::createProgram( vsTexture , fsTexture , true ); bgfx::ProgramHandle textureArrayProgram = bgfx::createProgram( vsTexture , bgfx::isValid(fsTextureArray) ? fsTextureArray : fsTexture , true ); bgfx::ProgramHandle textureCubeProgram = bgfx::createProgram( bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "vs_texture_cube") , bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "fs_texture_cube") , true ); bgfx::ProgramHandle textureCube2Program = bgfx::createProgram( vsTexture , bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "fs_texture_cube2") , true ); bgfx::ProgramHandle textureSdfProgram = bgfx::createProgram( vsTexture , bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "fs_texture_sdf") , true ); bgfx::ProgramHandle textureMsdfProgram = bgfx::createProgram( vsTexture , bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "fs_texture_msdf") , true ); bgfx::ProgramHandle texture3DProgram = bgfx::createProgram( vsTexture , bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "fs_texture_3d") , true ); const uint32_t checkerBoardSize = 64; bgfx::TextureHandle checkerBoard; { const bgfx::Memory* mem = bgfx::alloc(checkerBoardSize*checkerBoardSize*4); bimg::imageCheckerboard(mem->data, checkerBoardSize, checkerBoardSize, 8, 0xff8e8e8e, 0xff5d5d5d); checkerBoard = bgfx::createTexture2D(checkerBoardSize, checkerBoardSize, false, 1 , bgfx::TextureFormat::BGRA8 , 0 | BGFX_SAMPLER_MIN_POINT | BGFX_SAMPLER_MIP_POINT | BGFX_SAMPLER_MAG_POINT , mem ); } float speed = 0.37f; float time = 0.0f; Interpolator menuFade(5.0f); Interpolator mip(0.0f); Interpolator layer(0.0f); InterpolatorLinear ev(0.0f); Interpolator zoom(1.0f); Interpolator scale(1.0f); Interpolator posx(0.0f); Interpolator posy(0.0f); InterpolatorAngle angle(0.0f); InterpolatorAngle angx(0.0f); InterpolatorAngle angy(0.0f); auto anyActive = [&]() -> bool { return false || ImGui::MouseOverArea() || menuFade.isActive() || mip.isActive() || layer.isActive() || ev.isActive() || zoom.isActive() || scale.isActive() || posx.isActive() || posy.isActive() || angle.isActive() || angx.isActive() || angy.isActive() ; }; const char* filePath = _argc < 2 ? "" : _argv[1]; std::string path = filePath; { bx::FilePath fp(filePath); view.updateFileList(fp); } int exitcode = bx::kExitSuccess; bgfx::TextureHandle texture = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE; { uint32_t fileIndex = 0; bool dragging = false; entry::WindowState windowState; entry::MouseState mouseStatePrev; while (!entry::processWindowEvents(windowState, debug, init.resolution.reset) ) { const entry::MouseState& mouseState = windowState.m_mouse; view.m_width = windowState.m_width; view.m_height = windowState.m_height; if (!windowState.m_dropFile.isEmpty() ) { view.updateFileList(windowState.m_dropFile); windowState.m_dropFile.clear(); } imguiBeginFrame(mouseState.m_mx , mouseState.m_my , (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT : 0) | (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Right ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT : 0) | (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Middle] ? IMGUI_MBUT_MIDDLE : 0) , mouseState.m_mz , uint16_t(view.m_width) , uint16_t(view.m_height) ); bool modalWindow = view.m_help || view.m_about; bool overArea = false || ImGui::GetMousePos().y <= ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() || ImGui::MouseOverArea() ; overArea &= !modalWindow; if (overArea) { menuFade.set(5.0f, 0.25f); } else if (modalWindow) { menuFade.reset(0.0f); } else { menuFade.set(0.0f, 2.0f); } ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha, bx::clamp(menuFade.getValue(), 0.0f, 1.0f) ); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_FrameRounding, 0.0f); if (ImGui::BeginMainMenuBar() ) { if (ImGui::BeginMenu("File")) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Open File") ) { bx::FilePath tmp = view.m_path; if (openFileSelectionDialog( tmp , FileSelectionDialogType::Open , "texturev: Open File" , s_filter ) ) { view.updateFileList(tmp); } } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Show File List", NULL, view.m_files) ) { cmdExec("view files"); } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Exit") ) { cmdExec("exit"); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("View") ) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Info", NULL, view.m_info) ) { cmdExec("view info"); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Reset") ) { cmdExec(s_resetCmd); } ImGui::Separator(); bool filter = view.m_filter; if (ImGui::MenuItem("Filter", NULL, &filter) ) { cmdExec("view filter"); } bool animate = 0.0f < view.m_transitionTime; if (ImGui::MenuItem("Animate", NULL, &animate) ) { cmdExec("view transition %f", animate ? 1.0f : 0.0f); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Cubemap", view.m_textureInfo.cubeMap) ) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Quad", NULL, Geometry::Quad == view.m_cubeMapGeo) ) { cmdExec("view geo quad"); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Cross", NULL, Geometry::Cross == view.m_cubeMapGeo) ) { cmdExec("view geo cross"); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Hexagon", NULL, Geometry::Hexagon == view.m_cubeMapGeo) ) { cmdExec("view geo hexagon"); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Output") ) { const bool hdrCap = (bgfx::getCaps()->supported & BGFX_CAPS_HDR10); if (ImGui::MenuItem("sRGB", NULL, Output::sRGB == view.m_outputFormat) ) { cmdExec("view output srgb"); } if (hdrCap) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("scRGB", NULL, Output::scRGB == view.m_outputFormat) ) { cmdExec("view output scrgb"); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("HDR10", NULL, Output::HDR10 == view.m_outputFormat) ) { cmdExec("view output hdr10"); } } ImGui::EndMenu(); } bool sdf = view.m_sdf; if (ImGui::MenuItem("SDF", NULL, &sdf) ) { cmdExec("view sdf"); } bool rr = 0 != (view.m_abgr & 0x000000ff); if (ImGui::MenuItem("R", NULL, &rr) ) { cmdExec("view rgb r"); } bool gg = 0 != (view.m_abgr & 0x0000ff00); if (ImGui::MenuItem("G", NULL, &gg) ) { cmdExec("view rgb g"); } bool bb = 0 != (view.m_abgr & 0x00ff0000); if (ImGui::MenuItem("B", NULL, &bb) ) { cmdExec("view rgb b"); } bool alpha = view.m_alpha; if (ImGui::MenuItem("Checkerboard", NULL, &alpha) ) { cmdExec("view rgb a"); } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Save Options") ) { cmdExec("view save"); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Help") ) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("View Help") ) { cmdExec("view help"); } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("About") ) { cmdExec("view about"); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (0 != view.m_fileList.size() ) { ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) , view.m_fileList[view.m_fileIndex].c_str() ); ImGui::Separator(); const char* name = ""; if (view.m_textureInfo.cubeMap) { name = " CubeMap"; } else if (1 < view.m_textureInfo.depth) { name = " 3D"; view.m_textureInfo.numLayers = view.m_textureInfo.depth; } else if (1 < view.m_textureInfo.numLayers) { name = " 2D Array"; } ImGui::Text("%d x %d%s, mips: %d, layers %d, %s" , view.m_textureInfo.width , view.m_textureInfo.height , name , view.m_textureInfo.numMips , view.m_textureInfo.numLayers , bimg::getName(bimg::TextureFormat::Enum(view.m_textureInfo.format) ) ); } ImGui::EndMainMenuBar(); } ImGui::PopStyleVar(2); static bool help = false; static bool about = false; static bool mouseDelta = false; if (!mouseDelta) { mouseStatePrev = mouseState; mouseDelta = true; } int32_t zoomDelta = overArea ? 