ALLBUGS| Dont remove this line, it is used in the automatic processing of the table! | | This is a STATE-MANUALLY table. | |IID COMP LBZID KBZID STATE-MANUALLY PR SUMMARY |=================================================| 0| I | | | | | Logical operators return True equal to One but not Ones 1| C | 419 | | | 100 | The ASL Compiler doesn't allow non-constant TimeoutValue for Acquire 2| I | | | | | The elseif operator works incorrectly 3| C | 420 | | | 100 | The ASL Compiler should reject Switch operators with the identical Case operators in it 4| I | | | | | Concatenate being invoked in Method M000 changes the type of LocalX of calling Method passsed as operand to M000 5| I | | | | | Switch operator doesn't provide Default branch 6| I | | | | | ToInteger converts a decimal string the same way as a hexadecimal one 7| I | | | | | ToString updates the LocalX value (if it is zero) passed as Length parameter 8| I | | | | | The type returned by ObjectType for Object created by Field operator is not Field 9| I | | | | | Exception on ObjectType passed with not initialized values (in LocalX) 10| I | | | | | ToBuffer transforms operand (in local variable) to reference 11| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler crashes on Create*Field for invalid FieldName parameter 12| I | | 5360 | INTEGRATED | | DerefOf doesn't evaluate String to Object 13| I | | | | | The type returned by ObjectType for Object created by Create*Field operator is not BufferField 14| I,S | 421 | | | 100 | Implementation differs the specified Maximal value of MicroSeconds 15| I | | | | | ToDecimalString produces the Strings which have the length greater than expected 16| I | | | REJECTED | | Concatenate operator produces the resulting String exceeding 200 symbols without generating exception 17| I | | | | | LEqual works incorrectly for Buffer-operands containing zero 18| I | | | | | LGreater works incorrectly for Buffer-operands containing zero 19| I | | | | | LGreaterEqual works incorrectly for Buffer-operands containing zero 20| I | | | | | LLess works incorrectly for Buffer-operands containing zero 21| I | | | | | LLessEqual works incorrectly for Buffer-operands containing zero 22| I | | | | | LNotEqual works incorrectly for Buffer-operands containing zero 23| I | 435 | | | 100 | FromBCD/ToBCD works incorrectly in 64-bit mode starting with the large enough values 24| C | | | FIXED | | The EISAID doesn't provides input control of "uppercase letter" part (UUU) of EisaIdString 25| S | | | REJECTED | | The maximal length exceeding exception should be additionally specified for some operators 26| C | | | REJECTED | | The ASL Compiler doesn't forbid images of Strings exceeding maximum 27| I | | | | | Crash of ObjectType for the particular BufferFields 28| I | | | | | No exception on Create*Field for out of Buffer range 29| M | | | | 100 | Looks, like Sleep (or Wait) spend less time than specified 30| I | | | | | Crash of ObjectType for the particular Fields 31| C | 422 | | | 100 | The ASL Compiler doesn't try to detect and reject attempts to use object before its declaration is evaluated 32| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler should reject the same and out of range IRQ numbers (IRQ and IRQNoFlags macros) 33| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL-compiler doesn't refuse the same descriptor names present in the same scope (Method) 34| I | | | | | Some data tables are corrupted when _BAS field of FixedIO Resource Descriptor Macro is specified 35| C,S | | | FIXED | | The DMA Resource Descriptor Macro (specification, compilation error, to strengthen the ASL Compiler input control) 36| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL compiler should reject the VendorShort Resource Descriptor Macro with the out of range bytes number 37| S,C | 424 | | | | The Memory24 Resource Descriptor Macro specification should be updated 38| I | 418 | | INTEGRATED | | LGreater passed with Integer and String works incorrectly in 32-bit mode 39| C | | | | | The ASL Compiler fails on specific expressions with ObjectType 40| I | | | | | Crash