While dividing previously spared me from a lot of work and problems it is probably best to have everything working for every or as many platforms as possible. Some platforms fail to provide good ways to support everything (e.g.:X11 does not have pixmap clipping with different width/height or alpha-blending) but all OpenGL demos outside allegro (needs some additional work) should be able to run.
948 lines
44 KiB
948 lines
44 KiB
/* ===============================================================
* ===============================================================*/
static void
demo_window(struct zr_context *ctx)
struct zr_panel menu;
/* window flags */
static int show_menu = zr_true;
static int titlebar = zr_true;
static int border = zr_true;
static int resize = zr_true;
static int moveable = zr_true;
static int no_scrollbar = zr_false;
static zr_flags window_flags = 0;
static int minimizable = zr_true;
static int close = zr_true;
/* popups */
static enum zr_style_header_align header_align = ZR_HEADER_RIGHT;
static int show_app_about = zr_false;
struct zr_panel layout;
/* window flags */
window_flags = 0;
ctx->style.header.align = header_align;
if (border) window_flags |= ZR_WINDOW_BORDER;
if (resize) window_flags |= ZR_WINDOW_SCALABLE;
if (moveable) window_flags |= ZR_WINDOW_MOVABLE;
if (no_scrollbar) window_flags |= ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR;
if (minimizable) window_flags |= ZR_WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE;
if (close) window_flags |= ZR_WINDOW_CLOSABLE;
if (zr_begin(ctx, &layout, "Demo", zr_rect(10, 10, 400, 750), window_flags))
if (show_menu)
/* menubar */
enum menu_states {MENU_DEFAULT, MENU_TEST};
static zr_size mprog = 60;
static int mslider = 10;
static int mcheck = zr_true;
zr_layout_row_begin(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 25, 2);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 45);
if (zr_menu_text_begin(ctx, &menu, "MENU", 120))
static size_t prog = 40;
static int slider = 10;
static int check = zr_true;
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
zr_progress(ctx, &prog, 100, ZR_MODIFIABLE);
zr_slider_int(ctx, 0, &slider, 16, 1);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "check", &check);
if (zr_menu_item(ctx, ZR_TEXT_CENTERED, "Hide"))
show_menu = zr_false;
if (zr_menu_item(ctx, ZR_TEXT_CENTERED, "About"))
show_app_about = zr_true;
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 60);
zr_progress(ctx, &mprog, 100, ZR_MODIFIABLE);
zr_slider_int(ctx, 0, &mslider, 16, 1);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "check", &mcheck);
if (show_app_about)
/* about popup */
struct zr_panel popup;
static struct zr_rect s = {20, 100, 300, 190};
if (zr_popup_begin(ctx, &popup, ZR_POPUP_STATIC, "About", ZR_WINDOW_CLOSABLE, s))
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "Zahnrad", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_label(ctx, "By Micha Mettke", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_label(ctx, "Zahnrad is licensed under the zlib License.", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_label(ctx, "See LICENSE for more information", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
} else show_app_about = zr_false;
/* window flags */
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_TAB, "Window", ZR_MINIMIZED)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 2);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "Titlebar", &titlebar);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "Menu", &show_menu);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "Border", &border);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "Resizable", &resize);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "Moveable", &moveable);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "No Scrollbar", &no_scrollbar);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "Minimizable", &minimizable);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "Closeable", &close);
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_TAB, "Widgets", ZR_MINIMIZED))
enum options {A,B,C};
static int checkbox;
static int option;
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Text", ZR_MINIMIZED))
/* Text Widgets */
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "Label aligned left", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_label(ctx, "Label aligned centered", ZR_TEXT_CENTERED);
zr_label(ctx, "Label aligned right", ZR_TEXT_RIGHT);
zr_label_colored(ctx, "Blue text", ZR_TEXT_LEFT, zr_rgb(0,0,255));
zr_label_colored(ctx, "Yellow text", ZR_TEXT_LEFT, zr_rgb(255,255,0));
zr_text(ctx, "Text without /0", 15, ZR_TEXT_RIGHT);
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 100, 200, 1);
zr_label_wrap(ctx, "This is a very long line to hopefully get this text to be wrapped into multiple lines to show line wrapping");
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 100, 1);
