added gltf 2.0 input to geometryc
Preferred output coordinate system transformation added. glTF2.0 is tested with all models from Static mesh output looks ok for all of them, but as output file format hasn't changed only static mesh is exported. No animation, nodes, materials. etc.
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ namespace stl = tinystl;
#include <meshoptimizer/src/meshoptimizer.h>
#include <cgltf/cgltf.h>
@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ struct Index3
int32_t m_position;
int32_t m_texcoord;
int32_t m_normal;
int32_t m_vbc; // Barycentric ID. Holds eigher 0, 1 or 2.
int32_t m_vbc; // Barycentric ID. Holds either 0, 1 or 2.
struct TriIndices
@ -92,6 +95,61 @@ struct Primitive
typedef stl::vector<Primitive> PrimitiveArray;
struct Axis
enum Enum
static bx::Vec3 s_axisVectors[6] =
bx::Vec3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
bx::Vec3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
bx::Vec3( 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f),
bx::Vec3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
bx::Vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f),
bx::Vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f),
struct CoordinateSystem
bx::Handness::Enum m_handness;
Axis::Enum m_up;
Axis::Enum m_forward;
struct CoordinateSystemMapping
const char* m_param;
CoordinateSystem m_coordinateSystem;
static const CoordinateSystemMapping s_coordinateSystemMappings[] =
{ "lh-up+y", { bx::Handness::Left, Axis::PositiveY, Axis::PositiveZ } } ,
{ "lh-up+z", { bx::Handness::Left, Axis::PositiveZ, Axis::PositiveY } },
{ "rh-up+y", { bx::Handness::Right, Axis::PositiveY, Axis::PositiveZ } },
{ "rh-up+z", { bx::Handness::Right, Axis::PositiveZ, Axis::PositiveY } },
struct Mesh
Vec3Array m_positions;
Vec3Array m_normals;
Vec3Array m_texcoords;
TriangleArray m_triangles;
GroupArray m_groups;
CoordinateSystem m_coordinateSystem;
static uint32_t s_obbSteps = 17;
#define BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_VB BX_MAKEFOURCC('V', 'B', ' ', 0x1)
@ -359,142 +417,61 @@ struct GroupSortByMaterial
void help(const char* _error = NULL)
void mtxCoordinateTransform(float* _result, const CoordinateSystem& _cs)
if (NULL != _error)
bx::Vec3 up = s_axisVectors[_cs.m_up];
bx::Vec3 forward = s_axisVectors[_cs.m_forward];
bx::Vec3 right = cross(forward,up);
if ( _cs.m_handness == bx::Handness::Left)
bx::printf("Error:\n%s\n\n", _error);
right = bx::mul(right, -1.0f);
"geometryc, bgfx geometry compiler tool, version %d.%d.%d.\n"
"Copyright 2011-2019 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.\n"
"Usage: geometryc -f <in> -o <out>\n"
"Supported input file types:\n"
" *.obj Wavefront\n"
" -h, --help Help.\n"
" -v, --version Version information only.\n"
" -f <file path> Input file path.\n"
" -o <file path> Output file path.\n"
" -s, --scale <num> Scale factor.\n"
" --ccw Counter-clockwise winding order.\n"
" --flipv Flip texture coordinate V.\n"
" --obb <num> Number of steps for calculating oriented bounding box.\n"
" Default value is 17. Less steps less precise OBB is.\n"
" More steps slower calculation.\n"
" --packnormal <num> Normal packing.\n"
" 0 - unpacked 12 bytes (default).\n"
" 1 - packed 4 bytes.\n"
" --packuv <num> Texture coordinate packing.\n"
" 0 - unpacked 8 bytes (default).\n"
" 1 - packed 4 bytes.\n"
" --tangent Calculate tangent vectors (packing mode is the same as normal).\n"
" --barycentric Adds barycentric vertex attribute (packed in bgfx::Attrib::Color1).\n"
" -c, --compress Compress indices.\n"
"For additional information, see\n"
bx::store(&_result[0], right);
bx::store(&_result[4], forward);
