This commit is contained in:
Branimir Karadžić 2018-01-26 16:40:34 -08:00
parent a6da46e452
commit c4ca6f6c6a
6 changed files with 100 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -6835,7 +6835,7 @@ BX_PRAGMA_DIAGNOSTIC_POP();
uint16_t pos = 0;
tvm.printf(0, pos++, BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG ? 0x89 : 0x8f
tvm.printf(0, pos++, BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG ? 0x8c : 0x8f
, " %s.%d (FL %d.%d) / " BX_COMPILER_NAME " / " BX_CPU_NAME " / " BX_ARCH_NAME " / " BX_PLATFORM_NAME " "
, getRendererName()
, m_deviceInterfaceVersion
@ -6868,7 +6868,7 @@ BX_PRAGMA_DIAGNOSTIC_POP();
pos = 10;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Frame: %7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] / % 6.2f FPS "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Frame: %7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] / % 6.2f FPS "
, double(frameTime)*toMs
, double(min)*toMs
, double(max)*toMs
@ -6879,7 +6879,7 @@ BX_PRAGMA_DIAGNOSTIC_POP();
bx::snprintf(hmd, BX_COUNTOF(hmd), ", [%c] HMD ", hmdEnabled ? '\xfe' : ' ');
const uint32_t msaa = (m_resolution.m_flags&BGFX_RESET_MSAA_MASK)>>BGFX_RESET_MSAA_SHIFT;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Reset flags: [%c] vsync, [%c] MSAAx%d%s, [%c] MaxAnisotropy "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Reset flags: [%c] vsync, [%c] MSAAx%d%s, [%c] MaxAnisotropy "
, !!(m_resolution.m_flags&BGFX_RESET_VSYNC) ? '\xfe' : ' '
, 0 != msaa ? '\xfe' : ' '
, 1<<msaa
@ -6888,7 +6888,7 @@ BX_PRAGMA_DIAGNOSTIC_POP();
double elapsedCpuMs = double(frameTime)*toMs;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Submitted: %5d (draw %5d, compute %4d) / CPU %7.4f [ms] %c GPU %7.4f [ms] (latency %d) "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Submitted: %5d (draw %5d, compute %4d) / CPU %7.4f [ms] %c GPU %7.4f [ms] (latency %d) "
, _render->m_numRenderItems
, statsKeyType[0]
, statsKeyType[1]
@ -6902,7 +6902,7 @@ BX_PRAGMA_DIAGNOSTIC_POP();
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_primName); ++ii)
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %10s: %7d (#inst: %5d), submitted: %7d, indirect %7d"
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %10s: %7d (#inst: %5d), submitted: %7d, indirect %7d"
, s_primName[ii]
, statsNumPrimsRendered[ii]
, statsNumInstances[ii]
@ -6916,18 +6916,18 @@ BX_PRAGMA_DIAGNOSTIC_POP();
tvm.printf(tvm.m_width-27, 0, 0x1f, " [F11 - RenderDoc capture] ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Indices: %7d ", statsNumIndices);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Uniform size: %7d, Max: %7d ", _render->m_uniformEnd, _render->m_uniformMax);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " DVB size: %7d ", _render->m_vboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " DIB size: %7d ", _render->m_iboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Indices: %7d ", statsNumIndices);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Uniform size: %7d, Max: %7d ", _render->m_uniformEnd, _render->m_uniformMax);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " DVB size: %7d ", _render->m_vboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " DIB size: %7d ", _render->m_iboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Occlusion queries: %3d ", m_occlusionQuery.m_control.available() );
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Occlusion queries: %3d ", m_occlusionQuery.m_control.available() );
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " State cache: ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Blend | DepthS | Input | Raster | Sampler ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %6d | %6d | %6d | %6d | %6d "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " State cache: ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Blend | DepthS | Input | Raster | Sampler ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %6d | %6d | %6d | %6d | %6d "
, m_blendStateCache.getCount()
, m_depthStencilStateCache.getCount()
, m_inputLayoutCache.getCount()
@ -6937,9 +6937,9 @@ BX_PRAGMA_DIAGNOSTIC_POP();
