/* * Copyright 2011-2023 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. * License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/blob/master/LICENSE */ #include "shaderc.h" #include #include #define MAX_TAGS 256 extern "C" { #include } // extern "C" #define BGFX_SHADER_BIN_VERSION 11 #define BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_CSH BX_MAKEFOURCC('C', 'S', 'H', BGFX_SHADER_BIN_VERSION) #define BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_FSH BX_MAKEFOURCC('F', 'S', 'H', BGFX_SHADER_BIN_VERSION) #define BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_VSH BX_MAKEFOURCC('V', 'S', 'H', BGFX_SHADER_BIN_VERSION) #define BGFX_SHADERC_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define BGFX_SHADERC_VERSION_MINOR 18 namespace bgfx { bool g_verbose = false; struct ShadingLang { enum Enum { ESSL, GLSL, HLSL, Metal, PSSL, SpirV, Count }; }; static const char* s_shadingLangName[] = { "OpenGL ES Shading Language / WebGL (ESSL)", "OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)", "High-Level Shading Language (HLSL)", "Metal Shading Language (MSL)", "PlayStation Shader Language (PSSL)", "Standard Portable Intermediate Representation - V (SPIR-V)", "Unknown?!" }; BX_STATIC_ASSERT(BX_COUNTOF(s_shadingLangName) == ShadingLang::Count+1, "ShadingLang::Enum and s_shadingLangName mismatch"); const char* getName(ShadingLang::Enum _lang) { return s_shadingLangName[_lang]; } // c - compute // d - domain // f - fragment // g - geometry // h - hull // v - vertex // // OpenGL #version Features Direct3D Features Shader Model // 2.1 120 vf 9.0 vf 2.0 // 3.0 130 // 3.1 140 // 3.2 150 vgf // 3.3 330 10.0 vgf 4.0 // 4.0 400 vhdgf // 4.1 410 // 4.2 420 11.0 vhdgf+c 5.0 // 4.3 430 vhdgf+c // 4.4 440 // // SPIR-V profile naming convention: // spirv- // // SPIR-V version | Vulkan version | shaderc encoding // 1.0 | 1.0 | 1010 // 1.3 | 1.1 | 1311 // 1.4 | 1.1 | 1411 // 1.5 | 1.2 | 1512 // 1.6 | 1.3 | 1613 struct Profile { ShadingLang::Enum lang; uint32_t id; const bx::StringLiteral name; }; static const Profile s_profiles[] = { { ShadingLang::ESSL, 100, "100_es" }, { ShadingLang::ESSL, 300, "300_es" }, { ShadingLang::ESSL, 310, "310_es" }, { ShadingLang::ESSL, 320, "320_es" }, { ShadingLang::HLSL, 400, "s_4_0" }, { ShadingLang::HLSL, 500, "s_5_0" }, { ShadingLang::Metal, 1000, "metal" }, { ShadingLang::PSSL, 1000, "pssl" }, { ShadingLang::SpirV, 1010, "spirv" }, { ShadingLang::SpirV, 1010, "spirv10-10" }, { ShadingLang::SpirV, 1311, "spirv13-11" }, { ShadingLang::SpirV, 1411, "spirv14-11" }, { ShadingLang::SpirV, 1512, "spirv15-12" }, { ShadingLang::SpirV, 1613, "spirv16-13" }, { ShadingLang::GLSL, 120, "120" }, { ShadingLang::GLSL, 130, "130" }, { ShadingLang::GLSL, 140, "140" }, { ShadingLang::GLSL, 150, "150" }, { ShadingLang::GLSL, 330, "330" }, { ShadingLang::GLSL, 400, "400" }, { ShadingLang::GLSL, 410, "410" }, { ShadingLang::GLSL, 420, "420" }, { ShadingLang::GLSL, 430, "430" }, { ShadingLang::GLSL, 440, "440" }, }; static const char* s_ARB_shader_texture_lod[] = { "texture2DLod", "texture2DArrayLod", // BK - interacts with ARB_texture_array. "texture2DProjLod", "texture2DGrad", "texture2DProjGrad", "texture3DLod", "texture3DProjLod", "texture3DGrad", "texture3DProjGrad", "textureCubeLod", "textureCubeGrad", "shadow2DLod", "shadow2DProjLod", NULL // "texture1DLod", // "texture1DProjLod", // "shadow1DLod", // "shadow1DProjLod", }; static const char* s_EXT_shader_texture_lod[] = { "texture2DLod", "texture2DProjLod", "textureCubeLod", "texture2DGrad", "texture2DProjGrad", "textureCubeGrad", NULL }; static const char* s_EXT_shadow_samplers[] = { "shadow2D", "shadow2DProj", "sampler2DShadow", NULL }; static const char* s_OES_standard_derivatives[] = { "dFdx", "dFdy", "fwidth", NULL }; static const char* s_OES_texture_3D[] = { "texture3D", "texture3DProj", "texture3DLod", "texture3DProjLod", NULL }; static const char* s_EXT_gpu_shader4[] = { "gl_VertexID", "gl_InstanceID", "texture2DLodOffset", NULL }; // To be use from vertex program require: // https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/extensions/ARB/ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array.txt // DX11 11_1 feature level static const char* s_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array[] = { "gl_ViewportIndex", "gl_Layer", NULL }; static const char* s_ARB_gpu_shader5[] = { "bitfieldReverse", "floatBitsToInt", "floatBitsToUint", "intBitsToFloat", "uintBitsToFloat", NULL }; static const char* s_ARB_shading_language_packing[] = { "packHalf2x16", "unpackHalf2x16", NULL }; static const char* s_130[] = { "uint", "uint2", "uint3", "uint4", "isampler2D", "usampler2D", "isampler3D", "usampler3D", "isamplerCube", "usamplerCube", "textureSize", NULL }; static const char* s_textureArray[] = { "sampler2DArray", "texture2DArray", "texture2DArrayLod", "shadow2DArray", NULL }; static const char* s_ARB_texture_multisample[] = { "sampler2DMS", "isampler2DMS", "usampler2DMS", NULL }; static const char* s_texelFetch[] = { "texelFetch", "texelFetchOffset", NULL }; static const char* s_bitsToEncoders[] = { "floatBitsToUint", "floatBitsToInt", "intBitsToFloat", "uintBitsToFloat", NULL }; static const char* s_unsignedVecs[] = { "uvec2", "uvec3", "uvec4", NULL }; const char* s_uniformTypeName[] = { "int", "int", NULL, NULL, "vec4", "float4", "mat3", "float3x3", "mat4", "float4x4", }; BX_STATIC_ASSERT(BX_COUNTOF(s_uniformTypeName) == UniformType::Count*2); static const char* s_allowedVertexShaderInputs[] = { "a_position", "a_normal", "a_tangent", "a_bitangent", "a_color0", "a_color1", "a_color2", "a_color3", "a_indices", "a_weight", "a_texcoord0", "a_texcoord1", "a_texcoord2", "a_texcoord3", "a_texcoord4", "a_texcoord5", "a_texcoord6", "a_texcoord7", "i_data0", "i_data1", "i_data2", "i_data3", "i_data4", NULL }; void fatal(const char* _filePath, uint16_t _line, Fatal::Enum _code, const char* _format, ...) { BX_UNUSED(_filePath, _line, _code); va_list argList; va_start(argList, _format); bx::vprintf(_format, argList); va_end(argList); abort(); } void trace(const char* _filePath, uint16_t _line, const char* _format, ...) { BX_UNUSED(_filePath, _line); va_list argList; va_start(argList, _format); bx::vprintf(_format, argList); va_end(argList); } Options::Options() : shaderType(' ') , disasm(false) , raw(false) , preprocessOnly(false) , depends(false) , debugInformation(false) , avoidFlowControl(false) , noPreshader(false) , partialPrecision(false) , preferFlowControl(false) , backwardsCompatibility(false) , warningsAreErrors(false) , keepIntermediate(false) , optimize(false) , optimizationLevel(3) { } void Options::dump() { BX_TRACE("Options:\n" "\t shaderType: %c\n" "\t platform: %s\n" "\t profile: %s\n" "\t inputFile: %s\n" "\t outputFile: %s\n" "\t disasm: %s\n" "\t raw: %s\n" "\t preprocessOnly: %s\n" "\t depends: %s\n" "\t debugInformation: %s\n" "\t avoidFlowControl: %s\n" "\t noPreshader: %s\n" "\t partialPrecision: %s\n" "\t preferFlowControl: %s\n" "\t backwardsCompatibility: %s\n" "\t warningsAreErrors: %s\n" "\t keepIntermediate: %s\n" "\t optimize: %s\n" "\t optimizationLevel: %d\n" , shaderType , platform.c_str() , profile.c_str() , inputFilePath.c_str() , outputFilePath.c_str() , disasm ? "true" : "false" , raw ? "true" : "false" , preprocessOnly ? "true" : "false" , depends ? "true" : "false" , debugInformation ? "true" : "false" , avoidFlowControl ? "true" : "false" , noPreshader ? "true" : "false" , partialPrecision ? "true" : "false" , preferFlowControl ? "true" : "false" , backwardsCompatibility ? "true" : "false" , warningsAreErrors ? "true" : "false" , keepIntermediate ? "true" : "false" , optimize ? "true" : "false" , optimizationLevel ); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < includeDirs.size(); ++ii) { BX_TRACE("\t include :%s\n", includeDirs[ii].c_str()); } for (size_t ii = 0; ii < defines.size(); ++ii) { BX_TRACE("\t define :%s\n", defines[ii].c_str()); } for (size_t ii = 0; ii < dependencies.size(); ++ii) { BX_TRACE("\t dependency :%s\n", dependencies[ii].c_str()); } } const char* interpolationDx11(const char* _glsl) { if (0 == bx::strCmp(_glsl, "smooth") ) { return "linear"; } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(_glsl, "flat") ) { return "nointerpolation"; } return _glsl; // centroid, noperspective } const char* getUniformTypeName(UniformType::Enum _enum) { uint32_t idx = _enum & ~(kUniformFragmentBit|kUniformSamplerBit); if (idx < UniformType::Count) { return s_uniformTypeName[idx]; } return "Unknown uniform type?!"; } UniformType::Enum nameToUniformTypeEnum(const char* _name) { for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < UniformType::Count*2; ++ii) { if (NULL != s_uniformTypeName[ii] && 0 == bx::strCmp(_name, s_uniformTypeName[ii]) ) { return UniformType::Enum(ii/2); } } return UniformType::Count; } int32_t writef(bx::WriterI* _writer, const char* _format, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, _format); char temp[2048]; char* out = temp; int32_t max = sizeof(temp); int32_t len = bx::vsnprintf(out, max, _format, argList); if (len > max) { out = (char*)alloca(len); len = bx::vsnprintf(out, len, _format, argList); } len = bx::write(_writer, out, len, bx::ErrorAssert{}); va_end(argList); return len; } class Bin2cWriter : public bx::FileWriter { public: Bin2cWriter(const bx::StringView& _name) : m_name(_name) { } virtual ~Bin2cWriter() { } virtual void close() override { generate(); return bx::FileWriter::close(); } virtual int32_t write(const void* _data, int32_t _size, bx::Error*) override { const char* data = (const char*)_data; m_buffer.insert(m_buffer.end(), data, data+_size); return _size; } private: void generate() { #define HEX_DUMP_WIDTH 16 #define HEX_DUMP_SPACE_WIDTH 96 #define HEX_DUMP_FORMAT "%-" BX_STRINGIZE(HEX_DUMP_SPACE_WIDTH) "." BX_STRINGIZE(HEX_DUMP_SPACE_WIDTH) "s" const uint8_t* data = &m_buffer[0]; uint32_t size = (uint32_t)m_buffer.size(); outf("static const uint8_t %.*s[%d] =\n{\n", m_name.getLength(), m_name.getPtr(), size); if (NULL != data) { char hex[HEX_DUMP_SPACE_WIDTH+1]; char ascii[HEX_DUMP_WIDTH+1]; uint32_t hexPos = 0; uint32_t asciiPos = 0; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii) { bx::snprintf(&hex[hexPos], sizeof(hex)-hexPos, "0x%02x, ", data[asciiPos]); hexPos += 6; ascii[asciiPos] = isprint(data[asciiPos]) && data[asciiPos] != '\\' && data[asciiPos] != '\t' ? data[asciiPos] : '.'; asciiPos++; if (HEX_DUMP_WIDTH == asciiPos) { ascii[asciiPos] = '\0'; outf("\t" HEX_DUMP_FORMAT "// %s\n", hex, ascii); data += asciiPos; hexPos = 0; asciiPos = 0; } } if (0 != asciiPos) { ascii[asciiPos] = '\0'; outf("\t" HEX_DUMP_FORMAT "// %s\n", hex, ascii); } } outf("};\n"); #undef HEX_DUMP_WIDTH #undef HEX_DUMP_SPACE_WIDTH #undef HEX_DUMP_FORMAT } int32_t outf(const char* _format, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, _format); char temp[2048]; char* out = temp; int32_t max = sizeof(temp); int32_t len = bx::vsnprintf(out, max, _format, argList); if (len > max) { out = (char*)alloca(len); len = bx::vsnprintf(out, len, _format, argList); } int32_t size = bx::FileWriter::write(out, len, bx::ErrorAssert{}); va_end(argList); return size; } bx::StringView m_name; typedef std::vector Buffer; Buffer m_buffer; }; struct Varying { std::string m_precision; std::string m_interpolation; std::string m_name; std::string m_type; std::string m_init; std::string m_semantics; }; typedef std::unordered_map VaryingMap; class File { public: File() : m_data(NULL) , m_size(0) { } ~File() { delete [] m_data; } void load(const bx::FilePath& _filePath) { bx::FileReader reader; if (bx::open(&reader, _filePath) ) { m_size = (uint32_t)bx::getSize(&reader); m_data = new char[m_size+1]; m_size = (uint32_t)bx::read(&reader, m_data, m_size, bx::ErrorAssert{}); bx::close(&reader); if (m_data[0] == '\xef' && m_data[1] == '\xbb' && m_data[2] == '\xbf') { bx::memMove(m_data, &m_data[3], m_size-3); m_size -= 3; } m_data[m_size] = '\0'; } } const char* getData() const { return m_data; } uint32_t getSize() const { return m_size; } private: char* m_data; uint32_t m_size; }; char* strInsert(char* _str, const char* _insert) { uint32_t len = bx::strLen(_insert); bx::memMove(&_str[len], _str, bx::strLen(_str) ); bx::memCopy(_str, _insert, len); return _str + len; } void strReplace(char* _str, const char* _find, const char* _replace) { const int32_t len = bx::strLen(_find); char* replace = (char*)alloca(len+1); bx::strCopy(replace, len+1, _replace); for (int32_t ii = bx::strLen(replace); ii < len; ++ii) { replace[ii] = ' '; } replace[len] = '\0'; BX_ASSERT(len >= bx::strLen(_replace), ""); for (bx::StringView ptr = bx::strFind(_str, _find) ; !ptr.isEmpty() ; ptr = bx::strFind(ptr.getPtr() + len, _find) ) { bx::memCopy(const_cast(ptr.getPtr() ), replace, len); } } void strNormalizeEol(char* _str) { strReplace(_str, "\r\n", "\n"); strReplace(_str, "\r", "\n"); } void printCode(const char* _code, int32_t _line, int32_t _start, int32_t _end, int32_t _column) { bx::printf("Code:\n---\n"); bx::LineReader reader(_code); for (int32_t line = 1; !reader.isDone() && line < _end; ++line) { bx::StringView strLine = reader.next(); if (line >= _start) { if (_line == line) { bx::printf("\n"); bx::printf(">>> %3d: %.*s\n", line, strLine.getLength(), strLine.getPtr() ); if (-1 != _column) { bx::printf(">>> %3d: %*s\n", _column, _column, "^"); } bx::printf("\n"); } else { bx::printf(" %3d: %.*s\n", line, strLine.getLength(), strLine.getPtr() ); } } } bx::printf("---\n"); } void writeFile(const char* _filePath, const void* _data, int32_t _size) { bx::FileWriter out; if (bx::open(&out, _filePath) ) { bx::write(&out, _data, _size, bx::ErrorAssert{}); bx::close(&out); } } struct Preprocessor { Preprocessor(const char* _filePath, bool _essl, bx::WriterI* _messageWriter) : m_tagptr(m_tags) , m_scratchPos(0) , m_fgetsPos(0) , m_messageWriter(_messageWriter) { m_tagptr->tag = FPPTAG_USERDATA; m_tagptr->data = this; m_tagptr++; m_tagptr->tag = FPPTAG_DEPENDS; m_tagptr->data = (void*)fppDepends; m_tagptr++; m_tagptr->tag = FPPTAG_INPUT; m_tagptr->data = (void*)fppInput; m_tagptr++; m_tagptr->tag = FPPTAG_OUTPUT; m_tagptr->data = (void*)fppOutput; m_tagptr++; m_tagptr->tag = FPPTAG_ERROR; m_tagptr->data = (void*)fppError; m_tagptr++; m_tagptr->tag = FPPTAG_SHOWVERSION; m_tagptr->data = (void*)0; m_tagptr++; m_tagptr->tag = FPPTAG_LINE; m_tagptr->data = (void*)0; m_tagptr++; m_tagptr->tag = FPPTAG_INPUT_NAME; m_tagptr->data = scratch(_filePath); m_tagptr++; if (!_essl) { m_default = "#define lowp\n#define mediump\n#define highp\n"; } } void setDefine(const char* _define) { m_tagptr->tag = FPPTAG_DEFINE; m_tagptr->data = scratch(_define); m_tagptr++; } void setDefaultDefine(const char* _name) { char temp[1024]; bx::snprintf(temp, BX_COUNTOF(temp) , "#ifndef %s\n" "# define %s 0\n" "#endif // %s\n" "\n" , _name , _name , _name ); m_default += temp; } void writef(const char* _format, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, _format); bx::stringPrintfVargs(m_default, _format, argList); va_end(argList); } void addInclude(const char* _includeDir) { char* start = scratch(_includeDir); for (bx::StringView split = bx::strFind(start, ';') ; !split.isEmpty() ; split = bx::strFind(start, ';') ) { *const_cast(split.getPtr() ) = '\0'; m_tagptr->tag = FPPTAG_INCLUDE_DIR; m_tagptr->data = start; m_tagptr++; start = const_cast(split.getPtr() ) + 1; } m_tagptr->tag = FPPTAG_INCLUDE_DIR; m_tagptr->data = start; m_tagptr++; } void addDependency(const char* _fileName) { m_depends += " \\\n "; m_depends += _fileName; } bool run(const char* _input) { m_fgetsPos = 0; m_preprocessed.clear(); m_input = m_default; m_input += "\n\n"; int32_t len = bx::strLen(_input)+1; char* temp = new char[len]; bx::StringView normalized = bx::normalizeEolLf(temp, len, _input); std::string str; str.assign(normalized.getPtr(), normalized.getTerm() ); m_input += str; delete [] temp; fppTag* tagptr = m_tagptr; tagptr->tag = FPPTAG_END; tagptr->data = 0; tagptr++; int result = fppPreProcess(m_tags); return 0 == result; } char* fgets(char* _buffer, int _size) { int ii = 0; for (char ch = m_input[m_fgetsPos]; m_fgetsPos < m_input.size() && ii < _size-1; ch = m_input[++m_fgetsPos]) { _buffer[ii++] = ch; if (ch == '\n' || ii == _size) { _buffer[ii] = '\0'; m_fgetsPos++; return _buffer; } } return NULL; } static void fppDepends(char* _fileName, void* _userData) { Preprocessor* thisClass = (Preprocessor*)_userData; thisClass->addDependency(_fileName); } static char* fppInput(char* _buffer, int _size, void* _userData) { Preprocessor* thisClass = (Preprocessor*)_userData; return thisClass->fgets(_buffer, _size); } static void fppOutput(int _ch, void* _userData) { Preprocessor* thisClass = (Preprocessor*)_userData; thisClass->m_preprocessed += char(_ch); } static void fppError(void* _userData, char* _format, va_list _vargs) { bx::ErrorAssert err; Preprocessor* thisClass = (Preprocessor*)_userData; bx::write(thisClass->m_messageWriter, _format, _vargs, &err); } char* scratch(const char* _str) { char* result = &m_scratch[m_scratchPos]; bx::strCopy(result, uint32_t(sizeof(m_scratch)-m_scratchPos), _str); m_scratchPos += (uint32_t)bx::strLen(_str)+1; return result; } fppTag m_tags[MAX_TAGS]; fppTag* m_tagptr; std::string m_depends; std::string m_default; std::string m_input; std::string m_preprocessed; char m_scratch[16<<10]; uint32_t m_scratchPos; uint32_t m_fgetsPos; bx::WriterI* m_messageWriter; }; typedef std::vector InOut; uint32_t parseInOut(InOut& _inout, const bx::StringView& _str) { uint32_t hash = 0; bx::StringView str = bx::strLTrimSpace(_str); if (!str.isEmpty() ) { bx::StringView delim; do { delim = bx::strFind(str, ','); if (delim.isEmpty() ) { delim = bx::strFind(str, ' '); } const bx::StringView token(bx::strRTrim(bx::StringView(str.getPtr(), delim.getPtr() ), " ") ); if (!token.isEmpty() ) { _inout.push_back(std::string(token.getPtr(), token.getTerm() ) ); str = bx::strLTrimSpace(bx::StringView(delim.getPtr() + 1, str.getTerm() ) ); } } while (!delim.isEmpty() ); std::sort(_inout.begin(), _inout.end() ); bx::HashMurmur2A murmur; murmur.begin(); for (InOut::const_iterator it = _inout.begin(), itEnd = _inout.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { murmur.add(it->c_str(), (uint32_t)it->size() ); } hash = murmur.end(); } return hash; } void addFragData(Preprocessor& _preprocessor, char* _data, uint32_t _idx, bool _comma) { char find[32]; bx::snprintf(find, sizeof(find), "gl_FragData[%d]", _idx); char replace[32]; bx::snprintf(replace, sizeof(replace), "bgfx_FragData%d", _idx); strReplace(_data, find, replace); _preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t%sout vec4 bgfx_FragData%d : SV_TARGET%d" , _comma ? ", " : " " , _idx , _idx ); } void voidFragData(char* _data, uint32_t _idx) { char find[32]; bx::snprintf(find, sizeof(find), "gl_FragData[%d]", _idx); strReplace(_data, find, "bgfx_VoidFrag"); } bx::StringView baseName(const bx::StringView& _filePath) { bx::FilePath fp(_filePath); return bx::strFind(_filePath, fp.getBaseName() ); } void help(const char* _error = NULL) { if (NULL != _error) { bx::printf("Error:\n%s\n\n", _error); } bx::printf( "shaderc, bgfx shader compiler tool, version %d.%d.%d.\n" "Copyright 2011-2023 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.\n" "License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/blob/master/LICENSE\n\n" , BGFX_SHADERC_VERSION_MAJOR , BGFX_SHADERC_VERSION_MINOR , BGFX_API_VERSION ); bx::printf( "Usage: shaderc -f -o --type --platform \n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -h, --help Display this help and exit.\n" " -v, --version Output version information and exit.\n" " -f Input's file path.\n" " -i Include path. (for multiple paths use -i multiple times)\n" " -o Output's file path.\n" " --stdout Output to console.\n" " --bin2c [array name] Generate C header file. If array name is not specified base file name will be used as name.\n" " --depends Generate makefile style depends file.\n" " --platform Target platform.\n" " android\n" " asm.js\n" " ios\n" " linux\n" " orbis\n" " osx\n" " windows\n" " -p, --profile Shader model. Defaults to GLSL.\n" ); { ShadingLang::Enum lang = ShadingLang::Count; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_profiles); ++ii) { const Profile& profile = s_profiles[ii]; if (lang != profile.lang) { lang = profile.lang; bx::printf("\n"); bx::printf(" %-20S %s\n", &profile.name, getName(profile.lang) ); } else { bx::printf(" %S\n", &profile.name); } } } bx::printf( " --preprocess Only pre-process.\n" " --define Add defines to preprocessor. (Semicolon-separated)\n" " --raw Do not process shader. No preprocessor, and no glsl-optimizer. (GLSL only)\n" " --type Shader type. Can be 'vertex', 'fragment, or 'compute'.\n" " --varyingdef varying.def.sc's file path.\n" " --verbose Be verbose.\n" "\n" "(Vulkan, DirectX and Metal):\n" "\n" " --debug Debug information.\n" "\n" "(DirectX only):\n" "\n" " --disasm Disassemble compiled shader.\n" " -O Set optimization level. Can be 0 to 3.\n" " --Werror Treat warnings as errors.\n" "\n" "For additional information, see https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx\n" ); } bx::StringView nextWord(bx::StringView& _parse) { bx::StringView word = bx::strWord(bx::strLTrimSpace(_parse) ); _parse = bx::strLTrimSpace(bx::StringView(word.getTerm(), _parse.getTerm() ) ); return word; } bool compileShader(const char* _varying, const char* _comment, char* _shader, uint32_t _shaderLen, const Options& _options, bx::WriterI* _shaderWriter, bx::WriterI* _messageWriter) { bx::ErrorAssert messageErr; uint32_t profileId = 0; const bx::StringView profileOpt(_options.profile.c_str() ); if (!profileOpt.isEmpty() ) { const uint32_t count = BX_COUNTOF(s_profiles); for (profileId = 0; profileId < count; ++profileId) { if (0 == bx::strCmp(profileOpt, s_profiles[profileId].name) ) { break; } } if (profileId == count) { bx::write(_messageWriter, &messageErr, "Unknown profile: %S\n", &profileOpt); return false; } } else { bx::write(_messageWriter, &messageErr, "Shader profile must be specified.\n"); return false; } const Profile* profile = &s_profiles[profileId]; Preprocessor preprocessor(_options.inputFilePath.c_str(), profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL, _messageWriter); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < _options.includeDirs.size(); ++ii) { preprocessor.addInclude(_options.includeDirs[ii].c_str() ); } for (size_t ii = 0; ii < _options.defines.size(); ++ii) { preprocessor.setDefine(_options.defines[ii].c_str() ); } for (size_t ii = 0; ii < _options.dependencies.size(); ++ii) { preprocessor.addDependency(_options.dependencies[ii].c_str() ); } preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BX_PLATFORM_ANDROID"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BX_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BX_PLATFORM_IOS"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BX_PLATFORM_LINUX"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BX_PLATFORM_OSX"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BX_PLATFORM_PS4"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BX_PLATFORM_XBOXONE"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_GLSL"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_HLSL"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_METAL"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_PSSL"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_SPIRV"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BGFX_SHADER_TYPE_COMPUTE"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BGFX_SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT"); preprocessor.setDefaultDefine("BGFX_SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX"); char glslDefine[128]; if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::GLSL || profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL) { bx::snprintf(glslDefine, BX_COUNTOF(glslDefine) , "BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_GLSL=%d" , profile->id ); } char hlslDefine[128]; if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::HLSL) { bx::snprintf(hlslDefine, BX_COUNTOF(hlslDefine) , "BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_HLSL=%d" , profile->id); } const char* platform = _options.platform.c_str(); if (0 == bx::strCmpI(platform, "android") ) { preprocessor.setDefine("BX_PLATFORM_ANDROID=1"); if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::SpirV) { preprocessor.setDefine("BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_SPIRV=1"); } else { preprocessor.setDefine(glslDefine); } } else if (0 == bx::strCmpI(platform, "asm.js") ) { preprocessor.setDefine("BX_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN=1"); preprocessor.setDefine(glslDefine); } else if (0 == bx::strCmpI(platform, "ios") ) { preprocessor.setDefine("BX_PLATFORM_IOS=1"); if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::Metal) { preprocessor.setDefine("BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_METAL=1"); } else { preprocessor.setDefine(glslDefine); } } else if (0 == bx::strCmpI(platform, "linux") ) { preprocessor.setDefine("BX_PLATFORM_LINUX=1"); if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::SpirV) { preprocessor.setDefine("BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_SPIRV=1"); } else { preprocessor.setDefine(glslDefine); } } else if (0 == bx::strCmpI(platform, "osx") ) { preprocessor.setDefine("BX_PLATFORM_OSX=1"); if (profile->lang != ShadingLang::Metal) { preprocessor.setDefine(glslDefine); } char temp[256]; bx::snprintf( temp , sizeof(temp) , "BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_METAL=%d" , (profile->lang == ShadingLang::Metal) ? profile->id : 0 ); preprocessor.setDefine(temp); } else if (0 == bx::strCmpI(platform, "windows") ) { preprocessor.setDefine("BX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS=1"); if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::HLSL) { preprocessor.setDefine(hlslDefine); } else if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::GLSL || profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL) { preprocessor.setDefine(glslDefine); } else if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::SpirV) { preprocessor.setDefine("BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_SPIRV=1"); } } else if (0 == bx::strCmpI(platform, "orbis") ) { preprocessor.setDefine("BX_PLATFORM_PS4=1"); preprocessor.setDefine("BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_PSSL=1"); preprocessor.setDefine("lit=lit_reserved"); } else { if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::HLSL) { preprocessor.setDefine(hlslDefine); } else if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::GLSL || profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL) { preprocessor.setDefine(glslDefine); } else if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::SpirV) { preprocessor.setDefine("BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_SPIRV=1"); } } preprocessor.setDefine("M_PI=3.1415926535897932384626433832795"); switch (_options.shaderType) { case 'c': preprocessor.setDefine("BGFX_SHADER_TYPE_COMPUTE=1"); break; case 'f': preprocessor.setDefine("BGFX_SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT=1"); break; case 'v': preprocessor.setDefine("BGFX_SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX=1"); break; default: bx::write(_messageWriter, &messageErr, "Unknown type: %c?!", _options.shaderType); return false; } bool compiled = false; VaryingMap varyingMap; bx::StringView parse(_varying); bx::StringView term(parse); bool usesInterpolationQualifiers = false; while (!parse.isEmpty() ) { parse = bx::strLTrimSpace(parse); bx::StringView eol = bx::strFind(parse, ';'); if (eol.isEmpty() ) { eol = bx::strFindEol(parse); } if (!eol.isEmpty() ) { eol.set(eol.getPtr() + 1, parse.getTerm() ); bx::StringView precision; bx::StringView interpolation; bx::StringView typen = nextWord(parse); if (0 == bx::strCmp(typen, "lowp", 4) || 0 == bx::strCmp(typen, "mediump", 7) || 0 == bx::strCmp(typen, "highp", 5) ) { precision = typen; typen = nextWord(parse); } if (0 == bx::strCmp(typen, "flat", 4) || 0 == bx::strCmp(typen, "smooth", 6) || 0 == bx::strCmp(typen, "noperspective", 13) || 0 == bx::strCmp(typen, "centroid", 8) ) { if ('f' == _options.shaderType || profile->lang == ShadingLang::GLSL || profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL) { interpolation = typen; usesInterpolationQualifiers = true; } typen = nextWord(parse); } bx::StringView name = nextWord(parse); bx::StringView column = bx::strSubstr(parse, 0, 1); bx::StringView semantics; if (0 == bx::strCmp(column, ":", 1) ) { parse = bx::strLTrimSpace(bx::StringView(parse.getPtr() + 1, parse.getTerm() ) ); semantics = nextWord(parse); } bx::StringView assign = bx::strSubstr(parse, 0, 1); bx::StringView init; if (0 == bx::strCmp(assign, "=", 1)) { parse = bx::strLTrimSpace(bx::StringView(parse.getPtr() + 1, parse.getTerm() ) ); init.set(parse.getPtr(), eol.getPtr() ); } if (!typen.isEmpty() && !name.isEmpty() && !semantics.isEmpty() ) { Varying var; if (!precision.isEmpty() ) { var.m_precision.assign(precision.getPtr(), precision.getTerm() ); } if (!interpolation.isEmpty() ) { var.m_interpolation.assign(interpolation.getPtr(), interpolation.getTerm() ); } var.m_type.assign(typen.getPtr(), typen.getTerm() ); var.m_name.assign(name.getPtr(), name.getTerm() ); var.m_semantics.assign(semantics.getPtr(), semantics.getTerm() ); if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::HLSL && profile->id < 400 && var.m_semantics == "BITANGENT") { var.m_semantics = "BINORMAL"; } if (!init.isEmpty() ) { var.m_init.assign(init.getPtr(), init.getTerm() ); } varyingMap.insert(std::make_pair(var.m_name, var) ); } parse = bx::strLTrimSpace(bx::strFindNl(bx::StringView(eol.getPtr(), term.getTerm() ) ) ); } } bool raw = _options.raw; InOut shaderInputs; InOut shaderOutputs; uint32_t inputHash = 0; uint32_t outputHash = 0; bx::ErrorAssert err; char* data; char* input; { data = _shader; uint32_t size = _shaderLen; const size_t padding = 16384; if (!raw) { // To avoid commented code being recognized as used feature, // first preprocess pass is used to strip all comments before // substituting code. bool ok = preprocessor.run(data); delete [] data; if (!ok) { return false; } size = (uint32_t)preprocessor.m_preprocessed.size(); data = new char[size+padding+1]; bx::memCopy(data, preprocessor.m_preprocessed.c_str(), size); bx::memSet(&data[size], 0, padding+1); } strNormalizeEol(data); input = const_cast(bx::strLTrimSpace(data).getPtr() ); while (input[0] == '$') { bx::StringView str = bx::strLTrimSpace(input+1); bx::StringView eol = bx::strFindEol(str); bx::StringView nl = bx::strFindNl(eol); input = const_cast(nl.getPtr() ); if (0 == bx::strCmp(str, "input", 5) ) { str = bx::StringView(str.getPtr() + 5, str.getTerm() ); bx::StringView comment = bx::strFind(str, "//"); eol = !comment.isEmpty() && comment.getPtr() < eol.getPtr() ? comment.getPtr() : eol; inputHash = parseInOut(shaderInputs, bx::StringView(str.getPtr(), eol.getPtr() ) ); } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(str, "output", 6) ) { str = bx::StringView(str.getPtr() + 6, str.getTerm() ); bx::StringView comment = bx::strFind(str, "//"); eol = !comment.isEmpty() && comment.getPtr() < eol.getPtr() ? comment.getPtr() : eol; outputHash = parseInOut(shaderOutputs, bx::StringView(str.getPtr(), eol.getPtr() ) ); } else if (0 == bx::strCmp(str, "raw", 3) ) { raw = true; str = bx::StringView(str.getPtr() + 3, str.getTerm() ); } input = const_cast(bx::strLTrimSpace(input).getPtr() ); } } bool invalidShaderAttribute = false; if ('v' == _options.shaderType) { for (InOut::const_iterator it = shaderInputs.begin(), itEnd = shaderInputs.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { if (bx::findIdentifierMatch(it->c_str(), s_allowedVertexShaderInputs).isEmpty() ) { invalidShaderAttribute = true; bx::write(_messageWriter, &messageErr, "Invalid vertex shader input attribute '%s'.\n" "\n" "Valid input attributes:\n" " a_position, a_normal, a_tangent, a_bitangent, a_color0, a_color1, a_color2, a_color3, a_indices, a_weight,\n" " a_texcoord0, a_texcoord1, a_texcoord2, a_texcoord3, a_texcoord4, a_texcoord5, a_texcoord6, a_texcoord7,\n" " i_data0, i_data1, i_data2, i_data3, i_data4.