bx::store(&_result[8], up);
int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
float mtxDeterminant(const float* _a)
bx::CommandLine cmdLine(_argc, _argv);
const float xx = _a[ 0];
const float xy = _a[ 1];
const float xz = _a[ 2];
const float xw = _a[ 3];
const float yx = _a[ 4];
const float yy = _a[ 5];
const float yz = _a[ 6];
const float yw = _a[ 7];
const float zx = _a[ 8];
const float zy = _a[ 9];
const float zz = _a[10];
const float zw = _a[11];
const float wx = _a[12];
const float wy = _a[13];
const float wz = _a[14];
const float ww = _a[15];
float det = 0.0f;
det += xx * (yy*(zz*ww - zw*wz) - yz*(zy*ww - zw*wy) + yw*(zy*wz - zz*wy) );
det -= xy * (yx*(zz*ww - zw*wz) - yz*(zx*ww - zw*wx) + yw*(zx*wz - zz*wx) );
det += xz * (yx*(zy*ww - zw*wy) - yy*(zx*ww - zw*wx) + yw*(zx*wy - zy*wx) );
det -= xw * (yx*(zy*wz - zz*wy) - yy*(zx*wz - zz*wx) + yz*(zx*wy - zy*wx) );
return det;
if (cmdLine.hasArg('v', "version") )
"geometryc, bgfx geometry compiler tool, version %d.%d.%d.\n"
return bx::kExitSuccess;
if (cmdLine.hasArg('h', "help") )
return bx::kExitFailure;
const char* filePath = cmdLine.findOption('f');
if (NULL == filePath)
help("Input file name must be specified.");
return bx::kExitFailure;
const char* outFilePath = cmdLine.findOption('o');
if (NULL == outFilePath)
help("Output file name must be specified.");
return bx::kExitFailure;
float scale = 1.0f;
const char* scaleArg = cmdLine.findOption('s', "scale");
if (NULL != scaleArg)
if (!bx::fromString(&scale, scaleArg))
scale = 1.0f;
bool compress = cmdLine.hasArg('c', "compress");
cmdLine.hasArg(s_obbSteps, '\0', "obb");
s_obbSteps = bx::uint32_min(bx::uint32_max(s_obbSteps, 1), 90);
uint32_t packNormal = 0;
cmdLine.hasArg(packNormal, '\0', "packnormal");
uint32_t packUv = 0;
cmdLine.hasArg(packUv, '\0', "packuv");
bool ccw = cmdLine.hasArg("ccw");
bool flipV = cmdLine.hasArg("flipv");
bool hasTangent = cmdLine.hasArg("tangent");
bool hasBc = cmdLine.hasArg("barycentric");
bx::FileReader fr;
if (!bx::open(&fr, filePath) )
bx::printf("Unable to open input file '%s'.", filePath);
int64_t parseElapsed = -bx::getHPCounter();
int64_t triReorderElapsed = 0;
uint32_t size = (uint32_t)bx::getSize(&fr);
char* data = new char[size+1];
size = bx::read(&fr, data, size);
data[size] = '\0';
void parseObj(char* _data, uint32_t _size, Mesh* _mesh, bool _hasBc)
// Reference(s):
// - Wavefront .obj file
Vec3Array positions;
Vec3Array normals;
Vec3Array texcoords;
TriangleArray triangles;
GroupArray groups;
// Coordinate system is right-handed, but up/forward is not defined, but +Y Up, +Z Forward seems to be a common default
_mesh->m_coordinateSystem.m_handness = bx::Handness::Right;
_mesh->m_coordinateSystem.m_up = Axis::PositiveY;
_mesh->m_coordinateSystem.m_forward = Axis::PositiveZ;
uint32_t num = 0;
@ -506,8 +483,8 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
uint32_t len = sizeof(commandLine);
int argc;
char* argv[64];
for (bx::StringView next(data, size); !next.isEmpty(); )
for (bx::StringView next(_data, _size); !next.isEmpty(); )
next = bx::tokenizeCommandLine(next, commandLine, len, argc, argv, BX_COUNTOF(argv), '\n');
@ -524,16 +501,16 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
TriIndices triangle;
bx::memSet(&triangle, 0, sizeof(TriIndices) );
const int numNormals = (int)normals.size();
const int numTexcoords = (int)texcoords.size();
const int numPositions = (int)positions.size();
const int numNormals = (int)_mesh->m_normals.size();
const int numTexcoords = (int)_mesh->m_texcoords.size();
const int numPositions = (int)_mesh->m_positions.size();
for (uint32_t edge = 0, numEdges = argc-1; edge < numEdges; ++edge)
