$input v_view, v_normal /* * Copyright 2014-2016 Dario Manesku. All rights reserved. * License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/blob/master/LICENSE */ #include "../common/common.sh" #include "uniforms.sh" SAMPLERCUBE(s_texCube, 0); SAMPLERCUBE(s_texCubeIrr, 1); vec3 calcFresnel(vec3 _cspec, float _dot, float _strength) { return _cspec + (1.0 - _cspec)*pow(1.0 - _dot, 5.0) * _strength; } vec3 calcLambert(vec3 _cdiff, float _ndotl) { return _cdiff*_ndotl; } vec3 calcBlinn(vec3 _cspec, float _ndoth, float _ndotl, float _specPwr) { float norm = (_specPwr+8.0)*0.125; float brdf = pow(_ndoth, _specPwr)*_ndotl*norm; return _cspec*brdf; } float specPwr(float _gloss) { return exp2(10.0*_gloss+2.0); } void main() { // Light. vec3 ld = normalize(u_lightDir); vec3 clight = u_lightCol; // Input. vec3 nn = normalize(v_normal); vec3 vv = normalize(v_view); vec3 hh = normalize(vv + ld); float ndotv = clamp(dot(nn, vv), 0.0, 1.0); float ndotl = clamp(dot(nn, ld), 0.0, 1.0); float ndoth = clamp(dot(nn, hh), 0.0, 1.0); float hdotv = clamp(dot(hh, vv), 0.0, 1.0); // Material params. vec3 inAlbedo = u_rgbDiff.xyz; float inReflectivity = u_reflectivity; float inGloss = u_glossiness; // Reflection. vec3 refl; if (0.0 == u_metalOrSpec) // Metalness workflow. { refl = mix(vec3_splat(0.04), inAlbedo, inReflectivity); } else // Specular workflow. { refl = u_rgbSpec.xyz * vec3_splat(inReflectivity); } vec3 albedo = inAlbedo * (1.0 - inReflectivity); vec3 dirFresnel = calcFresnel(refl, hdotv, inGloss); vec3 envFresnel = calcFresnel(refl, ndotv, inGloss); vec3 lambert = u_doDiffuse * calcLambert(albedo * (1.0 - dirFresnel), ndotl); vec3 blinn = u_doSpecular * calcBlinn(dirFresnel, ndoth, ndotl, specPwr(inGloss)); vec3 direct = (lambert + blinn)*clight; // Note: Environment textures are filtered with cmft: https://github.com/dariomanesku/cmft // Params used: // --excludeBase true //!< First level mip is not filtered. // --mipCount 7 //!< 7 mip levels are used in total, [256x256 .. 4x4]. Lower res mip maps should be avoided. // --glossScale 10 //!< Spec power scale. See: specPwr(). // --glossBias 2 //!< Spec power bias. See: specPwr(). // --edgeFixup warp //!< This must be used on DirectX9. When fileted with 'warp', fixCubeLookup() should be used. float mip = 1.0 + 5.0*(1.0 - inGloss); // Use mip levels [1..6] for radiance. mat4 mtx; mtx[0] = u_mtx0; mtx[1] = u_mtx1; mtx[2] = u_mtx2; mtx[3] = u_mtx3; vec3 vr = 2.0*ndotv*nn - vv; // Same as: -reflect(vv, nn); vec3 cubeR = normalize(instMul(mtx, vec4(vr, 0.0)).xyz); vec3 cubeN = normalize(instMul(mtx, vec4(nn, 0.0)).xyz); cubeR = fixCubeLookup(cubeR, mip, 256.0); vec3 radiance = toLinear(textureCubeLod(s_texCube, cubeR, mip).xyz); vec3 irradiance = toLinear(textureCube(s_texCubeIrr, cubeN).xyz); vec3 envDiffuse = albedo * irradiance * u_doDiffuseIbl; vec3 envSpecular = envFresnel * radiance * u_doSpecularIbl; vec3 indirect = envDiffuse + envSpecular; // Color. vec3 color = direct + indirect; color = color * exp2(u_exposure); gl_FragColor.xyz = toFilmic(color); gl_FragColor.w = 1.0; }