/* Copyright (C) 1997-2024 Sam Lantinga This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely. */ #include #include #include "gamepadutils.h" #include "gamepad_front.h" #include "gamepad_back.h" #include "gamepad_face_abxy.h" #include "gamepad_face_bayx.h" #include "gamepad_face_sony.h" #include "gamepad_battery.h" #include "gamepad_battery_wired.h" #include "gamepad_touchpad.h" #include "gamepad_button.h" #include "gamepad_button_small.h" #include "gamepad_axis.h" #include "gamepad_axis_arrow.h" #include "gamepad_button_background.h" /* This is indexed by gamepad element */ static const struct { int x; int y; } button_positions[] = { { 413, 190 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_SOUTH */ { 456, 156 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_EAST */ { 372, 159 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_WEST */ { 415, 127 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_NORTH */ { 199, 157 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_BACK */ { 257, 153 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_GUIDE */ { 314, 157 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_START */ { 98, 177 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_STICK */ { 331, 254 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_STICK */ { 102, 65 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER */ { 421, 61 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER */ { 179, 213 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_UP */ { 179, 274 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN */ { 141, 242 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT */ { 211, 242 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT */ { 257, 199 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_MISC1 */ { 157, 160 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_PADDLE1 */ { 355, 160 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_PADDLE1 */ { 157, 200 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_PADDLE2 */ { 355, 200 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_PADDLE2 */ }; /* This is indexed by gamepad element */ static const struct { int x; int y; double angle; } axis_positions[] = { { 99, 178, 270.0 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_NEGATIVE */ { 99, 178, 90.0 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_POSITIVE */ { 99, 178, 0.0 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTY_NEGATIVE */ { 99, 178, 180.0 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTY_POSITIVE */ { 331, 256, 270.0 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_NEGATIVE */ { 331, 256, 90.0 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_POSITIVE */ { 331, 256, 0.0 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTY_NEGATIVE */ { 331, 256, 180.0 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTY_POSITIVE */ { 116, 5, 180.0 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER */ { 400, 5, 180.0 }, /* SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER */ }; static SDL_FRect touchpad_area = { 148.0f, 20.0f, 216.0f, 118.0f }; typedef struct { bool down; float x; float y; float pressure; } GamepadTouchpadFinger; struct GamepadImage { SDL_Renderer *renderer; SDL_Texture *front_texture; SDL_Texture *back_texture; SDL_Texture *face_abxy_texture; SDL_Texture *face_bayx_texture; SDL_Texture *face_sony_texture; SDL_Texture *battery_texture[2]; SDL_Texture *touchpad_texture; SDL_Texture *button_texture; SDL_Texture *axis_texture; float gamepad_width; float gamepad_height; float face_width; float face_height; float battery_width; float battery_height; float touchpad_width; float touchpad_height; float button_width; float button_height; float axis_width; float axis_height; float x; float y; bool showing_front; bool showing_touchpad; SDL_GamepadType type; ControllerDisplayMode display_mode; bool elements[SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_MAX]; SDL_PowerState battery_state; int battery_percent; int num_fingers; GamepadTouchpadFinger *fingers; }; static SDL_Texture *CreateTexture(SDL_Renderer *renderer, unsigned char *data, unsigned int len) { SDL_Texture *texture = NULL; SDL_Surface *surface; SDL_IOStream *src = SDL_IOFromConstMem(data, len); if (src) { surface = SDL_LoadBMP_IO(src, true); if (surface) { texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface); SDL_DestroySurface(surface); } } return texture; } GamepadImage *CreateGamepadImage(SDL_Renderer *renderer) { GamepadImage *ctx = SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx)); if (ctx) { ctx->renderer = renderer; ctx->front_texture = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_front_bmp, gamepad_front_bmp_len); ctx->back_texture = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_back_bmp, gamepad_back_bmp_len); SDL_GetTextureSize(ctx->front_texture, &ctx->gamepad_width, &ctx->gamepad_height); ctx->face_abxy_texture = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_face_abxy_bmp, gamepad_face_abxy_bmp_len); ctx->face_bayx_texture = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_face_bayx_bmp, gamepad_face_bayx_bmp_len); ctx->face_sony_texture = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_face_sony_bmp, gamepad_face_sony_bmp_len); SDL_GetTextureSize(ctx->face_abxy_texture, &ctx->face_width, &ctx->face_height); ctx->battery_texture[0] = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_battery_bmp, gamepad_battery_bmp_len); ctx->battery_texture[1] = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_battery_wired_bmp, gamepad_battery_wired_bmp_len); SDL_GetTextureSize(ctx->battery_texture[0], &ctx->battery_width, &ctx->battery_height); ctx->touchpad_texture = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_touchpad_bmp, gamepad_touchpad_bmp_len); SDL_GetTextureSize(ctx->touchpad_texture, &ctx->touchpad_width, &ctx->touchpad_height); ctx->button_texture = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_button_bmp, gamepad_button_bmp_len); SDL_GetTextureSize(ctx->button_texture, &ctx->button_width, &ctx->button_height); SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 10, 255, 21); ctx->axis_texture = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_axis_bmp, gamepad_axis_bmp_len); SDL_GetTextureSize(ctx->axis_texture, &ctx->axis_width, &ctx->axis_height); SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->axis_texture, 10, 255, 21); ctx->showing_front = true; } return ctx; } void SetGamepadImagePosition(GamepadImage *ctx, float x, float y) { if (!ctx) { return; } ctx->x = x; ctx->y = y; } void GetGamepadImageArea(GamepadImage *ctx, SDL_FRect *area) { if (!ctx) { SDL_zerop(area); return; } area->x = ctx->x; area->y = ctx->y; area->w = ctx->gamepad_width; area->h = ctx->gamepad_height; if (ctx->showing_touchpad) { area->h += ctx->touchpad_height; } } void GetGamepadTouchpadArea(GamepadImage *ctx, SDL_FRect *area) { if (!ctx) { SDL_zerop(area); return; } area->x = ctx->x + (ctx->gamepad_width - ctx->touchpad_width) / 2 + touchpad_area.x; area->y = ctx->y + ctx->gamepad_height + touchpad_area.y; area->w = touchpad_area.w; area->h = touchpad_area.h; } void SetGamepadImageShowingFront(GamepadImage *ctx, bool showing_front) { if (!ctx) { return; } ctx->showing_front = showing_front; } SDL_GamepadType GetGamepadImageType(GamepadImage *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } return ctx->type; } void SetGamepadImageDisplayMode(GamepadImage *ctx, ControllerDisplayMode display_mode) { if (!ctx) { return; } ctx->display_mode = display_mode; } float GetGamepadImageButtonWidth(GamepadImage *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return 0; } return ctx->button_width; } float GetGamepadImageButtonHeight(GamepadImage *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return 0; } return ctx->button_height; } float GetGamepadImageAxisWidth(GamepadImage *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return 0; } return ctx->axis_width; } float GetGamepadImageAxisHeight(GamepadImage *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return 0; } return ctx->axis_height; } int GetGamepadImageElementAt(GamepadImage *ctx, float x, float y) { SDL_FPoint point; int i; if (!ctx) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_INVALID; } point.x = x; point.y = y; if (ctx->showing_front) { for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(axis_positions); ++i) { const int element = SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_COUNT + i; SDL_FRect rect; if (element == SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER || element == SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER) { rect.w = ctx->axis_width; rect.h = ctx->axis_height; rect.x = ctx->x + axis_positions[i].x - rect.w / 2; rect.y = ctx->y + axis_positions[i].y - rect.h / 2; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &rect)) { if (element == SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER; } else { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER; } } } else if (element == SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_POSITIVE) { rect.w = ctx->button_width * 2.0f; rect.h = ctx->button_height * 2.0f; rect.x = ctx->x + button_positions[SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_STICK].x - rect.w / 2; rect.y = ctx->y + button_positions[SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_STICK].y - rect.h / 2; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &rect)) { float delta_x, delta_y; float delta_squared; float thumbstick_radius = ctx->button_width * 0.1f; delta_x = (x - (ctx->x + button_positions[SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_STICK].x)); delta_y = (y - (ctx->y + button_positions[SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_STICK].y)); delta_squared = (delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y); if (delta_squared > (thumbstick_radius * thumbstick_radius)) { float angle = SDL_atan2f(delta_y, delta_x) + SDL_PI_F; if (angle < SDL_PI_F * 0.25f) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_NEGATIVE; } else if (angle < SDL_PI_F * 0.75f) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTY_NEGATIVE; } else if (angle < SDL_PI_F * 1.25f) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_POSITIVE; } else if (angle < SDL_PI_F * 1.75f) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTY_POSITIVE; } else { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_NEGATIVE; } } } } else if (element == SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_POSITIVE) { rect.w = ctx->button_width * 2.0f; rect.h = ctx->button_height * 2.0f; rect.x = ctx->x + button_positions[SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_STICK].x - rect.w / 2; rect.y = ctx->y + button_positions[SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_STICK].y - rect.h / 2; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &rect)) { float delta_x, delta_y; float delta_squared; float thumbstick_radius = ctx->button_width * 0.1f; delta_x = (x - (ctx->x + button_positions[SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_STICK].x)); delta_y = (y - (ctx->y + button_positions[SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_STICK].y)); delta_squared = (delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y); if (delta_squared > (thumbstick_radius * thumbstick_radius)) { float angle = SDL_atan2f(delta_y, delta_x) + SDL_PI_F; if (angle < SDL_PI_F * 0.25f) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_NEGATIVE; } else if (angle < SDL_PI_F * 0.75f) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTY_NEGATIVE; } else if (angle < SDL_PI_F * 1.25f) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_POSITIVE; } else if (angle < SDL_PI_F * 1.75f) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTY_POSITIVE; } else { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_NEGATIVE; } } } } } } for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(button_positions); ++i) { bool on_front = true; if (i >= SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_PADDLE1 && i <= SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_PADDLE2) { on_front = false; } if (on_front == ctx->showing_front) { SDL_FRect rect; rect.x = ctx->x + button_positions[i].x - ctx->button_width / 2; rect.y = ctx->y + button_positions[i].y - ctx->button_height / 2; rect.w = ctx->button_width; rect.h = ctx->button_height; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &rect)) { return (SDL_GamepadButton)i; } } } return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_INVALID; } void ClearGamepadImage(GamepadImage *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return; } SDL_zeroa(ctx->elements); } void SetGamepadImageElement(GamepadImage *ctx, int element, bool active) { if (!ctx) { return; } ctx->elements[element] = active; } void UpdateGamepadImageFromGamepad(GamepadImage *ctx, SDL_Gamepad *gamepad) { int i; if (!ctx) { return; } ctx->type = SDL_GetGamepadType(gamepad); char *mapping = SDL_GetGamepadMapping(gamepad); if (mapping) { if (SDL_strstr(mapping, "SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_USE_BUTTON_LABELS")) { /* Just for display purposes */ ctx->type = SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_NINTENDO_SWITCH_PRO; } SDL_free(mapping); } for (i = 0; i < SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_TOUCHPAD; ++i) { const SDL_GamepadButton button = (SDL_GamepadButton)i; SetGamepadImageElement(ctx, button, SDL_GetGamepadButton(gamepad, button)); } for (i = 0; i < SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_COUNT; ++i) { const SDL_GamepadAxis axis = (SDL_GamepadAxis)i; const Sint16 deadzone = 8000; /* !!! FIXME: real deadzone */ const Sint16 value = SDL_GetGamepadAxis(gamepad, axis); switch (i) { case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX: SetGamepadImageElement(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_NEGATIVE, (value < -deadzone)); SetGamepadImageElement(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_POSITIVE, (value > deadzone)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTX: SetGamepadImageElement(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_NEGATIVE, (value < -deadzone)); SetGamepadImageElement(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_POSITIVE, (value > deadzone)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTY: SetGamepadImageElement(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTY_NEGATIVE, (value < -deadzone)); SetGamepadImageElement(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTY_POSITIVE, (value > deadzone)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTY: SetGamepadImageElement(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTY_NEGATIVE, (value < -deadzone)); SetGamepadImageElement(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTY_POSITIVE, (value > deadzone)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER: SetGamepadImageElement(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER, (value > deadzone)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER: SetGamepadImageElement(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER, (value > deadzone)); break; default: break; } } ctx->battery_state = SDL_GetGamepadPowerInfo(gamepad, &ctx->battery_percent); if (SDL_GetNumGamepadTouchpads(gamepad) > 0) { int num_fingers = SDL_GetNumGamepadTouchpadFingers(gamepad, 0); if (num_fingers != ctx->num_fingers) { GamepadTouchpadFinger *fingers = (GamepadTouchpadFinger *)SDL_realloc(ctx->fingers, num_fingers * sizeof(*fingers)); if (fingers) { ctx->fingers = fingers; ctx->num_fingers = num_fingers; } else { num_fingers = SDL_min(ctx->num_fingers, num_fingers); } } for (i = 0; i < num_fingers; ++i) { GamepadTouchpadFinger *finger = &ctx->fingers[i]; SDL_GetGamepadTouchpadFinger(gamepad, 0, i, &finger->down, &finger->x, &finger->y, &finger->pressure); } ctx->showing_touchpad = true; } else { if (ctx->fingers) { SDL_free(ctx->fingers); ctx->fingers = NULL; ctx->num_fingers = 0; } ctx->showing_touchpad = false; } } void RenderGamepadImage(GamepadImage *ctx) { SDL_FRect dst; int i; if (!ctx) { return; } dst.x = ctx->x; dst.y = ctx->y; dst.w = ctx->gamepad_width; dst.h = ctx->gamepad_height; if (ctx->showing_front) { SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->front_texture, NULL, &dst); } else { SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->back_texture, NULL, &dst); } for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(button_positions); ++i) { if (ctx->elements[i]) { SDL_GamepadButton button_position = (SDL_GamepadButton)i; bool on_front = true; if (i >= SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_PADDLE1 && i <= SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_PADDLE2) { on_front = false; } if (on_front == ctx->showing_front) { dst.w = ctx->button_width; dst.h = ctx->button_height; dst.x = ctx->x + button_positions[button_position].x - dst.w / 2; dst.y = ctx->y + button_positions[button_position].y - dst.h / 2; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->button_texture, NULL, &dst); } } } if (ctx->showing_front) { dst.x = ctx->x + 363; dst.y = ctx->y + 118; dst.w = ctx->face_width; dst.h = ctx->face_height; switch (SDL_GetGamepadButtonLabelForType(ctx->type, SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_SOUTH)) { case SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LABEL_A: SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->face_abxy_texture, NULL, &dst); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LABEL_B: SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->face_bayx_texture, NULL, &dst); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LABEL_CROSS: SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->face_sony_texture, NULL, &dst); break; default: break; } } if (ctx->showing_front) { for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(axis_positions); ++i) { const int element = SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_COUNT + i; if (ctx->elements[element]) { const double angle = axis_positions[i].angle; dst.w = ctx->axis_width; dst.h = ctx->axis_height; dst.x = ctx->x + axis_positions[i].x - dst.w / 2; dst.y = ctx->y + axis_positions[i].y - dst.h / 2; SDL_RenderTextureRotated(ctx->renderer, ctx->axis_texture, NULL, &dst, angle, NULL, SDL_FLIP_NONE); } } } if (ctx->display_mode == CONTROLLER_MODE_TESTING && ctx->battery_state != SDL_POWERSTATE_NO_BATTERY && ctx->battery_state != SDL_POWERSTATE_UNKNOWN) { Uint8 r, g, b, a; SDL_FRect fill; dst.x = ctx->x + ctx->gamepad_width - ctx->battery_width; dst.y = ctx->y; dst.w = ctx->battery_width; dst.h = ctx->battery_height; SDL_GetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, &r, &g, &b, &a); if (ctx->battery_percent > 40) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, 0x00, 0xD4, 0x50, 0xFF); } else if (ctx->battery_percent > 10) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, 0xFF, 0xC7, 0x00, 0xFF); } else { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, 0xC8, 0x1D, 0x13, 0xFF); } fill = dst; fill.x += 2; fill.y += 2; fill.h -= 4; fill.w = 25.0f * (ctx->battery_percent / 100.0f); SDL_RenderFillRect(ctx->renderer, &fill); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, r, g, b, a); if (ctx->battery_state == SDL_POWERSTATE_ON_BATTERY) { SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->battery_texture[0], NULL, &dst); } else { SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->battery_texture[1], NULL, &dst); } } if (ctx->display_mode == CONTROLLER_MODE_TESTING && ctx->showing_touchpad) { dst.x = ctx->x + (ctx->gamepad_width - ctx->touchpad_width) / 2; dst.y = ctx->y + ctx->gamepad_height; dst.w = ctx->touchpad_width; dst.h = ctx->touchpad_height; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->touchpad_texture, NULL, &dst); for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_fingers; ++i) { GamepadTouchpadFinger *finger = &ctx->fingers[i]; if (finger->down) { dst.x = ctx->x + (ctx->gamepad_width - ctx->touchpad_width) / 2; dst.x += touchpad_area.x + finger->x * touchpad_area.w; dst.x -= ctx->button_width / 2; dst.y = ctx->y + ctx->gamepad_height; dst.y += touchpad_area.y + finger->y * touchpad_area.h; dst.y -= ctx->button_height / 2; dst.w = ctx->button_width; dst.h = ctx->button_height; SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(ctx->button_texture, (Uint8)(finger->pressure * SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE)); SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->button_texture, NULL, &dst); SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(ctx->button_texture, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); } } } } void