Docs: Addede predefined uniforms.

This commit is contained in:
Бранимир Караџић 2022-09-02 08:10:33 -07:00
parent 255a19d397
commit 12ff3dc2b2
1 changed files with 94 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -27,23 +27,30 @@ Options:
-f <file path> Input's file path.
-o <file path> Output's file path.
-s, --scale <num> Scale factor.
--ccw Front face is counter-clockwise winding order.
--flipv Flip texture coordinate V.
--obb <num> Number of steps for calculating oriented bounding box.
Defaults to 17.
Less steps = less precise OBB.
--ccw Front face is counter-clockwise winding order.
--flipv Flip texture coordinate V.
--obb <num> | Number of steps for calculating oriented bounding box.
| Defaults to 17.
| Less steps = less precise OBB.
| More steps = slower calculation.
--packnormal <num> | Normal packing.
| 0 - unpacked 12 bytes. (default)
| 1 - packed 4 bytes.
--packuv <num> | Texture coordinate packing.
| 0 - unpacked 8 bytes. (default)
| 1 - packed 4 bytes.
--tangent Calculate tangent vectors. (packing mode is the same as normal)
--barycentric Adds barycentric vertex attribute. (Packed in bgfx::Attrib::Color1)
More steps = slower calculation.
--packnormal <num> Normal packing.
0 - unpacked 12 bytes. (Default)
1 - packed 4 bytes.
--packuv <num> Texture coordinate packing.
0 - unpacked 8 bytes. (Default)
1 - packed 4 bytes.
--tangent Calculate tangent vectors. (Packing mode is the same as normal)
--barycentric Adds barycentric vertex attribute. (Packed in bgfx::Attrib::Color1)
-c, --compress Compress indices.
--[l/r]h-up+[y/z] Coordinate system. Defaults to '--lh-up+y' — Left-Handed +Y is up.
Geometry Viewer (geometryv)
@ -74,11 +81,14 @@ Some differences between bgfx's shaderc flavor of GLSL and vanilla GLSL:
- ``$input/$output`` tokens corresponding to inputs and outputs defined in
```` must be used at the beginning of shader.
Shader Compiler also has the following default defines:
=============================== ======================= =======
Define symbol Description Option
=============================== ======================= =======
Shader Compiler also has the following default defines (default value is set to 0):
=============================== ======================= ========================================
Define symbol Description Option
=============================== ======================= ========================================
``BX_PLATFORM_ANDROID`` Android platform ``--platform android``
``BX_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN`` Emscripten platform ``--platform asm.js``
``BX_PLATFORM_IOS`` iOS platform ``--platform ios``
@ -87,17 +97,41 @@ Shader Compiler also has the following default defines:
``BX_PLATFORM_PS4`` PlayStation 4 platform ``--platform orbis``
``BX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS`` Windows platform ``--platform windows``
``BX_PLATFORM_XBOXONE`` *Not implemented*
------------------------------- ----------------------- -------
------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
``BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_GLSL`` GLSL profile ``-p NNN`` and ``-p NNN_es``
``BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_METAL`` Metal profile ``-p metal``
``BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_PSSL`` PSSL profile ``-p pssl``
``BGFX_SHADER_LANGUAGE_SPIRV`` SPIR-V profile ``-p spirv`` and ``-p spirvNN-NN``
------------------------------- ----------------------- -------
------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
``BGFX_SHADER_TYPE_COMPUTE`` Compute shader ``--type compute`` or ``--type c``
``BGFX_SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT`` Fragment shader ``--type fragment`` or ``--type f``
``BGFX_SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX`` Vertex shader ``--type vertex`` or ``--type v``
=============================== ======================= ========
=============================== ======================= ========================================
Predefined Uniforms
======= =================== ====================================================================
Type Name Description
======= =================== ====================================================================
vec4 u_viewRect | View rectangle.
| ``u_viewRect.xy`` - xy offset in screen space.
| ```` - width/height size in screen space.
vec4 u_viewTexel | Screen-to-texel space conversion.