on sync-objects reusing 41| I | | | | | ToInteger transforms operand to reference when no conversion is required 42| I | | | | | ToDecimalString transforms operand to reference when no conversion is required 43| I | | | | | ToHexString transforms operand to reference when no conversion is required 44| I | | | | | The ToUUID Macro loses the high hex-digit of each byte 45| I | | | | | Exception on ToDecimalString for Buffer with 51 elements 46| I | | | | | Exception on ToHexString for Buffer with 67 elements 47| M | | | | 100 | Timer operator doesn’t provide gradually increased values 48| I | | | REJECTED | | No exception on result of Concatenate longer than 210 bytes 49| I | | | REJECTED | | No exception on result of ToDecimalString longer than 210 bytes 50| I | | | REJECTED | | No exception on result of ToHexString longer than 210 bytes 51| S,C,I | 371 | | | | Register() macro missing parameter 52| I | | | | | The EdgeLevel offset of Interrupt macro (_HE) is specified as 25-th bit but actually it is implemented as 24-th bit 53| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler doesn't reject the out of range number of interrupts for Interrupt macro 54| I | | | | | All ASL Operators causes exceptions on two immediately passed Buffers 55| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler should reject the same Interrupt numbers (Interrupt macros) 56| C | 423 | | | 100 | The ASL Compiler generates a one element descriptor for Interrupt macro with the empty InterruptList 57| I | | | | | The standalone Return is processed incorrectly 58| I | 417 | | INTEGRATED | | Concatenate of two Integers may operates in 32-bit mode as in 64-bit mode 59| I | | | | | String to Buffer conversion doesn't reduce the size of resulting Buffer 60| I | | | | | "Outstanding allocations" on processing the Type Conversion 61| I | | | | | Crash on Store the OperationRegion result returned by Method 62| C | 436 | | INTEGRATED | | Crash of the iASL Compiler when ASL-code contains a long String declaration 63| I | | 5329 | INTEGRATED | | String to Integer conversion contradicts new April 2005 Conversion Rules 64| I | | | | | Specific operations should initiate AE_BAD_HEX_CONSTANT exceptions 65| I | | | REJECTED | | BufferField type object should be passed to Methods without any conversion (to Buffer or Integer) 66| I | | | REJECTED | | FieldUnit type object should be passed to Methods without any conversion (to Buffer or Integer) 67| I | | | REJECTED | | BufferField type object should be returned by Methods without any conversion (to Buffer or Integer) 68| I | | | REJECTED | | FieldUnit type object should be returned by Methods without any conversion (to Buffer or Integer) 69| I | | | | | Exception on storing the result of Mid operation 70| C | 425 | | REJECTED | | The ASL Compiler should reject Resource Descriptors where ResourceSourceIndex is present but ResourceSource is omitted 71| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler should reject Resource Descriptors where ResourceSourceIndex is omitted but ResourceSource is present 72| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler program returns improper status after compiling invalid ASL code 73| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler fails and reports a large number of "Recursive method call" remarks 74| I | | | | | Ones is not equal to 0xFFFFFFFF in 32-bit mode 75| C | | | | | Each scope of DefinitionBlock should be supplied with its set of _T_x objects 76| I | | | | | Unexpected dereference of Index reference in Store operator 77| I | | | | | Exception on ToInteger operator under specific conditions 78| I | | | | | Specific expression Derefof(Refof(i000)) causes deletion of object (i000) 79| I | | | | | Specific expression with ToBuffer causes exception 80| C,S | 416 | | | 100 | The ASL compiler should report Error when the name of Method (but not invocation of it) is specified in expressions 81| C,I,S | 415 | | | 100 | Call to Method immediately passed to ObjectType is evaluated improperly 82| S | 414 | | | 100 | The Data Type Conversion Rules table