[bgfx](https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx) - Cross-platform rendering library ============================================================================
What is it? - Building - Getting Involved - Examples - API Reference - Tools - Who is using it? - License
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Supported rendering backends: * Direct3D 11 * Direct3D 12 * GNM (only for licensed PS4 developers, search DevNet forums for source) * Metal * OpenGL 2.1 * OpenGL 3.1+ * OpenGL ES 2 * OpenGL ES 3.1 * Vulkan * WebGL 1.0 * WebGL 2.0 Supported platforms: * Android (14+, ARM, x86, MIPS) * iOS/iPadOS/tvOS (16.0+) * Linux * macOS (13.0+) * PlayStation 4 * RaspberryPi * UWP (Universal Windows, Xbox One) * Wasm/Emscripten * Windows (7+) Supported compilers: * Clang 11 and above * GCC 8 and above * VS2019 and above * Apple clang 12 and above Languages: * [C/C++ API documentation](https://bkaradzic.github.io/bgfx/bgfx.html) * [Beef API bindings](https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/tree/master/bindings/bf) * [C# language API bindings #1](https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/tree/master/bindings/cs) * [D language API bindings](https://github.com/BindBC/bindbc-bgfx) * [Go language API bindings](https://github.com/james4k/go-bgfx) * [Haskell language API bindings](https://github.com/haskell-game/bgfx) * [Lightweight Java Game Library 3 bindings](https://github.com/LWJGL/lwjgl3) * [Lua language API bindings](https://github.com/cloudwu/lua-bgfx) * [Nim language API bindings](https://github.com/Halsys/nim-bgfx) * [Pascal language API bindings](https://github.com/Akira13641/PasBGFX) * [Python language API bindings #1](https://github.com/fbertola/bgfx-python#-----bgfx-python--) * [Python language API bindings #2](https://github.com/jnadro/pybgfx#pybgfx) * [Rust language API bindings (new)](https://github.com/emoon/bgfx-rs) * [Swift language API bindings](https://github.com/stuartcarnie/SwiftBGFX) * [Zig language API bindings](https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/tree/master/bindings/zig) Who is using it? [#madewithbgfx](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23madewithbgfx&src=typed_query&f=live) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## AirMech https://www.carbongames.com/airmech-strike - AirMech is a free-to-play futuristic action real-time strategy video game developed and published by Carbon Games. ![AirMech screenshot](https://www.mobygames.com/images/shots/l/830630-airmech-playstation-4-screenshot-blue-bar-on-your-mech-indicates.jpg) ## cmftStudio https://github.com/dariomanesku/cmftStudio - cmftStudio - Cubemap filtering tool. ![cmftStudio screenshot](https://github.com/dariomanesku/cmftStudio/raw/master/screenshots/cmftStudio_small.jpg) ## Crown https://github.com/dbartolini/crown - Crown is a general purpose data-driven game engine, written from scratch with a minimalistic and data-oriented design philosophy in mind. ![Crown screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dbartolini/crown/master/docs/shots/level-editor.png) ## Offroad Legends 2 http://www.dogbytegames.com/ - Dogbyte Games is an indie mobile developer studio focusing on racing games. ![Offroad Legends 2](http://www.dogbytegames.com/bgfx/offroadlegends2_bgfx_ipad2.jpg) ## Torque6 https://github.com/andr3wmac/Torque6 - Torque 6 is an MIT licensed 3D engine loosely based on Torque2D. Being neither Torque2D or Torque3D it is the 6th derivative of the original Torque Engine. ## Kepler Orbits https://github.com/podgorskiy/KeplerOrbits - KeplerOrbits - Tool that calculates positions of celestial bodies using their orbital elements. ## CETech https://github.com/cyberegoorg/cetech - CETech is a data-driven game engine and toolbox inspired by Bitsquid/Stingray engine. ![CETech screenshot](https://github.com/cyberegoorg/cetech/raw/master/docs/img/prototyp.png) ## ioquake3 https://github.com/jpcy/ioq3-renderer-bgfx - A renderer for ioquake3 written in C++ and using bgfx to support multiple rendering APIs. ![ioq3-renderer-bgfx screenshot](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/052aa40c05120e56306294d3a1bb5f99f97de8c8/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f64364f6856594b2e6a7067) ## DLS http://makingartstudios.itch.io/dls - DLS, the digital logic simulator