Updated spirv-cross.

This commit is contained in:
Бранимир Караџић 2019-08-09 20:33:38 -07:00
parent 30a86bf538
commit 4df759d8e1
37 changed files with 993 additions and 173 deletions

View File

@ -516,8 +516,10 @@ struct CLIArguments
bool msl_texture_buffer_native = false;
bool msl_multiview = false;
bool msl_view_index_from_device_index = false;
bool msl_dispatch_base = false;
bool glsl_emit_push_constant_as_ubo = false;
bool glsl_emit_ubo_as_plain_uniforms = false;
bool vulkan_glsl_disable_ext_samplerless_texture_functions = false;
bool emit_line_directives = false;
SmallVector<uint32_t> msl_discrete_descriptor_sets;
SmallVector<PLSArg> pls_in;
@ -584,6 +586,7 @@ static void print_help()
"\t[--cpp-interface-name <name>]\n"
"\t[--msl-version <MMmmpp>]\n"
@ -596,6 +599,7 @@ static void print_help()
"\t[--msl-discrete-descriptor-set <index>]\n"
@ -756,6 +760,7 @@ static string compile_iteration(const CLIArguments &args, std::vector<uint32_t>
msl_opts.texture_buffer_native = args.msl_texture_buffer_native;
msl_opts.multiview = args.msl_multiview;
msl_opts.view_index_from_device_index = args.msl_view_index_from_device_index;
msl_opts.dispatch_base = args.msl_dispatch_base;
for (auto &v : args.msl_discrete_descriptor_sets)
@ -765,7 +770,7 @@ static string compile_iteration(const CLIArguments &args, std::vector<uint32_t>
combined_image_samplers = !args.vulkan_semantics;
if (!args.vulkan_semantics)
if (!args.vulkan_semantics || args.vulkan_glsl_disable_ext_samplerless_texture_functions)
build_dummy_sampler = true;
compiler.reset(new CompilerGLSL(move(spirv_parser.get_parsed_ir())));
@ -1058,6 +1063,8 @@ static int main_inner(int argc, char *argv[])
cbs.add("--metal", [&args](CLIParser &) { args.msl = true; }); // Legacy compatibility
cbs.add("--glsl-emit-push-constant-as-ubo", [&args](CLIParser &) { args.glsl_emit_push_constant_as_ubo = true; });
cbs.add("--glsl-emit-ubo-as-plain-uniforms", [&args](CLIParser &) { args.glsl_emit_ubo_as_plain_uniforms = true; });
[&args](CLIParser &) { args.vulkan_glsl_disable_ext_samplerless_texture_functions = true; });
cbs.add("--msl", [&args](CLIParser &) { args.msl = true; });
cbs.add("--hlsl", [&args](CLIParser &) { args.hlsl = true; });
cbs.add("--hlsl-enable-compat", [&args](CLIParser &) { args.hlsl_compat = true; });
@ -1078,6 +1085,7 @@ static int main_inner(int argc, char *argv[])
cbs.add("--msl-multiview", [&args](CLIParser &) { args.msl_multiview = true; });
[&args](CLIParser &) { args.msl_view_index_from_device_index = true; });
cbs.add("--msl-dispatch-base", [&args](CLIParser &) { args.msl_dispatch_base = true; });
cbs.add("--extension", [&args](CLIParser &parser) { args.extensions.push_back(parser.next_string()); });
cbs.add("--rename-entry-point", [&args](CLIParser &parser) {
auto old_name = parser.next_string();

View File

@ -14,14 +14,12 @@ struct SPIRV_Cross_Output
#line 8 "test.frag"
void frag_main()
float _80;
#line 8 "test.frag"
FragColor = 1.0f;
#line 9 "test.frag"
FragColor = 2.0f;
#line 10 "test.frag"
_80 = vColor;
if (_80 < 0.0f)
if (vColor < 0.0f)
#line 12 "test.frag"
FragColor = 3.0f;
@ -31,16 +29,16 @@ void frag_main()
#line 16 "test.frag"
FragColor = 4.0f;
for (int _126 = 0; float(_126) < (40.0f + _80); )
for (int _126 = 0; float(_126) < (40.0f + vColor); )
#line 21 "test.frag"
FragColor += 0.20000000298023223876953125f;
#line 22 "test.frag"
FragColor += 0.300000011920928955078125f;
_126 += (int(_80) + 5);
_126 += (int(vColor) + 5);
switch (int(_80))
switch (int(vColor))
case 0:
@ -66,7 +64,7 @@ void frag_main()
for (;;)
FragColor += (10.0f + _80);
FragColor += (10.0f + vColor);
#line 43 "test.frag"
if (FragColor < 100.0f)

View File

@ -17,14 +17,12 @@ struct main0_in
fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]])
main0_out out = {};
float _80;
#line 8 "test.frag"
out.FragColor = 1.0;
#line 9 "test.frag"
out.FragColor = 2.0;
#line 10 "test.frag"
_80 = in.vColor;
if (_80 < 0.0)
if (in.vColor < 0.0)
#line 12 "test.frag"
out.FragColor = 3.0;
@ -34,16 +32,16 @@ fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]])
#line 16 "test.frag"
out.FragColor = 4.0;
for (int _126 = 0; float(_126) < (40.0 + _80); )
for (int _126 = 0; float(_126) < (40.0 + in.vColor); )
#line 21 "test.frag"
out.FragColor += 0.20000000298023223876953125;
#line 22 "test.frag"
out.FragColor += 0.300000011920928955078125;
_126 += (int(_80) + 5);
_126 += (int(in.vColor) + 5);
switch (int(_80))
switch (int(in.vColor))
case 0:
@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]])
for (;;)
out.FragColor += (10.0 + _80);
out.FragColor += (10.0 + in.vColor);
#line 43 "test.frag"
if (out.FragColor < 100.0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
#include <metal_atomic>
using namespace metal;
struct SSBO
float4 in_data[1];
struct SSBO2
float4 out_data[1];
struct SSBO3
uint counter;
constant uint _59_tmp [[function_constant(10)]];
constant uint _59 = is_function_constant_defined(_59_tmp) ? _59_tmp : 1u;
constant uint3 gl_WorkGroupSize [[maybe_unused]] = uint3(_59, 1u, 1u);
kernel void main0(const device SSBO& _27 [[buffer(0)]], device SSBO2& _49 [[buffer(1)]], device SSBO3& _52 [[buffer(2)]], uint3 gl_GlobalInvocationID [[thread_position_in_grid]], uint3 spvDispatchBase [[grid_origin]])
gl_GlobalInvocationID += spvDispatchBase * gl_WorkGroupSize;
float4 _33 = _27.in_data[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x];
if (dot(_33, float4(1.0, 5.0, 6.0, 2.0)) > 8.19999980926513671875)
uint _56 = atomic_fetch_add_explicit((device atomic_uint*)&_52.counter, 1u, memory_order_relaxed);
_49.out_data[_56] = _33;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
#include <metal_atomic>
using namespace metal;
struct SSBO
float4 in_data[1];
struct SSBO2
float4 out_data[1];
struct SSBO3
uint counter;
kernel void main0(constant uint3& spvDispatchBase [[buffer(29)]], const device SSBO& _27 [[buffer(0)]], device SSBO2& _49 [[buffer(1)]], device SSBO3& _52 [[buffer(2)]], uint3 gl_GlobalInvocationID [[thread_position_in_grid]])
gl_GlobalInvocationID += spvDispatchBase * uint3(1, 1, 1);
float4 _33 = _27.in_data[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x];
if (dot(_33, float4(1.0, 5.0, 6.0, 2.0)) > 8.19999980926513671875)
uint _56 = atomic_fetch_add_explicit((device atomic_uint*)&_52.counter, 1u, memory_order_relaxed);
_49.out_data[_56] = _33;