Index3 index;
index.m_texcoord = -1;
index.m_normal = -1;
if (hasBc)
if (_hasBc)
index.m_vbc = edge < 3 ? edge : (1+(edge+1) )&1;
@ -582,27 +559,15 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
triangle.m_index[edge] = index;
if (2 == edge)
if (ccw)
bx::swap(triangle.m_index[1], triangle.m_index[2]);
if (ccw)
triangle.m_index[2] = triangle.m_index[1];
triangle.m_index[1] = index;
triangle.m_index[1] = triangle.m_index[2];
triangle.m_index[2] = index;
triangle.m_index[1] = triangle.m_index[2];
triangle.m_index[2] = index;
@ -613,11 +578,11 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
else if (*argv[0] == 'v')
group.m_numTriangles = (uint32_t)(triangles.size() ) - group.m_startTriangle;
group.m_numTriangles = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() ) - group.m_startTriangle;
if (0 < group.m_numTriangles)
group.m_startTriangle = (uint32_t)(triangles.size() );
group.m_startTriangle = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() );
group.m_numTriangles = 0;
@ -627,8 +592,8 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
bx::fromString(&normal.x, argv[1]);
bx::fromString(&normal.y, argv[2]);
bx::fromString(&normal.z, argv[3]);
else if (0 == bx::strCmp(argv[0], "vp") )
@ -660,8 +625,8 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
@ -678,8 +643,8 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
pw = 1.0f;
float invW = scale/pw;
float invW = 1.0f/pw;
px *= invW;
py *= invW;
pz *= invW;
@ -688,8 +653,8 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
pos.x = px;
pos.y = py;
pos.z = pz;
else if (0 == bx::strCmp(argv[0], "usemtl") )
@ -698,11 +663,11 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
if (0 != bx::strCmp(material.c_str(), group.m_material.c_str() ) )
group.m_numTriangles = (uint32_t)(triangles.size() ) - group.m_startTriangle;
group.m_numTriangles = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() ) - group.m_startTriangle;
if (0 < group.m_numTriangles)
group.m_startTriangle = (uint32_t)(triangles.size() );
group.m_startTriangle = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() );
group.m_numTriangles = 0;
@ -723,14 +688,363 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
group.m_numTriangles = (uint32_t)(triangles.size() ) - group.m_startTriangle;
group.m_numTriangles = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() ) - group.m_startTriangle;
if (0 < group.m_numTriangles)
group.m_startTriangle = (uint32_t)(triangles.size() );
group.m_startTriangle = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() );
group.m_numTriangles = 0;
bx::printf("obj parser # %d\n"
, num );
void gltfReadFloat(const float* _accessorData, cgltf_size _accessorNumComponents, cgltf_size _index, cgltf_float* _out, cgltf_size _outElementSize)
const float* input = &_accessorData[_accessorNumComponents * _index];
for (cgltf_size ii = 0; ii < _outElementSize; ++ii)
_out[ii] = (ii < _accessorNumComponents) ? input[ii] : 0.0f;
void processGltfNode(cgltf_node* _node, Mesh* _mesh, Group* _group, bool _hasBc)
cgltf_mesh* mesh = _node->mesh;
if (NULL != mesh)
float nodeToWorld[16];
cgltf_node_transform_world(_node, nodeToWorld);
float nodeToWorldNormal[16];
bx::mtxCofactor(nodeToWorldNormal, nodeToWorld);
for (cgltf_size primitiveIndex = 0; primitiveIndex < mesh->primitives_count; ++primitiveIndex)
cgltf_primitive* primitive = &mesh->primitives[primitiveIndex];
cgltf_size numVertex = primitive->attributes[0].data->count;
int32_t basePositionIndex = (int32_t)_mesh->m_positions.size();
int32_t baseNormalIndex = (int32_t)_mesh->m_normals.size();
int32_t baseTexcoordIndex = (int32_t)_mesh->m_texcoords.size();