zr_label_wrap(ctx, "This is another long text to show dynamic window changes on multiline text");
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Button", ZR_MINIMIZED))
/* Buttons Widgets */
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 30, 100, 3);
if (zr_button_text(ctx, "Button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
fprintf(stdout, "Button pressed!\n");
if (zr_button_text(ctx, "Repeater", ZR_BUTTON_REPEATER))
fprintf(stdout, "Repeater is being pressed!\n");
zr_button_color(ctx, zr_rgb(0,0,255), ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 20, 20, 8);
zr_button_symbol(ctx, ZR_SYMBOL_CIRCLE, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_symbol(ctx, ZR_SYMBOL_RECT, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 30, 100, 2);
zr_button_text_symbol(ctx, ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_LEFT, "prev", ZR_TEXT_RIGHT, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text_symbol(ctx, ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_RIGHT, "next", ZR_TEXT_LEFT, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Basic", ZR_MINIMIZED))
/* Basic widgets */
static int int_slider = 5;
static float float_slider = 2.5f;
static size_t prog_value = 40;
static float property_float = 2;
static int property_int = 10;
static int property_neg = 10;
static float range_float_min = 0;
static float range_float_max = 100;
static float range_float_value = 50;
static int range_int_min = 0;
static int range_int_value = 2048;
static int range_int_max = 4096;
static const float ratio[] = {120, 150};
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 30, 100, 1);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "Checkbox", &checkbox);
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 30, 80, 3);
option = zr_option(ctx, "optionA", option == A) ? A : option;
option = zr_option(ctx, "optionB", option == B) ? B : option;
option = zr_option(ctx, "optionC", option == C) ? C : option;
zr_layout_row(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 30, 2, ratio);
zr_labelf(ctx, ZR_TEXT_LEFT, "Slider int");
zr_slider_int(ctx, 0, &int_slider, 10, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "Slider float", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_slider_float(ctx, 0, &float_slider, 5.0, 0.5f);
zr_labelf(ctx, ZR_TEXT_LEFT, "Progressbar" , prog_value);
zr_progress(ctx, &prog_value, 100, ZR_MODIFIABLE);
zr_layout_row(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 25, 2, ratio);
zr_label(ctx, "Property float:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_property_float(ctx, "Float:", 0, &property_float, 64.0f, 0.1f, 0.2f);
zr_label(ctx, "Property int:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_property_int(ctx, "Int:", 0, &property_int, 100.0f, 1, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "Property neg:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_property_int(ctx, "Neg:", -10, &property_neg, 10, 1, 1);
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "Range:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 3);
zr_property_float(ctx, "#min:", 0, &range_float_min, range_float_max, 1.0f, 0.2f);
zr_property_float(ctx, "#float:", range_float_min, &range_float_value, range_float_max, 1.0f, 0.2f);
zr_property_float(ctx, "#max:", range_float_min, &range_float_max, 100, 1.0f, 0.2f);
zr_property_int(ctx, "#min:", INT_MIN, &range_int_min, range_int_max, 1, 10);
zr_property_int(ctx, "#neg:", range_int_min, &range_int_value, range_int_max, 1, 10);
zr_property_int(ctx, "#max:", range_int_min, &range_int_max, INT_MAX, 1, 10);
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Selectable", ZR_MINIMIZED))
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "List", ZR_MINIMIZED))
static int selected[4] = {zr_false, zr_false, zr_true, zr_false};
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 18, 100, 1);
zr_selectable(ctx, "Selectable", ZR_TEXT_LEFT, &selected[0]);
zr_selectable(ctx, "Selectable", ZR_TEXT_LEFT, &selected[1]);
zr_label(ctx, "Not Selectable", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_selectable(ctx, "Selectable", ZR_TEXT_LEFT, &selected[2]);
zr_selectable(ctx, "Selectable", ZR_TEXT_LEFT, &selected[3]);
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Grid", ZR_MINIMIZED))
int i;
static int selected[16] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 50, 50, 4);
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
if (zr_selectable(ctx, "Z", ZR_TEXT_CENTERED, &selected[i])) {
int x = (i % 4), y = i / 4;
if (x > 0) selected[i - 1] ^= 1;
if (x < 3) selected[i + 1] ^= 1;
if (y > 0) selected[i - 4] ^= 1;
if (y < 3) selected[i + 4] ^= 1;
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Combo", ZR_MINIMIZED))
/* Combobox Widgets */
static float chart_selection = 8.0f;
static const char *weapons[] = {"Fist","Pistol","Shotgun","Plasma","BFG"};
static size_t current_weapon = 0;
static int check_values[5];
static struct zr_color combo_color = {130, 50, 50, 255};