double captureMs = double(captureElapsed)*toMs;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Capture: %7.4f [ms] ", captureMs);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Capture: %7.4f [ms] ", captureMs);
uint8_t attr[2] = { 0x89, 0x8a };
uint8_t attr[2] = { 0x8c, 0x8a };
uint8_t attrIndex = _render->m_waitSubmit < _render->m_waitRender;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, attr[attrIndex&1], " Submit wait: %7.4f [ms] ", _render->m_waitSubmit*toMs);

View File

@ -6398,7 +6398,7 @@ data.NumQualityLevels = 0;
uint16_t pos = 0;
tvm.printf(0, pos++, BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG ? 0x89 : 0x8f
tvm.printf(0, pos++, BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG ? 0x8c : 0x8f
, " %s (FL %d.%d) / " BX_COMPILER_NAME " / " BX_CPU_NAME " / " BX_ARCH_NAME " / " BX_PLATFORM_NAME " "
, getRendererName()
, (m_featureLevel >> 12) & 0xf
@ -6457,13 +6457,13 @@ data.NumQualityLevels = 0;
pos = 10;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Frame: % 7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] / % 6.2f FPS "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Frame: % 7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] / % 6.2f FPS "
, double(frameTime)*toMs
, double(min)*toMs
, double(max)*toMs
, freq/frameTime
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Present: % 7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Present: % 7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] "
, double(m_presentElapsed)*toMs
, double(presentMin)*toMs
, double(presentMax)*toMs
@ -6473,7 +6473,7 @@ data.NumQualityLevels = 0;
bx::snprintf(hmd, BX_COUNTOF(hmd), ", [%c] HMD ", hmdEnabled ? '\xfe' : ' ');
const uint32_t msaa = (m_resolution.m_flags&BGFX_RESET_MSAA_MASK)>>BGFX_RESET_MSAA_SHIFT;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Reset flags: [%c] vsync, [%c] MSAAx%d%s, [%c] MaxAnisotropy "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Reset flags: [%c] vsync, [%c] MSAAx%d%s, [%c] MaxAnisotropy "
, !!(m_resolution.m_flags&BGFX_RESET_VSYNC) ? '\xfe' : ' '
, 0 != msaa ? '\xfe' : ' '
, 1<<msaa
@ -6482,7 +6482,7 @@ data.NumQualityLevels = 0;
double elapsedCpuMs = double(frameTime)*toMs;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Submitted: %5d (draw %5d, compute %4d) / CPU %7.4f [ms] "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Submitted: %5d (draw %5d, compute %4d) / CPU %7.4f [ms] "
, _render->m_numRenderItems
, statsKeyType[0]
, statsKeyType[1]
@ -6491,7 +6491,7 @@ data.NumQualityLevels = 0;
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_primName); ++ii)
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %9s: %7d (#inst: %5d), submitted: %7d "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %9s: %7d (#inst: %5d), submitted: %7d "
, s_primName[ii]
, statsNumPrimsRendered[ii]
, statsNumInstances[ii]
@ -6499,13 +6499,13 @@ data.NumQualityLevels = 0;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Batch: %7dx%d indirect, %7d immediate "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Batch: %7dx%d indirect, %7d immediate "
, m_batch.m_stats.m_numIndirect[BatchD3D12::Draw]
, m_batch.m_maxDrawPerBatch
, m_batch.m_stats.m_numImmediate[BatchD3D12::Draw]
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %7dx%d indirect, %7d immediate "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %7dx%d indirect, %7d immediate "
, m_batch.m_stats.m_numIndirect[BatchD3D12::DrawIndexed]
, m_batch.m_maxDrawPerBatch
, m_batch.m_stats.m_numImmediate[BatchD3D12::DrawIndexed]
@ -6516,15 +6516,15 @@ data.NumQualityLevels = 0;