bool hasNormal = false;
bool hasTexcoord = false;
for (cgltf_size attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < primitive->attributes_count; ++attributeIndex)
cgltf_attribute* attribute = &primitive->attributes[attributeIndex];
cgltf_accessor* accessor = attribute->data;
cgltf_size accessorCount = accessor->count;
BX_CHECK(numVertex == accessorCount, "Invalid attribute count");
cgltf_size floatCount = cgltf_accessor_unpack_floats(accessor, NULL, 0);
float* accessorData = (float*)malloc(floatCount * sizeof(float));
cgltf_accessor_unpack_floats(accessor, accessorData, floatCount);
cgltf_size numComponents = cgltf_num_components(accessor->type);
if (attribute->type == cgltf_attribute_type_position && attribute->index == 0)
_mesh->m_positions.reserve(_mesh->m_positions.size() + accessorCount);
bx::Vec3 pos;
for(cgltf_size v=0;v<accessorCount;++v)
gltfReadFloat(accessorData, numComponents, v, &pos.x, 3);
pos = mul(pos, nodeToWorld);
else if (attribute->type == cgltf_attribute_type_normal && attribute->index == 0)
_mesh->m_normals.reserve(_mesh->m_normals.size() + accessorCount);
hasNormal = true;
bx::Vec3 normal;
for(cgltf_size v=0;v<accessorCount;++v)
gltfReadFloat(accessorData, numComponents, v, &normal.x, 3);
normal = mul(normal, nodeToWorldNormal);
else if (attribute->type == cgltf_attribute_type_texcoord && attribute->index == 0)
_mesh->m_texcoords.reserve(_mesh->m_texcoords.size() + accessorCount);
hasTexcoord = true;
bx::Vec3 texcoord;
for(cgltf_size v=0;v<accessorCount;++v)
gltfReadFloat(accessorData, numComponents, v, &texcoord.x, 3);
if ( primitive->indices != NULL )
cgltf_accessor* accessor = primitive->indices;
for(cgltf_size v=0;v<accessor->count; v+=3)
TriIndices triangle;
for(int i=0;i<3;++i)
Index3 index;
int32_t vertexIndex = int32_t(cgltf_accessor_read_index(accessor, v+i));
index.m_position = basePositionIndex + vertexIndex;
index.m_normal = hasNormal ? baseNormalIndex + vertexIndex : -1;
index.m_texcoord = hasTexcoord ? baseTexcoordIndex + vertexIndex : -1;
index.m_vbc = _hasBc ? i : 0;
triangle.m_index[i] = index;
for(cgltf_size v=0;v<numVertex; v+=3)
TriIndices triangle;
for(int i=0;i<3;++i)
Index3 index;
int32_t vertexIndex = int32_t(v * 3 + i);
index.m_position = basePositionIndex + vertexIndex;
index.m_normal = hasNormal ? baseNormalIndex + vertexIndex : -1;
index.m_texcoord = hasTexcoord ? baseTexcoordIndex + vertexIndex : -1;
index.m_vbc = _hasBc ? i : 0;
triangle.m_index[i] = index;
_group->m_numTriangles = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() ) - _group->m_startTriangle;
if (0 < _group->m_numTriangles)
_group->m_startTriangle = (uint32_t)(_mesh->m_triangles.size() );
_group->m_numTriangles = 0;
for (cgltf_size childIndex = 0; childIndex < _node->children_count; ++childIndex)
processGltfNode(_node->children[childIndex], _mesh, _group, _hasBc);
void parseGltf(char* _data, uint32_t _size, Mesh* _mesh, bool _hasBc, const bx::StringView& _path)
// Reference(s):
// - Gltf 2.0 specification
_mesh->m_coordinateSystem.m_handness = bx::Handness::Right;
_mesh->m_coordinateSystem.m_forward = Axis::PositiveZ;
_mesh->m_coordinateSystem.m_up = Axis::PositiveY;
Group group;
group.m_startTriangle = 0;
group.m_numTriangles = 0;
cgltf_options options = { };
cgltf_data* data = NULL;
cgltf_result result = cgltf_parse(&options, _data, _size, &data);
if (result == cgltf_result_success)
char* path = (char*)malloc(_path.getLength()+1);
bx::memCopy(path, _path.getPtr(), _path.getLength());
path[_path.getLength()] = 0;
result = cgltf_load_buffers(&options, data, path);
if (result == cgltf_result_success)
for (cgltf_size sceneIndex = 0; sceneIndex < data->scenes_count; ++sceneIndex)