should be updated 83| I | | 5387 | INTEGRATED | | No exception on DerefOf of an arbitrary Source 84| I | | 5361 | INTEGRATED | | Failed to interpret AML code alternated with Method declarations 85| I | | | | | Exception on DeRefOf operator applied to IRef to Uninitialized element of Package 86| I | | | | | ToString operator produces one "Outstanding allocation" 87| I | | | | | Exception on Switch operator applied to the result of ToBuffer operator 88| S | | | REJECTED | | Spec of Match operator should be changed (conversion/null package entries) 89| S | | | | 100 | Clarifying what does the ASL Method as an element of Package mean 90| S | 412 | | | 100 | Spec of Match operator should be changed (conversion/null package entries) 91| S | 411 | | | 100 | The result of String-to-Buffer conversion should include the string null terminator 92| I | | | | | Invalid result of Index operator passed with the immediate image of Package 93| I | | | | | Invalid result of Index operator passed with the immediate image of Buffer 94| I | | | | | Invalid result of Index operator passed with the immediate image of String 95| I | | | | | Big amount of invocations of Methods causes overlap of OwnerId counter 96| C | 410 | | | 100 | The ASL Compiler fails to recognize specific Uninitialized LocalX 97| I | | | | | Crash on ObjectType passed with IRef to Method which is an element of Package 98| I | | | | | Crash on a specific AML code 99| I | | | | | The specific sequence of operations dealing with IRef/ORef corrupts the source object 100| I | | | | | The specific combination of operators aborts execution 101| C | | | | | The ASL compiler fails to create RefOf reference to Method not returning explicitly any object 102| I | | | | | The specific combination of operators produces one "Outstanding allocation" 103| I | | | | | The Method type element of Package is being invoked 104| I | | | | | The ObjectType operator being passed with the IRef to the Uninitialized element of Package causes crash 105| I | | | | | The ObjectType operator being passed with the IRef obtained by the specific way causes crash 106| I | | 5388 | | 100 | Crash on RefOf(Debug) operation 107| C | | | | | The ASL Compiler crashes when tries to convert data that can not be converted 108| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler crashes when the result of ToBCD exceeds the current range of Integer 109| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler crashes on FromBCD being passed with the invalid data (hex image containing not only decimal digits) 110| I ML | | | FIXED | | The Memory Leak anomaly on a While operator (the first anomaly encountered by PMEMCV instrumentation) 111| I | | | | | No String to Integer and Buffer to Integer conversions of the Predicate Value in If, ElseIf and While operators 112| C | | | | | The ASL compiler refuses passing the Named Objects and String constants as a MicroSecs operand of the Stall operator 113| I | | 5389 | | 100 | Unexpected dereference of Index reference immediately passed to Method 114| C | 407 | | | 100 | Method object as a Source of Index operation is treated by iASL mistakenly as a call to that Method 115| I | | 5390 | | 100 | Unexpected dereference of Index reference returned by Method and immediately passed to another Method 116| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler doesn't recognize attempts to generate IRefs to arbitrary type objects 117| I | | | | | Modifying the copy of the String obtained by the Store operator modifies the initial String Object also 118| I | | 5328 | | 100 | Access to FieldObject element of Package causes exception 119| I | 413 | | INTEGRATED | | The Logical operators in 32-bit mode act with 64-bit values 120| I | | 5370 | INTEGRATED | | Unexpected exception on Store of Device and ThermalZone elements of Package to Debug operation 121| I | 406 | | | 100 | Crash on attempt to deal with the invalid BufferFields (zero NumBits passed to CreateField) 122| C | 405 | | FIXED INTEGRATED | | The ASL Compiler doesn't report Error/Warning for zero NumBits parameter of CreateField