View File

@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ void main()
imageStore(outImageTexture, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy), vec4(float(_30 - 1), float(_30), 1.0, 1.0));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#version 450
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSampledImageSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSampledImageSampler;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 _entryPointOutput;
void main()
ivec2 _152 = ivec3(int(gl_FragCoord.x * 1280.0), int(gl_FragCoord.y * 720.0), 0).xy;
_entryPointOutput = ((texelFetch(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSampledImageSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler, _152, 0) + texelFetch(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSampledImageSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler, _152, 0)) + texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSampledImageSampler, gl_FragCoord.xy)) + texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSampledImageSampler, gl_FragCoord.xy);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#version 450
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler Sampler;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform texture2D SampledImage;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler SPIRV_Cross_DummySampler;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 _entryPointOutput;
void main()
ivec2 _152 = ivec3(int(gl_FragCoord.x * 1280.0), int(gl_FragCoord.y * 720.0), 0).xy;
_entryPointOutput = ((texelFetch(sampler2D(SampledImage, SPIRV_Cross_DummySampler), _152, 0) + texelFetch(sampler2D(SampledImage, SPIRV_Cross_DummySampler), _152, 0)) + texture(sampler2D(SampledImage, Sampler), gl_FragCoord.xy)) + texture(sampler2D(SampledImage, Sampler), gl_FragCoord.xy);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#version 450
void main()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#version 450
void main()

View File

@ -7,14 +7,12 @@ layout(location = 0) in float vColor;
#line 8 "test.frag"
void main()
float _80;
#line 8 "test.frag"
FragColor = 1.0;
#line 9 "test.frag"
FragColor = 2.0;
#line 10 "test.frag"
_80 = vColor;
if (_80 < 0.0)
if (vColor < 0.0)
#line 12 "test.frag"
FragColor = 3.0;
@ -24,16 +22,16 @@ void main()
#line 16 "test.frag"
FragColor = 4.0;
for (int _126 = 0; float(_126) < (40.0 + _80); )
for (int _126 = 0; float(_126) < (40.0 + vColor); )
#line 21 "test.frag"
FragColor += 0.20000000298023223876953125;
#line 22 "test.frag"
FragColor += 0.300000011920928955078125;
_126 += (int(_80) + 5);
_126 += (int(vColor) + 5);
switch (int(_80))
switch (int(vColor))
case 0:
@ -59,7 +57,7 @@ void main()
for (;;)
FragColor += (10.0 + _80);
FragColor += (10.0 + vColor);
#line 43 "test.frag"
if (FragColor < 100.0)

View File

@ -46,14 +46,7 @@ void main()
_231 = true;
uint _204 = _227 + uint(1);
_227 = _204;
uint _204 = _227 + uint(1);
_227 = _204;

View File

@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], constant CB0& _19 [[buffer(0)
float2 _166 = in.IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1.xy * 1.0;
bool _173;
float4 _193;
for (;;)
_173 = 0.0 == 0.0;
if (_173)
@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], constant CB0& _19 [[buffer(0)
_193 = _192;
} while (false);
float4 _220;
for (;;)
if (_173)
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], constant CB0& _19 [[buffer(0)
_220 = _219;
} while (false);
float2 _223 = float2(1.0);
float2 _224 = (_220.wy * 2.0) - _223;
float3 _232 = float3(_224, sqrt(fast::clamp(1.0 + dot(-_224, _224), 0.0, 1.0)));
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], constant CB0& _19 [[buffer(0)
float3 _256 = float3(_255.x, _255.y, _253.z);
float3 _271 = ((in.IN_Color.xyz * (_193 * 1.0).xyz) * (1.0 + (_256.x * 0.300000011920928955078125))) * (StudsMapTexture.sample(StudsMapSampler, _156.UvStuds).x * 2.0);
float4 _298;
for (;;)
if (0.75 == 0.0)
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], constant CB0& _19 [[buffer(0)
_298 = _297;
} while (false);
float2 _303 = mix(float2(0.800000011920928955078125, 120.0), (_298.xy * float2(2.0, 256.0)) + float2(0.0, 0.00999999977648258209228515625), float2(_165));
Surface _304 = _125;
_304.albedo = _271;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
using namespace metal;
fragment void main0()
float3 col;
int2 _18;
float _23;
float _21 = modf(0.1500000059604644775390625, _23);
col.x = _23;
int _24;
float _22 = frexp(0.1500000059604644775390625, _24);
_18.y = _24;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
#include <metal_atomic>
using namespace metal;
struct SSBO
float4 in_data[1];
struct SSBO2
float4 out_data[1];
struct SSBO3
uint counter;
constant uint _59_tmp [[function_constant(10)]];
constant uint _59 = is_function_constant_defined(_59_tmp) ? _59_tmp : 1u;
constant uint3 gl_WorkGroupSize [[maybe_unused]] = uint3(_59, 1u, 1u);
kernel void main0(const device SSBO& _27 [[buffer(0)]], device SSBO2& _49 [[buffer(1)]], device SSBO3& _52 [[buffer(2)]], uint3 gl_GlobalInvocationID [[thread_position_in_grid]], uint3 gl_WorkGroupID [[threadgroup_position_in_grid]], uint3 spvDispatchBase [[grid_origin]])
gl_GlobalInvocationID += spvDispatchBase * gl_WorkGroupSize;
gl_WorkGroupID += spvDispatchBase;
uint ident = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
uint workgroup = gl_WorkGroupID.x;
float4 idata = _27.in_data[ident];
if (dot(idata, float4(1.0, 5.0, 6.0, 2.0)) > 8.19999980926513671875)
uint _56 = atomic_fetch_add_explicit((device atomic_uint*)&_52.counter, 1u, memory_order_relaxed);
_49.out_data[_56] = idata;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
#include <metal_atomic>
using namespace metal;
struct SSBO
float4 in_data[1];
struct SSBO2
float4 out_data[1];
struct SSBO3
uint counter;
kernel void main0(constant uint3& spvDispatchBase [[buffer(29)]], const device SSBO& _27 [[buffer(0)]], device SSBO2& _49 [[buffer(1)]], device SSBO3& _52 [[buffer(2)]], uint3 gl_GlobalInvocationID [[thread_position_in_grid]], uint3 gl_WorkGroupID [[threadgroup_position_in_grid]])
gl_GlobalInvocationID += spvDispatchBase * uint3(1, 1, 1);
gl_WorkGroupID += spvDispatchBase;
uint ident = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
uint workgroup = gl_WorkGroupID.x;
float4 idata = _27.in_data[ident];
if (dot(idata, float4(1.0, 5.0, 6.0, 2.0)) > 8.19999980926513671875)
uint _56 = atomic_fetch_add_explicit((device atomic_uint*)&_52.counter, 1u, memory_order_relaxed);
_49.out_data[_56] = idata;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
precision highp int;
layout(location = 0) out highp vec4 _GLF_color;
void main()
for (;;)
bool _32;
for (;;)
if (gl_FragCoord.x != gl_FragCoord.x)
_32 = true;
if (false)
_32 = false;
if (_32)
_GLF_color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

