Updated spirv-cross.

This commit is contained in:
Бранимир Караџић 2019-03-02 19:16:00 -08:00
parent 4e45d6c900
commit d2ccc4e312
31 changed files with 501 additions and 153 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
using namespace metal;
struct _4
float4 _m0;
struct _6
int _m0;
struct _7
float4 _m0;
struct main0_out
float4 m_3 [[color(0)]];
fragment main0_out main0(constant _6& _20 [[buffer(0)]], constant _7* _8_0 [[buffer(1)]], constant _7* _8_1 [[buffer(2)]], constant _7* _8_2 [[buffer(3)]], constant _7* _8_3 [[buffer(4)]], const device _4* _5_0 [[buffer(5)]], const device _4* _5_1 [[buffer(6)]], const device _4* _5_2 [[buffer(7)]], const device _4* _5_3 [[buffer(8)]])
constant _7* _8[] =
const device _4* _5[] =
main0_out out = {};
out.m_3 = _5[_20._m0]->_m0 + (_8[_20._m0]->_m0 * float4(0.20000000298023223876953125));
return out;

View File

@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ kernel void main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], uint gl_InvocationID [[thread_index_
if (gl_InvocationID < spvIndirectParams[0])
gl_in[gl_InvocationID] = in;
if (gl_InvocationID >= 3)
VertexOutput _223[3] = { VertexOutput{ gl_in[0].gl_Position, gl_in[0].VertexOutput_uv }, VertexOutput{ gl_in[1].gl_Position, gl_in[1].VertexOutput_uv }, VertexOutput{ gl_in[2].gl_Position, gl_in[2].VertexOutput_uv } };
VertexOutput param[3];
spvArrayCopyFromStack1(param, _223);

View File

@ -10,26 +10,14 @@ struct main0_out
struct main0_patchIn
float gl_TessLevelInner_0 [[attribute(0)]];
float gl_TessLevelInner_1 [[attribute(1)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_0 [[attribute(2)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_1 [[attribute(3)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_2 [[attribute(4)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_3 [[attribute(5)]];
float2 gl_TessLevelInner [[attribute(0)]];
float4 gl_TessLevelOuter [[attribute(1)]];
[[ patch(quad, 0) ]] vertex main0_out main0(main0_patchIn patchIn [[stage_in]], float2 gl_TessCoord [[position_in_patch]])
main0_out out = {};
float gl_TessLevelInner[2] = {};
float gl_TessLevelOuter[4] = {};
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner_0;
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner_1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_2;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_3;
out.gl_Position = float4(((gl_TessCoord.x * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[0])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[0])) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[0])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[2])), ((gl_TessCoord.y * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[1])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[1])) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[1])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[3])), 0.0, 1.0);
out.gl_Position = float4(((gl_TessCoord.x * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.x) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.z), ((gl_TessCoord.y * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.y) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.w), 0.0, 1.0);
return out;

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ kernel void main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], uint gl_InvocationID [[thread_index_
if (gl_InvocationID < spvIndirectParams[0])
gl_in[gl_InvocationID] = in;
if (gl_InvocationID >= 4)
gl_out[gl_InvocationID].vVertex = gl_in[gl_InvocationID].vInput + gl_in[gl_InvocationID ^ 1].vInput;
if (gl_InvocationID == 0)

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ kernel void main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], uint gl_InvocationID [[thread_index_
if (gl_InvocationID < spvIndirectParams[0])
gl_in[gl_InvocationID] = in;
if (gl_InvocationID >= 1)
spvTessLevel[gl_PrimitiveID].insideTessellationFactor[0] = half(8.8999996185302734375);
spvTessLevel[gl_PrimitiveID].insideTessellationFactor[1] = half(6.900000095367431640625);
spvTessLevel[gl_PrimitiveID].edgeTessellationFactor[0] = half(8.8999996185302734375);

View File

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ kernel void main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], uint gl_InvocationID [[thread_index_
if (gl_InvocationID < spvIndirectParams[0])
gl_in[gl_InvocationID] = in;
if (gl_InvocationID >= 4)
Boo vInput_24;
vInput_24.a = gl_in[gl_InvocationID].Boo_a;
vInput_24.b = gl_in[gl_InvocationID].Boo_b;

View File

@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ kernel void main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], constant UBO& _41 [[buffer(0)]], uin
if (gl_InvocationID < spvIndirectParams[0])
gl_in[gl_InvocationID] = in;
if (gl_InvocationID >= 1)
float2 _430 = (gl_in[0].vPatchPosBase - float2(10.0)) * _41.uScale.xy;
float2 _440 = ((gl_in[0].vPatchPosBase + _41.uPatchSize) + float2(10.0)) * _41.uScale.xy;
float3 _445 = float3(_430.x, -10.0, _430.y);