operator 123| I | 404 | | INTEGRATED | | No exception when StartIndex in Match operator is equal to or greater than the size of SourcePackage 124| I | 403 | | INTEGRATED | | No exception when the Index argument on Index() operator is out of the Source 125| I | | | | | The Mid operator in 64-bit mode returns non-empty result for improper Index 126| I | | 5372 | | 100 | The Read access automatic dereference for RefOf reference doesn't work 127| I | | 5391 | | 100 | Unexpectedly CopyObject of immediately passed Index reference is not reference 128| I | | 5392 | INTEGRATED | | Copying the RefOf reference to Named object spoils that reference 129| I,C,S | | | | | Creating Package of an arbitrary length, Package & VarPackage 130| I | | | | | Reference to String works differently to like the references to Buffer and Package work 131| I | | 5394 | | 100 | Store to the Index reference immediately returned by Method doesn't work 132| I | | 5373 | | 100 | The Read access automatic dereference for Index reference doesn't work 133| I | | 5374 | | 100 | The Write access automatic dereference for Index reference doesn't work 134| I | | 5375 | | 100 | Writing RefOf reference from inside Method breaks effectively local Arg 135| I | | 5358 | | | Store of Index reference to another element of the same Package causes hang 136| I | | | | | CopyObject of named Buffer to the longer named Buffer works incorrectly 137| I | | | | | The Implicit Result Object conversion is mistakenly applied to the optional storing of FromBCD 138| I | | | | | 8 bytes but not 4 expected ones are written to BufferField in 32-bit mode 139| I | | | | | DeRefof and Store operations on 64-bit Integers of 32-bit AML table has been loaded modify them 140| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler doesn't report NumElements being less than the number of elements in the PackageList 141| S | 402 | | | 100 | The term 'object reference' in DMA Resource Descriptor Macro specs sounds ambiguously 142| C | 401 | | | 100 | The ASL Compiler doesn't support non-empty list of parameters of Function Declaration 143| C | | | | | The ASL Compiler doesn't support more than two-element long list of ParameterTypes argument of Method 144| C | | | | | The ASL Compiler doesn't support multiple type list for particular ParameterType of Method 145| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler should report an error for SyncLevel argument of Method outside of range 146| C | | | | | The ASL compiler refuses Package in Case operator 147| S | 400 | | | | ProcessorObj Object Type Keyword is not present in ObjectTypeKeyword 148| C | 399 | | | 100 | Additional errors to be reported by iASL for Control Method Declaration 149| S | 398 | | | 100 | Spec of Function should be clarified 150| I | | 5334 | INTEGRATED | | No exception when Serialized Method is run after the higher level mutex acquiring 151| I | | | | | The zero-length resulting String of Mid operator passed to Concatenate operator causes crash 152| C | 394 | | | 100 | Decrease severity of iASL error for non-Computational types in the Computational data positions 153| I | | 5314 | | 1 | Source and Target objects after ACPI AML StoreOp behave identically 154| I | | | | | Exception occurs on attempt to rewrite Device type object passed by ArgX to Method 155| I | | | | | Global level AML code execution is performed twice 156| I ML | | 5422 | FIXED INTEGRATED | | Memory leak till the Method exit for each execution of If(TRUE)-Else/ElseIf 157| C | 397 | | | 100 | Exception while processing the empty ParameterTypes list of Method 158| I ML | | 5423 | FIXED INTEGRATED | | Memory leak till the Method exit for each execution of Break 159| I ML | | 5424 | FIXED INTEGRATED | | Memory leak till the Method exit for each execution of Continue 160| I | | | | | Attempt to declare Field inside the If scope causes exception 161| I | | 5359 | INTEGRATED | | Named object passed as a BitIndex or NumBits to CreateField causes hang 162| I | | 5326 | INTEGRATED | | Crash while processing the global level execution exception 163| I ML | | 5425 | | 100 | The copy of Device object to LocalX is not ever released 164| I | | | FIXED | | Subtest m22d of Reference test started causing exceptions since 20050526 165| I ML | | 5426 | FIXED INTEGRATED | | Unnecessary memory allocation for CreateField should be eliminated 166| I ML | | 5427 | INTEGRATED | | Releasing memory of the inside Method scopes surrounding Return operation is needed 167| I | | | | | Manipulation test PASS but started reporting suspicious diagnostic 168| C,I | | | FIXED | | Wrong specific Package obtained for not optimized AML code 169| I | 395 | | INTEGRATED | | Improper work of ShiftLeft and ShiftRight operators on Linux in a specific case 170| I | | | REJECTED | | -- see if to rewrite it for Fields but not for BufferFields 171| I | 396 | | INTEGRATED | | Improper Integer to String implicit conversion in a specific case 172| I | | | FIXED | | Outstanding allocations to be investigated 173| I | | 5336 | FIXED INTEGRATED | | Two the same fragments of code should be compacted to one 174| I | | | | | Inappropriate constant in DescriptorType field of the Descriptor->Address64 structure 175| I | | 5369 | INTEGRATED | | Unexpected exception on Store of ThermalZone to Debug operation 176| I | | 5466 | | 100 | Store-to-Debug an element of Package having reference to itself results in an infinite loop 177| I | | 5480 | INTEGRATED | | Exception BUFFER_LIMIT occurs instead of STRING_LIMIT one 178| I | 393 | | | 100 | Unexpected exception occurs on access to the Fields specified by BankField 179| I | | | | | ConcatenateResTemplate operation falls into an endless loop 180| C | | | | | Failed to compiler Switch/Case operators 181| C | | | | | Failed to compiler specific Method 182| I | | | | | Exception on a specific declarations of objects of the same name 183| C | | | | | Stack OverFlow of ASL compiler on processing the specific recursive method call 184| I | | | | | Nesting Methods cause exceptions 185| I | 392 | | | 100 | In a slack mode Method should implicitly return zero (0) as a default value 186| I | 391 | | | 100 | The predicate value of If/While operations is not implicitly returned in slack mode 187| I | 389 | | | 100 | No exception in non-slack mode on attempt to obtain value from Method terminated by the standalone Return 188| I | 390 | | INTEGRATED | | ConcatenateResTemplate doesn't consume an empty buffer 189| I | | | | | The 1-byte buffer passed to ConcatenateResTemplate doesn't cause a run-time error 190| I | | | | | In ConcatenateResTemplate an operand ending only with the first byte of the end tag doesn't cause a run-time error 191| I,S | 388 | | | 100 | CopyObject to Buffer Field specification/implementation should be clarified/fixed 192| I | 387 | | | 100 | Incorrect value of Bank register after storing to its banked field 193| I | 354 | | | 100 | storing opt. results of Not/NAnd/NOr into Buffer Field in 32-bit mode can soil the higher bits of BF 194| I | 386 | | | 100 | Incorrect length of result of ToBuffer in case it is stored into a Named Buffer 195| I | 353 | | | 100 | Increment and Decrement of String or Buffer changes the type of operand 196| I | | | | | Incorrect conversion of String to Integer for ToInteger("0x0x12345678") 197| I | | | | | No exception occurs for incorrect String-image of Integer passed to ToInteger like "0x 1234" 198| I | | 6028 | INTEGRATED | | AML interpretation in 32-bit slack mode becomes unstable after some exceptions 199| I | | | | | No exception on DerefOf for parameter which is none of ObjectReference/IndexReference/String 200| I | 352 | | | 100 | the code path taken after exception in AcpiPsParseLoop is incorrect 201| I | 385 | | | 100 | Many Outstanding allocations on ASLTS tests run 202| I | | 6151 | FIXED INTEGRATED | | The ASLTS test b129 falls into an infinitive loop in a 32-bit slack mode 203| I | 348 | | | 100 | ObjectType operation falls into infinite loop for ring of RefOf references 204| I | 347 | | | 100 | SizeOf operation falls into infinite loop for ring of RefOf references 205| I | 346 | | | 100 | Store-to-Debug operation falls into infinite loop