This commit is contained in:
Branimir Karadžić 2017-09-24 22:50:05 -07:00
parent 7b94b8dcb4
commit d8ec5a9a54
1 changed files with 33 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -660,37 +660,33 @@ bool intersect(const Ray& _ray, const Cone& _cone, Intersection* _intersection)
bx::vec3Neg(disk.m_normal, normal);
disk.m_radius = _cone.m_radius;
if (intersect(_ray, disk, _intersection) )
return true;
Intersection tmpInt;
Intersection* out = NULL != _intersection ? _intersection : &tmpInt;
bool hit = intersect(_ray, disk, out);
float rs[3];
bx::vec3Sub(rs, _ray.m_pos, _cone.m_end);
float ro[3];
bx::vec3Sub(ro, _ray.m_pos, _cone.m_end);
const float hyp = bx::fsqrt(bx::fsq(_cone.m_radius) + bx::fsq(len) );
const float cosa = len/hyp;
const float hyp = bx::fsqrt(bx::fsq(_cone.m_radius) + bx::fsq(len) );
const float cosaSq = bx::fsq(len/hyp);
const float ndoto = bx::vec3Dot(normal, ro);
const float ndotd = bx::vec3Dot(normal, _ray.m_dir);
const float cosaSq = bx::fsq(cosa);
const float rsdotaxis = bx::vec3Dot(rs, normal);
const float rdota = bx::vec3Dot(normal, _ray.m_dir);
const float aa = bx::fsq(rdota) - cosaSq;
const float bb = 2.0f * (rdota*rsdotaxis - bx::vec3Dot(_ray.m_dir, rs)*cosaSq);
const float cc = bx::fsq(rsdotaxis) - bx::vec3Dot(rs, rs)*cosaSq;
const float aa = bx::fsq(ndotd) - cosaSq;
const float bb = 2.0f * (ndotd*ndoto - bx::vec3Dot(_ray.m_dir, ro)*cosaSq);
const float cc = bx::fsq(ndoto) - bx::vec3Dot(ro, ro)*cosaSq;
float det = bb*bb - 4.0f*aa*cc;
if (0.0f > det)
return false;
return hit;
det = bx::fsqrt(det);
float t1 = (-bb - det) / (2.0f * aa);
float t2 = (-bb + det) / (2.0f * aa);
const float invA2 = 1.0f / (2.0f*aa);
const float t1 = (-bb - det) * invA2;
const float t2 = (-bb + det) * invA2;
float tt = t1;
if (0.0f > t1
@ -701,33 +697,39 @@ bool intersect(const Ray& _ray, const Cone& _cone, Intersection* _intersection)
if (0.0f > tt)
return false;
return hit;
float tmp[3];
getPointAt(tmp, _ray, tt);
float point[3];
getPointAt(point, _ray, tt);
bx::vec3Sub(point, tmp, _cone.m_pos);
const float hh = bx::vec3Dot(normal, point);
if (0.0f > hh
|| len < hh)
return false;
return hit;
if (NULL != _intersection)
_intersection->m_dist = tt;
if (!hit
|| tt < _intersection->m_dist)
_intersection->m_dist = tt;
bx::vec3Move(_intersection->m_pos, point);
bx::vec3Move(_intersection->m_pos, point);
const float scale = hh / bx::vec3Dot(point, point);
float pointScaled[3];
bx::vec3Mul(pointScaled, point, scale);
const float scale = hh / bx::vec3Dot(point, point);
float pointScaled[3];
bx::vec3Mul(pointScaled, point, scale);
float tmp[3];
bx::vec3Sub(tmp, pointScaled, normal);
bx::vec3Norm(_intersection->m_normal, tmp);
bx::vec3Sub(tmp, pointScaled, normal);
bx::vec3Norm(_intersection->m_normal, tmp);
return true;