View File

@ -10,27 +10,15 @@ struct main0_out
struct main0_patchIn
float gl_TessLevelInner_0 [[attribute(0)]];
float gl_TessLevelInner_1 [[attribute(1)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_0 [[attribute(2)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_1 [[attribute(3)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_2 [[attribute(4)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_3 [[attribute(5)]];
float2 gl_TessLevelInner [[attribute(0)]];
float4 gl_TessLevelOuter [[attribute(1)]];
[[ patch(quad, 0) ]] vertex main0_out main0(main0_patchIn patchIn [[stage_in]], float2 gl_TessCoord [[position_in_patch]])
main0_out out = {};
float gl_TessLevelInner[2] = {};
float gl_TessLevelOuter[4] = {};
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner_0;
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner_1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_2;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_3;
gl_TessCoord.y = 1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y;
out.gl_Position = float4(((gl_TessCoord.x * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[0])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[0])) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[0])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[2])), ((gl_TessCoord.y * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[1])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[3])) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[1])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[1])), 0.0, 1.0);
out.gl_Position = float4(((gl_TessCoord.x * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.x) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.z), ((gl_TessCoord.y * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.w) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.y), 0.0, 1.0);
return out;

View File

@ -10,26 +10,14 @@ struct main0_out
struct main0_patchIn
float gl_TessLevelInner_0 [[attribute(0)]];
float gl_TessLevelInner_1 [[attribute(1)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_0 [[attribute(2)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_1 [[attribute(3)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_2 [[attribute(4)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_3 [[attribute(5)]];
float2 gl_TessLevelInner [[attribute(0)]];
float4 gl_TessLevelOuter [[attribute(1)]];
[[ patch(quad, 0) ]] vertex main0_out main0(main0_patchIn patchIn [[stage_in]], float2 gl_TessCoord [[position_in_patch]])
main0_out out = {};
float gl_TessLevelInner[2] = {};
float gl_TessLevelOuter[4] = {};
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner_0;
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner_1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_2;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_3;
out.gl_Position = float4(((gl_TessCoord.x * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[0])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[0])) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[0])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[2])), ((gl_TessCoord.y * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[1])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[1])) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[1])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[3])), 0.0, 1.0);
out.gl_Position = float4(((gl_TessCoord.x * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.x) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.z), ((gl_TessCoord.y * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.y) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.w), 0.0, 1.0);
return out;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
using namespace metal;
struct main0_out
float4 gl_Position [[position]];
struct main0_patchIn
float4 gl_TessLevel [[attribute(0)]];
[[ patch(triangle, 0) ]] vertex main0_out main0(main0_patchIn patchIn [[stage_in]], float3 gl_TessCoord [[position_in_patch]])
main0_out out = {};
float gl_TessLevelInner[2] = {};
float gl_TessLevelOuter[4] = {};
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevel.w;
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevel.x;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevel.y;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = patchIn.gl_TessLevel.z;
out.gl_Position = float4((gl_TessCoord.x * gl_TessLevelInner[0]) * gl_TessLevelOuter[0], (gl_TessCoord.y * gl_TessLevelInner[0]) * gl_TessLevelOuter[1], (gl_TessCoord.z * gl_TessLevelInner[0]) * gl_TessLevelOuter[2], 1.0);
return out;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
using namespace metal;
struct _4
float4 _m0;
struct _6
int _m0;
struct _7
float4 _m0;
struct main0_out
float4 m_3 [[color(0)]];
fragment main0_out main0(constant _6& _20 [[buffer(0)]], constant _7* _8_0 [[buffer(1)]], constant _7* _8_1 [[buffer(2)]], constant _7* _8_2 [[buffer(3)]], constant _7* _8_3 [[buffer(4)]], const device _4* _5_0 [[buffer(5)]], const device _4* _5_1 [[buffer(6)]], const device _4* _5_2 [[buffer(7)]], const device _4* _5_3 [[buffer(8)]])
constant _7* _8[] =
const device _4* _5[] =
main0_out out = {};
out.m_3 = _5[_20._m0]->_m0 + (_8[_20._m0]->_m0 * float4(0.20000000298023223876953125));
return out;

View File

@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ kernel void main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], uint gl_InvocationID [[thread_index_
if (gl_InvocationID < spvIndirectParams[0])
gl_in[gl_InvocationID] = in;
if (gl_InvocationID >= 3)
VertexOutput p[3];
p[0].pos = gl_in[0].gl_Position;
p[0].uv = gl_in[0].VertexOutput_uv;

