#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Simple DirectMedia Layer # Copyright (C) 1997-2024 Sam Lantinga # # This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied # warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages # arising from the use of this software. # # Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, # including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it # freely, subject to the following restrictions: # # 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not # claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software # in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be # appreciated but is not required. # 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be # misrepresented as being the original software. # 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. use warnings; use strict; use File::Path; use Text::Wrap; $Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow'; my $projectfullname = 'Simple Directmedia Layer'; my $projectshortname = 'SDL'; my $wikisubdir = ''; my $incsubdir = 'include'; my $readmesubdir = undef; my $apiprefixregex = undef; my $versionfname = 'include/SDL_version.h'; my $versionmajorregex = '\A\#define\s+SDL_MAJOR_VERSION\s+(\d+)\Z'; my $versionminorregex = '\A\#define\s+SDL_MINOR_VERSION\s+(\d+)\Z'; my $versionmicroregex = '\A\#define\s+SDL_MICRO_VERSION\s+(\d+)\Z'; my $mainincludefname = 'SDL.h'; my $selectheaderregex = '\ASDL.*?\.h\Z'; my $projecturl = 'https://libsdl.org/'; my $wikiurl = 'https://wiki.libsdl.org'; my $bugreporturl = 'https://github.com/libsdl-org/sdlwiki/issues/new'; my $srcpath = undef; my $wikipath = undef; my $wikireadmesubdir = 'README'; my $warn_about_missing = 0; my $copy_direction = 0; my $optionsfname = undef; my $wikipreamble = undef; my $wikiheaderfiletext = 'Defined in %fname%'; my $manpageheaderfiletext = 'Defined in %fname%'; my $headercategoryeval = undef; my $changeformat = undef; my $manpath = undef; my $gitrev = undef; foreach (@ARGV) { $warn_about_missing = 1, next if $_ eq '--warn-about-missing'; $copy_direction = 1, next if $_ eq '--copy-to-headers'; $copy_direction = 1, next if $_ eq '--copy-to-header'; $copy_direction = -1, next if $_ eq '--copy-to-wiki'; $copy_direction = -2, next if $_ eq '--copy-to-manpages'; $copy_direction = -3, next if $_ eq '--report-coverage-gaps'; $copy_direction = -4, next if $_ eq '--copy-to-latex'; if (/\A--options=(.*)\Z/) { $optionsfname = $1; next; } elsif (/\A--changeformat=(.*)\Z/) { $changeformat = $1; next; } elsif (/\A--manpath=(.*)\Z/) { $manpath = $1; next; } elsif (/\A--rev=(.*)\Z/) { $gitrev = $1; next; } $srcpath = $_, next if not defined $srcpath; $wikipath = $_, next if not defined $wikipath; } my $default_optionsfname = '.wikiheaders-options'; $default_optionsfname = "$srcpath/$default_optionsfname" if defined $srcpath; if ((not defined $optionsfname) && (-f $default_optionsfname)) { $optionsfname = $default_optionsfname; } if (defined $optionsfname) { open OPTIONS, '<', $optionsfname or die("Failed to open options file '$optionsfname': $!\n"); while () { next if /\A\s*\#/; # Skip lines that start with (optional whitespace, then) '#' as comments. chomp; if (/\A(.*?)\=(.*)\Z/) { my $key = $1; my $val = $2; $key =~ s/\A\s+//; $key =~ s/\s+\Z//; $val =~ s/\A\s+//; $val =~ s/\s+\Z//; $warn_about_missing = int($val), next if $key eq 'warn_about_missing'; $srcpath = $val, next if $key eq 'srcpath'; $wikipath = $val, next if $key eq 'wikipath'; $apiprefixregex = $val, next if $key eq 'apiprefixregex'; $projectfullname = $val, next if $key eq 'projectfullname'; $projectshortname = $val, next if $key eq 'projectshortname'; $wikisubdir = $val, next if $key eq 'wikisubdir'; $incsubdir = $val, next if $key eq 'incsubdir'; $readmesubdir = $val, next if $key eq 'readmesubdir'; $versionmajorregex = $val, next if $key eq 'versionmajorregex'; $versionminorregex = $val, next if $key eq 'versionminorregex'; $versionmicroregex = $val, next if $key eq 'versionmicroregex'; $versionfname = $val, next if $key eq 'versionfname'; $mainincludefname = $val, next if $key eq 'mainincludefname'; $selectheaderregex = $val, next if $key eq 'selectheaderregex'; $projecturl = $val, next if $key eq 'projecturl'; $wikiurl = $val, next if $key eq 'wikiurl'; $bugreporturl = $val, next if $key eq 'bugreporturl'; $wikipreamble = $val, next if $key eq 'wikipreamble'; $wikiheaderfiletext = $val, next if $key eq 'wikiheaderfiletext'; $manpageheaderfiletext = $val, next if $key eq 'manpageheaderfiletext'; $headercategoryeval = $val, next if $key eq 'headercategoryeval'; } } close(OPTIONS); } sub escLaTeX { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/([_\#\&\^])/\\$1/g; return $str; } my $wordwrap_mode = 'mediawiki'; sub wordwrap_atom { # don't call this directly. my $str = shift; my $retval = ''; # wordwrap but leave links intact, even if they overflow. if ($wordwrap_mode eq 'mediawiki') { while ($str =~ s/(.*?)\s*(\[https?\:\/\/.*?\s+.*?\])\s*//ms) { $retval .= fill('', '', $1); # wrap it. $retval .= "\n$2\n"; # don't wrap it. } } elsif ($wordwrap_mode eq 'md') { while ($str =~ s/(.*?)\s*(\[.*?\]\(https?\:\/\/.*?\))\s*//ms) { $retval .= fill('', '', $1); # wrap it. $retval .= "\n$2\n"; # don't wrap it. } } return $retval . fill('', '', $str); } sub wordwrap_with_bullet_indent { # don't call this directly. my $bullet = shift; my $str = shift; my $retval = ''; #print("WORDWRAP BULLET ('$bullet'):\n\n$str\n\n"); # You _can't_ (at least with Pandoc) have a bullet item with a newline in # MediaWiki, so _remove_ wrapping! if ($wordwrap_mode eq 'mediawiki') { $retval = "$bullet$str"; $retval =~ s/\n/ /gms; $retval =~ s/\s+$//gms; #print("WORDWRAP BULLET DONE:\n\n$retval\n\n"); return "$retval\n"; } my $bulletlen = length($bullet); # wrap it and then indent each line to be under the bullet. $Text::Wrap::columns -= $bulletlen; my @wrappedlines = split /\n/, wordwrap_atom($str); $Text::Wrap::columns += $bulletlen; my $prefix = $bullet; my $usual_prefix = ' ' x $bulletlen; foreach (@wrappedlines) { s/\s*\Z//; $retval .= "$prefix$_\n"; $prefix = $usual_prefix; } return $retval; } sub wordwrap_one_paragraph { # don't call this directly. my $retval = ''; my $p = shift; #print "\n\n\nPARAGRAPH: [$p]\n\n\n"; if ($p =~ s/\A([\*\-] )//) { # bullet list, starts with "* " or "- ". my $bullet = $1; my $item = ''; my @items = split /\n/, $p; foreach (@items) { if (s/\A([\*\-] )//) { $retval .= wordwrap_with_bullet_indent($bullet, $item); $item = ''; } s/\A\s*//; $item .= "$_\n"; # accumulate lines until we hit the end or another bullet. } if ($item ne '') { $retval .= wordwrap_with_bullet_indent($bullet, $item); } } elsif ($p =~ /\A\s*\|.*\|\s*\n/) { # Markdown table $retval = "$p\n"; # don't wrap it (!!! FIXME: but maybe parse by lines until we run out of table...) } else { $retval = wordwrap_atom($p) . "\n"; } return $retval; } sub wordwrap_paragraphs { # don't call this directly. my $str = shift; my $retval = ''; my @paragraphs = split /\n\n/, $str; foreach (@paragraphs) { next if $_ eq ''; $retval .= wordwrap_one_paragraph($_); $retval .= "\n"; } return $retval; } my $wordwrap_default_columns = 76; sub wordwrap { my $str = shift; my $columns = shift; $columns = $wordwrap_default_columns if not defined $columns; $columns += $wordwrap_default_columns if $columns < 0; $Text::Wrap::columns = $columns; my $retval = ''; #print("\n\nWORDWRAP:\n\n$str\n\n\n"); $str =~ s/\A\n+//ms; while ($str =~ s/(.*?)(\`\`\`.*?\`\`\`|\)//ms) { #print("\n\nWORDWRAP BLOCK:\n\n$1\n\n ===\n\n$2\n\n\n"); $retval .= wordwrap_paragraphs($1); # wrap it. $retval .= "$2\n\n"; # don't wrap it. } $retval .= wordwrap_paragraphs($str); # wrap what's left. $retval =~ s/\n+\Z//ms; #print("\n\nWORDWRAP DONE:\n\n$retval\n\n\n"); return $retval; } # This assumes you're moving from Markdown (in the Doxygen data) to Wiki, which # is why the 'md' section is so sparse. sub wikify_chunk { my $wikitype = shift; my $str = shift; my $codelang = shift; my $code = shift; #print("\n\nWIKIFY CHUNK:\n\n$str\n\n\n"); if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { # convert `code` things first, so they aren't mistaken for other markdown items. my $codedstr = ''; while ($str =~ s/\A(.*?)\`(.*?)\`//ms) { my $codeblock = $2; $codedstr .= wikify_chunk($wikitype, $1, undef, undef); if (defined $apiprefixregex) { # Convert obvious API things to wikilinks, even inside `code` blocks. $codeblock =~ s/\b($apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/[[$1]]/gms; } $codedstr .= "$codeblock"; } # Convert obvious API things to wikilinks. if (defined $apiprefixregex) { $str =~ s/\b($apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/[[$1]]/gms; } # Make some Markdown things into MediaWiki... # links $str =~ s/\[(.*?)\]\((https?\:\/\/.*?)\)/\[$2 $1\]/g; # bold+italic $str =~ s/\*\*\*(.*?)\*\*\*/'''''$1'''''/gms; # bold $str =~ s/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/'''$1'''/gms; # italic $str =~ s/\*(.*?)\*/''$1''/gms; # bullets $str =~ s/^\- /* /gm; $str = $codedstr . $str; if (defined $code) { $str .= "$code<\/syntaxhighlight>"; } } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { # convert `code` things first, so they aren't mistaken for other markdown items. my $codedstr = ''; while ($str =~ s/\A(.*?)(\`.*?\`)//ms) { my $codeblock = $2; $codedstr .= wikify_chunk($wikitype, $1, undef, undef); if (defined $apiprefixregex) { # Convert obvious API things to wikilinks, even inside `code` blocks, # BUT ONLY IF the entire code block is the API thing, # So something like "just call `SDL_Whatever`" will become # "just call [`SDL_Whatever`](SDL_Whatever)", but # "just call `SDL_Whatever(7)`" will not. It's just the safest # way to do this without resorting to wrapping things in html tags. $codeblock =~ s/\A\`($apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\`\Z/[`$1`]($1)/gms; } $codedstr .= $codeblock; } # Convert obvious API things to wikilinks. if (defined $apiprefixregex) { $str =~ s/\b($apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/[$1]($1)/gms; } $str = $codedstr . $str; if (defined $code) { $str .= "```$codelang\n$code\n```\n"; } } #print("\n\nWIKIFY CHUNK DONE:\n\n$str\n\n\n"); return $str; } sub wikify { my $wikitype = shift; my $str = shift; my $retval = ''; #print("WIKIFY WHOLE:\n\n$str\n\n\n"); while ($str =~ s/\A(.*?)\`\`\`(.*?)\n(.*?)\n\`\`\`(\n|\Z)//ms) { $retval .= wikify_chunk($wikitype, $1, $2, $3); } $retval .= wikify_chunk($wikitype, $str, undef, undef); #print("WIKIFY WHOLE DONE:\n\n$retval\n\n\n"); return $retval; } my $dewikify_mode = 'md'; my $dewikify_manpage_code_indent = 1; sub dewikify_chunk { my $wikitype = shift; my $str = shift; my $codelang = shift; my $code = shift; #print("\n\nDEWIKIFY CHUNK:\n\n$str\n\n\n"); if ($dewikify_mode eq 'md') { if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { # Doxygen supports Markdown (and it just simply looks better than MediaWiki # when looking at the raw headers), so do some conversions here as necessary. # Dump obvious wikilinks. if (defined $apiprefixregex) { $str =~ s/\[\[($apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\]\]/$1/gms; } # links $str =~ s/\[(https?\:\/\/.*?)\s+(.*?)\]/\[$2\]\($1\)/g; # is also popular. :/ $str =~ s/\(.*?)<\/code>/`$1`/gms; # bold+italic $str =~ s/'''''(.*?)'''''/***$1***/gms; # bold $str =~ s/'''(.*?)'''