DestroyGamepadImage(GamepadImage *ctx) { if (ctx) { int i; SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->front_texture); SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->back_texture); SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->face_abxy_texture); SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->face_bayx_texture); SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->face_sony_texture); for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(ctx->battery_texture); ++i) { SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->battery_texture[i]); } SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->touchpad_texture); SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->button_texture); SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->axis_texture); SDL_free(ctx); } } static const char *gamepad_button_names[] = { "South", "East", "West", "North", "Back", "Guide", "Start", "Left Stick", "Right Stick", "Left Shoulder", "Right Shoulder", "DPAD Up", "DPAD Down", "DPAD Left", "DPAD Right", "Misc1", "Right Paddle 1", "Left Paddle 1", "Right Paddle 2", "Left Paddle 2", "Touchpad", "Misc2", "Misc3", "Misc4", "Misc5", "Misc6", }; SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(gamepad_button_names, SDL_arraysize(gamepad_button_names) == SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_COUNT); static const char *gamepad_axis_names[] = { "LeftX", "LeftY", "RightX", "RightY", "Left Trigger", "Right Trigger", }; SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(gamepad_axis_names, SDL_arraysize(gamepad_axis_names) == SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_COUNT); struct GamepadDisplay { SDL_Renderer *renderer; SDL_Texture *button_texture; SDL_Texture *arrow_texture; float button_width; float button_height; float arrow_width; float arrow_height; float accel_data[3]; float gyro_data[3]; Uint64 last_sensor_update; ControllerDisplayMode display_mode; int element_highlighted; bool element_pressed; int element_selected; SDL_FRect area; }; GamepadDisplay *CreateGamepadDisplay(SDL_Renderer *renderer) { GamepadDisplay *ctx = SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx)); if (ctx) { ctx->renderer = renderer; ctx->button_texture = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_button_small_bmp, gamepad_button_small_bmp_len); SDL_GetTextureSize(ctx->button_texture, &ctx->button_width, &ctx->button_height); ctx->arrow_texture = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_axis_arrow_bmp, gamepad_axis_arrow_bmp_len); SDL_GetTextureSize(ctx->arrow_texture, &ctx->arrow_width, &ctx->arrow_height); ctx->element_highlighted = SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_INVALID; ctx->element_selected = SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_INVALID; } return ctx; } void SetGamepadDisplayDisplayMode(GamepadDisplay *ctx, ControllerDisplayMode display_mode) { if (!ctx) { return; } ctx->display_mode = display_mode; } void SetGamepadDisplayArea(GamepadDisplay *ctx, const SDL_FRect *area) { if (!ctx) { return; } SDL_copyp(&ctx->area, area); } static bool GetBindingString(const char *label, const char *mapping, char *text, size_t size) { char *key; char *value, *end; size_t length; bool found = false; *text = '\0'; if (!mapping) { return false; } key = SDL_strstr(mapping, label); while (key && size > 1) { if (found) { *text++ = ','; *text = '\0'; --size; } else { found = true; } value = key + SDL_strlen(label); end = SDL_strchr(value, ','); if (end) { length = (end - value); } else { length = SDL_strlen(value); } if (length >= size) { length = size - 1; } SDL_memcpy(text, value, length); text[length] = '\0'; text += length; size -= length; key = SDL_strstr(value, label); } return found; } static bool GetButtonBindingString(SDL_GamepadButton button, const char *mapping, char *text, size_t size) { char label[32]; bool baxy_mapping = false; if (!mapping) { return false; } SDL_snprintf(label, sizeof(label), ",%s:", SDL_GetGamepadStringForButton(button)); if (GetBindingString(label, mapping, text, size)) { return true; } /* Try the legacy button names */ if (SDL_strstr(mapping, ",hint:SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_USE_BUTTON_LABELS:=1") != NULL) { baxy_mapping = true; } switch (button) { case SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_SOUTH: if (baxy_mapping) { return GetBindingString(",b:", mapping, text, size); } else { return GetBindingString(",a:", mapping, text, size); } case SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_EAST: if (baxy_mapping) { return GetBindingString(",a:", mapping, text, size); } else { return GetBindingString(",b:", mapping, text, size); } case SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_WEST: if (baxy_mapping) { return GetBindingString(",y:", mapping, text, size); } else { return GetBindingString(",x:", mapping, text, size); } case SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_NORTH: if (baxy_mapping) { return GetBindingString(",x:", mapping, text, size); } else { return GetBindingString(",y:", mapping, text, size); } default: return false; } } static bool GetAxisBindingString(SDL_GamepadAxis axis, int direction, const char *mapping, char *text, size_t size) { char label[32]; /* Check for explicit half-axis */ if (direction < 0) { SDL_snprintf(label, sizeof(label), ",-%s:", SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(axis)); } else { SDL_snprintf(label, sizeof(label), ",+%s:", SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(axis)); } if (GetBindingString(label, mapping, text, size)) { return true; } /* Get the binding for the whole axis and split it if necessary */ SDL_snprintf(label, sizeof(label), ",%s:", SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(axis)); if (!GetBindingString(label, mapping, text, size)) { return false; } if (axis != SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER && axis != SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER) { if (*text == 'a') { /* Split the axis */ size_t length = SDL_strlen(text) + 1; if ((length + 1) <= size) { SDL_memmove(text + 1, text, length); if (text[SDL_strlen(text) - 1] == '~') { direction *= -1; text[SDL_strlen(text) - 1] = '\0'; } if (direction > 0) { *text = '+'; } else { *text = '-'; } } } } return true; } void SetGamepadDisplayHighlight(GamepadDisplay *ctx, int element, bool pressed) { if (!ctx) { return; } ctx->element_highlighted = element; ctx->element_pressed = pressed; } void SetGamepadDisplaySelected(GamepadDisplay *ctx, int element) { if (!ctx) { return; } ctx->element_selected = element; } int GetGamepadDisplayElementAt(GamepadDisplay *ctx, SDL_Gamepad *gamepad, float x, float y) { int i; const float margin = 8.0f; const float center = ctx->area.w / 2.0f; const float arrow_extent = 48.0f; SDL_FPoint point; SDL_FRect rect; if (!ctx) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_INVALID; } point.x = x; point.y = y; rect.x = ctx->area.x + margin; rect.y = ctx->area.y + margin + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; rect.w = ctx->area.w - (margin * 2); rect.h = ctx->button_height; for (i = 0; i < SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_COUNT; ++i) { SDL_GamepadButton button = (SDL_GamepadButton)i; if (ctx->display_mode == CONTROLLER_MODE_TESTING && !SDL_GamepadHasButton(gamepad, button)) { continue; } if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &rect)) { return i; } rect.y += ctx->button_height + 2.0f; } for (i = 0; i < SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_COUNT; ++i) { SDL_GamepadAxis axis = (SDL_GamepadAxis)i; SDL_FRect area; if (ctx->display_mode == CONTROLLER_MODE_TESTING && !SDL_GamepadHasAxis(gamepad, axis)) { continue; } area.x = rect.x + center + 2.0f; area.y = rect.y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; area.w = ctx->arrow_width + arrow_extent; area.h = ctx->button_height; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &area)) { switch (axis) { case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX: return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_NEGATIVE; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTY: return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTY_NEGATIVE; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTX: return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_NEGATIVE; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTY: return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTY_NEGATIVE; default: break; } } area.x += area.w; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &area)) { switch (axis) { case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX: return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_POSITIVE; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTY: return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTY_POSITIVE; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTX: return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_POSITIVE; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTY: return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTY_POSITIVE; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER: return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER: return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER; default: break; } } rect.y += ctx->button_height + 2.0f; } return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_INVALID; } static void RenderGamepadElementHighlight(GamepadDisplay *ctx, int element, const SDL_FRect *area) { if (element == ctx->element_highlighted || element == ctx->element_selected) { Uint8 r, g, b, a; SDL_GetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, &r, &g, &b, &a); if (element == ctx->element_highlighted) { if (ctx->element_pressed) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, PRESSED_COLOR); } else { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR); } } else { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, SELECTED_COLOR); } SDL_RenderFillRect(ctx->renderer, area); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, r, g, b, a); } } void RenderGamepadDisplay(GamepadDisplay *ctx, SDL_Gamepad *gamepad) { float x, y; int i; char text[128], binding[32]; const float margin = 8.0f; const float center = ctx->area.w / 2.0f; const float arrow_extent = 48.0f; SDL_FRect dst, rect, highlight; Uint8 r, g, b, a; char *mapping; bool has_accel; bool has_gyro; if (!ctx) { return; } SDL_GetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, &r, &g, &b, &a); mapping = SDL_GetGamepadMapping(gamepad); x = ctx->area.x + margin; y = ctx->area.y + margin; for (i = 0; i < SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_COUNT; ++i) { SDL_GamepadButton button = (SDL_GamepadButton)i; if (ctx->display_mode == CONTROLLER_MODE_TESTING && !SDL_GamepadHasButton(gamepad, button)) { continue; } highlight.x = x; highlight.