View File

@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ void main()
vec2 _166 = IN_Uv_EdgeDistance1.xy * 1.0;
bool _173;
vec4 _193;
for (;;)
_173 = 0.0 == 0.0;
if (_173)
@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ void main()
_193 = _192;
} while (false);
vec4 _220;
for (;;)
if (_173)
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ void main()
_220 = _219;
} while (false);
vec2 _223 = vec2(1.0);
vec2 _224 = (_220.wy * 2.0) - _223;
vec3 _232 = vec3(_224, sqrt(clamp(1.0 + dot(-_224, _224), 0.0, 1.0)));
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ void main()
vec3 _256 = vec3(_255.x, _255.y, _253.z);
vec3 _271 = ((IN_Color.xyz * (_193 * 1.0).xyz) * (1.0 + (_256.x * 0.300000011920928955078125))) * (texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedStudsMapTextureStudsMapSampler, _156.UvStuds).x * 2.0);
vec4 _298;
for (;;)
if (0.75 == 0.0)
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ void main()
_298 = _297;
} while (false);
vec2 _303 = mix(vec2(0.800000011920928955078125, 120.0), (_298.xy * vec2(2.0, 256.0)) + vec2(0.0, 0.00999999977648258209228515625), vec2(_165));
Surface _304 = _125;
_304.albedo = _271;

View File

@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ void main()
imageStore(outImageTexture, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy), vec4(float(_30 - 1), float(_30), 1.0, 1.0));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#version 450
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedparamSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSampledImageSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedparamSampler;
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSampledImageSampler;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 _entryPointOutput;
vec4 sample_fetch(ivec3 UV, sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedtexSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler)
return texelFetch(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedtexSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler, UV.xy, UV.z);
vec4 sample_sampler(vec2 UV, sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombinedtexSampler)
return texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedtexSampler, UV);
vec4 _main(vec4 xIn)
ivec3 coord = ivec3(int(xIn.x * 1280.0), int(xIn.y * 720.0), 0);
ivec3 param = coord;
vec4 value = sample_fetch(param, SPIRV_Cross_CombinedparamSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler);
value += texelFetch(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSampledImageSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler, coord.xy, coord.z);
vec2 param_1 = xIn.xy;
value += sample_sampler(param_1, SPIRV_Cross_CombinedparamSampler);
value += texture(SPIRV_Cross_CombinedSampledImageSampler, xIn.xy);
return value;
void main()
vec4 xIn = gl_FragCoord;
vec4 param = xIn;
_entryPointOutput = _main(param);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#version 450
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler Sampler;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform texture2D SampledImage;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler SPIRV_Cross_DummySampler;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 _entryPointOutput;
vec4 sample_fetch(texture2D tex, ivec3 UV)
return texelFetch(sampler2D(tex, SPIRV_Cross_DummySampler), UV.xy, UV.z);
vec4 sample_sampler(texture2D tex, vec2 UV)
return texture(sampler2D(tex, Sampler), UV);
vec4 _main(vec4 xIn)
ivec3 coord = ivec3(int(xIn.x * 1280.0), int(xIn.y * 720.0), 0);
ivec3 param = coord;
vec4 value = sample_fetch(SampledImage, param);
value += texelFetch(sampler2D(SampledImage, SPIRV_Cross_DummySampler), coord.xy, coord.z);
vec2 param_1 = xIn.xy;
value += sample_sampler(SampledImage, param_1);
value += texture(sampler2D(SampledImage, Sampler), xIn.xy);
return value;
void main()
vec4 xIn = gl_FragCoord;
vec4 param = xIn;
_entryPointOutput = _main(param);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#version 450
uniform sampler2D SPIRV_Cross_CombineduSampler2DSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler;
uniform sampler2DMS SPIRV_Cross_CombineduSampler2DMSSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler;
void main()
ivec2 b = textureSize(SPIRV_Cross_CombineduSampler2DSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler, 0);
ivec2 c = textureSize(SPIRV_Cross_CombineduSampler2DMSSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler);
int l1 = textureQueryLevels(SPIRV_Cross_CombineduSampler2DSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler);
int s0 = textureSamples(SPIRV_Cross_CombineduSampler2DMSSPIRV_Cross_DummySampler);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#version 450
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform texture2D uSampler2D;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform texture2DMS uSampler2DMS;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler SPIRV_Cross_DummySampler;
void main()
ivec2 b = textureSize(sampler2D(uSampler2D, SPIRV_Cross_DummySampler), 0);
ivec2 c = textureSize(sampler2DMS(uSampler2DMS, SPIRV_Cross_DummySampler));
int l1 = textureQueryLevels(sampler2D(uSampler2D, SPIRV_Cross_DummySampler));
int s0 = textureSamples(sampler2DMS(uSampler2DMS, SPIRV_Cross_DummySampler));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
; Version: 1.0
; Generator: Khronos Glslang Reference Front End; 7
; Bound: 17
; Schema: 0
OpCapability Shader
%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
OpSource ESSL 310
OpName %main "main"
OpName %col "col"
%void = OpTypeVoid
%3 = OpTypeFunction %void
%float = OpTypeFloat 32
%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float
%float_0_150000006 = OpConstant %float 0.150000006
%v3float = OpTypeVector %float 3
%_ptr_Function_v3float = OpTypePointer Function %v3float
%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
%v2int = OpTypeVector %int 2
%_ptr_Function_v2int = OpTypePointer Function %v2int
%_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
%main = OpFunction %void None %3
%5 = OpLabel
%col = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3float Function
%icol = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2int Function
%ptr_x = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %col %int_0
%ptr_y = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_int %icol %int_1
%16 = OpExtInst %float %1 Modf %float_0_150000006 %ptr_x
%17 = OpExtInst %float %1 Frexp %float_0_150000006 %ptr_y