/**$1**/gms; # italic $str =~ s/''(.*?)''/*$1*/gms; # bullets $str =~ s/^\* /- /gm; } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { # Dump obvious wikilinks. The rest can just passthrough. if (defined $apiprefixregex) { $str =~ s/\[(\`?$apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\`?)\]\($apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)/$1/gms; } } if (defined $code) { $str .= "\n```$codelang\n$code\n```\n"; } } elsif ($dewikify_mode eq 'manpage') { $str =~ s/\./\\[char46]/gms; # make sure these can't become control codes. if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { # Dump obvious wikilinks. if (defined $apiprefixregex) { $str =~ s/\s*\[\[($apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\]\]\s*/\n.BR $1\n/gms; } # links $str =~ s/\[(https?\:\/\/.*?)\s+(.*?)\]/\n.URL "$1" "$2"\n/g; # is also popular. :/ $str =~ s/\s*\(.*?)<\/code>\s*/\n.BR $1\n/gms; # bold+italic (this looks bad, just make it bold). $str =~ s/\s*'''''(.*?)'''''\s*/\n.B $1\n/gms; # bold $str =~ s/\s*'''(.*?)'''\s*/\n.B $1\n/gms; # italic $str =~ s/\s*''(.*?)''\s*/\n.I $1\n/gms; # bullets $str =~ s/^\* /\n\\\(bu /gm; } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { # Dump obvious wikilinks. if (defined $apiprefixregex) { $str =~ s/\[(\`?$apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\`?)\]\($apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)/\n.BR $1\n/gms; } # links $str =~ s/\[(.*?)]\((https?\:\/\/.*?)\)/\n.URL "$2" "$1"\n/g; # is also popular. :/ $str =~ s/\s*\`(.*?)\`\s*/\n.BR $1\n/gms; # bold+italic (this looks bad, just make it bold). $str =~ s/\s*\*\*\*(.*?)\*\*\*\s*/\n.B $1\n/gms; # bold $str =~ s/\s*\*\*(.*?)\*\*\s*/\n.B $1\n/gms; # italic $str =~ s/\s*\*(.*?)\*\s*/\n.I $1\n/gms; # bullets $str =~ s/^\- /\n\\\(bu /gm; } if (defined $code) { $code =~ s/\A\n+//gms; $code =~ s/\n+\Z//gms; if ($dewikify_manpage_code_indent) { $str .= "\n.IP\n" } else { $str .= "\n.PP\n" } $str .= ".EX\n$code\n.EE\n.PP\n"; } } elsif ($dewikify_mode eq 'LaTeX') { if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { # Dump obvious wikilinks. if (defined $apiprefixregex) { $str =~ s/\s*\[\[($apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\]\]/$1/gms; } # links $str =~ s/\[(https?\:\/\/.*?)\s+(.*?)\]/\\href{$1}{$2}/g; # is also popular. :/ $str =~ s/\s*\(.*?)<\/code>/ \\texttt{$1}/gms; # bold+italic $str =~ s/\s*'''''(.*?)'''''/ \\textbf{\\textit{$1}}/gms; # bold $str =~ s/\s*'''(.*?)'''/ \\textbf{$1}/gms; # italic $str =~ s/\s*''(.*?)''/ \\textit{$1}/gms; # bullets $str =~ s/^\*\s+/ \\item /gm; } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { # Dump obvious wikilinks. if (defined $apiprefixregex) { $str =~ s/\[(\`?$apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\`?)\]\($apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)/$1/gms; } # links $str =~ s/\[(.*?)]\((https?\:\/\/.*?)\)/\\href{$2}{$1}/g; # is also popular. :/ $str =~ s/\s*\`(.*?)\`/ \\texttt{$1}/gms; # bold+italic $str =~ s/\s*\*\*\*(.*?)\*\*\*/ \\textbf{\\textit{$1}}/gms; # bold $str =~ s/\s*\*\*(.*?)\*\*/ \\textbf{$1}/gms; # italic $str =~ s/\s*\*(.*?)\*/ \\textit{$1}/gms; # bullets $str =~ s/^\-\s+/ \\item /gm; } # Wrap bullet lists in itemize blocks... $str =~ s/^(\s*\\item .*?)(\n\n|\Z)/\n\\begin{itemize}\n$1$2\n\\end{itemize}\n\n/gms; $str = escLaTeX($str); if (defined $code) { $code =~ s/\A\n+//gms; $code =~ s/\n+\Z//gms; if (($codelang eq '') || ($codelang eq 'output')) { $str .= "\\begin{verbatim}\n$code\n\\end{verbatim}\n"; } else { if ($codelang eq 'c') { $codelang = 'C'; } elsif ($codelang eq 'c++') { $codelang = 'C++'; } else { die("Unexpected codelang '$codelang'"); } $str .= "\n\\lstset{language=$codelang}\n"; $str .= "\\begin{lstlisting}\n$code\n\\end{lstlisting}\n"; } } } else { die("Unexpected dewikify_mode"); } #print("\n\nDEWIKIFY CHUNK DONE:\n\n$str\n\n\n"); return $str; } sub dewikify { my $wikitype = shift; my $str = shift; return '' if not defined $str; #print("DEWIKIFY WHOLE:\n\n$str\n\n\n"); $str =~ s/\A[\s\n]*\= .*? \=\s*?\n+//ms; $str =~ s/\A[\s\n]*\=\= .*? \=\=\s*?\n+//ms; my $retval = ''; if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { while ($str =~ s/\A(.*?)(.*?)<\/syntaxhighlight\>//ms) { $retval .= dewikify_chunk($wikitype, $1, $2, $3); } } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { while ($str =~ s/\A(.*?)\n```(.*?)\n(.*?)\n```\n//ms) { $retval .= dewikify_chunk($wikitype, $1, $2, $3); } } $retval .= dewikify_chunk($wikitype, $str, undef, undef); #print("DEWIKIFY WHOLE DONE:\n\n$retval\n\n\n"); return $retval; } sub filecopy { my $src = shift; my $dst = shift; my $endline = shift; $endline = "\n" if not defined $endline; open(COPYIN, '<', $src) or die("Failed to open '$src' for reading: $!\n"); open(COPYOUT, '>', $dst) or die("Failed to open '$dst' for writing: $!\n"); while () { chomp; s/[ \t\r\n]*\Z//; print COPYOUT "$_$endline"; } close(COPYOUT); close(COPYIN); } sub usage { die("USAGE: $0 [--copy-to-headers|--copy-to-wiki|--copy-to-manpages] [--warn-about-missing] [--manpath=]\n\n"); } usage() if not defined $srcpath; usage() if not defined $wikipath; #usage() if $copy_direction == 0; if (not defined $manpath) { $manpath = "$srcpath/man"; } my @standard_wiki_sections = ( 'Draft', '[Brief]', 'Deprecated', 'Header File', 'Syntax', 'Function Parameters', 'Macro Parameters', 'Fields', 'Values', 'Return Value', 'Remarks', 'Thread Safety', 'Version', 'Code Examples', 'See Also' ); # Sections that only ever exist in the wiki and shouldn't be deleted when # not found in the headers. my %only_wiki_sections = ( # The ones don't mean anything, I just need to check for key existence. 'Draft', 1, 'Code Examples', 1, 'Header File', 1 ); my %headers = (); # $headers{"SDL_audio.h"} -> reference to an array of all lines of text in SDL_audio.h. my %headersyms = (); # $headersyms{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> string of header documentation for SDL_OpenAudio, with comment '*' bits stripped from the start. Newlines embedded! my %headerdecls = (); my %headersymslocation = (); # $headersymslocation{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> name of header holding SDL_OpenAudio define ("SDL_audio.h" in this case). my %headersymschunk = (); # $headersymschunk{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> offset in array in %headers that should be replaced for this symbol. my %headersymshasdoxygen = (); # $headersymshasdoxygen{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> 1 if there was no existing doxygen for this function. my %headersymstype = (); # $headersymstype{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> 1 (function), 2 (macro), 3 (struct), 4 (enum), 5 (other typedef) my %headersymscategory = (); # $headersymscategory{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> 'Audio' ... this is set with a `/* WIKI CATEGEORY: Audio */` comment in the headers that sets it on all symbols until a new comment changes it. So usually, once at the top of the header file. my %headercategorydocs = (); # $headercategorydocs{"Audio"} -> (fake) symbol for this category's documentation. Undefined if not documented. my %headersymsparaminfo = (); # $headersymsparaminfo{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> reference to array of parameters, pushed by name, then C type string, repeating. Undef'd if void params, or not a function. my %headersymsrettype = (); # $headersymsrettype{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> string of C datatype of return value. Undef'd if not a function. my %wikitypes = (); # contains string of wiki page extension, like $wikitypes{"SDL_OpenAudio"} == 'mediawiki' my %wikisyms = (); # contains references to hash of strings, each string being the full contents of a section of a wiki page, like $wikisyms{"SDL_OpenAudio"}{"Remarks"}. my %wikisectionorder = (); # contains references to array, each array item being a key to a wikipage section in the correct order, like $wikisectionorder{"SDL_OpenAudio"}[2] == 'Remarks' my %referenceonly = (); # $referenceonly{"Y"} -> symbol name that this symbol is bound to. This makes wiki pages that say "See X" where "X" is a typedef and "Y" is a define attached to it. These pages are generated in the wiki only and do not bridge to the headers or manpages. my @coverage_gap = (); # array of strings that weren't part of documentation, or blank, or basic preprocessor logic. Lets you see what this script is missing! sub add_coverage_gap { if ($copy_direction == -3) { # --report-coverage-gaps my $text = shift; my $dent = shift; my $lineno = shift; return if $text =~ /\A\s*\Z/; # skip blank lines return if $text =~ /\A\s*\#\s*(if|el|endif|include)/; # skip preprocessor floof. push @coverage_gap, "$dent:$lineno: $text"; } } sub print_undocumented_section { my $fh = shift; my $typestr = shift; my $typeval = shift; print $fh "## $typestr defined in the headers, but not in the wiki\n\n"; my $header_only_sym = 0; foreach (sort keys %headersyms) { my $sym = $_; if ((not defined $wikisyms{$sym}) && ($headersymstype{$sym} == $typeval)) { print $fh "- [$sym]($sym)\n"; $header_only_sym = 1; } } if (!$header_only_sym) { print $fh "(none)\n"; } print $fh "\n"; if (0) { # !!! FIXME: this lists things that _shouldn't_ be in the headers, like MigrationGuide, etc, but also we don't know if they're functions, macros, etc at this point (can we parse that from the wiki page, though?) print $fh "## $typestr defined in the wiki, but not in the headers\n\n"; my $wiki_only_sym = 0; foreach (sort keys %wikisyms) { my $sym = $_; if ((not defined $headersyms{$sym}) && ($headersymstype{$sym} == $typeval)) { print $fh "- [$sym]($sym)\n"; $wiki_only_sym = 1; } } if (!$wiki_only_sym) { print $fh "(none)\n"; } print $fh "\n"; } } sub strip_fn_declaration_metadata { my $decl = shift; $decl =~ s/SDL_(PRINTF|SCANF)_FORMAT_STRING\s*//; # don't want this metadata as part of the documentation. $decl =~ s/SDL_ALLOC_SIZE2?\(.*?\)\s*//; # don't want this metadata as part of the documentation. $decl =~ s/SDL_MALLOC\s*//; # don't want this metadata as part of the documentation. $decl =~ s/SDL_(IN|OUT|INOUT)_.*?CAP\s*\(.*?\)\s*//g; # don't want this metadata as part of the documentation. $decl =~ s/\)(\s*SDL_[a-zA-Z_]+(\(.*?\)|))*;/);/; # don't want this metadata as part of the documentation. return $decl; } sub sanitize_c_typename { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/\A\s+//; $str =~ s/\s+\Z//; $str =~ s/const\s*(\*+)/const $1/g; # one space between `const` and pointer stars: `char const* const *` becomes `char const * const *`. $str =~ s/\*\s+\*/**/g; # drop spaces between pointers: `void * *` becomes `void **`. $str =~ s/\s*(\*+)\Z/ $1/; # one space between pointer stars and what it points to: `void**` becomes `void **`. return $str; } my $incpath = "$srcpath"; $incpath .= "/$incsubdir" if $incsubdir ne ''; my $wikireadmepath = "$wikipath/$wikireadmesubdir"; my $readmepath = undef; if (defined $readmesubdir) { $readmepath = "$srcpath/$readmesubdir"; } opendir(DH, $incpath) or die("Can't opendir '$incpath': $!\n"); while (my $d = readdir(DH)) { my $dent = $d; next if not $dent =~ /$selectheaderregex/; # just selected headers. open(FH, '<', "$incpath/$dent") or die("Can't open '$incpath/$dent': $!