tvm.printf(tvm.m_width-27, 0, 0x1f, " [F11 - RenderDoc capture] ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Indices: %7d ", statsNumIndices);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Uniform size: %7d, Max: %7d ", _render->m_uniformEnd, _render->m_uniformMax);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " DVB size: %7d ", _render->m_vboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " DIB size: %7d ", _render->m_iboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Indices: %7d ", statsNumIndices);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Uniform size: %7d, Max: %7d ", _render->m_uniformEnd, _render->m_uniformMax);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " DVB size: %7d ", _render->m_vboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " DIB size: %7d ", _render->m_iboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " State cache: ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " PSO | Sampler | Bind | Queued ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %6d | %6d | %6d | %6d "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " State cache: ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " PSO | Sampler | Bind | Queued ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %6d | %6d | %6d | %6d "
, m_pipelineStateCache.getCount()
, m_samplerStateCache.getCount()
, bindLru.getCount()
@ -6533,9 +6533,9 @@ data.NumQualityLevels = 0;
double captureMs = double(captureElapsed)*toMs;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Capture: %7.4f [ms] ", captureMs);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Capture: %7.4f [ms] ", captureMs);
uint8_t attr[2] = { 0x89, 0x8a };
uint8_t attr[2] = { 0x8c, 0x8a };
uint8_t attrIndex = _render->m_waitSubmit < _render->m_waitRender;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, attr[attrIndex&1], " Submit wait: %7.4f [ms] ", _render->m_waitSubmit*toMs);

View File

@ -4394,19 +4394,20 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace d3d9
uint16_t pos = 0;
tvm.printf(0, pos++, BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG ? 0x89 : 0x8f, " %s / " BX_COMPILER_NAME " / " BX_CPU_NAME " / " BX_ARCH_NAME " / " BX_PLATFORM_NAME " "
tvm.printf(0, pos++, BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG ? 0x8c : 0x8f
, getRendererName()
const D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9& identifier = m_identifier;
tvm.printf(0, pos++, 0x8f, " Device: %s (%s)", identifier.Description, identifier.Driver);
tvm.printf(0, pos++, 0x8b, " Device: %s (%s)", identifier.Description, identifier.Driver);
char processMemoryUsed[16];
bx::prettify(processMemoryUsed, BX_COUNTOF(processMemoryUsed), bx::getProcessMemoryUsed() );
tvm.printf(0, pos++, 0x8f, " Memory: %s (process) ", processMemoryUsed);
tvm.printf(0, pos++, 0x8b, " Memory: %s (process) ", processMemoryUsed);
pos = 10;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Frame: %7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] / % 6.2f FPS "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Frame: %7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] / % 6.2f FPS "
, double(frameTime)*toMs
, double(min)*toMs
, double(max)*toMs
@ -4414,7 +4415,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace d3d9
const uint32_t msaa = (m_resolution.m_flags&BGFX_RESET_MSAA_MASK)>>BGFX_RESET_MSAA_SHIFT;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Reset flags: [%c] vsync, [%c] MSAAx%d, [%c] MaxAnisotropy "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Reset flags: [%c] vsync, [%c] MSAAx%d, [%c] MaxAnisotropy "
, !!(m_resolution.m_flags&BGFX_RESET_VSYNC) ? '\xfe' : ' '
, 0 != msaa ? '\xfe' : ' '
, 1<<msaa
@ -4422,7 +4423,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace d3d9
double elapsedCpuMs = double(frameTime)*toMs;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Submitted: %5d (draw %5d, compute %4d) / CPU %7.4f [ms] %c GPU %7.4f [ms] (latency %d)"
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Submitted: %5d (draw %5d, compute %4d) / CPU %7.4f [ms] %c GPU %7.4f [ms] (latency %d)"
, _render->m_numRenderItems
, statsKeyType[0]
, statsKeyType[1]
@ -4436,7 +4437,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace d3d9
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_primName); ++ii)
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %10s: %7d (#inst: %5d), submitted: %7d"
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %10s: %7d (#inst: %5d), submitted: %7d"
, s_primName[ii]
, statsNumPrimsRendered[ii]
, statsNumInstances[ii]
@ -4444,26 +4445,26 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace d3d9