\n" "\n" , it->c_str() ); break; } } } if (invalidShaderAttribute) { } else if (raw) { if ('f' == _options.shaderType) { bx::write(_shaderWriter, BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_FSH, &err); } else if ('v' == _options.shaderType) { bx::write(_shaderWriter, BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_VSH, &err); } else { bx::write(_shaderWriter, BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_CSH, &err); } bx::write(_shaderWriter, inputHash, &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, outputHash, &err); } if (raw) { if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::GLSL) { bx::write(_shaderWriter, uint16_t(0), &err); uint32_t shaderSize = (uint32_t)bx::strLen(input); bx::write(_shaderWriter, shaderSize, &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, input, shaderSize, &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, uint8_t(0), &err); compiled = true; } else if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::Metal) { compiled = compileMetalShader(_options, BX_MAKEFOURCC('M', 'T', 'L', 0), input, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } else if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::SpirV) { compiled = compileSPIRVShader(_options, profile->id, input, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } else if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::PSSL) { compiled = compilePSSLShader(_options, 0, input, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } else { compiled = compileHLSLShader(_options, profile->id, input, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } } else if ('c' == _options.shaderType) // Compute { bx::StringView entry = bx::strFind(input, "void main()"); if (entry.isEmpty() ) { bx::write(_messageWriter, &messageErr, "Shader entry point 'void main()' is not found.\n"); } else { if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::GLSL || profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL) { } else { if (profile->lang != ShadingLang::PSSL) { preprocessor.writef(getPsslPreamble() ); } preprocessor.writef( "#define lowp\n" "#define mediump\n" "#define highp\n" "#define ivec2 int2\n" "#define ivec3 int3\n" "#define ivec4 int4\n" "#define uvec2 uint2\n" "#define uvec3 uint3\n" "#define uvec4 uint4\n" "#define vec2 float2\n" "#define vec3 float3\n" "#define vec4 float4\n" "#define mat2 float2x2\n" "#define mat3 float3x3\n" "#define mat4 float4x4\n" ); *const_cast(entry.getPtr() + 4) = '_'; preprocessor.writef("#define void_main()"); preprocessor.writef(" \\\n\tvoid main("); uint32_t arg = 0; const bool hasLocalInvocationID = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_LocalInvocationID").isEmpty(); const bool hasLocalInvocationIndex = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_LocalInvocationIndex").isEmpty(); const bool hasGlobalInvocationID = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_GlobalInvocationID").isEmpty(); const bool hasWorkGroupID = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_WorkGroupID").isEmpty(); if (hasLocalInvocationID) { preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t%sint3 gl_LocalInvocationID : SV_GroupThreadID" , arg++ > 0 ? ", " : " " ); } if (hasLocalInvocationIndex) { preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t%sint gl_LocalInvocationIndex : SV_GroupIndex" , arg++ > 0 ? ", " : " " ); } if (hasGlobalInvocationID) { preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t%sint3 gl_GlobalInvocationID : SV_DispatchThreadID" , arg++ > 0 ? ", " : " " ); } if (hasWorkGroupID) { preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t%sint3 gl_WorkGroupID : SV_GroupID" , arg++ > 0 ? ", " : " " ); } preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t)\n" ); } if (preprocessor.run(input) ) { if (_options.preprocessOnly) { bx::write( _shaderWriter , preprocessor.m_preprocessed.c_str() , (int32_t)preprocessor.m_preprocessed.size() , &err ); return true; } { std::string code; bx::write(_shaderWriter, BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_CSH, &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, uint32_t(0), &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, outputHash, &err); if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::GLSL || profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL) { if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL) { bx::stringPrintf(code, "#version 310 es\n"); } else { bx::stringPrintf( code , "#version %d\n" , (profile->lang != ShadingLang::GLSL) ? 430 : profile->id ); } code += preprocessor.m_preprocessed; bx::write(_shaderWriter, uint16_t(0), &err); uint32_t shaderSize = (uint32_t)code.size(); bx::write(_shaderWriter, shaderSize, &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, code.c_str(), shaderSize, &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, uint8_t(0), &err); compiled = true; } else { code += _comment; code += preprocessor.m_preprocessed; if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::Metal) { compiled = compileMetalShader(_options, BX_MAKEFOURCC('M', 'T', 'L', 0), code, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } else if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::SpirV) { compiled = compileSPIRVShader(_options, profile->id, code, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } else if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::PSSL) { compiled = compilePSSLShader(_options, 0, code, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } else { compiled = compileHLSLShader(_options, profile->id, code, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } } } if (compiled) { if (_options.depends) { std::string ofp = _options.outputFilePath; ofp += ".d"; bx::FileWriter writer; if (bx::open(&writer, ofp.c_str() ) ) { writef(&writer, "%s : %s\n", _options.outputFilePath.c_str(), preprocessor.m_depends.c_str() ); bx::close(&writer); } } } } } } else // Vertex/Fragment { bx::StringView shader(input); bx::StringView entry = bx::strFind(shader, "void main()"); if (entry.isEmpty() ) { bx::write(_messageWriter, &messageErr, "Shader entry point 'void main()' is not found.\n"); } else { if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::GLSL || profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL) { if (profile->lang != ShadingLang::ESSL) { // bgfx shadow2D/Proj behave like EXT_shadow_samplers // not as GLSL language 1.2 specs shadow2D/Proj. preprocessor.writef( "#define shadow2D(_sampler, _coord) bgfxShadow2D(_sampler, _coord).x\n" "#define shadow2DProj(_sampler, _coord) bgfxShadow2DProj(_sampler, _coord).x\n" ); } // gl_FragColor and gl_FragData are deprecated for essl > 300 if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL && profile->id >= 300) { const bool hasFragColor = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_FragColor").isEmpty(); bool hasFragData[8] = {}; uint32_t numFragData = 0; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(hasFragData); ++ii) { char temp[32]; bx::snprintf(temp, BX_COUNTOF(temp), "gl_FragData[%d]", ii); hasFragData[ii] = !bx::strFind(input, temp).isEmpty(); numFragData += hasFragData[ii]; } if (hasFragColor) { preprocessor.writef("#define gl_FragColor bgfx_FragColor\n"); preprocessor.writef("out mediump vec4 bgfx_FragColor;\n"); } else if (numFragData) { preprocessor.writef("#define gl_FragData bgfx_FragData\n"); preprocessor.writef("out mediump vec4 bgfx_FragData[gl_MaxDrawBuffers];\n"); } } for (InOut::const_iterator it = shaderInputs.begin(), itEnd = shaderInputs.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { VaryingMap::const_iterator varyingIt = varyingMap.find(*it); if (varyingIt != varyingMap.end() ) { const Varying& var = varyingIt->second; const char* name = var.m_name.c_str(); if (0 == bx::strCmp(name, "a_", 2) || 0 == bx::strCmp(name, "i_", 2) ) { preprocessor.writef( "attribute %s %s %s %s;\n" , var.m_precision.c_str() , var.m_interpolation.c_str() , var.m_type.c_str() , name ); } else { preprocessor.writef( "%s varying %s %s %s;\n" , var.m_interpolation.c_str() , var.m_precision.c_str() , var.m_type.c_str() , name ); } } } for (InOut::const_iterator it = shaderOutputs.begin(), itEnd = shaderOutputs.