@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
// known metal shader generation issues:
03-raymarch: OSX10.11.3 nothing is visible ( depth/color swap in fragment output struct fixed this )
15-shadowmaps-simple: shader compilation error
16-shadowmaps: //problem with essl -> metal: SAMPLER2D(u_shadowMap0, 4); sampler index is lost. Shadowmap is set to slot 4, but
metal shader uses sampler/texture slot 0. this could require changes outside of renderer_mtl?
@ -30,25 +31,26 @@
Known issues(driver problems??):
OSX mac mini(late 2014), OSX10.11.3 : nanovg-rendering: color writemask off causes problem...
TODO: check if swap really solves this? 03-raymarch: OSX nothing is visible ( depth/color order should be swapped in fragment output struct)
03-raymarch: OSX nothing is visible ( depth/color order should be swapped in fragment output struct)
works fine with newer OSX
iPad mini 2, iOS 8.1.1: 21-deferred: scissor not working properly
26-occlusion: query doesn't work with two rendercommandencoders, merge should fix this
Only on this device ( no problem on iPad Air 2 with iOS9.3.1)
07-callback, saveScreenshot should be implemented with one frame latency (using saveScreenshotBegin and End)
- iOS device orientation change is not handled properly
22-windows: todo support multiple windows
- optimization: remove sync points, merge views with same fb and no clear.
13-stencil and 16-shadowmaps are very inefficient. every view stores/loads backbuffer data
multithreading with multiple commandbuffer
- 15-shadowmaps-simple (example needs modification mtxCrop znew = z * 0.5 + 0.5 is not needed ) could be hacked in shader too
BGFX_RESET_FLIP_AFTER_RENDER on low level renderers should be true? (crashes even with BGFX_RESET_FLIP_AFTER_RENDER because there is
one rendering frame before reset). Do I have absolutely need to send result to View at flip or can I do it in submit?
BGFX_RESET_FLIP_AFTER_RENDER on low level renderers should be true?
Do I have absolutely need to send result to screen at flip or can I do it in submit?
namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
@ -339,6 +341,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
, m_numWindows(1)
, m_rtMsaa(false)
, m_drawable(NULL)
, m_saveScreenshot(false)
@ -413,6 +416,36 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
m_uniformBufferVertexOffset = 0;
m_uniformBufferFragmentOffset = 0;
const char* vshSource =
"using namespace metal;\n"
"struct xlatMtlShaderOutput { float4 gl_Position [[position]]; float2 v_texcoord0; }; \n"
"vertex xlatMtlShaderOutput xlatMtlMain (uint v_id [[ vertex_id ]]) \n"
" xlatMtlShaderOutput _mtl_o;\n"
" if (v_id==0) { _mtl_o.gl_Position = float4(-1.0,-1.0,0.0,1.0); _mtl_o.v_texcoord0 = float2(0.0,1.0); } \n"
" else if (v_id==1) { _mtl_o.gl_Position = float4(3.0,-1.0,0.0,1.0); _mtl_o.v_texcoord0 = float2(2.0,1.0); } \n"
" else { _mtl_o.gl_Position = float4(-1.0,3.0,0.0,1.0); _mtl_o.v_texcoord0 = float2(0.0,-1.0); }\n"
" return _mtl_o;\n"
const char* fshSource = "using namespace metal; \n"
" struct xlatMtlShaderInput { float2 v_texcoord0; }; \n"
" fragment half4 xlatMtlMain (xlatMtlShaderInput _mtl_i[[stage_in]], texture2d<float> s_texColor [[texture(0)]], sampler _mtlsmp_s_texColor [[sampler(0)]] ) \n"
" { return half4(s_texColor.sample(_mtlsmp_s_texColor, _mtl_i.v_texcoord0)); } \n";
//TODO: use binary format
Library lib = m_device.newLibraryWithSource(vshSource);
if (NULL != lib)
m_screenshotBlitProgramVsh.m_function = lib.newFunctionWithName(SHADER_FUNCTION_NAME);
lib = m_device.newLibraryWithSource(fshSource);
if (NULL != lib)
m_screenshotBlitProgramFsh.m_function = lib.newFunctionWithName(SHADER_FUNCTION_NAME);
m_screenshotBlitProgram.create(&m_screenshotBlitProgramVsh, &m_screenshotBlitProgramFsh);
g_caps.supported |= (0
| BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_COMPARE_LEQUAL //NOTE: on IOS Gpu Family 1/2 have to set compare in shader
@ -802,28 +835,25 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
void saveScreenShot(const char* _filePath) BX_OVERRIDE
if (NULL == m_drawable
|| NULL == m_drawable.texture)
if (NULL == m_screenshotTarget)
//TODO: implement this with saveScreenshotBegin/End
Texture backBuffer = m_drawable.texture;
uint32_t width = backBuffer.width();
uint32_t height = backBuffer.height();
uint32_t width = m_screenshotTarget.width();
uint32_t height = m_screenshotTarget.height();
uint32_t length = width*height*4;
uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*)BX_ALLOC(g_allocator, length);
MTLRegion region = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { width, height, 1 } };
backBuffer.getBytes(data, 4*width, 0, region, 0, 0);
m_screenshotTarget.getBytes(data, 4*width, 0, region, 0, 0);
, backBuffer.width()
, backBuffer.height()
, m_screenshotTarget.width()
, m_screenshotTarget.height()
, width*4
, data
, length