game. http://dls.makingartstudios.com/sandbox/ - DLS: The Sandbox. ![DLS: The Sandbox screenshot](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DBaFwOKWAAEq0mp.jpg:large) ## MAME https://github.com/mamedev/mame - MAME - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. ![MAME screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mamedev/www.mamedev.org/d8d716dbb63919a11964b5d47b9b7f6cfa006b56/bgfx/Raiden.png) ## Blackshift https://blackshift.itch.io/blackshift - Blackshift is a grid-based, space-themed action puzzle game which isn't afraid of complexity - think Chip's Challenge on crack. ## Real-Time Polygonal-Light Shading with Linearly Transformed Cosines https://eheitzresearch.wordpress.com/415-2/ - Real-Time Polygonal-Light Shading with Linearly Transformed Cosines, Eric Heitz, Jonathan Dupuy, Stephen Hill and David Neubelt, ACM SIGGRAPH 2016. ## Dead Venture http://www.dogbytegames.com/dead_venture.html - Dead Venture is a new Drive 'N Gun game where you help a handful of survivals reach the safe haven: a military base on a far island. ## REGoth https://github.com/degenerated1123/REGoth - REGoth is an open-source reimplementation of the zEngine, used by the game "Gothic" and "Gothic II". ## Ethereal Engine https://github.com/volcoma/EtherealEngine - EtherealEngine is a C++ game engine and WYSIWYG dditor. ![EtherealEngine screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1499411/29488403-ff3c3df6-8512-11e7-869f-32a783530cc3.png) ## Go Rally http://gorallygame.com/ - Go Rally is top-down rally game with a career mode, multiplayer time challenges, and a track creator. ## vg-renderer https://github.com/jdryg/vg-renderer#vg-renderer - vg-renderer is a vector graphics renderer for bgfx, based on ideas from both NanoVG and ImDrawList (Dear ImGUI). ![vg-renderer screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jdryg/vg-renderer/master/img/vgrenderer_tiger.png) ## Zombie Safari http://www.dogbytegames.com/zombie_safari.html - Do what you please in this open-world offroad driving game: explore massive landscapes, complete challenges, smash zombies, find secret locations, unlock and upgrade cars and weapons, it's up to you! ## Smith and Winston http://www.smithandwinston.com/ - Smith and Winston is an exploration twin stick shooter for PC, PS4 & XBoxOne arriving in late 2018. Smith and Winston features a massively destructable voxel world, rapid twin stick combat, physics puzzles and Metroid-style discovery. ## Football Manager 2018 http://www.footballmanager.com/ - Football Manager 2018 is a 2017 football management simulation video game developed by Sports Interactive and published by Sega. ## WonderWorlds http://wonderworlds.me/ - WonderWorlds is a place to play thousands of user-created levels and stories, make your own using the extensive in-game tools and share them with whomever you want. ## two-io / mud https://hugoam.github.io/two-io/ - An all-purpose c++ app prototyping library, focused towards live graphical apps and games. ![two-io / mud screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hugoam/mud-io/master/media/14_live_gfx.png) ## Talking Tom Pool https://outfit7.com/apps/talking-tom-pool/ - A "sling and match" puzzle game for mobile devices. ## GPlayEngine https://github.com/fredakilla/GPlayEngine#gplayengine - GPlayEngine is a C++ cross-platform game engine for creating 2D/3D games based on the GamePlay 3D engine v3.0. ![GPlayEngine screenshot](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/d89a364fb306f208ca14a58267c8303f60f0f0cf/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f306569395932382e706e67) ## Off The Road http://www.dogbytegames.com/off_the_road.html - A sandbox off-road driving simulator. ## Coal Burnout https://beardsvibe.com/ - A multiplayer PVP rhythm game. ![Coal Burnout screenshot](https://beardsvibe.com/scr/0l.png) ## My Talking Tom 2 https://outfit7.com/apps/my-talking-tom-2/ - Many mini games for mobile devices. ## NeoAxis Engine https://www.neoaxis.com/ - Versatile 3D project development environment. ![NeoAxis Engine screenshot](https://www.neoaxis.com/files/NeoAxisEngine04.jpg) ## xatlas https://github.com/jpcy/xatlas#xatlas - Mesh parameterization library. ![xatlas screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3744372/43034066-53a62dee-8d18-11e8-9767-0b38ed3fa2d3.png) ## Heroes