\n"); # You can optionally set a wiki category with Perl code in .wikiheaders-options that gets eval()'d per-header, # and also if you put `/* WIKI CATEGORY: blah */` on a line by itself, it'll change the category for any symbols # below it in the same file. If no category is set, one won't be added for the symbol (beyond the standard CategoryFunction, etc) my $current_wiki_category = undef; if (defined $headercategoryeval) { $_ = $dent; $current_wiki_category = eval($headercategoryeval); if (($current_wiki_category eq '') || ($current_wiki_category eq '-')) { $current_wiki_category = undef; } #print("CATEGORY FOR '$dent' IS " . (defined($current_wiki_category) ? "'$current_wiki_category'" : '(undef)') . "\n"); } my @contents = (); my $ignoring_lines = 0; my $header_comment = -1; my $saw_category_doxygen = -1; my $lineno = 0; while () { chomp; $lineno++; my $symtype = 0; # nothing, yet. my $decl; my @templines; my $str; my $has_doxygen = 1; # Since a lot of macros are just preprocessor logic spam and not all macros are worth documenting anyhow, we only pay attention to them when they have a Doxygen comment attached. # Functions and other things are a different story, though! if ($header_comment == -1) { $header_comment = /\A\/\*\s*\Z/ ? 1 : 0; } elsif (($header_comment == 1) && (/\A\*\/\s*\Z/)) { $header_comment = 0; } if ($ignoring_lines && /\A\s*\#\s*endif\s*\Z/) { $ignoring_lines = 0; push @contents, $_; next; } elsif ($ignoring_lines) { push @contents, $_; next; } elsif (/\A\s*\#\s*ifndef\s+SDL_WIKI_DOCUMENTATION_SECTION\s*\Z/) { $ignoring_lines = 1; push @contents, $_; next; } elsif (/\A\s*\/\*\s*WIKI CATEGORY:\s*(.*?)\s*\*\/\s*\Z/) { $current_wiki_category = (($1 eq '') || ($1 eq '-')) ? undef : $1; #print("CATEGORY FOR '$dent' CHANGED TO " . (defined($current_wiki_category) ? "'$current_wiki_category'" : '(undef)') . "\n"); push @contents, $_; next; } elsif (/\A\s*extern\s+(SDL_DEPRECATED\s+|)(SDLMAIN_|SDL_)?DECLSPEC/) { # a function declaration without a doxygen comment? $symtype = 1; # function declaration @templines = (); $decl = $_; $str = ''; $has_doxygen = 0; } elsif (/\A\s*SDL_FORCE_INLINE/) { # a (forced-inline) function declaration without a doxygen comment? $symtype = 1; # function declaration @templines = (); $decl = $_; $str = ''; $has_doxygen = 0; } elsif (not /\A\/\*\*\s*\Z/) { # not doxygen comment start? push @contents, $_; add_coverage_gap($_, $dent, $lineno) if ($header_comment == 0); next; } else { # Start of a doxygen comment, parse it out. my $is_category_doxygen = 0; @templines = ( $_ ); while () { chomp; $lineno++; push @templines, $_; last if /\A\s*\*\/\Z/; if (s/\A\s*\*\s*\`\`\`/```/) { # this is a hack, but a lot of other code relies on the whitespace being trimmed, but we can't trim it in code blocks... $str .= "$_\n"; while () { chomp; $lineno++; push @templines, $_; s/\A\s*\*\s?//; if (s/\A\s*\`\`\`/```/) { $str .= "$_\n"; last; } else { $str .= "$_\n"; } } } else { s/\A\s*\*\s*//; # Strip off the " * " at the start of the comment line. # To add documentation to Category Pages, the rule is it has to # be the first Doxygen comment in the header, and it must start with `# CategoryX` # (otherwise we'll treat it as documentation for whatever's below it). `X` is # the category name, which doesn't _necessarily_ have to match # $current_wiki_category, but it probably should. # # For compatibility with Doxygen, if there's a `\file` here instead of # `# CategoryName`, we'll accept it and use the $current_wiki_category if set. if ($saw_category_doxygen == -1) { $saw_category_doxygen = defined($current_wiki_category) && /\A\\file\s+/; if ($saw_category_doxygen) { $_ = "# Category$current_wiki_category"; } else { $saw_category_doxygen = /\A\# Category/; } $is_category_doxygen = $saw_category_doxygen; } $str .= "$_\n"; } } if ($is_category_doxygen) { $str =~ s/\s*\Z//; $decl = ''; $symtype = -1; # not a symbol at all. } else { $decl = ; $lineno++ if defined $decl; $decl = '' if not defined $decl; chomp($decl); if ($decl =~ /\A\s*extern\s+(SDL_DEPRECATED\s+|)(SDLMAIN_|SDL_)?DECLSPEC/) { $symtype = 1; # function declaration } elsif ($decl =~ /\A\s*SDL_FORCE_INLINE/) { $symtype = 1; # (forced-inline) function declaration } elsif ($decl =~ /\A\s*\#\s*define\s+/) { $symtype = 2; # macro } elsif ($decl =~ /\A\s*(typedef\s+|)(struct|union)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)\s*(\n|\{|\Z)/) { $symtype = 3; # struct or union } elsif ($decl =~ /\A\s*(typedef\s+|)enum\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)\s*(\n|\{|\Z)/) { $symtype = 4; # enum } elsif ($decl =~ /\A\s*typedef\s+.*\Z/) { $symtype = 5; # other typedef } else { #print "Found doxygen but no function sig:\n$str\n\n"; foreach (@templines) { push @contents, $_; add_coverage_gap($_, $dent, $lineno); } push @contents, $decl; add_coverage_gap($decl, $dent, $lineno); next; } } } my @paraminfo = (); my $rettype = undef; my @decllines = ( $decl ); my $sym = ''; if ($symtype == -1) { # category documentation with no symbol attached. @decllines = (); if ($str =~ /^#\s*Category(.*?)\s*$/m) { $sym = "[category documentation] $1"; # make a fake, unique symbol that's not valid C. } else { die("Unexpected category documentation line '$str' in '$incpath/$dent' ...?"); } $headercategorydocs{$current_wiki_category} = $sym; } elsif ($symtype == 1) { # a function my $is_forced_inline = ($decl =~ /\A\s*SDL_FORCE_INLINE/); if ($is_forced_inline) { if (not $decl =~ /\)\s*(\{.*|)\s*\Z/) { while () { chomp; $lineno++; push @decllines, $_; s/\A\s+//; s/\s+\Z//; $decl .= " $_"; last if /\)\s*(\{.*|)\s*\Z/; } } $decl =~ s/\s*\)\s*(\{.*|)\s*\Z/);/; } else { if (not $decl =~ /;/) { while () { chomp; $lineno++; push @decllines, $_; s/\A\s+//; s/\s+\Z//; $decl .= " $_"; last if /;/; } } $decl =~ s/\s+\);\Z/);/; $decl =~ s/\s+;\Z/;/; } $decl =~ s/\s+\Z//; $decl = strip_fn_declaration_metadata($decl); my $paramsstr = undef; if (!$is_forced_inline && $decl =~ /\A\s*extern\s+(SDL_DEPRECATED\s+|)(SDLMAIN_|SDL_)?DECLSPEC\w*\s+(const\s+|)(unsigned\s+|)(.*?)([\*\s]+)(\*?)\s*SDLCALL\s+(.*?)\s*\((.*?)\);/) { $sym = $8; $rettype = "$3$4$5$6"; $paramsstr = $9; } elsif ($is_forced_inline && $decl =~ /\A\s*SDL_FORCE_INLINE\s+(SDL_DEPRECATED\s+|)(const\s+|)(unsigned\s+|)(.*?)([\*\s]+)(.*?)\s*\((.*?)\);/) { $sym = $6; $rettype = "$2$3$4$5"; $paramsstr = $7; } else { #print "Found doxygen but no function sig:\n$str\n\n"; foreach (@templines) { push @contents, $_; } foreach (@decllines) { push @contents, $_; } next; } $rettype = sanitize_c_typename($rettype); if ($paramsstr =~ /\(/) { die("\n\n$0 FAILURE!\n" . "There's a '(' in the parameters for function '$sym' '$incpath/$dent'.\n" . "This usually means there's a parameter that's a function pointer type.\n" . "This causes problems for wikiheaders.pl and is less readable, too.\n" . "Please put that function pointer into a typedef,\n" . "and use the new type in this function's signature instead!\n\n"); } my @params = split(/,/, $paramsstr); my $dotdotdot = 0; foreach (@params) { my $p = $_; $p =~ s/\A\s+//; $p =~ s/\s+\Z//; if (($p eq 'void') || ($p eq '')) { die("Void parameter in a function with multiple params?! ('$sym' in '$incpath/$dent')") if (scalar(@params) != 1); } elsif ($p eq '...') { die("Mutiple '...' params?! ('$sym' in '$incpath/$dent')") if ($dotdotdot); $dotdotdot = 1; push @paraminfo, '...'; push @paraminfo, '...'; } elsif ($p =~ /\A(.*)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_\*\[\]]+)\Z/) { die("Parameter after '...' param?! ('$sym' in '$incpath/$dent')") if ($dotdotdot); my $t = $1; my $n = $2; if ($n =~ s/\A(\*+)//) { $t .= $1; # move any `*` that stuck to the name over. } if ($n =~ s/\[\]\Z//) { $t = "$t*"; # move any `[]` that stuck to the name over, as a pointer. } $t = sanitize_c_typename($t); #print("$t\n"); #print("$n\n"); push @paraminfo, $n; push @paraminfo, $t; } else { die("Unexpected parameter '$p' in function '$sym' in '$incpath/$dent'!"); } } if (!$is_forced_inline) { # don't do with forced-inline because we don't want the implementation inserted in the wiki. my $shrink_length = 0; $decl = ''; # rebuild this with the line breaks, since it looks better for syntax highlighting. foreach (@decllines) { if ($decl eq '') { my $temp; $decl = $_; $temp = $decl; $temp =~ s/\Aextern\s+(SDL_DEPRECATED\s+|)(SDLMAIN_|SDL_)?DECLSPEC\w*\s+(.*?)\s+(\*?)SDLCALL\s+/$3$4 /; $shrink_length = length($decl) - length($temp); $decl = $temp; } else { my $trimmed = $_; $trimmed =~ s/\A\s{$shrink_length}//; # shrink to match the removed "extern SDL_DECLSPEC SDLCALL " $decl .= $trimmed; } $decl .= "\n"; } } $decl = strip_fn_declaration_metadata($decl); # !!! FIXME: code duplication with typedef processing, below. # We assume any `#define`s directly after the function are related to it: probably bitflags for an integer typedef. # We'll also allow some other basic preprocessor lines. # Blank lines are allowed, anything else, even comments, are not. my $blank_lines = 0; my $lastpos = tell(FH); my $lastlineno = $lineno; my $additional_decl = ''; my $saw_define = 0; while () { chomp; $lineno++; if (/\A\s*\Z/) { $blank_lines++; } elsif (/\A\s*\#\s*(define|if|else|elif|endif)(\s+|\Z)/) { if (/\A\s*\#\s*define\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/) { $referenceonly{$1} = $sym; $saw_define = 1; } elsif (!$saw_define) { # if the first non-blank thing isn't a #define, assume we're done. seek(FH, $lastpos, 0); # re-read eaten lines again next time. $lineno = $lastlineno; last; } # update strings now that we know everything pending is to be applied to this declaration. Add pending blank lines and the new text. # At Sam's request, don't list property defines with functions. (See #9440) my $is_property = /\A\s*\#\s*define\s+SDL_PROP_/; if (!$is_property) { if ($blank_lines > 0) { while ($blank_lines > 0) { $additional_decl .= "\n"; push @decllines, ''; $blank_lines--; } } $additional_decl .= "\n$_"; push @decllines, $_; $lastpos = tell(FH); } } else { seek(FH, $lastpos, 0); # re-read eaten lines again next time. $lineno = $lastlineno; last; } } $decl .= $additional_decl; } elsif ($symtype == 2) { # a macro if ($decl =~ /\A\s*\#\s*define\s+(.*?)(\(.*?\)|)\s+/) { $sym = $1; } else { #print "Found doxygen but no macro:\n$str\n\n"; foreach (@templines) { push @contents, $_; } foreach (@decllines) { push @contents, $_; } next; } while ($decl =~ /\\\Z/) { my $l = ; last if not $l; $lineno++; chomp($l); push @decllines, $l; #$l =~ s/\A\s+//; $l =~ s/\s+\Z//; $decl .= "\n$l"; } } elsif (($symtype == 3) || ($symtype == 4)) { # struct or union or enum my $has_definition = 0; if ($decl =~ /\A\s*(typedef\s+|)(struct|union|enum)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)\s*(\n|\{|\;|\Z)/) { my $ctype = $2; my $origsym = $3; my $ending = $4; $sym = $origsym; if ($sym =~ s/\A(.*?)(\s+)(.*?)\Z/$1/) { die("Failed to parse '$origsym' correctly!") if ($sym ne $1); # Thought this was "typedef struct MySym MySym;" ... it was not. :( This is a hack! } if ($sym eq '') { die("\n\n$0 FAILURE!\n" . "There's a 'typedef $ctype' in $incpath/$dent without a name at the top.\n" . "Instead of `typedef $ctype {} x;`, this should be `typedef $ctype x {} x;`.\n" . "This causes problems for wikiheaders.pl and scripting language bindings.\n" . "Please fix it!