
104 lines
3.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-12-14 22:09:37 +01:00
* Copyright 2018 Attila Kocsis. All rights reserved.
* License:
#include ""
#include ""
IMAGE2D_WR(s_target, r8, 0);
// unpacking for edges; 2 bits per edge mean 4 gradient values (0, 0.33, 0.66, 1) for smoother transitions!
vec4 UnpackEdges( float _packedVal )
uint packedVal = uint(_packedVal * 255.5);
vec4 edgesLRTB;
edgesLRTB.x = float((packedVal >> 6) & 0x03) / 3.0; // there's really no need for mask (as it's an 8 bit input) but I'll leave it in so it doesn't cause any trouble in the future
edgesLRTB.y = float((packedVal >> 4) & 0x03) / 3.0;
edgesLRTB.z = float((packedVal >> 2) & 0x03) / 3.0;
edgesLRTB.w = float((packedVal >> 0) & 0x03) / 3.0;
return saturate( edgesLRTB + u_invSharpness );
NUM_THREADS(8, 8, 1)
void main()
uvec2 dtID = uvec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy) + uvec2(u_rect.xy);
if (all(lessThan(dtID.xy, ) )
float ao;
uvec2 pixPos = uvec2(dtID.xy);
uvec2 pixPosHalf = pixPos / uvec2(2, 2);
// calculate index in the four deinterleaved source array texture
int mx = (int(pixPos.x) % 2);
int dimy = imageSize(s_target).y;
int my = (int(dimy-1-pixPos.y) % 2);
int my = (int(pixPos.y) % 2);
int ic = mx + my * 2; // center index
int ih = (1-mx) + my * 2; // neighbouring, horizontal
int iv = mx + (1-my) * 2; // neighbouring, vertical
int id = (1-mx) + (1-my)*2; // diagonal
vec2 centerVal = texelFetch(s_finalSSAO, ivec3(pixPosHalf, ic), 0 ).xy;
ao = centerVal.x;
#if 1 // change to 0 if you want to disable last pass high-res blur (for debugging purposes, etc.)
vec4 edgesLRTB = UnpackEdges( centerVal.y );
// return 1.0 - vec4( edgesLRTB.x, edgesLRTB.y * 0.5 + edgesLRTB.w * 0.5, edgesLRTB.z, 0.0 ); // debug show edges
// convert index shifts to sampling offsets
float fmx = float(mx);
float fmy = float(my);
// in case of an edge, push sampling offsets away from the edge (towards pixel center)
float fmxe = (edgesLRTB.y - edgesLRTB.x);
float fmye = (edgesLRTB.w - edgesLRTB.z);
// calculate final sampling offsets and sample using bilinear filter
vec2 uvH = (dtID.xy + vec2( fmx + fmxe - 0.5, 1.0 - (0.5 - fmy) ) ) * 0.5 * u_halfViewportPixelSize;
vec2 uvH = (dtID.xy + vec2( fmx + fmxe - 0.5, 0.5 - fmy ) ) * 0.5 * u_halfViewportPixelSize;
float aoH = texture2DArrayLod(s_finalSSAO, vec3( uvH, ih ), 0 ).x;
vec2 uvV = (dtID.xy + vec2( 0.5 - fmx, 1.0 - (fmy - 0.5 + fmye) ) ) * 0.5 * u_halfViewportPixelSize;
vec2 uvV = (dtID.xy + vec2( 0.5 - fmx, fmy - 0.5 + fmye ) ) * 0.5 * u_halfViewportPixelSize;
float aoV = texture2DArrayLod(s_finalSSAO, vec3( uvV, iv ), 0 ).x;
vec2 uvD = (dtID.xy + vec2( fmx - 0.5 + fmxe, 1.0 - (fmy - 0.5 + fmye) ) ) * 0.5 * u_halfViewportPixelSize;
vec2 uvD = (dtID.xy + vec2( fmx - 0.5 + fmxe, fmy - 0.5 + fmye ) ) * 0.5 * u_halfViewportPixelSize;
float aoD = texture2DArrayLod(s_finalSSAO, vec3( uvD, id ), 0 ).x;
// reduce weight for samples near edge - if the edge is on both sides, weight goes to 0
vec4 blendWeights;
blendWeights.x = 1.0;
blendWeights.y = (edgesLRTB.x + edgesLRTB.y) * 0.5;
blendWeights.z = (edgesLRTB.z + edgesLRTB.w) * 0.5;
blendWeights.w = (blendWeights.y + blendWeights.z) * 0.5;
// calculate weighted average
float blendWeightsSum = dot( blendWeights, vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) );
ao = dot( vec4( ao, aoH, aoV, aoD ), blendWeights ) / blendWeightsSum;
ao = pow(ao,1.0/2.2);
imageStore(s_target, ivec2(dtID.xy), ao.xxxx);