Disassembler: Emit descriptions for ACPI predefined names.

For each predefined name, emit a short description within a comment.
This commit is contained in:
Robert Moore 2012-05-25 10:19:05 -07:00
parent fbff62978e
commit 97a2049af8
6 changed files with 403 additions and 269 deletions

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@ -113,7 +113,18 @@
#include "acpihelp.h"
#include "acpi.h"
#include "accommon.h"
* iASL only needs a partial table (short descriptions only).
* AcpiHelp needs the full table.
#define AH_PREDEF(Name, ShortDesc, LongDesc) {Name, ShortDesc}
#define AH_PREDEF(Name, ShortDesc, LongDesc) {Name, ShortDesc, LongDesc}
* Predefined ACPI names, with short description and return value.
@ -121,264 +132,264 @@
const AH_PREDEFINED_NAME AslPredefinedInfo[] =
{"_ACx", "Active Cooling", "Returns the active cooling policy threshold values"},
{"_ADR", "Address", "Returns the address of a device on its parent bus"},
{"_AEI", "ACPI Event Interrupts", "Returns a list of GPIO events to be used as ACPI events"},
{"_ALC", "Ambient Light Chromaticity", "Returns the ambient light color chromaticity"},
{"_ALI", "Ambient Light Illuminance", "Returns the ambient light brightness"},
{"_ALN", "Alignment", "Base alignment, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_ALP", "Ambient Light Polling", "Returns the ambient light sensor polling frequency"},
{"_ALR", "Ambient Light Response", "Returns the ambient light brightness to display brightness mappings"},
{"_ALT", "Ambient Light Temperature", "Returns the ambient light color temperature"},
{"_ALx", "Active List", "Returns a list of active cooling device objects"},
{"_ART", "Active cooling Relationship Table", "Returns thermal relationship information between platform devices and fan devices"},
{"_ASI", "Address Space Id", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_ASZ", "Access Size", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_ATT", "Type-Specific Attribute", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_BAS", "Base Address", "Range base address, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_BBN", "Bios Bus Number", "Returns the PCI bus number returned by the BIOS"},
{"_BCL", "Brightness Control Levels", "Returns a list of supported brightness control levels"},
{"_BCM", "Brightness Control Method", "Sets the brightness level of the display device"},
{"_BCT", "Battery Charge Time", "Returns time remaining to complete charging battery"},
{"_BDN", "Bios Dock Name", "Returns the Dock ID returned by the BIOS"},
{"_BFS", "Back From Sleep", "Inform AML of a wake event"},
{"_BIF", "Battery Information", "Returns a Control Method Battery information block"},
{"_BIX", "Battery Information Extended", "Returns a Control Method Battery extended information block"},
{"_BLT", "Battery Level Threshold", "Set battery level threshold preferences"},
{"_BM_", "Bus Master", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_BMA", "Battery Measurement Averaging Interval", "Sets battery measurement averaging interval"},
{"_BMC", "Battery Maintenance Control", "Sets battery maintenance and control features"},
{"_BMD", "Battery Maintenance Data", "Returns battery maintenance, control, and state data"},
{"_BMS", "Battery Measurement Sampling Time", "Sets the battery measurement sampling time"},
{"_BQC", "Brightness Query Current", "Returns the current display brightness level"},
{"_BST", "Battery Status", "Returns a Control Method Battery status block"},
{"_BTM", "Battery Time", "Returns the battery runtime"},
{"_BTP", "Battery Trip Point", "Sets a Control Method Battery trip point"},
{"_CBA", "Configuration Base Address", "Sets the CBA for a PCI Express host bridge"},
{"_CDM", "Clock Domain", "Returns a logical processor's clock domain identifier"},
{"_CID", "Compatible ID", "Returns a device's Plug and Play Compatible ID list"},
{"_CLS", "Class Code", "Returns PCI class code and subclass"},
{"_CPC", "Continuous Performance Control", "Returns a list of performance control interfaces"},
{"_CRS", "Current Resource Settings", "Returns the current resource settings for a device"},
{"_CRT", "Critical Temperature", "Returns the shutdown critical temperature"},
{"_CSD", "C State Dependencies", "Returns a list of C-state dependencies"},
{"_CST", "C States", "Returns a list of supported C-states"},
{"_CWS", "Clear Wake Alarm Status", "Clear the status of wake alarms"},
{"_DBT", "Debounce Timeout", "Timeout value, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_DCK", "Dock", "Sets docking isolation. Presence indicates device is a docking station"},
{"_DCS", "Display Current Status", "Returns status of the display output device"},
{"_DDC", "Display Data Current", "Returns the EDID for the display output device"},
{"_DDN", "Dos Device Name", "Returns a device logical name"},
{"_DEC", "Decode", "Device decoding type, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_DEP", "Dependencies", "Returns a list of operation region dependencies"},
{"_DGS", "Display Graphics State", "Return the current state of the output device"},
{"_DIS", "Disable", "Disables a device"},
{"_DLM", "Device Lock Mutex", "Defines mutex for OS/AML sharing"},
{"_DMA", "Direct Memory Access", "Returns a device's current resources for DMA transactions"},
{"_DOD", "Display Output Devices", "Enumerate all devices attached to the display adapter"},
{"_DOS", "Disable Output Switching", "Sets the display output switching mode"},
{"_DPL", "Device Selection Polarity", "Polarity of Device Selection signal, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_DRS", "Drive Strength", "Drive Strength setting for GPIO connection, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_DSM", "Device Specific Method", "Executes device-specific functions"},
{"_DSS", "Device Set State", "Sets the display device state"},
{"_DSW", "Device Sleep Wake", "Sets the sleep and wake transition states for a device"},
{"_DTI", "Device Temperature Indication", "Conveys native device temperature to the platform"},
{"_Exx", "Edge GPE", "Method executed as a result of a general-purpose event"},
{"_EC_", "Embedded Controller", "returns EC offset and query information"},
{"_EDL", "Eject Device List", "Returns a list of devices that are dependent on a device (docking)"},
{"_EJD", "Ejection Dependent Device", "Returns the name of dependent (parent) device (docking)"},
{"_EJx", "Eject", "Begin or cancel a device ejection request (docking)"},
{"_END", "Endian-ness", "Endian orientation, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_EVT", "Event", "Event method for GPIO events"},
{"_FDE", "Floppy Disk Enumerate", "Returns floppy disk configuration information"},
{"_FDI", "Floppy Drive Information", "Returns a floppy drive information block"},
{"_FDM", "Floppy Drive Mode", "Sets a floppy drive speed"},
{"_FIF", "Fan Information", "Returns fan device information"},
{"_FIX", "Fixed Register Resource Provider", "Returns a list of devices that implement FADT register blocks"},
{"_FLC", "Flow Control", "Flow control, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_FPS", "Fan Performance States", "Returns a list of supported fan performance states"},
{"_FSL", "Fan Set Level", "Control method that sets the fan device's speed level (performance state)"},
{"_FST", "Fan Status", "Returns current status information for a fan device"},
{"_GAI", "Get Averaging Interval", "Returns the power meter averaging interval"},
{"_GCP", "Get Capability", "Get device time capabilities"},