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { VaryingMap::const_iterator varyingIt = varyingMap.find(*it); if (varyingIt != varyingMap.end() ) { const Varying& var = varyingIt->second; preprocessor.writef("%s varying %s %s;\n" , var.m_interpolation.c_str() , var.m_type.c_str() , var.m_name.c_str() ); } } } else { if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::PSSL) { preprocessor.writef(getPsslPreamble() ); } preprocessor.writef( "#define lowp\n" "#define mediump\n" "#define highp\n" "#define ivec2 int2\n" "#define ivec3 int3\n" "#define ivec4 int4\n" "#define uvec2 uint2\n" "#define uvec3 uint3\n" "#define uvec4 uint4\n" "#define vec2 float2\n" "#define vec3 float3\n" "#define vec4 float4\n" "#define mat2 float2x2\n" "#define mat3 float3x3\n" "#define mat4 float4x4\n" ); if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::HLSL && profile->id < 400) { preprocessor.writef( "#define centroid\n" "#define flat\n" "#define noperspective\n" "#define smooth\n" ); } *const_cast(entry.getPtr() + 4) = '_'; if ('f' == _options.shaderType) { bx::StringView insert = bx::strFind(bx::StringView(entry.getPtr(), shader.getTerm() ), "{"); if (!insert.isEmpty() ) { insert = strInsert(const_cast(insert.getPtr()+1), "\nvec4 bgfx_VoidFrag = vec4_splat(0.0);\n"); } const bool hasFragColor = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_FragColor").isEmpty(); const bool hasFragCoord = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_FragCoord").isEmpty() || profile->id >= 400; const bool hasFragDepth = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_FragDepth").isEmpty(); const bool hasFrontFacing = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_FrontFacing").isEmpty(); const bool hasPrimitiveId = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_PrimitiveID").isEmpty() && BGFX_CAPS_PRIMITIVE_ID; if (!hasPrimitiveId) { preprocessor.writef("#define gl_PrimitiveID 0\n"); } bool hasFragData[8] = {}; uint32_t numFragData = 0; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(hasFragData); ++ii) { char temp[32]; bx::snprintf(temp, BX_COUNTOF(temp), "gl_FragData[%d]", ii); hasFragData[ii] = !bx::strFind(input, temp).isEmpty(); numFragData += hasFragData[ii]; } if (0 == numFragData) { // GL errors when both gl_FragColor and gl_FragData is used. // This will trigger the same error with HLSL compiler too. preprocessor.writef("#define gl_FragColor bgfx_FragData0\n"); // If it has gl_FragData or gl_FragColor, color target at // index 0 exists, otherwise shader is not modifying color // targets. hasFragData[0] |= hasFragColor || profile->id < 400; if (!insert.isEmpty() && profile->id < 400 && !hasFragColor) { insert = strInsert(const_cast(insert.getPtr()+1), "\ngl_FragColor = bgfx_VoidFrag;\n"); } } preprocessor.writef("#define void_main()"); preprocessor.writef(" \\\n\tvoid main("); uint32_t arg = 0; if (hasFragCoord) { preprocessor.writef(" \\\n\tvec4 gl_FragCoord : SV_POSITION"); ++arg; } for (InOut::const_iterator it = shaderInputs.begin(), itEnd = shaderInputs.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { VaryingMap::const_iterator varyingIt = varyingMap.find(*it); if (varyingIt != varyingMap.end() ) { const Varying& var = varyingIt->second; preprocessor.writef(" \\\n\t%s%s %s %s : %s" , arg++ > 0 ? ", " : " " , interpolationDx11(var.m_interpolation.c_str() ) , var.m_type.c_str() , var.m_name.c_str() , var.m_semantics.c_str() ); } } const uint32_t maxRT = profile->id >= 400 ? BX_COUNTOF(hasFragData) : 4; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(hasFragData); ++ii) { if (ii < maxRT) { if (hasFragData[ii]) { addFragData(preprocessor, input, ii, arg++ > 0); } } else { voidFragData(input, ii); } } if (hasFragDepth) { preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t%sout float gl_FragDepth : SV_DEPTH" , arg++ > 0 ? ", " : " " ); } if (hasFrontFacing) { if (profile->id < 400) { preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t%sfloat __vface : VFACE" , arg++ > 0 ? ", " : " " ); } else { preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t%sbool gl_FrontFacing : SV_IsFrontFace" , arg++ > 0 ? ", " : " " ); } } if (hasPrimitiveId) { if (profile->id >= 400) { preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t%suint gl_PrimitiveID : SV_PrimitiveID" , arg++ > 0 ? ", " : " " ); } else { bx::write(_messageWriter, &messageErr, "gl_PrimitiveID builtin is not supported by D3D9 HLSL.\n"); return false; } } preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t)\n" ); if (hasFrontFacing) { if (profile->id < 400) { preprocessor.writef( "#define gl_FrontFacing (__vface >= 0.0)\n" ); } } } else if ('v' == _options.shaderType) { const bool hasVertexId = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_VertexID").isEmpty(); const bool hasInstanceId = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_InstanceID").isEmpty(); const bool hasViewportId = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_ViewportIndex").isEmpty(); const bool hasLayerId = !bx::strFind(input, "gl_Layer").isEmpty(); bx::StringView brace = bx::strFind(bx::StringView(entry.getPtr(), shader.getTerm() ), "{"); if (!brace.isEmpty() ) { bx::StringView block = bx::strFindBlock(bx::StringView(brace.getPtr(), shader.getTerm() ), '{', '}'); if (!block.isEmpty() ) { strInsert(const_cast(block.getTerm()-1), "__RETURN__;\n"); } } preprocessor.writef( "struct Output\n" "{\n" "\tvec4 gl_Position : SV_POSITION;\n" "#define gl_Position _varying_.gl_Position\n" ); for (InOut::const_iterator it = shaderOutputs.begin(), itEnd = shaderOutputs.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { VaryingMap::const_iterator varyingIt = varyingMap.find(*it); if (varyingIt != varyingMap.end() ) { const Varying& var = varyingIt->second; preprocessor.writef( "\t%s %s %s : %s;\n" , interpolationDx11(var.m_interpolation.c_str() ) , var.m_type.c_str() , var.m_name.c_str() , var.m_semantics.c_str() ); preprocessor.writef( "#define %s _varying_.%s\n" , var.m_name.c_str() , var.m_name.c_str() ); } } if (hasViewportId) { if (profile->id >= 400) { preprocessor.writef( "\tuint gl_ViewportIndex : SV_ViewportArrayIndex;\n" "#define gl_ViewportIndex _varying_.gl_ViewportIndex\n" ); } else { bx::write(_messageWriter, &messageErr, "gl_ViewportIndex builtin is not supported by D3D9 HLSL.\n"); return false; } } if (hasLayerId) { if (profile->id >= 400) { preprocessor.writef( "\tuint gl_Layer : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex;\n" "#define gl_Layer _varying_.gl_Layer\n" ); } else { bx::write(_messageWriter, &messageErr, "gl_Layer builtin is not supported by D3D9 HLSL.\n"); return false; } } preprocessor.writef( "};\n" ); preprocessor.writef("#define void_main() \\\n"); preprocessor.writef("Output main("); uint32_t arg = 0; for (InOut::const_iterator it = shaderInputs.begin(), itEnd = shaderInputs.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { VaryingMap::const_iterator varyingIt = varyingMap.find(*it); if (varyingIt != varyingMap.end() ) { const Varying& var = varyingIt->second; preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t%s%s %s : %s" , arg++ > 0 ? ", " : "" , var.m_type.c_str() , var.m_name.c_str() , var.m_semantics.c_str() ); } } if (hasVertexId) { if (profile->id >= 400) { preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t%suint gl_VertexID : SV_VertexID" , arg++ > 0 ? ", " : " " ); } else { bx::write(_messageWriter, &messageErr, "gl_VertexID builtin is not supported by D3D9 HLSL.\n"); return false; } } if (hasInstanceId) { if (profile->id >= 400) { preprocessor.writef( " \\\n\t%suint gl_InstanceID : SV_InstanceID" , arg++ > 0 ? ", " : " " ); } else { bx::write(_messageWriter, &messageErr, "gl_InstanceID builtin is not supported by D3D9 HLSL.\n"); return false; } } preprocessor.writef( ") \\\n" "{ \\\n" "\tOutput _varying_;" ); for (InOut::const_iterator it = shaderOutputs.begin(), itEnd = shaderOutputs.