This commit is contained in:
@ -368,7 +368,12 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_callback_vtbl.trace_vargs`.
virtual void traceVargs(const char* _filePath, uint16_t _line, const char* _format, va_list _argList) = 0;
virtual void traceVargs(
const char* _filePath
, uint16_t _line
, const char* _format
, va_list _argList
) = 0;
/// Return size of for cached item. Return 0 if no cached item was
/// found.
@ -414,13 +419,27 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_callback_vtbl.screen_shot`.
virtual void screenShot(const char* _filePath, uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _pitch, const void* _data, uint32_t _size, bool _yflip) = 0;
virtual void screenShot(
const char* _filePath
, uint32_t _width
, uint32_t _height
, uint32_t _pitch
, const void* _data
, uint32_t _size
, bool _yflip
) = 0;
/// Called when capture begins.
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_callback_vtbl.capture_begin`.
virtual void captureBegin(uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _pitch, TextureFormat::Enum _format, bool _yflip) = 0;
virtual void captureBegin(
uint32_t _width
, uint32_t _height
, uint32_t _pitch
, TextureFormat::Enum _format
, bool _yflip
) = 0;
/// Called when capture ends.
@ -658,7 +677,13 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_vertex_decl_add`.
VertexDecl& add(Attrib::Enum _attrib, uint8_t _num, AttribType::Enum _type, bool _normalized = false, bool _asInt = false);
VertexDecl& add(
Attrib::Enum _attrib
, uint8_t _num
, AttribType::Enum _type
, bool _normalized = false
, bool _asInt = false
/// Skip _num bytes in vertex stream.
@ -670,7 +695,13 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is ``.
void decode(Attrib::Enum _attrib, uint8_t& _num, AttribType::Enum& _type, bool& _normalized, bool& _asInt) const;
void decode(
Attrib::Enum _attrib
, uint8_t& _num
, AttribType::Enum& _type
, bool& _normalized
, bool& _asInt
) const;
/// Returns true if VertexDecl contains attribute.
bool has(Attrib::Enum _attrib) const { return UINT16_MAX != m_attributes[_attrib]; }
@ -694,13 +725,26 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_vertex_pack`.
void vertexPack(const float _input[4], bool _inputNormalized, Attrib::Enum _attr, const VertexDecl& _decl, void* _data, uint32_t _index = 0);
void vertexPack(
const float _input[4]
, bool _inputNormalized
, Attrib::Enum _attr
, const VertexDecl& _decl
, void* _data
, uint32_t _index = 0
/// Unpack vec4 from vertex stream format.
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_vertex_unpack`.
void vertexUnpack(float _output[4], Attrib::Enum _attr, const VertexDecl& _decl, const void* _data, uint32_t _index = 0);
void vertexUnpack(
float _output[4]
, Attrib::Enum _attr
, const VertexDecl& _decl
, const void* _data
, uint32_t _index = 0
/// Converts vertex stream data from one vertex stream format to another.
@ -712,7 +756,13 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_vertex_convert`.
void vertexConvert(const VertexDecl& _destDecl, void* _destData, const VertexDecl& _srcDecl, const void* _srcData, uint32_t _num = 1);
void vertexConvert(
const VertexDecl& _destDecl
, void* _destData
, const VertexDecl& _srcDecl
, const void* _srcData
, uint32_t _num = 1
/// Weld vertices.
@ -726,7 +776,13 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_weld_vertices`.
uint16_t weldVertices(uint16_t* _output, const VertexDecl& _decl, const void* _data, uint16_t _num, float _epsilon = 0.001f);
uint16_t weldVertices(
uint16_t* _output
, const VertexDecl& _decl
, const void* _data
, uint16_t _num
, float _epsilon = 0.001f
/// Convert index buffer for use with different primitive topologies.