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#version 310 es
layout(local_size_x_id = 10) in;
layout(std430, binding = 0) readonly buffer SSBO
vec4 in_data[];
layout(std430, binding = 1) writeonly buffer SSBO2
vec4 out_data[];
layout(std430, binding = 2) buffer SSBO3
uint counter;
void main()
uint ident = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
uint workgroup = gl_WorkGroupID.x;
vec4 idata = in_data[ident];
if (dot(idata, vec4(1.0, 5.0, 6.0, 2.0)) > 8.2)
out_data[atomicAdd(counter, 1u)] = idata;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#version 310 es
layout(local_size_x = 1) in;
layout(std430, binding = 0) readonly buffer SSBO
vec4 in_data[];
layout(std430, binding = 1) writeonly buffer SSBO2
vec4 out_data[];
layout(std430, binding = 2) buffer SSBO3
uint counter;
void main()
uint ident = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
uint workgroup = gl_WorkGroupID.x;
vec4 idata = in_data[ident];
if (dot(idata, vec4(1.0, 5.0, 6.0, 2.0)) > 8.2)
out_data[atomicAdd(counter, 1u)] = idata;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
; Version: 1.0
; Generator: Khronos Glslang Reference Front End; 7
; Bound: 42
; Schema: 0
OpCapability Shader
%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %gl_FragCoord %_GLF_color
OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
OpSource ESSL 310
OpName %main "main"
OpName %gl_FragCoord "gl_FragCoord"
OpName %_GLF_color "_GLF_color"
OpDecorate %gl_FragCoord BuiltIn FragCoord
OpDecorate %_GLF_color Location 0
%void = OpTypeVoid
%3 = OpTypeFunction %void
%float = OpTypeFloat 32
%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
%gl_FragCoord = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
%_ptr_Input_float = OpTypePointer Input %float
%bool = OpTypeBool
%false = OpConstantFalse %bool
%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
%_GLF_color = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
%31 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_1 %float_0 %float_0 %float_1
%true = OpConstantTrue %bool
%main = OpFunction %void None %3
%5 = OpLabel
OpBranch %33
%33 = OpLabel
OpLoopMerge %32 %35 None
OpBranch %6
%6 = OpLabel
OpLoopMerge %8 %24 None
OpBranch %7
%7 = OpLabel
%17 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_float %gl_FragCoord %uint_0
%18 = OpLoad %float %17
%22 = OpFOrdNotEqual %bool %18 %18
OpSelectionMerge %24 None
OpBranchConditional %22 %23 %24
%23 = OpLabel
OpBranch %8
%24 = OpLabel
OpBranchConditional %false %6 %8
%8 = OpLabel
%41 = OpPhi %bool %true %23 %false %24
OpSelectionMerge %39 None
OpBranchConditional %41 %32 %39
%39 = OpLabel
OpStore %_GLF_color %31
OpBranch %32
%35 = OpLabel
OpBranch %33
%32 = OpLabel

View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
; Version: 1.0
; Generator: Khronos Glslang Reference Front End; 2
; Bound: 113
; Schema: 0
OpCapability Shader
%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %xIn_1 %_entryPointOutput
OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
OpSource HLSL 500
OpName %main "main"
OpName %sample_fetch_t21_vi3_ "sample_fetch(t21;vi3;"
OpName %tex "tex"
OpName %UV "UV"
OpName %sample_sampler_t21_vf2_ "sample_sampler(t21;vf2;"
OpName %tex_0 "tex"
OpName %UV_0 "UV"
OpName %_main_vf4_ "@main(vf4;"
OpName %xIn "xIn"
OpName %Sampler "Sampler"
OpName %coord "coord"
OpName %value "value"
OpName %SampledImage "SampledImage"
OpName %param "param"
OpName %param_0 "param"
OpName %param_1 "param"
OpName %param_2 "param"
OpName %xIn_0 "xIn"
OpName %xIn_1 "xIn"
OpName %_entryPointOutput "@entryPointOutput"
OpName %param_3 "param"
OpDecorate %Sampler DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %Sampler Binding 0
OpDecorate %SampledImage DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %SampledImage Binding 0
OpDecorate %xIn_1 BuiltIn FragCoord
OpDecorate %_entryPointOutput Location 0
%void = OpTypeVoid
%3 = OpTypeFunction %void
%float = OpTypeFloat 32
%7 = OpTypeImage %float 2D 0 0 0 1 Unknown
%_ptr_Function_7 = OpTypePointer Function %7
%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
%v3int = OpTypeVector %int 3
%_ptr_Function_v3int = OpTypePointer Function %v3int
%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
%13 = OpTypeFunction %v4float %_ptr_Function_7 %_ptr_Function_v3int
%v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
%_ptr_Function_v2float = OpTypePointer Function %v2float
%20 = OpTypeFunction %v4float %_ptr_Function_7 %_ptr_Function_v2float
%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
%26 = OpTypeFunction %v4float %_ptr_Function_v4float
%v2int = OpTypeVector %int 2
%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
%uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
%_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
%43 = OpTypeSampler
%_ptr_UniformConstant_43 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %43
%Sampler = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_43 UniformConstant
%47 = OpTypeSampledImage %7
%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float
%float_1280 = OpConstant %float 1280
%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
%float_720 = OpConstant %float 720
%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
%_ptr_UniformConstant_7 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %7
%SampledImage = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_7 UniformConstant
%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
%xIn_1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
%_entryPointOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
%main = OpFunction %void None %3
%5 = OpLabel
%xIn_0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
%param_3 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
%107 = OpLoad %v4float %xIn_1
OpStore %xIn_0 %107
%111 = OpLoad %v4float %xIn_0
OpStore %param_3 %111
%112 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %_main_vf4_ %param_3
OpStore %_entryPointOutput %112
%sample_fetch_t21_vi3_ = OpFunction %v4float None %13
%tex = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_7
%UV = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v3int
%17 = OpLabel
%30 = OpLoad %7 %tex
%32 = OpLoad %v3int %UV
%33 = OpVectorShuffle %v2int %32 %32 0 1
%37 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_int %UV %uint_2
%38 = OpLoad %int %37
%39 = OpImageFetch %v4float %30 %33 Lod %38
OpReturnValue %39
%sample_sampler_t21_vf2_ = OpFunction %v4float None %20
%tex_0 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_7
%UV_0 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v2float
%24 = OpLabel
%42 = OpLoad %7 %tex_0
%46 = OpLoad %43 %Sampler
%48 = OpSampledImage %47 %42 %46
%49 = OpLoad %v2float %UV_0
%50 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %48 %49
OpReturnValue %50
%_main_vf4_ = OpFunction %v4float None %26
%xIn = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float
%29 = OpLabel
%coord = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3int Function
%value = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_7 Function
%param_0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3int Function
%param_1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_7 Function
%param_2 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2float Function
%56 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %xIn %uint_0
%57 = OpLoad %float %56
%59 = OpFMul %float %57 %float_1280
%60 = OpConvertFToS %int %59
%62 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %xIn %uint_1
%63 = OpLoad %float %62
%65 = OpFMul %float %63 %float_720
%66 = OpConvertFToS %int %65
%68 = OpCompositeConstruct %v3int %60 %66 %int_0
OpStore %coord %68
%73 = OpLoad %7 %SampledImage
OpStore %param %73
%75 = OpLoad %v3int %coord
OpStore %param_0 %75
%76 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %sample_fetch_t21_vi3_ %param %param_0
OpStore %value %76
%77 = OpLoad %7 %SampledImage
%78 = OpLoad %v3int %coord
%79 = OpVectorShuffle %v2int %78 %78 0 1
%80 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_int %coord %uint_2
%81 = OpLoad %int %80
%82 = OpImageFetch %v4float %77 %79 Lod %81
%83 = OpLoad %v4float %value
%84 = OpFAdd %v4float %83 %82
OpStore %value %84
%86 = OpLoad %7 %SampledImage
OpStore %param_1 %86
%88 = OpLoad %v4float %xIn
%89 = OpVectorShuffle %v2float %88 %88 0 1
OpStore %param_2 %89
%90 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %sample_sampler_t21_vf2_ %param_1 %param_2
%91 = OpLoad %v4float %value
%92 = OpFAdd %v4float %91 %90
OpStore %value %92
%93 = OpLoad %7 %SampledImage
%94 = OpLoad %43 %Sampler
%95 = OpSampledImage %47 %93 %94
%96 = OpLoad %v4float %xIn
%97 = OpVectorShuffle %v2float %96 %96 0 1
%98 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %95 %97
%99 = OpLoad %v4float %value
%100 = OpFAdd %v4float %99 %98
OpStore %value %100
%101 = OpLoad %v4float %value
OpReturnValue %101