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Indices: %7d ", statsNumIndices);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Uniform size: %7d, Max: %7d ", _render->m_uniformEnd, _render->m_uniformMax);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " DVB size: %7d ", _render->m_vboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " DIB size: %7d ", _render->m_iboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Indices: %7d ", statsNumIndices);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Uniform size: %7d, Max: %7d ", _render->m_uniformEnd, _render->m_uniformMax);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " DVB size: %7d ", _render->m_vboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " DIB size: %7d ", _render->m_iboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Occlusion queries: %3d ", m_occlusionQuery.m_control.available() );
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Occlusion queries: %3d ", m_occlusionQuery.m_control.available() );
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " State cache: ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Input ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %6d "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " State cache: ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Input ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %6d "
, m_inputLayoutCache.getCount()
double captureMs = double(captureElapsed)*toMs;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Capture: %7.4f [ms]", captureMs);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Capture: %7.4f [ms]", captureMs);
uint8_t attr[2] = { 0x89, 0x8a };
uint8_t attr[2] = { 0x8c, 0x8a };
uint8_t attrIndex = _render->m_waitSubmit < _render->m_waitRender;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, attr[attrIndex&1], " Submit wait: %7.4f [ms]", _render->m_waitSubmit*toMs);

View File

@ -7649,7 +7649,8 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace gl
uint16_t pos = 0;
tvm.printf(0, pos++, BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG ? 0x89 : 0x8f, " %s / " BX_COMPILER_NAME " / " BX_CPU_NAME " / " BX_ARCH_NAME " / " BX_PLATFORM_NAME " "
tvm.printf(0, pos++, BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG ? 0x8c : 0x8f
, getRendererName()
tvm.printf(0, pos++, 0x8f, " Vendor: %s ", m_vendor);
@ -7662,7 +7663,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace gl
tvm.printf(0, pos++, 0x8f, " Memory: %s (process) ", processMemoryUsed);
pos = 10;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Frame: %7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] / % 6.2f FPS "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Frame: %7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] / % 6.2f FPS "
, double(frameTime)*toMs
, double(min)*toMs
, double(max)*toMs
@ -7673,7 +7674,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace gl
bx::snprintf(hmd, BX_COUNTOF(hmd), ", [%c] HMD ", hmdEnabled ? '\xfe' : ' ');
const uint32_t msaa = (m_resolution.m_flags&BGFX_RESET_MSAA_MASK)>>BGFX_RESET_MSAA_SHIFT;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Reset flags: [%c] vsync, [%c] MSAAx%d%s, [%c] MaxAnisotropy "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Reset flags: [%c] vsync, [%c] MSAAx%d%s, [%c] MaxAnisotropy "
, !!(m_resolution.m_flags&BGFX_RESET_VSYNC) ? '\xfe' : ' '
, 0 != msaa ? '\xfe' : ' '
, 1<<msaa
@ -7682,7 +7683,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace gl
double elapsedCpuMs = double(frameTime)*toMs;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Submitted: %5d (draw %5d, compute %4d) / CPU %7.4f [ms] %c GPU %7.4f [ms] (latency %d) "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Submitted: %5d (draw %5d, compute %4d) / CPU %7.4f [ms] %c GPU %7.4f [ms] (latency %d) "
, _render->m_numRenderItems
, statsKeyType[0]
, statsKeyType[1]
@ -7696,7 +7697,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace gl
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_primInfo); ++ii)
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %10s: %7d (#inst: %5d), submitted: %7d "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %10s: %7d (#inst: %5d), submitted: %7d "
, s_primName[ii]
, statsNumPrimsRendered[ii]
, statsNumInstances[ii]
@ -7709,15 +7710,15 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace gl