@ -744,7 +800,14 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_topology_convert`.
uint32_t topologyConvert(TopologyConvert::Enum _conversion, void* _dst, uint32_t _dstSize, const void* _indices, uint32_t _numIndices, bool _index32);
uint32_t topologyConvert(
TopologyConvert::Enum _conversion
, void* _dst
, uint32_t _dstSize
, const void* _indices
, uint32_t _numIndices
, bool _index32
/// Swizzle RGBA8 image to BGRA8.
@ -757,7 +820,13 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_image_swizzle_bgra8`.
void imageSwizzleBgra8(uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _pitch, const void* _src, void* _dst);
void imageSwizzleBgra8(
uint32_t _width
, uint32_t _height
, uint32_t _pitch
, const void* _src
, void* _dst
/// Downsample RGBA8 image with 2x2 pixel average filter.
@ -770,7 +839,13 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_image_rgba8_downsample_2x2`.
void imageRgba8Downsample2x2(uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _pitch, const void* _src, void* _dst);
void imageRgba8Downsample2x2(
uint32_t _width
, uint32_t _height
, uint32_t _pitch
, const void* _src
, void* _dst
/// Returns supported backend API renderers.
@ -792,10 +867,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @param[in] _vendorId Vendor PCI id. If set to `BGFX_PCI_ID_NONE` it will select the first
/// device.
/// - `BGFX_PCI_ID_NONE` - auto-select.
/// - `BGFX_PCI_ID_AMD` - AMD.
/// - `BGFX_PCI_ID_INTEL` - Intel.
/// - `BGFX_PCI_ID_NVIDIA` - nVidia.
/// - `BGFX_PCI_ID_NONE` - Autoselect adapter.
/// - `BGFX_PCI_ID_SOFTWARE_RASTERIZER` - Software rasterizer.
/// - `BGFX_PCI_ID_AMD` - AMD adapter.
/// - `BGFX_PCI_ID_INTEL` - Intel adapter.
/// - `BGFX_PCI_ID_NVIDIA` - nVidia adapter.
/// @param[in] _deviceId Device id. If set to 0 it will select first device, or device with
/// matching id.
@ -807,11 +883,17 @@ namespace bgfx
/// specified, library uses default CRT allocator. The library assumes
/// custom allocator is thread safe.
/// @returns `true` if initialization is successful.
/// @returns `true` if initialization was successful.
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_init`.
bool init(RendererType::Enum _type = RendererType::Count, uint16_t _vendorId = BGFX_PCI_ID_NONE, uint16_t _deviceId = 0, CallbackI* _callback = NULL, bx::AllocatorI* _reallocator = NULL);
bool init(
RendererType::Enum _type = RendererType::Count
, uint16_t _vendorId = BGFX_PCI_ID_NONE
, uint16_t _deviceId = 0
, CallbackI* _callback = NULL
, bx::AllocatorI* _reallocator = NULL
/// Shutdown bgfx library.
@ -909,7 +991,12 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent are `bgfx_make_ref`, `bgfx_make_ref_release`.
const Memory* makeRef(const void* _data, uint32_t _size, ReleaseFn _releaseFn = NULL, void* _userData = NULL);
const Memory* makeRef(
const void* _data
, uint32_t _size
, ReleaseFn _releaseFn = NULL
, void* _userData = NULL
/// Set debug flags.
@ -949,7 +1036,14 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_dbg_text_image`.
void dbgTextImage(uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, const void* _data, uint16_t _pitch);
void dbgTextImage(
uint16_t _x
, uint16_t _y
, uint16_t _width
, uint16_t _height
, const void* _data
, uint16_t _pitch
/// Create static index buffer.
@ -997,7 +1091,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_vertex_buffer`.
VertexBufferHandle createVertexBuffer(const Memory* _mem, const VertexDecl& _decl, uint16_t _flags = BGFX_BUFFER_NONE);
VertexBufferHandle createVertexBuffer(
const Memory* _mem
, const VertexDecl& _decl
, uint16_t _flags = BGFX_BUFFER_NONE
/// Destroy static vertex buffer.
@ -1025,7 +1123,10 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_dynamic_index_buffer`.