for ring of RefOf references 206| I | 345 | | | 100 | ObjectType operation falls into infinite loop for ring of Index references 207| I | 344 | | | 100 | SizeOf operation falls into infinite loop for ring of Index references 208| I | 343 | | | 100 | Store-to-Debug operation falls into infinite loop for ring of Index references 209| I | | 6220 | REJECTED | | Ineffective memory consumption detected by b135 ASLTS tests 210| I | 349 | | | 100 | Implicit return objects are not released in Slack Mode 211| I | | 6514 | INTEGRATED | | ACPI-CA memory leak due to optionally stored AML Object passed through "child" Method 212| I | | 6389 | | 100 | AML interpreter doesn't prevent dead RefOf-references 213| I | 342 | | | 100 | abort of AcpiExec on accessing internal object of terminated method by returned IRef 214| I | 350 | | | 100 | crash of AcpiExec on repeated CopyObject of OpRegion 215| I | 351 | | | 100 | exception on accessing IndexField with IndexName Region Field exceeding 32 bits 216| I | 341 | | | 100 | exception AE_NOT_FOUND on CreateField under specific conditions 217| I | 409 | | | 100 | Dynamic OpRegion _REG method execution problem 218| I | 408 | | | 100 | Access to internal object of Method is lost after returning from the recursive call to that Method 219| I | 426 | | | 100 | The result of Interrupt Resource Template macro is incorrect when ResourceSource is omitted 220| I | 427 | | | 100 | Inconsistent "Access is available/unavailable" _REG method calls 221| I | 428 | | | 100 | AcpiExec improper emulates alternating access to OpRegions covering different ranges 222| I | 429 | | | 100 | Alternating access to OpRegions of different Address Spaces issue 223| I | 430 | | | 100 | DataTableRegion with the non-constant *String arguments unexpectedly causes an exception or crash 224| I | 431 | | | 100 | AcpiExec is unable to emulate access to IndexField Object 225| C | 432 | | FIXED INTEGRATED | | Crash of the ASL compiler for large Offset or Length in Field Unit list 226| I | 433 | | INTEGRATED | | Excessive data is written to the Data field if it is wider than Access Width of the IndexField 227| C | | | FIXED | | The ASL Compiler fails on ASL file which ends up with the symbol of comment '/' without the following '\n' 228| I | | 5395 | | 100 | Store to the RefOf reference immediately returned by Method doesn't work 229| I | 434 | | | 100 | Clarify what is the proper behaviour in case of the zero length buffer 230| C | 437 | | | 100 | ReturnType argument of Method declaration is not supported 231| C | 438 | | | 100 | ParameterTypes argument of Method declaration is not supported 232| I | 440 | | | 100 | No exception on the repeated declaration 233| C | 441 | | | 100 | An invalid non-ASCII letter in declaration passed to ASL Compiler by Include operator causes hang of it 234| M | 448 | | | 100 | The UNIX OSL synchronization interfaces should be developed to support testing 235| M | | | | 100 | Acpiexec hangs on absent global lock on Linux, but does not hang on Windows 236| C | 453 | | | 100 | The ASL Compiler hangs on incorrect ElseIf 237| C | 454 | | | 100 | The ASL Compiler fails to recognize specific Uninitialized LocalX (for Switch) 238| I,S | 455 | | | 100 | The jumping over levels in releasing mutexes is not prohibited 239| I | 456 | | | 100 | Crash in a slack-multi-threading mode when returning from the method experienced exception 240| I | 467 | | | 100 | No exception when not owner thread runs Release of Global lock 241| I | 458 | | | 100 | Crash of AML interpreter after an exception in AcpiExReadDataFromField called from AcpiExResolveObjectToValue 242| I | 471 | | | 100 | Releasing the mutex the first Acquired on the non-zero level makes Releasing the residuary mutexes of that level impossible 243| I | 470 | | | 100 | The normal work with mutexes is broken after the mutex Release order violation 244| I | 472 | | | 100 | Acquire/Release in a global level AML code don't work 245| S | 459 | | | 100 | Switch statement translation example in ACPI Spec is contradictory 246| C | 460 | | | 100 | Switch implementation can