{"_GHL", "Get Hardware Limit", "Returns the hardware limit enforced by the power meter"},
{"_GL_", "Global Lock", "OS-defined Global Lock mutex object"},
{"_GLK", "Global Lock", "Returns a device's Global Lock requirement for device access"},
{"_GPD", "Get Post Data", "Returns the value of the VGA device that will be posted at boot"},
{"_GPE", "General Purpose Events", "(1) predefined Scope (\\_GPE.)"},
{"_GRA", "Granularity", "Address space granularity, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_GSB", "Global System Interrupt Base", "Returns the GSB for a I/O APIC device"},
{"_GRT", "Get Real Time", "Returns current time-of-day"},
{"_GTF", "Get Task File", "Returns a list of ATA commands to restore a drive to default state"},
{"_GTM", "Get Timing Mode", "Returns a list of IDE controller timing information"},
{"_GTS", "Going To Sleep", "Inform AML of pending sleep"},
{"_GWS", "Get Wake Status", "Return status of wake alarms"},
{"_HE_", "High-Edge", "Interrupt triggering, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_HID", "Hardware ID", "Returns a device's Plug and Play Hardware ID"},
{"_HOT", "Hot Temperature", "Returns the critical temperature for sleep (entry to S4)"},
{"_HPP", "Hot Plug Parameters", "Returns a list of hot-plug information for a PCI device"},
{"_HPX", "Hot Plug Parameter Extensions", "Returns a list of hot-plug information for a PCI device. Supersedes _HPP"},
{"_HRV", "Hardware Revision", "Returns a hardware revision value"},
{"_IFT", "IPMI Interface Type", "See the Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification"},
{"_INI", "Initialize", "Performs device specific initialization"},
{"_INT", "Interrupts", "Interrupt mask bits, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_IOR", "I/O Restriction", "Restriction type, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_IRC", "Inrush Current", "Presence indicates that a device has a significant inrush current draw"},
{"_Lxx", "Level GPE", "Control method executed as a result of a general-purpose event"},
{"_LCK", "Lock", "Locks or unlocks a device (docking)"},
{"_LEN", "Length", "Range length, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_LID", "Lid", "Returns the open/closed status of the lid on a mobile system"},
{"_LIN", "Lines In Use", "Handshake lines, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_LL_", "Low Level", "Interrupt polarity, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_MAF", "Maximum Address Fixed", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_MAT", "Multiple Apic Table Entry", "Returns a list of MADT APIC structure entries"},
{"_MAX", "Maximum Base Address", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_MBM", "Memory Bandwidth Monitoring Data", "Returns bandwidth monitoring data for a memory device"},
{"_MEM", "Memory Attributes", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_MIF", "Minimum Address Fixed", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_MIN", "Minimum Base Address", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_MLS", "Multiple Language String", "Returns a device description in multiple languages"},
{"_MOD", "Mode", "Interrupt mode, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_MSG", "Message", "Sets the system message waiting status indicator"},
{"_MSM", "Memory Set Monitoring", "Sets bandwidth monitoring parameters for a memory device"},
{"_MTP", "Memory Type", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_NTT", "Notification Temperature Threshold", "Returns a threshold for device temperature change that requires platform notification"},
{"_OFF", "Off", "Sets a power resource to the off state"},
{"_ON_", "On", "Sets a power resource to the on state"},
{"_OS_", "Operating System", "Returns a string that identifies the operating system"},
{"_OSC", "Operating System Capabilities", "Inform AML of host features and capabilities"},
{"_OSI", "Operating System Interfaces", "Returns supported interfaces, behaviors, and features"},
{"_OST", "Ospm Status Indication", "Inform AML of event processing status"},
{"_PAI", "Power Averaging Interval", "Sets the averaging interval for a power meter"},
{"_PAR", "Parity", "Parity bits, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_PCL", "Power Consumer List", "Returns a list of devices powered by a power source"},
{"_PCT", "Performance Control", "Returns processor performance control and status registers"},
{"_PDC", "Processor Driver Capabilities", "Inform AML of processor driver capabilities"},
{"_PDL", "P-state Depth Limit", "Returns the lowest available performance P-state"},
{"_PHA", "Phase", "Clock phase, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_PIC", "PIC", "Inform AML of the interrupt model in use"},
{"_PIF", "Power Source Information", "Returns a Power Source information block"},
{"_PIN", "Pins", "Pin list, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_PLD", "Physical Device Location", "Returns a device's physical location information"},
{"_PMC", "Power Meter Capabilities", "Returns a list of Power Meter capabilities info"},
{"_PMD", "Power Metered Devices", "Returns a list of devices that are measured by the power meter device"},
{"_PMM", "Power Meter Measurement", "Returns the current value of the Power Meter"},
{"_POL", "Polarity", "Interrupt polarity, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_PPC", "Performance Present Capabilites", "Returns a list of the performance states currently supported by the platform"},
{"_PPE", "Polling for Platform Error", "Returns the polling interval to retrieve Corrected Platform Error information"},
{"_PPI", "Pin Configuration", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_PR", "Processor", "Predefined scope for processor objects"},
{"_PR0", "Power Resources for D0", "Returns a list of dependent power resources to enter state D0 (fully on)"},
{"_PR1", "Power Resources for D1", "Returns a list of dependent power resources to enter state D1"},
{"_PR2", "Power Resources for D2", "Returns a list of dependent power resources to enter state D2"},
{"_PR3", "Power Resources for D3hot", "Returns a list of dependent power resources to enter state D3hot"},
{"_PRE", "Power Resources for Enumeration", "Returns a list of dependent power resources to enumerate devices on a bus"},
{"_PRL", "Power Source Redundancy List", "Returns a list of power source devices in the same redundancy grouping"},
{"_PRS", "Possible Resource Settings", "Returns a list of a device's possible resource settings"},
{"_PRT", "Pci Routing Table", "Returns a list of PCI interrupt mappings"},
{"_PRW", "Power Resources for Wake", "Returns a list of dependent power resources for waking"},
{"_PS0", "Power State 0", "Sets a device's power state to D0 (device fully on)"},
{"_PS1", "Power State 1", "Sets a device's power state to D1"},
{"_PS2", "Power State 2", "Sets a device's power state to D2"},
{"_PS3", "Power State 3", "Sets a device's power state to D3 (device off)"},
{"_PSC", "Power State Current", "Returns a device's current power state"},
{"_PSD", "Processor State Dependencies", "Returns processor P-State dependencies"},
{"_PSE", "Power State for Enumeration", "Put a bus into enumeration power mode"},
{"_PSL", "Passive List", "Returns a list of passive cooling device objects"},
{"_PSR", "Power Source", "Returns the power source device currently in use"},
{"_PSS", "Performance Supported States", "Returns a list of supported processor performance states"},
{"_PSV", "Passive", "Returns the passive trip point temperature"},
