This Android archive allows use of @PROJECT_NAME@ in your Android project, without needing to copy any SDL source. For integration with CMake/ndk-build, it uses [prefab]( Copy this archive (@PROJECT_NAME@-@PROJECT_VERSION@.aar) to a `app/libs` directory of your project. In `app/` of your Android project, add: ``` android { /* ... */ buildFeatures { prefab true } } dependencies { implementation files('libs/@PROJECT_NAME@-@PROJECT_VERSION@.aar') /* ... */ } ``` If you're using CMake, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt: ``` find_package(@PROJECT_NAME@ REQUIRED CONFIG) target_link_libraries(yourgame PRIVATE @PROJECT_NAME@::@PROJECT_NAME@) ``` If you're using ndk-build, add the following somewhere after `LOCAL_MODULE := yourgame` to your `` or ``: ``` # # Add the prefab modules to the import path. $(call import-add-path,/out) # Import @PROJECT_NAME@ so we can depend on it. $(call import-module,prefab/@PROJECT_NAME@) ``` --- For advanced users: If you want to build a 3rd party library outside Gradle, running the following command will extract the Android archive into a more common directory structure. ``` python @PROJECT_NAME@-@PROJECT_VERSION@.aar -o android_prefix ``` Add `--help` for a list of all available options. Look at the example programs in ./test (of the source archive), and check out online documentation: Join the SDL discourse server if you want to join the community: That's it! Sam Lantinga