cause AE_ALREADY_EXISTS exception when Switch is within While 247| C | 461 | | | 100 | ASL compiler incorrectly implements Break within Switch 248| I | | | | 100 | Incorrect ReferenceCount on Switch operation 249| I | | | | 100 | Strengthen the type control for AcpiExResolveOperands 250| I | | | | 100 | The ReferenceCount mechanism should be added with the internal control 251| I,C,S | 469 | | | 100 | AE_ALREADY_EXISTS on multi-threading on Switch operator 252| C | 468 | | | 100 | ASL compiler crashes on incorrect expression with Switch 253| M | 465 | | | 100 | Option -b of AcpiExec should be generalized to run any command of ACPICA debugger in a Batch mode 254| M | 466 | | | 100 | Adjust the Threads command of AcpiExec to the actual need of mt-testing 255| I | 473 | | | 100 | The multi-threading test mt_mutex/mf07 fails/crashes/hangs on 20060828 256| I | | | | 100 | Removing the useless code increases essentially the rate of interpretation 257| I | 480 | | | 100 | Unexpected AE_AML_OPERAND_TYPE when the Object in Load is a Region Field 258| I | 481 | | | 100 | Load operator should fail if its Object parameter being a Region is not in SystemMemory 259| I | 482 | | | 100 | _REG method execution during Load operator processing issue 260| I | 484 | | | 100 | For a DDBHandle Object ObjectType unexpectedly results in AE_AML_INTERNAL 261| I | 486 | | | 100 | Crash when DDBHandle parameter of Load is an Indexed Reference 262| I | 487 | 7873 | INTEGRATED | | Unexpected AE_STACK_OVERFLOW for a method call expression with nested calls 263| I | 499 | 7871 | INTEGRATED | | The sequence of evaluating operands of expression with the named objects is violated 264| I | | | | 100 | Crash on re-writing named element of Package 265| I | | | | 100 | The second run to method calculating the IRef-to-String expression is evaluated incorrectly 266| I | | 7874 | FIXED INTEGRATED | | Code of ACPICA which handles AML_NAME_OP as ObjDesc->Reference.Opcode is unused 267| M | | | | 100 | Add the BatchMode with the AcpiTerminate 268| I | | | | 100 | The manner parameters are passed to method in ACPICA contradicts to MS 269| I | | | | 100 | The sequence of evaluating Named object operands passed to method is violated 270| S | | | | 100 | ACPI control method calling convention and MS interpreter don't fit each other 271| I | | | | 100 | CopyObject of Device works incorrectly 272| I | | | | 100 | CopyObject of ThermalZone works incorrectly 273| I | 498 | | | 100 | Implementation of LoadTable operator should take into account its RootPathString parameter 274| I | | | | 100 | Named object as element of Package is handled by ACPICA differently than by MS 275| I | 500 | 7872 | INTEGRATED | | Pop result from bottom principle doesn't work 276| I | | | | 100 | 'Large Reference Count' on AML code with LoadTable/UnLoad in a slack mode 277| I | 501 | | | 100 | Crash of AML interpreter under the specific conditions (see 7466) 278| I | 508 | | | 100 | Namespace location to be relative" functionality of Load operator issue 279| C | 509 | | | 100 | iASL unexpected behavior for the same multiple External 280| C | 516 | | | 100 | iASL can unexpectedly emit the "not accessible" error for Source parameter of CondRefof 281| I | 576 | | | 100 | Normal strings as the LoadTable parameters can cause the matching table to be not found 282| I | 577 | | | 100 | Crash when the Buffer Object parameter of Load is used after an exception in it 283| I | 578 | | | 100 | When the Object parameter of Load is a Field the checksum of the supplied SSDT should be verified 284| I | 579 | | | 100 | An exception should be emitted on Load if the Length field of SSDT exceeds length of its source 285| I | 580 | | | 100 | AE_AML_OPERAND_TYPE unexpectedly occurs when the Handle parameter of Unload is a Method call 286| I | 581 | | | 100 | After an exception the elements of the Package passed to Unload are unexpectedly deleted 287| I | 582 | | | 100 | If any string to match a proper field on LoadTable exceeds field's length an exception should be emitted 288| C | 583 | | | 100 | iASL unexpectedly forbids