DynamicIndexBufferHandle createDynamicIndexBuffer(uint32_t _num, uint16_t _flags = BGFX_BUFFER_NONE);
DynamicIndexBufferHandle createDynamicIndexBuffer(
uint32_t _num
, uint16_t _flags = BGFX_BUFFER_NONE
/// Create dynamic index buffer and initialized it.
@ -1045,7 +1146,10 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_dynamic_index_buffer_mem`.
DynamicIndexBufferHandle createDynamicIndexBuffer(const Memory* _mem, uint16_t _flags = BGFX_BUFFER_NONE);
DynamicIndexBufferHandle createDynamicIndexBuffer(
const Memory* _mem
, uint16_t _flags = BGFX_BUFFER_NONE
/// Update dynamic index buffer.
@ -1055,7 +1159,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_update_dynamic_index_buffer`.
void updateDynamicIndexBuffer(DynamicIndexBufferHandle _handle, uint32_t _startIndex, const Memory* _mem);
void updateDynamicIndexBuffer(
DynamicIndexBufferHandle _handle
, uint32_t _startIndex
, const Memory* _mem
/// Destroy dynamic index buffer.
@ -1084,7 +1192,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_dynamic_vertex_buffer`.
DynamicVertexBufferHandle createDynamicVertexBuffer(uint32_t _num, const VertexDecl& _decl, uint16_t _flags = BGFX_BUFFER_NONE);
DynamicVertexBufferHandle createDynamicVertexBuffer(
uint32_t _num
, const VertexDecl& _decl
, uint16_t _flags = BGFX_BUFFER_NONE
/// Create dynamic vertex buffer and initialize it.
@ -1105,7 +1217,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_dynamic_vertex_buffer_mem`.
DynamicVertexBufferHandle createDynamicVertexBuffer(const Memory* _mem, const VertexDecl& _decl, uint16_t _flags = BGFX_BUFFER_NONE);
DynamicVertexBufferHandle createDynamicVertexBuffer(
const Memory* _mem
, const VertexDecl& _decl
, uint16_t _flags = BGFX_BUFFER_NONE
/// Update dynamic vertex buffer.
@ -1115,7 +1231,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_update_dynamic_vertex_buffer`.
void updateDynamicVertexBuffer(DynamicVertexBufferHandle _handle, uint32_t _startVertex, const Memory* _mem);
void updateDynamicVertexBuffer(
DynamicVertexBufferHandle _handle
, uint32_t _startVertex
, const Memory* _mem
/// Destroy dynamic vertex buffer.
@ -1158,7 +1278,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_check_avail_transient_buffers`.
bool checkAvailTransientBuffers(uint32_t _numVertices, const VertexDecl& _decl, uint32_t _numIndices);
bool checkAvailTransientBuffers(
uint32_t _numVertices
, const VertexDecl& _decl
, uint32_t _numIndices
/// Allocate transient index buffer.
@ -1190,7 +1314,10 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_alloc_transient_vertex_buffer`.
void allocTransientVertexBuffer(TransientVertexBuffer* _tvb, uint32_t _num, const VertexDecl& _decl);
void allocTransientVertexBuffer(TransientVertexBuffer* _tvb
, uint32_t _num
, const VertexDecl& _decl
/// Check for required space and allocate transient vertex and index
/// buffers. If both space requirements are satisfied function returns
@ -1201,7 +1328,12 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_alloc_transient_buffers`.
bool allocTransientBuffers(TransientVertexBuffer* _tvb, const VertexDecl& _decl, uint32_t _numVertices, TransientIndexBuffer* _tib, uint32_t _numIndices);
bool allocTransientBuffers(TransientVertexBuffer* _tvb
, const VertexDecl& _decl
, uint32_t _numVertices
, TransientIndexBuffer* _tib
, uint32_t _numIndices
/// Allocate instance data buffer.