{"_PSW", "Power State Wake", "Sets a device's wake function"},
{"_PTC", "Processor Throttling Control", "Returns throttling control and status registers"},
{"_PTP", "Power Trip Points", "Sets trip points for the Power Meter device"},
{"_PTS", "Prepare To Sleep", "Inform the platform of an impending sleep transition"},
{"_PUR", "Processor Utilization Request", "Returns the number of processors that the platform would like to idle"},
{"_PXM", "Proximity", "Returns a device's proximity domain identifier"},
{"_Qxx", "Query", "Embedded Controller query and SMBus Alarm control method"},
{"_RBO", "Register Bit Offset", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_RBW", "Register Bit Width", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_REG", "Region", "Inform AML code of an operation region availability change"},
{"_REV", "Revision", "Returns the revision of the ACPI specification that is implemented"},
{"_RMV", "Remove", "Returns a device's removal ability status (docking)"},
{"_RNG", "Range", "Memory range type, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_ROM", "Read-Only Memory", "Returns a copy of the ROM data for a display device"},
{"_RT_", "Resource Type", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_RTV", "Relative Temperature Values", "Returns temperature value information"},
{"_RW_", "Read-Write Status", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_RXL", "Receive Buffer Size", "Serial channel buffer, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_S0_", "S0 System State", "Returns values to enter the system into the S0 state"},
{"_S1_", "S1 System State", "Returns values to enter the system into the S1 state"},
{"_S2_", "S2 System State", "Returns values to enter the system into the S2 state"},
{"_S3_", "S3 System State", "Returns values to enter the system into the S3 state"},
{"_S4_", "S4 System State", "Returns values to enter the system into the S4 state"},
{"_S5_", "S5 System State", "Returns values to enter the system into the S5 state"},
{"_S1D", "S1 Device State", "Returns the highest D-state supported by a device when in the S1 state"},
{"_S2D", "S2 Device State", "Returns the highest D-state supported by a device when in the S2 state"},
{"_S3D", "S3 Device State", "Returns the highest D-state supported by a device when in the S3 state"},
{"_S4D", "S4 Device State", "Returns the highest D-state supported by a device when in the S4 state"},
{"_S0W", "S0 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state that the device can wake itself from S0"},
{"_S1W", "S1 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state for this device that can wake the system from S1"},
{"_S2W", "S2 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state for this device that can wake the system from S2"},
{"_S3W", "S3 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state for this device that can wake the system from S3"},
{"_S4W", "S4 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state for this device that can wake the system from S4"},
{"_SB_", "System Bus", "Scope for device and bus objects"},
{"_SBS", "Smart Battery Subsystem", "Returns the subsystem configuration"},
{"_SCP", "Set Cooling Policy", "Sets the cooling policy (active or passive)"},
{"_SDD", "Set Device Data", "Sets data for a SATA device"},
{"_SEG", "Segment", "Returns a device's PCI Segment Group number"},
{"_SHL", "Set Hardware Limit", "Sets the hardware limit enforced by the Power Meter"},
{"_SHR", "Sharable", "Interrupt share status, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_SI_", "System Indicators", "Predefined scope"},
{"_SIZ", "Size", "DMA transfer size, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_SLI", "System Locality Information", "Returns a list of NUMA system localities"},
{"_SLV", "Slave Mode", "Mode setting, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_SPD", "Set Post Device", "Sets which video device will be posted at boot"},
{"_SPE", "Speed", "Connection speed, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_SRS", "Set Resource Settings", "Sets a device's resource allocation"},
{"_SRT", "Set Real Time", "Interrupt triggering, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_SRV", "IPMI Spec Revision", "See the Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification"},
{"_SST", "System Status", "Sets the system status indicator"},
{"_STA", "Status", " (1) returns the current status of a device"},
{"_STB", "Stop Bits", "Serial channel stop bits, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_STM", "Set Timing Mode", "Sets an IDE controller transfer timings"},
{"_STP", "Set Expired Timer Wake Policy", "Sets expired timer policies of the wake alarm device"},
{"_STR", "String", "Returns a device's description string"},
{"_STV", "Set Timer Value", "Set timer values of the wake alarm device"},
{"_SUB", "Subsystem ID", "Returns the subsystem ID for a device"},
{"_SUN", "Slot User Number", "Returns the slot unique ID number"},
{"_SWS", "System Wake Source", "Returns the source event that caused the system to wake"},
{"_T_x", "Temporary", "Reserved for use by ASL compilers"},
{"_TC1", "Thermal Constant 1", "Returns TC1 for the passive cooling formula"},
{"_TC2", "Thermal Constant 2", "Returns TC2 for the passive cooling formula"},
{"_TDL", "T-State Depth Limit", "Returns the _TSS entry number of the lowest power throttling state"},
{"_TIP", "Expired Timer Wake Policy", "Returns timer policies of the wake alarm device"},
{"_TIV", "Timer Values", "Returns remaining time of the wake alarm device"},
{"_TMP", "Temperature", "Returns a thermal zone's current temperature"},
{"_TPC", "Throttling Present Capabilities", "Returns the current number of supported throttling states"},
{"_TPT", "Trip Point Temperature", "Inform AML that a device's embedded temperature sensor has crossed a temperature trip point"},
{"_TRA", "Translation", "Address translation offset, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_TRS", "Translation Sparse", "Sparse/dense flag, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_TRT", "Thermal Relationship Table", "Returns thermal relationships between platform devices"},
{"_TSD", "Throttling State Dependencies", "Returns a list of T-state dependencies"},
{"_TSF", "Type-Specific Flags", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_TSP", "Thermal Sampling Period", "Returns the thermal sampling period for passive cooling"},
{"_TSS", "Throttling Supported States", "Returns supported throttling state information"},
{"_TST", "Temperature Sensor Threshold", "Returns the minimum separation for a device's temperature trip points"},
{"_TTP", "Translation Type", "Translation/static flag, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_TTS", "Transition To State", "Inform AML of an S-state transition"},
{"_TXL", "Transmit Buffer Size", "Serial Channel buffer, Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_TYP", "Type", "DMA channel type (speed), Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_TZ_", "Thermal Zone", "Predefined scope: ACPI 1.0"},
{"_TZD", "Thermal Zone Devices", "Returns a list of device names associated with a Thermal Zone"},
{"_TZM", "Thermal Zone Member", "Returns a reference to the thermal zone of which a device is a member"},
{"_TZP", "Thermal Zone Polling", "Returns a Thermal zone's polling frequency"},
{"_UID", "Unique ID", "Return a device's unique persistent ID"},
{"_UPC", "USB Port Capabilities", "Returns a list of USB port capabilities"},