ParameterData of Loadtable to be LocalX or UserTerm 289| I | 584 | | | 100 | Search of the table matched Loadtable parameters should be restricted to XSDT 290| I | 586 | | | 100 | AcpiExec is unable to emulate Load from OpRegion 291| C | 587 | | | 100 | iASL inconsistence on compilation of LoadTable with/without the -oa option 292| I | 588 | | | 100 | Different second and third UnLoad execution with the same argument behavior 293| I | 585 | | | 100 | Incorrect zero-length Buffer to String conversion 294| I | 589 | | | 100 | _ERR method can not be evaluated when AE_OWNER_ID_LIMIT is emitted 295| C | 590 | | | 100 | iASL reports the improper "operator has no effect" warning for LoadTable 296| I | 591 | | | 100 | AE_AML_INTERNAL unexpectedly occurs when the Loadtable ParameterData and its Target differ in the types 297| I | | | | 100 | After AE_LIMIT the further work of ACPICA mutex framework looks unstable 298| I | | | FIXED INTEGRATED | | AcpiExOpcode_XA_XT_XR routines assign addresses of released cache objects to WalkState->ResultObj causing further problems 299| I | | | | 100 | Many outstanding allocations on abnormal termination of AcpiDsCallControlMethod 300| I | | | | 100 | Recursive calls to methods with the internal declarations (and Switches) should be provided 301| I | | | | 100 | Recursive calls to methods with the internal declarations (and Swithces) causes AE_AML_INTERNAL and crash 302| I | | | | 100 | Scope operation doesn't work for the root node Location 303| I | | | | 100 | Name operation performed from inside the If operation doesn't work for the full-path ObjectName 304| I | | | | 100 | No exception AE_AML_METHOD_LIMIT for the number of method invocations exceeding 255 305| I | | | | 100 | Not owner recursive method call releases global object created by method 306| I | | | | 100 | Complex indirect storing to a LocalX violates the Writing to LocalX Rule |=================================================| | | | The symbol of comment is character '|' in the first position of line of file. | The column-separator symbol is '|'. | | | The contents of fields of the table: | | ========= | COMP - component the bug relates to: | I - AML Interpreter | C - iASL compiler | M - simulation purposes (OS Layer insertions for simulation purposes only) | U - utility | S - specs | ML - memory leak (additional information but not component) | IID - internal ID of bug | LBZID - local bugzilla ID | KBZID - kernel bugzilla ID | PR - priority for fixing the bug. Should be non-empty for each not fixed | bug and empty otherwise: | 1 - will be fixed in the first turn | 2 - will be fixed in the second turn.. | SUMMARY - summary. Short description of bug. | | STATE-MANUALLY - the state of bug set up/confirmed (if needed) manually: | FIXED - bug is fixed. It is to be filled only when there is no | ability to create the relevant bdemo test which shows | the current state of the bug. | REJECTED - not a bug more. Each rejected bug should be confirmed | by this entry here. | INTEGRATED - bug-fix is olready integrated. Each fixed bug should be | confirmed by this entry here that its patch/update is | integrated. | ========= | | | COMMENTS: | | Floating point fix proposed: 29,47 | | About how INTEGRATED was set up: | | (did not check the code update, but only PASS of test): 58,119,169,171 | | About how FIXED was set up: | | checked out visually: 53 | | About how REJECTED was set up: | | 88 -- duplicate of 90 | 170 -- duplicate of 191 | | Specs: | | 37,51,147: | the bugs are filed against specification, so the expected result | is fixing ACPI specification. It should be checked out manually | that the relevant part of specification is actually fixed/updated. | After that write manually INTEGRATED key in the STATE-MANUALLY | colomn of the relevant bug to confirm completion of bug. Some | these bugs against specs may nevertheless have the relevant bdemo | tests which make use just of the relevant functionality touched | by the part of specification. But nevertheless PASS of these | tests is not enough to set up INTEGRATED for these bugs of specs.