@ -1243,7 +1375,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_get_shader_uniforms`.
uint16_t getShaderUniforms(ShaderHandle _handle, UniformHandle* _uniforms = NULL, uint16_t _max = 0);
uint16_t getShaderUniforms(
ShaderHandle _handle
, UniformHandle* _uniforms = NULL
, uint16_t _max = 0
/// Destroy shader. Once program is created with shader it is safe to
/// destroy shader.
@ -1263,7 +1399,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_program`.
ProgramHandle createProgram(ShaderHandle _vsh, ShaderHandle _fsh, bool _destroyShaders = false);
ProgramHandle createProgram(
ShaderHandle _vsh
, ShaderHandle _fsh
, bool _destroyShaders = false
/// Create program with compute shader.
@ -1274,7 +1414,10 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_compute_program`.
ProgramHandle createProgram(ShaderHandle _csh, bool _destroyShader = false);
ProgramHandle createProgram(
ShaderHandle _csh
, bool _destroyShader = false
/// Destroy program.
@ -1286,7 +1429,15 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_calc_texture_size`.
void calcTextureSize(TextureInfo& _info, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _depth, bool _cubeMap, uint8_t _numMips, TextureFormat::Enum _format);
void calcTextureSize(
TextureInfo& _info
, uint16_t _width
, uint16_t _height
, uint16_t _depth
, bool _cubeMap
, uint8_t _numMips
, TextureFormat::Enum _format
/// Create texture from memory buffer.
@ -1304,7 +1455,12 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_texture`.
TextureHandle createTexture(const Memory* _mem, uint32_t _flags = BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE, uint8_t _skip = 0, TextureInfo* _info = NULL);
TextureHandle createTexture(
const Memory* _mem
, uint32_t _flags = BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE
, uint8_t _skip = 0
, TextureInfo* _info = NULL
/// Create 2D texture.
@ -1323,7 +1479,14 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_texture_2d`.
TextureHandle createTexture2D(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint8_t _numMips, TextureFormat::Enum _format, uint32_t _flags = BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE, const Memory* _mem = NULL);
TextureHandle createTexture2D(
uint16_t _width
, uint16_t _height
, uint8_t _numMips
, TextureFormat::Enum _format
, uint32_t _flags = BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE
, const Memory* _mem = NULL
/// Create frame buffer with size based on backbuffer ratio. Frame buffer will maintain ratio
/// if back buffer resolution changes.
@ -1341,7 +1504,12 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_texture_2d_scaled`.
TextureHandle createTexture2D(BackbufferRatio::Enum _ratio, uint8_t _numMips, TextureFormat::Enum _format, uint32_t _flags = BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE);
TextureHandle createTexture2D(
BackbufferRatio::Enum _ratio
, uint8_t _numMips
, TextureFormat::Enum _format
, uint32_t _flags = BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE
/// Create 3D texture.
@ -1361,7 +1529,15 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_texture_3d`.
TextureHandle createTexture3D(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _depth, uint8_t _numMips, TextureFormat::Enum _format, uint32_t _flags = BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE, const Memory* _mem = NULL);
TextureHandle createTexture3D(
uint16_t _width
, uint16_t _height
, uint16_t _depth
, uint8_t _numMips
, TextureFormat::Enum _format
, uint32_t _flags = BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE
, const Memory* _mem = NULL
/// Create Cube texture.
@ -1379,7 +1555,13 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_texture_cube`.
TextureHandle createTextureCube(uint16_t _size, uint8_t _numMips, TextureFormat::Enum _format, uint32_t _flags = BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE, const Memory* _mem = NULL);
TextureHandle createTextureCube(
uint16_t _size
, uint8_t _numMips
, TextureFormat::Enum _format
, uint32_t _flags = BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE
, const Memory* _mem = NULL
/// Update 2D texture.
@ -1395,7 +1577,16 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_update_texture_2d`.
void updateTexture2D(TextureHandle _handle, uint8_t _mip, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, const Memory* _mem, uint16_t _pitch = UINT16_MAX);
void updateTexture2D(
TextureHandle _handle
, uint8_t _mip
, uint16_t _x
, uint16_t _y
, uint16_t _width
, uint16_t _height
, const Memory* _mem
, uint16_t _pitch = UINT16_MAX
/// Update 3D texture.