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
; Version: 1.0
; Generator: Khronos Glslang Reference Front End; 6
; Bound: 36
; Schema: 0
OpCapability Shader
OpCapability ImageQuery
%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
OpSource GLSL 450
OpName %main "main"
OpName %b "b"
OpName %uSampler2D "uSampler2D"
OpName %c "c"
OpName %uSampler2DMS "uSampler2DMS"
OpName %l1 "l1"
OpName %s0 "s0"
OpDecorate %uSampler2D DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %uSampler2D Binding 0
OpDecorate %uSampler2DMS DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %uSampler2DMS Binding 0
%void = OpTypeVoid
%3 = OpTypeFunction %void
%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
%v2int = OpTypeVector %int 2
%_ptr_Function_v2int = OpTypePointer Function %v2int
%float = OpTypeFloat 32
%11 = OpTypeImage %float 2D 0 0 0 1 Unknown
%_ptr_UniformConstant_12 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %11
%uSampler2D = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_12 UniformConstant
%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
%20 = OpTypeImage %float 2D 0 0 1 1 Unknown
%_ptr_UniformConstant_21 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %20
%uSampler2DMS = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_21 UniformConstant
%_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
%main = OpFunction %void None %3
%5 = OpLabel
%b = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2int Function
%c = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2int Function
%l1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
%s0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
%15 = OpLoad %11 %uSampler2D
%18 = OpImageQuerySizeLod %v2int %15 %int_0
OpStore %b %18
%24 = OpLoad %20 %uSampler2DMS
%26 = OpImageQuerySize %v2int %24
OpStore %c %26
%29 = OpLoad %11 %uSampler2D
%31 = OpImageQueryLevels %int %29
OpStore %l1 %31
%33 = OpLoad %20 %uSampler2DMS
%35 = OpImageQuerySamples %int %33
OpStore %s0 %35

View File

@ -1433,6 +1433,10 @@ enum ExtendedDecorations
// Marks a buffer block for using explicit offsets (GLSL/HLSL).
// Apply to a variable in the Input storage class; marks it as holding the base group passed to vkCmdDispatchBase().
// In MSL, this is used to adjust the WorkgroupId and GlobalInvocationId variables.

View File

@ -1501,6 +1501,12 @@ SPIRBlock::ContinueBlockType Compiler::continue_block_type(const SPIRBlock &bloc
const auto *true_block = maybe_get<SPIRBlock>(block.true_block);
const auto *merge_block = maybe_get<SPIRBlock>(dominator.merge_block);
// If we need to flush Phi in this block, we cannot have a DoWhile loop.
bool flush_phi_to_false = false_block && flush_phi_required(block.self, block.false_block);
bool flush_phi_to_true = true_block && flush_phi_required(block.self, block.true_block);
if (flush_phi_to_false || flush_phi_to_true)
return SPIRBlock::ComplexLoop;
bool positive_do_while = block.true_block == dominator.self &&
(block.false_block == dominator.merge_block ||
(false_block && merge_block && execution_is_noop(*false_block, *merge_block)));
@ -3288,10 +3294,11 @@ void Compiler::analyze_variable_scope(SPIRFunction &entry, AnalyzeVariableScopeA
// If a temporary is used in more than one block, we might have to lift continue block
// access up to loop header like we did for variables.
if (blocks.size() != 1 && is_continue(block))
// The risk here is that inner loop can dominate the continue block.
// Any temporary we access in the continue block must be declared before the loop.
// This is moot for complex loops however.
auto &loop_header_block = get<SPIRBlock>(ir.continue_block_to_loop_header[block]);
assert(loop_header_block.merge == SPIRBlock::MergeLoop);
@ -3299,14 +3306,17 @@ void Compiler::analyze_variable_scope(SPIRFunction &entry, AnalyzeVariableScopeA
if (!loop_header_block.complex_continue)
else if (blocks.size() != 1 && is_single_block_loop(block))
// Awkward case, because the loop header is also the continue block.
force_temporary = true;
uint32_t dominating_block = builder.get_dominator();
if (blocks.size() != 1 && is_single_block_loop(dominating_block))
// Awkward case, because the loop header is also the continue block,
// so hoisting to loop header does not help.
force_temporary = true;
if (dominating_block)
// If we touch a variable in the dominating block, this is the expected setup.
@ -4246,3 +4256,12 @@ bool Compiler::type_is_array_of_pointers(const SPIRType &type) const
// If parent type has same pointer depth, we must have an array of pointers.
return type.pointer_depth == get<SPIRType>(type.parent_type).pointer_depth;
bool Compiler::flush_phi_required(uint32_t from, uint32_t to) const
auto &child = get<SPIRBlock>(to);
for (auto &phi : child.phi_variables)
if (phi.parent == from)
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -816,6 +816,7 @@ protected:
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> forwarded_temporaries;
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> suppressed_usage_tracking;
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> hoisted_temporaries;
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> forced_invariant_temporaries;
Bitset active_input_builtins;
Bitset active_output_builtins;
@ -972,6 +973,8 @@ protected:
bool reflection_ssbo_instance_name_is_significant() const;
std::string get_remapped_declared_block_name(uint32_t id, bool fallback_prefer_instance_name) const;
bool flush_phi_required(uint32_t from, uint32_t to) const;
// Used only to implement the old deprecated get_entry_point() interface.
const SPIREntryPoint &get_first_entry_point(const std::string &name) const;