\n\n"); } $has_definition = ($ending ne ';'); } else { #print "Found doxygen but no datatype:\n$str\n\n"; foreach (@templines) { push @contents, $_; } foreach (@decllines) { push @contents, $_; } next; } # This block attempts to find the whole struct/union/enum definition by counting matching brackets. Kind of yucky. if ($has_definition) { my $started = 0; my $brackets = 0; my $pending = $decl; $decl = ''; while (!$started || ($brackets != 0)) { foreach my $seg (split(/([{}])/, $pending)) { $decl .= $seg; if ($seg eq '{') { $started = 1; $brackets++; } elsif ($seg eq '}') { die("Something is wrong with header $incpath/$dent while parsing $sym; is a bracket missing?\n") if ($brackets <= 0); $brackets--; } } if (!$started || ($brackets != 0)) { $pending = ; die("EOF/error reading $incpath/$dent while parsing $sym\n") if not $pending; $lineno++; chomp($pending); push @decllines, $pending; $decl .= "\n"; } } # this currently assumes the struct/union/enum ends on the line with the final bracket. I'm not writing a C parser here, fix the header! } } elsif ($symtype == 5) { # other typedef if ($decl =~ /\A\s*typedef\s+(.*)\Z/) { my $tdstr = $1; if (not $decl =~ /;/) { while () { chomp; $lineno++; push @decllines, $_; s/\A\s+//; s/\s+\Z//; $decl .= " $_"; last if /;/; } } $decl =~ s/\s+(\))?;\Z/$1;/; $tdstr =~ s/;\s*\Z//; #my $datatype; if ($tdstr =~ /\A(.*?)\s*\((.*?)\s*\*\s*(.*?)\)\s*\((.*?)(\))?/) { # a function pointer type $sym = $3; #$datatype = "$1 ($2 *$sym)($4)"; } elsif ($tdstr =~ /\A(.*[\s\*]+)(.*?)\s*\Z/) { $sym = $2; #$datatype = $1; } else { die("Failed to parse typedef '$tdstr' in $incpath/$dent!\n"); # I'm hitting a C grammar nail with a regexp hammer here, y'all. } $sym =~ s/\A\s+//; $sym =~ s/\s+\Z//; #$datatype =~ s/\A\s+//; #$datatype =~ s/\s+\Z//; } else { #print "Found doxygen but no datatype:\n$str\n\n"; foreach (@templines) { push @contents, $_; } foreach (@decllines) { push @contents, $_; } next; } # We assume any `#define`s directly after the typedef are related to it: probably bitflags for an integer typedef. # We'll also allow some other basic preprocessor lines. # Blank lines are allowed, anything else, even comments, are not. my $blank_lines = 0; my $lastpos = tell(FH); my $lastlineno = $lineno; my $additional_decl = ''; my $saw_define = 0; while () { chomp; $lineno++; if (/\A\s*\Z/) { $blank_lines++; } elsif (/\A\s*\#\s*(define|if|else|elif|endif)(\s+|\Z)/) { if (/\A\s*\#\s*define\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/) { $referenceonly{$1} = $sym; $saw_define = 1; } elsif (!$saw_define) { # if the first non-blank thing isn't a #define, assume we're done. seek(FH, $lastpos, 0); # re-read eaten lines again next time. $lineno = $lastlineno; last; } # update strings now that we know everything pending is to be applied to this declaration. Add pending blank lines and the new text. if ($blank_lines > 0) { while ($blank_lines > 0) { $additional_decl .= "\n"; push @decllines, ''; $blank_lines--; } } $additional_decl .= "\n$_"; push @decllines, $_; $lastpos = tell(FH); } else { seek(FH, $lastpos, 0); # re-read eaten lines again next time. $lineno = $lastlineno; last; } } $decl .= $additional_decl; } else { die("Unexpected symtype $symtype"); } #print("DECL: [$decl]\n"); #print("$sym:\n$str\n\n"); # There might be multiple declarations of a function due to #ifdefs, # and only one of them will have documentation. If we hit an # undocumented one before, delete the placeholder line we left for # it so it doesn't accumulate a new blank line on each run. my $skipsym = 0; if (defined $headersymshasdoxygen{$sym}) { if ($headersymshasdoxygen{$sym} == 0) { # An undocumented declaration already exists, nuke its placeholder line. delete $contents[$headersymschunk{$sym}]; # delete DOES NOT RENUMBER existing elements! } else { # documented function already existed? $skipsym = 1; # don't add this copy to the list of functions. if ($has_doxygen) { print STDERR "WARNING: Symbol '$sym' appears to be documented in multiple locations. Only keeping the first one we saw!\n"; } push @contents, join("\n", @decllines) if (scalar(@decllines) > 0); # just put the existing declation in as-is. } } if (!$skipsym) { $headersymscategory{$sym} = $current_wiki_category if defined $current_wiki_category; $headersyms{$sym} = $str; $headerdecls{$sym} = $decl; $headersymslocation{$sym} = $dent; $headersymschunk{$sym} = scalar(@contents); $headersymshasdoxygen{$sym} = $has_doxygen; $headersymstype{$sym} = $symtype; $headersymsparaminfo{$sym} = \@paraminfo if (scalar(@paraminfo) > 0); $headersymsrettype{$sym} = $rettype if (defined($rettype)); push @contents, join("\n", @templines); push @contents, join("\n", @decllines) if (scalar(@decllines) > 0); } } close(FH); $headers{$dent} = \@contents; } closedir(DH); opendir(DH, $wikipath) or die("Can't opendir '$wikipath': $!\n"); while (my $d = readdir(DH)) { my $dent = $d; my $type = ''; if ($dent =~ /\.(md|mediawiki)\Z/) { $type = $1; } else { next; # only dealing with wiki pages. } my $sym = $dent; $sym =~ s/\..*\Z//; # (There are other pages to ignore, but these are known ones to not bother parsing.) # Ignore FrontPage. next if $sym eq 'FrontPage'; open(FH, '<', "$wikipath/$dent") or die("Can't open '$wikipath/$dent': $!\n"); if ($sym =~ /\ACategory(.*?)\Z/) { # Special case for Category pages. # Find the end of the category documentation in the existing file and append everything else to the new file. my $cat = $1; my $docstr = ''; my $notdocstr = ''; my $docs = 1; while () { chomp; if ($docs) { $docs = 0 if /\A\-\-\-\-\Z/; # Hit a footer? We're done. $docs = 0 if /\A) { chomp; my $orig = $_; s/\A\s*//; s/\s*\Z//; if ($type eq 'mediawiki') { if (defined($wikipreamble) && $firstline && /\A\=\=\=\=\=\= (.*?) \=\=\=\=\=\=\Z/ && ($1 eq $wikipreamble)) { $firstline = 0; # skip this. next; } elsif (/\A\= (.*?) \=\Z/) { $firstline = 0; $current_section = ($1 eq $sym) ? '[Brief]' : $1; die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section}; push @section_order, $current_section; $sections{$current_section} = ''; } elsif (/\A\=\= (.*?) \=\=\Z/) { $firstline = 0; $current_section = ($1 eq $sym) ? '[Brief]' : $1; die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section}; push @section_order, $current_section; $sections{$current_section} = ''; next; } elsif (/\A\-\-\-\-\Z/) { $firstline = 0; $current_section = '[footer]'; die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section}; push @section_order, $current_section; $sections{$current_section} = ''; next; } } elsif ($type eq 'md') { if (defined($wikipreamble) && $firstline && /\A\#\#\#\#\#\# (.*?)\Z/ && ($1 eq $wikipreamble)) { $firstline = 0; # skip this. next; } elsif (/\A\#+ (.*?)\Z/) { $firstline = 0; $current_section = ($1 eq $sym) ? '[Brief]' : $1; die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section}; push @section_order, $current_section; $sections{$current_section} = ''; next; } elsif (/\A\-\-\-\-\Z/) { $firstline = 0; $current_section = '[footer]'; die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section}; push @section_order, $current_section; $sections{$current_section} = ''; next; } } else { die("Unexpected wiki file type. Fixme!"); } if ($firstline) { $firstline = ($_ ne ''); } if (!$firstline) { $sections{$current_section} .= "$orig\n"; } } close(FH); foreach (keys %sections) { $sections{$_} =~ s/\A\n+//; $sections{$_} =~ s/\n+\Z//; $sections{$_} .= "\n"; } # older section name we used, migrate over from it. if (defined $sections{'Related Functions'}) { if (not defined $sections{'See Also'}) { $sections{'See Also'} = $sections{'Related Functions'}; } delete $sections{'Related Functions'}; } if (0) { foreach (@section_order) { print("$sym SECTION '$_':\n"); print($sections{$_}); print("\n\n"); } } $wikitypes{$sym} = $type; $wikisyms{$sym} = \%sections; $wikisectionorder{$sym} = \@section_order; } closedir(DH); delete $wikisyms{"Undocumented"}; { my $path = "$wikipath/Undocumented.md"; open(my $fh, '>', $path) or die("Can't open '$path': $!\n"); print $fh "# Undocumented\n\n"; print_undocumented_section($fh, 'Functions', 1); #print_undocumented_section($fh, 'Macros', 2); close($fh); } if ($warn_about_missing) { foreach (keys %wikisyms) { my $sym = $_; if (not defined $headersyms{$sym}) { print STDERR "WARNING: $sym defined in the wiki but not the headers!\n"; } } foreach (keys %headersyms) { my $sym = $_; if (not defined $wikisyms{$sym}) { print STDERR "WARNING: $sym defined in the headers but not the wiki!\n"; } } } if ($copy_direction == 1) { # --copy-to-headers my %changed_headers = (); $dewikify_mode = 'md'; $wordwrap_mode = 'md'; # the headers use Markdown format. foreach (keys %headersyms) { my $sym = $_; next if not defined $wikisyms{$sym}; # don't have a page for that function, skip it. my $symtype = $headersymstype{$sym}; my $wikitype = $wikitypes{$sym}; my $sectionsref = $wikisyms{$sym}; my $remarks = $sectionsref->{'Remarks'}; my $returns = $sectionsref->{'Return Value'}; my $threadsafety = $sectionsref->{'Thread Safety'}; my $version = $sectionsref->{'Version'}; my $related = $sectionsref->{'See Also'}; my $deprecated = $sectionsref->{'Deprecated'}; my $brief = $sectionsref->{'[Brief]'}; my $addblank = 0; my $str = ''; my $params = undef; my $paramstr = undef; if ($symtype == -1) { # category documentation block. # nothing to be done here. } elsif (($symtype == 1) || (($symtype == 5))) { # we'll assume a typedef (5) with a \param is a function pointer typedef. $params = $sectionsref->{'Function Parameters'}; $paramstr = '\param'; } elsif ($symtype == 2) { $params = $sectionsref->{'Macro Parameters'}; $paramstr = '\param'; } elsif ($symtype == 3) { $params = $sectionsref->{'Fields'}; $paramstr = '\field'; } elsif ($symtype == 4) { $params = $sectionsref->{'Values'}; $paramstr = '\value'; } else { die("Unexpected symtype $symtype"); } $headersymshasdoxygen{$sym} = 1; # Added/changed doxygen for this header. $brief = dewikify($wikitype, $brief); $brief =~ s/\A(.*?\.) /$1\n/; # \brief should only be one sentence, delimited by a period+space. Split if necessary. my @briefsplit = split /\n/, $brief; $brief = shift @briefsplit; if (defined $remarks) { $remarks = join("\n", @briefsplit) . dewikify($wikitype, $remarks); } if (defined $brief) { $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1; $str .= wordwrap($brief) . "\n"; } if (defined $remarks) { $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1; $str .= wordwrap($remarks) . "\n"; } if (defined $deprecated) { # !!! FIXME: lots of code duplication in all of these. $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1; my $v = dewikify($wikitype, $deprecated); my $whitespacelen = length("\\deprecated") + 1; my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen; $v = wordwrap($v, -$whitespacelen); my @desclines = split /\n/, $v; my $firstline = shift @desclines; $str .= "\\deprecated $firstline\n"; foreach (@desclines) { $str .= "${whitespace}$_\n"; } } if (defined $params) { $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = (defined $returns) ? 0 : 1; my @lines = split /\n/, dewikify($wikitype, $params); if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { die("Unexpected data parsing MediaWiki table") if (shift @lines ne '{|'); # Dump the '{|' start while (scalar(@lines) >= 3) { my $c_datatype = shift @lines; my $name = shift @lines; my $desc = shift @lines; my $terminator; # the '|-' or '|}' line. if (($desc eq '|-') or ($desc eq '|}') or (not $desc =~ /\A\|/)) { # we seem to be out of cells, which means there was no datatype column on this one. $terminator = $desc; $desc = $name; $name = $c_datatype; $c_datatype = ''; } else { $terminator = shift @lines; } last if ($terminator ne '|-') and ($terminator ne '|}'); # we seem to have run out of table. $name =~ s/\A\|\s*//; $name =~ s/\A\*\*(.