{"_UPD", "User Presence Detect", "Returns user detection information"},
{"_UPP", "User Presence Polling", "Returns the recommended user presence polling interval"},
{"_VEN", "Vendor Data", "Resource Descriptor field"},
{"_VPO", "Video Post Options", "Returns the implemented video post options"},
{"_WAK", "Wake", "Inform AML that the system has just awakened"},
{"_Wxx", "Wake Event", "Method executed as a result of a wake event"},
AH_PREDEF ("_ACx", "Active Cooling", "Returns the active cooling policy threshold values"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ADR", "Address", "Returns the address of a device on its parent bus"),
AH_PREDEF ("_AEI", "ACPI Event Interrupts", "Returns a list of GPIO events to be used as ACPI events"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ALC", "Ambient Light Chromaticity", "Returns the ambient light color chromaticity"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ALI", "Ambient Light Illuminance", "Returns the ambient light brightness"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ALN", "Alignment", "Base alignment, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ALP", "Ambient Light Polling", "Returns the ambient light sensor polling frequency"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ALR", "Ambient Light Response", "Returns the ambient light brightness to display brightness mappings"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ALT", "Ambient Light Temperature", "Returns the ambient light color temperature"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ALx", "Active List", "Returns a list of active cooling device objects"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ART", "Active cooling Relationship Table", "Returns thermal relationship information between platform devices and fan devices"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ASI", "Address Space Id", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ASZ", "Access Size", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ATT", "Type-Specific Attribute", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BAS", "Base Address", "Range base address, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BBN", "Bios Bus Number", "Returns the PCI bus number returned by the BIOS"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BCL", "Brightness Control Levels", "Returns a list of supported brightness control levels"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BCM", "Brightness Control Method", "Sets the brightness level of the display device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BCT", "Battery Charge Time", "Returns time remaining to complete charging battery"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BDN", "Bios Dock Name", "Returns the Dock ID returned by the BIOS"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BFS", "Back From Sleep", "Inform AML of a wake event"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BIF", "Battery Information", "Returns a Control Method Battery information block"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BIX", "Battery Information Extended", "Returns a Control Method Battery extended information block"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BLT", "Battery Level Threshold", "Set battery level threshold preferences"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BM_", "Bus Master", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BMA", "Battery Measurement Averaging Interval", "Sets battery measurement averaging interval"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BMC", "Battery Maintenance Control", "Sets battery maintenance and control features"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BMD", "Battery Maintenance Data", "Returns battery maintenance, control, and state data"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BMS", "Battery Measurement Sampling Time", "Sets the battery measurement sampling time"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BQC", "Brightness Query Current", "Returns the current display brightness level"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BST", "Battery Status", "Returns a Control Method Battery status block"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BTM", "Battery Time", "Returns the battery runtime"),
AH_PREDEF ("_BTP", "Battery Trip Point", "Sets a Control Method Battery trip point"),
AH_PREDEF ("_CBA", "Configuration Base Address", "Sets the CBA for a PCI Express host bridge"),
AH_PREDEF ("_CDM", "Clock Domain", "Returns a logical processor's clock domain identifier"),
AH_PREDEF ("_CID", "Compatible ID", "Returns a device's Plug and Play Compatible ID list"),
AH_PREDEF ("_CLS", "Class Code", "Returns PCI class code and subclass"),
AH_PREDEF ("_CPC", "Continuous Performance Control", "Returns a list of performance control interfaces"),
AH_PREDEF ("_CRS", "Current Resource Settings", "Returns the current resource settings for a device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_CRT", "Critical Temperature", "Returns the shutdown critical temperature"),
AH_PREDEF ("_CSD", "C State Dependencies", "Returns a list of C-state dependencies"),
AH_PREDEF ("_CST", "C States", "Returns a list of supported C-states"),
AH_PREDEF ("_CWS", "Clear Wake Alarm Status", "Clear the status of wake alarms"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DBT", "Debounce Timeout", "Timeout value, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DCK", "Dock", "Sets docking isolation. Presence indicates device is a docking station"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DCS", "Display Current Status", "Returns status of the display output device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DDC", "Display Data Current", "Returns the EDID for the display output device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DDN", "Dos Device Name", "Returns a device logical name"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DEC", "Decode", "Device decoding type, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DEP", "Dependencies", "Returns a list of operation region dependencies"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DGS", "Display Graphics State", "Return the current state of the output device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DIS", "Disable", "Disables a device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DLM", "Device Lock Mutex", "Defines mutex for OS/AML sharing"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DMA", "Direct Memory Access", "Returns a device's current resources for DMA transactions"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DOD", "Display Output Devices", "Enumerate all devices attached to the display adapter"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DOS", "Disable Output Switching", "Sets the display output switching mode"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DPL", "Device Selection Polarity", "Polarity of Device Selection signal, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DRS", "Drive Strength", "Drive Strength setting for GPIO connection, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DSM", "Device Specific Method", "Executes device-specific functions"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DSS", "Device Set State", "Sets the display device state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DSW", "Device Sleep Wake", "Sets the sleep and wake transition states for a device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_DTI", "Device Temperature Indication", "Conveys native device temperature to the platform"),
