#ifndef NK_RAW_WAYLAND_H_ #define NK_RAW_WAYLAND_H_ #define WIDTH 800 #define HEIGHT 600 #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a)) #endif typedef enum wayland_pixel_layout { PIXEL_LAYOUT_XRGB_8888, PIXEL_LAYOUT_RGBX_8888, } wayland_pl; struct wayland_img { void *pixels; int w, h, pitch; wayland_pl pl; enum nk_font_atlas_format format; }; struct nk_wayland{ /*wayland vars*/ struct wl_display *display; struct wl_compositor *compositor; struct wl_shell *shell; struct wl_shm *wl_shm; struct wl_seat* seat; struct wl_callback *frame_callback; struct wl_surface *surface; struct wl_shell_surface *shell_surface; struct wl_buffer *front_buffer; /*nuklear vars*/ struct nk_context ctx; struct nk_rect scissors; struct nk_font_atlas atlas; struct wayland_img font_tex; int32_t width, height; int32_t *data; int mouse_pointer_x; int mouse_pointer_y; uint8_t tex_scratch[512 * 512]; }; static uint32_t nk_color_to_xrgb8888(struct nk_color col) { return (col.a << 24) + (col.r << 16) + (col.g << 8) + col.b; } static struct nk_color nk_wayland_int2color(const unsigned int i, wayland_pl pl) { struct nk_color col = {0,0,0,0}; switch (pl) { case PIXEL_LAYOUT_RGBX_8888: col.r = (i >> 24) & 0xff; col.g = (i >> 16) & 0xff; col.b = (i >> 8) & 0xff; col.a = i & 0xff; break; case PIXEL_LAYOUT_XRGB_8888: col.a = (i >> 24) & 0xff; col.r = (i >> 16) & 0xff; col.g = (i >> 8) & 0xff; col.b = i & 0xff; break; default: perror("nk_rawfb_int2color(): Unsupported pixel layout.\n"); break; } return col; } static unsigned int nk_wayland_color2int(const struct nk_color c, wayland_pl pl) { unsigned int res = 0; switch (pl) { case PIXEL_LAYOUT_RGBX_8888: res |= c.r << 24; res |= c.g << 16; res |= c.b << 8; res |= c.a; break; case PIXEL_LAYOUT_XRGB_8888: res |= c.a << 24; res |= c.r << 16; res |= c.g << 8; res |= c.b; break; default: perror("nk_rawfb_color2int(): Unsupported pixel layout.\n"); break; } return (res); } static void nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(const struct nk_wayland* win, const short x0, const short y0, const struct nk_color col) { uint32_t c = nk_color_to_xrgb8888(col); uint32_t *pixels = win->data; unsigned int *ptr; pixels += (y0 * win->width); ptr = (unsigned int *)pixels + x0; if (y0 < win->scissors.h && y0 >= win->scissors.y && x0 >= win->scissors.x && x0 < win->scissors.w){ *ptr = c; }else { printf("out of bound! \n"); } } static void nk_wayland_fill_polygon(const struct nk_wayland* win, const struct nk_vec2i *pnts, int count, const struct nk_color col) { int i = 0; //#define MAX_POINTS 64 int left = 10000, top = 10000, bottom = 0, right = 0; int nodes, nodeX[1024], pixelX, pixelY, j, swap ; if (count == 0) return; if (count > 1024) count = 1024; /* Get polygon dimensions */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (left > pnts[i].x) left = pnts[i].x; if (right < pnts[i].x) right = pnts[i].x; if (top > pnts[i].y) top = pnts[i].y; if (bottom < pnts[i].y) bottom = pnts[i].y; } bottom++; right++; /* Polygon scanline algorithm released under public-domain by Darel Rex Finley, 2007 */ /* Loop through the rows of the image. */ for (pixelY = top; pixelY < bottom; pixelY ++) { nodes = 0; /* Build a list of nodes. */ j = count - 1; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (((pnts[i].y < pixelY) && (pnts[j].y >= pixelY)) || ((pnts[j].y < pixelY) && (pnts[i].y >= pixelY))) { nodeX[nodes++]= (int)((float)pnts[i].x + ((float)pixelY - (float)pnts[i].y) / ((float)pnts[j].y - (float)pnts[i].y) * ((float)pnts[j].x - (float)pnts[i].x)); } j = i; } /* Sort the nodes, via a simple “Bubble” sort. */ i = 0; while (i < nodes - 1) { if (nodeX[i] > nodeX[i+1]) { swap = nodeX[i]; nodeX[i] = nodeX[i+1]; nodeX[i+1] = swap; if (i) i--; } else i++; } /* Fill the pixels between node pairs. */ for (i = 0; i < nodes; i += 2) { if (nodeX[i+0] >= right) break; if (nodeX[i+1] > left) { if (nodeX[i+0] < left) nodeX[i+0] = left ; if (nodeX[i+1] > right) nodeX[i+1] = right; for (pixelX = nodeX[i]; pixelX < nodeX[i + 1]; pixelX++) nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, pixelX, pixelY, col); } } } } static void nk_wayland_fill_arc(const struct nk_wayland* win, short x0, short y0, short w, short h, const short s, const struct nk_color col) { /* Bresenham's ellipses - modified to fill one quarter */ const int a2 = (w * w) / 4; const int b2 = (h * h) / 4; const int fa2 = 4 * a2, fb2 = 4 * b2; int x, y, sigma; struct nk_vec2i pnts[3]; if (w < 1 || h < 1) return; if (s != 0 && s != 90 && s != 180 && s != 270) return; /* Convert upper left to center */ h = (h + 1) / 2; w = (w + 1) / 2; x0 += w; y0 += h; pnts[0].x = x0; pnts[0].y = y0; pnts[2].x = x0; pnts[2].y = y0; /* First half */ for (x = 0, y = h, sigma = 2*b2+a2*(1-2*h); b2*x <= a2*y; x++) { if (s == 180) { pnts[1].x = x0 + x; pnts[1].y = y0 + y; } else if (s == 270) { pnts[1].x = x0 - x; pnts[1].y = y0 + y; } else if (s == 0) { pnts[1].x = x0 + x; pnts[1].y = y0 - y; } else if (s == 90) { pnts[1].x = x0 - x; pnts[1].y = y0 - y; } nk_wayland_fill_polygon(win, pnts, 3, col); pnts[2] = pnts[1]; if (sigma >= 0) { sigma += fa2 * (1 - y); y--; } sigma += b2 * ((4 * x) + 6); } /* Second half */ for (x = w, y = 0, sigma = 2*a2+b2*(1-2*w); a2*y <= b2*x; y++) { if (s == 180) { pnts[1].x = x0 + x; pnts[1].y = y0 + y; } else if (s == 270) { pnts[1].x = x0 - x; pnts[1].y = y0 + y; } else if (s == 0) { pnts[1].x = x0 + x; pnts[1].y = y0 - y; } else if (s == 90) { pnts[1].x = x0 - x; pnts[1].y = y0 - y; } nk_wayland_fill_polygon(win, pnts, 3, col); pnts[2] = pnts[1]; if (sigma >= 0) { sigma += fb2 * (1 - x); x--; } sigma += a2 * ((4 * y) + 6); } } static void nk_wayland_img_setpixel(const struct wayland_img *img, const int x0, const int y0, const struct nk_color col) { unsigned int c = nk_wayland_color2int(col, img->pl); unsigned char *ptr; unsigned int *pixel; NK_ASSERT(img); if (y0 < img->h && y0 >= 0 && x0 >= 0 && x0 < img->w) { ptr = img->pixels + (img->pitch * y0); pixel = (unsigned int *)ptr; if (img->format == NK_FONT_ATLAS_ALPHA8) { ptr[x0] = col.a; } else { pixel[x0] = c; } } } static struct nk_color nk_wayland_getpixel(const struct nk_wayland* win, const int x0, const int y0) { struct nk_color col = {0, 0, 0, 0}; uint32_t *ptr; unsigned int pixel; if (y0 < win->height && y0 >= 0 && x0 >= 0 && x0 < win->width) { ptr = win->data + (y0 * win->width); col = nk_wayland_int2color(*ptr, PIXEL_LAYOUT_XRGB_8888); } return col; } static struct nk_color nk_wayland_img_getpixel(const struct wayland_img *img, const int x0, const int y0) { struct nk_color col = {0, 0, 0, 0}; unsigned char *ptr; unsigned int pixel; NK_ASSERT(img); if (y0 < img->h && y0 >= 0 && x0 >= 0 && x0 < img->w) { ptr = img->pixels + (img->pitch * y0); if (img->format == NK_FONT_ATLAS_ALPHA8) { col.a = ptr[x0]; col.b = col.g = col.r = 0xff; } else { pixel = ((unsigned int *)ptr)[x0]; col = nk_wayland_int2color(pixel, img->pl); } } return col; } static void nk_wayland_blendpixel(const struct nk_wayland* win, const int x0, const int y0, struct nk_color col) { struct nk_color col2; unsigned char inv_a; if (col.a == 0) return; inv_a = 0xff - col.a; col2 = nk_wayland_getpixel(win, x0, y0); col.r = (col.r * col.a + col2.r * inv_a) >> 8; col.g = (col.g * col.a + col2.g * inv_a) >> 8; col.b = (col.b * col.a + col2.b * inv_a) >> 8; nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, x0, y0, col); } static void nk_wayland_img_blendpixel(const struct wayland_img *img, const int x0, const int y0, struct nk_color col) { struct nk_color col2; unsigned char inv_a; if (col.a == 0) return; inv_a = 0xff - col.a; col2 = nk_wayland_img_getpixel(img, x0, y0); col.r = (col.r * col.a + col2.r * inv_a) >> 8; col.g = (col.g * col.a + col2.g * inv_a) >> 8; col.b = (col.b * col.a + col2.b * inv_a) >> 8; nk_wayland_img_setpixel(img, x0, y0, col); } static void nk_wayland_line_horizontal(const struct nk_wayland* win, const short x0, const short y, const short x1, const struct nk_color col) { /* This function is called the most. Try to optimize it a bit... * It does not check for scissors or image borders. * The caller has to make sure it does no exceed bounds. */ unsigned int i, n; unsigned int c[16]; unsigned char *pixels = (uint8_t*)win->data; unsigned int *ptr; pixels += (y * (win->width * 4)); ptr = (unsigned int *)pixels + x0; n = x1 - x0; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(c) / sizeof(c[0]); i++) c[i] = nk_color_to_xrgb8888(col); while (n > 16) { memcpy((void *)ptr, c, sizeof(c)); n -= 16; ptr += 16; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) ptr[i] = c[i]; } static void nk_wayland_scissor(struct nk_wayland* win, const float x, const float y, const float w, const float h) { win->scissors.x = MIN(MAX(x, 0), WIDTH); win->scissors.y = MIN(MAX(y, 0), HEIGHT); win->scissors.w = MIN(MAX(w + x, 0), WIDTH); win->scissors.h = MIN(MAX(h + y, 0), HEIGHT); } static void nk_wayland_stroke_line(const struct nk_wayland* win, short x0, short y0, short x1, short y1, const unsigned int line_thickness, const struct nk_color col) { short tmp; int dy, dx, stepx, stepy; dy = y1 - y0; dx = x1 - x0; //printf("\n\n\n\n"); // fast path if (dy == 0) { if (dx == 0 || y0 >= win->scissors.h || y0 < win->scissors.y){ return; } if (dx < 0) { // swap x0 and x1 tmp = x1; x1 = x0; x0 = tmp; } x1 = MIN(win->scissors.w, x1); x0 = MIN(win->scissors.w, x0); x1 = MAX(win->scissors.x, x1); x0 = MAX(win->scissors.x, x0); nk_wayland_line_horizontal(win, x0, y0, x1, col); return; } if (dy < 0) { dy = -dy; stepy = -1; } else stepy = 1; if (dx < 0) { dx = -dx; stepx = -1; } else stepx = 1; dy <<= 1; dx <<= 1; nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, x0, y0, col); if (dx > dy) { int fraction = dy - (dx >> 1); while (x0 != x1) { if (fraction >= 0) { y0 += stepy; fraction -= dx; } x0 += stepx; fraction += dy; nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, x0, y0, col); } } else { int fraction = dx - (dy >> 1); while (y0 != y1) { if (fraction >= 0) { x0 += stepx; fraction -= dy; } y0 += stepy; fraction += dx; nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, x0, y0, col); } } } static void nk_wayland_fill_rect(const struct nk_wayland* win, const short x, const short y, const short w, const short h, const short r, const struct