cgltf_scene* scene = &data->scenes[sceneIndex];
for (cgltf_size nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < scene->nodes_count; ++nodeIndex)
cgltf_node* node = scene->nodes[nodeIndex];
processGltfNode(node, _mesh, &group, _hasBc);
void help(const char* _error = NULL)
if (NULL != _error)
bx::printf("Error:\n%s\n\n", _error);
"geometryc, bgfx geometry compiler tool, version %d.%d.%d.\n"
"Copyright 2011-2019 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.\n"
"Usage: geometryc -f <in> -o <out>\n"
"Supported input file types:\n"
" *.obj Wavefront\n"
" *.gltf,*.glb glTF 2.0\n"
" -h, --help Help.\n"
" -v, --version Version information only.\n"
" -f <file path> Input file path.\n"
" -o <file path> Output file path.\n"
" -s, --scale <num> Scale factor.\n"
" --ccw Front face is counter-clockwise winding order.\n"
" --flipv Flip texture coordinate V.\n"
" --obb <num> Number of steps for calculating oriented bounding box.\n"
" Default value is 17. Less steps less precise OBB is.\n"
" More steps slower calculation.\n"
" --packnormal <num> Normal packing.\n"
" 0 - unpacked 12 bytes (default).\n"
" 1 - packed 4 bytes.\n"
" --packuv <num> Texture coordinate packing.\n"
" 0 - unpacked 8 bytes (default).\n"
" 1 - packed 4 bytes.\n"
" --tangent Calculate tangent vectors (packing mode is the same as normal).\n"
" --barycentric Adds barycentric vertex attribute (packed in bgfx::Attrib::Color1).\n"
" -c, --compress Compress indices.\n"
" --[l/r]h-up+[y/z] Coordinate system. Default is '--lh-up+y' Left-Handed +Y is up.\n"
"For additional information, see\n"
int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
bx::CommandLine cmdLine(_argc, _argv);
if (cmdLine.hasArg('v', "version"))
"geometryc, bgfx geometry compiler tool, version %d.%d.%d.\n"
return bx::kExitSuccess;
if (cmdLine.hasArg('h', "help"))
return bx::kExitFailure;
const char* filePath = cmdLine.findOption('f');
if (NULL == filePath)
help("Input file name must be specified.");
return bx::kExitFailure;
const char* outFilePath = cmdLine.findOption('o');
if (NULL == outFilePath)
help("Output file name must be specified.");
return bx::kExitFailure;
float scale = 1.0f;
const char* scaleArg = cmdLine.findOption('s', "scale");
if (NULL != scaleArg)
if (!bx::fromString(&scale, scaleArg))
scale = 1.0f;
bool compress = cmdLine.hasArg('c', "compress");
cmdLine.hasArg(s_obbSteps, '\0', "obb");
s_obbSteps = bx::uint32_min(bx::uint32_max(s_obbSteps, 1), 90);
uint32_t packNormal = 0;
cmdLine.hasArg(packNormal, '\0', "packnormal");
uint32_t packUv = 0;
cmdLine.hasArg(packUv, '\0', "packuv");
bool ccw = cmdLine.hasArg("ccw");
bool flipV = cmdLine.hasArg("flipv");
bool hasTangent = cmdLine.hasArg("tangent");
bool hasBc = cmdLine.hasArg("barycentric");
CoordinateSystem outputCoordinateSystem;
outputCoordinateSystem.m_handness = bx::Handness::Left;
outputCoordinateSystem.m_forward = Axis::PositiveZ;
outputCoordinateSystem.m_up = Axis::PositiveY;
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_coordinateSystemMappings); ++ii)
if (cmdLine.hasArg(s_coordinateSystemMappings[ii].m_param))
outputCoordinateSystem = s_coordinateSystemMappings[ii].m_coordinateSystem;
bx::FileReader fr;
if (!bx::open(&fr, filePath) )
bx::printf("Unable to open input file '%s'.", filePath);
return bx::kExitFailure;
int64_t parseElapsed = -bx::getHPCounter();
int64_t triReorderElapsed = 0;
uint32_t size = (uint32_t)bx::getSize(&fr);
char* data = new char[size+1];
size = bx::read(&fr, data, size);
data[size] = '\0';
Mesh mesh;
bx::StringView ext = bx::FilePath(filePath).getExt();
if (0 == bx::strCmpI(ext, ".obj"))
parseObj(data, size, &mesh, hasBc);