AH_PREDEF ("_Exx", "Edge GPE", "Method executed as a result of a general-purpose event"),
AH_PREDEF ("_EC_", "Embedded Controller", "returns EC offset and query information"),
AH_PREDEF ("_EDL", "Eject Device List", "Returns a list of devices that are dependent on a device (docking)"),
AH_PREDEF ("_EJD", "Ejection Dependent Device", "Returns the name of dependent (parent) device (docking)"),
AH_PREDEF ("_EJx", "Eject", "Begin or cancel a device ejection request (docking)"),
AH_PREDEF ("_END", "Endian-ness", "Endian orientation, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_EVT", "Event", "Event method for GPIO events"),
AH_PREDEF ("_FDE", "Floppy Disk Enumerate", "Returns floppy disk configuration information"),
AH_PREDEF ("_FDI", "Floppy Drive Information", "Returns a floppy drive information block"),
AH_PREDEF ("_FDM", "Floppy Drive Mode", "Sets a floppy drive speed"),
AH_PREDEF ("_FIF", "Fan Information", "Returns fan device information"),
AH_PREDEF ("_FIX", "Fixed Register Resource Provider", "Returns a list of devices that implement FADT register blocks"),
AH_PREDEF ("_FLC", "Flow Control", "Flow control, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_FPS", "Fan Performance States", "Returns a list of supported fan performance states"),
AH_PREDEF ("_FSL", "Fan Set Level", "Control method that sets the fan device's speed level (performance state)"),
AH_PREDEF ("_FST", "Fan Status", "Returns current status information for a fan device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GAI", "Get Averaging Interval", "Returns the power meter averaging interval"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GCP", "Get Capability", "Get device time capabilities"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GHL", "Get Hardware Limit", "Returns the hardware limit enforced by the power meter"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GL_", "Global Lock", "OS-defined Global Lock mutex object"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GLK", "Global Lock", "Returns a device's Global Lock requirement for device access"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GPD", "Get Post Data", "Returns the value of the VGA device that will be posted at boot"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GPE", "General Purpose Events", "(1) predefined Scope (\\_GPE.)"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GRA", "Granularity", "Address space granularity, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GSB", "Global System Interrupt Base", "Returns the GSB for a I/O APIC device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GRT", "Get Real Time", "Returns current time-of-day"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GTF", "Get Task File", "Returns a list of ATA commands to restore a drive to default state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GTM", "Get Timing Mode", "Returns a list of IDE controller timing information"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GTS", "Going To Sleep", "Inform AML of pending sleep"),
AH_PREDEF ("_GWS", "Get Wake Status", "Return status of wake alarms"),
AH_PREDEF ("_HE_", "High-Edge", "Interrupt triggering, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_HID", "Hardware ID", "Returns a device's Plug and Play Hardware ID"),
AH_PREDEF ("_HOT", "Hot Temperature", "Returns the critical temperature for sleep (entry to S4)"),
AH_PREDEF ("_HPP", "Hot Plug Parameters", "Returns a list of hot-plug information for a PCI device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_HPX", "Hot Plug Parameter Extensions", "Returns a list of hot-plug information for a PCI device. Supersedes _HPP"),
AH_PREDEF ("_HRV", "Hardware Revision", "Returns a hardware revision value"),
AH_PREDEF ("_IFT", "IPMI Interface Type", "See the Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification"),
AH_PREDEF ("_INI", "Initialize", "Performs device specific initialization"),
AH_PREDEF ("_INT", "Interrupts", "Interrupt mask bits, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_IOR", "I/O Restriction", "Restriction type, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_IRC", "Inrush Current", "Presence indicates that a device has a significant inrush current draw"),
AH_PREDEF ("_Lxx", "Level GPE", "Control method executed as a result of a general-purpose event"),
AH_PREDEF ("_LCK", "Lock", "Locks or unlocks a device (docking)"),
AH_PREDEF ("_LEN", "Length", "Range length, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_LID", "Lid", "Returns the open/closed status of the lid on a mobile system"),
AH_PREDEF ("_LIN", "Lines In Use", "Handshake lines, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_LL_", "Low Level", "Interrupt polarity, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_MAF", "Maximum Address Fixed", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_MAT", "Multiple Apic Table Entry", "Returns a list of MADT APIC structure entries"),
AH_PREDEF ("_MAX", "Maximum Base Address", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_MBM", "Memory Bandwidth Monitoring Data", "Returns bandwidth monitoring data for a memory device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_MEM", "Memory Attributes", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_MIF", "Minimum Address Fixed", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_MIN", "Minimum Base Address", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_MLS", "Multiple Language String", "Returns a device description in multiple languages"),
AH_PREDEF ("_MOD", "Mode", "Interrupt mode, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_MSG", "Message", "Sets the system message waiting status indicator"),
AH_PREDEF ("_MSM", "Memory Set Monitoring", "Sets bandwidth monitoring parameters for a memory device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_MTP", "Memory Type", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_NTT", "Notification Temperature Threshold", "Returns a threshold for device temperature change that requires platform notification"),
AH_PREDEF ("_OFF", "Off", "Sets a power resource to the off state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ON_", "On", "Sets a power resource to the on state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_OS_", "Operating System", "Returns a string that identifies the operating system"),
AH_PREDEF ("_OSC", "Operating System Capabilities", "Inform AML of host features and capabilities"),
AH_PREDEF ("_OSI", "Operating System Interfaces", "Returns supported interfaces, behaviors, and features"),