0 : mouseState.m_mz - mouseStatePrev.m_mz; if (zoomDelta != 0) { char exec[64]; bx::snprintf(exec, BX_COUNTOF(exec), "view zoom %+f", -zoomDelta*0.1f); cmdExec(exec); } const float xDelta = float(mouseStatePrev.m_mx - mouseState.m_mx); const float yDelta = float(mouseStatePrev.m_my - mouseState.m_my); if (!overArea && !help && mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left] != mouseStatePrev.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left]) { dragging = !!mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left]; } if (dragging) { if (view.m_textureInfo.cubeMap && Geometry::Quad == view.m_cubeMapGeo) { char exec[64]; bx::snprintf(exec, BX_COUNTOF(exec), "view cubemap %+f %+f", -yDelta, -xDelta); cmdExec(exec); } else { char exec[64]; bx::snprintf(exec, BX_COUNTOF(exec), "view pan %+f %+f", xDelta, yDelta); cmdExec(exec); } } mouseStatePrev = mouseState; if (help != view.m_help) { if (!help) { ImGui::OpenPopup("Help"); inputRemoveBindings(s_bindingName[Binding::View]); inputAddBindings(s_bindingName[Binding::Help], s_binding[Binding::Help]); } else { inputRemoveBindings(s_bindingName[Binding::Help]); inputAddBindings(s_bindingName[Binding::View], s_binding[Binding::View]); } help = view.m_help; } if (about != view.m_about) { if (!about) { ImGui::OpenPopup("About"); inputRemoveBindings(s_bindingName[Binding::View]); inputAddBindings(s_bindingName[Binding::About], s_binding[Binding::About]); } else { inputRemoveBindings(s_bindingName[Binding::About]); inputAddBindings(s_bindingName[Binding::View], s_binding[Binding::View]); } about = view.m_about; } if (view.m_info) { ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2(300.0f, 320.0f) , ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); if (ImGui::Begin("Info", &view.m_info) ) { if (ImGui::BeginChild("##info", ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f) ) ) { if (!bgfx::isValid(texture) ) { ImGui::Text("Texture is not loaded."); } else { ImGui::Text("Name: %s", view.m_fileList[view.m_fileIndex].c_str() ); ImGui::Text("Dimensions: %d x %d" , view.m_textureInfo.width , view.m_textureInfo.height ); ImGui::Text("Format: %s" , bimg::getName(bimg::TextureFormat::Enum(view.m_textureInfo.format) ) ); uint32_t numLayers = view.m_textureInfo.numLayers; if (1 < view.m_textureInfo.depth) { numLayers = bx::max(1, view.m_textureInfo.depth >> view.m_mip); } view.m_layer = bx::clamp(view.m_layer, 0, numLayers - 1); ImGui::SliderInt("Layer", (int32_t*)&view.m_layer, 0, numLayers - 1); ImGui::SliderInt("Mip", (int32_t*)&view.m_mip, 0, view.m_textureInfo.numMips - 1); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::Checkbox("Input linear", &view.m_inLinear); ImGui::RangeSliderFloat("EV range", &view.m_evMin, &view.m_evMax, kEvMin, kEvMax); ImGui::SliderFloat("EV", &view.m_ev, view.m_evMin, view.m_evMax); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::Checkbox("Fit to window", &view.m_fit); ImGui::SliderFloat("Scale", &view.m_zoom, 0.01f, 10.0f); } ImGui::EndChild(); } } ImGui::End(); } if (view.m_files) { char