View File

@ -10,26 +10,14 @@ struct main0_out
struct main0_patchIn
float gl_TessLevelInner_0 [[attribute(0)]];
float gl_TessLevelInner_1 [[attribute(1)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_0 [[attribute(2)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_1 [[attribute(3)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_2 [[attribute(4)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_3 [[attribute(5)]];
float2 gl_TessLevelInner [[attribute(0)]];
float4 gl_TessLevelOuter [[attribute(1)]];
[[ patch(quad, 0) ]] vertex main0_out main0(main0_patchIn patchIn [[stage_in]], float2 gl_TessCoord [[position_in_patch]])
main0_out out = {};
float gl_TessLevelInner[2] = {};
float gl_TessLevelOuter[4] = {};
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner_0;
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner_1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_2;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_3;
out.gl_Position = float4(((gl_TessCoord.x * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[0])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[0])) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[0])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[2])), ((gl_TessCoord.y * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[1])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[1])) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[1])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[3])), 0.0, 1.0);
out.gl_Position = float4(((gl_TessCoord.x * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.x) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.z), ((gl_TessCoord.y * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.y) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.w), 0.0, 1.0);
return out;

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ kernel void main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], uint gl_InvocationID [[thread_index_
if (gl_InvocationID < spvIndirectParams[0])
gl_in[gl_InvocationID] = in;
if (gl_InvocationID >= 4)
gl_out[gl_InvocationID].vVertex = gl_in[gl_InvocationID].vInput + gl_in[gl_InvocationID ^ 1].vInput;
if (gl_InvocationID == 0)

View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ kernel void main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], uint gl_InvocationID [[thread_index_
if (gl_InvocationID < spvIndirectParams[0])
gl_in[gl_InvocationID] = in;
if (gl_InvocationID >= 1)
spvTessLevel[gl_PrimitiveID].insideTessellationFactor[0] = half(8.8999996185302734375);
spvTessLevel[gl_PrimitiveID].insideTessellationFactor[1] = half(6.900000095367431640625);
spvTessLevel[gl_PrimitiveID].edgeTessellationFactor[0] = half(8.8999996185302734375);

View File

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ kernel void main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], uint gl_InvocationID [[thread_index_
if (gl_InvocationID < spvIndirectParams[0])
gl_in[gl_InvocationID] = in;
if (gl_InvocationID >= 4)
Boo vInput_24;
vInput_24.a = gl_in[gl_InvocationID].Boo_a;
vInput_24.b = gl_in[gl_InvocationID].Boo_b;

View File

@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ kernel void main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], constant UBO& v_41 [[buffer(0)]], ui
if (gl_InvocationID < spvIndirectParams[0])
gl_in[gl_InvocationID] = in;
if (gl_InvocationID >= 1)
float2 p0 = gl_in[0].vPatchPosBase;
float2 param = p0;
if (!frustum_cull(param, v_41))