@ -1411,7 +1602,17 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_update_texture_3d`.
void updateTexture3D(TextureHandle _handle, uint8_t _mip, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _z, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _depth, const Memory* _mem);
void updateTexture3D(
TextureHandle _handle
, uint8_t _mip
, uint16_t _x
, uint16_t _y
, uint16_t _z
, uint16_t _width
, uint16_t _height
, uint16_t _depth
, const Memory* _mem
/// Update Cube texture.
@ -1447,7 +1648,17 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_update_texture_cube`.
void updateTextureCube(TextureHandle _handle, uint8_t _side, uint8_t _mip, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, const Memory* _mem, uint16_t _pitch = UINT16_MAX);
void updateTextureCube(
TextureHandle _handle
, uint8_t _side
, uint8_t _mip
, uint16_t _x
, uint16_t _y
, uint16_t _width
, uint16_t _height
, const Memory* _mem
, uint16_t _pitch = UINT16_MAX
/// Read back texture content.
@ -1494,7 +1705,12 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_frame_buffer`.
FrameBufferHandle createFrameBuffer(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, TextureFormat::Enum _format, uint32_t _textureFlags = BGFX_TEXTURE_U_CLAMP|BGFX_TEXTURE_V_CLAMP);
FrameBufferHandle createFrameBuffer(
uint16_t _width
, uint16_t _height
, TextureFormat::Enum _format
/// Create frame buffer with size based on backbuffer ratio. Frame buffer will maintain ratio
/// if back buffer resolution changes.
@ -1511,7 +1727,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_frame_buffer_scaled`.
FrameBufferHandle createFrameBuffer(BackbufferRatio::Enum _ratio, TextureFormat::Enum _format, uint32_t _textureFlags = BGFX_TEXTURE_U_CLAMP|BGFX_TEXTURE_V_CLAMP);
FrameBufferHandle createFrameBuffer(
BackbufferRatio::Enum _ratio
, TextureFormat::Enum _format
/// Create frame buffer.
@ -1522,7 +1742,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_frame_buffer_from_handles`.
FrameBufferHandle createFrameBuffer(uint8_t _num, const TextureHandle* _handles, bool _destroyTextures = false);
FrameBufferHandle createFrameBuffer(
uint8_t _num
, const TextureHandle* _handles
, bool _destroyTextures = false
/// Create frame buffer.
@ -1533,7 +1757,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_frame_buffer_from_handles`.
FrameBufferHandle createFrameBuffer(uint8_t _num, const Attachment* _attachment, bool _destroyTextures = false);
FrameBufferHandle createFrameBuffer(
uint8_t _num
, const Attachment* _attachment
, bool _destroyTextures = false
/// Create frame buffer for multiple window rendering.
@ -1549,7 +1777,12 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_create_frame_buffer_from_nwh`.
FrameBufferHandle createFrameBuffer(void* _nwh, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, TextureFormat::Enum _depthFormat = TextureFormat::UnknownDepth);
FrameBufferHandle createFrameBuffer(
void* _nwh
, uint16_t _width
, uint16_t _height
, TextureFormat::Enum _depthFormat = TextureFormat::UnknownDepth
/// Destroy frame buffer.
@ -1694,7 +1927,13 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_set_view_scissor`.
void setViewScissor(uint8_t _id, uint16_t _x = 0, uint16_t _y = 0, uint16_t _width = 0, uint16_t _height = 0);
void setViewScissor(
uint8_t _id
, uint16_t _x = 0
, uint16_t _y = 0
, uint16_t _width = 0
, uint16_t _height = 0
/// Set view clear flags.