View File

@ -4654,16 +4654,16 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_sampled_image_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t result_i
emit_binary_func_op(result_type, result_id, image_id, samp_id,
type_to_glsl(get<SPIRType>(result_type), result_id).c_str());
// Make sure to suppress usage tracking and any expression invalidation.
// It is illegal to create temporaries of opaque types.
// Make sure to suppress usage tracking. It is illegal to create temporaries of opaque types.
emit_op(result_type, result_id, to_combined_image_sampler(image_id, samp_id), true, true);
// Make sure to suppress usage tracking and any expression invalidation.
// It is illegal to create temporaries of opaque types.
static inline bool image_opcode_is_sample_no_dref(Op op)
@ -4976,10 +4976,19 @@ std::string CompilerGLSL::convert_separate_image_to_expression(uint32_t id)
if (options.vulkan_semantics)
// Newer glslang supports this extension to deal with texture2D as argument to texture functions.
if (dummy_sampler_id)
SPIRV_CROSS_THROW("Vulkan GLSL should not have a dummy sampler for combining.");
// Don't need to consider Shadow state since the dummy sampler is always non-shadow.
auto sampled_type = type;
sampled_type.basetype = SPIRType::SampledImage;
return join(type_to_glsl(sampled_type), "(", to_expression(id), ", ",
to_expression(dummy_sampler_id), ")");
// Newer glslang supports this extension to deal with texture2D as argument to texture functions.
@ -5277,7 +5286,6 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_glsl_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t id, uint32_t eop,
case GLSLstd450ModfStruct:
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(result_type);
emit_uninitialized_temporary_expression(result_type, id);
statement(to_expression(id), ".", to_member_name(type, 0), " = ", "modf(", to_expression(args[0]), ", ",
@ -5417,7 +5425,6 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_glsl_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t id, uint32_t eop,
case GLSLstd450FrexpStruct:
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(result_type);
emit_uninitialized_temporary_expression(result_type, id);
statement(to_expression(id), ".", to_member_name(type, 0), " = ", "frexp(", to_expression(args[0]), ", ",
@ -7544,14 +7551,16 @@ void CompilerGLSL::disallow_forwarding_in_expression_chain(const SPIRExpression
// Allow trivially forwarded expressions like OpLoad or trivial shuffles,
// these will be marked as having suppressed usage tracking.
// Our only concern is to make sure arithmetic operations are done in similar ways.
if (expression_is_forwarded(expr.self) && !expression_suppresses_usage_tracking(expr.self))
if (expression_is_forwarded(expr.self) && !expression_suppresses_usage_tracking(expr.self) &&
forced_invariant_temporaries.count(expr.self) == 0)
for (auto &dependent : expr.expression_dependencies)
for (auto &dependent : expr.expression_dependencies)
void CompilerGLSL::handle_store_to_invariant_variable(uint32_t store_id, uint32_t value_id)
@ -8525,7 +8534,6 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_instruction(const Instruction &instruction)
uint32_t result_id = ops[1];
uint32_t op0 = ops[2];
uint32_t op1 = ops[3];
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(result_type);
emit_uninitialized_temporary_expression(result_type, result_id);
const char *op = opcode == OpUMulExtended ? "umulExtended" : "imulExtended";
@ -11060,15 +11068,6 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_fixup()
bool CompilerGLSL::flush_phi_required(uint32_t from, uint32_t to)
auto &child = get<SPIRBlock>(to);
for (auto &phi : child.phi_variables)
if (phi.parent == from)
return true;
return false;
void CompilerGLSL::flush_phi(uint32_t from, uint32_t to)
auto &child = get<SPIRBlock>(to);
@ -11238,10 +11237,17 @@ void CompilerGLSL::branch(uint32_t from, uint32_t to)
void CompilerGLSL::branch(uint32_t from, uint32_t cond, uint32_t true_block, uint32_t false_block)
// If we branch directly to a selection merge target, we don't really need a code path.
auto &from_block = get<SPIRBlock>(from);
uint32_t merge_block = from_block.merge == SPIRBlock::MergeSelection ? from_block.next_block : 0;
// If we branch directly to a selection merge target, we don't need a code path.
// This covers both merge out of if () / else () as well as a break for switch blocks.
bool true_sub = !is_conditional(true_block);
bool false_sub = !is_conditional(false_block);
bool true_block_is_selection_merge = true_block == merge_block;
bool false_block_is_selection_merge = false_block == merge_block;
if (true_sub)
@ -11250,7 +11256,11 @@ void CompilerGLSL::branch(uint32_t from, uint32_t cond, uint32_t true_block, uin
branch(from, true_block);
if (false_sub || is_continue(false_block) || is_break(false_block))
// If we merge to continue, we handle that explicitly in emit_block_chain(),
// so there is no need to branch to it directly here.
// break; is required to handle ladder fallthrough cases, so keep that in for now, even
// if we could potentially handle it in emit_block_chain().
if (false_sub || (!false_block_is_selection_merge && is_continue(false_block)) || is_break(false_block))
@ -11265,7 +11275,7 @@ void CompilerGLSL::branch(uint32_t from, uint32_t cond, uint32_t true_block, uin
else if (false_sub && !true_sub)
else if (false_sub)
// Only need false path, use negative conditional.
@ -11274,7 +11284,7 @@ void CompilerGLSL::branch(uint32_t from, uint32_t cond, uint32_t true_block, uin
branch(from, false_block);
if (is_continue(true_block) || is_break(true_block))
if ((!true_block_is_selection_merge && is_continue(true_block)) || is_break(true_block))

View File

@ -436,7 +436,6 @@ protected:
void branch_to_continue(uint32_t from, uint32_t to);
void branch(uint32_t from, uint32_t cond, uint32_t true_block, uint32_t false_block);
void flush_phi(uint32_t from, uint32_t to);
bool flush_phi_required(uint32_t from, uint32_t to);
void flush_variable_declaration(uint32_t id);
void flush_undeclared_variables(SPIRBlock &block);
void emit_variable_temporary_copies(const SPIRVariable &var);