static struct zr_color combo_color2 = {130, 180, 50, 255};
static size_t x = 20, y = 40, z = 10, w = 90;
char buffer[32];
size_t sum = 0;
struct zr_panel combo;
/* default combobox */
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 25, 200, 1);
if (zr_combo_begin_text(ctx, &combo, weapons[current_weapon], 200)) {
size_t i = 0;
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
for (i = 0; i < LEN(weapons); ++i) {
if (zr_combo_item(ctx, weapons[i], ZR_TEXT_LEFT))
current_weapon = i;
/* slider color combobox */
if (zr_combo_begin_color(ctx, &combo, combo_color, 200)) {
float ratios[] = {0.15f, 0.85f};
zr_layout_row(ctx, ZR_DYNAMIC, 30, 2, ratios);
zr_label(ctx, "R:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
combo_color.r = (zr_byte)zr_slide_int(ctx, 0, combo_color.r, 255, 5);
zr_label(ctx, "G:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
combo_color.g = (zr_byte)zr_slide_int(ctx, 0, combo_color.g, 255, 5);
zr_label(ctx, "B:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
combo_color.b = (zr_byte)zr_slide_int(ctx, 0, combo_color.b, 255, 5);
zr_label(ctx, "A:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
combo_color.a = (zr_byte)zr_slide_int(ctx, 0, combo_color.a , 255, 5);
/* property color combobox */
if (zr_combo_begin_color(ctx, &combo, combo_color2, 200)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
combo_color2.r = (zr_byte)zr_propertyi(ctx, "#R:", 0, combo_color2.r, 255, 1,1);
combo_color2.g = (zr_byte)zr_propertyi(ctx, "#G:", 0, combo_color2.g, 255, 1,1);
combo_color2.b = (zr_byte)zr_propertyi(ctx, "#B:", 0, combo_color2.b, 255, 1,1);
combo_color2.a = (zr_byte)zr_propertyi(ctx, "#A:", 0, combo_color2.a, 255, 1,1);
/* progressbar combobox */
sum = x + y + z + w;
sprintf(buffer, "%lu", sum);
if (zr_combo_begin_text(ctx, &combo, buffer, 200)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 1);
zr_progress(ctx, &x, 100, ZR_MODIFIABLE);
zr_progress(ctx, &y, 100, ZR_MODIFIABLE);
zr_progress(ctx, &z, 100, ZR_MODIFIABLE);
zr_progress(ctx, &w, 100, ZR_MODIFIABLE);
/* checkbox combobox */
sum = (size_t)(check_values[0] + check_values[1] + check_values[2] + check_values[3] + check_values[4]);
sprintf(buffer, "%lu", sum);
if (zr_combo_begin_text(ctx, &combo, buffer, 200)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 1);
zr_checkbox(ctx, weapons[0], &check_values[0]);
zr_checkbox(ctx, weapons[1], &check_values[1]);
zr_checkbox(ctx, weapons[2], &check_values[2]);
zr_checkbox(ctx, weapons[3], &check_values[3]);
/* chart combobox */
sprintf(buffer, "%.1f", chart_selection);
if (zr_combo_begin_text(ctx, &combo, buffer, 250)) {
size_t i = 0;
static const float values[]={30.0f,15.0f,25.0f,10.0f,20.0f,40.0f};
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 150, 1);
zr_chart_begin(ctx, ZR_CHART_COLUMN, LEN(values), 0, 50);
for (i = 0; i < LEN(values); ++i) {
zr_flags res = zr_chart_push(ctx, values[i]);
if (res & ZR_CHART_CLICKED) {
chart_selection = values[i];
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Input", ZR_MINIMIZED))
static const float ratio[] = {120, 150};
static char field_buffer[64];
static char box_buffer[512];
static char text[9][64];
static size_t text_len[9];
static size_t field_len;
static size_t box_len;
zr_flags active;
zr_layout_row(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 25, 2, ratio);
zr_label(ctx, "Default:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_edit_string(ctx, ZR_EDIT_CURSOR, text[0], &text_len[0], 64, zr_filter_default);
zr_label(ctx, "Int:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_edit_string(ctx, ZR_EDIT_CURSOR, text[1], &text_len[1], 64, zr_filter_decimal);
zr_label(ctx, "Float:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_edit_string(ctx, ZR_EDIT_CURSOR, text[2], &text_len[2], 64, zr_filter_float);
zr_label(ctx, "Hex:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_edit_string(ctx, ZR_EDIT_CURSOR, text[4], &text_len[4], 64, zr_filter_hex);
zr_label(ctx, "Octal:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_edit_string(ctx, ZR_EDIT_CURSOR, text[5], &text_len[5], 64, zr_filter_oct);
zr_label(ctx, "Binary:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_edit_string(ctx, ZR_EDIT_CURSOR, text[6], &text_len[6], 64, zr_filter_binary);
zr_label(ctx, "Password:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
size_t i = 0;
size_t old_len = text_len[8];
char buffer[64];
for (i = 0; i < text_len[8]; ++i) buffer[i] = '*';
zr_edit_string(ctx, ZR_EDIT_SIMPLE, buffer, &text_len[8], 64, zr_filter_default);
if (old_len < text_len[8])
memcpy(&text[8][old_len], &buffer[old_len], text_len[8] - old_len);
zr_label(ctx, "Field:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_edit_string(ctx, ZR_EDIT_FIELD, field_buffer, &field_len, 64, zr_filter_default);
zr_label(ctx, "Box:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 300, 278, 1);
zr_edit_string(ctx, ZR_EDIT_BOX, box_buffer, &box_len, 512, zr_filter_default);