@ -1707,7 +1946,13 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_set_view_clear`.
void setViewClear(uint8_t _id, uint16_t _flags, uint32_t _rgba = 0x000000ff, float _depth = 1.0f, uint8_t _stencil = 0);
void setViewClear(
uint8_t _id
, uint16_t _flags
, uint32_t _rgba = 0x000000ff
, float _depth = 1.0f
, uint8_t _stencil = 0
/// Set view clear flags with different clear color for each
/// frame buffer texture. Must use setClearColor to setup clear color
@ -1729,7 +1974,20 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_set_view_clear_mrt`.
void setViewClear(uint8_t _id, uint16_t _flags, float _depth, uint8_t _stencil, uint8_t _0 = UINT8_MAX, uint8_t _1 = UINT8_MAX, uint8_t _2 = UINT8_MAX, uint8_t _3 = UINT8_MAX, uint8_t _4 = UINT8_MAX, uint8_t _5 = UINT8_MAX, uint8_t _6 = UINT8_MAX, uint8_t _7 = UINT8_MAX);
void setViewClear(
uint8_t _id
, uint16_t _flags
, float _depth
, uint8_t _stencil
, uint8_t _0 = UINT8_MAX
, uint8_t _1 = UINT8_MAX
, uint8_t _2 = UINT8_MAX
, uint8_t _3 = UINT8_MAX
, uint8_t _4 = UINT8_MAX
, uint8_t _5 = UINT8_MAX
, uint8_t _6 = UINT8_MAX
, uint8_t _7 = UINT8_MAX
/// Set view into sequential mode. Draw calls will be sorted in the same
/// order in which submit calls were called.
@ -1767,7 +2025,13 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent are `bgfx_set_view_transform`, `bgfx_set_view_transform_stereo`.
void setViewTransform(uint8_t _id, const void* _view, const void* _projL, uint8_t _flags = BGFX_VIEW_STEREO, const void* _projR = NULL);
void setViewTransform(
uint8_t _id
, const void* _view
, const void* _projL
, uint8_t _flags = BGFX_VIEW_STEREO
, const void* _projR = NULL
/// Post submit view reordering.
@ -1938,7 +2202,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_set_dynamic_index_buffer`.
void setIndexBuffer(DynamicIndexBufferHandle _handle, uint32_t _firstIndex, uint32_t _numIndices);
void setIndexBuffer(
DynamicIndexBufferHandle _handle
, uint32_t _firstIndex
, uint32_t _numIndices
/// Set index buffer for draw primitive.
@ -1956,7 +2224,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_set_transient_index_buffer`.
void setIndexBuffer(const TransientIndexBuffer* _tib, uint32_t _firstIndex, uint32_t _numIndices);
void setIndexBuffer(
const TransientIndexBuffer* _tib
, uint32_t _firstIndex
, uint32_t _numIndices
/// Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
@ -1992,7 +2264,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_set_dynamic_vertex_buffer`.
void setVertexBuffer(DynamicVertexBufferHandle _handle, uint32_t _startVertex, uint32_t _numVertices);
void setVertexBuffer(
DynamicVertexBufferHandle _handle
, uint32_t _startVertex
, uint32_t _numVertices
/// Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
@ -2010,7 +2286,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_set_transient_vertex_buffer`.
void setVertexBuffer(const TransientVertexBuffer* _tvb, uint32_t _startVertex, uint32_t _numVertices);
void setVertexBuffer(
const TransientVertexBuffer* _tvb
, uint32_t _startVertex
, uint32_t _numVertices
/// Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
@ -2028,7 +2308,11 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_set_instance_data_from_dynamic_vertex_buffer`.
void setInstanceDataBuffer(DynamicVertexBufferHandle _handle, uint32_t _startVertex, uint32_t _num);
void setInstanceDataBuffer(
DynamicVertexBufferHandle _handle
, uint32_t _startVertex
, uint32_t _num
/// Set texture stage for draw primitive.
@ -2047,7 +2331,12 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_set_texture`.
void setTexture(uint8_t _stage, UniformHandle _sampler, TextureHandle _handle, uint32_t _flags = UINT32_MAX);
void setTexture(
uint8_t _stage
, UniformHandle _sampler
, TextureHandle _handle
, uint32_t _flags = UINT32_MAX
/// Set texture stage for draw primitive.