tvm.printf(tvm.m_width-27, 0, 0x1f, " [F11 - RenderDoc capture] ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Indices: %7d ", statsNumIndices);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Uniform size: %7d, Max: %7d ", _render->m_uniformEnd, _render->m_uniformMax);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " DVB size: %7d ", _render->m_vboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " DIB size: %7d ", _render->m_iboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Indices: %7d ", statsNumIndices);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Uniform size: %7d, Max: %7d ", _render->m_uniformEnd, _render->m_uniformMax);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " DVB size: %7d ", _render->m_vboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " DIB size: %7d ", _render->m_iboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " State cache: ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Sampler ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %6d "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " State cache: ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Sampler ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %6d "
, m_samplerStateCache.getCount()
@ -7745,19 +7746,19 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace gl
bx::prettify(tmp1, BX_COUNTOF(tmp1), vboFree[1]);
bx::prettify(tmp2, BX_COUNTOF(tmp2), vboFree[2]);
bx::prettify(tmp3, BX_COUNTOF(tmp3), vboFree[3]);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " VBO: %10s, %10s, %10s, %10s ", tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " VBO: %10s, %10s, %10s, %10s ", tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);
bx::prettify(tmp0, BX_COUNTOF(tmp0), texFree[0]);
bx::prettify(tmp1, BX_COUNTOF(tmp1), texFree[1]);
bx::prettify(tmp2, BX_COUNTOF(tmp2), texFree[2]);
bx::prettify(tmp3, BX_COUNTOF(tmp3), texFree[3]);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Texture: %10s, %10s, %10s, %10s ", tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Texture: %10s, %10s, %10s, %10s ", tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);
bx::prettify(tmp0, BX_COUNTOF(tmp0), rbfFree[0]);
bx::prettify(tmp1, BX_COUNTOF(tmp1), rbfFree[1]);
bx::prettify(tmp2, BX_COUNTOF(tmp2), rbfFree[2]);
bx::prettify(tmp3, BX_COUNTOF(tmp3), rbfFree[3]);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Render Buffer: %10s, %10s, %10s, %10s ", tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Render Buffer: %10s, %10s, %10s, %10s ", tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);
else if (s_extension[Extension::NVX_gpu_memory_info].m_supported)
@ -7781,23 +7782,23 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace gl
char tmp1[16];
bx::prettify(tmp0, BX_COUNTOF(tmp0), dedicated);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Dedicated: %10s ", tmp0);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Dedicated: %10s ", tmp0);
bx::prettify(tmp0, BX_COUNTOF(tmp0), currAvail);
bx::prettify(tmp1, BX_COUNTOF(tmp1), totalAvail);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Available: %10s / %10s ", tmp0, tmp1);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Available: %10s / %10s ", tmp0, tmp1);
bx::prettify(tmp0, BX_COUNTOF(tmp0), evictedCount);
bx::prettify(tmp1, BX_COUNTOF(tmp1), evictedMemory);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Eviction: %10s / %10s ", tmp0, tmp1);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Eviction: %10s / %10s ", tmp0, tmp1);
double captureMs = double(captureElapsed)*toMs;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Capture: %7.4f [ms] ", captureMs);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Capture: %7.4f [ms] ", captureMs);
uint8_t attr[2] = { 0x89, 0x8a };
uint8_t attr[2] = { 0x8c, 0x8a };
uint8_t attrIndex = _render->m_waitSubmit < _render->m_waitRender;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, attr[attrIndex&1], " Submit wait: %7.4f [ms] ", double(_render->m_waitSubmit)*toMs);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, attr[(attrIndex+1)&1], " Render wait: %7.4f [ms] ", double(_render->m_waitRender)*toMs);