zr_layout_row(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 25, 2, ratio);
active = zr_edit_string(ctx, ZR_EDIT_FIELD|ZR_EDIT_SIGCOMIT, text[7], &text_len[7], 64, zr_filter_ascii);
if (zr_button_text(ctx, "Submit", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT) ||
(active & ZR_EDIT_COMMITED))
text[7][text_len[7]] = '\n';
memcpy(&box_buffer[box_len], &text[7], text_len[7]);
box_len += text_len[7];
text_len[7] = 0;
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_TAB, "Chart", ZR_MINIMIZED))
float id = 0;
static int col_index = -1;
static int line_index = -1;
float step = (2*3.141592654f) / 32;
int i;
int index = -1;
struct zr_rect bounds;
/* line chart */
id = 0;
index = -1;
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 100, 1);
zr_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
zr_chart_begin(ctx, ZR_CHART_LINES, 32, -1.0f, 1.0f);
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
zr_flags res = zr_chart_push(ctx, (float)cos(id));
index = (int)i;
line_index = (int)i;
id += step;
if (index != -1) {
char buffer[ZR_MAX_NUMBER_BUFFER];
float val = (float)cos((float)index*step);
sprintf(buffer, "Value: %.2f", val);
zr_tooltip(ctx, buffer);
if (line_index != -1) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
zr_labelf(ctx, ZR_TEXT_LEFT, "Selected value: %.2f", (float)cos((float)index*step));
/* column chart */
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 100, 1);
zr_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
zr_chart_begin(ctx, ZR_CHART_COLUMN, 32, 0.0f, 1.0f);
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
zr_flags res = zr_chart_push(ctx, (float)fabs(sin(id)));
index = (int)i;
col_index = (int)i;
id += step;
if (index != -1) {
char buffer[ZR_MAX_NUMBER_BUFFER];
sprintf(buffer, "Value: %.2f", (float)fabs(sin(step * (float)index)));
zr_tooltip(ctx, buffer);
if (col_index != -1) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
zr_labelf(ctx, ZR_TEXT_LEFT, "Selected value: %.2f", (float)fabs(sin(step * (float)col_index)));
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_TAB, "Popup", ZR_MINIMIZED))
static struct zr_color color = {255,0,0, 255};
static int select[4];
static int popup_active;
const struct zr_input *in = &ctx->input;
struct zr_rect bounds;
/* menu contextual */
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 30, 150, 1);
zr_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
zr_label(ctx, "Right click me for menu", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
if (zr_contextual_begin(ctx, &menu, 0, zr_vec2(100, 300), bounds)) {
static size_t prog = 40;
static int slider = 10;
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "Menu", &show_menu);
zr_progress(ctx, &prog, 100, ZR_MODIFIABLE);
zr_slider_int(ctx, 0, &slider, 16, 1);
if (zr_contextual_item(ctx, "About", ZR_TEXT_CENTERED))
show_app_about = zr_true;
zr_selectable(ctx, select[0]?"Unselect":"Select", ZR_TEXT_LEFT, &select[0]);
zr_selectable(ctx, select[1]?"Unselect":"Select", ZR_TEXT_LEFT, &select[1]);
zr_selectable(ctx, select[2]?"Unselect":"Select", ZR_TEXT_LEFT, &select[2]);
zr_selectable(ctx, select[3]?"Unselect":"Select", ZR_TEXT_LEFT, &select[3]);
/* color contextual */
zr_layout_row_begin(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 30, 2);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 100);
zr_label(ctx, "Right Click here:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 50);
zr_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
zr_button_color(ctx, color, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
if (zr_contextual_begin(ctx, &menu, 0, zr_vec2(350, 60), bounds)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 4);
color.r = (zr_byte)zr_propertyi(ctx, "#r", 0, color.r, 255, 1, 1);
color.g = (zr_byte)zr_propertyi(ctx, "#g", 0, color.g, 255, 1, 1);
color.b = (zr_byte)zr_propertyi(ctx, "#b", 0, color.b, 255, 1, 1);
color.a = (zr_byte)zr_propertyi(ctx, "#a", 0, color.a, 255, 1, 1);
/* popup */
zr_layout_row_begin(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 30, 2);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 100);
zr_label(ctx, "Popup:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 50);
if (zr_button_text(ctx, "Popup", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
popup_active = 1;
if (popup_active)
static struct zr_rect s = {20, 100, 220, 150};
if (zr_popup_begin(ctx, &menu, ZR_POPUP_STATIC, "Error", ZR_WINDOW_DYNAMIC, s))
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "A terrible error as occured", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 2);
if (zr_button_text(ctx, "OK", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT)) {
popup_active = 0;
if (zr_button_text(ctx, "Cancel", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT)) {
popup_active = 0;
} else popup_active = zr_false;
/* tooltip */
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 30, 150, 1);
zr_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
