
294 lines
7.2 KiB

* @file
* @brief Implementation of [Doubly linked list](
* @details
* A doubly linked list is a data structure with a sequence
* of components called nodes. Within that nodes there are
* three elements: a value recorded, a pointer to the next
* node, and a pointer to the previous node.
* In this implementation, the functions of creating the list,
* inserting by position, deleting by position, searching
* for value, printing the list, and an example of how the
* list works were coded.
* @author [Gabriel Mota Bromonschenkel Lima](
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* @brief Doubly linked list struct
typedef struct list
double value; ///< value saved on each node
struct list *next, *prev; ///< directing to other nodes or NULL
} List;
* @brief Create list function, a new list containing one node will be created
* @param value a value to be saved into the first list node
* @returns new_list the list created
List *create(double value);
* @brief Insertion by position into the list function
* @param list a doubly linked List
* @param value a value to be inserted into the list
* @param pos a position into the list for value insertion
* @returns list the input list with a node more or the same list
List *insert(List *list, double value, int pos);
* @brief Deletion by position into the list function
* @param list a doubly linked List
* @param pos a position into the list for value Deletion
* @returns list the input list with deleted values or the same list
List *delete(List *list, int pos);
* @brief Search value into the list function
* @param list a doubly linked list
* @param value a value to be looked for into the list
* @returns `1` if the looked up value exists
* @returns `0` if the looked up value doesn't exist
int search(List *list, double value);
* @brief Print list function
* @param list a doubly linked List
* @returns void
void print(List *list);
* @brief Example function
* @returns void
void example();
* @brief Main function
* @returns 0 on exit
int main()
// examples for better understanding
// code here
return 0;
* @brief Create list function, a new list containing one node will be created
* @param value a value to be saved into the first list node
* @returns new_list the list created
List *create(double value)
List *new_list = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
new_list->value = value;
new_list->next = NULL;
new_list->prev = NULL;
return new_list;
* @brief Insertion by position into the list function
* @param list a doubly linked List
* @param value a value to be inserted into the list
* @param pos a position into the list for value insertion
* @returns list the input list with a node more or the same list
List *insert(List *list, double value, int pos)
// list NULL case
if (list == NULL)
list = create(value);
return list;
// position existing case
if (pos > 0)
List *cpy = list, *tmp = cpy;
int flag = 1, index = 1, size = 0;
while (tmp != NULL)
tmp = tmp->next;
// first position case
if (pos == 1)
List *new_node = create(value);
new_node->next = cpy;
cpy->prev = new_node;
list = new_node;
return list;
// position existing in list range case
if (size + 2 > pos)
while (cpy->next != NULL && index < pos)
cpy = cpy->next;
List *new_node = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
new_node->value = value;
// position into list with no poiting for NULL
if (flag == pos)
cpy->prev->next = new_node;
new_node->next = cpy;
new_node->prev = cpy->prev;
cpy->prev = new_node;
// last position case
if (flag < pos)
new_node->next = cpy->next;
new_node->prev = cpy;
cpy->next = new_node;
return list;
* @brief Deletion by position into the list function
* @param list a doubly linked List
* @param pos a position into the list for value Deletion
* @returns list the input list with deleted values or the same list
List *delete(List *list, int pos)
// list NULL case
if (list == NULL)
return list;
// position existing case
if (pos > 0)
List *cpy = list, *tmp = cpy;
int flag = 1, index = 1, size = 0;
while (tmp != NULL)
tmp = tmp->next;
// first position case
if (pos == 1)
if (size == 1)
return NULL;
cpy = cpy->next;
cpy->prev = NULL;
return cpy;
// position existing in list range case
if (size + 2 > pos)
while (cpy->next != NULL && index < pos)
cpy = cpy->next;
if (flag == pos)
// position into list with no poiting for NULL
if (cpy->next != NULL)
cpy->prev->next = cpy->next;
cpy->next->prev = cpy->prev;
// last position case
cpy->prev->next = NULL;
return list;
* @brief Search value into the list function
* @param list a doubly linked list
* @param value a value to be looked for into the list
* @returns `1` if the looked up value exists
* @returns `0` if the looked up value doesn't exist
int search(List *list, double value)
if (list == NULL)
return 0;
if (list->value == value)
return 1;
search(list->next, value);
* @brief Print list function
* @param list a doubly linked List
* @returns void
void print(List *list)
if (list != NULL)
printf("%f\t", list->value);
* @brief Example function
* @returns void
void example()
List *my_list = NULL;
double node_value = 0;
int searching;
my_list = create(node_value);
my_list = insert(my_list, 3, 1);
my_list = insert(my_list, 5, 3);
my_list = insert(my_list, 10, 3);
my_list = insert(my_list, 20, 3);
searching = search(my_list, 20);
printf("\n%d\n", searching);
my_list = delete (my_list, 1);
my_list = delete (my_list, 1);
my_list = delete (my_list, 1);
my_list = delete (my_list, 1);
searching = search(my_list, 20);
printf("\n%d\n", searching);