else if (0 == bx::strCmpI(ext, ".gltf") || 0 == bx::strCmpI(ext, ".glb"))
parseGltf(data, size, &mesh, hasBc, bx::FilePath(filePath).getPath());
bx::printf("Unsupported input file format '%s'.", filePath);
delete [] data;
@ -738,57 +1052,81 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
parseElapsed += now;
int64_t convertElapsed = -now;
std::sort(groups.begin(), groups.end(), GroupSortByMaterial() );
std::sort(mesh.m_groups.begin(), mesh.m_groups.end(), GroupSortByMaterial() );
bool hasColor = false;
bool hasNormal;
bool hasTexcoord;
bool changeWinding = ccw;
if (scale != 1.0f)
TriangleArray::const_iterator it = triangles.begin();
hasNormal = -1 != it->m_index[0].m_normal;
hasTexcoord = -1 != it->m_index[0].m_texcoord;
if (!hasTexcoord)
for (Vec3Array::iterator it = mesh.m_positions.begin(), itEnd = mesh.m_positions.end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
for (TriangleArray::iterator jt = triangles.begin(), jtEnd = triangles.end(); jt != jtEnd && !hasTexcoord; ++jt)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
hasTexcoord |= -1 != jt->m_index[i].m_texcoord;
it->x *= scale;
it->y *= scale;
it->z *= scale;
float meshTransform[16];
mtxCoordinateTransform(meshTransform, mesh.m_coordinateSystem);
float meshInvTranform[16];
bx::mtxTranspose(meshInvTranform, meshTransform);
if (hasTexcoord)
float outTransform[16];
mtxCoordinateTransform(outTransform, outputCoordinateSystem);
float transform[16];
bx::mtxMul(transform, meshInvTranform, outTransform);
if ( mtxDeterminant(transform) < 0.0f )
changeWinding = !changeWinding;
float identity[16];
if ( 0 != bx::memCmp(identity, transform, sizeof(transform) ) )
for (Vec3Array::iterator it = mesh.m_positions.begin(), itEnd = mesh.m_positions.end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
for (TriangleArray::iterator jt = triangles.begin(), jtEnd = triangles.end(); jt != jtEnd; ++jt)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
jt->m_index[i].m_texcoord = -1 == jt->m_index[i].m_texcoord ? 0 : jt->m_index[i].m_texcoord;
*it = bx::mul(*it, transform);
for (Vec3Array::iterator it = mesh.m_normals.begin(), itEnd = mesh.m_normals.end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
*it = bx::mul(*it, transform);
bool hasColor = false;
bool hasNormal = false;
bool hasTexcoord = false;
for (TriangleArray::iterator jt = mesh.m_triangles.begin(), jtEnd = mesh.m_triangles.end(); jt != jtEnd && !hasTexcoord; ++jt)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
hasTexcoord |= -1 != jt->m_index[i].m_texcoord;
if (!hasNormal)
for (TriangleArray::iterator jt = mesh.m_triangles.begin(), jtEnd = mesh.m_triangles.end(); jt != jtEnd && !hasNormal; ++jt)
for (TriangleArray::iterator jt = triangles.begin(), jtEnd = triangles.end(); jt != jtEnd && !hasNormal; ++jt)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
hasNormal |= -1 != jt->m_index[i].m_normal;
hasNormal |= -1 != jt->m_index[i].m_normal;
if (hasNormal)
if (changeWinding)
for (TriangleArray::iterator jt = mesh.m_triangles.begin(), jtEnd = mesh.m_triangles.end(); jt != jtEnd; ++jt)
for (TriangleArray::iterator jt = triangles.begin(), jtEnd = triangles.end(); jt != jtEnd; ++jt)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
jt->m_index[i].m_normal = -1 == jt->m_index[i].m_normal ? 0 : jt->m_index[i].m_normal;
bx::swap(jt->m_index[1], jt->m_index[2]);
@ -850,8 +1188,8 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
uint32_t stride = layout.getStride();
uint8_t* vertexData = new uint8_t[triangles.size() * 3 * stride];
uint16_t* indexData = new uint16_t[triangles.size() * 3];
uint8_t* vertexData = new uint8_t[mesh.m_triangles.size() * 3 * stride];