*?)\*\*/$1/; $name =~ s/\A\'\'\'(.*?)\'\'\'/$1/; $desc =~ s/\A\|\s*//; #print STDERR "SYM: $sym CDATATYPE: $c_datatype NAME: $name DESC: $desc TERM: $terminator\n"; my $whitespacelen = length($name) + 8; my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen; $desc = wordwrap($desc, -$whitespacelen); my @desclines = split /\n/, $desc; my $firstline = shift @desclines; $str .= "$paramstr $name $firstline\n"; foreach (@desclines) { $str .= "${whitespace}$_\n"; } } } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { my $l; $l = shift @lines; die("Unexpected data parsing Markdown table") if (not $l =~ /\A(\s*\|)?\s*\|\s*\|\s*\|\s*\Z/); $l = shift @lines; die("Unexpected data parsing Markdown table") if (not $l =~ /\A\s*(\|\s*\-*\s*)?\|\s*\-*\s*\|\s*\-*\s*\|\s*\Z/); while (scalar(@lines) >= 1) { $l = shift @lines; my $name; my $desc; if ($l =~ /\A\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*\Z/) { # c datatype is $1, but we don't care about it here. $name = $2; $desc = $3; } elsif ($l =~ /\A\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*\Z/) { $name = $1; $desc = $2; } else { last; # we seem to have run out of table. } $name =~ s/\A\*\*(.*?)\*\*/$1/; $name =~ s/\A\'\'\'(.*?)\'\'\'/$1/; #print STDERR "SYM: $sym NAME: $name DESC: $desc\n"; my $whitespacelen = length($name) + 8; my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen; $desc = wordwrap($desc, -$whitespacelen); my @desclines = split /\n/, $desc; my $firstline = shift @desclines; $str .= "$paramstr $name $firstline\n"; foreach (@desclines) { $str .= "${whitespace}$_\n"; } } } else { die("write me"); } } if (defined $returns) { $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1; my $r = dewikify($wikitype, $returns); $r =~ s/\A\(.*?\)\s*//; # Chop datatype in parentheses off the front. my $retstr = "\\returns"; if ($r =~ s/\AReturn(s?)\s+//) { $retstr = "\\return$1"; } my $whitespacelen = length($retstr) + 1; my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen; $r = wordwrap($r, -$whitespacelen); my @desclines = split /\n/, $r; my $firstline = shift @desclines; $str .= "$retstr $firstline\n"; foreach (@desclines) { $str .= "${whitespace}$_\n"; } } if (defined $threadsafety) { # !!! FIXME: lots of code duplication in all of these. $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1; my $v = dewikify($wikitype, $threadsafety); my $whitespacelen = length("\\threadsafety") + 1; my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen; $v = wordwrap($v, -$whitespacelen); my @desclines = split /\n/, $v; my $firstline = shift @desclines; $str .= "\\threadsafety $firstline\n"; foreach (@desclines) { $str .= "${whitespace}$_\n"; } } if (defined $version) { # !!! FIXME: lots of code duplication in all of these. $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1; my $v = dewikify($wikitype, $version); my $whitespacelen = length("\\since") + 1; my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen; $v = wordwrap($v, -$whitespacelen); my @desclines = split /\n/, $v; my $firstline = shift @desclines; $str .= "\\since $firstline\n"; foreach (@desclines) { $str .= "${whitespace}$_\n"; } } if (defined $related) { # !!! FIXME: lots of code duplication in all of these. $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1; my $v = dewikify($wikitype, $related); my @desclines = split /\n/, $v; foreach (@desclines) { s/\(\)\Z//; # Convert "SDL_Func()" to "SDL_Func" s/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/$1/; # in case some wikilinks remain. s/\[(.*?)\]\(.*?\)/$1/; # in case some wikilinks remain. s/\A\/*//; s/\A\s*[\:\*\-]\s*//; s/\A\s+//; s/\s+\Z//; $str .= "\\sa $_\n"; } } my $header = $headersymslocation{$sym}; my $contentsref = $headers{$header}; my $chunk = $headersymschunk{$sym}; my @lines = split /\n/, $str; my $addnewline = (($chunk > 0) && ($$contentsref[$chunk-1] ne '')) ? "\n" : ''; my $output = "$addnewline/**\n"; foreach (@lines) { chomp; s/\s*\Z//; if ($_ eq '') { $output .= " *\n"; } else { $output .= " * $_\n"; } } $output .= " */"; #print("$sym:\n[$output]\n\n"); $$contentsref[$chunk] = $output; #$$contentsref[$chunk+1] = $headerdecls{$sym}; $changed_headers{$header} = 1; } foreach (keys %changed_headers) { my $header = $_; # this is kinda inefficient, but oh well. my @removelines = (); foreach (keys %headersymslocation) { my $sym = $_; next if $headersymshasdoxygen{$sym}; next if $headersymslocation{$sym} ne $header; # the index of the blank line we put before the function declaration in case we needed to replace it with new content from the wiki. push @removelines, $headersymschunk{$sym}; } my $contentsref = $headers{$header}; foreach (@removelines) { delete $$contentsref[$_]; # delete DOES NOT RENUMBER existing elements! } my $path = "$incpath/$header.tmp"; open(FH, '>', $path) or die("Can't open '$path': $!\n"); foreach (@$contentsref) { print FH "$_\n" if defined $_; } close(FH); rename($path, "$incpath/$header") or die("Can't rename '$path' to '$incpath/$header': $!\n"); } if (defined $readmepath) { if ( -d $wikireadmepath ) { mkdir($readmepath); # just in case opendir(DH, $wikireadmepath) or die("Can't opendir '$wikireadmepath': $!\n"); while (readdir(DH)) { my $dent = $_; if ($dent =~ /\A(.*?)\.md\Z/) { # we only bridge Markdown files here. next if $1 eq 'FrontPage'; filecopy("$wikireadmepath/$dent", "$readmepath/README-$dent", "\n"); } } closedir(DH); } } } elsif ($copy_direction == -1) { # --copy-to-wiki if (defined $changeformat) { $dewikify_mode = $changeformat; $wordwrap_mode = $changeformat; } foreach (keys %headersyms) { my $sym = $_; next if not $headersymshasdoxygen{$sym}; next if $sym =~ /\A\[category documentation\]/; # not real symbols, we handle this elsewhere. my $symtype = $headersymstype{$sym}; my $origwikitype = defined $wikitypes{$sym} ? $wikitypes{$sym} : 'md'; # default to MarkDown for new stuff. my $wikitype = (defined $changeformat) ? $changeformat : $origwikitype; die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'") if (($wikitype ne 'mediawiki') and ($wikitype ne 'md') and ($wikitype ne 'manpage')); #print("$sym\n"); next; $wordwrap_mode = $wikitype; my $raw = $headersyms{$sym}; # raw doxygen text with comment characters stripped from start/end and start of each line. next if not defined $raw; $raw =~ s/\A\s*\\brief\s+//; # Technically we don't need \brief (please turn on JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF if you use Doxygen), so just in case one is present, strip it. my @doxygenlines = split /\n/, $raw; my $brief = ''; while (@doxygenlines) { last if $doxygenlines[0] =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past the general remarks. last if $doxygenlines[0] =~ /\A\s*\Z/; # blank line? End of paragraph, done. my $l = shift @doxygenlines; chomp($l); $l =~ s/\A\s*//; $l =~ s/\s*\Z//; $brief .= "$l "; } $brief =~ s/\s+\Z//; $brief =~ s/\A(.*?\.) /$1\n\n/; # \brief should only be one sentence, delimited by a period+space. Split if necessary. my @briefsplit = split /\n/, $brief; next if not defined $briefsplit[0]; # No brief text? Probably a bogus Doxygen comment, skip it. $brief = wikify($wikitype, shift @briefsplit) . "\n"; @doxygenlines = (@briefsplit, @doxygenlines); my $remarks = ''; while (@doxygenlines) { last if $doxygenlines[0] =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past the general remarks. my $l = shift @doxygenlines; $remarks .= "$l\n"; } #print("REMARKS:\n\n $remarks\n\n"); $remarks = wordwrap(wikify($wikitype, $remarks)); $remarks =~ s/\A\s*//; $remarks =~ s/\s*\Z//; my $decl = $headerdecls{$sym}; my $syntax = ''; if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { $syntax = "\n$decl\n"; } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { $decl =~ s/\n+\Z//; $syntax = "```c\n$decl\n```\n"; } else { die("Expected wikitype '$wikitype'"); } my %sections = (); $sections{'[Brief]'} = $brief; # include this section even if blank so we get a title line. $sections{'Remarks'} = "$remarks\n" if $remarks ne ''; $sections{'Syntax'} = $syntax; my %params = (); # have to parse these and build up the wiki tables after, since Markdown needs to know the length of the largest string. :/ my @paramsorder = (); my $fnsigparams = $headersymsparaminfo{$sym}; my $has_returns = 0; while (@doxygenlines) { my $l = shift @doxygenlines; # We allow param/field/value interchangeably, even if it doesn't make sense. The next --copy-to-headers will correct it anyhow. if ($l =~ /\A\\(param|field|value)\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)\Z/) { my $arg = $2; my $desc = $3; while (@doxygenlines) { my $subline = $doxygenlines[0]; $subline =~ s/\A\s*//; last if $subline =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past this thing. shift @doxygenlines; # dump this line from the array; we're using it. if ($subline eq '') { # empty line, make sure it keeps the newline char. $desc .= "\n"; } else { $desc .= " $subline"; } } $desc =~ s/[\s\n]+\Z//ms; if (0) { # !!! FIXME: disabled because it's not currently suitable for general use, but for manually inspecting the output, it can be useful. if (($desc =~ /\A[A-Z]/) && (not $desc =~ /\ASDL_/)) { print STDERR "WARNING: $sym\'s '\\param $arg' text starts with a capital letter: '$desc'. Fixing.\n"; $desc = lcfirst($desc); } } if (not $desc =~ /[\.\!]\Z/) { print STDERR "WARNING: $sym\'s '\\param $arg' text doesn't end with punctuation: '$desc'. Fixing.\n"; $desc .= '.'; } # Validate this param. if (defined($params{$arg})) { print STDERR "WARNING: Symbol '$sym' has multiple '\\param $arg' declarations! Only keeping the first one!\n"; } elsif (defined $fnsigparams) { my $found = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$fnsigparams); $i += 2) { $found = 1, last if (@$fnsigparams[$i] eq $arg); } if (!$found) { print STDERR "WARNING: Symbol '$sym' has a '\\param $arg' for a param that doesn't exist. It will be removed!\n"; } } # We need to know the length of the longest string to make Markdown tables, so we just store these off until everything is parsed. $params{$arg} = $desc; push @paramsorder, $arg; } elsif ($l =~ /\A\\r(eturns?)\s+(.*)\Z/) { $has_returns = 1; # !!! FIXME: complain if this isn't a function or macro. my $retstr = "R$1"; # "Return" or "Returns" my $desc = $2; while (@doxygenlines) { my $subline = $doxygenlines[0]; $subline =~ s/\A\s*//; last if $subline =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past this thing. shift @doxygenlines; # dump this line from the array; we're using it. if ($subline eq '') { # empty line, make sure it keeps the newline char. $desc .= "\n"; } else { $desc .= " $subline"; } } $desc =~ s/[\s\n]+\Z//ms; if (0) { # !!! FIXME: disabled because it's not currently suitable for general use, but for manually inspecting the output, it can be useful. if (($desc =~ /\A[A-Z]/) && (not $desc =~ /\ASDL_/)) { print STDERR "WARNING: $sym\'s '\\returns' text starts with a capital letter: '$desc'. Fixing.\n"; $desc = lcfirst($desc); } } if (not $desc =~ /[\.\!]\Z/) { print STDERR "WARNING: $sym\'s '\\returns' text doesn't end with punctuation: '$desc'. Fixing.\n"; $desc .