of Hammerwatch https://store.steampowered.com/app/677120/Heroes_of_Hammerwatch/ - Heroes of Hammerwatch is a rogue-lite action-adventure game set in the same universe as Hammerwatch. Encounter endless hordes of enemies, traps, puzzles, secrets and lots of loot, as you battle your way through procedurally generated levels to reach the top of the Forsaken Spire. ## Babylon Native https://github.com/BabylonJS/BabylonNative#babylon-native - Build cross-platform native applications with the power of the Babylon.js JavaScript framework. ## Nira https://nira.app/ - Instantly load and view assets on any device. All you need is a web browser. SIGGRAPH 2019: Project Nira: Instant Interactive Real-Time Access to Multi-Gigabyte Sized 3D Assets on Any Device: https://s2019.siggraph.org/presentation/?sess=sess104&id=real_130#038;id=real_130 ## openblack https://github.com/openblack/openblack#openblack - An open-source reimplementation of the game Black & White (2001). ![openblack screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32263167/184559293-56cfc6a7-a7da-4876-8fce-434ba8827eae.png) ## Cluster https://github.com/pezcode/Cluster#cluster - Implementation of Clustered Shading and Physically Based Rendering with the bgfx rendering library. ![Cluster screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pezcode/Cluster/master/images/sponza.jpg) ## NIMBY Rails https://store.steampowered.com/app/1134710/NIMBY_Rails/ - NIMBY Rails is a management and design sandbox game for railways you build in the real world. ![NIMBY Rails screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28320/78472283-03d5e200-7727-11ea-8bd4-db8754f52dc3.jpg) ## Minecraft https://www.minecraft.net/zh-hant/attribution/ ![Minecraft screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/814772/79185288-57050000-7dcb-11ea-87b4-2126fcd1545b.jpg) ## FFNx https://github.com/julianxhokaxhiu/FFNx#ffnx - Next generation driver for Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII (with native Steam 2013 release support!) ![FFVIII screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/julianxhokaxhiu/FFNx/master/.screens/ff8.png) ## Shadow Gangs https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/p/shadow-gangs/9n6hkcr65qdq - Shadow Gangs is an arcade style ninja action game. ![Shadow Gangs screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/814772/94508248-64ba1080-01c6-11eb-800f-47dc374ef054.jpeg) ## Growtopia https://growtopiagame.com/ - Growtopia is a free-to-play sandbox MMO game with almost endless possibilities for world creation, customization and having fun with your friends. Enjoy thousands of items, challenges and events. ![Growtopia screenshot](https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cdn.growtopiagame.com/website/resources/assets/images/grow_header.jpg) ## Galaxy Trucker https://galaxytrucker.com/ - Digital implementation of tabletop spaceship building in real-time or turn-based mode, then surviving space adventures, with AI opponents, multiplayer, achievements and solo campaign. ![Galaxy Trucker screenshot](https://press.galaxytrucker.com/images/GTAT_junk.png) ## Through the Ages https://throughtheages.com/ - The card tabletop deep strategy game in your devices. Lead your civilization from pyramids to space flights. Challenges, achievements, skilled AIs and online multiplayer. ![Through the Ages screenshot](https://press.throughtheages.com/images/tta01.png) ## Codenames https://codenamesgame.com/ - One of the best party games. Two rival spymasters know the secret identities of 25 agents. Their teammates know the agents only by their codenames. Simple to explain, easy to understand, challenging gameplay. ![Codenames screenshot](https://codenamesgame.com/img/game-features-img-1.jpg) ## PeakFinder https://www.peakfinder.org/ - PeakFinder shows the names of all mountains and peaks with a 360° panorama display. More than 850'000 peaks - from Mount Everest to the little hill around the corner. ![PeakFinder screenshot](https://pfweb-c125.kxcdn.com/videos/mobile/manual/v4/light/en/peakfinder-trecime.jpg) ## Ember Sword https://embersword.com - Ember Sword is a free to play MMORPG running directly in your browser and is being developed and published by Bright Star Studios. ![Ember Sword screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/814772/120714133-a860ca80-c477-11eb-8680-f5a948dfd050.png) ## Off