nk_color col) { int i; if (r == 0) { for (i = 0; i < h; i++) nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, x, y + i, x + w, y + i, 1, col); } else { const short xc = x + r; const short yc = y + r; const short wc = (short)(w - 2 * r); const short hc = (short)(h - 2 * r); struct nk_vec2i pnts[12]; pnts[0].x = x; pnts[0].y = yc; pnts[1].x = xc; pnts[1].y = yc; pnts[2].x = xc; pnts[2].y = y; pnts[3].x = xc + wc; pnts[3].y = y; pnts[4].x = xc + wc; pnts[4].y = yc; pnts[5].x = x + w; pnts[5].y = yc; pnts[6].x = x + w; pnts[6].y = yc + hc; pnts[7].x = xc + wc; pnts[7].y = yc + hc; pnts[8].x = xc + wc; pnts[8].y = y + h; pnts[9].x = xc; pnts[9].y = y + h; pnts[10].x = xc; pnts[10].y = yc + hc; pnts[11].x = x; pnts[11].y = yc + hc; nk_wayland_fill_polygon(win, pnts, 12, col); nk_wayland_fill_arc(win, xc + wc - r, y, (unsigned)r*2, (unsigned)r*2, 0 , col); nk_wayland_fill_arc(win, x, y, (unsigned)r*2, (unsigned)r*2, 90 , col); nk_wayland_fill_arc(win, x, yc + hc - r, (unsigned)r*2, (unsigned)r*2, 270 , col); nk_wayland_fill_arc(win, xc + wc - r, yc + hc - r, (unsigned)r*2, (unsigned)r*2, 180 , col); } } static void nk_wayland_stroke_arc(const struct nk_wayland* win, short x0, short y0, short w, short h, const short s, const short line_thickness, const struct nk_color col) { /* Bresenham's ellipses - modified to draw one quarter */ const int a2 = (w * w) / 4; const int b2 = (h * h) / 4; const int fa2 = 4 * a2, fb2 = 4 * b2; int x, y, sigma; if (s != 0 && s != 90 && s != 180 && s != 270) return; if (w < 1 || h < 1) return; /* Convert upper left to center */ h = (h + 1) / 2; w = (w + 1) / 2; x0 += w; y0 += h; /* First half */ for (x = 0, y = h, sigma = 2*b2+a2*(1-2*h); b2*x <= a2*y; x++) { if (s == 180) nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, x0 + x, y0 + y, col); else if (s == 270) nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, x0 - x, y0 + y, col); else if (s == 0) nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, x0 + x, y0 - y, col); else if (s == 90) nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, x0 - x, y0 - y, col); if (sigma >= 0) { sigma += fa2 * (1 - y); y--; } sigma += b2 * ((4 * x) + 6); } /* Second half */ for (x = w, y = 0, sigma = 2*a2+b2*(1-2*w); a2*y <= b2*x; y++) { if (s == 180) nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, x0 + x, y0 + y, col); else if (s == 270) nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, x0 - x, y0 + y, col); else if (s == 0) nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, x0 + x, y0 - y, col); else if (s == 90) nk_wayland_ctx_setpixel(win, x0 - x, y0 - y, col); if (sigma >= 0) { sigma += fb2 * (1 - x); x--; } sigma += a2 * ((4 * y) + 6); } } static void nk_wayland_stroke_rect(const struct nk_wayland* win, const short x, const short y, const short w, const short h, const short r, const short line_thickness, const struct nk_color col) { if (r == 0) { nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, x, y, x + w, y, line_thickness, col); nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, x, y + h, x + w, y + h, line_thickness, col); nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, x, y, x, y + h, line_thickness, col); nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, x + w, y, x + w, y + h, line_thickness, col); } else { const short xc = x + r; const short yc = y + r; const short wc = (short)(w - 2 * r); const short hc = (short)(h - 2 * r); nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, xc, y, xc + wc, y, line_thickness, col); nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, x + w, yc, x + w, yc + hc, line_thickness, col); nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, xc, y + h, xc + wc, y + h, line_thickness, col); nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, x, yc, x, yc + hc, line_thickness, col); nk_wayland_stroke_arc(win, xc + wc - r, y, (unsigned)r*2, (unsigned)r*2, 0 , line_thickness, col); nk_wayland_stroke_arc(win, x, y, (unsigned)r*2, (unsigned)r*2, 90 , line_thickness, col); nk_wayland_stroke_arc(win, x, yc + hc - r, (unsigned)r*2, (unsigned)r*2, 270 , line_thickness, col); nk_wayland_stroke_arc(win, xc + wc - r, yc + hc - r, (unsigned)r*2, (unsigned)r*2, 180 , line_thickness, col); } } static void nk_wayland_fill_triangle(const struct nk_wayland *win, const short x0, const short y0, const short x1, const short y1, const short x2, const short y2, const struct nk_color col) { struct nk_vec2i pnts[3]; pnts[0].x = x0; pnts[0].y = y0; pnts[1].x = x1; pnts[1].y = y1; pnts[2].x = x2; pnts[2].y = y2; nk_wayland_fill_polygon(win, pnts, 3, col); } static void nk_wayland_clear(const struct nk_wayland *win, const struct nk_color col) { nk_wayland_fill_rect(win, 0, 0, win->width, win->height, 0, col); } static void nk_wayland_fill_circle(struct nk_wayland* win, short x0, short y0, short w, short h, const struct nk_color col) { /* Bresenham's ellipses */ const int a2 = (w * w) / 4; const int b2 = (h * h) / 4; const int fa2 = 4 * a2, fb2 = 4 * b2; int x, y, sigma; /* Convert upper left to center */ h = (h + 1) / 2; w = (w + 1) / 2; x0 += w; y0 += h; /* First half */ for (x = 0, y = h, sigma = 2*b2+a2*(1-2*h); b2*x <= a2*y; x++) { nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, x0 - x, y0 + y, x0 + x, y0 + y, 1, col); nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, x0 - x, y0 - y, x0 + x, y0 - y, 1, col); if (sigma >= 0) { sigma += fa2 * (1 - y); y--; } sigma += b2 * ((4 * x) + 6); } /* Second half */ for (x = w, y = 0, sigma = 2*a2+b2*(1-2*w); a2*y <= b2*x; y++) { nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, x0 - x, y0 + y, x0 + x, y0 + y, 1, col); nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, x0 - x, y0 - y, x0 + x, y0 - y, 1, col); if (sigma >= 0) { sigma += fb2 * (1 - x); x--; } sigma += a2 * ((4 * y) + 6); } } /** * Copy wayland_img into nk_wayland with scissor & stretch */ static void nk_wayland_copy_image(const struct nk_wayland *win, const struct wayland_img *src, const struct nk_rect *dst_rect, const struct nk_rect *src_rect, const struct nk_rect *dst_scissors, const struct nk_color *fg) { short i, j; struct nk_color col; float xinc = src_rect->w / dst_rect->w; float yinc = src_rect->h / dst_rect->h; float xoff = src_rect->x, yoff = src_rect->y; // Simple nearest filtering rescaling // TODO: use bilinear filter for (j = 0; j < (short)dst_rect->h; j++) { for (i = 0; i < (short)dst_rect->w; i++) { if (dst_scissors) { if (i + (int)(dst_rect->x + 0.5f) < dst_scissors->x || i + (int)(dst_rect->x + 0.5f) >= dst_scissors->w) continue; if (j + (int)(dst_rect->y + 0.5f) < dst_scissors->y || j + (int)(dst_rect->y + 0.5f) >= dst_scissors->h) continue; } col = nk_wayland_img_getpixel(src, (int)xoff, (int) yoff); if (col.r || col.g || col.b) { col.r = fg->r; col.g = fg->g; col.b = fg->b; } nk_wayland_blendpixel(win, i + (int)(dst_rect->x + 0.5f), j + (int)(dst_rect->y + 0.5f), col); xoff += xinc; } xoff = src_rect->x; yoff += yinc; } } static void nk_wayland_font_query_font_glyph(nk_handle handle, const float height, struct nk_user_font_glyph *glyph, const nk_rune codepoint, const nk_rune next_codepoint) { float scale; const struct nk_font_glyph *g; struct nk_font *font; NK_ASSERT(glyph); NK_UNUSED(next_codepoint); font = (struct nk_font*)handle.ptr; NK_ASSERT(font); NK_ASSERT(font->glyphs); if (!font || !glyph) return; scale = height/font->info.height; g = nk_font_find_glyph(font, codepoint); glyph->width = (g->x1 - g->x0) * scale; glyph->height = (g->y1 - g->y0) * scale; glyph->offset = nk_vec2(g->x0 * scale, g->y0 * scale); glyph->xadvance = (g->xadvance * scale); glyph->uv[0] = nk_vec2(g->u0, g->v0); glyph->uv[1] = nk_vec2(g->u1, g->v1); } void nk_wayland_draw_text(const struct nk_wayland *win, const struct nk_user_font *font, const struct nk_rect rect, const char *text, const int len, const float font_height, const struct nk_color fg) { float x = 0; int text_len = 0; nk_rune unicode = 0; nk_rune next = 0; int glyph_len = 0; int next_glyph_len = 0; struct nk_user_font_glyph g; if (!len || !text) return; x = 0; glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text, &unicode, len); if (!glyph_len) return; // draw every glyph image while (text_len < len && glyph_len) { struct nk_rect src_rect; struct nk_rect dst_rect; float char_width = 0; if (unicode == NK_UTF_INVALID) break; // query currently drawn glyph information next_glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + text_len + glyph_len, &next, (int)len - text_len); nk_wayland_font_query_font_glyph(font->userdata, font_height, &g, unicode, (next == NK_UTF_INVALID) ? '\0' : next); //calculate and draw glyph drawing rectangle and image char_width = g.xadvance; src_rect.x = g.uv[0].x * win->font_tex.w; src_rect.y = g.uv[0].y * win->font_tex.h; src_rect.w = g.uv[1].x * win->font_tex.w - g.uv[0].x * win->font_tex.w; src_rect.h = g.uv[1].y * win->font_tex.h - g.uv[0].y * win->font_tex.h; dst_rect.x = x + g.offset.x + rect.x; dst_rect.y = g.offset.y + rect.y; dst_rect.w = ceilf(g.width); dst_rect.h = ceilf(g.height); // Use software rescaling to blit glyph from font_text to framebuffer nk_wayland_copy_image(win, &(win->font_tex), &dst_rect, &src_rect, &(win->scissors), &fg); // offset next glyph text_len += glyph_len; x += char_width; glyph_len = next_glyph_len; unicode = next; } } static void nk_wayland_render(struct nk_wayland *win, const struct nk_color clear, const unsigned char enable_clear) { const struct nk_command *cmd; const struct nk_command_text *tx; const struct nk_command_scissor *s; const struct nk_command_rect_filled *rf; const struct nk_command_rect *r; const struct nk_command_circle_filled *c; const struct nk_command_triangle_filled *t; const struct nk_command_line *l; const struct nk_command_polygon_filled *p; if (enable_clear) nk_wayland_clear(win, clear); nk_foreach(cmd, (struct nk_context*)&(win->ctx)) { switch (cmd->type) { case NK_COMMAND_NOP: //printf("NK_COMMAND_NOP \n"); break; case NK_COMMAND_SCISSOR: s = (const struct nk_command_scissor*)cmd; nk_wayland_scissor(win, s->x, s->y, s->w, s->h); break; case NK_COMMAND_LINE: l = (const struct nk_command_line *)cmd; nk_wayland_stroke_line(win, l->begin.x, l->begin.y, l->end.x, l->end.y, l->line_thickness, l->color); break; case