AH_PREDEF ("_OST", "Ospm Status Indication", "Inform AML of event processing status"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PAI", "Power Averaging Interval", "Sets the averaging interval for a power meter"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PAR", "Parity", "Parity bits, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PCL", "Power Consumer List", "Returns a list of devices powered by a power source"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PCT", "Performance Control", "Returns processor performance control and status registers"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PDC", "Processor Driver Capabilities", "Inform AML of processor driver capabilities"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PDL", "P-state Depth Limit", "Returns the lowest available performance P-state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PHA", "Phase", "Clock phase, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PIC", "PIC", "Inform AML of the interrupt model in use"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PIF", "Power Source Information", "Returns a Power Source information block"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PIN", "Pins", "Pin list, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PLD", "Physical Device Location", "Returns a device's physical location information"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PMC", "Power Meter Capabilities", "Returns a list of Power Meter capabilities info"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PMD", "Power Metered Devices", "Returns a list of devices that are measured by the power meter device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PMM", "Power Meter Measurement", "Returns the current value of the Power Meter"),
AH_PREDEF ("_POL", "Polarity", "Interrupt polarity, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PPC", "Performance Present Capabilites", "Returns a list of the performance states currently supported by the platform"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PPE", "Polling for Platform Error", "Returns the polling interval to retrieve Corrected Platform Error information"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PPI", "Pin Configuration", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PR", "Processor", "Predefined scope for processor objects"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PR0", "Power Resources for D0", "Returns a list of dependent power resources to enter state D0 (fully on)"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PR1", "Power Resources for D1", "Returns a list of dependent power resources to enter state D1"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PR2", "Power Resources for D2", "Returns a list of dependent power resources to enter state D2"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PR3", "Power Resources for D3hot", "Returns a list of dependent power resources to enter state D3hot"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PRE", "Power Resources for Enumeration", "Returns a list of dependent power resources to enumerate devices on a bus"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PRL", "Power Source Redundancy List", "Returns a list of power source devices in the same redundancy grouping"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PRS", "Possible Resource Settings", "Returns a list of a device's possible resource settings"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PRT", "Pci Routing Table", "Returns a list of PCI interrupt mappings"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PRW", "Power Resources for Wake", "Returns a list of dependent power resources for waking"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PS0", "Power State 0", "Sets a device's power state to D0 (device fully on)"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PS1", "Power State 1", "Sets a device's power state to D1"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PS2", "Power State 2", "Sets a device's power state to D2"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PS3", "Power State 3", "Sets a device's power state to D3 (device off)"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PSC", "Power State Current", "Returns a device's current power state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PSD", "Processor State Dependencies", "Returns processor P-State dependencies"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PSE", "Power State for Enumeration", "Put a bus into enumeration power mode"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PSL", "Passive List", "Returns a list of passive cooling device objects"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PSR", "Power Source", "Returns the power source device currently in use"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PSS", "Performance Supported States", "Returns a list of supported processor performance states"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PSV", "Passive", "Returns the passive trip point temperature"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PSW", "Power State Wake", "Sets a device's wake function"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PTC", "Processor Throttling Control", "Returns throttling control and status registers"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PTP", "Power Trip Points", "Sets trip points for the Power Meter device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PTS", "Prepare To Sleep", "Inform the platform of an impending sleep transition"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PUR", "Processor Utilization Request", "Returns the number of processors that the platform would like to idle"),
AH_PREDEF ("_PXM", "Proximity", "Returns a device's proximity domain identifier"),
AH_PREDEF ("_Qxx", "Query", "Embedded Controller query and SMBus Alarm control method"),
AH_PREDEF ("_RBO", "Register Bit Offset", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_RBW", "Register Bit Width", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_REG", "Region", "Inform AML code of an operation region availability change"),
AH_PREDEF ("_REV", "Revision", "Returns the revision of the ACPI specification that is implemented"),
AH_PREDEF ("_RMV", "Remove", "Returns a device's removal ability status (docking)"),
AH_PREDEF ("_RNG", "Range", "Memory range type, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_ROM", "Read-Only Memory", "Returns a copy of the ROM data for a display device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_RT_", "Resource Type", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_RTV", "Relative Temperature Values", "Returns temperature value information"),
AH_PREDEF ("_RW_", "Read-Write Status", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_RXL", "Receive Buffer Size", "Serial channel buffer, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S0_", "S0 System State", "Returns values to enter the system into the S0 state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S1_", "S1 System State", "Returns values to enter the system into the S1 state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S2_", "S2 System State", "Returns values to enter the system into the S2 state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S3_", "S3 System State", "Returns values to enter the system into the S3 state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S4_", "S4 System State", "Returns values to enter the system into the S4 state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S5_", "S5 System State", "Returns values to enter the system into the S5 state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S1D", "S1 Device State", "Returns the highest D-state supported by a device when in the S1 state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S2D", "S2 Device State", "Returns the highest D-state supported by a device when in the S2 state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S3D", "S3 Device State", "Returns the highest D-state supported by a device when in the S3 state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S4D", "S4 Device State", "Returns the highest D-state supported by a device when in the S4 state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S0W", "S0 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state that the device can wake itself from S0"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S1W", "S1 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state for this device that can wake the system from S1"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S2W", "S2 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state for this device that can wake the system from S2"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S3W", "S3 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state for this device that can wake the system from S3"),