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { VaryingMap::const_iterator varyingIt = varyingMap.find(*it); if (varyingIt != varyingMap.end() ) { const Varying& var = varyingIt->second; preprocessor.writef(" \\\n\t%s", var.m_name.c_str() ); if (!var.m_init.empty() ) { preprocessor.writef(" = %s", var.m_init.c_str() ); } preprocessor.writef(";"); } } preprocessor.writef( "\n#define __RETURN__ \\\n" "\t} \\\n" ); preprocessor.writef( "\treturn _varying_" ); } } if (preprocessor.run(input) ) { if (_options.preprocessOnly) { bx::write( _shaderWriter , preprocessor.m_preprocessed.c_str() , (int32_t)preprocessor.m_preprocessed.size() , &err ); return true; } { std::string code; if ('f' == _options.shaderType) { bx::write(_shaderWriter, BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_FSH, &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, inputHash, &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, uint32_t(0), &err); } else if ('v' == _options.shaderType) { bx::write(_shaderWriter, BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_VSH, &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, uint32_t(0), &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, outputHash, &err); } else { bx::write(_shaderWriter, BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_CSH, &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, uint32_t(0), &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, outputHash, &err); } if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::GLSL || profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL) { const bx::StringView preprocessedInput(preprocessor.m_preprocessed.c_str() ); uint32_t glsl_profile = profile->id; const bool usesBitsToEncoders = true && _options.shaderType == 'f' && !bx::findIdentifierMatch(preprocessedInput, s_bitsToEncoders).isEmpty() ; if (!bx::strFind(preprocessedInput, "layout(std430").isEmpty() || !bx::strFind(preprocessedInput, "image2D").isEmpty() || usesBitsToEncoders) { if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::GLSL && glsl_profile < 430) { glsl_profile = 430; } else if (glsl_profile < 310) { glsl_profile = 310; } } if (glsl_profile < 400) { const bool usesTextureLod = false || !bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_ARB_shader_texture_lod).isEmpty() || !bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_EXT_shader_texture_lod).isEmpty() ; const bool usesGpuShader5 = true && _options.shaderType != 'f' && !bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_ARB_gpu_shader5).isEmpty() ; const bool usesInstanceID = !bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, "gl_InstanceID").isEmpty(); const bool usesGpuShader4 = !bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_EXT_gpu_shader4).isEmpty(); const bool usesTexelFetch = !bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_texelFetch).isEmpty(); const bool usesTextureMS = !bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_ARB_texture_multisample).isEmpty(); const bool usesTextureArray = !bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_textureArray).isEmpty(); const bool usesPacking = !bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_ARB_shading_language_packing).isEmpty(); const bool usesViewportLayerArray = !bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array).isEmpty(); const bool usesUnsignedVecs = !bx::findIdentifierMatch(preprocessedInput, s_unsignedVecs).isEmpty(); if (profile->lang != ShadingLang::ESSL) { const bool need130 = (120 == glsl_profile && (false || !bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_130).isEmpty() || usesInterpolationQualifiers || usesTexelFetch || usesUnsignedVecs ) ); bx::stringPrintf(code, "#version %d\n", need130 ? 130 : glsl_profile); if (need130) { bx::stringPrintf(code, "#define varying %s\n" , 'f' == _options.shaderType ? "in" : "out" ); } if (usesInstanceID) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_ARB_draw_instanced : enable\n" ); } if (usesViewportLayerArray) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array : enable\n" ); } if (usesGpuShader4) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable\n" ); } if (usesGpuShader5) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable\n" ); } if (usesPacking) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_packing : enable\n" ); } bool ARB_shader_texture_lod = false; bool EXT_shader_texture_lod = false; if (usesTextureLod) { if ('f' == _options.shaderType) { ARB_shader_texture_lod = true; bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable\n" ); } else { EXT_shader_texture_lod = true; bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod : enable\n" ); } } if (usesTextureMS) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_ARB_texture_multisample : enable\n" ); } if (usesTextureArray) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_EXT_texture_array : enable\n" ); } if (130 > glsl_profile) { bx::stringPrintf(code, "#define ivec2 vec2\n" "#define ivec3 vec3\n" "#define ivec4 vec4\n" ); } if (ARB_shader_texture_lod) { bx::stringPrintf(code, "#define texture2DProjLod texture2DProjLodARB\n" "#define texture2DGrad texture2DGradARB\n" "#define texture2DProjGrad texture2DProjGradARB\n" "#define textureCubeGrad textureCubeGradARB\n" ); } else if (EXT_shader_texture_lod) { bx::stringPrintf(code, "#define texture2DProjLod texture2DProjLodEXT\n" "#define texture2DGrad texture2DGradEXT\n" "#define texture2DProjGrad texture2DProjGradEXT\n" "#define textureCubeGrad textureCubeGradEXT\n" ); } if (need130 || (glsl_profile >= 130)) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#define bgfxShadow2D(_sampler, _coord) vec4_splat(texture(_sampler, _coord))\n" "#define bgfxShadow2DProj(_sampler, _coord) vec4_splat(textureProj(_sampler, _coord))\n" ); } else { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#define bgfxShadow2D shadow2D\n" "#define bgfxShadow2DProj shader2DProj\n" ); } } else { if (glsl_profile < 300 && usesUnsignedVecs) { glsl_profile = 300; } if (glsl_profile > 100) { bx::stringPrintf(code, "#version %d es\n", glsl_profile); bx::stringPrintf(code, "#define attribute in\n"); bx::stringPrintf(code, "#define varying %s\n" , 'f' == _options.shaderType ? "in" : "out" ); bx::stringPrintf(code, "precision highp float;\n"); bx::stringPrintf(code, "precision highp int;\n"); } if (glsl_profile >= 300 && usesTextureArray) { bx::stringPrintf(code, "precision highp sampler2DArray;\n"); } // Pretend that all extensions are available. // This will be stripped later. if (usesTextureLod) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod : enable\n" "#define texture2DLod texture2DLodEXT\n" "#define texture2DGrad texture2DGradEXT\n" "#define texture2DProjLod texture2DProjLodEXT\n" "#define texture2DProjGrad texture2DProjGradEXT\n" "#define textureCubeLod textureCubeLodEXT\n" "#define textureCubeGrad textureCubeGradEXT\n" ); } if (!bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_OES_standard_derivatives).isEmpty() ) { bx::stringPrintf(code, "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\n"); } if (!bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_OES_texture_3D).isEmpty() ) { bx::stringPrintf(code, "#extension GL_OES_texture_3D : enable\n"); } if ((glsl_profile < 300) && (!bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, s_EXT_shadow_samplers).isEmpty())) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_EXT_shadow_samplers : enable\n" "#define shadow2D shadow2DEXT\n" "#define shadow2DProj shadow2DProjEXT\n" ); } else { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#define shadow2D(_sampler, _coord) texture(_sampler, _coord)\n" "#define shadow2DProj(_sampler, _coord) textureProj(_sampler, _coord)\n" ); } if (usesGpuShader5) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable\n" ); } if (usesPacking) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_packing : enable\n" ); } if ((glsl_profile < 300) && (!bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, "gl_FragDepth").isEmpty() )) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable\n" "#define gl_FragDepth gl_FragDepthEXT\n" ); } if (usesTextureArray) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "#extension GL_EXT_texture_array : enable\n" ); } if (glsl_profile == 100) { code += "mat2 transpose(mat2 _mtx)\n" "{\n" " vec2 v0 = _mtx[0];\n" " vec2 v1 = _mtx[1];\n" "\n" " return mat2(\n" " vec2(v0.x, v1.x)\n" " , vec2(v0.y, v1.y)\n" " );\n" "}\n" "\n" "mat3 transpose(mat3 _mtx)\n" "{\n" " vec3 v0 = _mtx[0];\n" " vec3 v1 = _mtx[1];\n" " vec3 v2 = _mtx[2];\n" "\n" " return mat3(\n" " vec3(v0.x, v1.x, v2.x)\n" " , vec3(v0.y, v1.y, v2.y)\n" " , vec3(v0.z, v1.z, v2.z)\n" " );\n" "}\n" "\n" "mat4 transpose(mat4 _mtx)\n" "{\n" " vec4 v0 = _mtx[0];\n" " vec4 v1 = _mtx[1];\n" " vec4 v2 = _mtx[2];\n" " vec4 v3 = _mtx[3];\n" "\n" " return mat4(\n" " vec4(v0.x, v1.x, v2.x, v3.x)\n" " , vec4(v0.y, v1.y, v2.y, v3.y)\n" " , vec4(v0.z, v1.z, v2.z, v3.z)\n" " , vec4(v0.w, v1.w, v2.w, v3.w)\n" " );\n" "}\n" ; } } } else { bx::stringPrintf(code, "#version %d\n", glsl_profile); if (120 < glsl_profile) { if (!bx::findIdentifierMatch(input, "gl_FragColor").isEmpty() ) { bx::stringPrintf(code , "out vec4 bgfx_FragColor;\n" "#define gl_FragColor bgfx_FragColor\n" ); } } bx::stringPrintf(code , "#define texture2D texture\n" "#define texture2DLod textureLod\n" "#define texture2DGrad textureGrad\n" "#define texture2DProjLod textureProjLod\n" "#define