temp[bx::kMaxFilePath]; bx::snprintf(temp, BX_COUNTOF(temp), "%s##File", view.m_path.getCPtr() ); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2(400.0f, 400.0f) , ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); if (ImGui::Begin(temp, &view.m_files) ) { if (ImGui::BeginChild("##file_list", ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f) ) ) { ImGui::PushFont(ImGui::Font::Mono); const float itemHeight = ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing(); const float listHeight = bx::max(1.0f, bx::floor(ImGui::GetWindowHeight()/itemHeight) ) * itemHeight ; ImGui::PushItemWidth(-1); if (ImGui::ListBoxHeader("##empty", ImVec2(0.0f, listHeight) ) ) { const int32_t itemCount = int32_t(view.m_fileList.size() ); int32_t start, end; ImGui::CalcListClipping(itemCount, itemHeight, &start, &end); const int32_t index = int32_t(view.m_fileIndex); if (index <= start) { ImGui::SetScrollY(ImGui::GetScrollY() - (start-index+1)*itemHeight); } else if (index >= end) { ImGui::SetScrollY(ImGui::GetScrollY() + (index-end+1)*itemHeight); } ImGuiListClipper clipper(itemCount, itemHeight); for (int32_t pos = clipper.DisplayStart; pos < clipper.DisplayEnd; ++pos) { ImGui::PushID(pos); bool isSelected = uint32_t(pos) == view.m_fileIndex; if (ImGui::Selectable(view.m_fileList[pos].c_str(), &isSelected) ) { view.m_fileIndex = pos; } ImGui::PopID(); } clipper.End(); ImGui::ListBoxFooter(); } ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::EndChild(); } } ImGui::End(); } if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("About", &view.m_about, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize) ) { ImGui::SetWindowFontScale(1.0f); ImGui::Text( "texturev, bgfx texture viewer tool " ICON_KI_WRENCH ", version %d.%d.%d.\n" "Copyright 2011-2019 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.\n" "License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx#license-bsd-2-clause\n" , BGFX_TEXTUREV_VERSION_MAJOR , BGFX_TEXTUREV_VERSION_MINOR , BGFX_API_VERSION ); ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f) ); ImGui::SameLine(ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - 136.0f); if (ImGui::Button("Close", ImVec2(128.0f, 0.0f) ) || !view.m_about) { view.m_about = false; ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("Help", &view.m_help, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize) ) { ImGui::SetWindowFontScale(1.0f); ImGui::Text("Key bindings:\n\n"); ImGui::PushFont(ImGui::Font::Mono); keyBindingHelp("ESC", "Exit."); keyBindingHelp("h", "Toggle help screen."); keyBindingHelp("f", "Toggle full-screen."); ImGui::NextLine(); keyBindingHelp("LMB+drag", "Pan."); keyBindingHelp("=/- or MW", "Zoom in/out."); keyBindingHelp("z/Z", "Rotate."); keyBindingHelp("0", "Reset."); keyBindingHelp("1", "Fit to window."); ImGui::NextLine(); keyBindingHelp("<", "Reset MIP level."); keyBindingHelp(",/,", "MIP level up/down."); keyBindingHelp("/", "Toggle linear/point texture sampling."); keyBindingHelp("[space]", "Change cubemap mode."); ImGui::NextLine(); keyBindingHelp("left", "Previous layer in texture array."); keyBindingHelp("right", "Next layer in texture array."); ImGui::NextLine(); keyBindingHelp("up", "Previous texture."); keyBindingHelp("down", "Next texture."); ImGui::NextLine(); keyBindingHelp("r/g/b", "Toggle R, G, or B color channel."); keyBindingHelp("a", "Toggle alpha blending."); ImGui::NextLine(); keyBindingHelp("s", "Toggle Multi-channel SDF rendering"); ImGui::NextLine(); ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f) ); ImGui::SameLine(ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - 136.0f); if (ImGui::Button("Close", ImVec2(128.0f, 0.0f) ) || !view.m_help) { view.m_help = false; ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } imguiEndFrame(); if ( (!bgfx::isValid(texture) || view.m_fileIndex != fileIndex) && 0 != view.m_fileList.size() ) { if (bgfx::isValid(texture) ) { bgfx::destroy(texture); } fileIndex = view.m_fileIndex; bx::FilePath fp = view.m_path; fp.join(view.m_fileList[view.m_fileIndex].c_str() ); bimg::Orientation::Enum orientation; texture = loadTexture(fp.getCPtr() , 0 | BGFX_SAMPLER_U_CLAMP | BGFX_SAMPLER_V_CLAMP | BGFX_SAMPLER_W_CLAMP , 0 , &view.m_textureInfo , &orientation ); bimg::TextureFormat::Enum format = bimg::TextureFormat::Enum(view.m_textureInfo.format); if (format < bimg::TextureFormat::Count) { view.m_inLinear = bimg::isFloat(format); switch (orientation) { default: case bimg::Orientation::R0: cmdExec("view orientation\nview orientation z 0"); break; case bimg::Orientation::R90: cmdExec("view orientation\nview orientation z -90"); break; case bimg::Orientation::R180: cmdExec("view orientation\nview orientation z -180"); break; case bimg::Orientation::R270: cmdExec("view orientation\nview orientation z -270"); break; case bimg::Orientation::HFlip: cmdExec("view orientation\nview orientation x -180"); break; case bimg::Orientation::HFlipR90: cmdExec("view orientation\nview orientation z -90\nview orientation x -180"); break; case bimg::Orientation::HFlipR270: cmdExec("view orientation\nview orientation z -270\nview orientation x -180"); break; case bimg::Orientation::VFlip: cmdExec("view orientation\nview orientation y -180"); break; } } std::string title; if (isValid(texture) ) { const char* name = ""; if (view.m_textureInfo.cubeMap) { name = " CubeMap"; } else if (1 < view.m_textureInfo.depth) { name = " 3D"; view.m_textureInfo.numLayers = view.m_textureInfo.depth; } else if (1 < view.m_textureInfo.numLayers) { name = " 2D Array"; } bx::stringPrintf(title, "%s (%d x %d%s, mips: %d, layers %d, %s)" , fp.getCPtr() , view.m_textureInfo.width , view.m_textureInfo.height , name , view.m_textureInfo.numMips , view.m_textureInfo.numLayers , bimg::getName(bimg::TextureFormat::Enum(view.m_textureInfo.format) ) ); } else { bx::stringPrintf(title, "Failed to load %s!", filePath); } entry::WindowHandle handle = { 0 }; entry::setWindowTitle(handle, title.c_str() ); } int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); static int64_t last = now; const int64_t frameTime = now - last; last = now; const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency() ); time += (float)(frameTime*speed/freq); float transitionTime = dragging ? 0.0f : 0.25f*view.m_transitionTime; posx.set(view.m_posx, transitionTime); posy.set(view.m_posy, transitionTime); float ortho[16]; bx::mtxOrtho( ortho , 0.0f , float(view.m_width) , float(view.m_height) , 0.0f , 0.0f , 1000.0f , 0.0f , caps->homogeneousDepth ); bgfx::setViewTransform(BACKGROUND_VIEW_ID, NULL, ortho); bgfx::setViewRect(BACKGROUND_VIEW_ID, 0, 0, uint16_t(view.m_width), uint16_t(view.m_height) ); setGeometry(Geometry::Quad , 0 , 0 , view.m_width , view.m_height , view.m_alpha || !bgfx::isValid(texture) ? UINT32_MAX : 0 , float(view.m_width )/float(checkerBoardSize) , float(view.m_height)/float(checkerBoardSize) ); bgfx::setTexture(0 , s_texColor , checkerBoard ); bgfx::setState(0 | BGFX_STATE_WRITE_RGB | BGFX_STATE_WRITE_A ); bgfx::submit(BACKGROUND_VIEW_ID , textureProgram ); float px = posx.getValue(); float py = posy.getValue(); bx::mtxOrtho( ortho , px-view.m_width/2.0f , px+view.m_width/2.0f , py+view.m_height/2.0f , py-view.m_height/2.0f , -10.0f , 10.0f , 0.0f , caps->homogeneousDepth ); bgfx::setViewTransform(IMAGE_VIEW_ID, NULL, ortho); bgfx::setViewRect(IMAGE_VIEW_ID, 0, 0, uint16_t(view.m_width), uint16_t(view.m_height) ); bgfx::dbgTextClear(); float orientation[16]; bx::mtxRotateXYZ(orientation, view.m_flipH, view.m_flipV, angle.getValue()+view.m_orientation); if (view.m_fit) { const bx::Vec3 wh = { float(view.m_textureInfo.width), float(view.m_textureInfo.height), 0.0f }; const bx::Vec3 result = bx::round(bx::abs(bx::mul(wh, orientation) ) ); scale.set(bx::min(float(view.m_width) / result.x , float(view.m_height) / result.y) , 0.1f*view.m_transitionTime ); } else { scale.set(1.0f, 0.1f*view.m_transitionTime); } zoom.set(view.m_zoom, transitionTime); angle.set(view.m_angle, transitionTime); angx.set(view.m_angx, transitionTime); angy.set(view.m_angy, transitionTime); float ss = scale.getValue() * zoom.getValue() ; setGeometry(view.m_textureInfo.cubeMap ? view.m_cubeMapGeo : Geometry::Quad , -int(view.m_textureInfo.width * ss)/2 , -int(view.m_textureInfo.height * ss)/2 , int(view.m_textureInfo.width * ss) , int(view.m_textureInfo.height * ss) , view.m_abgr ); bgfx::setTransform(orientation); float mtx[16]; bx::mtxRotateXY(mtx, angx.getValue(), angy.getValue() ); bgfx::setUniform(u_mtx, mtx); mip.set(float(view.m_mip), 0.5f*view.m_transitionTime); layer.set(float(view.m_layer), 0.25f*view.m_transitionTime); ev.set(view.m_ev, 0.5f*view.m_transitionTime); float params[4] = { mip.getValue(), layer.getValue(), view.m_inLinear ? 1.0f : 0.0f, ev.getValue() }; if (1 < view.m_textureInfo.depth) { params[1] = layer.getValue()/float(bx::max(1, view.m_textureInfo.depth >> view.m_mip) ); } bgfx::setUniform(u_params0, params); float params1[4] = { float(view.m_outputFormat), 80.0f, 0.0, 0.0f }; bgfx::setUniform(u_params1, params1); const uint32_t textureFlags = 0 | BGFX_SAMPLER_U_CLAMP | BGFX_SAMPLER_V_CLAMP | BGFX_SAMPLER_W_CLAMP | (view.m_filter ? 0 : 0 | BGFX_SAMPLER_MIN_POINT | BGFX_SAMPLER_MIP_POINT | BGFX_SAMPLER_MAG_POINT ) ; bgfx::setTexture(0 , s_texColor , texture , textureFlags ); bgfx::setState(0 | BGFX_STATE_WRITE_RGB | BGFX_STATE_WRITE_A | (view.m_alpha ? BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ALPHA : BGFX_STATE_NONE) ); bgfx:: ProgramHandle program = textureProgram; if (1 < view.m_textureInfo.depth) { program = texture3DProgram; } else if (view.m_textureInfo.cubeMap) { program = Geometry::Quad == view.m_cubeMapGeo ? textureCubeProgram : textureCube2Program ; } else if (1 < view.m_textureInfo.numLayers) { program = textureArrayProgram; } else if (view.m_sdf) { if (8 < bimg::getBitsPerPixel(bimg::TextureFormat::Enum(view.m_textureInfo.format) ) ) { program = textureMsdfProgram; } else { program = textureSdfProgram; } } if (bgfx::isValid(texture) ) { bgfx::submit(IMAGE_VIEW_ID, program); } else { bgfx::discard(); } bgfx::frame(); // Slow down when nothing is animating... if (!dragging && !anyActive() ) { bx::sleep(100); } } } if (bgfx::isValid(texture) ) { bgfx::destroy(texture); } bgfx::destroy(checkerBoard); bgfx::destroy(s_texColor); bgfx::destroy(u_mtx); bgfx::destroy(u_params0); bgfx::destroy(u_params1); bgfx::destroy(textureProgram); bgfx::destroy(textureArrayProgram); bgfx::destroy(textureCubeProgram); bgfx::destroy(textureCube2Program); bgfx::destroy(textureSdfProgram); bgfx::destroy(textureMsdfProgram); bgfx::destroy(texture3DProgram); imguiDestroy(); bgfx::shutdown(); return exitcode; }