uint16_t* indexData = new uint16_t[mesh.m_triangles.size() * 3];
int32_t numVertices = 0;
int32_t numIndices = 0;
@ -867,7 +1205,7 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
uint32_t* table = new uint32_t[tableSize];
bx::memSet(table, 0xff, tableSize * sizeof(uint32_t));
stl::string material = groups.begin()->m_material;
stl::string material = mesh.m_groups.empty() ? "" : mesh.m_groups.begin()->m_material;
PrimitiveArray primitives;
@ -888,10 +1226,10 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
Group sentinelGroup;
sentinelGroup.m_startTriangle = 0;
sentinelGroup.m_numTriangles = UINT32_MAX;
uint32_t ii = 0;
for (GroupArray::const_iterator groupIt = groups.begin(); groupIt != groups.end(); ++groupIt, ++ii)
for (GroupArray::const_iterator groupIt = mesh.m_groups.begin(); groupIt != mesh.m_groups.end(); ++groupIt, ++ii)
bool sentinel = groupIt->m_startTriangle == 0 && groupIt->m_numTriangles == UINT32_MAX;
for (uint32_t tri = groupIt->m_startTriangle, end = tri + groupIt->m_numTriangles; tri < end; ++tri)
@ -922,16 +1260,19 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
triReorderElapsed += bx::getHPCounter();
, vertexData
, numVertices
, layout
, indexData
, numIndices
, compress
, material
, primitives
if ( numVertices > 0 && numIndices > 0 )
, vertexData
, numVertices
, layout
, indexData
, numIndices
, compress
, material
, primitives
bx::memSet(table, 0xff, tableSize * sizeof(uint32_t));
@ -953,13 +1294,13 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
TriIndices& triangle = triangles[tri];
TriIndices& triangle = mesh.m_triangles[tri];
for (uint32_t edge = 0; edge < 3; ++edge)
Index3& index = triangle.m_index[edge];
float* position = (float*)(vertices + positionOffset);
bx::memCopy(position, &positions[index.m_position], 3*sizeof(float) );
bx::memCopy(position, &mesh.m_positions[index.m_position], 3*sizeof(float) );
if (hasColor)
@ -969,11 +1310,12 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
if (hasBc)
const float bc[3] =
const float bc[4] =
(index.m_vbc == 0) ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
(index.m_vbc == 1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
(index.m_vbc == 2) ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
bgfx::vertexPack(bc, true, bgfx::Attrib::Color1, layout, vertices);
@ -981,7 +1323,7 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
if (hasTexcoord)
float uv[2];
bx::memCopy(uv, &texcoords[index.m_texcoord], 2*sizeof(float) );
bx::memCopy(uv, &mesh.m_texcoords[index.m_texcoord == -1 ? 0 : index.m_texcoord], 2*sizeof(float) );
if (flipV)
@ -994,7 +1336,7 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
if (hasNormal)
float normal[4];
bx::store(normal, bx::normalize(bx::load<bx::Vec3>(&normals[index.m_normal]) ) );
bx::store(normal, bx::normalize(bx::load<bx::Vec3>(&mesh.m_normals[index.m_normal == -1 ? 0 : index.m_normal]) ) );
normal[3] = 0.0f;
bgfx::vertexPack(normal, true, bgfx::Attrib::Normal, layout, vertices);
@ -1065,12 +1407,11 @@ int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[])
now = bx::getHPCounter();
convertElapsed += now;
bx::printf("parse %f [s]\ntri reorder %f [s]\nconvert %f [s]\n# %d, g %d, p %d, v %d, i %d\n"
bx::printf("parse %f [s]\ntri reorder %f [s]\nconvert %f [s]\ng %d, p %d, v %d, i %d\n"
, double(parseElapsed)/bx::getHPFrequency()
, double(triReorderElapsed)/bx::getHPFrequency()
, double(convertElapsed)/bx::getHPFrequency()
, num
, uint32_t(groups.size() )
, uint32_t(mesh.m_groups.size()-1)
, writtenPrimitives
, writtenVertices
, writtenIndices
Reference in New Issue
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