
36 lines
1.4 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#incude <stdlib.h>
#define MAX 20
//i and j act as counters
//arraySort is the array that is to be sorted
//elmtToInsert will be the element that we will be trying to move to its correct index in the current iteration
int main()
int i, elmtToInsert , j , arraySort[MAX] = {0};
for(i = 1 ; i < MAX ; i++) //This array is being sorted in the ascending order.
elmtToInsert = arraySort[i]; //Pick up the ith indexed element of the array. It will be the elmtToInsert.
j = i - 1 ;
while(j >= 0 && elmtToInsert < arraySort[j]) /*compare it with each (i-1)th, (i-2)th... max 0th element, till the correct
position of the elmtToInsert, where it is finally greater than the element just
before it, is found */
// You'll enter the loop if the elmtToInsert is less than the element just before it.
arraySort[j+1] = arraySort[j]; //shift the current element one place forward to create room for insertion of the elmtToInsert
//when we exit the loop, j+1 will be the index of the correct position of the elmtToInsert
arraySort[j+1] = elmtToInsert ; //'insert' the elmtToInsert into its correct position