View File

@ -10,27 +10,15 @@ struct main0_out
struct main0_patchIn
float gl_TessLevelInner_0 [[attribute(0)]];
float gl_TessLevelInner_1 [[attribute(1)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_0 [[attribute(2)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_1 [[attribute(3)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_2 [[attribute(4)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_3 [[attribute(5)]];
float2 gl_TessLevelInner [[attribute(0)]];
float4 gl_TessLevelOuter [[attribute(1)]];
[[ patch(quad, 0) ]] vertex main0_out main0(main0_patchIn patchIn [[stage_in]], float2 gl_TessCoord [[position_in_patch]])
main0_out out = {};
float gl_TessLevelInner[2] = {};
float gl_TessLevelOuter[4] = {};
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner_0;
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner_1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_2;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_3;
gl_TessCoord.y = 1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y;
out.gl_Position = float4(((gl_TessCoord.x * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[0])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[0])) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[0])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[2])), ((gl_TessCoord.y * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[1])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[3])) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[1])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[1])), 0.0, 1.0);
out.gl_Position = float4(((gl_TessCoord.x * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.x) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.x) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.z), ((gl_TessCoord.y * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.w) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner.y) * patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter.y), 0.0, 1.0);
return out;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes"
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
@ -10,26 +12,19 @@ struct main0_out
struct main0_patchIn
float gl_TessLevelInner_0 [[attribute(0)]];
float gl_TessLevelInner_1 [[attribute(1)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_0 [[attribute(2)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_1 [[attribute(3)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_2 [[attribute(4)]];
float gl_TessLevelOuter_3 [[attribute(5)]];
float2 gl_TessLevelInner [[attribute(0)]];
float4 gl_TessLevelOuter [[attribute(1)]];
void set_position(thread float4& gl_Position, thread float2& gl_TessCoord, thread float2& gl_TessLevelInner, thread float4& gl_TessLevelOuter)
gl_Position = float4(((gl_TessCoord.x * gl_TessLevelInner.x) * gl_TessLevelOuter.x) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * gl_TessLevelInner.x) * gl_TessLevelOuter.z), ((gl_TessCoord.y * gl_TessLevelInner.y) * gl_TessLevelOuter.y) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * gl_TessLevelInner.y) * gl_TessLevelOuter.w), 0.0, 1.0);
[[ patch(quad, 0) ]] vertex main0_out main0(main0_patchIn patchIn [[stage_in]], float2 gl_TessCoord [[position_in_patch]])
main0_out out = {};
float gl_TessLevelInner[2] = {};
float gl_TessLevelOuter[4] = {};
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner_0;
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner_1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_2;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter_3;
out.gl_Position = float4(((gl_TessCoord.x * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[0])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[0])) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[0])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[2])), ((gl_TessCoord.y * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[1])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[1])) + (((1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelInner[1])) * as_type<float>(gl_TessLevelOuter[3])), 0.0, 1.0);
set_position(out.gl_Position, gl_TessCoord, patchIn.gl_TessLevelInner, patchIn.gl_TessLevelOuter);
return out;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
using namespace metal;
struct main0_out
float4 gl_Position [[position]];
struct main0_patchIn
float4 gl_TessLevel [[attribute(0)]];
[[ patch(triangle, 0) ]] vertex main0_out main0(main0_patchIn patchIn [[stage_in]], float3 gl_TessCoord [[position_in_patch]])
main0_out out = {};
float gl_TessLevelInner[2] = {};
float gl_TessLevelOuter[4] = {};
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevel.w;
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = patchIn.gl_TessLevel.x;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = patchIn.gl_TessLevel.y;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = patchIn.gl_TessLevel.z;
out.gl_Position = float4((gl_TessCoord.x * gl_TessLevelInner[0]) * gl_TessLevelOuter[0], (gl_TessCoord.y * gl_TessLevelInner[0]) * gl_TessLevelOuter[1], (gl_TessCoord.z * gl_TessLevelInner[0]) * gl_TessLevelOuter[2], 1.0);
return out;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
; Version: 1.0
; Generator: Khronos Glslang Reference Front End; 7
; Bound: 39
; Schema: 0
OpCapability Shader
%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %FragColor
OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
OpSource GLSL 450
OpDecorate %FragColor Location 0
OpMemberDecorate %SSBO 0 NonWritable
OpMemberDecorate %SSBO 0 Offset 0
OpDecorate %SSBO BufferBlock
OpDecorate %ssbos DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %ssbos Binding 5
OpMemberDecorate %Registers 0 Offset 0
OpDecorate %Registers Block
OpMemberDecorate %UBO 0 Offset 0
OpDecorate %UBO Block
OpDecorate %ubos DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %ubos Binding 1
%void = OpTypeVoid
%3 = OpTypeFunction %void
%float = OpTypeFloat 32
%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
%FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
%SSBO = OpTypeStruct %v4float
%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
%uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
%_arr_SSBO_uint_4 = OpTypeArray %SSBO %uint_4
%_ptr_Uniform__arr_SSBO_uint_4 = OpTypePointer Uniform %_arr_SSBO_uint_4
%ssbos = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform__arr_SSBO_uint_4 Uniform
%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
%Registers = OpTypeStruct %int
%_ptr_PushConstant_Registers = OpTypePointer PushConstant %Registers
%registers = OpVariable %_ptr_PushConstant_Registers PushConstant
%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
%_ptr_PushConstant_int = OpTypePointer PushConstant %int
%_ptr_Uniform_v4float = OpTypePointer Uniform %v4float
%UBO = OpTypeStruct %v4float
%_arr_UBO_uint_4 = OpTypeArray %UBO %uint_4
%_ptr_Uniform__arr_UBO_uint_4 = OpTypePointer Uniform %_arr_UBO_uint_4
%ubos = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform__arr_UBO_uint_4 Uniform
%float_0_200000003 = OpConstant %float 0.200000003
%36 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003
%main = OpFunction %void None %3
%5 = OpLabel
%22 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_PushConstant_int %registers %int_0
%23 = OpLoad %int %22
%25 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_v4float %ssbos %23 %int_0
%26 = OpLoad %v4float %25
%31 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_PushConstant_int %registers %int_0
%32 = OpLoad %int %31
%33 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_v4float %ubos %32 %int_0
%34 = OpLoad %v4float %33
%37 = OpFMul %v4float %34 %36
%38 = OpFAdd %v4float %26 %37
OpStore %FragColor %38

View File

@ -3,10 +3,15 @@
layout(cw, quads, fractional_even_spacing) in;
void main()
void set_position()
gl_Position = vec4(gl_TessCoord.x * gl_TessLevelInner[0] * gl_TessLevelOuter[0] + (1.0 - gl_TessCoord.x) * gl_TessLevelInner[0] * gl_TessLevelOuter[2],
gl_TessCoord.y * gl_TessLevelInner[1] * gl_TessLevelOuter[1] + (1.0 - gl_TessCoord.y) * gl_TessLevelInner[1] * gl_TessLevelOuter[3],
0, 1);
void main()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#version 310 es
#extension GL_EXT_tessellation_shader : require
layout(cw, triangles, fractional_even_spacing) in;
void main()
gl_Position = vec4(gl_TessCoord.x * gl_TessLevelInner[0] * gl_TessLevelOuter[0],
gl_TessCoord.y * gl_TessLevelInner[0] * gl_TessLevelOuter[1],
gl_TessCoord.z * gl_TessLevelInner[0] * gl_TessLevelOuter[2],