| ``u_viewTexel.xy = 1.0/;``
mat4 u_view Transform world-to-view space.
mat4 u_invView Transform view-to-world space.
mat4 u_proj Transform view-to-clip space.
mat4 u_invProj Transform clip-to-view space.
mat4 u_viewProj Transform world-to-clip space.
mat4 u_invViewProj Transform clip-to-world space.
mat4[N] u_model Transform local-to-world space array.
mat4 u_modelView Transform local-to-view space.
mat4 u_modelViewProj Transform local-to-clip space.
float u_alphaRef | The reference value to which incoming alpha
| values are compared.
======= =================== ====================================================================
For more info, see the `shader helper macros
@ -113,12 +147,12 @@ Options:
--depends Generate makefile style depends file.
--platform <platform> Target platform.
-p, --profile <profile> Shader model.
Defaults to GLSL.
Defaults to GLSL.
--preprocess Only pre-process.
--define <defines> Add defines to preprocessor. (semicolon separated)
--raw Do not process shader. No preprocessor, and no glsl-optimizer. (GLSL only)
--type <type> Shader type.
Can be 'vertex', 'fragment, or 'compute'.
Can be 'vertex', 'fragment, or 'compute'.
--varyingdef <file path> A's file path.
--verbose Be verbose.
@ -127,8 +161,8 @@ Options:
--debug Debug information.
--disasm Disassemble a compiled shader.
-O <level> Set optimization level.
Can be 03.
--Werror Treat warnings as errors.
Can be 03.
--Werror Treat warnings as errors.
Building shaders
@ -167,29 +201,41 @@ Supported file formats:
-h, --help Display this help and exit.
-v, --version Output version information and exit.
-f <file path> Input's file path.
-o <file path> Output's file path.
-t <format> Output format type. (BC1/2/3/4/5, ETC1, PVR14, etc.)
-q <quality> Encoding quality.
Can be 'default', 'fastest', or 'highest'.
-m, --mips Generate mip-maps.
--mipskip <N> Skip <N> number of mips.
-n, --normalmap Input texture is normal map. (Implies --linear)
--equirect Input texture is equirectangular projection of cubemap.
--strip Input texture is horizontal strip of cubemap.
--sdf Compute SDF texture.
--ref <alpha> Alpha reference value.
--iqa Image Quality Assessment
--pma Premultiply alpha into RGB channel.
--linear Input and output texture is linear color space. (Gamma correction won't be applied)
--max <max size> Maximum width/height. (Image will be scaled down and aspect ratio will be preserved)
--radiance <model> Radiance cubemap filter.
Model can be 'Phong', 'PhongBrdf', 'Blinn', 'BlinnBrdf', or 'GGX'.
--as <extension> Save as.
--formats List all supported formats.
--validate **DEBUG** Validate that output image produced matches after loading.
-h, --help Help.
-v, --version Version information only.
-f <file path> Input file path.
-o <file path> Output file path.
-t <format> Output format type (BC1/2/3/4/5, ETC1, PVR14, etc.).
-q <quality> Encoding quality (default, fastest, highest).
-m, --mips Generate mip-maps.
--mipskip <N> Skip <N> number of mips.
-n, --normalmap Input texture is normal map. (Implies --linear)
--equirect Input texture is equirectangular projection of cubemap.
--strip Input texture is horizontal or vertical strip of cubemap.
--sdf Compute SDF texture.
--ref <alpha> Alpha reference value.
--iqa Image Quality Assessment
--pma Premultiply alpha into RGB channel.
--linear Input and output texture is linear color space (gamma correction won't be applied).
--max <max size> Maximum width/height (image will be scaled down and
aspect ratio will be preserved)
--radiance <model> Radiance cubemap filter. (Lighting model: Phong, PhongBrdf, Blinn, BlinnBrdf, GGX)
--as <extension> Save as.
--formats List all supported formats.
--validate **DEBUG** Validate that output image produced matches after loading.
Texture Viewer (texturev)