project ("texturev") uuid (os.uuid("texturev") ) kind "ConsoleApp" configuration {} includedirs { path.join(BX_DIR, "include"), path.join(BIMG_DIR, "include"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "include"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "3rdparty"), path.join(BGFX_DIR, "examples/common"), path.join(MODULE_DIR, "include"), path.join(MODULE_DIR, "3rdparty"), } files { path.join(MODULE_DIR, "tools/texturev/**"), } links { "example-common", "bimg_decode", "bimg", "bgfx", "bx", } if _OPTIONS["with-sdl"] then defines { "ENTRY_CONFIG_USE_SDL=1" } links { "SDL2" } configuration { "x32", "windows" } libdirs { "$(SDL2_DIR)/lib/x86" } configuration { "x64", "windows" } libdirs { "$(SDL2_DIR)/lib/x64" } configuration {} end if _OPTIONS["with-glfw"] then defines { "ENTRY_CONFIG_USE_GLFW=1" } links { "glfw3" } configuration { "linux or freebsd" } links { "Xrandr", "Xinerama", "Xi", "Xxf86vm", "Xcursor", } configuration { "osx" } linkoptions { "-framework CoreVideo", "-framework IOKit", } configuration {} end if _OPTIONS["with-ovr"] then links { "winmm", "ws2_32", } -- Check for LibOVR 5.0+ if os.isdir(path.join(os.getenv("OVR_DIR"), "LibOVR/Lib/Windows/Win32/Debug/VS2012")) then configuration { "x32", "Debug" } libdirs { path.join("$(OVR_DIR)/LibOVR/Lib/Windows/Win32/Debug", _ACTION) } configuration { "x32", "Release" } libdirs { path.join("$(OVR_DIR)/LibOVR/Lib/Windows/Win32/Release", _ACTION) } configuration { "x64", "Debug" } libdirs { path.join("$(OVR_DIR)/LibOVR/Lib/Windows/x64/Debug", _ACTION) } configuration { "x64", "Release" } libdirs { path.join("$(OVR_DIR)/LibOVR/Lib/Windows/x64/Release", _ACTION) } configuration { "x32 or x64" } links { "libovr" } else configuration { "x32" } libdirs { path.join("$(OVR_DIR)/LibOVR/Lib/Win32", _ACTION) } configuration { "x64" } libdirs { path.join("$(OVR_DIR)/LibOVR/Lib/x64", _ACTION) } configuration { "x32", "Debug" } links { "libovrd" } configuration { "x32", "Release" } links { "libovr" } configuration { "x64", "Debug" } links { "libovr64d" } configuration { "x64", "Release" } links { "libovr64" } end configuration {} end configuration { "vs*" } linkoptions { "/ignore:4199", -- LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:*.dll ignored; no imports found from *.dll } links { -- this is needed only for testing with GLES2/3 on Windows with VS2008 "DelayImp", } configuration { "vs201*" } linkoptions { -- this is needed only for testing with GLES2/3 on Windows with VS201x "/DELAYLOAD:\"libEGL.dll\"", "/DELAYLOAD:\"libGLESv2.dll\"", } configuration { "mingw-*" } targetextension ".exe" configuration { "vs20* or mingw*" } links { "gdi32", "psapi", } configuration { "winphone8*"} removelinks { "DelayImp", "gdi32", "psapi" } links { "d3d11", "dxgi" } linkoptions { "/ignore:4264" -- LNK4264: archiving object file compiled with /ZW into a static library; note that when authoring Windows Runtime types it is not recommended to link with a static library that contains Windows Runtime metadata } -- WinRT targets need their own output directories are build files stomp over each other targetdir (path.join(BGFX_BUILD_DIR, "arm_" .. _ACTION, "bin", _name)) objdir (path.join(BGFX_BUILD_DIR, "arm_" .. _ACTION, "obj", _name)) configuration { "mingw-clang" } kind "ConsoleApp" configuration { "android*" } kind "ConsoleApp" targetextension ".so" linkoptions { "-shared", } links { "EGL", "GLESv2", } configuration { "nacl*" } kind "ConsoleApp" targetextension ".nexe" links { "ppapi", "ppapi_gles2", "pthread", } configuration { "pnacl" } kind "ConsoleApp" targetextension ".pexe" links { "ppapi", "ppapi_gles2", "pthread", } configuration { "asmjs" } kind "ConsoleApp" targetextension ".bc" configuration { "linux-* or freebsd" } links { "X11", "GL", "pthread", } configuration { "rpi" } links { "X11", "GLESv2", "EGL", "bcm_host", "vcos", "vchiq_arm", "pthread", } configuration { "osx" } linkoptions { "-framework Cocoa", "-framework Metal", "-framework QuartzCore", "-framework OpenGL", } configuration { "ios*" } kind "ConsoleApp" linkoptions { "-framework CoreFoundation", "-framework Foundation", "-framework OpenGLES", "-framework UIKit", "-framework QuartzCore", } configuration { "xcode4", "ios" } kind "WindowedApp" configuration { "qnx*" } targetextension "" links { "EGL", "GLESv2", } configuration {} strip()