View File

@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <locale>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <stack>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
@ -245,10 +245,12 @@ inline std::string merge(const std::vector<std::string> &list)
return s;
template <typename T>
inline std::string convert_to_string(T &&t)
// Make sure we don't accidentally call this with float or doubles with SFINAE.
// Have to use the radix-aware overload.
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<T>::value, int>::type = 0>
inline std::string convert_to_string(const T &t)
return std::to_string(std::forward<T>(t));
return std::to_string(t);
// Allow implementations to set a convenient standard precision
@ -263,24 +265,43 @@ inline std::string convert_to_string(T &&t)
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
inline std::string convert_to_string(float t)
static inline void fixup_radix_point(char *str, char radix_point)
// Setting locales is a very risky business in multi-threaded program,
// so just fixup locales instead. We only need to care about the radix point.
if (radix_point != '.')
while (*str != '\0')
if (*str == radix_point)
*str = '.';
inline std::string convert_to_string(float t, char locale_radix_point)
// std::to_string for floating point values is broken.
// Fallback to something more sane.
char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, SPIRV_CROSS_FLT_FMT, t);
fixup_radix_point(buf, locale_radix_point);
// Ensure that the literal is float.
if (!strchr(buf, '.') && !strchr(buf, 'e'))
strcat(buf, ".0");
return buf;
inline std::string convert_to_string(double t)
inline std::string convert_to_string(double t, char locale_radix_point)
// std::to_string for floating point values is broken.
// Fallback to something more sane.
char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, SPIRV_CROSS_FLT_FMT, t);
fixup_radix_point(buf, locale_radix_point);
// Ensure that the literal is float.
if (!strchr(buf, '.') && !strchr(buf, 'e'))
strcat(buf, ".0");
@ -1404,22 +1425,6 @@ struct Meta
using VariableTypeRemapCallback =
std::function<void(const SPIRType &type, const std::string &var_name, std::string &name_of_type)>;
class ClassicLocale
old = std::locale::global(std::locale::classic());
std::locale old;
class Hasher

View File

@ -306,9 +306,6 @@ void CompilerCPP::emit_resources()
string CompilerCPP::compile()
// Force a classic "C" locale, reverts when function returns
ClassicLocale classic_locale;
// Do not deal with ES-isms like precision, older extensions and such.
options.es = false;
options.version = 450;

View File

@ -64,8 +64,6 @@ void Compiler::set_ir(const ParsedIR &ir_)
string Compiler::compile()
// Force a classic "C" locale, reverts when function returns
ClassicLocale classic_locale;
return "";

View File

@ -21,8 +21,14 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <locale.h>
#include <utility>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <langinfo.h>
#include <locale.h>
using namespace spv;
using namespace spirv_cross;
using namespace std;
@ -149,6 +155,31 @@ string CompilerGLSL::sanitize_underscores(const string &str)
return res;
void CompilerGLSL::init()
if (ir.source.known)
options.es = ir.source.es;
options.version = ir.source.version;
// Query the locale to see what the decimal point is.
// We'll rely on fixing it up ourselves in the rare case we have a comma-as-decimal locale
// rather than setting locales ourselves. Settings locales in a safe and isolated way is rather
// tricky.
#ifdef _WIN32
// On Windows, localeconv uses thread-local storage, so it should be fine.
const struct lconv *conv = localeconv();
if (conv && conv->decimal_point)
current_locale_radix_character = *conv->decimal_point;
// localeconv, the portable function is not MT safe ...
const char *decimal_point = nl_langinfo(RADIXCHAR);
if (decimal_point && *decimal_point != '\0')
current_locale_radix_character = *decimal_point;
static const char *to_pls_layout(PlsFormat format)
switch (format)
@ -387,9 +418,6 @@ void CompilerGLSL::find_static_extensions()
string CompilerGLSL::compile()
// Force a classic "C" locale, reverts when function returns
ClassicLocale classic_locale;
if (options.vulkan_semantics)
backend.allow_precision_qualifiers = true;
backend.force_gl_in_out_block = true;
@ -2985,7 +3013,7 @@ string CompilerGLSL::convert_half_to_string(const SPIRConstant &c, uint32_t col,
type.basetype = SPIRType::Half;
type.vecsize = 1;
type.columns = 1;
res = join(type_to_glsl(type), "(", convert_to_string(float_value), ")");
res = join(type_to_glsl(type), "(", convert_to_string(float_value, current_locale_radix_character), ")");
return res;
@ -3043,7 +3071,7 @@ string CompilerGLSL::convert_float_to_string(const SPIRConstant &c, uint32_t col
res = convert_to_string(float_value);
res = convert_to_string(float_value, current_locale_radix_character);
if (backend.float_literal_suffix)
res += "f";
@ -3115,7 +3143,7 @@ std::string CompilerGLSL::convert_double_to_string(const SPIRConstant &c, uint32
res = convert_to_string(double_value);
res = convert_to_string(double_value, current_locale_radix_character);
if (backend.double_literal_suffix)
res += "lf";