= '.'; } # Make sure the \returns info is valid. my $rettype = $headersymsrettype{$sym}; die("Don't have a rettype for '$sym' for some reason!") if (($symtype == 1) && (not defined($rettype))); if (defined($sections{'Return Value'})) { print STDERR "WARNING: Symbol '$sym' has multiple '\\return' declarations! Only keeping the first one!\n"; } elsif (($symtype != 1) && ($symtype != 2) && ($symtype != 5)) { # !!! FIXME: if 5, make sure it's a function pointer typedef! print STDERR "WARNING: Symbol '$sym' has a '\\return' declaration but isn't a function or macro! Removing it!\n"; } elsif (($symtype == 1) && ($headersymsrettype{$sym} eq 'void')) { print STDERR "WARNING: Function '$sym' has a '\\returns' declaration but function returns void! Removing it!\n"; } else { my $rettypestr = defined($rettype) ? ('(' . wikify($wikitype, $rettype) . ') ') : ''; $sections{'Return Value'} = wordwrap("$rettypestr$retstr ". wikify($wikitype, $desc)) . "\n"; } } elsif ($l =~ /\A\\deprecated\s+(.*)\Z/) { my $desc = $1; while (@doxygenlines) { my $subline = $doxygenlines[0]; $subline =~ s/\A\s*//; last if $subline =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past this thing. shift @doxygenlines; # dump this line from the array; we're using it. if ($subline eq '') { # empty line, make sure it keeps the newline char. $desc .= "\n"; } else { $desc .= " $subline"; } } $desc =~ s/[\s\n]+\Z//ms; $sections{'Deprecated'} = wordwrap(wikify($wikitype, $desc)) . "\n"; } elsif ($l =~ /\A\\since\s+(.*)\Z/) { my $desc = $1; while (@doxygenlines) { my $subline = $doxygenlines[0]; $subline =~ s/\A\s*//; last if $subline =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past this thing. shift @doxygenlines; # dump this line from the array; we're using it. if ($subline eq '') { # empty line, make sure it keeps the newline char. $desc .= "\n"; } else { $desc .= " $subline"; } } $desc =~ s/[\s\n]+\Z//ms; $sections{'Version'} = wordwrap(wikify($wikitype, $desc)) . "\n"; } elsif ($l =~ /\A\\threadsafety\s+(.*)\Z/) { my $desc = $1; while (@doxygenlines) { my $subline = $doxygenlines[0]; $subline =~ s/\A\s*//; last if $subline =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past this thing. shift @doxygenlines; # dump this line from the array; we're using it. if ($subline eq '') { # empty line, make sure it keeps the newline char. $desc .= "\n"; } else { $desc .= " $subline"; } } $desc =~ s/[\s\n]+\Z//ms; $sections{'Thread Safety'} = wordwrap(wikify($wikitype, $desc)) . "\n"; } elsif ($l =~ /\A\\sa\s+(.*)\Z/) { my $sa = $1; $sa =~ s/\(\)\Z//; # Convert "SDL_Func()" to "SDL_Func" $sections{'See Also'} = '' if not defined $sections{'See Also'}; if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { $sections{'See Also'} .= ":[[$sa]]\n"; } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { $sections{'See Also'} .= "- [$sa]($sa)\n"; } else { die("Expected wikitype '$wikitype'"); } } } if (($symtype == 1) && ($headersymsrettype{$sym} ne 'void') && !$has_returns) { print STDERR "WARNING: Function '$sym' has a non-void return type but no '\\returns' declaration\n"; } # Make sure %params is in the same order as the actual function signature and add C datatypes... my $params_has_c_datatype = 0; my @final_params = (); if (($symtype == 1) && (defined($headersymsparaminfo{$sym}))) { # is a function and we have param info for it... my $fnsigparams = $headersymsparaminfo{$sym}; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$fnsigparams); $i += 2) { my $paramname = @$fnsigparams[$i]; my $paramdesc = $params{$paramname}; if (defined($paramdesc)) { push @final_params, $paramname; # name push @final_params, @$fnsigparams[$i+1]; # C datatype push @final_params, $paramdesc; # description $params_has_c_datatype = 1 if (defined(@$fnsigparams[$i+1])); } else { print STDERR "WARNING: Symbol '$sym' is missing a '\\param $paramname' declaration!\n"; } } } else { foreach (@paramsorder) { my $paramname = $_; my $paramdesc = $params{$paramname}; if (defined($paramdesc)) { push @final_params, $_; push @final_params, undef; push @final_params, $paramdesc; } } } my $hfiletext = $wikiheaderfiletext; $hfiletext =~ s/\%fname\%/$headersymslocation{$sym}/g; $sections{'Header File'} = "$hfiletext\n"; # Make sure this ends with a double-newline. $sections{'See Also'} .= "\n" if defined $sections{'See Also'}; if (0) { # !!! FIXME: this was a useful hack, but this needs to be generalized if we're going to do this always. # Plug in a \since section if one wasn't listed. if (not defined $sections{'Version'}) { my $symtypename; if ($symtype == 1) { $symtypename = 'function'; } elsif ($symtype == 2) { $symtypename = 'macro'; } elsif ($symtype == 3) { $symtypename = 'struct'; } elsif ($symtype == 4) { $symtypename = 'enum'; } elsif ($symtype == 5) { $symtypename = 'datatype'; } else { die("Unexpected symbol type $symtype!"); } my $str = "This $symtypename is available since SDL 3.0.0."; $sections{'Version'} = wordwrap(wikify($wikitype, $str)) . "\n"; } } # We can build the wiki table now that we have all the data. if (scalar(@final_params) > 0) { my $str = ''; if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { while (scalar(@final_params) > 0) { my $arg = shift @final_params; my $c_datatype = shift @final_params; my $desc = wikify($wikitype, shift @final_params); $c_datatype = '' if not defined $c_datatype; $str .= ($str eq '') ? "{|\n" : "|-\n"; $str .= "|$c_datatype\n" if $params_has_c_datatype; $str .= "|'''$arg'''\n"; $str .= "|$desc\n"; } $str .= "|}\n"; } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { my $longest_arg = 0; my $longest_c_datatype = 0; my $longest_desc = 0; my $which = 0; foreach (@final_params) { if ($which == 0) { my $len = length($_); $longest_arg = $len if ($len > $longest_arg); $which = 1; } elsif ($which == 1) { if (defined($_)) { my $len = length(wikify($wikitype, $_)); $longest_c_datatype = $len if ($len > $longest_c_datatype); } $which = 2; } else { my $len = length(wikify($wikitype, $_)); $longest_desc = $len if ($len > $longest_desc); $which = 0; } } # Markdown tables are sort of obnoxious. my $c_datatype_cell; $c_datatype_cell = ($longest_c_datatype > 0) ? ('| ' . (' ' x ($longest_c_datatype)) . ' ') : ''; $str .= $c_datatype_cell . '| ' . (' ' x ($longest_arg+4)) . ' | ' . (' ' x $longest_desc) . " |\n"; $c_datatype_cell = ($longest_c_datatype > 0) ? ('| ' . ('-' x ($longest_c_datatype)) . ' ') : ''; $str .= $c_datatype_cell . '| ' . ('-' x ($longest_arg+4)) . ' | ' . ('-' x $longest_desc) . " |\n"; while (@final_params) { my $arg = shift @final_params; my $c_datatype = shift @final_params; $c_datatype_cell = ''; if ($params_has_c_datatype) { $c_datatype = defined($c_datatype) ? wikify($wikitype, $c_datatype) : ''; $c_datatype_cell = ($longest_c_datatype > 0) ? ("| $c_datatype " . (' ' x ($longest_c_datatype - length($c_datatype)))) : ''; } my $desc = wikify($wikitype, shift @final_params); $str .= $c_datatype_cell . "| **$arg** " . (' ' x ($longest_arg - length($arg))) . "| $desc" . (' ' x ($longest_desc - length($desc))) . " |\n"; } } else { die("Unexpected wikitype!"); # should have checked this elsewhere. } $sections{'Function Parameters'} = $str; } my $path = "$wikipath/$sym.${wikitype}.tmp"; open(FH, '>', $path) or die("Can't open '$path': $!\n"); my $sectionsref = $wikisyms{$sym}; foreach (@standard_wiki_sections) { # drop sections we either replaced or removed from the original wiki's contents. if (not defined $only_wiki_sections{$_}) { delete($$sectionsref{$_}); } } my $wikisectionorderref = $wikisectionorder{$sym}; # Make sure there's a footer in the wiki that puts this function in CategoryAPI... if (not $$sectionsref{'[footer]'}) { $$sectionsref{'[footer]'} = ''; push @$wikisectionorderref, '[footer]'; } # If changing format, convert things that otherwise are passed through unmolested. if (defined $changeformat) { if (($dewikify_mode eq 'md') and ($origwikitype eq 'mediawiki')) { $$sectionsref{'[footer]'} =~ s/\[\[(Category[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\]\]/[$1]($1)/g; } elsif (($dewikify_mode eq 'mediawiki') and ($origwikitype eq 'md')) { $$sectionsref{'[footer]'} =~ s/\[(Category[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\]\(.*?\)/[[$1]]/g; } foreach (keys %only_wiki_sections) { my $sect = $_; if (defined $$sectionsref{$sect}) { $$sectionsref{$sect} = wikify($wikitype, dewikify($origwikitype, $$sectionsref{$sect})); } } } if ($symtype != -1) { # Don't do these in category documentation block my $footer = $$sectionsref{'[footer]'}; my $symtypename; if ($symtype == 1) { $symtypename = 'Function'; } elsif ($symtype == 2) { $symtypename = 'Macro'; } elsif ($symtype == 3) { $symtypename = 'Struct'; } elsif ($symtype == 4) { $symtypename = 'Enum'; } elsif ($symtype == 5) { $symtypename = 'Datatype'; } else { die("Unexpected symbol type $symtype!"); } my $symcategory = $headersymscategory{$sym}; if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { $footer =~ s/\[\[CategoryAPI\]\],?\s*//g; $footer =~ s/\[\[CategoryAPI${symtypename}\]\],?\s*//g; $footer =~ s/\[\[Category${symcategory}\]\],?\s*//g if defined $symcategory; $footer = "[[CategoryAPI]], [[CategoryAPI$symtypename]]" . (defined $symcategory ? ", [[Category$symcategory]]" : '') . (($footer eq '') ? "\n" : ", $footer"); } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { $footer =~ s/\[CategoryAPI\]\(CategoryAPI\),?\s*//g; $footer =~ s/\[CategoryAPI${symtypename}\]\(CategoryAPI${symtypename}\),?\s*//g; $footer =~ s/\[Category${symcategory}\]\(Category${symcategory}\),?\s*//g if defined $symcategory; $footer = "[CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPI$symtypename](CategoryAPI$symtypename)" . (defined $symcategory ? ", [Category$symcategory](Category$symcategory)" : '') . (($footer eq '') ? '' : ', ') . $footer; } else { die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'"); } $$sectionsref{'[footer]'} = $footer; if (defined $wikipreamble) { my $wikified_preamble = wikify($wikitype, $wikipreamble); if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { print FH "====== $wikified_preamble ======\n"; } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { print FH "###### $wikified_preamble\n"; } else { die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'"); } } } my $prevsectstr = ''; my @ordered_sections = (@standard_wiki_sections, defined $wikisectionorderref ? @$wikisectionorderref : ()); # this copies the arrays into one. foreach (@ordered_sections) { my $sect = $_; next if $sect eq '[start]'; next if (not defined $sections{$sect} and not defined $$sectionsref{$sect}); my $section = defined $sections{$sect} ? $sections{$sect} : $$sectionsref{$sect}; if ($sect eq '[footer]') { # Make sure previous section ends with two newlines. if (substr($prevsectstr, -1) ne "\n") { print FH "\n\n"; } elsif (substr($prevsectstr, -2) ne "\n\n") { print FH "\n"; } print FH "----\n"; # It's the same in Markdown and MediaWiki. } elsif ($sect eq '[Brief]') { if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { print FH "= $sym =\n\n"; } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { print FH "# $sym\n\n"; } else { die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'"); } } else { my $sectname = $sect; if ($sectname eq 'Function Parameters') { # We use this same table for different things depending on what we're documenting, so rename it now. if (($symtype == 1) || ($symtype == 5)) { # function (or typedef, in case it's a function pointer type). } elsif ($symtype == 2) { # macro $sectname = 'Macro Parameters'; } elsif ($symtype == 3) { # struct/union $sectname = 'Fields'; } elsif ($symtype == 4) { # enum $sectname = 'Values'; } else { die("Unexpected symtype $symtype"); } } if ($symtype != -1) { # Not for category documentation block if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { print FH "\n== $sectname ==\n\n"; } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { print FH "\n## $sectname\n\n"; } else { die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'"); } } } my $sectstr = defined $sections{$sect} ? $sections{$sect} : $$sectionsref{$sect}; print FH $sectstr; $prevsectstr = $sectstr; # make sure these don't show up twice. delete($sections{$sect}); delete($$sectionsref{$sect}); } print FH "\n\n"; close(FH); if (defined $changeformat and ($origwikitype ne $wikitype)) { system("cd '$wikipath' ; git mv '$_.