@ -2064,7 +2353,13 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_set_texture_from_frame_buffer`.
void setTexture(uint8_t _stage, UniformHandle _sampler, FrameBufferHandle _handle, uint8_t _attachment = 0, uint32_t _flags = UINT32_MAX);
void setTexture(
uint8_t _stage
, UniformHandle _sampler
, FrameBufferHandle _handle
, uint8_t _attachment = 0
, uint32_t _flags = UINT32_MAX
/// Touch view.
uint32_t touch(uint8_t _id);
@ -2080,7 +2375,12 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_submit`.
uint32_t submit(uint8_t _id, ProgramHandle _program, int32_t _depth = 0, bool _preserveState = false);
uint32_t submit(
uint8_t _id
, ProgramHandle _program
, int32_t _depth = 0
, bool _preserveState = false
/// Submit primitive with occlusion query for rendering.
@ -2094,7 +2394,13 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_submit_occlusion_query.
uint32_t submit(uint8_t _id, ProgramHandle _program, OcclusionQueryHandle _occlusionQuery, int32_t _depth = 0, bool _preserveState = false);
uint32_t submit(
uint8_t _id
, ProgramHandle _program
, OcclusionQueryHandle _occlusionQuery
, int32_t _depth = 0
, bool _preserveState = false
/// Submit primitive for rendering with index and instance data info from
/// indirect buffer.
@ -2111,7 +2417,15 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_submit_indirect`.
uint32_t submit(uint8_t _id, ProgramHandle _program, IndirectBufferHandle _indirectHandle, uint16_t _start = 0, uint16_t _num = 1, int32_t _depth = 0, bool _preserveState = false);
uint32_t submit(
uint8_t _id
, ProgramHandle _program
, IndirectBufferHandle _indirectHandle
, uint16_t _start = 0
, uint16_t _num = 1
, int32_t _depth = 0
, bool _preserveState = false
/// Set compute index buffer.
@ -2174,7 +2488,14 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_set_image`.
void setImage(uint8_t _stage, UniformHandle _sampler, TextureHandle _handle, uint8_t _mip, Access::Enum _access, TextureFormat::Enum _format = TextureFormat::Count);
void setImage(
uint8_t _stage
, UniformHandle _sampler
, TextureHandle _handle
, uint8_t _mip
, Access::Enum _access
, TextureFormat::Enum _format = TextureFormat::Count
/// Set compute image from frame buffer texture.
@ -2187,7 +2508,14 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_set_image_from_frame_buffer`.
void setImage(uint8_t _stage, UniformHandle _sampler, FrameBufferHandle _handle, uint8_t _attachment, Access::Enum _access, TextureFormat::Enum _format = TextureFormat::Count);
void setImage(
uint8_t _stage
, UniformHandle _sampler
, FrameBufferHandle _handle
, uint8_t _attachment
, Access::Enum _access
, TextureFormat::Enum _format = TextureFormat::Count
/// Dispatch compute.
@ -2203,7 +2531,14 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_dispatch`.
uint32_t dispatch(uint8_t _id, ProgramHandle _handle, uint16_t _numX = 1, uint16_t _numY = 1, uint16_t _numZ = 1, uint8_t _flags = BGFX_SUBMIT_EYE_FIRST);
uint32_t dispatch(
uint8_t _id
, ProgramHandle _handle
, uint16_t _numX = 1
, uint16_t _numY = 1
, uint16_t _numZ = 1
, uint8_t _flags = BGFX_SUBMIT_EYE_FIRST
/// Dispatch compute indirect.
@ -2219,7 +2554,14 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_dispatch_indirect`.
uint32_t dispatch(uint8_t _id, ProgramHandle _handle, IndirectBufferHandle _indirectHandle, uint16_t _start = 0, uint16_t _num = 1, uint8_t _flags = BGFX_SUBMIT_EYE_FIRST);
uint32_t dispatch(
uint8_t _id
, ProgramHandle _handle
, IndirectBufferHandle _indirectHandle
, uint16_t _start = 0
, uint16_t _num = 1
, uint8_t _flags = BGFX_SUBMIT_EYE_FIRST
/// Discard all previously set state for draw or compute call.
