Algorithms_in_C 1.0.0
Set of algorithms implemented in C.
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_big_intStore arbitratily large integer values as a linked list of digits
 C_cantor_setStructure to define Cantor set
 C_large_numDynamically large number
 CadalineStructure to hold adaline model parameters
 CBSTIteratorDefinition for a binary tree node
 CbufferStruct used to store character in certain times
 Cdual_quat_Dual quaternion type
 Ceuler_3D Euler or Tait-Bryan angles (in radian)
 Ckohonen_array_3dTo store info regarding 3D arrays
 ClistDoubly linked list struct
 Cmat_3x3_A 3x3 Matrix type definition
 Cmax_heapFor INT_MIN
 CMEMORY_INFORMATIONFor the malloc, calloc and free functions
 CnodeNode, the basic data structure in the tree
 CNodeNode, the basic data structure of the tree
 CpidPID Controller
 Cquaternion_Quaternion type represented using a scalar \(w\) or \(q_0\) and a 3D vector \(\left(q_1,q_2,q_3\right)\)
 Csegment_treeThis structures holds all the data that is required by a segment tree
 CStackFor printf() and scanf()
 CsudokuStructure to hold the matrix and dimensions
 CtermIdentifier for single-variable polynomial coefficients as a linked list
 Cvec_3d_3D vector type