${origwikitype}' '$_.${wikitype}'"); unlink("$wikipath/$_.${origwikitype}"); } rename($path, "$wikipath/$_.${wikitype}") or die("Can't rename '$path' to '$wikipath/$_.${wikitype}': $!\n"); } # Write out simple redirector pages if they don't already exist. foreach (keys %referenceonly) { my $sym = $_; my $refersto = $referenceonly{$sym}; my $path = "$wikipath/$sym.md"; # we only do Markdown for these. next if (-f $path); # don't overwrite if it already exists. Delete the file if you need a rebuild! open(FH, '>', $path) or die("Can't open '$path': $!\n"); if (defined $wikipreamble) { my $wikified_preamble = wikify('md', $wikipreamble); print FH "###### $wikified_preamble\n"; } print FH "# $sym\n\nPlease refer to [$refersto]($refersto) for details.\n\n"; print FH "----\n"; print FH "[CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI), [CategoryAPIMacro](CategoryAPIMacro)\n\n"; close(FH); } # Write out Category pages... foreach (keys %headercategorydocs) { my $cat = $_; my $sym = $headercategorydocs{$cat}; # fake symbol my $raw = $headersyms{$sym}; # raw doxygen text with comment characters stripped from start/end and start of each line. my $wikitype = defined($wikitypes{$sym}) ? $wikitypes{$sym} : 'md'; my $path = "$wikipath/Category$cat.$wikitype"; $raw = wordwrap(wikify($wikitype, $raw)); my $tmppath = "$path.tmp"; open(FH, '>', $tmppath) or die("Can't open '$tmppath': $!\n"); print FH "$raw\n\n"; if (! -f $path) { # Doesn't exist at all? Write out a template file. # If writing from scratch, it's always a Markdown file. die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'!") if $wikitype ne 'md'; print FH <<__EOF__ ## Functions ## Datatypes ## Structs ## Enums ## Macros ---- [CategoryAPICategory](CategoryAPICategory) __EOF__ ; } else { my $endstr = $wikisyms{$sym}->{'[footer]'}; if (defined($endstr)) { print FH $endstr; } } close(FH); rename($tmppath, $path) or die("Can't rename '$tmppath' to '$path': $!\n"); } # Write out READMEs... if (defined $readmepath) { if ( -d $readmepath ) { mkdir($wikireadmepath); # just in case opendir(DH, $readmepath) or die("Can't opendir '$readmepath': $!\n"); while (my $d = readdir(DH)) { my $dent = $d; if ($dent =~ /\AREADME\-(.*?\.md)\Z/) { # we only bridge Markdown files here. my $wikifname = $1; next if $wikifname eq 'FrontPage.md'; filecopy("$readmepath/$dent", "$wikireadmepath/$wikifname", "\n"); } } closedir(DH); my @pages = (); opendir(DH, $wikireadmepath) or die("Can't opendir '$wikireadmepath': $!\n"); while (my $d = readdir(DH)) { my $dent = $d; if ($dent =~ /\A(.*?)\.(mediawiki|md)\Z/) { my $wikiname = $1; next if $wikiname eq 'FrontPage'; push @pages, $wikiname; } } closedir(DH); open(FH, '>', "$wikireadmepath/FrontPage.md") or die("Can't open '$wikireadmepath/FrontPage.md': $!\n"); print FH "# All READMEs available here\n\n"; foreach (sort @pages) { my $wikiname = $_; print FH "- [$wikiname]($wikiname)\n"; } close(FH); } } } elsif ($copy_direction == -2) { # --copy-to-manpages # This only takes from the wiki data, since it has sections we omit from the headers, like code examples. File::Path::make_path("$manpath/man3"); $dewikify_mode = 'manpage'; $wordwrap_mode = 'manpage'; my $introtxt = ''; if (0) { open(FH, '<', "$srcpath/LICENSE.txt") or die("Can't open '$srcpath/LICENSE.txt': $!\n"); while () { chomp; $introtxt .= ".\\\" $_\n"; } close(FH); } if (!$gitrev) { $gitrev = `cd "$srcpath" ; git rev-list HEAD~..`; chomp($gitrev); } # !!! FIXME open(FH, '<', "$srcpath/$versionfname") or die("Can't open '$srcpath/$versionfname': $!\n"); my $majorver = 0; my $minorver = 0; my $microver = 0; while () { chomp; if (/$versionmajorregex/) { $majorver = int($1); } elsif (/$versionminorregex/) { $minorver = int($1); } elsif (/$versionmicroregex/) { $microver = int($1); } } close(FH); my $fullversion = "$majorver.$minorver.$microver"; foreach (keys %headersyms) { my $sym = $_; next if not defined $wikisyms{$sym}; # don't have a page for that function, skip it. next if $sym =~ /\A\[category documentation\]/; # not real symbols my $symtype = $headersymstype{$sym}; my $wikitype = $wikitypes{$sym}; my $sectionsref = $wikisyms{$sym}; my $remarks = $sectionsref->{'Remarks'}; my $params = $sectionsref->{'Function Parameters'}; my $returns = $sectionsref->{'Return Value'}; my $version = $sectionsref->{'Version'}; my $threadsafety = $sectionsref->{'Thread Safety'}; my $related = $sectionsref->{'See Also'}; my $examples = $sectionsref->{'Code Examples'}; my $deprecated = $sectionsref->{'Deprecated'}; my $headerfile = $manpageheaderfiletext; $headerfile =~ s/\%fname\%/$headersymslocation{$sym}/g; $headerfile .= "\n"; my $mansection; my $mansectionname; if (($symtype == 1) || ($symtype == 2)) { # functions or macros $mansection = '3'; $mansectionname = 'FUNCTIONS'; } elsif (($symtype >= 3) && ($symtype <= 5)) { # struct/union/enum/typedef $mansection = '3type'; $mansectionname = 'DATATYPES'; } else { die("Unexpected symtype $symtype"); } my $brief = $sectionsref->{'[Brief]'}; my $decl = $headerdecls{$sym}; my $str = ''; $brief = "$brief"; $brief =~ s/\A[\s\n]*\= .*? \=\s*?\n+//ms; $brief =~ s/\A[\s\n]*\=\= .*? \=\=\s*?\n+//ms; $brief =~ s/\A(.*?\.) /$1\n/; # \brief should only be one sentence, delimited by a period+space. Split if necessary. my @briefsplit = split /\n/, $brief; $brief = shift @briefsplit; $brief = dewikify($wikitype, $brief); if (defined $remarks) { $remarks = dewikify($wikitype, join("\n", @briefsplit) . $remarks); } $str .= $introtxt; $str .= ".\\\" This manpage content is licensed under Creative Commons\n"; $str .= ".\\\" Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)\n"; $str .= ".\\\" https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/\n"; $str .= ".\\\" This manpage was generated from ${projectshortname}'s wiki page for $sym:\n"; $str .= ".\\\" $wikiurl/$sym\n"; $str .= ".\\\" Generated with SDL/build-scripts/wikiheaders.pl\n"; $str .= ".\\\" revision $gitrev\n" if $gitrev ne ''; $str .= ".\\\" Please report issues in this manpage's content at:\n"; $str .= ".\\\" $bugreporturl\n"; $str .= ".\\\" Please report issues in the generation of this manpage from the wiki at:\n"; $str .= ".\\\" https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/issues/new?title=Misgenerated%20manpage%20for%20$sym\n"; $str .= ".\\\" $projectshortname can be found at $projecturl\n"; # Define a .URL macro. The "www.tmac" thing decides if we're using GNU roff (which has a .URL macro already), and if so, overrides the macro we just created. # This wizadry is from https://web.archive.org/web/20060102165607/http://people.debian.org/~branden/talks/wtfm/wtfm.pdf $str .= ".de URL\n"; $str .= '\\$2 \(laURL: \\$1 \(ra\\$3' . "\n"; $str .= "..\n"; $str .= '.if \n[.g] .mso www.tmac' . "\n"; $str .= ".TH $sym $mansection \"$projectshortname $fullversion\" \"$projectfullname\" \"$projectshortname$majorver $mansectionname\"\n"; $str .= ".SH NAME\n"; $str .= "$sym"; $str .= " \\- $brief" if (defined $brief); $str .= "\n"; if (defined $deprecated) { $str .= ".SH DEPRECATED\n"; $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $deprecated) . "\n"; } if (defined $headerfile) { $str .= ".SH HEADER FILE\n"; $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $headerfile) . "\n"; } $str .= ".SH SYNOPSIS\n"; $str .= ".nf\n"; $str .= ".B #include \\(dq$mainincludefname\\(dq\n"; $str .= ".PP\n"; my @decllines = split /\n/, $decl; foreach (@decllines) { $str .= ".BI \"$_\n"; } $str .= ".fi\n"; if (defined $remarks) { $str .= ".SH DESCRIPTION\n"; $str .= $remarks . "\n"; } if (defined $params) { if (($symtype == 1) || ($symtype == 5)) { $str .= ".SH FUNCTION PARAMETERS\n"; } elsif ($symtype == 2) { # macro $str .= ".SH MACRO PARAMETERS\n"; } elsif ($symtype == 3) { # struct/union $str .= ".SH FIELDS\n"; } elsif ($symtype == 4) { # enum $str .= ".SH VALUES\n"; } else { die("Unexpected symtype $symtype"); } my @lines = split /\n/, $params; if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { die("Unexpected data parsing MediaWiki table") if (shift @lines ne '{|'); # Dump the '{|' start while (scalar(@lines) >= 3) { my $c_datatype = shift @lines; my $name = shift @lines; my $desc = shift @lines; my $terminator; # the '|-' or '|}' line. if (($desc eq '|-') or ($desc eq '|}') or (not $desc =~ /\A\|/)) { # we seem to be out of cells, which means there was no datatype column on this one. $terminator = $desc; $desc = $name; $name = $c_datatype; $c_datatype = ''; } else { $terminator = shift @lines; } last if ($terminator ne '|-') and ($terminator ne '|}'); # we seem to have run out of table. $name =~ s/\A\|\s*//; $name =~ s/\A\*\*(.*?)\*\*/$1/; $name =~ s/\A\'\'\'(.*?)\'\'\'/$1/; $desc =~ s/\A\|\s*//; $desc = dewikify($wikitype, $desc); #print STDERR "SYM: $sym CDATATYPE: $c_datatype NAME: $name DESC: $desc TERM: $terminator\n"; $str .= ".TP\n"; $str .= ".I $name\n"; $str .= "$desc\n"; } } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { my $l; $l = shift @lines; die("Unexpected data parsing Markdown table") if (not $l =~ /\A(\s*\|)?\s*\|\s*\|\s*\|\s*\Z/); $l = shift @lines; die("Unexpected data parsing Markdown table") if (not $l =~ /\A\s*(\|\s*\-*\s*)?\|\s*\-*\s*\|\s*\-*\s*\|\s*\Z/); while (scalar(@lines) >= 1) { $l = shift @lines; my $name; my $desc; if ($l =~ /\A\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*\Z/) { # c datatype is $1, but we don't care about it here. $name = $2; $desc = $3; } elsif ($l =~ /\A\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*\Z/) { $name = $1; $desc = $2; } else { last; # we seem to have run out of table. } $name =~ s/\A\*\*(.*?)\*\*/$1/; $name =~ s/\A\'\'\'(.*?)\'\'\'/$1/; $desc = dewikify($wikitype, $desc); $str .= ".TP\n"; $str .= ".I $name\n"; $str .= "$desc\n"; } } else { die("write me"); } } if (defined $returns) { $returns = dewikify($wikitype, $returns); $returns =~ s/\A\(.*?\)\s*//; # Chop datatype in parentheses off the front. $str .= ".SH RETURN VALUE\n"; $str .= "$returns\n"; } if (defined $examples) { $str .= ".SH CODE EXAMPLES\n"; $dewikify_manpage_code_indent = 0; $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $examples) . "\n"; $dewikify_manpage_code_indent = 1; } if (defined $threadsafety) { $str .= ".SH THREAD SAFETY\n"; $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $threadsafety) . "\n"; } if (defined $version) { $str .