View File

@ -3954,12 +3954,13 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
uint16_t pos = 0;
tvm.printf(0, pos++, BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG ? 0x89 : 0x8f, " %s / " BX_COMPILER_NAME " / " BX_CPU_NAME " / " BX_ARCH_NAME " / " BX_PLATFORM_NAME " "
tvm.printf(0, pos++, BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG ? 0x8c : 0x8f
, getRendererName()
pos = 10;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Frame: %7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] / % 6.2f FPS "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Frame: %7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] / % 6.2f FPS "
, double(frameTime)*toMs
, double(min)*toMs
, double(max)*toMs
@ -3967,7 +3968,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
const uint32_t msaa = (m_resolution.m_flags&BGFX_RESET_MSAA_MASK)>>BGFX_RESET_MSAA_SHIFT;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Reset flags: [%c] vsync, [%c] MSAAx%d, [%c] MaxAnisotropy "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Reset flags: [%c] vsync, [%c] MSAAx%d, [%c] MaxAnisotropy "
, !!(m_resolution.m_flags&BGFX_RESET_VSYNC) ? '\xfe' : ' '
, 0 != msaa ? '\xfe' : ' '
, 1<<msaa
@ -3975,7 +3976,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
double elapsedCpuMs = double(frameTime)*toMs;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Submitted: %4d (draw %4d, compute %4d) / CPU %3.4f [ms] %c GPU %3.4f [ms] (latency %d)"
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Submitted: %4d (draw %4d, compute %4d) / CPU %3.4f [ms] %c GPU %3.4f [ms] (latency %d)"
, _render->m_numRenderItems
, statsKeyType[0]
, statsKeyType[1]
@ -3989,7 +3990,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_primName); ++ii)
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %10s: %7d (#inst: %5d), submitted: %7d"
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %10s: %7d (#inst: %5d), submitted: %7d"
, s_primName[ii]
, statsNumPrimsRendered[ii]
, statsNumInstances[ii]
@ -3997,16 +3998,16 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Indices: %7d ", statsNumIndices);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Uniform size: %7d, Max: %7d ", _render->m_uniformEnd, _render->m_uniformMax);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " DVB size: %7d ", _render->m_vboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " DIB size: %7d ", _render->m_iboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Indices: %7d ", statsNumIndices);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Uniform size: %7d, Max: %7d ", _render->m_uniformEnd, _render->m_uniformMax);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " DVB size: %7d ", _render->m_vboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " DIB size: %7d ", _render->m_iboffset);
double captureMs = double(captureElapsed)*toMs;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Capture: %3.4f [ms]", captureMs);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Capture: %3.4f [ms]", captureMs);
uint8_t attr[2] = { 0x89, 0x8a };
uint8_t attr[2] = { 0x8c, 0x8a };
uint8_t attrIndex = _render->m_waitSubmit < _render->m_waitRender;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, attr[attrIndex&1], " Submit wait: %3.4f [ms]", _render->m_waitSubmit*toMs);

View File

@ -4418,7 +4418,7 @@ BX_UNUSED(presentMin, presentMax);
uint16_t pos = 0;
tvm.printf(0, pos++, BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG ? 0x89 : 0x8f
tvm.printf(0, pos++, BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG ? 0x8c : 0x8f
, getRendererName()
@ -4470,13 +4470,13 @@ BX_UNUSED(presentMin, presentMax);
// );
pos = 10;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Frame: % 7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] / % 6.2f FPS "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Frame: % 7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] / % 6.2f FPS "
, double(frameTime)*toMs
, double(min)*toMs
, double(max)*toMs
, freq/frameTime
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Present: % 7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] "