View File

@ -643,15 +643,10 @@ protected:
bool variable_is_lut(const SPIRVariable &var) const;
char current_locale_radix_character = '.';
void init()
if (ir.source.known)
options.es = ir.source.es;
options.version = ir.source.version;
void init();
} // namespace spirv_cross

View File

@ -546,8 +546,8 @@ void CompilerMSL::emit_entry_point_declarations()
args.push_back(join("max_anisotropy(", s.max_anisotropy, ")"));
if (s.lod_clamp_enable)
join("lod_clamp(", convert_to_string(s.lod_clamp_min), ", ", convert_to_string(s.lod_clamp_max), ")"));
args.push_back(join("lod_clamp(", convert_to_string(s.lod_clamp_min, current_locale_radix_character), ", ",
convert_to_string(s.lod_clamp_max, current_locale_radix_character), ")"));
statement("constexpr sampler ",
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ void CompilerMSL::emit_entry_point_declarations()
const auto &var = get<SPIRVariable>(array_id);
const auto &type = get_variable_data_type(var);
string name = get_name(array_id);
string name = to_name(array_id);
statement(get_argument_address_space(var) + " " + type_to_glsl(type) + "* " + name + "[] =");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < type.array[0]; ++i)
@ -574,9 +574,6 @@ void CompilerMSL::emit_entry_point_declarations()
string CompilerMSL::compile()
// Force a classic "C" locale, reverts when function returns
ClassicLocale classic_locale;
// Do not deal with GLES-isms like precision, older extensions and such.
options.vulkan_semantics = true;
options.es = false;
@ -1054,7 +1051,7 @@ uint32_t CompilerMSL::build_extended_vector_type(uint32_t type_id, uint32_t comp
auto &type = set<SPIRType>(new_type_id, get<SPIRType>(type_id));
type.vecsize = components;
type.self = new_type_id;
type.parent_type = 0;
type.parent_type = type_id;
type.pointer = false;
return new_type_id;
@ -1165,7 +1162,7 @@ void CompilerMSL::add_plain_variable_to_interface_block(StorageClass storage, co
if (is_builtin)
set_member_decoration(ib_type.self, ib_mbr_idx, DecorationBuiltIn, builtin);
if (builtin == BuiltInPosition)
if (builtin == BuiltInPosition && storage == StorageClassOutput)
qual_pos_var_name = qual_var_name;
@ -1572,7 +1569,7 @@ void CompilerMSL::add_plain_member_variable_to_interface_block(StorageClass stor
if (is_builtin)
set_member_decoration(ib_type.self, ib_mbr_idx, DecorationBuiltIn, builtin);
if (builtin == BuiltInPosition)
if (builtin == BuiltInPosition && storage == StorageClassOutput)
qual_pos_var_name = qual_var_name;
@ -1590,6 +1587,122 @@ void CompilerMSL::add_plain_member_variable_to_interface_block(StorageClass stor
set_extended_member_decoration(ib_type.self, ib_mbr_idx, SPIRVCrossDecorationInterfaceMemberIndex, mbr_idx);
// In Metal, the tessellation levels are stored as tightly packed half-precision floating point values.
// But, stage-in attribute offsets and strides must be multiples of four, so we can't pass the levels
// individually. Therefore, we must pass them as vectors. Triangles get a single float4, with the outer
// levels in 'xyz' and the inner level in 'w'. Quads get a float4 containing the outer levels and a
// float2 containing the inner levels.
void CompilerMSL::add_tess_level_input_to_interface_block(const std::string &ib_var_ref, SPIRType &ib_type,
SPIRVariable &var)
auto &entry_func = get<SPIRFunction>(ir.default_entry_point);
auto &var_type = get_variable_element_type(var);
BuiltIn builtin = BuiltIn(get_decoration(var.self, DecorationBuiltIn));
// Force the variable to have the proper name.
set_name(var.self, builtin_to_glsl(builtin, StorageClassFunction));
if (get_entry_point().flags.get(ExecutionModeTriangles))
// Triangles are tricky, because we want only one member in the struct.
// We need to declare the variable early and at entry-point scope.
string mbr_name = "gl_TessLevel";
// If we already added the other one, we can skip this step.
if (!added_builtin_tess_level)
// Add a reference to the variable type to the interface struct.
uint32_t ib_mbr_idx = uint32_t(ib_type.member_types.size());
uint32_t type_id = build_extended_vector_type(var_type.self, 4);
// Give the member a name
set_member_name(ib_type.self, ib_mbr_idx, mbr_name);
// There is no qualified alias since we need to flatten the internal array on return.