= ".SH AVAILABILITY\n"; $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $version) . "\n"; } if (defined $related) { $str .= ".SH SEE ALSO\n"; # !!! FIXME: lots of code duplication in all of these. my $v = dewikify($wikitype, $related); my @desclines = split /\n/, $v; my $nextstr = ''; foreach (@desclines) { s/\(\)\Z//; # Convert "SDL_Func()" to "SDL_Func" s/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/$1/; # in case some wikilinks remain. s/\[(.*?)\]\(.*?\)/$1/; # in case some wikilinks remain. s/\A\*\s*\Z//; s/\A\/*//; s/\A\.BR\s+//; # dewikify added this, but we want to handle it. s/\A\.I\s+//; # dewikify added this, but we want to handle it. s/\A\s*[\:\*\-]\s*//; s/\A\s+//; s/\s+\Z//; next if $_ eq ''; my $seealso_symtype = $headersymstype{$_}; my $seealso_mansection = '3'; if (defined($seealso_symtype) && ($seealso_symtype >= 3) && ($seealso_symtype <= 5)) { # struct/union/enum/typedef $seealso_mansection = '3type'; } $str .= "$nextstr.BR $_ ($seealso_mansection)"; $nextstr = ",\n"; } $str .= "\n"; } if (0) { $str .= ".SH COPYRIGHT\n"; $str .= "This manpage is licensed under\n"; $str .= ".UR https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/\n"; $str .= "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)\n"; $str .= ".UE\n"; $str .= ".PP\n"; $str .= "This manpage was generated from\n"; $str .= ".UR $wikiurl/$sym\n"; $str .= "${projectshortname}'s wiki\n"; $str .= ".UE\n"; $str .= "using SDL/build-scripts/wikiheaders.pl"; $str .= " revision $gitrev" if $gitrev ne ''; $str .= ".\n"; $str .= "Please report issues in this manpage at\n"; $str .= ".UR $bugreporturl\n"; $str .= "our bugtracker!\n"; $str .= ".UE\n"; } my $path = "$manpath/man3/$_.$mansection"; my $tmppath = "$path.tmp"; open(FH, '>', $tmppath) or die("Can't open '$tmppath': $!\n"); print FH $str; close(FH); rename($tmppath, $path) or die("Can't rename '$tmppath' to '$path': $!\n"); } } elsif ($copy_direction == -4) { # --copy-to-latex # This only takes from the wiki data, since it has sections we omit from the headers, like code examples. print STDERR "\n(The --copy-to-latex code is known to not be ready for serious use; send patches, not bug reports, please.)\n\n"; $dewikify_mode = 'LaTeX'; $wordwrap_mode = 'LaTeX'; # !!! FIXME: code duplication with --copy-to-manpages section. my $introtxt = ''; if (0) { open(FH, '<', "$srcpath/LICENSE.txt") or die("Can't open '$srcpath/LICENSE.txt': $!\n"); while () { chomp; $introtxt .= ".\\\" $_\n"; } close(FH); } if (!$gitrev) { $gitrev = `cd "$srcpath" ; git rev-list HEAD~..`; chomp($gitrev); } # !!! FIXME open(FH, '<', "$srcpath/$versionfname") or die("Can't open '$srcpath/$versionfname': $!\n"); my $majorver = 0; my $minorver = 0; my $microver = 0; while () { chomp; if (/$versionmajorregex/) { $majorver = int($1); } elsif (/$versionminorregex/) { $minorver = int($1); } elsif (/$versionmicroregex/) { $microver = int($1); } } close(FH); my $fullversion = "$majorver.$minorver.$microver"; my $latex_fname = "$srcpath/$projectshortname.tex"; my $latex_tmpfname = "$latex_fname.tmp"; open(TEXFH, '>', "$latex_tmpfname") or die("Can't open '$latex_tmpfname' for writing: $!\n"); print TEXFH <<__EOF__ \\documentclass{book} \\usepackage{listings} \\usepackage{color} \\usepackage{hyperref} \\definecolor{dkgreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \\definecolor{gray}{rgb}{0.5,0.5,0.5} \\definecolor{mauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} \\lstset{frame=tb, language=C, aboveskip=3mm, belowskip=3mm, showstringspaces=false, columns=flexible, basicstyle={\\small\\ttfamily}, numbers=none, numberstyle=\\tiny\\color{gray}, keywordstyle=\\color{blue}, commentstyle=\\color{dkgreen}, stringstyle=\\color{mauve}, breaklines=true, breakatwhitespace=true, tabsize=3 } \\begin{document} \\frontmatter \\title{$projectfullname $majorver.$minorver.$microver Reference Manual} \\author{The $projectshortname Developers} \\maketitle \\mainmatter __EOF__ ; # !!! FIXME: Maybe put this in the book intro? print TEXFH $introtxt; # Sort symbols by symbol type, then alphabetically. my @headersymskeys = sort { my $symtypea = $headersymstype{$a}; my $symtypeb = $headersymstype{$b}; $symtypea = 3 if ($symtypea > 3); $symtypeb = 3 if ($symtypeb > 3); my $rc = $symtypea <=> $symtypeb; if ($rc == 0) { $rc = lc($a) cmp lc($b); } return $rc; } keys %headersyms; my $current_symtype = 0; my $current_chapter = ''; foreach (@headersymskeys) { my $sym = $_; next if not defined $wikisyms{$sym}; # don't have a page for that function, skip it. next if $sym =~ /\A\[category documentation\]/; # not real symbols. my $symtype = $headersymstype{$sym}; my $wikitype = $wikitypes{$sym}; my $sectionsref = $wikisyms{$sym}; my $remarks = $sectionsref->{'Remarks'}; my $params = $sectionsref->{'Function Parameters'}; my $returns = $sectionsref->{'Return Value'}; my $version = $sectionsref->{'Version'}; my $threadsafety = $sectionsref->{'Thread Safety'}; my $related = $sectionsref->{'See Also'}; my $examples = $sectionsref->{'Code Examples'}; my $deprecated = $sectionsref->{'Deprecated'}; my $headerfile = $manpageheaderfiletext; $headerfile =~ s/\%fname\%/$headersymslocation{$sym}/g; $headerfile .= "\n"; my $brief = $sectionsref->{'[Brief]'}; my $decl = $headerdecls{$sym}; my $str = ''; if ($current_symtype != $symtype) { my $newchapter = ''; if ($symtype == 1) { $newchapter = 'Functions'; } elsif ($symtype == 2) { $newchapter = 'Macros'; } else { $newchapter = 'Datatypes'; } if ($current_chapter ne $newchapter) { $str .= "\n\n\\chapter{$projectshortname $newchapter}\n\n\\clearpage\n\n"; $current_chapter = $newchapter; } $current_symtype = $symtype; } $brief = "$brief"; $brief =~ s/\A[\s\n]*\= .*? \=\s*?\n+//ms; $brief =~ s/\A[\s\n]*\=\= .*? \=\=\s*?\n+//ms; $brief =~ s/\A(.*?\.) /$1\n/; # \brief should only be one sentence, delimited by a period+space. Split if necessary. my @briefsplit = split /\n/, $brief; $brief = shift @briefsplit; $brief = dewikify($wikitype, $brief); if (defined $remarks) { $remarks = dewikify($wikitype, join("\n", @briefsplit) . $remarks); } my $escapedsym = escLaTeX($sym); $str .= "\\hypertarget{$sym}{%\n\\section{$escapedsym}\\label{$sym}}\n\n"; $str .= $brief if (defined $brief); $str .= "\n\n"; if (defined $deprecated) { $str .= "\\subsection{Deprecated}\n\n"; $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $deprecated) . "\n"; } if (defined $headerfile) { $str .= "\\subsection{Header File}\n\n"; $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $headerfile) . "\n"; } $str .= "\\subsection{Syntax}\n\n"; $str .= "\\begin{lstlisting}\n$decl\n\\end{lstlisting}\n"; if (defined $params) { if (($symtype == 1) || ($symtype == 5)) { $str .= "\\subsection{Function Parameters}\n\n"; } elsif ($symtype == 2) { # macro $str .= "\\subsection{Macro Parameters}\n\n"; } elsif ($symtype == 3) { # struct/union $str .= "\\subsection{Fields}\n\n"; } elsif ($symtype == 4) { # enum $str .= "\\subsection{Values}\n\n"; } else { die("Unexpected symtype $symtype"); } $str .= "\\begin{center}\n"; $str .= " \\begin{tabular}{ | l | p{0.75\\textwidth} |}\n"; $str .= " \\hline\n"; # !!! FIXME: this table parsing has gotten complicated and is pasted three times in this file; move it to a subroutine! my @lines = split /\n/, $params; if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') { die("Unexpected data parsing MediaWiki table") if (shift @lines ne '{|'); # Dump the '{|' start while (scalar(@lines) >= 3) { my $name = shift @lines; my $desc = shift @lines; my $terminator = shift @lines; # the '|-' or '|}' line. last if ($terminator ne '|-') and ($terminator ne '|}'); # we seem to have run out of table. $name =~ s/\A\|\s*//; $name =~ s/\A\*\*(.*?)\*\*/$1/; $name =~ s/\A\'\'\'(.*?)\'\'\'/$1/; $name = escLaTeX($name); $desc =~ s/\A\|\s*//; $desc = dewikify($wikitype, $desc); #print STDERR "FN: $sym NAME: $name DESC: $desc TERM: $terminator\n"; $str .= " \\textbf{$name} & $desc \\\\ \\hline\n"; } } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') { my $l; $l = shift @lines; die("Unexpected data parsing Markdown table") if (not $l =~ /\A(\s*\|)?\s*\|\s*\|\s*\|\s*\Z/); $l = shift @lines; die("Unexpected data parsing Markdown table") if (not $l =~ /\A\s*(\|\s*\-*\s*)?\|\s*\-*\s*\|\s*\-*\s*\|\s*\Z/); while (scalar(@lines) >= 1) { $l = shift @lines; my $name; my $desc; if ($l =~ /\A\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*\Z/) { # c datatype is $1, but we don't care about it here. $name = $2; $desc = $3; } elsif ($l =~ /\A\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*\Z/) { $name = $1; $desc = $2; } else { last; # we seem to have run out of table. } $name =~ s/\A\*\*(.*?)\*\*/$1/; $name =~ s/\A\'\'\'(.*?)\'\'\'/$1/; $name = escLaTeX($name); $desc = dewikify($wikitype, $desc); $str .= " \\textbf{$name} & $desc \\\\ \\hline\n"; } } else { die("write me"); } $str .= " \\end{tabular}\n"; $str .= "\\end{center}\n"; } if (defined $returns) { $returns = dewikify($wikitype, $returns); $returns =~ s/\A\(.*?\)\s*//; # Chop datatype in parentheses off the front. $str .= "\\subsection{Return Value}\n\n"; $str .= "$returns\n"; } if (defined $remarks) { $str .= "\\subsection{Remarks}\n\n"; $str .= $remarks . "\n"; } if (defined $examples) { $str .= "\\subsection{Code Examples}\n\n"; $dewikify_manpage_code_indent = 0; $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $examples) . "\n"; $dewikify_manpage_code_indent = 1; } if (defined $threadsafety) { $str .= "\\subsection{Thread Safety}\n\n"; $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $threadsafety) . "\n"; } if (defined $version) { $str .= "\\subsection{Version}\n\n"; $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $version) . "\n"; } if (defined $related) { $str .= "\\subsection{See Also}\n\n"; $str .= "\\begin{itemize}\n"; # !!! FIXME: lots of code duplication in all of these. my $v = dewikify($wikitype, $related); my @desclines = split /\n/, $v; my $nextstr = ''; foreach (@desclines) { s/\(\)\Z//; # Convert "SDL_Func()" to "SDL_Func" s/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/$1/; # in case some wikilinks remain. s/\[(.*?)\]\(.*?\)/$1/; # in case some wikilinks remain. s/\A\*\s*\Z//; s/\A\s*\\item\s*//; s/\A\/*//; s/\A\s*[\:\*\-]\s*//; s/\A\s+//; s/\s+\Z//; next if $_ eq ''; next if $_ eq '\begin{itemize}'; next if $_ eq '\end{itemize}'; $str .= " \\item $_\n"; } $str .= "\\end{itemize}\n"; $str .= "\n"; } # !!! FIXME: Maybe put copyright in the book intro? if (0) { $str .= ".SH COPYRIGHT\n"; $str .= "This manpage is licensed under\n"; $str .= ".UR https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/\n"; $str .= "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)\n"; $str .= ".UE\n"; $str .= ".PP\n"; $str .= "This manpage was generated from\n"; $str .= ".UR $wikiurl/$sym\n"; $str .= "${projectshortname}'s wiki\n"; $str .= ".UE\n"; $str .= "using SDL/build-scripts/wikiheaders.pl"; $str .= " revision $gitrev" if $gitrev ne ''; $str .= ".\n"; $str .= "Please report issues in this manpage at\n"; $str .= ".UR $bugreporturl\n"; $str .= "our bugtracker!\n"; $str .= ".UE\n"; } $str .= "\\clearpage\n\n"; print TEXFH $str; } print TEXFH "\\end{document}\n\n"; close(TEXFH); rename($latex_tmpfname, $latex_fname) or die("Can't rename '$latex_tmpfname' to '$latex_fname': $!\n"); } elsif ($copy_direction == -3) { # --report-coverage-gaps foreach (@coverage_gap) { print("$_\n"); } } # end of wikiheaders.pl ...