/** * @file * @brief An [affine cipher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affine_cipher) is a * letter substitution cipher that uses a linear transformation to substitute * letters in a message. * @details Given an alphabet of length M with characters with numeric values * 0-(M-1), an arbitrary character x can be transformed with the expression (ax * + b) % M into our ciphertext character. The only caveat is that a must be * relatively prime with M in order for this transformation to be invertible, * i.e., gcd(a, M) = 1. * @author [Daniel Murrow](https://github.com/dsmurrow) */ #include /// for assertions #include /// for IO #include /// for div function and div_t struct as well as malloc and free #include /// for strlen, strcpy, and strcmp /** * @brief number of characters in our alphabet (printable ASCII characters) */ #define ALPHABET_SIZE 95 /** * @brief used to convert a printable byte (32 to 126) to an element of the * group Z_95 (0 to 94) */ #define Z95_CONVERSION_CONSTANT 32 /** * @brief a structure representing an affine cipher key */ typedef struct { int a; ///< what the character is being multiplied by int b; ///< what is being added after the multiplication with `a` } affine_key_t; /** * @brief finds the value x such that (a * x) % m = 1 * * @param a number we are finding the inverse for * @param m the modulus the inversion is based on * * @returns the modular multiplicative inverse of `a` mod `m` */ int modular_multiplicative_inverse(unsigned int a, unsigned int m) { int x[2] = {1, 0}; div_t div_result; if (m == 0) { return 0; } a %= m; if (a == 0) { return 0; } div_result.rem = a; while (div_result.rem > 0) { div_result = div(m, a); m = a; a = div_result.rem; // Calculate value of x for this iteration int next = x[1] - (x[0] * div_result.quot); x[1] = x[0]; x[0] = next; } return x[1]; } /** * @brief Given a valid affine cipher key, this function will produce the * inverse key. * * @param key They key to be inverted * * @returns inverse of key */ affine_key_t inverse_key(affine_key_t key) { affine_key_t inverse; inverse.a = modular_multiplicative_inverse(key.a, ALPHABET_SIZE); // Turn negative results positive inverse.a += ALPHABET_SIZE; inverse.a %= ALPHABET_SIZE; inverse.b = -(key.b % ALPHABET_SIZE) + ALPHABET_SIZE; return inverse; } /** * @brief Encrypts character string `s` with key * * @param s string to be encrypted * @param key affine key used for encryption * * @returns void */ void affine_encrypt(char *s, affine_key_t key) { for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) { int c = (int)s[i] - Z95_CONVERSION_CONSTANT; c *= key.a; c += key.b; c %= ALPHABET_SIZE; s[i] = (char)(c + Z95_CONVERSION_CONSTANT); } } /** * @brief Decrypts an affine ciphertext * * @param s string to be decrypted * @param key Key used when s was encrypted * * @returns void */ void affine_decrypt(char *s, affine_key_t key) { affine_key_t inverse = inverse_key(key); for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) { int c = (int)s[i] - Z95_CONVERSION_CONSTANT; c += inverse.b; c *= inverse.a; c %= ALPHABET_SIZE; s[i] = (char)(c + Z95_CONVERSION_CONSTANT); } } /** * @brief Tests a given string * * @param s string to be tested * @param a value of key.a * @param b value of key.b * * @returns void */ void test_string(const char *s, const char *ciphertext, int a, int b) { char *copy = malloc((strlen(s) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(copy, s); affine_key_t key = {a, b}; affine_encrypt(copy, key); assert(strcmp(copy, ciphertext) == 0); // assert that the encryption worked affine_decrypt(copy, key); assert(strcmp(copy, s) == 0); // assert that we got the same string we started with free(copy); } /** * @brief Test multiple strings * * @returns void */ static void tests() { test_string("Hello!", "&3ddy2", 7, 11); test_string("TheAlgorithms/C", "DNC}=jHS2zN!7;E", 67, 67); test_string("0123456789", "840,($ {ws", 91, 88); test_string("7W@;cdeRT9uL", "JDfa*we?z&bL", 77, 76); test_string("~Qr%^-+++$leM", "r'qC0$sss;Ahf", 8, 90); test_string("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "K7: .*6<4 =-0(1 90' 5*2/, 0):- +7: 3>%& ;08", 94, 0); test_string( "One-1, Two-2, Three-3, Four-4, Five-5, Six-6, Seven-7, Eight-8, " "Nine-9, Ten-10", "H&60>\\2*uY0q\\2*p4660E\\2XYn40x\\2XDB60L\\2VDI0 " "\\2V6B6&0S\\2%D=p;0'\\2tD&60Z\\2*6&0>j", 51, 18); printf("All tests have successfully passed!\n"); } /** * @brief main function * * @returns 0 upon successful program exit */ int main() { tests(); return 0; }