View File

@ -107,8 +107,11 @@ void CompilerMSL::build_implicit_builtins()
bool need_multiview = get_execution_model() == ExecutionModelVertex && !msl_options.view_index_from_device_index &&
(msl_options.multiview || active_input_builtins.get(BuiltInViewIndex));
bool need_dispatch_base =
msl_options.dispatch_base && get_execution_model() == ExecutionModelGLCompute &&
(active_input_builtins.get(BuiltInWorkgroupId) || active_input_builtins.get(BuiltInGlobalInvocationId));
if (need_subpass_input || need_sample_pos || need_subgroup_mask || need_vertex_params || need_tesc_params ||
need_multiview || needs_subgroup_invocation_id)
need_multiview || need_dispatch_base || needs_subgroup_invocation_id)
bool has_frag_coord = false;
bool has_sample_id = false;
@ -121,6 +124,7 @@ void CompilerMSL::build_implicit_builtins()
bool has_subgroup_invocation_id = false;
bool has_subgroup_size = false;
bool has_view_idx = false;
uint32_t workgroup_id_type = 0;
ir.for_each_typed_id<SPIRVariable>([&](uint32_t, SPIRVariable &var) {
if (var.storage != StorageClassInput || !ir.meta[var.self].decoration.builtin)
@ -208,6 +212,13 @@ void CompilerMSL::build_implicit_builtins()
has_view_idx = true;
// The base workgroup needs to have the same type and vector size
// as the workgroup or invocation ID, so keep track of the type that
// was used.
if (need_dispatch_base && workgroup_id_type == 0 &&
(builtin == BuiltInWorkgroupId || builtin == BuiltInGlobalInvocationId))
workgroup_id_type = var.basetype;
if (!has_frag_coord && need_subpass_input)
@ -457,6 +468,42 @@ void CompilerMSL::build_implicit_builtins()
builtin_subgroup_size_id = var_id;
mark_implicit_builtin(StorageClassInput, BuiltInSubgroupSize, var_id);
if (need_dispatch_base)
uint32_t var_id;
if (msl_options.supports_msl_version(1, 2))
// If we have MSL 1.2, we can (ab)use the [[grid_origin]] builtin
// to convey this information and save a buffer slot.
uint32_t offset = ir.increase_bound_by(1);
var_id = offset;
set<SPIRVariable>(var_id, workgroup_id_type, StorageClassInput);
set_extended_decoration(var_id, SPIRVCrossDecorationBuiltInDispatchBase);
// Otherwise, we need to fall back to a good ol' fashioned buffer.
uint32_t offset = ir.increase_bound_by(2);
var_id = offset;
uint32_t type_id = offset + 1;
SPIRType var_type = get<SPIRType>(workgroup_id_type);
var_type.storage = StorageClassUniform;
set<SPIRType>(type_id, var_type);
set<SPIRVariable>(var_id, type_id, StorageClassUniform);
// This should never match anything.
set_decoration(var_id, DecorationDescriptorSet, ~(5u));
set_decoration(var_id, DecorationBinding, msl_options.indirect_params_buffer_index);
set_extended_decoration(var_id, SPIRVCrossDecorationResourceIndexPrimary,
set_name(var_id, "spvDispatchBase");
builtin_dispatch_base_id = var_id;
if (needs_swizzle_buffer_def)
@ -802,6 +849,8 @@ string CompilerMSL::compile()
if (builtin_layer_id)
if (builtin_dispatch_base_id && !msl_options.supports_msl_version(1, 2))
// Create structs to hold input, output and uniform variables.
// Do output first to ensure out. is declared at top of entry function.
@ -4600,10 +4649,8 @@ void CompilerMSL::emit_instruction(const Instruction &instruction)
uint32_t result_id = ops[1];
uint32_t op0 = ops[2];
uint32_t op1 = ops[3];
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(result_type);
statement(variable_decl(type, to_name(result_id)), ";");
set<SPIRExpression>(result_id, to_name(result_id), result_type, true);
emit_uninitialized_temporary_expression(result_type, result_id);
auto &res_type = get<SPIRType>(type.member_types[1]);
if (opcode == OpIAddCarry)
@ -4632,10 +4679,8 @@ void CompilerMSL::emit_instruction(const Instruction &instruction)
uint32_t result_id = ops[1];
uint32_t op0 = ops[2];
uint32_t op1 = ops[3];
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(result_type);
statement(variable_decl(type, to_name(result_id)), ";");
set<SPIRExpression>(result_id, to_name(result_id), result_type, true);
emit_uninitialized_temporary_expression(result_type, result_id);
statement(to_expression(result_id), ".", to_member_name(type, 0), " = ", to_enclosed_expression(op0), " * ",
to_enclosed_expression(op1), ";");
@ -4917,8 +4962,6 @@ void CompilerMSL::emit_atomic_func_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t result_id,
uint32_t mem_order_2, bool has_mem_order_2, uint32_t obj, uint32_t op1,
bool op1_is_pointer, bool op1_is_literal, uint32_t op2)
string exp = string(op) + "(";
auto &type = get_pointee_type(expression_type(obj));
@ -4957,12 +5000,11 @@ void CompilerMSL::emit_atomic_func_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t result_id,
// the CAS loop, otherwise it will loop infinitely, with the comparison test always failing.
// The function updates the comparitor value from the memory value, so the additional
// comparison test evaluates the memory value against the expected value.
statement(variable_decl(type, to_name(result_id)), ";");
emit_uninitialized_temporary_expression(result_type, result_id);
statement(to_name(result_id), " = ", to_expression(op1), ";");
end_scope_decl(join("while (!", exp, " && ", to_name(result_id), " == ", to_enclosed_expression(op1), ")"));
set<SPIRExpression>(result_id, to_name(result_id), result_type, true);
@ -5211,6 +5253,32 @@ void CompilerMSL::emit_glsl_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t id, uint32_t eop,
CompilerGLSL::emit_glsl_op(result_type, id, eop, args, count);
case GLSLstd450Modf:
case GLSLstd450Frexp:
// Special case. If the variable is a scalar access chain, we cannot use it directly. We have to emit a temporary.
auto *ptr = maybe_get<SPIRExpression>(args[1]);
if (ptr && ptr->access_chain && is_scalar(expression_type(args[1])))
// Need to create temporaries and copy over to access chain after.
// We cannot directly take the reference of a vector swizzle in MSL, even if it's scalar ...
uint32_t &tmp_id = extra_sub_expressions[id];
if (!tmp_id)
tmp_id = ir.increase_bound_by(1);
uint32_t tmp_type_id = get_pointee_type_id(ptr->expression_type);
emit_uninitialized_temporary_expression(tmp_type_id, tmp_id);
emit_binary_func_op(result_type, id, args[0], tmp_id, eop == GLSLstd450Modf ? "modf" : "frexp");
statement(to_expression(args[1]), " = ", to_expression(tmp_id), ";");
CompilerGLSL::emit_glsl_op(result_type, id, eop, args, count);
CompilerGLSL::emit_glsl_op(result_type, id, eop, args, count);
@ -6527,80 +6595,15 @@ string CompilerMSL::func_type_decl(SPIRType &type)
string CompilerMSL::get_argument_address_space(const SPIRVariable &argument)
const auto &type = get<SPIRType>(argument.basetype);
Bitset flags;
if (type.basetype == SPIRType::Struct &&
(has_decoration(type.self, DecorationBlock) || has_decoration(type.self, DecorationBufferBlock)))
flags = ir.get_buffer_block_flags(argument);
flags = get_decoration_bitset(argument.self);
const char *addr_space = nullptr;
switch (type.storage)
case StorageClassWorkgroup:
addr_space = "threadgroup";
case StorageClassStorageBuffer:
// For arguments from variable pointers, we use the write count deduction, so
// we should not assume any constness here. Only for global SSBOs.
bool readonly = false;
if (has_decoration(type.self, DecorationBlock))
readonly = flags.get(DecorationNonWritable);
addr_space = readonly ? "const device" : "device";
case StorageClassUniform:
case StorageClassUniformConstant:
case StorageClassPushConstant:
if (type.basetype == SPIRType::Struct)
bool ssbo = has_decoration(type.self, DecorationBufferBlock);
if (ssbo)
bool readonly = flags.get(DecorationNonWritable);
addr_space = readonly ? "const device" : "device";
addr_space = "constant";
case StorageClassFunction:
case StorageClassGeneric:
// No address space for plain values.
addr_space = type.pointer ? "thread" : "";
case StorageClassInput:
if (get_execution_model() == ExecutionModelTessellationControl && argument.basevariable == stage_in_ptr_var_id)
addr_space = "threadgroup";
case StorageClassOutput:
if (capture_output_to_buffer)
addr_space = "device";
if (!addr_space)
addr_space = "thread";
return join(flags.get(DecorationVolatile) || flags.get(DecorationCoherent) ? "volatile " : "", addr_space);
return get_type_address_space(type, argument.self, true);
string CompilerMSL::get_type_address_space(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id)
string CompilerMSL::get_type_address_space(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id, bool argument)
// This can be called for variable pointer contexts as well, so be very careful about which method we choose.
Bitset flags;
if (ir.ids[id].get_type() == TypeVariable && type.basetype == SPIRType::Struct &&
auto *var = maybe_get<SPIRVariable>(id);
if (var && type.basetype == SPIRType::Struct &&
(has_decoration(type.self, DecorationBlock) || has_decoration(type.self, DecorationBufferBlock)))
flags = get_buffer_block_flags(id);
@ -6614,8 +6617,16 @@ string CompilerMSL::get_type_address_space(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id)
case StorageClassStorageBuffer:
addr_space = flags.get(DecorationNonWritable) ? "const device" : "device";
// For arguments from variable pointers, we use the write count deduction, so
// we should not assume any constness here. Only for global SSBOs.
bool readonly = false;
if (!var || has_decoration(type.self, DecorationBlock))
readonly = flags.get(DecorationNonWritable);
addr_space = readonly ? "const device" : "device";
case StorageClassUniform:
case StorageClassUniformConstant:
@ -6628,14 +6639,18 @@ string CompilerMSL::get_type_address_space(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id)
addr_space = "constant";
else if (!argument)
addr_space = "constant";
case StorageClassFunction:
case StorageClassGeneric:
// No address space for plain values.
addr_space = type.pointer ? "thread" : "";
case StorageClassInput:
if (get_execution_model() == ExecutionModelTessellationControl && var &&
var->basevariable == stage_in_ptr_var_id)
addr_space = "threadgroup";
case StorageClassOutput:
@ -6648,7 +6663,8 @@ string CompilerMSL::get_type_address_space(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id)
if (!addr_space)
addr_space = "thread";
// No address space for plain values.
addr_space = type.pointer || (argument && type.basetype == SPIRType::ControlPointArray) ? "thread" : "";
return join(flags.get(DecorationVolatile) || flags.get(DecorationCoherent) ? "volatile " : "", addr_space);
@ -6748,6 +6764,19 @@ void CompilerMSL::entry_point_args_builtin(string &ep_args)
ep_args += "]]";
if (var.storage == StorageClassInput &&
has_extended_decoration(var_id, SPIRVCrossDecorationBuiltInDispatchBase))
// This is a special implicit builtin, not corresponding to any SPIR-V builtin,
// which holds the base that was passed to vkCmdDispatchBase(). If it's present,
// assume we emitted it for a good reason.
assert(msl_options.supports_msl_version(1, 2));
if (!ep_args.empty())
ep_args += ", ";
ep_args += type_to_glsl(get_variable_data_type(var)) + " " + to_expression(var_id) + " [[grid_origin]]";
// Correct the types of all encountered active builtins. We couldn't do this before
@ -7023,7 +7052,11 @@ void CompilerMSL::entry_point_args_discrete_descriptors(string &ep_args)
if (!ep_args.empty())
ep_args += ", ";
ep_args += type_to_glsl(type, var_id) + " " + r.name;
if (!type.pointer)
ep_args += get_type_address_space(get<SPIRType>(var.basetype), var_id) + " " +
type_to_glsl(type, var_id) + "& " + r.name;
ep_args += type_to_glsl(type, var_id) + " " + r.name;
ep_args += " [[buffer(" + convert_to_string(r.index) + ")]]";
@ -7343,6 +7376,35 @@ void CompilerMSL::fix_up_shader_inputs_outputs()
msl_options.device_index, ";");
case BuiltInWorkgroupId:
if (!msl_options.dispatch_base || !active_input_builtins.get(BuiltInWorkgroupId))
// The vkCmdDispatchBase() command lets the client set the base value
// of WorkgroupId. Metal has no direct equivalent; we must make this
// adjustment ourselves.
entry_func.fixup_hooks_in.push_back([=]() {
statement(to_expression(var_id), " += ", to_dereferenced_expression(builtin_dispatch_base_id), ";");
case BuiltInGlobalInvocationId:
if (!msl_options.dispatch_base || !active_input_builtins.get(BuiltInGlobalInvocationId))
// GlobalInvocationId is defined as LocalInvocationId + WorkgroupId * WorkgroupSize.
// This needs to be adjusted too.
entry_func.fixup_hooks_in.push_back([=]() {
auto &execution = this->get_entry_point();
uint32_t workgroup_size_id = execution.workgroup_size.constant;
if (workgroup_size_id)
statement(to_expression(var_id), " += ", to_dereferenced_expression(builtin_dispatch_base_id),
" * ", to_expression(workgroup_size_id), ";");
statement(to_expression(var_id), " += ", to_dereferenced_expression(builtin_dispatch_base_id),
" * uint3(", execution.workgroup_size.x, ", ", execution.workgroup_size.y, ", ",
execution.workgroup_size.z, ");");