AH_PREDEF ("_S4W", "S4 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state for this device that can wake the system from S4"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SB_", "System Bus", "Scope for device and bus objects"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SBS", "Smart Battery Subsystem", "Returns the subsystem configuration"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SCP", "Set Cooling Policy", "Sets the cooling policy (active or passive)"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SDD", "Set Device Data", "Sets data for a SATA device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SEG", "Segment", "Returns a device's PCI Segment Group number"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SHL", "Set Hardware Limit", "Sets the hardware limit enforced by the Power Meter"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SHR", "Sharable", "Interrupt share status, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SI_", "System Indicators", "Predefined scope"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SIZ", "Size", "DMA transfer size, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SLI", "System Locality Information", "Returns a list of NUMA system localities"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SLV", "Slave Mode", "Mode setting, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SPD", "Set Post Device", "Sets which video device will be posted at boot"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SPE", "Speed", "Connection speed, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SRS", "Set Resource Settings", "Sets a device's resource allocation"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SRT", "Set Real Time", "Interrupt triggering, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SRV", "IPMI Spec Revision", "See the Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SST", "System Status", "Sets the system status indicator"),
AH_PREDEF ("_STA", "Status", " (1) returns the current status of a device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_STB", "Stop Bits", "Serial channel stop bits, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_STM", "Set Timing Mode", "Sets an IDE controller transfer timings"),
AH_PREDEF ("_STP", "Set Expired Timer Wake Policy", "Sets expired timer policies of the wake alarm device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_STR", "String", "Returns a device's description string"),
AH_PREDEF ("_STV", "Set Timer Value", "Set timer values of the wake alarm device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SUB", "Subsystem ID", "Returns the subsystem ID for a device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SUN", "Slot User Number", "Returns the slot unique ID number"),
AH_PREDEF ("_SWS", "System Wake Source", "Returns the source event that caused the system to wake"),
AH_PREDEF ("_T_x", "Temporary", "Reserved for use by ASL compilers"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TC1", "Thermal Constant 1", "Returns TC1 for the passive cooling formula"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TC2", "Thermal Constant 2", "Returns TC2 for the passive cooling formula"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TDL", "T-State Depth Limit", "Returns the _TSS entry number of the lowest power throttling state"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TIP", "Expired Timer Wake Policy", "Returns timer policies of the wake alarm device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TIV", "Timer Values", "Returns remaining time of the wake alarm device"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TMP", "Temperature", "Returns a thermal zone's current temperature"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TPC", "Throttling Present Capabilities", "Returns the current number of supported throttling states"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TPT", "Trip Point Temperature", "Inform AML that a device's embedded temperature sensor has crossed a temperature trip point"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TRA", "Translation", "Address translation offset, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TRS", "Translation Sparse", "Sparse/dense flag, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TRT", "Thermal Relationship Table", "Returns thermal relationships between platform devices"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TSD", "Throttling State Dependencies", "Returns a list of T-state dependencies"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TSF", "Type-Specific Flags", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TSP", "Thermal Sampling Period", "Returns the thermal sampling period for passive cooling"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TSS", "Throttling Supported States", "Returns supported throttling state information"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TST", "Temperature Sensor Threshold", "Returns the minimum separation for a device's temperature trip points"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TTP", "Translation Type", "Translation/static flag, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TTS", "Transition To State", "Inform AML of an S-state transition"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TXL", "Transmit Buffer Size", "Serial Channel buffer, Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TYP", "Type", "DMA channel type (speed), Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TZ_", "Thermal Zone", "Predefined scope: ACPI 1.0"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TZD", "Thermal Zone Devices", "Returns a list of device names associated with a Thermal Zone"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TZM", "Thermal Zone Member", "Returns a reference to the thermal zone of which a device is a member"),
AH_PREDEF ("_TZP", "Thermal Zone Polling", "Returns a Thermal zone's polling frequency"),
AH_PREDEF ("_UID", "Unique ID", "Return a device's unique persistent ID"),
AH_PREDEF ("_UPC", "USB Port Capabilities", "Returns a list of USB port capabilities"),
AH_PREDEF ("_UPD", "User Presence Detect", "Returns user detection information"),
AH_PREDEF ("_UPP", "User Presence Polling", "Returns the recommended user presence polling interval"),
AH_PREDEF ("_VEN", "Vendor Data", "Resource Descriptor field"),
AH_PREDEF ("_VPO", "Video Post Options", "Returns the implemented video post options"),
AH_PREDEF ("_WAK", "Wake", "Inform AML that the system has just awakened"),
AH_PREDEF ("_Wxx", "Wake Event", "Method executed as a result of a wake event"),

View File

@ -131,6 +131,62 @@ AcpiDmMatchKeyword (
* FUNCTION: AcpiDmPredefinedDescription
* PARAMETERS: Op - Name() parse object
* RETURN: None
* DESCRIPTION: Emit a description comment for a predefined ACPI name.