texture2DProjGrad textureProjGrad\n" "#define textureCubeLod textureLod\n" "#define textureCubeGrad textureGrad\n" "#define texture3D texture\n" "#define texture2DLodOffset textureLodOffset\n" ); bx::stringPrintf(code, "#define attribute in\n"); bx::stringPrintf(code, "#define varying %s\n" , 'f' == _options.shaderType ? "in" : "out" ); bx::stringPrintf(code , "#define bgfxShadow2D(_sampler, _coord) vec4_splat(texture(_sampler, _coord))\n" "#define bgfxShadow2DProj(_sampler, _coord) vec4_splat(textureProj(_sampler, _coord))\n" ); } if ( (profile->lang == ShadingLang::GLSL && glsl_profile > 400) || (profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL && glsl_profile > 300) ) { code += preprocessor.m_preprocessed; bx::write(_shaderWriter, uint16_t(0), &err); uint32_t shaderSize = (uint32_t)code.size(); bx::write(_shaderWriter, shaderSize, &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, code.c_str(), shaderSize, &err); bx::write(_shaderWriter, uint8_t(0), &err); compiled = true; } else { code += _comment; code += preprocessor.m_preprocessed; if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::ESSL) { glsl_profile |= 0x80000000; } compiled = compileGLSLShader(_options, glsl_profile, code, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } } else { code += _comment; code += preprocessor.m_preprocessed; if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::Metal) { compiled = compileMetalShader(_options, BX_MAKEFOURCC('M', 'T', 'L', 0), code, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } else if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::SpirV) { compiled = compileSPIRVShader(_options, profile->id, code, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } else if (profile->lang == ShadingLang::PSSL) { compiled = compilePSSLShader(_options, 0, code, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } else { compiled = compileHLSLShader(_options, profile->id, code, _shaderWriter, _messageWriter); } } } if (compiled) { if (_options.depends) { std::string ofp = _options.outputFilePath + ".d"; bx::FileWriter writer; if (bx::open(&writer, ofp.c_str() ) ) { writef(&writer, "%s : %s\n", _options.outputFilePath.c_str(), preprocessor.m_depends.c_str() ); bx::close(&writer); } } } } } } delete [] data; return compiled; } int compileShader(int _argc, const char* _argv[]) { bx::CommandLine cmdLine(_argc, _argv); if (cmdLine.hasArg('v', "version") ) { bx::printf( "shaderc, bgfx shader compiler tool, version %d.%d.%d.\n" , BGFX_SHADERC_VERSION_MAJOR , BGFX_SHADERC_VERSION_MINOR , BGFX_API_VERSION ); return bx::kExitSuccess; } if (cmdLine.hasArg('h', "help") ) { help(); return bx::kExitFailure; } g_verbose = cmdLine.hasArg("verbose"); const char* filePath = cmdLine.findOption('f'); if (NULL == filePath) { help("Shader file name must be specified."); return bx::kExitFailure; } bool consoleOut = cmdLine.hasArg("stdout"); const char* outFilePath = cmdLine.findOption('o'); if (NULL == outFilePath && !consoleOut) { help("Output file name must be specified or use \"--stdout\" to output to stdout."); return bx::kExitFailure; } const char* type = cmdLine.findOption('\0', "type"); if (NULL == type) { help("Must specify shader type."); return bx::kExitFailure; } Options options; options.inputFilePath = filePath; options.outputFilePath = consoleOut ? "" : outFilePath; options.shaderType = bx::toLower(type[0]); options.disasm = cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "disasm"); const char* platform = cmdLine.findOption('\0', "platform"); if (NULL == platform) { platform = ""; } options.platform = platform; options.raw = cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "raw"); const char* profile = cmdLine.findOption('p', "profile"); if ( NULL != profile) { options.profile = profile; } { options.debugInformation = cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "debug"); options.avoidFlowControl = cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "avoid-flow-control"); options.noPreshader = cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "no-preshader"); options.partialPrecision = cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "partial-precision"); options.preferFlowControl = cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "prefer-flow-control"); options.backwardsCompatibility = cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "backwards-compatibility"); options.warningsAreErrors = cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "Werror"); options.keepIntermediate = cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "keep-intermediate"); uint32_t optimization = 3; if (cmdLine.hasArg(optimization, 'O') ) { options.optimize = true; options.optimizationLevel = optimization; } } bx::StringView bin2c; if (cmdLine.hasArg("bin2c") ) { const char* bin2cArg = cmdLine.findOption("bin2c"); if (NULL != bin2cArg) { bin2c.set(bin2cArg); } else { bin2c = baseName(outFilePath); if (!bin2c.isEmpty() ) { char* temp = (char*)alloca(bin2c.getLength()+1); for (uint32_t ii = 0, num = bin2c.getLength(); ii < num; ++ii) { char ch = bin2c.getPtr()[ii]; if (bx::isAlphaNum(ch) ) { temp[ii] = ch; } else { temp[ii] = '_'; } } temp[bin2c.getLength()] = '\0'; bin2c = temp; } } } options.depends = cmdLine.hasArg("depends"); options.preprocessOnly = cmdLine.hasArg("preprocess"); const char* includeDir = cmdLine.findOption('i'); BX_TRACE("depends: %d", options.depends); BX_TRACE("preprocessOnly: %d", options.preprocessOnly); BX_TRACE("includeDir: %s", includeDir); for (int ii = 1; NULL != includeDir; ++ii) { options.includeDirs.push_back(includeDir); includeDir = cmdLine.findOption(ii, 'i'); } std::string dir; { bx::FilePath fp(filePath); bx::StringView path(fp.getPath() ); dir.assign(path.getPtr(), path.getTerm() ); options.includeDirs.push_back(dir); } const char* defines = cmdLine.findOption("define"); while (NULL != defines && '\0' != *defines) { defines = bx::strLTrimSpace(defines).getPtr(); bx::StringView eol = bx::strFind(defines, ';'); std::string define(defines, eol.getPtr() ); options.defines.push_back(define.c_str() ); defines = ';' == *eol.getPtr() ? eol.getPtr()+1 : eol.getPtr(); } std::string commandLineComment = "// shaderc command line:\n//"; for (int32_t ii = 0, num = cmdLine.getNum(); ii < num; ++ii) { commandLineComment += " "; commandLineComment += cmdLine.get(ii); } commandLineComment += "\n\n"; bool compiled = false; bx::FileReader reader; if (!bx::open(&reader, filePath) ) { bx::printf("Unable to open file '%s'.\n", filePath); } else { const char* varying = NULL; File attribdef; if ('c' != options.shaderType) { std::string defaultVarying = dir + "varying.def.sc"; const char* varyingdef = cmdLine.findOption("varyingdef", defaultVarying.c_str() ); attribdef.load(varyingdef); varying = attribdef.getData(); if (NULL != varying && *varying != '\0') { options.dependencies.push_back(varyingdef); } else { bx::printf("ERROR: Failed to parse varying def file: \"%s\" No input/output semantics will be generated in the code!\n", varyingdef); } } const size_t padding = 16384; uint32_t size = (uint32_t)bx::getSize(&reader); char* data = new char[size+padding+1]; size = (uint32_t)bx::read(&reader, data, size, bx::ErrorAssert{}); if (data[0] == '\xef' && data[1] == '\xbb' && data[2] == '\xbf') { bx::memMove(data, &data[3], size-3); size -= 3; } // Compiler generates "error X3000: syntax error: unexpected end of file" // if input doesn't have empty line at EOF. data[size] = '\n'; bx::memSet(&data[size+1], 0, padding); bx::close(&reader); bx::FileWriter* writer = NULL; if (!consoleOut) { if (!bin2c.isEmpty()) { writer = new Bin2cWriter(bin2c); } else { writer = new bx::FileWriter; } if (!bx::open(writer, outFilePath)) { bx::printf("Unable to open output file '%s'.\n", outFilePath); return bx::kExitFailure; } } compiled = compileShader(varying, commandLineComment.c_str(), data, size, options, consoleOut ? bx::getStdOut() : writer, bx::getStdOut()); if (!consoleOut) { bx::close(writer); delete writer; } } if (compiled) { return bx::kExitSuccess; } bx::remove(outFilePath); bx::printf("Failed to build shader.\n"); return bx::kExitFailure; } } // namespace bgfx int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[]) { return bgfx::compileShader(_argc, _argv); }