if (get_decoration_bitset(var.self).get(DecorationLocation))
uint32_t locn = get_decoration(var.self, DecorationLocation);
set_member_decoration(ib_type.self, ib_mbr_idx, DecorationLocation, locn);
mark_location_as_used_by_shader(locn, StorageClassInput);
else if (vtx_attrs_by_builtin.count(builtin))
uint32_t locn = vtx_attrs_by_builtin[builtin]->location;
set_member_decoration(ib_type.self, ib_mbr_idx, DecorationLocation, locn);
mark_location_as_used_by_shader(locn, StorageClassInput);
added_builtin_tess_level = true;
switch (builtin)
case BuiltInTessLevelOuter:
entry_func.fixup_hooks_in.push_back([=, &var]() {
statement(to_name(var.self), "[0] = ", ib_var_ref, ".", mbr_name, ".x;");
statement(to_name(var.self), "[1] = ", ib_var_ref, ".", mbr_name, ".y;");
statement(to_name(var.self), "[2] = ", ib_var_ref, ".", mbr_name, ".z;");
case BuiltInTessLevelInner:
[=, &var]() { statement(to_name(var.self), "[0] = ", ib_var_ref, ".", mbr_name, ".w;"); });
// Add a reference to the variable type to the interface struct.
uint32_t ib_mbr_idx = uint32_t(ib_type.member_types.size());
uint32_t type_id = build_extended_vector_type(var_type.self, builtin == BuiltInTessLevelOuter ? 4 : 2);
// Change the type of the variable, too.
uint32_t ptr_type_id = ir.increase_bound_by(1);
auto &new_var_type = set<SPIRType>(ptr_type_id, get<SPIRType>(type_id));
new_var_type.pointer = true;
new_var_type.storage = StorageClassInput;
new_var_type.parent_type = type_id;
var.basetype = ptr_type_id;
// Give the member a name
string mbr_name = to_expression(var.self);
set_member_name(ib_type.self, ib_mbr_idx, mbr_name);
// Since vectors can be indexed like arrays, there is no need to unpack this. We can
// just refer to the vector directly. So give it a qualified alias.
string qual_var_name = ib_var_ref + "." + mbr_name;
ir.meta[var.self].decoration.qualified_alias = qual_var_name;
if (get_decoration_bitset(var.self).get(DecorationLocation))
uint32_t locn = get_decoration(var.self, DecorationLocation);
set_member_decoration(ib_type.self, ib_mbr_idx, DecorationLocation, locn);
mark_location_as_used_by_shader(locn, StorageClassInput);
else if (vtx_attrs_by_builtin.count(builtin))
uint32_t locn = vtx_attrs_by_builtin[builtin]->location;
set_member_decoration(ib_type.self, ib_mbr_idx, DecorationLocation, locn);
mark_location_as_used_by_shader(locn, StorageClassInput);
void CompilerMSL::add_variable_to_interface_block(StorageClass storage, const string &ib_var_ref, SPIRType &ib_type,
SPIRVariable &var, bool strip_array)
@ -1598,6 +1711,8 @@ void CompilerMSL::add_variable_to_interface_block(StorageClass storage, const st
// usually declared as arrays. In these cases, we want to add the element type to the
// interface block, since in Metal it's the interface block itself which is arrayed.
auto &var_type = strip_array ? get_variable_element_type(var) : get_variable_data_type(var);
bool is_builtin = is_builtin_variable(var);
auto builtin = BuiltIn(get_decoration(var.self, DecorationBuiltIn));
if (var_type.basetype == SPIRType::Struct)
@ -1627,8 +1742,8 @@ void CompilerMSL::add_variable_to_interface_block(StorageClass storage, const st
// Flatten the struct members into the interface struct
for (uint32_t mbr_idx = 0; mbr_idx < uint32_t(var_type.member_types.size()); mbr_idx++)
BuiltIn builtin = BuiltInMax;
bool is_builtin = is_member_builtin(var_type, mbr_idx, &builtin);
builtin = BuiltInMax;
is_builtin = is_member_builtin(var_type, mbr_idx, &builtin);
auto &mbr_type = get<SPIRType>(var_type.member_types[mbr_idx]);
if (!is_builtin || has_active_builtin(builtin, storage))
@ -1650,12 +1765,14 @@ void CompilerMSL::add_variable_to_interface_block(StorageClass storage, const st
else if (get_execution_model() == ExecutionModelTessellationEvaluation && storage == StorageClassInput &&
!strip_array && is_builtin && (builtin == BuiltInTessLevelOuter || builtin == BuiltInTessLevelInner))
add_tess_level_input_to_interface_block(ib_var_ref, ib_type, var);
else if (var_type.basetype == SPIRType::Boolean || var_type.basetype == SPIRType::Char ||
type_is_integral(var_type) || type_is_floating_point(var_type) || var_type.basetype == SPIRType::Boolean)