zr_label(ctx, "Hover me for tooltip", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
if (zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, bounds))
zr_tooltip(ctx, "This is a tooltip");
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_TAB, "Layout", ZR_MINIMIZED))
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Widget", ZR_MINIMIZED))
float ratio_two[] = {0.2f, 0.6f, 0.2f};
float width_two[] = {100, 200, 50};
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "Dynamic fixed column layout with generated position and size:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 3);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "static fixed column layout with generated position and size:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 30, 100, 3);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "Dynamic array-based custom column layout with generated position and custom size:",ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_layout_row(ctx, ZR_DYNAMIC, 30, 3, ratio_two);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "Static array-based custom column layout with generated position and custom size:",ZR_TEXT_LEFT );
zr_layout_row(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 30, 3, width_two);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "Dynamic immediate mode custom column layout with generated position and custom size:",ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_layout_row_begin(ctx, ZR_DYNAMIC, 30, 3);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 0.2f);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 0.6f);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 0.2f);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "Static immmediate mode custom column layout with generated position and custom size:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_layout_row_begin(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 30, 3);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 100);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 200);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 50);
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "Static free space with custom position and custom size:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_layout_space_begin(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 120, 4);
zr_layout_space_push(ctx, zr_rect(100, 0, 100, 30));
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_space_push(ctx, zr_rect(0, 15, 100, 30));
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_space_push(ctx, zr_rect(200, 15, 100, 30));
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_space_push(ctx, zr_rect(100, 30, 100, 30));
zr_button_text(ctx, "button", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Group", ZR_MINIMIZED))
static int group_titlebar = zr_false;
static int group_border = zr_true;
static int group_no_scrollbar = zr_false;
static int group_width = 320;
static int group_height = 200;
struct zr_panel tab;
zr_flags group_flags = 0;
if (group_border) group_flags |= ZR_WINDOW_BORDER;
if (group_no_scrollbar) group_flags |= ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR;
if (group_titlebar) group_flags |= ZR_WINDOW_TITLE;
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 3);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "Titlebar", &group_titlebar);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "Border", &group_border);
zr_checkbox(ctx, "No Scrollbar", &group_no_scrollbar);
zr_layout_row_begin(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 22, 2);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 50);
zr_label(ctx, "size:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 130);
zr_property_int(ctx, "#Width:", 100, &group_width, 500, 10, 1);
zr_layout_row_push(ctx, 130);
zr_property_int(ctx, "#Height:", 100, &group_height, 500, 10, 1);
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, (float)group_height, (size_t)group_width, 2);
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &tab, "Group", group_flags)) {
int i = 0;
static int selected[16];
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 18, 100, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
zr_selectable(ctx, (selected[i]) ? "Selected": "Unselected", ZR_TEXT_CENTERED, &selected[i]);
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Simple", ZR_MINIMIZED))
struct zr_panel tab;
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 300, 2);
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &tab, "Group_Without_Border", 0)) {
int i = 0;
char buffer[64];
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 18, 150, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
sprintf(buffer, "0x%02x", i);
zr_labelf(ctx, ZR_TEXT_LEFT, "%s: scrollable region", buffer);
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &tab, "Group_With_Border", ZR_WINDOW_BORDER)) {
int i = 0;
char buffer[64];
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 2);