NK_COMMAND_RECT: r = (const struct nk_command_rect *)cmd; nk_wayland_stroke_rect(win, r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h, (unsigned short)r->rounding, r->line_thickness, r->color); break; case NK_COMMAND_RECT_FILLED: rf = (const struct nk_command_rect_filled *)cmd; nk_wayland_fill_rect(win, rf->x, rf->y, rf->w, rf->h, (unsigned short)rf->rounding, rf->color); break; case NK_COMMAND_CIRCLE: // printf("NK_COMMAND_CIRCLE \n"); //const struct nk_command_circle *c = (const struct nk_command_circle *)cmd; //nk_rawfb_stroke_circle(rawfb, c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h, c->line_thickness, c->color); break; case NK_COMMAND_CIRCLE_FILLED: c = (const struct nk_command_circle_filled *)cmd; nk_wayland_fill_circle(win, c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h, c->color); //const struct nk_command_circle_filled *c = (const struct nk_command_circle_filled *)cmd; //nk_rawfb_fill_circle(rawfb, c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h, c->color); break; case NK_COMMAND_TRIANGLE: //printf("NK_COMMAND_TRIANGLE \n"); //const struct nk_command_triangle*t = (const struct nk_command_triangle*)cmd; //nk_rawfb_stroke_triangle(rawfb, t->a.x, t->a.y, t->b.x, t->b.y, t->c.x, t->c.y, t->line_thickness, t->color); break; case NK_COMMAND_TRIANGLE_FILLED: t = (const struct nk_command_triangle_filled *)cmd; nk_wayland_fill_triangle(win, t->a.x, t->a.y, t->b.x, t->b.y, t->c.x, t->c.y, t->color); break; case NK_COMMAND_POLYGON: // printf("NK_COMMAND_POLYGON \n"); //const struct nk_command_polygon *p =(const struct nk_command_polygon*)cmd; //nk_rawfb_stroke_polygon(rawfb, p->points, p->point_count, p->line_thickness,p->color); break; case NK_COMMAND_POLYGON_FILLED: // printf("NK_COMMAND_POLYGON_FILLED \n"); p = (const struct nk_command_polygon_filled *)cmd; nk_wayland_fill_polygon(win, p->points, p->point_count, p->color); break; case NK_COMMAND_POLYLINE: // printf("NK_COMMAND_POLYLINE \n"); //const struct nk_command_polyline *p = (const struct nk_command_polyline *)cmd; //nk_rawfb_stroke_polyline(rawfb, p->points, p->point_count, p->line_thickness, p->color); break; case NK_COMMAND_TEXT: tx = (const struct nk_command_text*)cmd; nk_wayland_draw_text(win, tx->font, nk_rect(tx->x, tx->y, tx->w, tx->h), tx->string, tx->length, tx->height, tx->foreground); break; case NK_COMMAND_CURVE: // printf("NK_COMMAND_CURVE \n"); //const struct nk_command_curve *q = (const struct nk_command_curve *)cmd; //nk_rawfb_stroke_curve(rawfb, q->begin, q->ctrl[0], q->ctrl[1], q->end, 22, q->line_thickness, q->color); break; case NK_COMMAND_RECT_MULTI_COLOR: // printf("NK_COMMAND_RECT_MULTI_COLOR \n"); //const struct nk_command_rect_multi_color *q = (const struct nk_command_rect_multi_color *)cmd; //nk_rawfb_draw_rect_multi_color(rawfb, q->x, q->y, q->w, q->h, q->left, q->top, q->right, q->bottom); break; case NK_COMMAND_IMAGE: //printf("NK_COMMAND_IMAGE \n"); // const struct nk_command_image *q = (const struct nk_command_image *)cmd; // nk_rawfb_drawimage(rawfb, q->x, q->y, q->w, q->h, &q->img, &q->col); break; case NK_COMMAND_ARC: printf("NK_COMMAND_ARC \n"); assert(0 && "NK_COMMAND_ARC not implemented\n"); break; case NK_COMMAND_ARC_FILLED: printf("NK_COMMAND_ARC \n"); assert(0 && "NK_COMMAND_ARC_FILLED not implemented\n"); break; default: printf("unhandled OP: %d \n", cmd->type); break; } } nk_clear(&(win->ctx)); } #endif