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; highlight.w = ctx->area.w - (margin * 2); highlight.h = ctx->button_height; RenderGamepadElementHighlight(ctx, i, &highlight); SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%s:", gamepad_button_names[i]); SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x + center - SDL_strlen(text) * FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE, y, text); if (SDL_GetGamepadButton(gamepad, button)) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 10, 255, 21); } else { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 255, 255, 255); } dst.x = x + center + 2.0f; dst.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; dst.w = ctx->button_width; dst.h = ctx->button_height; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->button_texture, NULL, &dst); if (ctx->display_mode == CONTROLLER_MODE_BINDING) { if (GetButtonBindingString(button, mapping, binding, sizeof(binding))) { dst.x += dst.w + 2 * margin; SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, dst.x, y, binding); } } y += ctx->button_height + 2.0f; } for (i = 0; i < SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_COUNT; ++i) { SDL_GamepadAxis axis = (SDL_GamepadAxis)i; bool has_negative = (axis != SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER && axis != SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER); Sint16 value; if (ctx->display_mode == CONTROLLER_MODE_TESTING && !SDL_GamepadHasAxis(gamepad, axis)) { continue; } value = SDL_GetGamepadAxis(gamepad, axis); SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%s:", gamepad_axis_names[i]); SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x + center - SDL_strlen(text) * FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE, y, text); highlight.x = x + center + 2.0f; highlight.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; highlight.w = ctx->arrow_width + arrow_extent; highlight.h = ctx->button_height; switch (axis) { case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX: RenderGamepadElementHighlight(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_NEGATIVE, &highlight); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTY: RenderGamepadElementHighlight(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTY_NEGATIVE, &highlight); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTX: RenderGamepadElementHighlight(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_NEGATIVE, &highlight); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTY: RenderGamepadElementHighlight(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTY_NEGATIVE, &highlight); break; default: break; } highlight.x += highlight.w; switch (axis) { case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX: RenderGamepadElementHighlight(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_POSITIVE, &highlight); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTY: RenderGamepadElementHighlight(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTY_POSITIVE, &highlight); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTX: RenderGamepadElementHighlight(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_POSITIVE, &highlight); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTY: RenderGamepadElementHighlight(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTY_POSITIVE, &highlight); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER: RenderGamepadElementHighlight(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER, &highlight); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER: RenderGamepadElementHighlight(ctx, SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER, &highlight); break; default: break; } dst.x = x + center + 2.0f; dst.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->arrow_height / 2; dst.w = ctx->arrow_width; dst.h = ctx->arrow_height; if (has_negative) { if (value == SDL_MIN_SINT16) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->arrow_texture, 10, 255, 21); } else { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->arrow_texture, 255, 255, 255); } SDL_RenderTextureRotated(ctx->renderer, ctx->arrow_texture, NULL, &dst, 0.0f, NULL, SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); } dst.x += ctx->arrow_width; SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, 200, 200, 200, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); rect.x = dst.x + arrow_extent - 2.0f; rect.y = dst.y; rect.w = 4.0f; rect.h = ctx->arrow_height; SDL_RenderFillRect(ctx->renderer, &rect); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, r, g, b, a); if (value < 0) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, 8, 200, 16, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); rect.w = ((float)value / SDL_MIN_SINT16) * arrow_extent; rect.x = dst.x + arrow_extent - rect.w; rect.y = dst.y + ctx->arrow_height * 0.25f; rect.h = ctx->arrow_height / 2.0f; SDL_RenderFillRect(ctx->renderer, &rect); } if (ctx->display_mode == CONTROLLER_MODE_BINDING && has_negative) { if (GetAxisBindingString(axis, -1, mapping, binding, sizeof(binding))) { float text_x; SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, r, g, b, a); text_x = dst.x + arrow_extent / 2 - (FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE * SDL_strlen(binding)) / 2; SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, text_x, y, binding); } } dst.x += arrow_extent; if (value > 0) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, 8, 200, 16, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); rect.w = ((float)value / SDL_MAX_SINT16) * arrow_extent; rect.x = dst.x; rect.y = dst.y + ctx->arrow_height * 0.25f; rect.h = ctx->arrow_height / 2.0f; SDL_RenderFillRect(ctx->renderer, &rect); } if (ctx->display_mode == CONTROLLER_MODE_BINDING) { if (GetAxisBindingString(axis, 1, mapping, binding, sizeof(binding))) { float text_x; SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, r, g, b, a); text_x = dst.x + arrow_extent / 2 - (FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE * SDL_strlen(binding)) / 2; SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, text_x, y, binding); } } dst.x += arrow_extent; if (value == SDL_MAX_SINT16) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->arrow_texture, 10, 255, 21); } else { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->arrow_texture, 255, 255, 255); } SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->arrow_texture, NULL, &dst); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, r, g, b, a); y += ctx->button_height + 2.0f; } if (ctx->display_mode == CONTROLLER_MODE_TESTING) { if (SDL_GetNumGamepadTouchpads(gamepad) > 0) { int num_fingers = SDL_GetNumGamepadTouchpadFingers(gamepad, 0); for (i = 0; i < num_fingers; ++i) { bool down; float finger_x, finger_y, finger_pressure; if (!SDL_GetGamepadTouchpadFinger(gamepad, 0, i, &down, &finger_x, &finger_y, &finger_pressure)) { continue; } SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "Touch finger %d:", i); SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x + center - SDL_strlen(text) * FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE, y, text); if (down) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 10, 255, 21); } else { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 255, 255, 255); } dst.x = x + center + 2.0f; dst.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; dst.w = ctx->button_width; dst.h = ctx->button_height; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->button_texture, NULL, &dst); if (down) { SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "(%.2f,%.2f)", finger_x, finger_y); SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x + center + ctx->button_width + 4.0f, y, text); } y += ctx->button_height + 2.0f; } } has_accel = SDL_GamepadHasSensor(gamepad, SDL_SENSOR_ACCEL); has_gyro = SDL_GamepadHasSensor(gamepad, SDL_SENSOR_GYRO); if (has_accel || has_gyro) { const int SENSOR_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 100; Uint64 now = SDL_GetTicks(); if (now >= ctx->last_sensor_update + SENSOR_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS) { if (has_accel) { SDL_GetGamepadSensorData(gamepad, SDL_SENSOR_ACCEL, ctx->accel_data, SDL_arraysize(ctx->accel_data)); } if (has_gyro) { SDL_GetGamepadSensorData(gamepad, SDL_SENSOR_GYRO, ctx->gyro_data, SDL_arraysize(ctx->gyro_data)); } ctx->last_sensor_update = now; } if (has_accel) { SDL_strlcpy(text, "Accelerometer:", sizeof(text)); SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x + center - SDL_strlen(text) * FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE, y, text); SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)", ctx->accel_data[0], ctx->accel_data[1], ctx->accel_data[2]); SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x + center + 2.0f, y, text); y += ctx->button_height + 2.0f; } if (has_gyro) { SDL_strlcpy(text, "Gyro:", sizeof(text)); SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x + center - SDL_strlen(text) * FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE, y, text); SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)", ctx->gyro_data[0], ctx->gyro_data[1], ctx->gyro_data[2]); SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x + center + 2.0f, y, text); y += ctx->button_height + 2.0f; } } } SDL_free(mapping); } void DestroyGamepadDisplay(GamepadDisplay *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return; } SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->button_texture); SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->arrow_texture); SDL_free(ctx); } struct GamepadTypeDisplay { SDL_Renderer *renderer; int type_highlighted; bool type_pressed; int type_selected; SDL_GamepadType real_type; SDL_FRect area; }; GamepadTypeDisplay *CreateGamepadTypeDisplay(SDL_Renderer *renderer) { GamepadTypeDisplay *ctx = SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx)); if (ctx) { ctx->renderer = renderer; ctx->type_highlighted = SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_UNSELECTED; ctx->type_selected = SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_UNSELECTED; ctx->real_type = SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } return ctx; } void SetGamepadTypeDisplayArea(GamepadTypeDisplay *ctx, const SDL_FRect *area) { if (!ctx) { return; } SDL_copyp(&ctx->area, area); } void SetGamepadTypeDisplayHighlight(GamepadTypeDisplay *ctx, int type, bool pressed) { if (!ctx) { return; } ctx->type_highlighted = type; ctx->type_pressed = pressed; } void SetGamepadTypeDisplaySelected(GamepadTypeDisplay *ctx, int type) { if (!ctx) { return; } ctx->type_selected = type; } void SetGamepadTypeDisplayRealType(GamepadTypeDisplay *ctx, SDL_GamepadType type) { if (!ctx) { return; } ctx->real_type = type; } int GetGamepadTypeDisplayAt(GamepadTypeDisplay *ctx, float x, float y) { int i; const float margin = 8.0f; const float line_height = 16.0f; SDL_FRect highlight; SDL_FPoint point; if (!ctx) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_UNSELECTED; } point.x = x; point.y = y; x = ctx->area.x + margin; y = ctx->area.y + margin; for (i = SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_UNKNOWN; i < SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) { highlight.x = x; highlight.y = y; highlight.w = ctx->area.w - (margin * 2); highlight.h = line_height; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &highlight)) { return i; } y += line_height; } return SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_UNSELECTED; } static void RenderGamepadTypeHighlight(GamepadTypeDisplay *ctx, int type, const SDL_FRect *area) { if (type == ctx->type_highlighted || type == ctx->type_selected) { Uint8 r, g, b, a; SDL_GetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, &r, &g, &b, &a); if (type == ctx->type_highlighted) { if (ctx->type_pressed) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, PRESSED_COLOR); } else { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR); } } else { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, SELECTED_COLOR); } SDL_RenderFillRect(ctx->renderer, area); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, r, g, b, a); } } void RenderGamepadTypeDisplay(GamepadTypeDisplay *ctx) { float x, y; int i; char text[128]; const float margin = 8.0f; const float line_height = 16.0f; SDL_FPoint dst; SDL_FRect highlight; if (!ctx) { return; } x = ctx->area.x + margin; y = ctx->area.y + margin; for (i = SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_UNKNOWN; i < SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) { highlight.x = x; highlight.y = y; highlight.w = ctx->area.w - (margin * 2); highlight.h = line_height; RenderGamepadTypeHighlight(ctx, i, &highlight); if (i == SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { if (ctx->real_type == SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_UNKNOWN || ctx->real_type == SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_STANDARD) { SDL_strlcpy(text, "Auto (Standard)", sizeof(text)); } else { SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "Auto (%s)", GetGamepadTypeString(ctx->real_type)); } } else if (i == SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_STANDARD) { SDL_strlcpy(text, "Standard", sizeof(text)); } else { SDL_strlcpy(text, GetGamepadTypeString((SDL_GamepadType)i), sizeof(text)); } dst.x = x + margin; dst.y = y + line_height / 2 - FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2; SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, dst.x, dst.y, text); y += line_height; } } void DestroyGamepadTypeDisplay(GamepadTypeDisplay *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return; } SDL_free(ctx); } struct JoystickDisplay { SDL_Renderer *renderer; SDL_Texture *button_texture; SDL_Texture *arrow_texture; float button_width; float button_height; float arrow_width; float arrow_height; SDL_FRect area; char *element_highlighted; bool element_pressed; }; JoystickDisplay *CreateJoystickDisplay(SDL_Renderer *renderer) { JoystickDisplay *ctx = SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx)); if (ctx) { ctx->renderer = renderer; ctx->button_texture = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_button_small_bmp, gamepad_button_small_bmp_len); SDL_GetTextureSize(ctx->button_texture, &ctx->button_width, &ctx->button_height); ctx->arrow_texture = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_axis_arrow_bmp, gamepad_axis_arrow_bmp_len); SDL_GetTextureSize(ctx->arrow_texture, &ctx->arrow_width, &ctx->arrow_height); } return ctx; } void SetJoystickDisplayArea(JoystickDisplay *ctx, const SDL_FRect *area) { if (!ctx) { return; } SDL_copyp(&ctx->area, area); } char *GetJoystickDisplayElementAt(JoystickDisplay *ctx, SDL_Joystick *joystick, float x, float y) { SDL_FPoint point; int i; int nbuttons = SDL_GetNumJoystickButtons(joystick); int naxes = SDL_GetNumJoystickAxes(joystick); int nhats = SDL_GetNumJoystickHats(joystick); char text[32]; const float margin = 8.0f; const float center = 80.0f; const float arrow_extent = 48.0f; SDL_FRect dst, highlight; char *element = NULL; if (!ctx) { return NULL; } point.x = x; point.y = y; x = ctx->area.x + margin; y = ctx->area.y + margin; if (nbuttons > 0) { y += FONT_LINE_HEIGHT + 2; for (i = 0; i < nbuttons; ++i) { highlight.x = x; highlight.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; highlight.w = center - (margin * 2); highlight.h = ctx->button_height; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &highlight)) { SDL_asprintf(&element, "b%d", i); return element; } y += ctx->button_height + 2; } } x = ctx->area.x + margin + center + margin; y = ctx->area.y + margin; if (naxes > 0) { y += FONT_LINE_HEIGHT + 2; for (i = 0; i < naxes; ++i) { SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%d:", i); highlight.x = x + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE * SDL_strlen(text) + 2.0f; highlight.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; highlight.w = ctx->arrow_width + arrow_extent; highlight.h = ctx->button_height; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &highlight)) { SDL_asprintf(&element, "-a%d", i); return element; } highlight.x += highlight.w; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &highlight)) { SDL_asprintf(&element, "+a%d", i); return element; } y += ctx->button_height + 2; } } y += FONT_LINE_HEIGHT + 2; if (nhats > 0) { y += FONT_LINE_HEIGHT + 2 + 1.5f * ctx->button_height - FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2; for (i = 0; i < nhats; ++i) { SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%d:", i); dst.x = x + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE * SDL_strlen(text) + 2; dst.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; dst.w = ctx->button_width; dst.h = ctx->button_height; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &dst)) { SDL_asprintf(&element, "h%d.%d", i, SDL_HAT_LEFT); return element; } dst.x += ctx->button_width; dst.y -= ctx->button_height; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &dst)) { SDL_asprintf(&element, "h%d.%d", i, SDL_HAT_UP); return element; } dst.y += ctx->button_height * 2; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &dst)) { SDL_asprintf(&element, "h%d.%d", i, SDL_HAT_DOWN); return element; } dst.x += ctx->button_width; dst.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; if (SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &dst)) { SDL_asprintf(&element, "h%d.%d", i, SDL_HAT_RIGHT); return element; } y += 3 * ctx->button_height + 2; } } return NULL; } void SetJoystickDisplayHighlight(JoystickDisplay *ctx, const char *element, bool pressed) { if (ctx->element_highlighted) { SDL_free(ctx->element_highlighted); ctx->element_highlighted = NULL; ctx->element_pressed = false; } if (element) { ctx->element_highlighted = SDL_strdup(element); ctx->element_pressed = pressed; } } static void RenderJoystickButtonHighlight(JoystickDisplay *ctx, int button, const SDL_FRect *area) { if (!ctx->element_highlighted || *ctx->element_highlighted != 'b') { return; } if (SDL_atoi(ctx->element_highlighted + 1) == button) { Uint8 r, g, b, a; SDL_GetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, &r, &g, &b, &a); if (ctx->element_pressed) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, PRESSED_COLOR); } else { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR); } SDL_RenderFillRect(ctx->renderer, area); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, r, g, b, a); } } static void RenderJoystickAxisHighlight(JoystickDisplay *ctx, int axis, int direction, const SDL_FRect *area) { char prefix = (direction < 0 ? '-' : '+'); if (!ctx->element_highlighted || ctx->element_highlighted[0] != prefix || ctx->element_highlighted[1] != 'a') { return; } if (SDL_atoi(ctx->element_highlighted + 2) == axis) { Uint8 r, g, b, a; SDL_GetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, &r, &g, &b, &a); if (ctx->element_pressed) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, PRESSED_COLOR); } else { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR); } SDL_RenderFillRect(ctx->renderer, area); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, r, g, b, a); } } static bool SetupJoystickHatHighlight(JoystickDisplay *ctx, int hat, int direction) { if (!ctx->element_highlighted || *ctx->element_highlighted != 'h') { return false; } if (SDL_atoi(ctx->element_highlighted + 1) == hat && ctx->element_highlighted[2] == '.' && SDL_atoi(ctx->element_highlighted + 3) == direction) { if (ctx->element_pressed) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, PRESSED_TEXTURE_MOD); } else { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, HIGHLIGHT_TEXTURE_MOD); } return true; } return false; } void RenderJoystickDisplay(JoystickDisplay *ctx, SDL_Joystick *joystick) { float x, y; int i; int nbuttons = SDL_GetNumJoystickButtons(joystick); int naxes = SDL_GetNumJoystickAxes(joystick); int nhats = SDL_GetNumJoystickHats(joystick); char text[32]; const float margin = 8.0f; const float center = 80.0f; const float arrow_extent = 48.0f; SDL_FRect dst, rect, highlight; Uint8 r, g, b, a; if (!ctx) { return; } SDL_GetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, &r, &g, &b, &a); x = ctx->area.x + margin; y = ctx->area.y + margin; if (nbuttons > 0) { SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x, y, "BUTTONS"); y += FONT_LINE_HEIGHT + 2; for (i = 0; i < nbuttons; ++i) { highlight.x = x; highlight.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; highlight.w = center - (margin * 2); highlight.h = ctx->button_height; RenderJoystickButtonHighlight(ctx, i, &highlight); SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%2d:", i); SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x, y, text); if (SDL_GetJoystickButton(joystick, (Uint8)i)) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 10, 255, 21); } else { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 255, 255, 255); } dst.x = x + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE * SDL_strlen(text) + 2; dst.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; dst.w = ctx->button_width; dst.h = ctx->button_height; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->button_texture, NULL, &dst); y += ctx->button_height + 2; } } x = ctx->area.x + margin + center + margin; y = ctx->area.y + margin; if (naxes > 0) { SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x, y, "AXES"); y += FONT_LINE_HEIGHT + 2; for (i = 0; i < naxes; ++i) { Sint16 value = SDL_GetJoystickAxis(joystick, i); SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%d:", i); SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x, y, text); highlight.x = x + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE * SDL_strlen(text) + 2.0f; highlight.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; highlight.w = ctx->arrow_width + arrow_extent; highlight.h = ctx->button_height; RenderJoystickAxisHighlight(ctx, i, -1, &highlight); highlight.x += highlight.w; RenderJoystickAxisHighlight(ctx, i, 1, &highlight); dst.x = x + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE * SDL_strlen(text) + 2.0f; dst.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->arrow_height / 2; dst.w = ctx->arrow_width; dst.h = ctx->arrow_height; if (value == SDL_MIN_SINT16) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->arrow_texture, 10, 255, 21); } else { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->arrow_texture, 255, 255, 255); } SDL_RenderTextureRotated(ctx->renderer, ctx->arrow_texture, NULL, &dst, 0.0f, NULL, SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); dst.x += ctx->arrow_width; SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, 200, 200, 200, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); rect.x = dst.x + arrow_extent - 2.0f; rect.y = dst.y; rect.w = 4.0f; rect.h = ctx->arrow_height; SDL_RenderFillRect(ctx->renderer, &rect); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, r, g, b, a); if (value < 0) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, 8, 200, 16, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); rect.w = ((float)value / SDL_MIN_SINT16) * arrow_extent; rect.x = dst.x + arrow_extent - rect.w; rect.y = dst.y + ctx->arrow_height * 0.25f; rect.h = ctx->arrow_height / 2.0f; SDL_RenderFillRect(ctx->renderer, &rect); } dst.x += arrow_extent; if (value > 0) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, 8, 200, 16, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); rect.w = ((float)value / SDL_MAX_SINT16) * arrow_extent; rect.x = dst.x; rect.y = dst.y + ctx->arrow_height * 0.25f; rect.h = ctx->arrow_height / 2.0f; SDL_RenderFillRect(ctx->renderer, &rect); } dst.x += arrow_extent; if (value == SDL_MAX_SINT16) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->arrow_texture, 10, 255, 21); } else { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->arrow_texture, 255, 255, 255); } SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->arrow_texture, NULL, &dst); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, r, g, b, a); y += ctx->button_height + 2; } } y += FONT_LINE_HEIGHT + 2; if (nhats > 0) { SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x, y, "HATS"); y += FONT_LINE_HEIGHT + 2 + 1.5f * ctx->button_height - FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2; for (i = 0; i < nhats; ++i) { Uint8 value = SDL_GetJoystickHat(joystick, i); SDL_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%d:", i); SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, x, y, text); if (value & SDL_HAT_LEFT) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 10, 255, 21); } else if (!SetupJoystickHatHighlight(ctx, i, SDL_HAT_LEFT)) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 255, 255, 255); } dst.x = x + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE * SDL_strlen(text) + 2; dst.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; dst.w = ctx->button_width; dst.h = ctx->button_height; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->button_texture, NULL, &dst); if (value & SDL_HAT_UP) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 10, 255, 21); } else if (!SetupJoystickHatHighlight(ctx, i, SDL_HAT_UP)) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 255, 255, 255); } dst.x += ctx->button_width; dst.y -= ctx->button_height; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->button_texture, NULL, &dst); if (value & SDL_HAT_DOWN) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 10, 255, 21); } else if (!SetupJoystickHatHighlight(ctx, i, SDL_HAT_DOWN)) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 255, 255, 255); } dst.y += ctx->button_height * 2; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->button_texture, NULL, &dst); if (value & SDL_HAT_RIGHT) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 10, 255, 21); } else if (!SetupJoystickHatHighlight(ctx, i, SDL_HAT_RIGHT)) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->button_texture, 255, 255, 255); } dst.x += ctx->button_width; dst.y = y + FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE / 2 - ctx->button_height / 2; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->button_texture, NULL, &dst); y += 3 * ctx->button_height + 2; } } } void DestroyJoystickDisplay(JoystickDisplay *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return; } SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->button_texture); SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->arrow_texture); SDL_free(ctx); } struct GamepadButton { SDL_Renderer *renderer; SDL_Texture *background; float background_width; float background_height; SDL_FRect area; char *label; float label_width; float label_height; bool highlight; bool pressed; }; GamepadButton *CreateGamepadButton(SDL_Renderer *renderer, const char *label) { GamepadButton *ctx = SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx)); if (ctx) { ctx->renderer = renderer; ctx->background = CreateTexture(renderer, gamepad_button_background_bmp, gamepad_button_background_bmp_len); SDL_GetTextureSize(ctx->background, &ctx->background_width, &ctx->background_height); ctx->label = SDL_strdup(label); ctx->label_width = (float)(FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE * SDL_strlen(label)); ctx->label_height = (float)FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE; } return ctx; } void SetGamepadButtonArea(GamepadButton *ctx, const SDL_FRect *area) { if (!ctx) { return; } SDL_copyp(&ctx->area, area); } void GetGamepadButtonArea(GamepadButton *ctx, SDL_FRect *area) { if (!ctx) { SDL_zerop(area); return; } SDL_copyp(area, &ctx->area); } void SetGamepadButtonHighlight(GamepadButton *ctx, bool highlight, bool pressed) { if (!ctx) { return; } ctx->highlight = highlight; if (highlight) { ctx->pressed = pressed; } else { ctx->pressed = false; } } float GetGamepadButtonLabelWidth(GamepadButton *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return 0; } return ctx->label_width; } float GetGamepadButtonLabelHeight(GamepadButton *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return 0; } return ctx->label_height; } bool GamepadButtonContains(GamepadButton *ctx, float x, float y) { SDL_FPoint point; if (!ctx) { return false; } point.x = x; point.y = y; return SDL_PointInRectFloat(&point, &ctx->area); } void RenderGamepadButton(GamepadButton *ctx) { SDL_FRect src, dst; float one_third_src_width; float one_third_src_height; if (!ctx) { return; } one_third_src_width = ctx->background_width / 3; one_third_src_height = ctx->background_height / 3; if (ctx->pressed) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->background, PRESSED_TEXTURE_MOD); } else if (ctx->highlight) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->background, HIGHLIGHT_TEXTURE_MOD); } else { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(ctx->background, 255, 255, 255); } /* Top left */ src.x = 0.0f; src.y = 0.0f; src.w = one_third_src_width; src.h = one_third_src_height; dst.x = ctx->area.x; dst.y = ctx->area.y; dst.w = src.w; dst.h = src.h; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->background, &src, &dst); /* Bottom left */ src.y = ctx->background_height - src.h; dst.y = ctx->area.y + ctx->area.h - dst.h; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->background, &src, &dst); /* Bottom right */ src.x = ctx->background_width - src.w; dst.x = ctx->area.x + ctx->area.w - dst.w; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->background, &src, &dst); /* Top right */ src.y = 0.0f; dst.y = ctx->area.y; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->background, &src, &dst); /* Left */ src.x = 0.0f; src.y = one_third_src_height; dst.x = ctx->area.x; dst.y = ctx->area.y + one_third_src_height; dst.w = one_third_src_width; dst.h = ctx->area.h - 2 * one_third_src_height; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->background, &src, &dst); /* Right */ src.x = ctx->background_width - one_third_src_width; dst.x = ctx->area.x + ctx->area.w - one_third_src_width; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->background, &src, &dst); /* Top */ src.x = one_third_src_width; src.y = 0.0f; dst.x = ctx->area.x + one_third_src_width; dst.y = ctx->area.y; dst.w = ctx->area.w - 2 * one_third_src_width; dst.h = one_third_src_height; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->background, &src, &dst); /* Bottom */ src.y = ctx->background_height - src.h; dst.y = ctx->area.y + ctx->area.h - one_third_src_height; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->background, &src, &dst); /* Center */ src.x = one_third_src_width; src.y = one_third_src_height; dst.x = ctx->area.x + one_third_src_width; dst.y = ctx->area.y + one_third_src_height; dst.w = ctx->area.w - 2 * one_third_src_width; dst.h = ctx->area.h - 2 * one_third_src_height; SDL_RenderTexture(ctx->renderer, ctx->background, &src, &dst); /* Label */ dst.x = ctx->area.x + ctx->area.w / 2 - ctx->label_width / 2; dst.y = ctx->area.y + ctx->area.h / 2 - ctx->label_height / 2; SDLTest_DrawString(ctx->renderer, dst.x, dst.y, ctx->label); } void DestroyGamepadButton(GamepadButton *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return; } SDL_DestroyTexture(ctx->background); SDL_free(ctx->label); SDL_free(ctx); } typedef struct { char *guid; char *name; int num_elements; char **keys; char **values; } MappingParts; static bool AddMappingKeyValue(MappingParts *parts, char *key, char *value); static bool AddMappingHalfAxisValue(MappingParts *parts, const char *key, const char *value, char sign) { char *new_key, *new_value; if (SDL_asprintf(&new_key, "%c%s", sign, key) < 0) { return false; } if (*value && value[SDL_strlen(value) - 1] == '~') { /* Invert the sign of the bound axis */ if (sign == '+') { sign = '-'; } else { sign = '+'; } } if (SDL_asprintf(&new_value, "%c%s", sign, value) < 0) { SDL_free(new_key); return false; } if (new_value[SDL_strlen(new_value) - 1] == '~') { new_value[SDL_strlen(new_value) - 1] = '\0'; } return AddMappingKeyValue(parts, new_key, new_value); } static bool AddMappingKeyValue(MappingParts *parts, char *key, char *value) { int axis; char **new_keys, **new_values; if (!key || !value) { SDL_free(key); SDL_free(value); return false; } /* Split axis values for easy binding purposes */ for (axis = 0; axis < SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER; ++axis) { if (SDL_strcmp(key, SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis((SDL_GamepadAxis)axis)) == 0) { bool result; result = AddMappingHalfAxisValue(parts, key, value, '-') && AddMappingHalfAxisValue(parts, key, value, '+'); SDL_free(key); SDL_free(value); return result; } } new_keys = (char **)SDL_realloc(parts->keys, (parts->num_elements + 1) * sizeof(*new_keys)); if (!new_keys) { return false; } parts->keys = new_keys; new_values = (char **)SDL_realloc(parts->values, (parts->num_elements + 1) * sizeof(*new_values)); if (!new_values) { return false; } parts->values = new_values; new_keys[parts->num_elements] = key; new_values[parts->num_elements] = value; ++parts->num_elements; return true; } static void SplitMapping(const char *mapping, MappingParts *parts) { const char *current, *comma, *colon, *key, *value; char *new_key, *new_value; SDL_zerop(parts); if (!mapping || !*mapping) { return; } /* Get the guid */ current = mapping; comma = SDL_strchr(current, ','); if (!comma) { parts->guid = SDL_strdup(current); return; } parts->guid = SDL_strndup(current, (comma - current)); current = comma + 1; /* Get the name */ comma = SDL_strchr(current, ','); if (!comma) { parts->name = SDL_strdup(current); return; } if (*current != '*') { parts->name = SDL_strndup(current, (comma - current)); } current = comma + 1; for (;;) { colon = SDL_strchr(current, ':'); if (!colon) { break; } key = current; value = colon + 1; comma = SDL_strchr(value, ','); new_key = SDL_strndup(key, (colon - key)); if (comma) { new_value = SDL_strndup(value, (comma - value)); } else { new_value = SDL_strdup(value); } if (!AddMappingKeyValue(parts, new_key, new_value)) { break; } if (comma) { current = comma + 1; } else { break; } } } static int FindMappingKey(const MappingParts *parts, const char *key) { int i; if (key) { for (i = 0; i < parts->num_elements; ++i) { if (SDL_strcmp(key, parts->keys[i]) == 0) { return i; } } } return -1; } static void RemoveMappingValueAt(MappingParts *parts, int index) { SDL_free(parts->keys[index]); SDL_free(parts->values[index]); --parts->num_elements; if (index < parts->num_elements) { SDL_memcpy(&parts->keys[index], &parts->keys[index] + 1, (parts->num_elements - index) * sizeof(parts->keys[index])); SDL_memcpy(&parts->values[index], &parts->values[index] + 1, (parts->num_elements - index) * sizeof(parts->values[index])); } } static void ConvertBAXYMapping(MappingParts *parts) { int i; bool baxy_mapping = false; for (i = 0; i < parts->num_elements; ++i) { const char *key = parts->keys[i]; const char *value = parts->values[i]; if (SDL_strcmp(key, "hint") == 0 && SDL_strcmp(value, "SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_USE_BUTTON_LABELS:=1") == 0) { baxy_mapping = true; } } if (!baxy_mapping) { return; } /* Swap buttons, invert hint */ for (i = 0; i < parts->num_elements; ++i) { char *key = parts->keys[i]; char *value = parts->values[i]; if (SDL_strcmp(key, "a") == 0) { parts->keys[i] = SDL_strdup("b"); SDL_free(key); } else if (SDL_strcmp(key, "b") == 0) { parts->keys[i] = SDL_strdup("a"); SDL_free(key); } else if (SDL_strcmp(key, "x") == 0) { parts->keys[i] = SDL_strdup("y"); SDL_free(key); } else if (SDL_strcmp(key, "y") == 0) { parts->keys[i] = SDL_strdup("x"); SDL_free(key); } else if (SDL_strcmp(key, "hint") == 0 && SDL_strcmp(value, "SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_USE_BUTTON_LABELS:=1") == 0) { parts->values[i] = SDL_strdup("!SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_USE_BUTTON_LABELS:=1"); SDL_free(value); } } } static void UpdateLegacyElements(MappingParts *parts) { ConvertBAXYMapping(parts); } static bool CombineMappingAxes(MappingParts *parts) { int i, matching, axis; for (i = 0; i < parts->num_elements; ++i) { char *key = parts->keys[i]; char *current_value; char *matching_key; char *matching_value; if (*key != '-' && *key != '+') { continue; } for (axis = 0; axis < SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER; ++axis) { if (SDL_strcmp(key + 1, SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis((SDL_GamepadAxis)axis)) == 0) { /* Look for a matching axis with the opposite sign */ if (SDL_asprintf(&matching_key, "%c%s", (*key == '-' ? '+' : '-'), key + 1) < 0) { return false; } matching = FindMappingKey(parts, matching_key); if (matching >= 0) { /* Check to see if they're bound to the same axis */ current_value = parts->values[i]; matching_value = parts->values[matching]; if (((*current_value == '-' && *matching_value == '+') || (*current_value == '+' && *matching_value == '-')) && SDL_strcmp(current_value + 1, matching_value + 1) == 0) { /* Combine these axes */ if (*key == *current_value) { SDL_memmove(current_value, current_value + 1, SDL_strlen(current_value)); } else { /* Invert the bound axis */ SDL_memmove(current_value, current_value + 1, SDL_strlen(current_value)-1); current_value[SDL_strlen(current_value) - 1] = '~'; } SDL_memmove(key, key + 1, SDL_strlen(key)); RemoveMappingValueAt(parts, matching); } } SDL_free(matching_key); break; } } } return true; } typedef struct { MappingParts *parts; int index; } MappingSortEntry; static int SDLCALL SortMapping(const void *a, const void *b) { MappingSortEntry *A = (MappingSortEntry *)a; MappingSortEntry *B = (MappingSortEntry *)b; const char *keyA = A->parts->keys[A->index]; const char *keyB = B->parts->keys[B->index]; return SDL_strcmp(keyA, keyB); } static void MoveSortedEntry(const char *key, MappingSortEntry *sort_order, int num_elements, bool front) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) { MappingSortEntry *entry = &sort_order[i]; if (SDL_strcmp(key, entry->parts->keys[entry->index]) == 0) { if (front && i != 0) { MappingSortEntry tmp = sort_order[i]; SDL_memmove(&sort_order[1], &sort_order[0], sizeof(*sort_order)*i); sort_order[0] = tmp; } else if (!front && i != (num_elements - 1)) { MappingSortEntry tmp = sort_order[i]; SDL_memmove(&sort_order[i], &sort_order[i + 1], sizeof(*sort_order)*(num_elements - i - 1)); sort_order[num_elements - 1] = tmp; } break; } } } static char *JoinMapping(MappingParts *parts) { int i; size_t length; char *mapping; const char *guid; const char *name; MappingSortEntry *sort_order; UpdateLegacyElements(parts); CombineMappingAxes(parts); guid = parts->guid; if (!guid || !*guid) { guid = "*"; } name = parts->name; if (!name || !*name) { name = "*"; } length = SDL_strlen(guid) + 1 + SDL_strlen(name) + 1; for (i = 0; i < parts->num_elements; ++i) { length += SDL_strlen(parts->keys[i]) + 1; length += SDL_strlen(parts->values[i]) + 1; } length += 1; /* The sort order is: crc, platform, type, *, sdk, hint */ sort_order = SDL_stack_alloc(MappingSortEntry, parts->num_elements); for (i = 0; i < parts->num_elements; ++i) { sort_order[i].parts = parts; sort_order[i].index = i; } SDL_qsort(sort_order, parts->num_elements, sizeof(*sort_order), SortMapping); MoveSortedEntry("type", sort_order, parts->num_elements, true); MoveSortedEntry("platform", sort_order, parts->num_elements, true); MoveSortedEntry("crc", sort_order, parts->num_elements, true); MoveSortedEntry("sdk>=", sort_order, parts->num_elements, false); MoveSortedEntry("sdk<=", sort_order, parts->num_elements, false); MoveSortedEntry("hint", sort_order, parts->num_elements, false); /* Move platform to the front */ mapping = (char *)SDL_malloc(length); if (mapping) { *mapping = '\0'; SDL_strlcat(mapping, guid, length); SDL_strlcat(mapping, ",", length); SDL_strlcat(mapping, name, length); SDL_strlcat(mapping, ",", length); for (i = 0; i < parts->num_elements; ++i) { int next = sort_order[i].index; SDL_strlcat(mapping, parts->keys[next], length); SDL_strlcat(mapping, ":", length); SDL_strlcat(mapping, parts->values[next], length); SDL_strlcat(mapping, ",", length); } } SDL_stack_free(sort_order); return mapping; } static void FreeMappingParts(MappingParts *parts) { int i; SDL_free(parts->guid); SDL_free(parts->name); for (i = 0; i < parts->num_elements; ++i) { SDL_free(parts->keys[i]); SDL_free(parts->values[i]); } SDL_free(parts->keys); SDL_free(parts->values); SDL_zerop(parts); } /* Create a new mapping from the parts and free the old mapping and parts */ static char *RecreateMapping(MappingParts *parts, char *mapping) { char *new_mapping = JoinMapping(parts); if (new_mapping) { SDL_free(mapping); mapping = new_mapping; } FreeMappingParts(parts); return mapping; } static const char *GetLegacyKey(const char *key, bool baxy) { if (SDL_strcmp(key, SDL_GetGamepadStringForButton(SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_SOUTH)) == 0) { if (baxy) { return "b"; } else { return "a"; } } if (SDL_strcmp(key, SDL_GetGamepadStringForButton(SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_EAST)) == 0) { if (baxy) { return "a"; } else { return "b"; } } if (SDL_strcmp(key, SDL_GetGamepadStringForButton(SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_WEST)) == 0) { if (baxy) { return "y"; } else { return "x"; } } if (SDL_strcmp(key, SDL_GetGamepadStringForButton(SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_NORTH)) == 0) { if (baxy) { return "y"; } else { return "x"; } } return key; } static bool MappingHasKey(const char *mapping, const char *key) { int i; MappingParts parts; bool result = false; SplitMapping(mapping, &parts); i = FindMappingKey(&parts, key); if (i < 0) { bool baxy_mapping = false; if (mapping && SDL_strstr(mapping, ",hint:SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_USE_BUTTON_LABELS:=1") != NULL) { baxy_mapping = true; } i = FindMappingKey(&parts, GetLegacyKey(key, baxy_mapping)); } if (i >= 0) { result = true; } FreeMappingParts(&parts); return result; } static char *GetMappingValue(const char *mapping, const char *key) { int i; MappingParts parts; char *value = NULL; SplitMapping(mapping, &parts); i = FindMappingKey(&parts, key); if (i < 0) { bool baxy_mapping = false; if (mapping && SDL_strstr(mapping, ",hint:SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_USE_BUTTON_LABELS:=1") != NULL) { baxy_mapping = true; } i = FindMappingKey(&parts, GetLegacyKey(key, baxy_mapping)); } if (i >= 0) { value = parts.values[i]; parts.values[i] = NULL; /* So we don't free it */ } FreeMappingParts(&parts); return value; } static char *SetMappingValue(char *mapping, const char *key, const char *value) { MappingParts parts; int i; char *new_key = NULL; char *new_value = NULL; char **new_keys = NULL; char **new_values = NULL; bool result = false; if (!key) { return mapping; } SplitMapping(mapping, &parts); i = FindMappingKey(&parts, key); if (i >= 0) { new_value = SDL_strdup(value); if (new_value) { SDL_free(parts.values[i]); parts.values[i] = new_value; result = true; } } else { int count = parts.num_elements; new_key = SDL_strdup(key); if (new_key) { new_value = SDL_strdup(value); if (new_value) { new_keys = (char **)SDL_realloc(parts.keys, (count + 1) * sizeof(*new_keys)); if (new_keys) { new_values = (char **)SDL_realloc(parts.values, (count + 1) * sizeof(*new_values)); if (new_values) { new_keys[count] = new_key; new_values[count] = new_value; parts.num_elements = (count + 1); parts.keys = new_keys; parts.values = new_values; result = true; } } } } } if (result) { mapping = RecreateMapping(&parts, mapping); } else { SDL_free(new_key); SDL_free(new_value); SDL_free(new_keys); SDL_free(new_values); } return mapping; } static char *RemoveMappingValue(char *mapping, const char *key) { MappingParts parts; int i; SplitMapping(mapping, &parts); i = FindMappingKey(&parts, key); if (i >= 0) { RemoveMappingValueAt(&parts, i); } return RecreateMapping(&parts, mapping); } bool MappingHasBindings(const char *mapping) { MappingParts parts; int i; bool result = false; if (!mapping || !*mapping) { return false; } SplitMapping(mapping, &parts); for (i = 0; i < SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_COUNT; ++i) { if (FindMappingKey(&parts, SDL_GetGamepadStringForButton((SDL_GamepadButton)i)) >= 0) { result = true; break; } } if (!result) { for (i = 0; i < SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_COUNT; ++i) { if (FindMappingKey(&parts, SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis((SDL_GamepadAxis)i)) >= 0) { result = true; break; } } } FreeMappingParts(&parts); return result; } bool MappingHasName(const char *mapping) { MappingParts parts; bool result; SplitMapping(mapping, &parts); result = parts.name ? true : false; FreeMappingParts(&parts); return result; } char *GetMappingName(const char *mapping) { MappingParts parts; char *name; SplitMapping(mapping, &parts); name = parts.name; parts.name = NULL; /* Don't free the name we're about to return */ FreeMappingParts(&parts); return name; } char *SetMappingName(char *mapping, const char *name) { MappingParts parts; char *new_name, *spot; size_t length; if (!name) { return mapping; } /* Remove any leading whitespace */ while (*name && SDL_isspace(*name)) { ++name; } new_name = SDL_strdup(name); if (!new_name) { return mapping; } /* Remove any commas, which are field separators in the mapping */ length = SDL_strlen(new_name); while ((spot = SDL_strchr(new_name, ',')) != NULL) { SDL_memmove(spot, spot + 1, length - (spot - new_name) + 1); --length; } /* Remove any trailing whitespace */ while (length > 0 && SDL_isspace(new_name[length - 1])) { --length; } /* See if we have anything left */ if (length == 0) { SDL_free(new_name); return mapping; } /* null terminate to cut off anything we've trimmed */ new_name[length] = '\0'; SplitMapping(mapping, &parts); SDL_free(parts.name); parts.name = new_name; return RecreateMapping(&parts, mapping); } const char *GetGamepadTypeString(SDL_GamepadType type) { switch (type) { case SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_XBOX360: return "Xbox 360"; case SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_XBOXONE: return "Xbox One"; case SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_PS3: return "PS3"; case SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_PS4: return "PS4"; case SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_PS5: return "PS5"; case SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_NINTENDO_SWITCH_PRO: return "Nintendo Switch"; case SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_NINTENDO_SWITCH_JOYCON_LEFT: return "Joy-Con (L)"; case SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_NINTENDO_SWITCH_JOYCON_RIGHT: return "Joy-Con (R)"; case SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_NINTENDO_SWITCH_JOYCON_PAIR: return "Joy-Con Pair"; default: return ""; } } SDL_GamepadType GetMappingType(const char *mapping) { return SDL_GetGamepadTypeFromString(GetMappingValue(mapping, "type")); } char *SetMappingType(char *mapping, SDL_GamepadType type) { const char *type_string = SDL_GetGamepadStringForType(type); if (!type_string || type == SDL_GAMEPAD_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { return RemoveMappingValue(mapping, "type"); } else { return SetMappingValue(mapping, "type", type_string); } } static const char *GetElementKey(int element) { if (element < SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_COUNT) { return SDL_GetGamepadStringForButton((SDL_GamepadButton)element); } else { static char key[16]; switch (element) { case SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_NEGATIVE: SDL_snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "-%s", SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTX_POSITIVE: SDL_snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "+%s", SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTY_NEGATIVE: SDL_snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "-%s", SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTY)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFTY_POSITIVE: SDL_snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "+%s", SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTY)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_NEGATIVE: SDL_snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "-%s", SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTX)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTX_POSITIVE: SDL_snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "+%s", SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTX)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTY_NEGATIVE: SDL_snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "-%s", SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTY)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHTY_POSITIVE: SDL_snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "+%s", SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTY)); break; case SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER: return SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER); case SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER: return SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis(SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER); default: return NULL; } return key; } } bool MappingHasElement(const char *mapping, int element) { const char *key; key = GetElementKey(element); if (!key) { return false; } return MappingHasKey(mapping, key); } char *GetElementBinding(const char *mapping, int element) { const char *key; key = GetElementKey(element); if (!key) { return NULL; } return GetMappingValue(mapping, key); } char *SetElementBinding(char *mapping, int element, const char *binding) { if (binding) { return SetMappingValue(mapping, GetElementKey(element), binding); } else { return RemoveMappingValue(mapping, GetElementKey(element)); } } int GetElementForBinding(char *mapping, const char *binding) { MappingParts parts; int i, element; int result = SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_INVALID; if (!binding) { return SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_INVALID; } SplitMapping(mapping, &parts); for (i = 0; i < parts.num_elements; ++i) { if (SDL_strcmp(binding, parts.values[i]) == 0) { for (element = 0; element < SDL_GAMEPAD_ELEMENT_MAX; ++element) { const char *key = GetElementKey(element); if (key && SDL_strcmp(key, parts.keys[i]) == 0) { result = element; break; } } break; } } FreeMappingParts(&parts); return result; } bool MappingHasBinding(const char *mapping, const char *binding) { MappingParts parts; int i; bool result = false; if (!binding) { return false; } SplitMapping(mapping, &parts); for (i = 0; i < parts.num_elements; ++i) { if (SDL_strcmp(binding, parts.values[i]) == 0) { result = true; break; } } FreeMappingParts(&parts); return result; } char *ClearMappingBinding(char *mapping, const char *binding) { MappingParts parts; int i; bool modified = false; if (!binding) { return mapping; } SplitMapping(mapping, &parts); for (i = parts.num_elements - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (SDL_strcmp(binding, parts.values[i]) == 0) { RemoveMappingValueAt(&parts, i); modified = true; } } if (modified) { return RecreateMapping(&parts, mapping); } else { FreeMappingParts(&parts); return mapping; } }