@ -831,6 +861,9 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
BX_FREE(g_allocator, data);
m_commandBuffer = m_commandQueue.commandBuffer();
retain(m_commandBuffer); // keep alive to be useable at 'flip'
void updateViewName(uint8_t _id, const char* _name) BX_OVERRIDE
@ -959,7 +992,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
m_prevCommandBuffer = m_commandBuffer;
@ -1173,7 +1206,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
if (!isValid(_fbh) )
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture = m_drawable.texture;
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture = ((NULL != m_screenshotTarget) ? m_screenshotTarget.m_obj : m_drawable.texture);
renderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment.texture = m_backBufferDepth;
renderPassDescriptor.stencilAttachment.texture = m_backBufferStencil;
@ -1396,7 +1429,13 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
SamplerDescriptor m_samplerDescriptor;
// currently active objects data
id <CAMetalDrawable> m_drawable;
id <CAMetalDrawable> m_drawable;
bool m_saveScreenshot;
Texture m_screenshotTarget;
ShaderMtl m_screenshotBlitProgramVsh;
ShaderMtl m_screenshotBlitProgramFsh;
ProgramMtl m_screenshotBlitProgram;
CommandBuffer m_commandBuffer;
CommandBuffer m_prevCommandBuffer;
BlitCommandEncoder m_blitCommandEncoder;
@ -1447,8 +1486,6 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
//bool fragment = BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_FSH == magic;
uint32_t iohash;
bx::read(&reader, iohash);
@ -1487,16 +1524,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
const char* code = (const char*)reader.getDataPtr();
bx::skip(&reader, shaderSize+1);
int32_t codeLen = (int32_t)strlen(code);
int32_t tempLen = codeLen + (4<<10);
char* temp = (char*)alloca(tempLen);
bx::StaticMemoryBlockWriter writer(temp, tempLen);
bx::write(&writer, code, codeLen);
bx::write(&writer, '\0');
code = temp;
//TODO: use binary format
Library lib = s_renderMtl->m_device.newLibraryWithSource(code);
@ -2322,14 +2350,50 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
m_blitCommandEncoder = 0;
//TODO: multithreading with multiple commandbuffer
// is there a FAST way to tell which view is active?
//TODO: acquire CAMetalDrawable just before we really need it. When we are using an encoder with target metalLayer's texture
m_drawable = m_metalLayer.nextDrawable;
retain(m_drawable); // keep alive to be useable at 'flip'
if ( m_saveScreenshot )
if ( m_screenshotTarget )
if ( m_screenshotTarget.width() != m_drawable.texture.width ||
m_screenshotTarget.height() != m_drawable.texture.height )
if ( NULL == m_screenshotTarget)
m_textureDescriptor.textureType = MTLTextureType2D;
m_textureDescriptor.pixelFormat = m_drawable.texture.pixelFormat;
m_textureDescriptor.width = m_drawable.texture.width;
m_textureDescriptor.height = m_drawable.texture.height;
m_textureDescriptor.depth = 1;
m_textureDescriptor.mipmapLevelCount = 1;
m_textureDescriptor.sampleCount = m_drawable.texture.sampleCount;
m_textureDescriptor.arrayLength = m_drawable.texture.arrayLength;
if ( m_iOS9Runtime || m_macOS11Runtime )
m_textureDescriptor.cpuCacheMode = MTLCPUCacheModeDefaultCache;
m_textureDescriptor.storageMode = (MTLStorageMode)(((BX_ENABLED(BX_PLATFORM_IOS)) ? 0 /* MTLStorageModeShared */ : 1 /*MTLStorageModeManaged*/)
m_textureDescriptor.usage = MTLTextureUsageRenderTarget | MTLTextureUsageShaderRead;
m_screenshotTarget = m_device.newTextureWithDescriptor(m_textureDescriptor);
m_saveScreenshot = false;
m_uniformBuffer = m_uniformBuffers[m_bufferIndex];
m_bufferIndex = (m_bufferIndex + 1) % MTL_MAX_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT;
@ -3096,6 +3160,33 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
m_renderCommandEncoder = 0;
if ( m_screenshotTarget )
RenderPassDescriptor renderPassDescriptor = newRenderPassDescriptor();
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture = m_drawable.texture;
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].storeAction = MTLStoreActionStore;
renderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment.texture = m_backBufferDepth;
renderPassDescriptor.stencilAttachment.texture = m_backBufferStencil;
rce = m_commandBuffer.renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor(renderPassDescriptor);
uint32_t state = BGFX_STATE_DEFAULT;
FrameBufferHandle invalidFbh = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE;
VertexDeclHandle invalidVdh = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE;
RenderPipelineState pipelineState = m_screenshotBlitProgram.getRenderPipelineState(state, 0, invalidFbh, invalidVdh, 0);
rce.setFragmentTexture(m_screenshotTarget, 0);
rce.drawPrimitives(MTLPrimitiveTypeTriangle, 0, 3, 1);
} /* namespace mtl */ } // namespace bgfx
Reference in New Issue
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