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Present: % 7.3f, % 7.3f \x1f, % 7.3f \x1e [ms] "
// , double(m_presentElapsed)*toMs
// , double(presentMin)*toMs
// , double(presentMax)*toMs
@ -4486,7 +4486,7 @@ BX_UNUSED(presentMin, presentMax);
bx::snprintf(hmd, BX_COUNTOF(hmd), ", [%c] HMD ", hmdEnabled ? '\xfe' : ' ');
const uint32_t msaa = (m_resolution.m_flags&BGFX_RESET_MSAA_MASK)>>BGFX_RESET_MSAA_SHIFT;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Reset flags: [%c] vsync, [%c] MSAAx%d%s, [%c] MaxAnisotropy "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Reset flags: [%c] vsync, [%c] MSAAx%d%s, [%c] MaxAnisotropy "
, !!(m_resolution.m_flags&BGFX_RESET_VSYNC) ? '\xfe' : ' '
, 0 != msaa ? '\xfe' : ' '
, 1<<msaa
@ -4495,7 +4495,7 @@ BX_UNUSED(presentMin, presentMax);
double elapsedCpuMs = double(frameTime)*toMs;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Submitted: %5d (draw %5d, compute %4d) / CPU %7.4f [ms] "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Submitted: %5d (draw %5d, compute %4d) / CPU %7.4f [ms] "
, _render->m_numRenderItems
, statsKeyType[0]
, statsKeyType[1]
@ -4504,7 +4504,7 @@ BX_UNUSED(presentMin, presentMax);
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_primName); ++ii)
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %9s: %7d (#inst: %5d), submitted: %7d "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %9s: %7d (#inst: %5d), submitted: %7d "
, s_primName[ii]
, statsNumPrimsRendered[ii]
, statsNumInstances[ii]
@ -4512,13 +4512,13 @@ BX_UNUSED(presentMin, presentMax);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Batch: %7dx%d indirect, %7d immediate "
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Batch: %7dx%d indirect, %7d immediate "
// , m_batch.m_stats.m_numIndirect[BatchD3D12::Draw]
// , m_batch.m_maxDrawPerBatch
// , m_batch.m_stats.m_numImmediate[BatchD3D12::Draw]
// );
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %7dx%d indirect, %7d immediate "
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %7dx%d indirect, %7d immediate "
// , m_batch.m_stats.m_numIndirect[BatchD3D12::DrawIndexed]
// , m_batch.m_maxDrawPerBatch
// , m_batch.m_stats.m_numImmediate[BatchD3D12::DrawIndexed]
@ -4529,15 +4529,15 @@ BX_UNUSED(presentMin, presentMax);
tvm.printf(tvm.m_width-27, 0, 0x1f, " [F11 - RenderDoc capture] ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Indices: %7d ", statsNumIndices);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Uniform size: %7d, Max: %7d ", _render->m_uniformEnd, _render->m_uniformMax);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " DVB size: %7d ", _render->m_vboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " DIB size: %7d ", _render->m_iboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Indices: %7d ", statsNumIndices);
// tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Uniform size: %7d, Max: %7d ", _render->m_uniformEnd, _render->m_uniformMax);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " DVB size: %7d ", _render->m_vboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " DIB size: %7d ", _render->m_iboffset);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " State cache: ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " PSO | Sampler | Bind | Queued ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " %6d " //| %6d | %6d | %6d "
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " State cache: ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " PSO | Sampler | Bind | Queued ");
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " %6d " //| %6d | %6d | %6d "
, m_pipelineStateCache.getCount()
// , m_samplerStateCache.getCount()
// , bindLru.getCount()
@ -4546,9 +4546,9 @@ BX_UNUSED(presentMin, presentMax);
double captureMs = double(captureElapsed)*toMs;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8e, " Capture: %7.4f [ms] ", captureMs);
tvm.printf(10, pos++, 0x8b, " Capture: %7.4f [ms] ", captureMs);
uint8_t attr[2] = { 0x89, 0x8a };
uint8_t attr[2] = { 0x8c, 0x8a };
uint8_t attrIndex = _render->m_waitSubmit < _render->m_waitRender;
tvm.printf(10, pos++, attr[attrIndex&1], " Submit wait: %7.4f [ms] ", _render->m_waitSubmit*toMs);