bool is_builtin = is_builtin_variable(var);
BuiltIn builtin = BuiltIn(get_decoration(var.self, DecorationBuiltIn));
if (!is_builtin || has_active_builtin(builtin, storage))
// MSL does not allow matrices or arrays in input or output variables, so need to handle it specially.
@ -1796,6 +1913,9 @@ uint32_t CompilerMSL::add_interface_block(StorageClass storage, bool patch)
statement(" ", input_wg_var_name, "[", to_expression(builtin_invocation_id_id), "] = ", ib_var_ref,
statement("if (", to_expression(builtin_invocation_id_id), " >= ", get_entry_point().output_vertices,
statement(" return;");
@ -6526,7 +6646,13 @@ string CompilerMSL::builtin_to_glsl(BuiltIn builtin, StorageClass storage)
case BuiltInTessLevelOuter:
if (get_execution_model() == ExecutionModelTessellationEvaluation)
if (storage != StorageClassOutput && !get_entry_point().flags.get(ExecutionModeTriangles) &&
current_function && (current_function->self == ir.default_entry_point))
return join(patch_stage_in_var_name, ".", CompilerGLSL::builtin_to_glsl(builtin, storage));
if (storage != StorageClassInput && current_function && (current_function->self == ir.default_entry_point))
return join(tess_factor_buffer_var_name, "[", to_expression(builtin_primitive_id_id),
@ -6534,7 +6660,13 @@ string CompilerMSL::builtin_to_glsl(BuiltIn builtin, StorageClass storage)
case BuiltInTessLevelInner:
if (get_execution_model() == ExecutionModelTessellationEvaluation)
if (storage != StorageClassOutput && !get_entry_point().flags.get(ExecutionModeTriangles) &&
current_function && (current_function->self == ir.default_entry_point))
return join(patch_stage_in_var_name, ".", CompilerGLSL::builtin_to_glsl(builtin, storage));
if (storage != StorageClassInput && current_function && (current_function->self == ir.default_entry_point))
return join(tess_factor_buffer_var_name, "[", to_expression(builtin_primitive_id_id),
@ -6659,6 +6791,7 @@ string CompilerMSL::builtin_qualifier(BuiltIn builtin)
// Returns an MSL string type declaration for a SPIR-V builtin
string CompilerMSL::builtin_type_decl(BuiltIn builtin)
const SPIREntryPoint &execution = get_entry_point();
switch (builtin)
// Vertex function in
@ -6701,13 +6834,17 @@ string CompilerMSL::builtin_type_decl(BuiltIn builtin)
// Tess. control function out
case BuiltInTessLevelInner:
if (execution.model == ExecutionModelTessellationEvaluation)
return !execution.flags.get(ExecutionModeTriangles) ? "float2" : "float";
return "half";
case BuiltInTessLevelOuter:
if (execution.model == ExecutionModelTessellationEvaluation)
return !execution.flags.get(ExecutionModeTriangles) ? "float4" : "float";
return "half";
// Tess. evaluation function in
case BuiltInTessCoord:
return get_entry_point().flags.get(ExecutionModeTriangles) ? "float3" : "float2";
return execution.flags.get(ExecutionModeTriangles) ? "float3" : "float2";
// Fragment function in
case BuiltInFrontFacing:
@ -7226,7 +7363,8 @@ void CompilerMSL::bitcast_from_builtin_load(uint32_t source_id, std::string &exp
case BuiltInTessLevelInner:
case BuiltInTessLevelOuter:
expected_type = SPIRType::Half;
if (get_execution_model() == ExecutionModelTessellationControl)
expected_type = SPIRType::Half;

View File

@ -422,6 +422,7 @@ protected:
SPIRType &ib_type, SPIRVariable &var, uint32_t index,
bool strip_array);
uint32_t get_accumulated_member_location(const SPIRVariable &var, uint32_t mbr_idx, bool strip_array);
void add_tess_level_input_to_interface_block(const std::string &ib_var_ref, SPIRType &ib_type, SPIRVariable &var);
void fix_up_interface_member_indices(spv::StorageClass storage, uint32_t ib_type_id);
@ -516,6 +517,7 @@ protected:
bool capture_output_to_buffer = false;
bool needs_aux_buffer_def = false;
bool used_aux_buffer = false;
bool added_builtin_tess_level = false;
std::string qual_pos_var_name;
std::string stage_in_var_name = "in";
std::string stage_out_var_name = "out";

View File

@ -247,9 +247,6 @@ void CompilerReflection::set_format(const std::string &format)
string CompilerReflection::compile()
// Force a classic "C" locale, reverts when function returns
ClassicLocale classic_locale;
// Move constructor for this type is broken on GCC 4.9 ...
json_stream = std::make_shared<simple_json::Stream>();