The Road Unleashed https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/off-the-road-unleashed-switch/ - Off The Road Unleashed is a sandbox driving game for the Nintendo Switch. If you see a vehicle you bet you can hop into it! Pilot big rigs, helicopters, boats, airplanes or even trains. Sand dunes, frozen plains, mountains to climb and conquer. ## Guild Wars 2 https://www.guildwars2.com/ - Guild Wars 2 is an online role-playing game with fast-paced action combat, a rich and detailed universe of stories, awe-inspiring landscapes to explore, two challenging player vs. player modes—and no subscription fees! ![Guild Wars 2 screenshot](https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/1a684WvW_ArmorT3.jpg) ## Griftlands https://klei.com/games/griftlands - Griftlands is a roguelike deck-building game with role-playing story elements in a science fiction setting, developed and published by Klei Entertainment. ## HARFANG 3D https://www.harfang3d.com - HARFANG® 3D is a **BGFX-powered** 3D visualization framework for C++, Python, Go, and Lua. It comes with a 3D editor, HARFANG Studio. ![HARFANG Studio screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/harfang3d/image-storage/main/portfolio/3.2.2/harfang-studio-cyber-city.png) ## Marine Melodies / Resistance https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=91906 - Demoscene musicdisk released at Evoke 2022 demoparty. https://github.com/astrofra/demo-marine-melodies ## Activeworlds https://www.activeworlds.com/ - Activeworlds is an online VR platform with rich multimedia and presentation features. Create your own worlds or build in free community worlds, hold your own event / meeting or join inworld events! ![Activeworlds screenshot](http://www.activeworlds.com/img/181107-213544_small_enkii.jpg) ## Equilibrium Engine https://github.com/clibequilibrium/EquilibriumEngine - Equilibrium Engine is a data-oriented and multi-threaded C11 Game Engine with libraries & shaders hot-reloading. ![Equilibrium Engine screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clibequilibrium/EquilibriumEngine/master/docs/city.png) ## Pinhole Universe https://festina-lente-productions.com/pinhole-universe/ - Explore a generated world where you can zoom in on anything, forever. ![Pinhole Universe capsule image](https://festina-lente-productions.com/ext/capsule_small.jpg) ## Unavowed (Nintendo Switch version only) https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/unavowed-switch/ - A demon has possessed you and used your body to tear a swath of bloodshed through New York. You are now free, but life as you knew it is over. Your only path forward is joining the Unavowed - an ancient society dedicated to stopping evil. No matter what the cost. ![Unavowed Title](https://assets.nintendo.com/image/upload/c_limit,f_auto,h_1000,q_auto,w_1700/v1/ncom/en_US/games/switch/u/unavowed-switch/Video/posters/Unavowed_Switch_Trailer_NOA) ## The Excavation of Hob's Barrow (Nintendo Switch version only) https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/the-excavation-of-hobs-barrow-switch/ - A folk horror narrative-driven adventure. Explore the isolated moors of rural Victorian England as you uncover the mysteries of Hob's Barrow. The answers lie in the soil... ![The Excavation of Hob's Barrow Title](https://assets.nintendo.com/image/upload/c_limit,f_auto,h_1000,q_auto,w_1700/v1/ncom/en_US/games/switch/t/the-excavation-of-hobs-barrow-switch/Video/posters/The_Excavation_of_Hob_s_Barrow) ## Primordia (Nintendo Switch version only) https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/primordia-switch/ - Life has ceased. Man is but a myth. And now, even the machines have begun to fail. Lead Horatio Nullbuilt and his sarcastic sidekick Crispin on a journey through the crumbling world of Primordia, facing malfunctioning robots, ancient secrets, and an implacable, power-hungry foe. ![Primordia Title](https://assets.nintendo.com/image/upload/c_limit,f_auto,h_1000,q_auto,w_1700/v1/ncom/en_US/games/switch/p/primordia-switch/Video/posters/Primordia_Trailer) [License (BSD 2-clause)](https://bkaradzic.github.io/bgfx/license.html) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2010-2023 Branimir Karadzic Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.