View File

@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ public:
bool tess_domain_origin_lower_left = false;
bool multiview = false;
bool view_index_from_device_index = false;
bool dispatch_base = false;
// Enable use of MSL 2.0 indirect argument buffers.
// MSL 2.0 must also be enabled.
@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ public:
msl_version = make_msl_version(major, minor, patch);
bool supports_msl_version(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor = 0, uint32_t patch = 0)
bool supports_msl_version(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor = 0, uint32_t patch = 0) const
return msl_version >= make_msl_version(major, minor, patch);
@ -276,6 +277,13 @@ public:
return msl_options.multiview && !msl_options.view_index_from_device_index;
// Provide feedback to calling API to allow it to pass a buffer
// containing the dispatch base workgroup ID.
bool needs_dispatch_base_buffer() const
return msl_options.dispatch_base && !msl_options.supports_msl_version(1, 2);
// Provide feedback to calling API to allow it to pass an output
// buffer if the shader needs it.
bool needs_output_buffer() const
@ -533,7 +541,7 @@ protected:
void ensure_member_packing_rules_msl(SPIRType &ib_type, uint32_t index);
bool validate_member_packing_rules_msl(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t index) const;
std::string get_argument_address_space(const SPIRVariable &argument);
std::string get_type_address_space(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id);
std::string get_type_address_space(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id, bool argument = false);
const char *to_restrict(uint32_t id, bool space = true);
SPIRType &get_stage_in_struct_type();
SPIRType &get_stage_out_struct_type();
@ -563,6 +571,7 @@ protected:
uint32_t builtin_primitive_id_id = 0;
uint32_t builtin_subgroup_invocation_id_id = 0;
uint32_t builtin_subgroup_size_id = 0;
uint32_t builtin_dispatch_base_id = 0;
uint32_t swizzle_buffer_id = 0;
uint32_t buffer_size_buffer_id = 0;
uint32_t view_mask_buffer_id = 0;

View File

@ -207,6 +207,8 @@ def cross_compile_msl(shader, spirv, opt, iterations, paths):
if '.viewfromdev.' in shader:
if '.dispatchbase.' in shader:
@ -383,6 +385,8 @@ def cross_compile(shader, vulkan, spirv, invalid_spirv, eliminate, is_legacy, fl
extra_args += ['--glsl-emit-push-constant-as-ubo']
if '.line.' in shader:
extra_args += ['--emit-line-directives']
if '.no-samplerless.' in shader:
extra_args += ['--vulkan-glsl-disable-ext-samplerless-texture-functions']
spirv_cross_path = paths.spirv_cross