for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
sprintf(buffer, "%08d", ((((i%7)*10)^32))+(64+(i%2)*2));
zr_button_text(ctx, buffer, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Complex", ZR_MINIMIZED))
int i;
struct zr_panel tab;
zr_layout_space_begin(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 500, 64);
zr_layout_space_push(ctx, zr_rect(0,0,150,500));
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &tab, "Group_left", ZR_WINDOW_BORDER)) {
static int selected[32];
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 18, 100, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
zr_selectable(ctx, (selected[i]) ? "Selected": "Unselected", ZR_TEXT_CENTERED, &selected[i]);
zr_layout_space_push(ctx, zr_rect(160,0,150,240));
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &tab, "Group_top", ZR_WINDOW_BORDER)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFAA", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFBB", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFCC", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFDD", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFEE", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFFF", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_space_push(ctx, zr_rect(160,250,150,250));
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &tab, "Group_buttom", ZR_WINDOW_BORDER)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFAA", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFBB", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFCC", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFDD", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFEE", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFFF", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_layout_space_push(ctx, zr_rect(320,0,150,150));
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &tab, "Group_right_top", ZR_WINDOW_BORDER)) {
static int selected[4];
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 18, 100, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
zr_selectable(ctx, (selected[i]) ? "Selected": "Unselected", ZR_TEXT_CENTERED, &selected[i]);
zr_layout_space_push(ctx, zr_rect(320,160,150,150));
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &tab, "Group_right_center", ZR_WINDOW_BORDER)) {
static int selected[4];
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 18, 100, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
zr_selectable(ctx, (selected[i]) ? "Selected": "Unselected", ZR_TEXT_CENTERED, &selected[i]);
zr_layout_space_push(ctx, zr_rect(320,320,150,150));
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &tab, "Group_right_bottom", ZR_WINDOW_BORDER)) {
static int selected[4];
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 18, 100, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
zr_selectable(ctx, (selected[i]) ? "Selected": "Unselected", ZR_TEXT_CENTERED, &selected[i]);
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Splitter", ZR_MINIMIZED))
const struct zr_input *in = &ctx->input;
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 20, 320, 1);
zr_label(ctx, "Use slider and spinner to change tile size", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_label(ctx, "Drag the space between tiles to change tile ratio", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Vertical", ZR_MINIMIZED))
static float a = 100, b = 100, c = 100;
struct zr_rect bounds;
struct zr_panel sub;
float row_layout[5];
row_layout[0] = a;
row_layout[1] = 8;
row_layout[2] = b;
row_layout[3] = 8;
row_layout[4] = c;
/* header */
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 30, 100, 2);
zr_label(ctx, "left:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_slider_float(ctx, 10.0f, &a, 200.0f, 10.0f);
zr_label(ctx, "middle:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_slider_float(ctx, 10.0f, &b, 200.0f, 10.0f);
zr_label(ctx, "right:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_slider_float(ctx, 10.0f, &c, 200.0f, 10.0f);
/* tiles */
zr_layout_row(ctx, ZR_STATIC, 200, 5, row_layout);
zr_push_property(ctx, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING, zr_vec2(0, 4));
/* left space */
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &sub, "left", ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR|ZR_WINDOW_BORDER|ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFAA", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFBB", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFCC", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFDD", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFEE", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFFF", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
/* scaler */
zr_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
zr_spacing(ctx, 1);
if ((zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, bounds) ||
zr_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, bounds)) &&