@ -2243,7 +2585,17 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_BLIT`.
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_blit`.
void blit(uint8_t _id, TextureHandle _dst, uint16_t _dstX, uint16_t _dstY, TextureHandle _src, uint16_t _srcX = 0, uint16_t _srcY = 0, uint16_t _width = UINT16_MAX, uint16_t _height = UINT16_MAX);
void blit(
uint8_t _id
, TextureHandle _dst
, uint16_t _dstX
, uint16_t _dstY
, TextureHandle _src
, uint16_t _srcX = 0
, uint16_t _srcY = 0
, uint16_t _width = UINT16_MAX
, uint16_t _height = UINT16_MAX
/// Blit texture 2D region between 2D frame buffer and 2D texture.
@ -2262,7 +2614,18 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_BLIT`.
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_blit`.
void blit(uint8_t _id, TextureHandle _dst, uint16_t _dstX, uint16_t _dstY, FrameBufferHandle _src, uint8_t _attachment = 0, uint16_t _srcX = 0, uint16_t _srcY = 0, uint16_t _width = UINT16_MAX, uint16_t _height = UINT16_MAX);
void blit(
uint8_t _id
, TextureHandle _dst
, uint16_t _dstX
, uint16_t _dstY
, FrameBufferHandle _src
, uint8_t _attachment = 0
, uint16_t _srcX = 0
, uint16_t _srcY = 0
, uint16_t _width = UINT16_MAX
, uint16_t _height = UINT16_MAX
/// Blit texture region between two textures.
@ -2290,7 +2653,22 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_BLIT`.
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_blit`.
void blit(uint8_t _id, TextureHandle _dst, uint8_t _dstMip, uint16_t _dstX, uint16_t _dstY, uint16_t _dstZ, TextureHandle _src, uint8_t _srcMip = 0, uint16_t _srcX = 0, uint16_t _srcY = 0, uint16_t _srcZ = 0, uint16_t _width = UINT16_MAX, uint16_t _height = UINT16_MAX, uint16_t _depth = UINT16_MAX);
void blit(
uint8_t _id
, TextureHandle _dst
, uint8_t _dstMip
, uint16_t _dstX
, uint16_t _dstY
, uint16_t _dstZ
, TextureHandle _src
, uint8_t _srcMip = 0
, uint16_t _srcX = 0
, uint16_t _srcY = 0
, uint16_t _srcZ = 0
, uint16_t _width = UINT16_MAX
, uint16_t _height = UINT16_MAX
, uint16_t _depth = UINT16_MAX
/// Blit texture region between frame buffer and texture.
@ -2319,7 +2697,23 @@ namespace bgfx
/// @attention Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_BLIT`.
/// @attention C99 equivalent is `bgfx_blit`.
void blit(uint8_t _id, TextureHandle _dst, uint8_t _dstMip, uint16_t _dstX, uint16_t _dstY, uint16_t _dstZ, FrameBufferHandle _src, uint8_t _attachment = 0, uint8_t _srcMip = 0, uint16_t _srcX = 0, uint16_t _srcY = 0, uint16_t _srcZ = 0, uint16_t _width = UINT16_MAX, uint16_t _height = UINT16_MAX, uint16_t _depth = UINT16_MAX);
void blit(
uint8_t _id
, TextureHandle _dst
, uint8_t _dstMip
, uint16_t _dstX
, uint16_t _dstY
, uint16_t _dstZ
, FrameBufferHandle _src
, uint8_t _attachment = 0
, uint8_t _srcMip = 0
, uint16_t _srcX = 0
, uint16_t _srcY = 0
, uint16_t _srcZ = 0
, uint16_t _width = UINT16_MAX
, uint16_t _height = UINT16_MAX
, uint16_t _depth = UINT16_MAX
/// Request screen shot.
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