* Used for iASL compiler only.
AcpiDmPredefinedDescription (
char *NameString;
if (!Op)
/* Predefined name must start with an underscore */
NameString = ACPI_CAST_PTR (char, &Op->Named.Name);
if (*NameString != '_')
/* Match the name in the info table */
for (Info = AslPredefinedInfo; Info->Name; Info++)
if (ACPI_COMPARE_NAME (NameString, Info->Name))
AcpiOsPrintf (" // %4.4s: %s",
NameString, Info->Description);
/* TBD: How to handle these cases: */
/* _ACx, _ALx, _EJx, _Lxx, _Exx, _Qxx, _Wxx, _T_x */
* FUNCTION: AcpiDmMethodFlags

View File

@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ AcpiDmDescendingOp (
* keep track of the current column.
if (Info->Count /*+Info->LastLevel*/ > 10)
if (Info->Count /* +Info->LastLevel */ > 10)
Info->Count = 0;
AcpiOsPrintf ("\n");
@ -605,6 +605,10 @@ AcpiDmDescendingOp (
AcpiDmMethodFlags (Op);
AcpiOsPrintf (")");
/* Emit description comment for Name() with a predefined ACPI name */
AcpiDmPredefinedDescription (Op);
@ -675,7 +679,8 @@ AcpiDmDescendingOp (
AcpiOsPrintf ("*** Unhandled named opcode %X\n", Op->Common.AmlOpcode);
AcpiOsPrintf ("*** Unhandled named opcode %X\n",
@ -716,7 +721,8 @@ AcpiDmDescendingOp (
NextOp = NextOp->Common.Next;
AcpiDmWalkParseTree (NextOp, AcpiDmDescendingOp, AcpiDmAscendingOp, Info);
AcpiDmWalkParseTree (NextOp, AcpiDmDescendingOp,
AcpiDmAscendingOp, Info);
Info->Flags = 0;
Info->Level = Level;
@ -758,12 +764,19 @@ AcpiDmDescendingOp (
if (Op->Common.DisasmOpcode == ACPI_DASM_RESOURCE)
* We have a resource list. Don't need to output
* the buffer size Op. Open up a new block
* We have a resource list. Don't need to output
* the buffer size Op. Open up a new block
NextOp->Common.DisasmFlags |= ACPI_PARSEOP_IGNORE;
NextOp = NextOp->Common.Next;
AcpiOsPrintf (")\n");
AcpiOsPrintf (")");
/* Emit description comment for Name() with a predefined ACPI name */
AcpiDmPredefinedDescription (Op->Asl.Parent);
Op->Asl.Parent->Common.DisasmFlags |= ACPI_PARSEOP_PREDEF_CHECKED;
AcpiOsPrintf ("\n");
AcpiDmIndent (Info->Level);
AcpiOsPrintf ("{\n");
return (AE_OK);
@ -791,7 +804,7 @@ AcpiDmDescendingOp (
/* The next op is the size or predicate parameter */
/* The next op is the size parameter */
NextOp = AcpiPsGetDepthNext (NULL, Op);
if (NextOp)
@ -844,6 +857,7 @@ AcpiDmAscendingOp (
void *Context)
ACPI_OP_WALK_INFO *Info = Context;
if (Op->Common.DisasmFlags & ACPI_PARSEOP_IGNORE)
@ -869,6 +883,14 @@ AcpiDmAscendingOp (
AcpiOsPrintf (")");
/* Emit description comment for Name() with a predefined ACPI name */
if ((Op->Common.AmlOpcode == AML_NAME_OP) &&
(!(Op->Common.DisasmFlags & ACPI_PARSEOP_PREDEF_CHECKED)))
AcpiDmPredefinedDescription (Op);
/* Could be a nested operator, check if comma required */
if (!AcpiDmCommaIfListMember (Op))
@ -983,7 +1005,21 @@ AcpiDmAscendingOp (
if (Op->Common.Next)
AcpiOsPrintf (")\n");
AcpiOsPrintf (")");
/* Emit description comment for Name() with a predefined ACPI name */
ParentOp = Op->Common.Parent;
if (ParentOp)
ParentOp = ParentOp->Common.Parent;
if (ParentOp && ParentOp->Asl.AmlOpcode == AML_NAME_OP)
AcpiDmPredefinedDescription (ParentOp);
ParentOp->Common.DisasmFlags |= ACPI_PARSEOP_PREDEF_CHECKED;
AcpiOsPrintf ("\n");
AcpiDmIndent (Level - 1);
AcpiOsPrintf ("{\n");

View File

@ -590,6 +590,10 @@ void
AcpiDmMethodFlags (
AcpiDmPredefinedDescription (
AcpiDmFieldFlags (

View File

@ -551,4 +551,14 @@ ACPI_EXTERN UINT32 AcpiGbl_SizeOfAcpiObjects;
#endif /* ACPI_DEBUGGER */
* Info/help support
extern const AH_PREDEFINED_NAME AslPredefinedInfo[];
#endif /* __ACGLOBAL_H__ */

View File

@ -1032,6 +1032,7 @@ typedef struct acpi_parse_state
@ -1383,4 +1384,20 @@ typedef struct acpi_debug_mem_block
* Info/help support
typedef struct ah_predefined_name
char *Name;
char *Description;
char *Action;
#endif /* __ACLOCAL_H__ */