zr_input_is_mouse_down(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT))
a = row_layout[0] + in->mouse.delta.x;
b = row_layout[2] - in->mouse.delta.x;
/* middle space */
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &sub, "center", ZR_WINDOW_BORDER|ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFAA", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFBB", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFCC", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFDD", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFEE", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFFF", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
/* scaler */
zr_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
zr_spacing(ctx, 1);
if ((zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, bounds) ||
zr_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, bounds)) &&
zr_input_is_mouse_down(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT))
b = (row_layout[2] + in->mouse.delta.x);
c = (row_layout[4] - in->mouse.delta.x);
/* right space */
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &sub, "right", ZR_WINDOW_BORDER|ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFAA", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFBB", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFCC", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFDD", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFEE", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFFF", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
if (zr_layout_push(ctx, ZR_LAYOUT_NODE, "Horizontal", ZR_MINIMIZED))
static float a = 100, b = 100, c = 100;
struct zr_panel sub;
struct zr_rect bounds;
/* header */
zr_layout_row_static(ctx, 30, 100, 2);
zr_label(ctx, "top:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_slider_float(ctx, 10.0f, &a, 200.0f, 10.0f);
zr_label(ctx, "middle:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_slider_float(ctx, 10.0f, &b, 200.0f, 10.0f);
zr_label(ctx, "bottom:", ZR_TEXT_LEFT);
zr_slider_float(ctx, 10.0f, &c, 200.0f, 10.0f);
/* top space */
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, a, 1);
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &sub, "top", ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR|ZR_WINDOW_BORDER)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 3);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFAA", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFBB", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFCC", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFDD", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFEE", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFFF", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
/* scaler */
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 8, 1);
zr_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
zr_spacing(ctx, 1);
if ((zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, bounds) ||
zr_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, bounds)) &&
zr_input_is_mouse_down(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT))
a = a + in->mouse.delta.y;
b = b - in->mouse.delta.y;
/* middle space */
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, b, 1);
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &sub, "middle", ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR|ZR_WINDOW_BORDER)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 3);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFAA", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFBB", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFCC", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFDD", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFEE", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFFF", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
/* scaler */
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 8, 1);
zr_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
if ((zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, bounds) ||
zr_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, bounds)) &&
zr_input_is_mouse_down(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT))
b = b + in->mouse.delta.y;
c = c - in->mouse.delta.y;
/* bottom space */
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, c, 1);
if (zr_group_begin(ctx, &sub, "bottom", ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR|ZR_WINDOW_BORDER)) {
zr_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 3);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFAA", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFBB", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFCC", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFDD", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFEE", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
zr_button_text(ctx, "#FFFF", ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT);