/* Copyright (c) 2015 Micha Mettke This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "zahnrad.h" #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a)) #endif #ifndef CLAMP #define CLAMP(i,v,x) (MAX(MIN(v,x), i)) #endif /* ============================================================== * MATH * =============================================================== */ #define ZR_PI 3.141592654f #define ZR_PI2 (ZR_PI * 2.0f) #define ZR_4_DIV_PI (1.27323954f) #define ZR_4_DIV_PI_SQRT (0.405284735f) #define ZR_UTF_INVALID 0xFFFD #define ZR_MAX_NUMBER_BUFFER 64 #define ZR_UNUSED(x) ((void)(x)) #define ZR_LERP(a, b, t) ((a) + ((b) - (a)) * (t)) #define ZR_SATURATE(x) (MAX(0, MIN(1.0f, x))) #define ZR_LEN(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a)[0]) #define ZR_ABS(a) (((a) < 0) ? -(a) : (a)) #define ZR_BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b)) #define ZR_INBOX(px, py, x, y, w, h) (ZR_BETWEEN(px,x,x+w) && ZR_BETWEEN(py,y,y+h)) #define ZR_INTERSECT(x0, y0, w0, h0, x1, y1, w1, h1) \ (!(((x1 > (x0 + w0)) || ((x1 + w1) < x0) || (y1 > (y0 + h0)) || (y1 + h1) < y0))) #define ZR_CONTAINS(x, y, w, h, bx, by, bw, bh)\ (ZR_INBOX(x,y, bx, by, bw, bh) && ZR_INBOX(x+w,y+h, bx, by, bw, bh)) #define zr_vec2_mov(to,from) (to).x = (from).x, (to).y = (from).y #define zr_vec2_sub(a, b) zr_vec2((a).x - (b).x, (a).y - (b).y) #define zr_vec2_add(a, b) zr_vec2((a).x + (b).x, (a).y + (b).y) #define zr_vec2_len_sqr(a) ((a).x*(a).x+(a).y*(a).y) #define zr_vec2_inv_len(a) zr_inv_sqrt(zr_vec2_len_sqr(a)) #define zr_vec2_muls(a, t) zr_vec2((a).x * (t), (a).y * (t)) #define zr_vec2_lerp(a, b, t) zr_vec2(ZR_LERP((a).x, (b).x, t), ZR_LERP((a).y, (b).y, t)) enum zr_tree_node_symbol {ZR_TREE_NODE_BULLET, ZR_TREE_NODE_TRIANGLE}; static const struct zr_rect zr_null_rect = {-8192.0f, -8192.0f, 16384, 16384}; /* ============================================================== * ALIGNMENT * =============================================================== */ #define ZR_ALIGN_PTR(x, mask) (void*)((zr_ptr)((zr_byte*)(x) + (mask-1)) & ~(mask-1)) #define ZR_ALIGN_PTR_BACK(x, mask)(void*)((zr_ptr)((zr_byte*)(x)) & ~(mask-1)); #define ZR_ALIGN(x, mask) ((x) + (mask-1)) & ~(mask-1) #define ZR_OFFSETOF(st, m) ((zr_size)(&((st *)0)->m)) #define ZR_CONTAINER_OF_CONST(ptr, type, member)\ ((const type*)((const void*)((const zr_byte*)ptr - ZR_OFFSETOF(type, member)))) #define ZR_CONTAINER_OF(ptr, type, member)\ ((type*)((void*)((zr_byte*)ptr - ZR_OFFSETOF(type, member)))) #ifdef __cplusplus template struct zr_alignof; template struct zr_helper{enum {value = size_diff};}; template struct zr_helper{enum {value = zr_alignof::value};}; template struct zr_alignof{struct Big {T x; char c;}; enum { diff = sizeof(Big) - sizeof(T), value = zr_helper::value};}; #define ZR_ALIGNOF(t) (zr_alignof::value); #else #define ZR_ALIGNOF(t) ((char*)(&((struct {char c; t _h;}*)0)->_h) - (char*)0) #endif /* * ============================================================== * * MATH * * =============================================================== */ static zr_uint zr_round_up_pow2(zr_uint v) { v--; v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; v++; return v; } static zr_float zr_inv_sqrt(zr_float number) { zr_float x2; const zr_float threehalfs = 1.5f; union {zr_uint i; zr_float f;} conv; conv.f = number; x2 = number * 0.5f; conv.i = 0x5f375A84 - (conv.i >> 1); conv.f = conv.f * (threehalfs - (x2 * conv.f * conv.f)); return conv.f; } struct zr_rect zr_get_null_rect(void) { return zr_null_rect; } struct zr_rect zr_rect(zr_float x, zr_float y, zr_float w, zr_float h) { struct zr_rect r; r.x = x, r.y = y; r.w = w, r.h = h; return r; } static struct zr_rect zr_shrink_rect(struct zr_rect r, zr_float amount) { struct zr_rect res; r.w = MAX(r.w, 2 * amount); r.h = MAX(r.h, 2 * amount); res.x = r.x + amount; res.y = r.y + amount; res.w = r.w - 2 * amount; res.h = r.h - 2 * amount; return res; } static struct zr_rect zr_pad_rect(struct zr_rect r, struct zr_vec2 pad) { r.w = MAX(r.w, 2 * pad.x); r.h = MAX(r.h, 2 * pad.y); r.x += pad.x; r.y += pad.y; r.w -= 2 * pad.x; r.h -= 2 * pad.y; return r; } struct zr_vec2 zr_vec2(zr_float x, zr_float y) { struct zr_vec2 ret; ret.x = x; ret.y = y; return ret; } /* * ============================================================== * * STANDART * * =============================================================== */ static void* zr_memcopy(void *dst, const void *src, zr_size size) { zr_size i = 0; char *d = (char*)dst; const char *s = (const char*)src; for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) d[i] = s[i]; return dst; } static void zr_zero(void *dst, zr_size size) { zr_size i; char *d = (char*)dst; ZR_ASSERT(dst); for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) d[i] = 0; } static zr_size zr_strsiz(const char *str) { zr_size siz = 0; ZR_ASSERT(str); while (str && *str++ != '\0') siz++; return siz; } static zr_int zr_strtoi(zr_int *number, const char *buffer, zr_size len) { zr_size i; ZR_ASSERT(number); ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!number || !buffer) return 0; *number = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) *number = *number * 10 + (buffer[i] - '0'); return 1; } static zr_size zr_itos(char *buffer, zr_int num) { static const char digit[] = "0123456789"; zr_int shifter; zr_size len = 0; char *p = buffer; ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer) return 0; if (num < 0) { num = ZR_ABS(num); *p++ = '-'; } shifter = num; do { ++p; shifter = shifter/10; } while (shifter); *p = '\0'; len = (zr_size)(p - buffer); do { *--p = digit[num % 10]; num = num / 10; } while (num); return len; } /* * ============================================================== * * COLOR * * =============================================================== */ struct zr_color zr_rgba(zr_byte r, zr_byte g, zr_byte b, zr_byte a) { struct zr_color ret; ret.r = r; ret.g = g; ret.b = b; ret.a = a; return ret; } struct zr_color zr_rgb(zr_byte r, zr_byte g, zr_byte b) { struct zr_color ret; ret.r = r; ret.g = g; ret.b = b; ret.a = 255; return ret; } struct zr_color zr_rgba32(zr_uint in) { struct zr_color ret; ret.r = (in & 0xFF); ret.g = ((in >> 8) & 0xFF); ret.b = ((in >> 16) & 0xFF); ret.a = (zr_byte)((in >> 24) & 0xFF); return ret; } struct zr_color zr_rgba_f(zr_float r, zr_float g, zr_float b, zr_float a) { struct zr_color ret; ret.r = (zr_byte)ZR_SATURATE(r * 255.0f); ret.g = (zr_byte)ZR_SATURATE(g * 255.0f); ret.b = (zr_byte)ZR_SATURATE(b * 255.0f); ret.a = (zr_byte)ZR_SATURATE(a * 255.0f); return ret; } struct zr_color zr_rgb_f(zr_float r, zr_float g, zr_float b) { struct zr_color ret; ret.r = (zr_byte)ZR_SATURATE(r * 255.0f); ret.g = (zr_byte)ZR_SATURATE(g * 255.0f); ret.b = (zr_byte)ZR_SATURATE(b * 255.0f); ret.a = 255; return ret; } struct zr_color zr_hsv(zr_float h, zr_float s, zr_float v) { struct zr_colorf {zr_float r,g,b,a;} out; zr_float hh, p, q, t, ff; zr_long i; if (s <= 0.0f) { out.r = v; out.g = v; out.b = v; return zr_rgb_f(out.r, out.g, out.b); } hh = h; if (hh >= 360.0f) hh = 0; hh /= 60.0f; i = (zr_long)hh; ff = hh - (zr_float)i; p = v * (1.0f - s); q = v * (1.0f - (s * ff)); t = v * (1.0f - (s * (1.0f - ff))); switch (i) { case 0: out.r = v; out.g = t; out.b = p; break; case 1: out.r = q; out.g = v; out.b = p; break; case 2: out.r = p; out.g = v; out.b = t; break; case 3: out.r = p; out.g = q; out.b = v; break; case 4: out.r = t; out.g = p; out.b = v; break; case 5: default: out.r = v; out.g = p; out.b = q; break; } return zr_rgb_f(out.r, out.g, out.b); } zr_uint zr_color32(struct zr_color in) { zr_uint out = (zr_uint)in.r; out |= ((zr_uint)in.g << 8); out |= ((zr_uint)in.b << 16); out |= ((zr_uint)in.a << 24); return out; } void zr_colorf(zr_float *r, zr_float *g, zr_float *b, zr_float *a, struct zr_color in) { static const zr_float s = 1.0f/255.0f; *r = (zr_float)in.r * s; *g = (zr_float)in.g * s; *b = (zr_float)in.b * s; *a = (zr_float)in.a * s; } void zr_color_hsv(zr_float *out_h, zr_float *out_s, zr_float *out_v, struct zr_color in) { zr_float chroma; zr_float K = 0.0f; zr_float r,g,b,a; zr_colorf(&r,&g,&b,&a, in); if (g < b) { const zr_float t = g; g = b; b = t; K = -1.f; } if (a < g) { const zr_float t = r; r = g; g = t; K = -2.f/6.0f - K; } chroma = r - ((g < b) ? g: b); *out_h = ZR_ABS(K + (g - b)/(6.0f * chroma + 1e-20f)); *out_s = chroma / (r + 1e-20f); *out_v = r; } /* * ============================================================== * * IMAGE * * =============================================================== */ zr_handle zr_handle_ptr(void *ptr) { zr_handle handle; handle.ptr = ptr; return handle; } zr_handle zr_handle_id(zr_int id) { zr_handle handle; handle.id = id; return handle; } struct zr_image zr_subimage_ptr(void *ptr, zr_ushort w, zr_ushort h, struct zr_rect r) { struct zr_image s; s.handle.ptr = ptr; s.w = w; s.h = h; s.region[0] = (zr_ushort)r.x; s.region[1] = (zr_ushort)r.y; s.region[2] = (zr_ushort)r.w; s.region[3] = (zr_ushort)r.h; return s; } struct zr_image zr_subimage_id(zr_int id, zr_ushort w, zr_ushort h, struct zr_rect r) { struct zr_image s; s.handle.id = id; s.w = w; s.h = h; s.region[0] = (zr_ushort)r.x; s.region[1] = (zr_ushort)r.y; s.region[2] = (zr_ushort)r.w; s.region[3] = (zr_ushort)r.h; return s; } struct zr_image zr_image_ptr(void *ptr) { struct zr_image s; ZR_ASSERT(ptr); s.handle.ptr = ptr; s.w = 0; s.h = 0; s.region[0] = 0; s.region[1] = 0; s.region[2] = 0; s.region[3] = 0; return s; } struct zr_image zr_image_id(zr_int id) { struct zr_image s; s.handle.id = id; s.w = 0; s.h = 0; s.region[0] = 0; s.region[1] = 0; s.region[2] = 0; s.region[3] = 0; return s; } zr_bool zr_image_is_subimage(const struct zr_image* img) { ZR_ASSERT(img); return (img->w == 0 && img->h == 0); } static void zr_unify(struct zr_rect *clip, const struct zr_rect *a, zr_float x0, zr_float y0, zr_float x1, zr_float y1) { ZR_ASSERT(a); ZR_ASSERT(clip); clip->x = MAX(a->x, x0) - 1; clip->y = MAX(a->y, y0) - 1; clip->w = MIN(a->x + a->w, x1) - clip->x+ 2; clip->h = MIN(a->y + a->h, y1) - clip->y + 2; clip->w = MAX(0, clip->w); clip->h = MAX(0, clip->h); } static void zr_triangle_from_direction(struct zr_vec2 *result, struct zr_rect r, zr_float pad_x, zr_float pad_y, enum zr_heading direction) { zr_float w_half, h_half; ZR_ASSERT(result); r.w = MAX(2 * pad_x, r.w); r.h = MAX(2 * pad_y, r.h); r.w = r.w - 2 * pad_x; r.h = r.h - 2 * pad_y; r.x = r.x + pad_x; r.y = r.y + pad_y; w_half = r.w / 2.0f; h_half = r.h / 2.0f; if (direction == ZR_UP) { result[0] = zr_vec2(r.x + w_half, r.y); result[1] = zr_vec2(r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h); result[2] = zr_vec2(r.x, r.y + r.h); } else if (direction == ZR_RIGHT) { result[0] = zr_vec2(r.x, r.y); result[1] = zr_vec2(r.x + r.w, r.y + h_half); result[2] = zr_vec2(r.x, r.y + r.h); } else if (direction == ZR_DOWN) { result[0] = zr_vec2(r.x, r.y); result[1] = zr_vec2(r.x + r.w, r.y); result[2] = zr_vec2(r.x + w_half, r.y + r.h); } else { result[0] = zr_vec2(r.x, r.y + h_half); result[1] = zr_vec2(r.x + r.w, r.y); result[2] = zr_vec2(r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h); } } /* * ============================================================== * * UTF-8 * * =============================================================== */ static const zr_byte zr_utfbyte[ZR_UTF_SIZE+1] = {0x80, 0, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0}; static const zr_byte zr_utfmask[ZR_UTF_SIZE+1] = {0xC0, 0x80, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8}; static const long zr_utfmin[ZR_UTF_SIZE+1] = {0, 0, 0x80, 0x800, 0x100000}; static const long zr_utfmax[ZR_UTF_SIZE+1] = {0x10FFFF, 0x7F, 0x7FF, 0xFFFF, 0x10FFFF}; static zr_size zr_utf_validate(zr_long *u, zr_size i) { ZR_ASSERT(u); if (!u) return 0; if (!ZR_BETWEEN(*u, zr_utfmin[i], zr_utfmax[i]) || ZR_BETWEEN(*u, 0xD800, 0xDFFF)) *u = ZR_UTF_INVALID; for (i = 1; *u > zr_utfmax[i]; ++i); return i; } static zr_long zr_utf_decode_byte(zr_char c, zr_size *i) { ZR_ASSERT(i); if (!i) return 0; for(*i = 0; *i < ZR_LEN(zr_utfmask); ++(*i)) { if ((c & zr_utfmask[*i]) == zr_utfbyte[*i]) return c & ~zr_utfmask[*i]; } return 0; } zr_size zr_utf_decode(const zr_char *c, zr_long *u, zr_size clen) { zr_size i, j, len, type=0; zr_long udecoded; ZR_ASSERT(c); ZR_ASSERT(u); if (!c || !u) return 0; if (!clen) return 0; *u = ZR_UTF_INVALID; udecoded = zr_utf_decode_byte(c[0], &len); if (!ZR_BETWEEN(len, 1, ZR_UTF_SIZE)) return 1; for (i = 1, j = 1; i < clen && j < len; ++i, ++j) { udecoded = (udecoded << 6) | zr_utf_decode_byte(c[i], &type); if (type != 0) return j; } if (j < len) return 0; *u = udecoded; zr_utf_validate(u, len); return len; } static zr_char zr_utf_encode_byte(zr_long u, zr_size i) { return (zr_char)(zr_utfbyte[i] | (u & ~zr_utfmask[i])); } zr_size zr_utf_encode(zr_long u, zr_char *c, zr_size clen) { zr_size len, i; len = zr_utf_validate(&u, 0); if (clen < len || !len) return 0; for (i = len - 1; i != 0; --i) { c[i] = zr_utf_encode_byte(u, 0); u >>= 6; } c[0] = zr_utf_encode_byte(u, len); return len; } zr_size zr_utf_len(const zr_char *str, zr_size len) { const zr_char *text; zr_size text_len; zr_size glyph_len; zr_size src_len = 0; zr_long unicode; ZR_ASSERT(str); if (!str || !len) return 0; text = str; text_len = len; glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(text, &unicode, text_len); while (glyph_len && src_len < len) { src_len = src_len + glyph_len; glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(text + src_len, &unicode, text_len - src_len); } return src_len; } /* * ============================================================== * * Input * * =============================================================== */ void zr_input_begin(struct zr_input *in) { zr_size i; ZR_ASSERT(in); if (!in) return; for (i = 0; i < ZR_BUTTON_MAX; ++i) in->mouse.buttons[i].clicked = 0; in->keyboard.text_len = 0; in->mouse.scroll_delta = 0; zr_vec2_mov(in->mouse.prev, in->mouse.pos); for (i = 0; i < ZR_KEY_MAX; i++) in->keyboard.keys[i].clicked = 0; } void zr_input_motion(struct zr_input *in, zr_int x, zr_int y) { ZR_ASSERT(in); if (!in) return; in->mouse.pos.x = (zr_float)x; in->mouse.pos.y = (zr_float)y; } void zr_input_key(struct zr_input *in, enum zr_keys key, zr_bool down) { ZR_ASSERT(in); if (!in) return; if (in->keyboard.keys[key].down == down) return; in->keyboard.keys[key].down = down; in->keyboard.keys[key].clicked++; } void zr_input_button(struct zr_input *in, enum zr_buttons id, zr_int x, zr_int y, zr_bool down) { struct zr_mouse_button *btn; ZR_ASSERT(in); if (!in) return; if (in->mouse.buttons[id].down == down) return; btn = &in->mouse.buttons[id]; btn->clicked_pos.x = (zr_float)x; btn->clicked_pos.y = (zr_float)y; btn->down = down; btn->clicked++; } void zr_input_scroll(struct zr_input *in, zr_float y) { ZR_ASSERT(in); if (!in) return; in->mouse.scroll_delta += y; } void zr_input_glyph(struct zr_input *in, const zr_glyph glyph) { zr_size len = 0; zr_long unicode; ZR_ASSERT(in); if (!in) return; len = zr_utf_decode(glyph, &unicode, ZR_UTF_SIZE); if (len && ((in->keyboard.text_len + len) < ZR_INPUT_MAX)) { zr_utf_encode(unicode, &in->keyboard.text[in->keyboard.text_len], ZR_INPUT_MAX - in->keyboard.text_len); in->keyboard.text_len += len; } } void zr_input_char(struct zr_input *in, char c) { zr_glyph glyph; ZR_ASSERT(in); glyph[0] = c; zr_input_glyph(in, glyph); } void zr_input_end(struct zr_input *in) { ZR_ASSERT(in); if (!in) return; in->mouse.delta = zr_vec2_sub(in->mouse.pos, in->mouse.prev); } zr_bool zr_input_has_mouse_click_in_rect(const struct zr_input *i, enum zr_buttons id, struct zr_rect b) { const struct zr_mouse_button *btn; if (!i) return zr_false; btn = &i->mouse.buttons[id]; if (!ZR_INBOX(btn->clicked_pos.x,btn->clicked_pos.y,b.x,b.y,b.w,b.h)) return zr_false; return zr_true; } zr_bool zr_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(const struct zr_input *i, enum zr_buttons id, struct zr_rect b, zr_bool down) { const struct zr_mouse_button *btn; if (!i) return zr_false; btn = &i->mouse.buttons[id]; return zr_input_has_mouse_click_in_rect(i, id, b) && (btn->down == down); } zr_bool zr_input_is_mouse_click_in_rect(const struct zr_input *i, enum zr_buttons id, struct zr_rect b) { const struct zr_mouse_button *btn; if (!i) return zr_false; btn = &i->mouse.buttons[id]; return (zr_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(i, id, b, zr_true) && btn->clicked) ? zr_true : zr_false; } zr_bool zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(const struct zr_input *i, struct zr_rect rect) { if (!i) return zr_false; return ZR_INBOX(i->mouse.pos.x, i->mouse.pos.y, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); } zr_bool zr_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(const struct zr_input *i, struct zr_rect rect) { if (!i) return zr_false; return ZR_INBOX(i->mouse.prev.x, i->mouse.prev.y, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); } zr_bool zr_input_mouse_clicked(const struct zr_input *i, enum zr_buttons id, struct zr_rect rect) { if (!i) return zr_false; if (!zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(i, rect)) return zr_false; return zr_input_is_mouse_click_in_rect(i, id, rect); } zr_bool zr_input_is_mouse_down(const struct zr_input *i, enum zr_buttons id) { if (!i) return zr_false; return i->mouse.buttons[id].down; } zr_bool zr_input_is_mouse_pressed(const struct zr_input *i, enum zr_buttons id) { const struct zr_mouse_button *b; if (!i) return zr_false; b = &i->mouse.buttons[id]; if (b->down && b->clicked) return zr_true; return zr_false; } zr_bool zr_input_is_mouse_released(const struct zr_input *i, enum zr_buttons id) { if (!i) return zr_false; return (!i->mouse.buttons[id].down && i->mouse.buttons[id].clicked) ? zr_true : zr_false; } zr_bool zr_input_is_key_pressed(const struct zr_input *i, enum zr_keys key) { const struct zr_key *k; if (!i) return zr_false; k = &i->keyboard.keys[key]; if (k->down && k->clicked) return zr_true; return zr_false; } zr_bool zr_input_is_key_released(const struct zr_input *i, enum zr_keys key) { const struct zr_key *k; if (!i) return zr_false; k = &i->keyboard.keys[key]; if (!k->down && k->clicked) return zr_true; return zr_false; } zr_bool zr_input_is_key_down(const struct zr_input *i, enum zr_keys key) { const struct zr_key *k; if (!i) return zr_false; k = &i->keyboard.keys[key]; if (k->down) return zr_true; return zr_false; } /* * ============================================================== * * Buffer * * =============================================================== */ void zr_buffer_init(struct zr_buffer *b, const struct zr_allocator *a, zr_size initial_size, zr_float grow_factor) { ZR_ASSERT(b); ZR_ASSERT(a); ZR_ASSERT(initial_size); if (!b || !a || !initial_size) return; zr_zero(b, sizeof(*b)); b->type = ZR_BUFFER_DYNAMIC; b->memory.ptr = a->alloc(a->userdata, initial_size); b->memory.size = initial_size; b->size = initial_size; b->grow_factor = grow_factor; b->pool = *a; } void zr_buffer_init_fixed(struct zr_buffer *b, void *m, zr_size size) { ZR_ASSERT(b); ZR_ASSERT(m); ZR_ASSERT(size); if (!b || !m || !size) return; zr_zero(b, sizeof(*b)); b->type = ZR_BUFFER_FIXED; b->memory.ptr = m; b->memory.size = size; b->size = size; } static void* zr_buffer_align(void *unaligned, zr_size align, zr_size *alignment, enum zr_buffer_allocation_type type) { void *memory = 0; if (type == ZR_BUFFER_FRONT) { if (align) { memory = ZR_ALIGN_PTR(unaligned, align); *alignment = (zr_size)((zr_byte*)memory - (zr_byte*)unaligned); } else { memory = unaligned; *alignment = 0; } } else { if (align) { memory = ZR_ALIGN_PTR_BACK(unaligned, align); *alignment = (zr_size)((zr_byte*)unaligned - (zr_byte*)memory); } else { memory = unaligned; *alignment = 0; } } return memory; } static void* zr_buffer_realloc(struct zr_buffer *b, zr_size capacity, zr_size *size) { void *temp; zr_size buffer_size; ZR_ASSERT(b); ZR_ASSERT(size); if (!b || !size || !b->pool.alloc || !b->pool.free) return 0; buffer_size = b->memory.size; temp = b->pool.alloc(b->pool.userdata, capacity); ZR_ASSERT(temp); if (!temp) return 0; zr_memcopy(temp, b->memory.ptr, buffer_size); b->pool.free(b->pool.userdata, b->memory.ptr); *size = capacity; if (b->size == buffer_size) { /* no back buffer so just set correct size */ b->size = capacity; return temp; } else { /* copy back buffer to the end of the new buffer */ void *dst, *src; zr_size back_size; back_size = buffer_size - b->size; dst = zr_ptr_add(void, temp, capacity - back_size); src = zr_ptr_add(void, temp, b->size); zr_memcopy(dst, src, back_size); b->size = capacity - back_size; } return temp; } static void* zr_buffer_alloc(struct zr_buffer *b, enum zr_buffer_allocation_type type, zr_size size, zr_size align) { zr_bool full; zr_size cap; zr_size alignment; void *unaligned; void *memory; ZR_ASSERT(b); ZR_ASSERT(size); if (!b || !size) return 0; b->needed += size; /* calculate total size with needed alignment + size */ if (type == ZR_BUFFER_FRONT) unaligned = zr_ptr_add(void, b->memory.ptr, b->allocated); else unaligned = zr_ptr_add(void, b->memory.ptr, b->size - size); memory = zr_buffer_align(unaligned, align, &alignment, type); /* check if buffer has enough memory*/ if (type == ZR_BUFFER_FRONT) full = ((b->allocated + size + alignment) > b->size); else full = ((b->size - (size + alignment)) <= b->allocated); if (full) { /* buffer is full so allocate bigger buffer if dynamic */ ZR_ASSERT(b->type == ZR_BUFFER_DYNAMIC); ZR_ASSERT(b->pool.alloc && b->pool.free); if (b->type != ZR_BUFFER_DYNAMIC || !b->pool.alloc || !b->pool.free) return 0; cap = (zr_size)((zr_float)b->memory.size * b->grow_factor); cap = MAX(cap, zr_round_up_pow2((zr_uint)(b->allocated + size))); b->memory.ptr = zr_buffer_realloc(b, cap, &b->memory.size); if (!b->memory.ptr) return 0; /* align newly allocated pointer */ if (type == ZR_BUFFER_FRONT) unaligned = zr_ptr_add(void, b->memory.ptr, b->allocated); else unaligned = zr_ptr_add(void, b->memory.ptr, b->size); memory = zr_buffer_align(unaligned, align, &alignment, type); } if (type == ZR_BUFFER_FRONT) b->allocated += size + alignment; else b->size -= (size + alignment); b->needed += alignment; b->calls++; return memory; } zr_bool zr_buffer_push(struct zr_buffer *buffer, enum zr_buffer_allocation_type type, void *data, zr_size size, zr_size align) { zr_size i = 0; zr_byte *dst, *src; ZR_ASSERT(buffer); ZR_ASSERT(data); ZR_ASSERT(size); src = (zr_byte*)data; dst = (zr_byte*)zr_buffer_alloc(buffer, type, size, align); if (!dst) return zr_false; for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) dst[i] = src[i]; return zr_true; } void zr_buffer_mark(struct zr_buffer *buffer, enum zr_buffer_allocation_type type) { ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer) return; buffer->marker[type].active = zr_true; if (type == ZR_BUFFER_BACK) buffer->marker[type].offset = buffer->size; else buffer->marker[type].offset = buffer->allocated; } void zr_buffer_reset(struct zr_buffer *buffer, enum zr_buffer_allocation_type type) { ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer) return; if (type == ZR_BUFFER_BACK) { /* reset back buffer either back to marker or empty */ buffer->needed -= (buffer->memory.size - buffer->marker[type].offset); if (buffer->marker[type].active) buffer->size = buffer->marker[type].offset; else buffer->size = buffer->memory.size; buffer->marker[type].active = zr_false; } else { /* reset front buffer either back to back marker or empty */ buffer->needed -= (buffer->allocated - buffer->marker[type].offset); if (buffer->marker[type].active) buffer->allocated = buffer->marker[type].offset; else buffer->allocated = 0; buffer->marker[type].active = zr_false; } } void zr_buffer_clear(struct zr_buffer *b) { ZR_ASSERT(b); if (!b) return; b->allocated = 0; b->size = b->memory.size; b->calls = 0; b->needed = 0; } void zr_buffer_free(struct zr_buffer *b) { ZR_ASSERT(b); if (!b || !b->memory.ptr) return; if (b->type == ZR_BUFFER_FIXED) return; if (!b->pool.free) return; ZR_ASSERT(b->pool.free); b->pool.free(b->pool.userdata, b->memory.ptr); } void zr_buffer_info(struct zr_memory_status *s, struct zr_buffer *b) { ZR_ASSERT(b); ZR_ASSERT(s); if (!s || !b) return; s->allocated = b->allocated; s->size = b->memory.size; s->needed = b->needed; s->memory = b->memory.ptr; s->calls = b->calls; } void* zr_buffer_memory(struct zr_buffer *buffer) { ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer) return 0; return buffer->memory.ptr; } zr_size zr_buffer_total(struct zr_buffer *buffer) { ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer) return 0; return buffer->memory.size; } /* * ============================================================== * * Command buffer * * =============================================================== */ void zr_command_buffer_init(struct zr_command_buffer *cmdbuf, struct zr_buffer *buffer, enum zr_command_clipping clip) { ZR_ASSERT(cmdbuf); ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!cmdbuf || !buffer) return; cmdbuf->queue = 0; cmdbuf->base = buffer; cmdbuf->use_clipping = clip; cmdbuf->begin = buffer->allocated; cmdbuf->end = buffer->allocated; cmdbuf->last = buffer->allocated; } void zr_command_buffer_reset(struct zr_command_buffer *buffer) { ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer) return; zr_zero(&buffer->stats, sizeof(buffer->stats)); buffer->begin = 0; buffer->end = 0; buffer->last = 0; buffer->clip = zr_null_rect; } void zr_command_buffer_clear(struct zr_command_buffer *buffer) { ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer) return; zr_command_buffer_reset(buffer); zr_buffer_clear(buffer->base); } void* zr_command_buffer_push(struct zr_command_buffer* b, enum zr_command_type t, zr_size size) { static const zr_size align = ZR_ALIGNOF(struct zr_command); struct zr_command *cmd; zr_size alignment; void *unaligned; void *memory; ZR_ASSERT(b); ZR_ASSERT(b->base); if (!b) return 0; cmd = (struct zr_command*)zr_buffer_alloc(b->base, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT, size, align); if (!cmd) return 0; /* make sure the offset to the next command is aligned */ b->last = (zr_size)((zr_byte*)cmd - (zr_byte*)b->base->memory.ptr); unaligned = (zr_byte*)cmd + size; memory = ZR_ALIGN_PTR(unaligned, align); alignment = (zr_size)((zr_byte*)memory - (zr_byte*)unaligned); cmd->type = t; cmd->next = b->base->allocated + alignment; b->end = cmd->next; return cmd; } void zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(struct zr_command_buffer *b, struct zr_rect r) { struct zr_command_scissor *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(b); if (!b) return; b->clip.x = r.x; b->clip.y = r.y; b->clip.w = r.w; b->clip.h = r.h; cmd = (struct zr_command_scissor*) zr_command_buffer_push(b, ZR_COMMAND_SCISSOR, sizeof(*cmd)); if (!cmd) return; cmd->x = (zr_short)r.x; cmd->y = (zr_short)r.y; cmd->w = (zr_ushort)MAX(0, r.w); cmd->h = (zr_ushort)MAX(0, r.h); } void zr_command_buffer_push_line(struct zr_command_buffer *b, zr_float x0, zr_float y0, zr_float x1, zr_float y1, struct zr_color c) { struct zr_command_line *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(b); if (!b) return; cmd = (struct zr_command_line*) zr_command_buffer_push(b, ZR_COMMAND_LINE, sizeof(*cmd)); if (!cmd) return; cmd->begin.x = (zr_short)x0; cmd->begin.y = (zr_short)y0; cmd->end.x = (zr_short)x1; cmd->end.y = (zr_short)y1; cmd->color = c; b->stats.lines++; } void zr_command_buffer_push_curve(struct zr_command_buffer *b, zr_float ax, zr_float ay, zr_float ctrl0x, zr_float ctrl0y, zr_float ctrl1x, zr_float ctrl1y, zr_float bx, zr_float by, struct zr_color col) { struct zr_command_curve *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(b); if (!b) return; cmd = (struct zr_command_curve*) zr_command_buffer_push(b, ZR_COMMAND_CURVE, sizeof(*cmd)); if (!cmd) return; cmd->begin.x = (zr_short)ax; cmd->begin.y = (zr_short)ay; cmd->ctrl[0].x = (zr_short)ctrl0x; cmd->ctrl[0].y = (zr_short)ctrl0y; cmd->ctrl[1].x = (zr_short)ctrl1x; cmd->ctrl[1].y = (zr_short)ctrl1y; cmd->end.x = (zr_short)bx; cmd->end.y = (zr_short)by; cmd->color = col; b->stats.lines++; } void zr_command_buffer_push_rect(struct zr_command_buffer *b, struct zr_rect rect, zr_float rounding, struct zr_color c) { struct zr_command_rect *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(b); if (!b) return; if (b->use_clipping) { const struct zr_rect *clip = &b->clip; if (!ZR_INTERSECT(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h)) return; } cmd = (struct zr_command_rect*) zr_command_buffer_push(b, ZR_COMMAND_RECT, sizeof(*cmd)); if (!cmd) return; cmd->rounding = (zr_uint)rounding; cmd->x = (zr_short)rect.x; cmd->y = (zr_short)rect.y; cmd->w = (zr_ushort)MAX(0, rect.w); cmd->h = (zr_ushort)MAX(0, rect.h); cmd->color = c; b->stats.rectangles++; } void zr_command_buffer_push_circle(struct zr_command_buffer *b, struct zr_rect r, struct zr_color c) { struct zr_command_circle *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(b); if (!b) return; if (b->use_clipping) { const struct zr_rect *clip = &b->clip; if (!ZR_INTERSECT(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h)) return; } cmd = (struct zr_command_circle*) zr_command_buffer_push(b, ZR_COMMAND_CIRCLE, sizeof(*cmd)); if (!cmd) return; cmd->x = (zr_short)r.x; cmd->y = (zr_short)r.y; cmd->w = (zr_ushort)MAX(r.w, 0); cmd->h = (zr_ushort)MAX(r.h, 0); cmd->color = c; b->stats.circles++; } void zr_command_buffer_push_arc(struct zr_command_buffer *b, zr_float cx, zr_float cy, zr_float radius, zr_float a_min, zr_float a_max, struct zr_color c) { struct zr_command_arc *cmd; cmd = (struct zr_command_arc*) zr_command_buffer_push(b, ZR_COMMAND_ARC, sizeof(*cmd)); if (!cmd) return; cmd->cx = (zr_short)cx; cmd->cy = (zr_short)cy; cmd->r = (zr_ushort)radius; cmd->a[0] = a_min; cmd->a[1] = a_max; cmd->color = c; } void zr_command_buffer_push_triangle(struct zr_command_buffer *b,zr_float x0,zr_float y0, zr_float x1, zr_float y1, zr_float x2, zr_float y2, struct zr_color c) { struct zr_command_triangle *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(b); if (!b) return; if (b->use_clipping) { const struct zr_rect *clip = &b->clip; if (!ZR_INBOX(x0, y0, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h) || !ZR_INBOX(x1, y1, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h) || !ZR_INBOX(x2, y2, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h)) return; } cmd = (struct zr_command_triangle*) zr_command_buffer_push(b, ZR_COMMAND_TRIANGLE, sizeof(*cmd)); if (!cmd) return; cmd->a.x = (zr_short)x0; cmd->a.y = (zr_short)y0; cmd->b.x = (zr_short)x1; cmd->b.y = (zr_short)y1; cmd->c.x = (zr_short)x2; cmd->c.y = (zr_short)y2; cmd->color = c; b->stats.triangles++; } void zr_command_buffer_push_image(struct zr_command_buffer *b, struct zr_rect r, struct zr_image *img) { struct zr_command_image *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(b); if (!b) return; if (b->use_clipping) { const struct zr_rect *c = &b->clip; if (!ZR_INTERSECT(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h)) return; } cmd = (struct zr_command_image*) zr_command_buffer_push(b, ZR_COMMAND_IMAGE, sizeof(*cmd)); if (!cmd) return; cmd->x = (zr_short)r.x; cmd->y = (zr_short)r.y; cmd->w = (zr_ushort)MAX(0, r.w); cmd->h = (zr_ushort)MAX(0, r.h); cmd->img = *img; b->stats.images++; } void zr_command_buffer_push_text(struct zr_command_buffer *b, struct zr_rect r, const zr_char *string, zr_size length, const struct zr_user_font *font, struct zr_color bg, struct zr_color fg) { struct zr_command_text *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(b); ZR_ASSERT(font); if (!b || !string || !length) return; if (b->use_clipping) { const struct zr_rect *c = &b->clip; if (!ZR_INTERSECT(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h)) return; } cmd = (struct zr_command_text*) zr_command_buffer_push(b, ZR_COMMAND_TEXT, sizeof(*cmd) + length + 1); if (!cmd) return; cmd->x = (zr_short)r.x; cmd->y = (zr_short)r.y; cmd->w = (zr_ushort)r.w; cmd->h = (zr_ushort)r.h; cmd->background = bg; cmd->foreground = fg; cmd->font = font; cmd->length = length; zr_memcopy(cmd->string, string, length); cmd->string[length] = '\0'; b->stats.text++; b->stats.glyphes += (zr_uint)length; } const struct zr_command* zr_command_buffer_begin(struct zr_command_buffer *buffer) { zr_byte *memory; ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer || !buffer->base) return 0; if (buffer->last == buffer->begin) return 0; memory = (zr_byte*)buffer->base->memory.ptr; return zr_ptr_add_const(struct zr_command, memory, buffer->begin); } const struct zr_command* zr_command_buffer_next(struct zr_command_buffer *buffer, struct zr_command *cmd) { zr_byte *memory; ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer) return 0; if (!cmd) return 0; if (cmd->next > buffer->last) return 0; if (cmd->next > buffer->base->allocated) return 0; memory = (zr_byte*)buffer->base->memory.ptr; return zr_ptr_add_const(struct zr_command, memory, cmd->next); } /* * ============================================================== * * Command Queue * * =============================================================== */ void zr_command_queue_init(struct zr_command_queue *queue, const struct zr_allocator *alloc, zr_size initial_size, zr_float grow_factor) { ZR_ASSERT(alloc); ZR_ASSERT(queue); if (!alloc || !queue) return; zr_zero(queue, sizeof(*queue)); zr_buffer_init(&queue->buffer, alloc, initial_size, grow_factor); } void zr_command_queue_init_fixed(struct zr_command_queue *queue, void *memory, zr_size size) { ZR_ASSERT(size); ZR_ASSERT(memory); ZR_ASSERT(queue); if (!memory || !size || !queue) return; zr_zero(queue, sizeof(*queue)); zr_buffer_init_fixed(&queue->buffer, memory, size); } void zr_command_queue_insert_back(struct zr_command_queue *queue, struct zr_command_buffer *buffer) { struct zr_command_buffer_list *list; ZR_ASSERT(queue); ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!queue || !buffer) return; list = &queue->list; if (!list->begin) { buffer->next = 0; buffer->prev = 0; list->begin = buffer; list->end = buffer; list->count = 1; buffer->queue = queue; return; } list->end->next = buffer; buffer->prev = list->end; buffer->next = 0; list->end = buffer; list->count++; buffer->queue = queue; } void zr_command_queue_insert_front(struct zr_command_queue *queue, struct zr_command_buffer *buffer) { struct zr_command_buffer_list *list; ZR_ASSERT(queue); ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!queue || !buffer) return; list = &queue->list; if (!list->begin) { zr_command_queue_insert_back(queue, buffer); return; } list->begin->prev = buffer; buffer->next = list->begin; buffer->prev = 0; list->begin = buffer; list->count++; buffer->queue = queue; } void zr_command_queue_remove(struct zr_command_queue *queue, struct zr_command_buffer *buffer) { struct zr_command_buffer_list *list; ZR_ASSERT(queue); ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!queue || !buffer) return; list = &queue->list; if (buffer->prev) buffer->prev->next = buffer->next; if (buffer->next) buffer->next->prev = buffer->prev; if (list->begin == buffer) list->begin = buffer->next; if (list->end == buffer) list->end = buffer->prev; buffer->next = 0; buffer->prev = 0; list->count--; } zr_bool zr_command_queue_start_child(struct zr_command_queue *queue, struct zr_command_buffer *buffer) { static const zr_size buf_size = sizeof(struct zr_command_sub_buffer); static const zr_size buf_align = ZR_ALIGNOF(struct zr_command_sub_buffer); struct zr_command_sub_buffer_stack *stack; struct zr_command_sub_buffer *buf; struct zr_command_sub_buffer *end; zr_size offset; zr_size size; void *memory; ZR_ASSERT(queue); ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!queue || !buffer) return zr_false; /* allocate header space from the buffer */ memory = queue->buffer.memory.ptr; buf = (struct zr_command_sub_buffer*) zr_buffer_alloc(&queue->buffer, ZR_BUFFER_BACK, buf_size, buf_align); if (!buf) return zr_false; zr_zero(buf, sizeof(*buf)); offset = (zr_size)(((zr_byte*)memory + queue->buffer.memory.size) - (zr_byte*)buf); /* setup sub buffer */ buf->begin = buffer->end; buf->end = buffer->end; buf->parent_last = buffer->last; buf->last = buf->begin; /* add first sub-buffer into the stack */ stack = &queue->stack; if (!stack->begin) { buf->next = 0; stack->begin = offset; stack->end = offset; stack->count = 1; return zr_true; } /* add sub-buffer at the end of the stack */ size = queue->buffer.memory.size; end = zr_ptr_add(struct zr_command_sub_buffer, memory, (size - stack->end)); end->next = offset; buf->next = offset; stack->count++; return zr_true; } void zr_command_queue_finish_child(struct zr_command_queue *queue, struct zr_command_buffer *buffer) { struct zr_command_sub_buffer *buf; struct zr_command_sub_buffer_stack *stack; zr_size offset; ZR_ASSERT(queue); ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!queue || !buffer) return; if (!queue->stack.count) return; stack = &queue->stack; offset = queue->buffer.memory.size - stack->end; buf = zr_ptr_add(struct zr_command_sub_buffer, queue->buffer.memory.ptr, offset); buf->last = buffer->last; buf->end = buffer->end; } void zr_command_queue_start(struct zr_command_queue *queue, struct zr_command_buffer *buffer) { ZR_ASSERT(queue); ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!queue || !buffer) return; zr_zero(&buffer->stats, sizeof(buffer->stats)); buffer->begin = queue->buffer.allocated; buffer->end = buffer->begin; buffer->last = buffer->begin; buffer->clip = zr_null_rect; } void zr_command_queue_finish(struct zr_command_queue *queue, struct zr_command_buffer *buffer) { void *memory; zr_size size; zr_size i = 0; struct zr_command_sub_buffer *iter; struct zr_command_sub_buffer_stack *stack; ZR_ASSERT(queue); ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!queue || !buffer) return; stack = &queue->stack; buffer->end = queue->buffer.allocated; if (!stack->count) return; memory = queue->buffer.memory.ptr; size = queue->buffer.memory.size; iter = zr_ptr_add(struct zr_command_sub_buffer, memory, (size - stack->begin)); /* fix buffer command list for subbuffers */ for (i = 0; i < stack->count; ++i) { struct zr_command *parent_last, *sublast, *last; parent_last = zr_ptr_add(struct zr_command, memory, iter->parent_last); sublast = zr_ptr_add(struct zr_command, memory, iter->last); last = zr_ptr_add(struct zr_command, memory, buffer->last); /* redirect the subbuffer to the end of the current command buffer */ parent_last->next = iter->end; if (i == (stack->count - 1)) sublast->next = last->next; last->next = iter->begin; buffer->last = iter->last; buffer->end = iter->end; iter = zr_ptr_add(struct zr_command_sub_buffer, memory, size - iter->next); } queue->stack.count = 0; } void zr_command_queue_free(struct zr_command_queue *queue) { ZR_ASSERT(queue); if (!queue) return; zr_buffer_clear(&queue->buffer); zr_buffer_free(&queue->buffer); } void zr_command_queue_clear(struct zr_command_queue *queue) { ZR_ASSERT(queue); if (!queue) return; zr_buffer_clear(&queue->buffer); queue->build = zr_false; zr_zero(&queue->stack, sizeof(queue->stack)); } void zr_command_queue_build(struct zr_command_queue *queue) { struct zr_command_buffer *iter; struct zr_command_buffer *next; struct zr_command *cmd; zr_byte *buffer; iter = queue->list.begin; buffer = (zr_byte*)queue->buffer.memory.ptr; while (iter != 0) { next = iter->next; if (iter->last != iter->begin) { cmd = zr_ptr_add(struct zr_command, buffer, iter->last); while (next && next->last == next->begin) next = next->next; /* skip empty command buffers */ if (next) { cmd->next = next->begin; } else cmd->next = queue->buffer.allocated; } iter = next; } queue->build = zr_true; } const struct zr_command* zr_command_queue_begin(struct zr_command_queue *queue) { struct zr_command_buffer *iter; zr_byte *buffer; ZR_ASSERT(queue); if (!queue) return 0; if (!queue->list.count) return 0; /* build one command list out of all command buffers */ buffer = (zr_byte*)queue->buffer.memory.ptr; if (!queue->build) zr_command_queue_build(queue); iter = queue->list.begin; while (iter && iter->begin == iter->end) iter = iter->next; if (!iter) return 0; return zr_ptr_add_const(struct zr_command, buffer, iter->begin); } const struct zr_command* zr_command_queue_next(struct zr_command_queue *queue, const struct zr_command *cmd) { zr_byte *buffer; const struct zr_command *next; ZR_ASSERT(queue); if (!queue || !cmd || !queue->list.count) return 0; if (cmd->next >= queue->buffer.allocated) return 0; buffer = (zr_byte*)queue->buffer.memory.ptr; next = zr_ptr_add_const(struct zr_command, buffer, cmd->next); return next; } /* ============================================================== * * Draw List * * ===============================================================*/ #if ZR_COMPILE_WITH_VERTEX_BUFFER void zr_draw_list_init(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_buffer *cmds, struct zr_buffer *vertexes, struct zr_buffer *elements, zr_sin_f sine, zr_cos_f cosine, struct zr_draw_null_texture null, enum zr_anti_aliasing AA) { zr_zero(list, sizeof(*list)); list->sin = sine; list->cos = cosine; list->null = null; list->clip_rect = zr_null_rect; list->vertexes = vertexes; list->elements = elements; list->buffer = cmds; list->AA = AA; } void zr_draw_list_load(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_command_queue *queue, zr_float line_thickness, zr_uint curve_segments) { const struct zr_command *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(list); ZR_ASSERT(list->vertexes); ZR_ASSERT(list->elements); ZR_ASSERT(queue); line_thickness = MAX(line_thickness, 1.0f); if (!list || !queue || !list->vertexes || !list->elements) return; zr_foreach_command(cmd, queue) { switch (cmd->type) { case ZR_COMMAND_NOP: break; case ZR_COMMAND_SCISSOR: { const struct zr_command_scissor *s = zr_command(scissor, cmd); zr_draw_list_add_clip(list, zr_rect(s->x, s->y, s->w, s->h)); } break; case ZR_COMMAND_LINE: { const struct zr_command_line *l = zr_command(line, cmd); zr_draw_list_add_line(list, zr_vec2(l->begin.x, l->begin.y), zr_vec2(l->end.x, l->end.y), l->color, line_thickness); } break; case ZR_COMMAND_CURVE: { const struct zr_command_curve *q = zr_command(curve, cmd); zr_draw_list_add_curve(list, zr_vec2(q->begin.x, q->begin.y), zr_vec2(q->ctrl[0].x, q->ctrl[0].y), zr_vec2(q->ctrl[1].x, q->ctrl[1].y), zr_vec2(q->end.x, q->end.y), q->color, curve_segments, line_thickness); } break; case ZR_COMMAND_RECT: { const struct zr_command_rect *r = zr_command(rect, cmd); zr_draw_list_add_rect_filled(list, zr_rect(r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h), r->color, (zr_float)r->rounding); } break; case ZR_COMMAND_CIRCLE: { const struct zr_command_circle *c = zr_command(circle, cmd); zr_draw_list_add_circle_filled(list, zr_vec2((zr_float)c->x + (zr_float)c->w/2, (zr_float)c->y + (zr_float)c->h/2), (zr_float)c->w/2, c->color, curve_segments); } break; case ZR_COMMAND_ARC: { const struct zr_command_arc *c = zr_command(arc, cmd); zr_draw_list_path_arc_to(list, zr_vec2(c->cx, c->cy), c->r, c->a[0], c->a[1], curve_segments); zr_draw_list_path_fill(list, c->color); } break; case ZR_COMMAND_TRIANGLE: { const struct zr_command_triangle *t = zr_command(triangle, cmd); zr_draw_list_add_triangle_filled(list, zr_vec2(t->a.x, t->a.y), zr_vec2(t->b.x, t->b.y), zr_vec2(t->c.x, t->c.y), t->color); } break; case ZR_COMMAND_TEXT: { const struct zr_command_text *t = zr_command(text, cmd); zr_draw_list_add_text(list, t->font, zr_rect(t->x, t->y, t->w, t->h), t->string, t->length, t->background, t->foreground); } break; case ZR_COMMAND_IMAGE: { const struct zr_command_image *i = zr_command(image, cmd); zr_draw_list_add_image(list, i->img, zr_rect(i->x, i->y, i->w, i->h), zr_rgb(255, 255, 255)); } break; default: break; } } } void zr_draw_list_clear(struct zr_draw_list *list) { ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; if (list->buffer) zr_buffer_clear(list->buffer); if (list->elements) zr_buffer_clear(list->vertexes); if (list->vertexes) zr_buffer_clear(list->elements); list->element_count = 0; list->vertex_count = 0; list->cmd_offset = 0; list->cmd_count = 0; list->path_count = 0; list->vertexes = 0; list->elements = 0; list->clip_rect = zr_null_rect; } zr_bool zr_draw_list_is_empty(struct zr_draw_list *list) { ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return zr_true; return (list->cmd_count == 0); } const struct zr_draw_command* zr_draw_list_begin(const struct zr_draw_list *list) { zr_byte *memory; zr_size offset; const struct zr_draw_command *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(list); ZR_ASSERT(list->buffer); if (!list || !list->buffer || !list->cmd_count) return 0; memory = (zr_byte*)list->buffer->memory.ptr; offset = list->buffer->memory.size - list->cmd_offset; cmd = zr_ptr_add(const struct zr_draw_command, memory, offset); return cmd; } const struct zr_draw_command* zr_draw_list_next(const struct zr_draw_list *list, const struct zr_draw_command *cmd) { zr_byte *memory; zr_size offset; const struct zr_draw_command *end; ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list || !list->buffer || !list->cmd_count) return 0; memory = (zr_byte*)list->buffer->memory.ptr; offset = list->buffer->memory.size - list->cmd_offset; end = zr_ptr_add(const struct zr_draw_command, memory, offset); end -= (list->cmd_count-1); if (cmd <= end) return 0; return (cmd - 1); } static struct zr_vec2* zr_draw_list_alloc_path(struct zr_draw_list *list, zr_size count) { void *memory; struct zr_vec2 *points; static const zr_size point_align = ZR_ALIGNOF(struct zr_vec2); static const zr_size point_size = sizeof(struct zr_vec2); points = (struct zr_vec2*) zr_buffer_alloc(list->buffer, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT, point_size * count, point_align); if (!points) return 0; if (!list->path_offset) { memory = zr_buffer_memory(list->buffer); list->path_offset = (zr_uint)((zr_byte*)points - (zr_byte*)memory); } list->path_count += (zr_uint)count; return points; } static struct zr_vec2 zr_draw_list_path_last(struct zr_draw_list *list) { void *memory; struct zr_vec2 *point; ZR_ASSERT(list->path_count); memory = zr_buffer_memory(list->buffer); point = zr_ptr_add(struct zr_vec2, memory, list->path_offset); point += (list->path_count-1); return *point; } static struct zr_draw_command* zr_draw_list_push_command(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_rect clip, zr_handle texture) { static const zr_size cmd_align = ZR_ALIGNOF(struct zr_draw_command); static const zr_size cmd_size = sizeof(struct zr_draw_command); struct zr_draw_command *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(list); cmd = (struct zr_draw_command*) zr_buffer_alloc(list->buffer, ZR_BUFFER_BACK, cmd_size, cmd_align); if (!cmd) return 0; if (!list->cmd_count) { zr_byte *memory = (zr_byte*)zr_buffer_memory(list->buffer); zr_size total = zr_buffer_total(list->buffer); memory = zr_ptr_add(zr_byte, memory, total); list->cmd_offset = (zr_size)(memory - (zr_byte*)cmd); } cmd->elem_count = 0; cmd->clip_rect = clip; cmd->texture = texture; list->cmd_count++; list->clip_rect = clip; return cmd; } static struct zr_draw_command* zr_draw_list_command_last(struct zr_draw_list *list) { void *memory; zr_size size; struct zr_draw_command *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(list->cmd_count); memory = zr_buffer_memory(list->buffer); size = zr_buffer_total(list->buffer); cmd = zr_ptr_add(struct zr_draw_command, memory, size - list->cmd_offset); return (cmd - (list->cmd_count-1)); } void zr_draw_list_add_clip(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_rect rect) { ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; if (!list->cmd_count) { zr_draw_list_push_command(list, rect, list->null.texture); } else { struct zr_draw_command *prev = zr_draw_list_command_last(list); zr_draw_list_push_command(list, rect, prev->texture); } } static void zr_draw_list_push_image(struct zr_draw_list *list, zr_handle texture) { ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; if (!list->cmd_count) { zr_draw_list_push_command(list, zr_null_rect, list->null.texture); } else { struct zr_draw_command *prev = zr_draw_list_command_last(list); if (prev->texture.id != texture.id) zr_draw_list_push_command(list, prev->clip_rect, texture); } } static struct zr_draw_vertex* zr_draw_list_alloc_vertexes(struct zr_draw_list *list, zr_size count) { struct zr_draw_vertex *vtx; static const zr_size vtx_align = ZR_ALIGNOF(struct zr_draw_vertex); static const zr_size vtx_size = sizeof(struct zr_draw_vertex); ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return 0; vtx = (struct zr_draw_vertex*) zr_buffer_alloc(list->vertexes, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT, vtx_size * count, vtx_align); if (!vtx) return 0; list->vertex_count += (zr_uint)count; return vtx; } static zr_draw_index* zr_draw_list_alloc_elements(struct zr_draw_list *list, zr_size count) { zr_draw_index *ids; struct zr_draw_command *cmd; static const zr_size elem_align = ZR_ALIGNOF(zr_draw_index); static const zr_size elem_size = sizeof(zr_draw_index); ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return 0; ids = (zr_draw_index*) zr_buffer_alloc(list->elements, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT, elem_size * count, elem_align); if (!ids) return 0; cmd = zr_draw_list_command_last(list); list->element_count += (zr_uint)count; cmd->elem_count += (zr_uint)count; return ids; } static struct zr_draw_vertex zr_draw_vertex(struct zr_vec2 pos, struct zr_vec2 uv, zr_draw_vertex_color col) { struct zr_draw_vertex out; out.position = pos; out.uv = uv; out.col = col; return out; } static void zr_draw_list_add_poly_line(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 *points, const zr_uint points_count, struct zr_color color, zr_bool closed, zr_float thickness, enum zr_anti_aliasing aliasing) { zr_size count; zr_bool thick_line; zr_draw_vertex_color col = zr_color32(color); ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; if (!list || points_count < 2) return; count = points_count; if (!closed) count = points_count-1; thick_line = thickness > 1.0f; if (aliasing == ZR_ANTI_ALIASING_ON) { /* ANTI-ALIASED STROKE */ const zr_float AA_SIZE = 1.0f; static const zr_size pnt_align = ZR_ALIGNOF(struct zr_vec2); static const zr_size pnt_size = sizeof(struct zr_vec2); const zr_draw_vertex_color col_trans = col & 0x00ffffff; /* allocate vertexes and elements */ zr_size i1 = 0; zr_size index = list->vertex_count; const zr_size idx_count = (thick_line) ? (count * 18) : (count * 12); const zr_size vtx_count = (thick_line) ? (points_count * 4): (points_count *3); struct zr_draw_vertex *vtx = zr_draw_list_alloc_vertexes(list, vtx_count); zr_draw_index *ids = zr_draw_list_alloc_elements(list, idx_count); struct zr_vec2 *normals, *temp; zr_size size; if (!vtx || !ids) return; /* temporary allocate normals + points */ zr_buffer_mark(list->vertexes, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT); size = pnt_size * ((thick_line) ? 5 : 3) * points_count; normals = (struct zr_vec2*) zr_buffer_alloc(list->vertexes, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT, size, pnt_align); if (!normals) return; temp = normals + points_count; /* calculate normals */ for (i1 = 0; i1 < count; ++i1) { const zr_size i2 = ((i1 + 1) == points_count) ? 0 : (i1 + 1); struct zr_vec2 diff = zr_vec2_sub(points[i2], points[i1]); zr_float len; /* vec2 inverted lenth */ len = zr_vec2_len_sqr(diff); if (len != 0.0f) len = zr_inv_sqrt(len); else len = 1.0f; diff = zr_vec2_muls(diff, len); normals[i1].x = diff.y; normals[i1].y = -diff.x; } if (!closed) normals[points_count-1] = normals[points_count-2]; if (!thick_line) { zr_size idx1, i; if (!closed) { struct zr_vec2 d; temp[0] = zr_vec2_add(points[0], zr_vec2_muls(normals[0], AA_SIZE)); temp[1] = zr_vec2_sub(points[0], zr_vec2_muls(normals[0], AA_SIZE)); d = zr_vec2_muls(normals[points_count-1], AA_SIZE); temp[(points_count-1) * 2 + 0] = zr_vec2_add(points[points_count-1], d); temp[(points_count-1) * 2 + 1] = zr_vec2_sub(points[points_count-1], d); } /* fill elements */ idx1 = index; for (i1 = 0; i1 < count; i1++) { struct zr_vec2 dm; zr_float dmr2; zr_size i2 = ((i1 + 1) == points_count) ? 0 : (i1 + 1); zr_size idx2 = ((i1+1) == points_count) ? index: (idx1 + 3); /* average normals */ dm = zr_vec2_muls(zr_vec2_add(normals[i1], normals[i2]), 0.5f); dmr2 = dm.x * dm.x + dm.y* dm.y; if (dmr2 > 0.000001f) { zr_float scale = 1.0f/dmr2; scale = MIN(100.0f, scale); dm = zr_vec2_muls(dm, scale); } dm = zr_vec2_muls(dm, AA_SIZE); temp[i2*2+0] = zr_vec2_add(points[i2], dm); temp[i2*2+1] = zr_vec2_sub(points[i2], dm); ids[0] = (zr_draw_index)(idx2 + 0); ids[1] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1+0); ids[2] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1 + 2); ids[3] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1+2); ids[4] = (zr_draw_index)(idx2 + 2); ids[5] = (zr_draw_index)(idx2+0); ids[6] = (zr_draw_index)(idx2 + 1); ids[7] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1+1); ids[8] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1 + 0); ids[9] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1+0); ids[10]= (zr_draw_index)(idx2 + 0); ids[11]= (zr_draw_index)(idx2+1); ids += 12; idx1 = idx2; } /* fill vertexes */ for (i = 0; i < points_count; ++i) { const struct zr_vec2 uv = list->null.uv; vtx[0] = zr_draw_vertex(points[i], uv, col); vtx[1] = zr_draw_vertex(temp[i*2+0], uv, col_trans); vtx[2] = zr_draw_vertex(temp[i*2+1], uv, col_trans); vtx += 3; } } else { zr_size idx1, i; const zr_float half_inner_thickness = (thickness - AA_SIZE) * 0.5f; if (!closed) { struct zr_vec2 d1, d2; d1 = zr_vec2_muls(normals[0], half_inner_thickness + AA_SIZE); d2 = zr_vec2_muls(normals[0], half_inner_thickness); temp[0] = zr_vec2_add(points[0], d1); temp[1] = zr_vec2_add(points[0], d2); temp[2] = zr_vec2_sub(points[0], d2); temp[3] = zr_vec2_sub(points[0], d1); d1 = zr_vec2_muls(normals[points_count-1], half_inner_thickness + AA_SIZE); d2 = zr_vec2_muls(normals[points_count-1], half_inner_thickness); temp[(points_count-1)*4+0] = zr_vec2_add(points[points_count-1], d1); temp[(points_count-1)*4+1] = zr_vec2_add(points[points_count-1], d2); temp[(points_count-1)*4+2] = zr_vec2_sub(points[points_count-1], d2); temp[(points_count-1)*4+3] = zr_vec2_sub(points[points_count-1], d1); } /* add all elements */ idx1 = index; for (i1 = 0; i1 < count; ++i1) { zr_float dmr2; struct zr_vec2 dm_out, dm_in, dm; const zr_size i2 = ((i1+1) == points_count) ? 0: (i1 + 1); zr_size idx2 = ((i1+1) == points_count) ? index: (idx1 + 4); /* average normals */ dm = zr_vec2_muls(zr_vec2_add(normals[i1], normals[i2]), 0.5f); dmr2 = dm.x * dm.x + dm.y* dm.y; if (dmr2 > 0.000001f) { zr_float scale = 1.0f/dmr2; scale = MIN(100.0f, scale); dm = zr_vec2_muls(dm, scale); } dm_out = zr_vec2_muls(dm, ((half_inner_thickness) + AA_SIZE)); dm_in = zr_vec2_muls(dm, half_inner_thickness); temp[i2*4+0] = zr_vec2_add(points[i2], dm_out); temp[i2*4+1] = zr_vec2_add(points[i2], dm_in); temp[i2*4+2] = zr_vec2_sub(points[i2], dm_in); temp[i2*4+3] = zr_vec2_sub(points[i2], dm_out); /* add indexes */ ids[0] = (zr_draw_index)(idx2 + 1); ids[1] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1+1); ids[2] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1 + 2); ids[3] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1+2); ids[4] = (zr_draw_index)(idx2 + 2); ids[5] = (zr_draw_index)(idx2+1); ids[6] = (zr_draw_index)(idx2 + 1); ids[7] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1+1); ids[8] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1 + 0); ids[9] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1+0); ids[10]= (zr_draw_index)(idx2 + 0); ids[11] = (zr_draw_index)(idx2+1); ids[12]= (zr_draw_index)(idx2 + 2); ids[13] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1+2); ids[14]= (zr_draw_index)(idx1 + 3); ids[15] = (zr_draw_index)(idx1+3); ids[16]= (zr_draw_index)(idx2 + 3); ids[17] = (zr_draw_index)(idx2+2); ids += 18; idx1 = idx2; } /* add vertexes */ for (i = 0; i < points_count; ++i) { const struct zr_vec2 uv = list->null.uv; vtx[0] = zr_draw_vertex(temp[i*4+0], uv, col_trans); vtx[1] = zr_draw_vertex(temp[i*4+1], uv, col); vtx[2] = zr_draw_vertex(temp[i*4+2], uv, col); vtx[3] = zr_draw_vertex(temp[i*4+3], uv, col_trans); vtx += 4; } } /* free temporary normals + points */ zr_buffer_reset(list->vertexes, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT); } else { /* NON ANTI-ALIASED STROKE */ zr_size i1 = 0; zr_size idx = list->vertex_count; const zr_size idx_count = count * 6; const zr_size vtx_count = count * 4; struct zr_draw_vertex *vtx = zr_draw_list_alloc_vertexes(list, vtx_count); zr_draw_index *ids = zr_draw_list_alloc_elements(list, idx_count); if (!vtx || !ids) return; for (i1 = 0; i1 < count; ++i1) { zr_float dx, dy; const struct zr_vec2 uv = list->null.uv; const zr_size i2 = ((i1+1) == points_count) ? 0 : i1 + 1; const struct zr_vec2 p1 = points[i1]; const struct zr_vec2 p2 = points[i2]; struct zr_vec2 diff = zr_vec2_sub(p2, p1); zr_float len; /* vec2 inverted lenth */ len = zr_vec2_len_sqr(diff); if (len != 0.0f) len = zr_inv_sqrt(len); else len = 1.0f; diff = zr_vec2_muls(diff, len); /* add vertexes */ dx = diff.x * (thickness * 0.5f); dy = diff.y * (thickness * 0.5f); vtx[0] = zr_draw_vertex(zr_vec2(p1.x + dy, p1.y - dx), uv, col); vtx[1] = zr_draw_vertex(zr_vec2(p2.x + dy, p2.y - dx), uv, col); vtx[2] = zr_draw_vertex(zr_vec2(p2.x - dy, p2.y + dx), uv, col); vtx[3] = zr_draw_vertex(zr_vec2(p1.x - dy, p1.y + dx), uv, col); vtx += 4; ids[0] = (zr_draw_index)(idx+0); ids[1] = (zr_draw_index)(idx+1); ids[2] = (zr_draw_index)(idx+2); ids[3] = (zr_draw_index)(idx+0); ids[4] = (zr_draw_index)(idx+2); ids[5] = (zr_draw_index)(idx+3); ids += 6; idx += 4; } } } static void zr_draw_list_add_poly_convex(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 *points, const zr_uint points_count, struct zr_color color, enum zr_anti_aliasing aliasing) { static const zr_size pnt_align = ZR_ALIGNOF(struct zr_vec2); static const zr_size pnt_size = sizeof(struct zr_vec2); zr_draw_vertex_color col = zr_color32(color); ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list || points_count < 3) return; if (aliasing == ZR_ANTI_ALIASING_ON) { zr_size i = 0; zr_size i0 = 0, i1 = 0; const zr_float AA_SIZE = 1.0f; const zr_draw_vertex_color col_trans = col & 0x00ffffff; zr_size index = list->vertex_count; const zr_size idx_count = (points_count-2)*3 + points_count*6; const zr_size vtx_count = (points_count*2); struct zr_draw_vertex *vtx = zr_draw_list_alloc_vertexes(list, vtx_count); zr_draw_index *ids = zr_draw_list_alloc_elements(list, idx_count); zr_uint vtx_inner_idx = (zr_uint)(index + 0); zr_uint vtx_outer_idx = (zr_uint)(index + 1); struct zr_vec2 *normals; zr_size size; if (!vtx || !ids) return; /* temporary allocate normals */ zr_buffer_mark(list->vertexes, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT); size = pnt_size * points_count; normals = (struct zr_vec2*) zr_buffer_alloc(list->vertexes, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT, size, pnt_align); if (!normals) return; /* add elements */ for (i = 2; i < points_count; i++) { ids[0] = (zr_draw_index)(vtx_inner_idx); ids[1] = (zr_draw_index)(vtx_inner_idx + ((i-1) << 1)); ids[2] = (zr_draw_index)(vtx_inner_idx + (i << 1)); ids += 3; } /* compute normals */ for (i0 = points_count-1, i1 = 0; i1 < points_count; i0 = i1++) { struct zr_vec2 p0 = points[i0]; struct zr_vec2 p1 = points[i1]; struct zr_vec2 diff = zr_vec2_sub(p1, p0); zr_float len; /* vec2 inverted lenth */ len = zr_vec2_len_sqr(diff); if (len != 0.0f) len = zr_inv_sqrt(len); else len = 1.0f; diff = zr_vec2_muls(diff, len); normals[i0].x = diff.y; normals[i0].y = -diff.x; } /* add vertexes + indexes */ for (i0 = points_count-1, i1 = 0; i1 < points_count; i0 = i1++) { const struct zr_vec2 uv = list->null.uv; struct zr_vec2 n0 = normals[i0]; struct zr_vec2 n1 = normals[i1]; struct zr_vec2 dm = zr_vec2_muls(zr_vec2_add(n0, n1), 0.5f); zr_float dmr2 = dm.x*dm.x + dm.y*dm.y; if (dmr2 > 0.000001f) { zr_float scale = 1.0f / dmr2; scale = MIN(scale, 100.0f); dm = zr_vec2_muls(dm, scale); } dm = zr_vec2_muls(dm, AA_SIZE * 0.5f); /* add vertexes */ vtx[0] = zr_draw_vertex(zr_vec2_sub(points[i1], dm), uv, col); vtx[1] = zr_draw_vertex(zr_vec2_add(points[i1], dm), uv, col_trans); vtx += 2; /* add indexes */ ids[0] = (zr_draw_index)(vtx_inner_idx+(i1<<1)); ids[1] = (zr_draw_index)(vtx_inner_idx+(i0<<1)); ids[2] = (zr_draw_index)(vtx_outer_idx+(i0<<1)); ids[3] = (zr_draw_index)(vtx_outer_idx+(i0<<1)); ids[4] = (zr_draw_index)(vtx_outer_idx+(i1<<1)); ids[5] = (zr_draw_index)(vtx_inner_idx+(i1<<1)); ids += 6; } /* free temporary normals + points */ zr_buffer_reset(list->vertexes, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT); } else { zr_size i; zr_size index = list->vertex_count; const zr_size idx_count = (points_count-2)*3; const zr_size vtx_count = points_count; struct zr_draw_vertex *vtx = zr_draw_list_alloc_vertexes(list, vtx_count); zr_draw_index *ids = zr_draw_list_alloc_elements(list, idx_count); if (!vtx || !ids) return; for (i = 0; i < vtx_count; ++i) { vtx[0] = zr_draw_vertex(points[i], list->null.uv, col); vtx++; } for (i = 2; i < points_count; ++i) { ids[0] = (zr_draw_index)index; ids[1] = (zr_draw_index)(index+ i - 1); ids[2] = (zr_draw_index)(index+i); ids += 3; } } } void zr_draw_list_add_line(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 a, struct zr_vec2 b, struct zr_color col, zr_float thickness) { ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list || !col.a) return; zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, zr_vec2_add(a, zr_vec2(0.5f, 0.5f))); zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, zr_vec2_add(b, zr_vec2(0.5f, 0.5f))); zr_draw_list_path_stroke(list, col, ZR_STROKE_OPEN, thickness); } void zr_draw_list_add_rect(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_rect rect, struct zr_color col, zr_float rounding, zr_float line_thickness) { ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list || !col.a) return; zr_draw_list_path_rect_to(list, zr_vec2(rect.x + 0.5f, rect.y + 0.5f), zr_vec2(rect.x + rect.w + 0.5f, rect.y + rect.h + 0.5f), rounding); zr_draw_list_path_stroke(list, col, ZR_STROKE_CLOSED, line_thickness); } void zr_draw_list_add_rect_filled(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_rect rect, struct zr_color col, zr_float rounding) { ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list || !col.a) return; zr_draw_list_path_rect_to(list, zr_vec2(rect.x + 0.5f, rect.y + 0.5f), zr_vec2(rect.x + rect.w + 0.5f, rect.y + rect.h + 0.5f), rounding); zr_draw_list_path_fill(list, col); } void zr_draw_list_add_triangle(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 a, struct zr_vec2 b, struct zr_vec2 c, struct zr_color col, zr_float line_thickness) { ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; if (!col.a) return; zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, a); zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, b); zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, c); zr_draw_list_path_stroke(list, col, ZR_STROKE_CLOSED, line_thickness); } void zr_draw_list_add_triangle_filled(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 a, struct zr_vec2 b, struct zr_vec2 c, struct zr_color col) { ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list || !col.a) return; zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, a); zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, b); zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, c); zr_draw_list_path_fill(list, col); } void zr_draw_list_add_circle(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 center, zr_float radius, struct zr_color col, zr_uint segs, zr_float line_thickness) { zr_float a_max; ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list || !col.a) return; a_max = ZR_PI * 2.0f * ((zr_float)segs - 1.0f) / (zr_float)segs; zr_draw_list_path_arc_to(list, center, radius, 0.0f, a_max, segs); zr_draw_list_path_stroke(list, col, ZR_STROKE_CLOSED, line_thickness); } void zr_draw_list_add_circle_filled(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 center, zr_float radius, struct zr_color col, zr_uint segs) { zr_float a_max; ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list || !col.a) return; a_max = ZR_PI * 2.0f * ((zr_float)segs - 1.0f) / (zr_float)segs; zr_draw_list_path_arc_to(list, center, radius, 0.0f, a_max, segs); zr_draw_list_path_fill(list, col); } void zr_draw_list_add_curve(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 p0, struct zr_vec2 cp0, struct zr_vec2 cp1, struct zr_vec2 p1, struct zr_color col, zr_uint segments, zr_float thickness) { ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list || !col.a) return; zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, p0); zr_draw_list_path_curve_to(list, cp0, cp1, p1, segments); zr_draw_list_path_stroke(list, col, ZR_STROKE_OPEN, thickness); } static void zr_draw_list_push_rect_uv(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 a, struct zr_vec2 c, struct zr_vec2 uva, struct zr_vec2 uvc, struct zr_color color) { zr_draw_vertex_color col = zr_color32(color); struct zr_draw_vertex *vtx; struct zr_vec2 uvb, uvd; struct zr_vec2 b,d; zr_draw_index *idx; zr_draw_index index; ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; uvb = zr_vec2(uvc.x, uva.y); uvd = zr_vec2(uva.x, uvc.y); b = zr_vec2(c.x, a.y); d = zr_vec2(a.x, c.y); index = (zr_draw_index)list->vertex_count; vtx = zr_draw_list_alloc_vertexes(list, 4); idx = zr_draw_list_alloc_elements(list, 6); if (!vtx || !idx) return; idx[0] = (zr_draw_index)(index+0); idx[1] = (zr_draw_index)(index+1); idx[2] = (zr_draw_index)(index+2); idx[3] = (zr_draw_index)(index+0); idx[4] = (zr_draw_index)(index+2); idx[5] = (zr_draw_index)(index+3); vtx[0] = zr_draw_vertex(a, uva, col); vtx[1] = zr_draw_vertex(b, uvb, col); vtx[2] = zr_draw_vertex(c, uvc, col); vtx[3] = zr_draw_vertex(d, uvd, col); } void zr_draw_list_add_image(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_image texture, struct zr_rect rect, struct zr_color color) { ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; /* push new command with given texture */ zr_draw_list_push_image(list, texture.handle); if (zr_image_is_subimage(&texture)) { /* add region inside of the texture */ struct zr_vec2 uv[2]; uv[0].x = (zr_float)texture.region[0]/(zr_float)texture.w; uv[0].y = (zr_float)texture.region[1]/(zr_float)texture.h; uv[1].x = (zr_float)(texture.region[0] + texture.region[2])/(zr_float)texture.w; uv[1].y = (zr_float)(texture.region[1] + texture.region[3])/(zr_float)texture.h; zr_draw_list_push_rect_uv(list, zr_vec2(rect.x, rect.y), zr_vec2(rect.x + rect.w, rect.y + rect.h), uv[0], uv[1], color); } else zr_draw_list_push_rect_uv(list, zr_vec2(rect.x, rect.y), zr_vec2(rect.x + rect.w, rect.y + rect.h), zr_vec2(0.0f, 0.0f), zr_vec2(1.0f, 1.0f),color); } void zr_draw_list_add_text(struct zr_draw_list *list, const struct zr_user_font *font, struct zr_rect rect, const zr_char *text, zr_size len, struct zr_color bg, struct zr_color fg) { zr_float x; zr_size text_len; zr_long unicode, next; zr_size glyph_len, next_glyph_len; struct zr_user_font_glyph g; ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list || !len || !text) return; if (rect.x > (list->clip_rect.x + list->clip_rect.w) || rect.y > (list->clip_rect.y + list->clip_rect.h) || rect.x < list->clip_rect.x || rect.y < list->clip_rect.y) return; /* draw text background */ zr_draw_list_add_rect_filled(list, rect, bg, 0.0f); zr_draw_list_push_image(list, font->texture); /* draw every glyph image */ x = rect.x; glyph_len = text_len = zr_utf_decode(text, &unicode, len); if (!glyph_len) return; while (text_len <= len && glyph_len) { zr_float gx, gy, gh, gw; zr_float char_width = 0; if (unicode == ZR_UTF_INVALID) break; /* query currently drawn glyph information */ next_glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(text + text_len, &next, len - text_len); font->query(font->userdata, &g, unicode, (next == ZR_UTF_INVALID) ? '\0' : next); /* calculate and draw glyph drawing rectangle and image */ gx = x + g.offset.x; /*gy = rect.y + (font->height/2) + (rect.h/2) - g.offset.y;*/ gy = rect.y + (rect.h/2) - (font->height/2) + g.offset.y; gw = g.width; gh = g.height; char_width = g.xadvance; zr_draw_list_push_rect_uv(list, zr_vec2(gx,gy), zr_vec2(gx + gw, gy+ gh), g.uv[0], g.uv[1], fg); /* offset next glyph */ text_len += glyph_len; x += char_width; glyph_len = next_glyph_len; unicode = next; } } void zr_draw_list_path_clear(struct zr_draw_list *list) { ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; zr_buffer_reset(list->buffer, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT); list->path_count = 0; list->path_offset = 0; } void zr_draw_list_path_line_to(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 pos) { struct zr_vec2 *points; struct zr_draw_command *cmd; ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; if (!list->cmd_count) zr_draw_list_add_clip(list, zr_null_rect); cmd = zr_draw_list_command_last(list); if (cmd->texture.ptr != list->null.texture.ptr) zr_draw_list_push_image(list, list->null.texture); points = zr_draw_list_alloc_path(list, 1); if (!points) return; points[0] = pos; } static void zr_draw_list_path_arc_to_fast(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 center, zr_float radius, zr_int a_min, zr_int a_max) { static struct zr_vec2 circle_vtx[12]; static zr_bool circle_vtx_builds = zr_false; static const zr_int circle_vtx_count = ZR_LEN(circle_vtx); ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; if (!circle_vtx_builds) { zr_int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < circle_vtx_count; ++i) { const zr_float a = ((zr_float)i / (zr_float)circle_vtx_count) * 2 * ZR_PI; circle_vtx[i].x = list->cos(a); circle_vtx[i].y = list->sin(a); } circle_vtx_builds = zr_true; } if (a_min <= a_max) { zr_int a = 0; for (a = a_min; a <= a_max; a++) { const struct zr_vec2 c = circle_vtx[a % circle_vtx_count]; const zr_float x = center.x + c.x * radius; const zr_float y = center.y + c.y * radius; zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, zr_vec2(x, y)); } } } void zr_draw_list_path_arc_to(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 center, zr_float radius, zr_float a_min, zr_float a_max, zr_uint segments) { zr_uint i = 0; ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; if (radius == 0.0f) return; for (i = 0; i <= segments; ++i) { const zr_float a = a_min + ((zr_float)i / (zr_float)segments) * (a_max - a_min); const zr_float x = center.x + list->cos(a) * radius; const zr_float y = center.y + list->sin(a) * radius; zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, zr_vec2(x, y)); } } void zr_draw_list_path_rect_to(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 a, struct zr_vec2 b, zr_float rounding) { zr_float r; ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; r = rounding; r = MIN(r, ((b.x-a.x) < 0) ? -(b.x-a.x): (b.x-a.x)); r = MIN(r, ((b.y-a.y) < 0) ? -(b.y-a.y): (b.y-a.y)); if (r == 0.0f) { zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, a); zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, zr_vec2(b.x,a.y)); zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, b); zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, zr_vec2(a.x,b.y)); } else { zr_draw_list_path_arc_to_fast(list, zr_vec2(a.x + r, a.y + r), r, 6, 9); zr_draw_list_path_arc_to_fast(list, zr_vec2(b.x - r, a.y + r), r, 9, 12); zr_draw_list_path_arc_to_fast(list, zr_vec2(b.x - r, b.y - r), r, 0, 3); zr_draw_list_path_arc_to_fast(list, zr_vec2(a.x + r, b.y - r), r, 3, 6); } } void zr_draw_list_path_curve_to(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_vec2 p2, struct zr_vec2 p3, struct zr_vec2 p4, zr_uint num_segments) { zr_uint i_step; zr_float t_step; struct zr_vec2 p1; ZR_ASSERT(list); ZR_ASSERT(list->path_count); if (!list || !list->path_count) return; num_segments = MAX(num_segments, 1); p1 = zr_draw_list_path_last(list); t_step = 1.0f/(zr_float)num_segments; for (i_step = 1; i_step <= num_segments; ++i_step) { zr_float t = t_step * (zr_float)i_step; zr_float u = 1.0f - t; zr_float w1 = u*u*u; zr_float w2 = 3*u*u*t; zr_float w3 = 3*u*t*t; zr_float w4 = t * t *t; zr_float x = w1 * p1.x + w2 * p2.x + w3 * p3.x + w4 * p4.x; zr_float y = w1 * p1.y + w2 * p2.y + w3 * p3.y + w4 * p4.y; zr_draw_list_path_line_to(list, zr_vec2(x,y)); } } void zr_draw_list_path_fill(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_color color) { struct zr_vec2 *points; ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; points = (struct zr_vec2*)zr_buffer_memory(list->buffer); zr_draw_list_add_poly_convex(list, points, list->path_count, color, list->AA); zr_draw_list_path_clear(list); } void zr_draw_list_path_stroke(struct zr_draw_list *list, struct zr_color color, zr_bool closed, zr_float thickness) { struct zr_vec2 *points; ZR_ASSERT(list); if (!list) return; points = (struct zr_vec2*)zr_buffer_memory(list->buffer); zr_draw_list_add_poly_line(list, points, list->path_count, color, closed, thickness, list->AA); zr_draw_list_path_clear(list); } #endif /* * ============================================================== * * Font * * =============================================================== */ #ifdef ZR_COMPILE_WITH_FONT /* this is a bloody mess but 'fixing' both stb libraries would be a pain */ #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wbad-function-cast" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-qual" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeclaration-after-statement" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function" #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wbad-function-cast" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-qual" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeclaration-after-statement" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtype-limits" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-default" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function" #elif _MSC_VER #pragma warning (push) #pragma warning (disable: 4456) #endif #ifndef ZR_DISABLE_STB_RECT_PACK_IMPLEMENTATION #define STBRP_STATIC #define STB_RECT_PACK_IMPLEMENTATION #endif #include "stb_rect_pack.h" #ifndef ZR_DISABLE_STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION #define STBTT_STATIC #define STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION #endif #include "stb_truetype.h" #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__) #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #elif _MSC_VER #pragma warning (pop) #endif struct zr_font_bake_data { stbtt_fontinfo info; stbrp_rect *rects; stbtt_pack_range *ranges; zr_uint range_count; }; struct zr_font_baker { stbtt_pack_context spc; struct zr_font_bake_data *build; stbtt_packedchar *packed_chars; stbrp_rect *rects; stbtt_pack_range *ranges; }; static const zr_size zr_rect_align = ZR_ALIGNOF(stbrp_rect); static const zr_size zr_range_align = ZR_ALIGNOF(stbtt_pack_range); static const zr_size zr_char_align = ZR_ALIGNOF(stbtt_packedchar); static const zr_size zr_build_align = ZR_ALIGNOF(struct zr_font_bake_data); static const zr_size zr_baker_align = ZR_ALIGNOF(struct zr_font_baker); static zr_size zr_range_count(const zr_long *range) { const zr_long *iter = range; ZR_ASSERT(range); if (!range) return 0; while (*(iter++) != 0); return (iter == range) ? 0 : (zr_size)((iter - range)/2); } static zr_size zr_range_glyph_count(const zr_long *range, zr_size count) { zr_size i = 0; zr_size total_glyphes = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { zr_size diff; zr_long f = range[(i*2)+0]; zr_long t = range[(i*2)+1]; ZR_ASSERT(t >= f); diff = (zr_size)((t - f) + 1); total_glyphes += diff; } return total_glyphes; } const zr_long* zr_font_default_glyph_ranges(void) { static const zr_long ranges[] = {0x0020, 0x00FF, 0}; return ranges; } const zr_long* zr_font_chinese_glyph_ranges(void) { static const zr_long ranges[] = { 0x0020, 0x00FF, 0x3000, 0x30FF, 0x31F0, 0x31FF, 0xFF00, 0xFFEF, 0x4e00, 0x9FAF, 0 }; return ranges; } const zr_long* zr_font_cyrillic_glyph_ranges(void) { static const zr_long ranges[] = { 0x0020, 0x00FF, 0x0400, 0x052F, 0x2DE0, 0x2DFF, 0xA640, 0xA69F, 0 }; return ranges; } const zr_long* zr_font_korean_glyph_ranges(void) { static const zr_long ranges[] = { 0x0020, 0x00FF, 0x3131, 0x3163, 0xAC00, 0xD79D, 0 }; return ranges; } void zr_font_bake_memory(zr_size *temp, zr_size *glyph_count, struct zr_font_config *config, zr_size count) { zr_size i; zr_size range_count = 0; ZR_ASSERT(config); ZR_ASSERT(glyph_count); if (!config) { *temp = 0; *glyph_count = 0; return; } *glyph_count = 0; if (!config->range) config->range = zr_font_default_glyph_ranges(); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { range_count += zr_range_count(config[i].range); *glyph_count += zr_range_glyph_count(config[i].range, range_count); } *temp = *glyph_count * sizeof(stbrp_rect); *temp += range_count * sizeof(stbtt_pack_range); *temp += *glyph_count * sizeof(stbtt_packedchar); *temp += count * sizeof(struct zr_font_bake_data); *temp += sizeof(struct zr_font_baker); *temp += zr_rect_align + zr_range_align + zr_char_align; *temp += zr_build_align + zr_baker_align; } static struct zr_font_baker* zr_font_baker(void *memory, zr_size glyph_count, zr_size count) { struct zr_font_baker *baker; if (!memory) return 0; /* setup baker inside a memory block */ baker = (struct zr_font_baker*)ZR_ALIGN_PTR(memory, zr_baker_align); baker->build = (struct zr_font_bake_data*)ZR_ALIGN_PTR((baker + 1), zr_build_align); baker->packed_chars = (stbtt_packedchar*)ZR_ALIGN_PTR((baker->build + count), zr_char_align); baker->rects = (stbrp_rect*)ZR_ALIGN_PTR((baker->packed_chars + glyph_count), zr_rect_align); baker->ranges = (stbtt_pack_range*)ZR_ALIGN_PTR((baker->rects + glyph_count), zr_range_align); return baker; } zr_bool zr_font_bake_pack(zr_size *image_memory, zr_size *width, zr_size *height, struct zr_recti *custom, void *temp, zr_size temp_size, const struct zr_font_config *config, zr_size count) { static const zr_size max_height = 1024 * 32; struct zr_font_baker* baker; zr_size total_glyph_count = 0; zr_size total_range_count = 0; zr_size i = 0; ZR_ASSERT(image_memory); ZR_ASSERT(width); ZR_ASSERT(height); ZR_ASSERT(config); ZR_ASSERT(temp); ZR_ASSERT(temp_size); ZR_ASSERT(count); if (!image_memory || !width || !height || !config || !temp || !temp_size || !count) return zr_false; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { total_range_count += zr_range_count(config[i].range); total_glyph_count += zr_range_glyph_count(config[i].range, total_range_count); } /* setup font baker from temporary memory */ zr_zero(temp, temp_size); baker = zr_font_baker(temp, total_glyph_count, count); if (!baker) return zr_false; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const struct zr_font_config *cfg = &config[i]; if (!stbtt_InitFont(&baker->build[i].info, (const unsigned char*)cfg->ttf_blob, 0)) return zr_false; } *height = 0; *width = (total_glyph_count > 1000) ? 1024 : 512; stbtt_PackBegin(&baker->spc, 0, (zr_int)*width, (int)max_height, 0, 1, 0); { zr_size input_i = 0; zr_size range_n = 0, rect_n = 0, char_n = 0; /* pack custom user data first so it will be in the upper left corner */ if (custom) { stbrp_rect custom_space; zr_zero(&custom_space, sizeof(custom_space)); custom_space.w = (stbrp_coord)((custom->w * 2) + 1); custom_space.h = (stbrp_coord)(custom->h + 1); stbtt_PackSetOversampling(&baker->spc, 1, 1); stbrp_pack_rects((stbrp_context*)baker->spc.pack_info, &custom_space, 1); *height = MAX(*height, (size_t)(custom_space.y + custom_space.h)); custom->x = custom_space.x; custom->y = custom_space.y; custom->w = custom_space.w; custom->h = custom_space.h; } /* first font pass: pack all glyphes */ for (input_i = 0; input_i < count; input_i++) { zr_size n = 0; const zr_long *in_range; const struct zr_font_config *cfg = &config[input_i]; struct zr_font_bake_data *tmp = &baker->build[input_i]; zr_size glyph_count, range_count; /* count glyphes + ranges in current font */ glyph_count = 0; range_count = 0; for (in_range = cfg->range; in_range[0] && in_range[1]; in_range += 2) { glyph_count += (zr_size)(in_range[1] - in_range[0]) + 1; range_count++; } /* setup ranges */ tmp->ranges = baker->ranges + range_n; tmp->range_count = (zr_uint)range_count; range_n += range_count; for (i = 0; i < range_count; ++i) { in_range = &cfg->range[i * 2]; tmp->ranges[i].font_size = cfg->size; tmp->ranges[i].first_unicode_codepoint_in_range = (zr_int)in_range[0]; tmp->ranges[i].num_chars = (zr_int)(in_range[1]- in_range[0]) + 1; tmp->ranges[i].chardata_for_range = baker->packed_chars + char_n; char_n += (zr_size)tmp->ranges[i].num_chars; } /* pack */ tmp->rects = baker->rects + rect_n; rect_n += glyph_count; stbtt_PackSetOversampling(&baker->spc, cfg->oversample_h, cfg->oversample_v); n = (zr_size)stbtt_PackFontRangesGatherRects(&baker->spc, &tmp->info, tmp->ranges, (zr_int)tmp->range_count, tmp->rects); stbrp_pack_rects((stbrp_context*)baker->spc.pack_info, tmp->rects, (zr_int)n); /* texture height */ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (tmp->rects[i].was_packed) *height = MAX(*height, (zr_size)(tmp->rects[i].y + tmp->rects[i].h)); } } ZR_ASSERT(rect_n == total_glyph_count); ZR_ASSERT(char_n == total_glyph_count); ZR_ASSERT(range_n == total_range_count); } *height = zr_round_up_pow2((zr_uint)*height); *image_memory = (*width) * (*height); return zr_true; } void zr_font_bake(void *image_memory, zr_size width, zr_size height, void *temp, zr_size temp_size, struct zr_font_glyph *glyphes, zr_size glyphes_count, const struct zr_font_config *config, zr_size font_count) { zr_size input_i = 0; struct zr_font_baker* baker; zr_long glyph_n = 0; ZR_ASSERT(image_memory); ZR_ASSERT(width); ZR_ASSERT(height); ZR_ASSERT(config); ZR_ASSERT(temp); ZR_ASSERT(temp_size); ZR_ASSERT(font_count); ZR_ASSERT(glyphes_count); if (!image_memory || !width || !height || !config || !temp || !temp_size || !font_count || !glyphes || !glyphes_count) return; /* second font pass: render glyphes */ baker = (struct zr_font_baker*)temp; zr_zero(image_memory, width * height); baker->spc.pixels = (unsigned char*)image_memory; baker->spc.height = (zr_int)height; for (input_i = 0; input_i < font_count; ++input_i) { const struct zr_font_config *cfg = &config[input_i]; struct zr_font_bake_data *tmp = &baker->build[input_i]; stbtt_PackSetOversampling(&baker->spc, cfg->oversample_h, cfg->oversample_v); stbtt_PackFontRangesRenderIntoRects(&baker->spc, &tmp->info, tmp->ranges, (zr_int)tmp->range_count, tmp->rects); } stbtt_PackEnd(&baker->spc); /* third pass: setup font and glyphes */ for (input_i = 0; input_i < font_count; ++input_i) { zr_size i = 0; zr_int char_idx = 0; zr_uint glyph_count = 0; const struct zr_font_config *cfg = &config[input_i]; struct zr_font_bake_data *tmp = &baker->build[input_i]; struct zr_baked_font *dst_font = cfg->font; zr_float font_scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&tmp->info, cfg->size); zr_int unscaled_ascent, unscaled_descent, unscaled_line_gap; stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&tmp->info, &unscaled_ascent, &unscaled_descent, &unscaled_line_gap); /* fill baked font */ dst_font->ranges = cfg->range; dst_font->height = cfg->size; dst_font->ascent = ((zr_float)unscaled_ascent * font_scale); dst_font->descent = ((zr_float)unscaled_descent * font_scale); dst_font->glyph_offset = glyph_n; /* fill own baked font glyph array */ for (i = 0; i < tmp->range_count; ++i) { stbtt_pack_range *range = &tmp->ranges[i]; for (char_idx = 0; char_idx < range->num_chars; char_idx++) { zr_int codepoint = 0; zr_float dummy_x = 0, dummy_y = 0; stbtt_aligned_quad q; struct zr_font_glyph *glyph; /* query glyph bounds from stb_truetype */ const stbtt_packedchar *pc = &range->chardata_for_range[char_idx]; glyph_count++; if (!pc->x0 && !pc->x1 && !pc->y0 && !pc->y1) continue; codepoint = range->first_unicode_codepoint_in_range + char_idx; stbtt_GetPackedQuad(range->chardata_for_range, (zr_int)width, (zr_int)height, char_idx, &dummy_x, &dummy_y, &q, 0); /* fill own glyph type with data */ glyph = &glyphes[dst_font->glyph_offset + char_idx]; glyph->codepoint = (zr_long)codepoint; glyph->x0 = q.x0; glyph->y0 = q.y0; glyph->x1 = q.x1; glyph->y1 = q.y1; glyph->y0 += (dst_font->ascent + 0.5f); glyph->y1 += (dst_font->ascent + 0.5f); if (cfg->coord_type == ZR_COORD_PIXEL) { glyph->u0 = q.s0 * (zr_float)width; glyph->v0 = q.t0 * (zr_float)height; glyph->u1 = q.s1 * (zr_float)width; glyph->v1 = q.t1 * (zr_float)height; } else { glyph->u0 = q.s0; glyph->v0 = q.t0; glyph->u1 = q.s1; glyph->v1 = q.t1; } glyph->xadvance = (pc->xadvance + cfg->spacing.x); if (cfg->pixel_snap) glyph->xadvance = (zr_float)(zr_int)(glyph->xadvance + 0.5f); } } dst_font->glyph_count = glyph_count; glyph_n += dst_font->glyph_count; } } void zr_font_bake_custom_data(void *img_memory, zr_size img_width, zr_size img_height, struct zr_recti img_dst, const char *texture_data_mask, zr_size tex_width, zr_size tex_height, zr_char white, zr_char black) { zr_byte *pixels; zr_size y = 0, x = 0, n = 0; ZR_ASSERT(img_memory); ZR_ASSERT(img_width); ZR_ASSERT(img_height); ZR_ASSERT(texture_data_mask); ZR_UNUSED(tex_height); if (!img_memory || !img_width || !img_height || !texture_data_mask) return; pixels = (zr_byte*)img_memory; for (y = 0, n = 0; y < tex_height; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < tex_width; ++x, ++n) { const zr_size off0 = (img_dst.x + x) + (img_dst.y + y) * img_width; const zr_size off1 = off0 + 1 + tex_width; pixels[off0] = (texture_data_mask[n] == white) ? 0xFF : 0x00; pixels[off1] = (texture_data_mask[n] == black) ? 0xFF : 0x00; } } } void zr_font_bake_convert(void *out_memory, zr_ushort img_width, zr_ushort img_height, const void *in_memory) { zr_int n = 0; const zr_byte *src; zr_uint *dst; ZR_ASSERT(out_memory); ZR_ASSERT(in_memory); ZR_ASSERT(img_width); ZR_ASSERT(img_height); if (!out_memory || !in_memory || !img_height || !img_width) return; dst = (zr_uint*)out_memory; src = (const zr_byte*)in_memory; for (n = (zr_int)(img_width * img_height); n > 0; n--) *dst++ = ((zr_uint)(*src++) << 24) | 0x00FFFFFF; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * Font * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ void zr_font_init(struct zr_font *font, zr_float pixel_height, zr_long fallback_codepoint, struct zr_font_glyph *glyphes, const struct zr_baked_font *baked_font, zr_handle atlas) { ZR_ASSERT(font); ZR_ASSERT(glyphes); ZR_ASSERT(baked_font); if (!font || !glyphes || !baked_font) return; zr_zero(font, sizeof(*font)); font->ascent = baked_font->ascent; font->descent = baked_font->descent; font->size = baked_font->height; font->scale = (zr_float)pixel_height / (zr_float)font->size; font->glyphes = &glyphes[baked_font->glyph_offset]; font->glyph_count = baked_font->glyph_count; font->ranges = baked_font->ranges; font->atlas = atlas; font->fallback_codepoint = fallback_codepoint; font->fallback = zr_font_find_glyph(font, fallback_codepoint); } const struct zr_font_glyph* zr_font_find_glyph(struct zr_font *font, zr_long unicode) { zr_size i = 0; zr_size count; zr_size total_glyphes = 0; const struct zr_font_glyph *glyph = 0; ZR_ASSERT(font); glyph = font->fallback; count = zr_range_count(font->ranges); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { zr_size diff; zr_long f = font->ranges[(i*2)+0]; zr_long t = font->ranges[(i*2)+1]; diff = (zr_size)((t - f) + 1); if (unicode >= f && unicode <= t) return &font->glyphes[(total_glyphes + (zr_size)(unicode - f))]; total_glyphes += diff; } return glyph; } static zr_size zr_font_text_width(zr_handle handle, const zr_char *text, zr_size len) { zr_long unicode; const struct zr_font_glyph *glyph; struct zr_font *font; zr_size text_len = 0; zr_size text_width = 0; zr_size glyph_len; font = (struct zr_font*)handle.ptr; ZR_ASSERT(font); if (!font || !text || !len) return 0; glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(text, &unicode, len); while (text_len < len && glyph_len) { if (unicode == ZR_UTF_INVALID) return 0; glyph = zr_font_find_glyph(font, unicode); text_len += glyph_len; text_width += (zr_size)((glyph->xadvance * font->scale)); glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(text + text_len, &unicode, len - text_len); } return text_width; } #if ZR_COMPILE_WITH_VERTEX_BUFFER static void zr_font_query_font_glyph(zr_handle handle, struct zr_user_font_glyph *glyph, zr_long codepoint, zr_long next_codepoint) { const struct zr_font_glyph *g; struct zr_font *font; ZR_ASSERT(glyph); ZR_UNUSED(next_codepoint); font = (struct zr_font*)handle.ptr; ZR_ASSERT(font); if (!font || !glyph) return; g = zr_font_find_glyph(font, codepoint); glyph->width = (g->x1 - g->x0) * font->scale; glyph->height = (g->y1 - g->y0) * font->scale; glyph->offset = zr_vec2(g->x0 * font->scale, g->y0 * font->scale); glyph->xadvance = (g->xadvance * font->scale); glyph->uv[0] = zr_vec2(g->u0, g->v0); glyph->uv[1] = zr_vec2(g->u1, g->v1); } #endif struct zr_user_font zr_font_ref(struct zr_font *font) { struct zr_user_font user_font; zr_zero(&user_font, sizeof(user_font)); user_font.height = font->size * font->scale; user_font.width = zr_font_text_width; user_font.userdata.ptr = font; #if ZR_COMPILE_WITH_VERTEX_BUFFER user_font.query = zr_font_query_font_glyph; user_font.texture = font->atlas; #endif return user_font; } #endif /* * ============================================================== * * Edit Box * * =============================================================== */ static void zr_edit_buffer_append(zr_edit_buffer *buffer, const char *str, zr_size len) { char *mem; ZR_ASSERT(buffer); ZR_ASSERT(str); if (!buffer || !str || !len) return; mem = (char*)zr_buffer_alloc(buffer, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT, len * sizeof(char), 0); if (!mem) return; zr_memcopy(mem, str, len * sizeof(char)); } static int zr_edit_buffer_insert(zr_edit_buffer *buffer, zr_size pos, const char *str, zr_size len) { void *mem; zr_size i; char *src, *dst; zr_size copylen; ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer || !str || !len || pos > buffer->allocated) return 0; copylen = buffer->allocated - pos; if (!copylen) { zr_edit_buffer_append(buffer, str, len); return 1; } mem = zr_buffer_alloc(buffer, ZR_BUFFER_FRONT, len * sizeof(char), 0); if (!mem) return 0; /* memmove */ ZR_ASSERT(((int)pos + (int)len + ((int)copylen - 1)) >= 0); ZR_ASSERT(((int)pos + ((int)copylen - 1)) >= 0); dst = zr_ptr_add(char, buffer->memory.ptr, pos + len + (copylen - 1)); src = zr_ptr_add(char, buffer->memory.ptr, pos + (copylen-1)); for (i = 0; i < copylen; ++i) *dst-- = *src--; mem = zr_ptr_add(void, buffer->memory.ptr, pos); zr_memcopy(mem, str, len * sizeof(char)); return 1; } static void zr_edit_buffer_remove(zr_edit_buffer *buffer, zr_size len) { ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer || len > buffer->allocated) return; ZR_ASSERT(((int)buffer->allocated - (int)len) >= 0); buffer->allocated -= len; } static void zr_edit_buffer_del(zr_edit_buffer *buffer, zr_size pos, zr_size len) { char *src, *dst; ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer || !len || pos > buffer->allocated || pos + len > buffer->allocated) return; if (pos + len < buffer->allocated) { /* memmove */ dst = zr_ptr_add(char, buffer->memory.ptr, pos); src = zr_ptr_add(char, buffer->memory.ptr, pos + len); zr_memcopy(dst, src, buffer->allocated - (pos + len)); ZR_ASSERT(((int)buffer->allocated - (int)len) >= 0); buffer->allocated -= len; } else zr_edit_buffer_remove(buffer, len); } static char* zr_edit_buffer_at_char(zr_edit_buffer *buffer, zr_size pos) { ZR_ASSERT(buffer); if (!buffer || pos > buffer->allocated) return 0; return zr_ptr_add(char, buffer->memory.ptr, pos); } static char* zr_edit_buffer_at(zr_edit_buffer *buffer, zr_int pos, zr_long *unicode, zr_size *len) { zr_int i = 0; zr_size src_len = 0; zr_size glyph_len = 0; zr_char *text; zr_size text_len; ZR_ASSERT(buffer); ZR_ASSERT(unicode); ZR_ASSERT(len); if (!buffer || !unicode || !len) return 0; if (pos < 0) { *unicode = 0; *len = 0; return 0; } text = (zr_char*)buffer->memory.ptr; text_len = buffer->allocated; glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(text, unicode, text_len); while (glyph_len) { if (i == pos) { *len = glyph_len; break; } i++; src_len = src_len + glyph_len; glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(text + src_len, unicode, text_len - src_len); } if (i != pos) return 0; return text + src_len; } void zr_edit_box_init(struct zr_edit_box *eb, struct zr_allocator *a, zr_size initial_size, zr_float grow_fac, const struct zr_clipboard *clip, zr_filter f) { ZR_ASSERT(eb); ZR_ASSERT(a); ZR_ASSERT(initial_size); if (!eb || !a) return; zr_zero(eb, sizeof(*eb)); zr_buffer_init(&eb->buffer, a, initial_size, grow_fac); if (clip) eb->clip = *clip; if (f) eb->filter = f; else eb->filter = zr_filter_default; eb->cursor = 0; eb->glyphes = 0; } void zr_edit_box_init_fixed(struct zr_edit_box *eb, void *memory, zr_size size, const struct zr_clipboard *clip, zr_filter f) { ZR_ASSERT(eb); if (!eb) return; zr_zero(eb, sizeof(*eb)); zr_buffer_init_fixed(&eb->buffer, memory, size); if (clip) eb->clip = *clip; if (f) eb->filter = f; else eb->filter = zr_filter_default; eb->cursor = 0; eb->glyphes = 0; } void zr_edit_box_clear(struct zr_edit_box *box) { ZR_ASSERT(box); if (!box) return; zr_buffer_clear(&box->buffer); box->cursor = box->glyphes = 0; } void zr_edit_box_free(struct zr_edit_box *box) { ZR_ASSERT(box); if (!box) return; zr_buffer_free(&box->buffer); box->cursor = box->glyphes = 0; } void zr_edit_box_info(struct zr_memory_status *status, struct zr_edit_box *box) { ZR_ASSERT(box); ZR_ASSERT(status); if (!box || !status) return; zr_buffer_info(status, &box->buffer); } void zr_edit_box_add(struct zr_edit_box *eb, const char *str, zr_size len) { zr_int res = 0; ZR_ASSERT(eb); if (!eb || !str || !len) return; if (eb->cursor == eb->glyphes) { res = zr_edit_buffer_insert(&eb->buffer, eb->buffer.allocated, str, len); } else { zr_size l = 0; zr_long unicode; zr_int cursor = (eb->cursor) ? (zr_int)(eb->cursor) : 0; zr_char *sym = zr_edit_buffer_at(&eb->buffer, cursor, &unicode, &l); zr_size offset = (zr_size)(sym - (zr_char*)eb->buffer.memory.ptr); res = zr_edit_buffer_insert(&eb->buffer, offset, str, len); } if (res) { zr_size l = zr_utf_len(str, len); eb->cursor += l; eb->glyphes += l; } } static zr_size zr_edit_box_buffer_input(struct zr_edit_box *box, const struct zr_input *i) { zr_long unicode; zr_size src_len = 0; zr_size text_len = 0, glyph_len = 0; zr_size glyphes = 0; ZR_ASSERT(box); ZR_ASSERT(i); if (!box || !i) return 0; /* add user provided text to buffer until either no input or buffer space left*/ glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(i->keyboard.text, &unicode, i->keyboard.text_len); while (glyph_len && ((text_len+glyph_len) <= i->keyboard.text_len)) { /* filter to make sure the value is correct */ if (box->filter(unicode)) { zr_edit_box_add(box, &i->keyboard.text[text_len], glyph_len); text_len += glyph_len; glyphes++; } src_len = src_len + glyph_len; glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(i->keyboard.text + src_len, &unicode, i->keyboard.text_len - src_len); } return glyphes; } void zr_edit_box_remove(struct zr_edit_box *box) { zr_size len; zr_char *buf; zr_size min, maxi, diff; ZR_ASSERT(box); if (!box) return; if (!box->glyphes) return; buf = (zr_char*)box->buffer.memory.ptr; min = MIN(box->sel.end, box->sel.begin); maxi = MAX(box->sel.end, box->sel.begin); diff = maxi - min; if (diff && box->cursor != box->glyphes) { zr_size off; zr_long unicode; zr_char *begin, *end; /* delete text selection */ begin = zr_edit_buffer_at(&box->buffer, (zr_int)min, &unicode, &len); end = zr_edit_buffer_at(&box->buffer, (zr_int)maxi, &unicode, &len); len = (zr_size)(end - begin); off = (zr_size)(begin - buf); zr_edit_buffer_del(&box->buffer, off, len); box->glyphes = zr_utf_len(buf, box->buffer.allocated); } else { zr_long unicode; zr_int cursor; zr_char *glyph; zr_size offset; /* remove last glyph */ cursor = (zr_int)box->cursor - 1; glyph = zr_edit_buffer_at(&box->buffer, cursor, &unicode, &len); if (!glyph || !len) return; offset = (zr_size)(glyph - (zr_char*)box->buffer.memory.ptr); zr_edit_buffer_del(&box->buffer, offset, len); box->glyphes--; } if (box->cursor >= box->glyphes) box->cursor = box->glyphes; else if (box->cursor > 0) box->cursor--; } zr_char* zr_edit_box_get(struct zr_edit_box *eb) { ZR_ASSERT(eb); if (!eb) return 0; return (zr_char*)eb->buffer.memory.ptr; } const zr_char* zr_edit_box_get_const(struct zr_edit_box *eb) { ZR_ASSERT(eb); if (!eb) return 0; return (zr_char*)eb->buffer.memory.ptr; } zr_char zr_edit_box_at_char(struct zr_edit_box *eb, zr_size pos) { zr_char *c; ZR_ASSERT(eb); if (!eb || pos >= eb->buffer.allocated) return 0; c = zr_edit_buffer_at_char(&eb->buffer, pos); return c ? *c : 0; } void zr_edit_box_at(struct zr_edit_box *eb, zr_size pos, zr_glyph g, zr_size *len) { zr_char *sym; zr_long unicode; ZR_ASSERT(eb); ZR_ASSERT(g); ZR_ASSERT(len); if (!eb || !len || !g) return; if (pos >= eb->glyphes) { *len = 0; return; } sym = zr_edit_buffer_at(&eb->buffer, (zr_int)pos, &unicode, len); if (!sym) return; zr_memcopy(g, sym, *len); } void zr_edit_box_at_cursor(struct zr_edit_box *eb, zr_glyph g, zr_size *len) { zr_size cursor = 0; ZR_ASSERT(eb); ZR_ASSERT(g); ZR_ASSERT(len); if (!eb || !g || !len) return; if (!eb->cursor) { *len = 0; return; } cursor = (eb->cursor) ? eb->cursor-1 : 0; zr_edit_box_at(eb, cursor, g, len); } void zr_edit_box_set_cursor(struct zr_edit_box *eb, zr_size pos) { ZR_ASSERT(eb); ZR_ASSERT(eb->glyphes >= pos); if (!eb || pos > eb->glyphes) return; eb->cursor = pos; } zr_size zr_edit_box_get_cursor(struct zr_edit_box *eb) { ZR_ASSERT(eb); if (!eb) return 0; return eb->cursor; } zr_size zr_edit_box_len_char(struct zr_edit_box *eb) { ZR_ASSERT(eb); return eb->buffer.allocated; } zr_size zr_edit_box_len(struct zr_edit_box *eb) { ZR_ASSERT(eb); return eb->glyphes; } /* * ============================================================== * * Widgets * * =============================================================== */ void zr_widget_text(struct zr_command_buffer *o, struct zr_rect b, const char *string, zr_size len, const struct zr_text *t, enum zr_text_align a, const struct zr_user_font *f) { struct zr_rect label; zr_size text_width; ZR_ASSERT(o); ZR_ASSERT(t); if (!o || !t) return; b.h = MAX(b.h, 2 * t->padding.y); label.x = 0; label.w = 0; label.y = b.y + t->padding.y; label.h = MAX(0, b.h - 2 * t->padding.y); text_width = f->width(f->userdata, (const zr_char*)string, len); b.w = MAX(b.w, (2 * t->padding.x + (zr_float)text_width)); if (a == ZR_TEXT_LEFT) { label.x = b.x + t->padding.x; label.w = MAX(0, b.w - 2 * t->padding.x); } else if (a == ZR_TEXT_CENTERED) { label.w = MAX(1, 2 * t->padding.x + (zr_float)text_width); label.x = (b.x + t->padding.x + ((b.w - 2 * t->padding.x)/2)); if (label.x > label.w/2) label.x -= (label.w/2); label.x = MAX(b.x + t->padding.x, label.x); label.w = MIN(b.x + b.w, label.x + label.w); if (label.w > label.x) label.w -= label.x; } else if (a == ZR_TEXT_RIGHT) { label.x = (b.x + b.w) - (2 * t->padding.x + (zr_float)text_width); label.w = (zr_float)text_width + 2 * t->padding.x; } else return; zr_command_buffer_push_text(o, label, (const zr_char*)string, len, f, t->background, t->text); } static zr_bool zr_widget_do_button(struct zr_command_buffer *o, struct zr_rect r, const struct zr_button *b, const struct zr_input *i, enum zr_button_behavior behavior, struct zr_rect *content) { zr_bool ret = zr_false; struct zr_color background; struct zr_vec2 pad; ZR_ASSERT(b); if (!o || !b) return zr_false; /* calculate button content space */ pad.x = b->padding.x + b->border_width; pad.y = b->padding.y + b->border_width; *content = zr_pad_rect(r, pad); /* general button user input logic */ background = b->normal; if (zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(i, r)) { background = b->hover; if (zr_input_is_mouse_down(i, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT)) background = b->active; if (zr_input_has_mouse_click_in_rect(i, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT, r)) { ret = (behavior != ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT) ? zr_input_is_mouse_down(i, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT): zr_input_is_mouse_pressed(i, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT); } } zr_command_buffer_push_rect(o, r, b->rounding, b->border); zr_command_buffer_push_rect(o, zr_shrink_rect(r, b->border_width), b->rounding, background); return ret; } zr_bool zr_widget_button_text(struct zr_command_buffer *o, struct zr_rect r, const char *string, enum zr_button_behavior behavior, const struct zr_button_text *b, const struct zr_input *i, const struct zr_user_font *f) { struct zr_text t; struct zr_rect content; zr_bool ret = zr_false; ZR_ASSERT(b); ZR_ASSERT(o); ZR_ASSERT(string); ZR_ASSERT(f); if (!o || !b || !f) return zr_false; t.text = b->normal; t.background = b->base.normal; t.padding = zr_vec2(0,0); ret = zr_widget_do_button(o, r, &b->base, i, behavior, &content); if (zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(i, r)) { zr_bool is_down = zr_input_is_mouse_down(i, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT); t.background = (is_down) ? b->base.active: b->base.hover; t.text = (is_down) ? b->active : b->hover; } zr_widget_text(o, content, string, zr_strsiz(string), &t, b->alignment, f); return ret; } static void zr_draw_symbol(struct zr_command_buffer *out, enum zr_symbol symbol, struct zr_rect content, struct zr_color background, struct zr_color foreground, zr_float border_width, const struct zr_user_font *font) { switch (symbol) { case ZR_SYMBOL_X: case ZR_SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE: case ZR_SYMBOL_PLUS: case ZR_SYMBOL_MINUS: { /* single character text symbol */ const zr_char *X = (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_X) ? "x": (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE) ? "_": (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_PLUS) ? "+": "-"; struct zr_text text; text.padding = zr_vec2(0,0); text.background = background; text.text = foreground; zr_widget_text(out, content, X, 1, &text, ZR_TEXT_CENTERED, font); } break; case ZR_SYMBOL_CIRCLE: case ZR_SYMBOL_CIRCLE_FILLED: case ZR_SYMBOL_RECT: case ZR_SYMBOL_RECT_FILLED: { /* simple empty/filled shapes */ if (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_RECT || symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_RECT_FILLED) { zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, content, 0, foreground); if (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_RECT_FILLED) zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_shrink_rect(content, border_width), 0, background); } else { zr_command_buffer_push_circle(out, content, foreground); if (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_CIRCLE_FILLED) zr_command_buffer_push_circle(out, zr_shrink_rect(content, 1), background); } } break; case ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_UP: case ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_DOWN: case ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_LEFT: case ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_RIGHT: { enum zr_heading heading; struct zr_vec2 points[3]; heading = (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_RIGHT) ? ZR_RIGHT : (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_LEFT) ? ZR_LEFT: (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_UP) ? ZR_UP: ZR_DOWN; zr_triangle_from_direction(points, content, 0, 0, heading); zr_command_buffer_push_triangle(out, points[0].x, points[0].y, points[1].x, points[1].y, points[2].x, points[2].y, foreground); } break; case ZR_SYMBOL_MAX: default: break; } } zr_bool zr_widget_button_symbol(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect r, enum zr_symbol symbol, enum zr_button_behavior bh, const struct zr_button_symbol *b, const struct zr_input *in, const struct zr_user_font *font) { zr_bool ret; struct zr_color background; struct zr_color color; struct zr_rect content; ZR_ASSERT(b); ZR_ASSERT(out); if (!out || !b) return zr_false; ret = zr_widget_do_button(out, r, &b->base, in, bh, &content); if (zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, r)) { zr_bool is_down = zr_input_is_mouse_down(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT); background = (is_down) ? b->base.active : b->base.hover; color = (is_down) ? b->active : b->hover; } else { background = b->base.normal; color = b->normal; } zr_draw_symbol(out, symbol, content, background, color, b->base.border_width, font); return ret; } zr_bool zr_widget_button_image(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect r, struct zr_image img, enum zr_button_behavior b, const struct zr_button_icon *button, const struct zr_input *in) { zr_bool pressed; struct zr_rect bounds; ZR_ASSERT(button); ZR_ASSERT(out); if (!out || !button) return zr_false; pressed = zr_widget_do_button(out, r, &button->base, in, b, &bounds); zr_command_buffer_push_image(out, bounds, &img); return pressed; } zr_bool zr_widget_button_text_symbol(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect r, enum zr_symbol symbol, const char *text, enum zr_text_align align, enum zr_button_behavior behavior, const struct zr_button_text *button, const struct zr_user_font *f, const struct zr_input *i) { zr_bool ret; struct zr_rect tri = {0,0,0,0}; struct zr_color background = zr_rgba(0,0,0,0); struct zr_color color = zr_rgba(0,0,0,0); ZR_ASSERT(button); ZR_ASSERT(out); if (!out || !button) return zr_false; ret = zr_widget_button_text(out, r, text, behavior, button, i, f); if (zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(i, r)) { zr_bool is_down = zr_input_is_mouse_down(i, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT); background = (is_down) ? button->base.active : button->base.hover; color = (is_down) ? button->active : button->hover; } else { background = button->base.normal; color = button->normal; } /* calculate symbol bounds */ tri.y = r.y + (r.h/2) - f->height/2; tri.w = f->height; tri.h = f->height; if (align == ZR_TEXT_LEFT) { tri.x = (r.x + r.w) - (2 * button->base.padding.x + tri.w); tri.x = MAX(tri.x, 0); } else tri.x = r.x + 2 * button->base.padding.x; zr_draw_symbol(out, symbol, tri, background, color, button->base.border_width, f); return ret; } zr_bool zr_widget_button_text_image(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect r, struct zr_image img, const char* text, enum zr_text_align align, enum zr_button_behavior behavior, const struct zr_button_text *button, const struct zr_user_font *f, const struct zr_input *i) { zr_bool pressed; struct zr_rect icon; ZR_ASSERT(button); ZR_ASSERT(out); if (!out || !button) return zr_false; pressed = zr_widget_button_text(out, r, text, behavior, button, i, f); icon.y = r.y + button->base.padding.y; icon.w = icon.h = r.h - 2 * button->base.padding.y; if (align == ZR_TEXT_LEFT) { icon.x = (r.x + r.w) - (2 * button->base.padding.x + icon.w); icon.x = MAX(icon.x, 0); } else icon.x = r.x + 2 * button->base.padding.x; zr_command_buffer_push_image(out, icon, &img); return pressed; } void zr_widget_toggle(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect r, zr_bool *active, const char *string, enum zr_toggle_type type, const struct zr_toggle *toggle, const struct zr_input *in, const struct zr_user_font *font) { zr_bool toggle_active; struct zr_rect select; struct zr_rect cursor; zr_float cursor_pad; struct zr_color col; ZR_ASSERT(toggle); ZR_ASSERT(out); ZR_ASSERT(font); if (!out || !toggle || !font || !active) return; /* make sure correct values */ r.w = MAX(r.w, font->height + 2 * toggle->padding.x); r.h = MAX(r.h, font->height + 2 * toggle->padding.y); toggle_active = *active; /* calculate the size of the complete toggle */ select.w = MIN(r.h, font->height + toggle->padding.y); select.h = select.w; select.x = r.x + toggle->padding.x; select.y = (r.y + toggle->padding.y + (select.w / 2)) - (font->height / 2); /* calculate the bounds of the cursor inside the toggle */ cursor_pad = (type == ZR_TOGGLE_OPTION) ? (zr_float)(zr_int)(select.w / 4): (zr_float)(zr_int)(select.h / 6); select.h = MAX(select.w, cursor_pad * 2); cursor.h = select.h - cursor_pad * 2; cursor.w = cursor.h; cursor.x = select.x + cursor_pad; cursor.y = select.y + cursor_pad; /* update toggle state with user input */ toggle_active = zr_input_mouse_clicked(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT, cursor) ? !toggle_active : toggle_active; if (in && zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, cursor)) col = toggle->hover; else col = toggle->normal; /* draw radiobutton/checkbox background */ if (type == ZR_TOGGLE_CHECK) zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, select , toggle->rounding, col); else zr_command_buffer_push_circle(out, select, col); /* draw radiobutton/checkbox cursor if active */ if (toggle_active) { if (type == ZR_TOGGLE_CHECK) zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, cursor, toggle->rounding, toggle->cursor); else zr_command_buffer_push_circle(out, cursor, toggle->cursor); } /* draw toggle text */ if (font && string) { struct zr_text text; struct zr_rect inner; /* calculate text bounds */ inner.x = r.x + select.w + toggle->padding.x * 2; inner.y = select.y; inner.w = MAX(r.x + r.w, inner.x + toggle->padding.x); inner.w -= (inner.x + toggle->padding.x); inner.h = select.w; /* draw text */ text.padding.x = 0; text.padding.y = 0; text.background = toggle->cursor; text.text = toggle->font; zr_widget_text(out, inner, string, zr_strsiz(string), &text, ZR_TEXT_LEFT, font); } *active = toggle_active; } zr_float zr_widget_slider(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect slider, zr_float min, zr_float val, zr_float max, zr_float step, const struct zr_slider *s, const struct zr_input *in) { zr_float slider_range; zr_float slider_min, slider_max; zr_float slider_value, slider_steps; zr_float cursor_offset; struct zr_rect cursor; struct zr_rect bar; struct zr_color col; zr_bool inslider; zr_bool incursor; ZR_ASSERT(s); ZR_ASSERT(out); if (!out || !s) return 0; /* make sure the provided values are correct */ slider.x = slider.x + s->padding.x; slider.y = slider.y + s->padding.y; slider.h = MAX(slider.h, 2 * s->padding.y); slider.w = MAX(slider.w, 1 + slider.h + 2 * s->padding.x); slider.h -= 2 * s->padding.y; slider.w -= 2 * s->padding.y; slider_max = MAX(min, max); slider_min = MIN(min, max); slider_value = CLAMP(slider_min, val, slider_max); slider_range = slider_max - slider_min; slider_steps = slider_range / step; /* calculate slider virtual cursor bounds */ cursor_offset = (slider_value - slider_min) / step; cursor.h = slider.h; cursor.w = slider.w / (slider_steps + 1); cursor.x = slider.x + (cursor.w * cursor_offset); cursor.y = slider.y; /* calculate slider background bar bounds */ bar.x = slider.x; bar.y = (slider.y + cursor.h/2) - cursor.h/8; bar.w = slider.w; bar.h = slider.h/4; /* updated the slider value by user input */ inslider = in && zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, slider); incursor = in && zr_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT, slider, zr_true); col = (inslider) ? s->hover: s->normal; if (in && inslider && incursor) { const float d = in->mouse.pos.x - (cursor.x + cursor.w / 2.0f); const float pxstep = (slider.w - (2 * s->padding.x)) / slider_steps; /* only update value if the next slider step is reached*/ col = s->active; if (ZR_ABS(d) >= pxstep) { const zr_float steps = (zr_float)((zr_int)(ZR_ABS(d) / pxstep)); slider_value += (d > 0) ? (step * steps) : -(step * steps); slider_value = CLAMP(slider_min, slider_value, slider_max); cursor.x = slider.x + (cursor.w * ((slider_value - slider_min) / step)); } } { struct zr_rect fill; cursor.w = cursor.h; cursor.x = (slider_value <= slider_min) ? cursor.x: (slider_value >= slider_max) ? ((bar.x + bar.w) - cursor.w) : cursor.x - (cursor.w/2); fill.x = bar.x; fill.y = bar.y; fill.w = (cursor.x + (cursor.w/2.0f)) - bar.x; fill.h = bar.h; /* draw slider with background and circle cursor*/ zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, bar, 0, s->bg); zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, fill, 0, col); zr_command_buffer_push_circle(out, cursor, col); } return slider_value; } zr_size zr_widget_progress(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect r, zr_size value, zr_size max, zr_bool modifyable, const struct zr_progress *prog, const struct zr_input *in) { zr_float prog_scale; zr_size prog_value; struct zr_color col; ZR_ASSERT(prog); ZR_ASSERT(out); if (!out || !prog) return 0; /* make sure given values are correct */ r.w = MAX(r.w, 2 * prog->padding.x + 5); r.h = MAX(r.h, 2 * prog->padding.y + 5); r = zr_pad_rect(r, zr_vec2(prog->padding.x, prog->padding.y)); prog_value = MIN(value, max); /* update progress by user input if modifyable */ if (in && modifyable && zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, r)) { if (zr_input_is_mouse_down(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT)) { zr_float ratio = (zr_float)(in->mouse.pos.x - r.x) / (zr_float)r.w; prog_value = (zr_size)((zr_float)max * ratio); col = prog->active; } else col = prog->hover; } else col = prog->normal; /* make sure calculated values are correct */ if (!max) return prog_value; prog_value = MIN(prog_value, max); prog_scale = (zr_float)prog_value / (zr_float)max; /* draw progressbar with background and cursor */ zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, r, prog->rounding, prog->background); r.w = (r.w - 2) * prog_scale; zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, r, prog->rounding, col); return prog_value; } static zr_size zr_user_font_glyph_index_at_pos(const struct zr_user_font *font, const char *text, zr_size text_len, zr_float xoff) { zr_long unicode; zr_size glyph_offset = 0; zr_size glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(text, &unicode, text_len); zr_size text_width = font->width(font->userdata, text, glyph_len); zr_size src_len = glyph_len; while (text_len && glyph_len) { if (text_width >= xoff) return glyph_offset; glyph_offset++; text_len -= glyph_len; glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(text + src_len, &unicode, text_len); src_len += glyph_len; text_width = font->width(font->userdata, text, src_len); } return glyph_offset; } static zr_size zr_user_font_glyphes_fitting_in_space(const struct zr_user_font *font, const char *text, zr_size text_len, zr_float space, zr_size *glyphes, zr_float *text_width) { zr_size glyph_len; zr_float width = 0; zr_float last_width = 0; zr_long unicode; zr_size offset = 0; zr_size g = 0; zr_size s; glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(text, &unicode, text_len); s = font->width(font->userdata, text, glyph_len); width = last_width = (zr_float)s; while ((width < space) && text_len) { g++; offset += glyph_len; text_len -= glyph_len; last_width = width; glyph_len = zr_utf_decode(&text[offset], &unicode, text_len); s = font->width(font->userdata, &text[offset], glyph_len); width += (zr_float)s; } *glyphes = g; *text_width = last_width; return offset; } void zr_widget_editbox(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect r, struct zr_edit_box *box, const struct zr_edit *field, const struct zr_input *in, const struct zr_user_font *font) { zr_char *buffer; zr_size len; ZR_ASSERT(out); ZR_ASSERT(font); ZR_ASSERT(field); if (!out || !box || !field) return; r.w = MAX(r.w, 2 * field->padding.x + 2 * field->border_size); r.h = MAX(r.h, font->height + (2 * field->padding.y + 2 * field->border_size)); len = zr_edit_box_len(box); buffer = zr_edit_box_get(box); /* draw editbox background and border */ zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, r, field->rounding, field->border); zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_shrink_rect(r, field->border_size), field->rounding, field->background); /* check if the editbox is activated/deactivated */ if (in && in->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked && in->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].down) box->active = ZR_INBOX(in->mouse.pos.x,in->mouse.pos.y,r.x,r.y,r.w,r.h); /* input handling */ if (box->active && in) { zr_size min = MIN(box->sel.end, box->sel.begin); zr_size maxi = MAX(box->sel.end, box->sel.begin); zr_size diff = maxi - min; /* text manipulation */ if (zr_input_is_key_pressed(in,ZR_KEY_DEL) || zr_input_is_key_pressed(in,ZR_KEY_BACKSPACE)) zr_edit_box_remove(box); if (zr_input_is_key_pressed(in, ZR_KEY_ENTER)) box->active = zr_false; if (zr_input_is_key_pressed(in, ZR_KEY_SPACE)) { if (diff && box->cursor != box->glyphes) zr_edit_box_remove(box); zr_edit_box_add(box, " ", 1); } if (in->keyboard.text_len) { if (diff && box->cursor != box->glyphes) { /* replace text selection */ zr_edit_box_remove(box); box->cursor = min; zr_edit_box_buffer_input(box, in); box->sel.begin = box->cursor; box->sel.end = box->cursor; } else{ /* append text into the buffer */ zr_edit_box_buffer_input(box, in); box->sel.begin = box->cursor; box->sel.end = box->cursor; } } /* cursor key movement */ if (zr_input_is_key_pressed(in, ZR_KEY_LEFT)) { box->cursor = (zr_size)MAX(0, (zr_int)box->cursor-1); box->sel.begin = box->cursor; box->sel.end = box->cursor; } if (zr_input_is_key_pressed(in, ZR_KEY_RIGHT)) { box->cursor = MIN((!box->glyphes) ? 0 : box->glyphes, box->cursor+1); box->sel.begin = box->cursor; box->sel.end = box->cursor; } /* copy & cut & paste functionatlity */ if (zr_input_is_key_pressed(in, ZR_KEY_PASTE) && box->clip.paste) box->clip.paste(box->clip.userdata, box); if ((zr_input_is_key_pressed(in, ZR_KEY_COPY) && box->clip.copy) || (zr_input_is_key_pressed(in, ZR_KEY_CUT) && box->clip.copy)) { if (diff && box->cursor != box->glyphes) { /* copy or cut text selection */ zr_size l; zr_long unicode; zr_char *begin, *end; begin = zr_edit_buffer_at(&box->buffer, (zr_int)min, &unicode, &l); end = zr_edit_buffer_at(&box->buffer, (zr_int)maxi, &unicode, &l); box->clip.copy(box->clip.userdata, begin, (zr_size)(end - begin)); if (zr_input_is_key_pressed(in, ZR_KEY_CUT)) zr_edit_box_remove(box); } else { /* copy or cut complete buffer */ box->clip.copy(box->clip.userdata, buffer, len); if (zr_input_is_key_pressed(in, ZR_KEY_CUT)) zr_edit_box_clear(box); } } } { /* text management */ struct zr_rect label; zr_size cursor_w = font->width(font->userdata,(const zr_char*)"X", 1); zr_size text_len = len; zr_size glyph_off = 0; zr_size glyph_cnt = 0; zr_size offset = 0; zr_float text_width = 0; /* calculate text frame */ label.w = MAX(r.w, - 2 * field->padding.x - 2 * field->border_size); label.w -= 2 * field->padding.x - 2 * field->border_size; { zr_size frames = 0; zr_size glyphes = 0; zr_size frame_len = 0; zr_float space = MAX(label.w, (zr_float)cursor_w); space -= (zr_float)cursor_w; while (text_len) { frames++; offset += frame_len; frame_len = zr_user_font_glyphes_fitting_in_space(font, &buffer[offset], text_len, space, &glyphes, &text_width); glyph_off += glyphes; if (glyph_off > box->cursor) break; text_len -= frame_len; } text_len = frame_len; glyph_cnt = glyphes; glyph_off = (frames <= 1) ? 0 : (glyph_off - glyphes); offset = (frames <= 1) ? 0 : offset; } /* set cursor by mouse click and handle text selection */ if (in && field->show_cursor && in->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].down && box->active) { const zr_char *visible = &buffer[offset]; zr_float xoff = in->mouse.pos.x - (r.x + field->padding.x + field->border_size); if (ZR_INBOX(in->mouse.pos.x, in->mouse.pos.y, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h)) { /* text selection in the current text frame */ zr_size glyph_index; zr_size glyph_pos=zr_user_font_glyph_index_at_pos(font,visible,text_len,xoff); if (glyph_cnt + glyph_off >= box->glyphes) glyph_index = glyph_off + MIN(glyph_pos, glyph_cnt); else glyph_index = glyph_off + MIN(glyph_pos, glyph_cnt-1); if (text_len) zr_edit_box_set_cursor(box, glyph_index); if (!box->sel.active) { box->sel.active = zr_true; box->sel.begin = glyph_index; box->sel.end = box->sel.begin; } else { if (box->sel.begin > glyph_index) { box->sel.end = glyph_index; box->sel.active = zr_true; } } } else if (!ZR_INBOX(in->mouse.pos.x,in->mouse.pos.y,r.x,r.y,r.w,r.h) && ZR_INBOX(in->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.x, in->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.y,r.x,r.y,r.w,r.h) && box->cursor != box->glyphes && box->cursor > 0) { /* text selection out of the current text frame */ zr_size glyph = ((in->mouse.pos.x > r.x) && box->cursor+1 < box->glyphes) ? box->cursor+1: box->cursor-1; zr_edit_box_set_cursor(box, glyph); if (box->sel.active) { box->sel.end = glyph; box->sel.active = zr_true; } } else box->sel.active = zr_false; } else box->sel.active = zr_false; /* calculate the text bounds */ label.x = r.x + field->padding.x + field->border_size; label.y = r.y + field->padding.y + field->border_size; label.h = r.h - (2 * field->padding.y + 2 * field->border_size); zr_command_buffer_push_text(out , label, &buffer[offset], text_len, font, field->background, field->text); /* draw selected text */ if (box->active && field->show_cursor) { if (box->cursor == box->glyphes) { /* draw the cursor at the end of the string */ zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_rect(label.x+(zr_float)text_width, label.y, (zr_float)cursor_w, label.h), 0, field->cursor); } else { /* draw text selection */ zr_size l = 0, s; zr_long unicode; zr_char *begin, *end; zr_size off_begin, off_end; zr_size min = MIN(box->sel.end, box->sel.begin); zr_size maxi = MAX(box->sel.end, box->sel.begin); struct zr_rect clip = out->clip; /* calculate selection text range */ begin = zr_edit_buffer_at(&box->buffer, (zr_int)min, &unicode, &l); end = zr_edit_buffer_at(&box->buffer, (zr_int)maxi, &unicode, &l); off_begin = (zr_size)(begin - (zr_char*)box->buffer.memory.ptr); off_end = (zr_size)(end - (zr_char*)box->buffer.memory.ptr); /* calculate selected text width */ zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, label); s = font->width(font->userdata, buffer + offset, off_begin - offset); label.x += (zr_float)s; s = font->width(font->userdata, begin, MAX(l, off_end - off_begin)); label.w = (zr_float)s; /* draw selected text */ zr_command_buffer_push_text(out , label, begin, MAX(l, off_end - off_begin), font, field->cursor, field->background); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, clip); } } } } zr_bool zr_filter_default(zr_long unicode) { (void)unicode; return zr_true; } zr_bool zr_filter_ascii(zr_long unicode) { if (unicode < 0 || unicode > 128) return zr_false; return zr_true; } zr_bool zr_filter_float(zr_long unicode) { if ((unicode < '0' || unicode > '9') && unicode != '.' && unicode != '-') return zr_false; return zr_true; } zr_bool zr_filter_decimal(zr_long unicode) { if (unicode < '0' || unicode > '9') return zr_false; return zr_true; } zr_bool zr_filter_hex(zr_long unicode) { if ((unicode < '0' || unicode > '9') && (unicode < 'a' || unicode > 'f') && (unicode < 'A' || unicode > 'F')) return zr_false; return zr_true; } zr_bool zr_filter_oct(zr_long unicode) { if (unicode < '0' || unicode > '7') return zr_false; return zr_true; } zr_bool zr_filter_binary(zr_long unicode) { if (unicode < '0' || unicode > '1') return zr_false; return zr_true; } zr_size zr_widget_edit_filtered(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect r, zr_char *buffer, zr_size len, zr_size max, zr_state *active, zr_size *cursor, const struct zr_edit *field, zr_filter filter, const struct zr_input *in, const struct zr_user_font *font) { struct zr_edit_box box; zr_edit_box_init_fixed(&box, buffer, max, 0, filter); box.buffer.allocated = len; box.active = *active; box.glyphes = zr_utf_len(buffer, len); if (!cursor) box.cursor = box.glyphes; else box.cursor = MIN(*cursor, box.glyphes); zr_widget_editbox(out, r, &box, field, in, font); *active = box.active; return zr_edit_box_len(&box); } zr_size zr_widget_edit(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect r, zr_char *buffer, zr_size len, zr_size max, zr_state *active, zr_size *cursor, const struct zr_edit *field, enum zr_input_filter f, const struct zr_input *in, const struct zr_user_font *font) { static const zr_filter filter[] = { zr_filter_default, zr_filter_ascii, zr_filter_float, zr_filter_decimal, zr_filter_hex, zr_filter_oct, zr_filter_binary, }; return zr_widget_edit_filtered(out, r, buffer, len, max, active, cursor, field, filter[f], in, font); } zr_float zr_widget_scrollbarv(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect scroll, zr_float offset, zr_float target, zr_float step, const struct zr_scrollbar *s, const struct zr_input *i) { struct zr_rect cursor; zr_float scroll_step; zr_float scroll_offset; zr_float scroll_off, scroll_ratio; zr_bool inscroll, incursor; struct zr_color col; ZR_ASSERT(out); ZR_ASSERT(s); if (!out || !s) return 0; /* scrollbar background */ scroll.w = MAX(scroll.w, 1); scroll.h = MAX(scroll.h, 2 * scroll.w); if (target <= scroll.h) return 0; /* calculate scrollbar constants */ scroll.h = scroll.h - 2 * scroll.w; scroll.y = scroll.y + scroll.w; scroll_step = MIN(step, scroll.h); scroll_offset = MIN(offset, target - scroll.h); scroll_ratio = scroll.h / target; scroll_off = scroll_offset / target; /* calculate scrollbar cursor bounds */ cursor.h = (scroll_ratio * scroll.h - 2); cursor.y = scroll.y + (scroll_off * scroll.h) + 1; cursor.w = scroll.w - 2; cursor.x = scroll.x + 1; col = s->normal; if (i) { inscroll = zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(i, scroll); incursor = zr_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(i, cursor); if (zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(i, cursor)) col = s->hover; if (i->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].down && inscroll && incursor) { /* update cursor by mouse dragging */ const zr_float pixel = i->mouse.delta.y; const zr_float delta = (pixel / scroll.h) * target; scroll_offset = CLAMP(0, scroll_offset + delta, target - scroll.h); col = s->active; } else if (s->has_scrolling && ((i->mouse.scroll_delta<0) || (i->mouse.scroll_delta>0))) { /* update cursor by mouse scrolling */ scroll_offset = scroll_offset + scroll_step * (-i->mouse.scroll_delta); scroll_offset = CLAMP(0, scroll_offset, target - scroll.h); } scroll_off = scroll_offset / target; cursor.y = scroll.y + (scroll_off * scroll.h); } /* draw scrollbar cursor */ zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_shrink_rect(scroll,1), s->rounding, s->border); zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, scroll, s->rounding, s->background); zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, cursor, s->rounding, col); return scroll_offset; } zr_float zr_widget_scrollbarh(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect scroll, zr_float offset, zr_float target, zr_float step, const struct zr_scrollbar *s, const struct zr_input *i) { struct zr_rect cursor; zr_float scroll_step; zr_float scroll_offset; zr_float scroll_off, scroll_ratio; zr_bool inscroll, incursor; struct zr_color col; ZR_ASSERT(out); ZR_ASSERT(s); if (!out || !s) return 0; /* scrollbar background */ scroll.h = MAX(scroll.h, 1); scroll.w = MAX(scroll.w, 2 * scroll.h); if (target <= scroll.w) return 0; /* calculate scrollbar constants */ scroll.w = scroll.w; scroll.x = scroll.x; scroll_step = MIN(step, scroll.w); scroll_offset = MIN(offset, target - scroll.w); scroll_ratio = scroll.w / target; scroll_off = scroll_offset / target; /* calculate scrollbar cursor bounds */ cursor.w = scroll_ratio * scroll.w - 2; cursor.x = scroll.x + (scroll_off * scroll.w) + 1; cursor.h = scroll.h - 2; cursor.y = scroll.y + 1; col = s->normal; if (i) { inscroll = zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(i, scroll); incursor = zr_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(i, cursor); if (zr_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(i, cursor)) col = s->hover; if (i->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].down && inscroll && incursor) { /* update cursor by mouse dragging */ const zr_float pixel = i->mouse.delta.x; const zr_float delta = (pixel / scroll.w) * target; scroll_offset = CLAMP(0, scroll_offset + delta, target - scroll.w); col = s->active; } else if (s->has_scrolling && ((i->mouse.scroll_delta<0) || (i->mouse.scroll_delta>0))) { /* update cursor by mouse scrolling */ scroll_offset = scroll_offset + scroll_step * (-i->mouse.scroll_delta); scroll_offset = CLAMP(0, scroll_offset, target - scroll.w); } scroll_off = scroll_offset / target; cursor.x = scroll.x + (scroll_off * scroll.w); } /* draw scrollbar cursor */ zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_shrink_rect(scroll,1), s->rounding, s->border); zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, scroll, s->rounding, s->background); zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, cursor, s->rounding, col); return scroll_offset; } static zr_int zr_widget_spinner_base(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect r, const struct zr_spinner *s, zr_char *buffer, zr_size *len, enum zr_input_filter filter, zr_state *active, const struct zr_input *in, const struct zr_user_font *font) { zr_int ret = 0; struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_edit field; zr_bool button_up_clicked, button_down_clicked; zr_state is_active = (active) ? *active : zr_false; r.h = MAX(r.h, font->height + 2 * s->padding.x); r.w = MAX(r.w, r.h - (s->padding.x + (zr_float)s->button.base.border_width * 2)); /* up/down button setup and execution */ bounds.y = r.y; bounds.h = r.h / 2; bounds.w = r.h - s->padding.x; bounds.x = r.x + r.w - bounds.w; button_up_clicked = zr_widget_button_symbol(out, bounds, ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_UP, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &s->button, in, font); if (button_up_clicked) ret = 1; bounds.y = r.y + bounds.h; button_down_clicked = zr_widget_button_symbol(out, bounds, ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_DOWN, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &s->button, in, font); if (button_down_clicked) ret = -1; /* editbox setup and execution */ bounds.x = r.x; bounds.y = r.y; bounds.h = r.h; bounds.w = r.w - (r.h - s->padding.x); field.border_size = 1; field.rounding = 0; field.padding.x = s->padding.x; field.padding.y = s->padding.y; field.show_cursor = s->show_cursor; field.background = s->color; field.border = s->border; field.text = s->text; field.cursor = s->text; *len = zr_widget_edit(out, bounds, buffer, *len, ZR_MAX_NUMBER_BUFFER, &is_active, 0, &field, filter, in, font); if (active) *active = is_active; return ret; } zr_int zr_widget_spinner(struct zr_command_buffer *out, struct zr_rect r, const struct zr_spinner *s, zr_int min, zr_int value, zr_int max, zr_int step, zr_state *active, const struct zr_input *in, const struct zr_user_font *font) { zr_int res; zr_char string[ZR_MAX_NUMBER_BUFFER]; zr_size len, old_len; zr_state is_active; ZR_ASSERT(out); ZR_ASSERT(s); ZR_ASSERT(font); if (!out || !s || !font) return value; /* make sure given values are correct */ value = CLAMP(min, value, max); len = zr_itos(string, value); is_active = (active) ? *active : zr_false; old_len = len; res = zr_widget_spinner_base(out, r, s, string, &len, ZR_INPUT_DEC, &is_active, in, font); if (res) { value += (res > 0) ? step : -step; value = CLAMP(min, value, max); } if (old_len != len) zr_strtoi(&value, string, len); if (active) *active = is_active; return value; } /* * ============================================================== * * Config * * =============================================================== */ static void zr_style_default_properties(struct zr_style *style) { style->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_SCROLLBAR_SIZE] = zr_vec2(14, 14); style->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING] = zr_vec2(15.0f, 10.0f); style->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_SIZE] = zr_vec2(64.0f, 64.0f); style->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING] = zr_vec2(4.0f, 4.0f); style->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING] = zr_vec2(4.0f, 4.0f); style->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_SCALER_SIZE] = zr_vec2(16.0f, 16.0f); } static void zr_style_default_rounding(struct zr_style *style) { style->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_BUTTON] = 4.0f; style->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_SLIDER] = 8.0f; style->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_PROGRESS] = 4.0f; style->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_CHECK] = 0.0f; style->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_INPUT] = 0.0f; style->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_GRAPH] = 4.0f; style->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_SCROLLBAR] = 5.0f; } static void zr_style_default_color(struct zr_style *style) { style->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT] = zr_rgba(135, 135, 135, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERING] = zr_rgba(120, 120, 120, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_ACTIVE] = zr_rgba(100, 100, 100, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW] = zr_rgba(45, 45, 45, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_HEADER] = zr_rgba(40, 40, 40, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER] = zr_rgba(38, 38, 38, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON] = zr_rgba(50, 50, 50, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER] = zr_rgba(35, 35, 35, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE] = zr_rgba(40, 40, 40, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_TOGGLE] = zr_rgba(100, 100, 100, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER] = zr_rgba(120, 120, 120, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR] = zr_rgba(45, 45, 45, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SLIDER] = zr_rgba(38, 38, 38, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR] = zr_rgba(100, 100, 100, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER] = zr_rgba(120, 120, 120, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = zr_rgba(150, 150, 150, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_PROGRESS] = zr_rgba(38, 38, 38, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_PROGRESS_CURSOR] = zr_rgba(100, 100, 100, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_PROGRESS_CURSOR_HOVER] = zr_rgba(120, 120, 120, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_PROGRESS_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = zr_rgba(150, 150, 150, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_INPUT] = zr_rgba(45, 45, 45, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_INPUT_CURSOR] = zr_rgba(100, 100, 100, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_INPUT_TEXT] = zr_rgba(135, 135, 135, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SPINNER] = zr_rgba(45, 45, 45, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SPINNER_TRIANGLE] = zr_rgba(100, 100, 100, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_HISTO] = zr_rgba(120, 120, 120, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_HISTO_BARS] = zr_rgba(45, 45, 45, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_HISTO_NEGATIVE] = zr_rgba(255, 255, 255, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_HISTO_HIGHLIGHT] = zr_rgba( 255, 0, 0, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_PLOT] = zr_rgba(100, 100, 100, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_PLOT_LINES] = zr_rgba(45, 45, 45, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_PLOT_HIGHLIGHT] = zr_rgba(255, 0, 0, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SCROLLBAR] = zr_rgba(40, 40, 40, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR] = zr_rgba(100, 100, 100, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_HOVER] = zr_rgba(120, 120, 120, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = zr_rgba(150, 150, 150, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_TABLE_LINES] = zr_rgba(100, 100, 100, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_TAB_HEADER] = zr_rgba(40, 40, 40, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF] = zr_rgba(40, 40, 40, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF_TEXT] = zr_rgba(150, 150, 150, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF_ACTIVE] = zr_rgba(30, 30, 30, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF_ACTIVE_TEXT] = zr_rgba(150, 150, 150, 255); style->colors[ZR_COLOR_SCALER] = zr_rgba(100, 100, 100, 255); } void zr_style_default(struct zr_style *style, zr_flags flags, const struct zr_user_font *font) { ZR_ASSERT(style); if (!style) return; zr_zero(style, sizeof(*style)); style->font = *font; if (flags & ZR_DEFAULT_COLOR) zr_style_default_color(style); if (flags & ZR_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES) zr_style_default_properties(style); if (flags & ZR_DEFAULT_ROUNDING) zr_style_default_rounding(style); } void zr_style_set_font(struct zr_style *style, const struct zr_user_font *font) { ZR_ASSERT(style); if (!style) return; style->font = *font; } struct zr_vec2 zr_style_property(const struct zr_style *style, enum zr_style_properties index) { static struct zr_vec2 zero; ZR_ASSERT(style); if (!style) return zero; return style->properties[index]; } struct zr_color zr_style_color(const struct zr_style *style, enum zr_style_colors index) { static struct zr_color zero; ZR_ASSERT(style); if (!style) return zero; return style->colors[index]; } void zr_style_push_color(struct zr_style *style, enum zr_style_colors index, struct zr_color col) { struct zr_saved_color *c; ZR_ASSERT(style); if (!style) return; if (style->stack.color >= ZR_MAX_COLOR_STACK) return; c = &style->stack.colors[style->stack.color++]; c->value = style->colors[index]; c->type = index; style->colors[index] = col; } void zr_style_push_property(struct zr_style *style, enum zr_style_properties index, struct zr_vec2 v) { struct zr_saved_property *p; ZR_ASSERT(style); if (!style) return; if (style->stack.property >= ZR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK) return; p = &style->stack.properties[style->stack.property++]; p->value = style->properties[index]; p->type = index; style->properties[index] = v; } void zr_style_pop_color(struct zr_style *style) { struct zr_saved_color *c; ZR_ASSERT(style); if (!style) return; if (!style->stack.color) return; c = &style->stack.colors[--style->stack.color]; style->colors[c->type] = c->value; } void zr_style_pop_property(struct zr_style *style) { struct zr_saved_property *p; ZR_ASSERT(style); if (!style) return; if (!style->stack.property) return; p = &style->stack.properties[--style->stack.property]; style->properties[p->type] = p->value; } void zr_style_reset_colors(struct zr_style *style) { ZR_ASSERT(style); if (!style) return; while (style->stack.color) zr_style_pop_color(style); } void zr_style_reset_properties(struct zr_style *style) { ZR_ASSERT(style); if (!style) return; while (style->stack.property) zr_style_pop_property(style); } void zr_style_reset(struct zr_style *style) { ZR_ASSERT(style); if (!style) return; zr_style_reset_colors(style); zr_style_reset_properties(style); } /* * ============================================================== * * Tiling * * =============================================================== */ void zr_tiled_begin_local(struct zr_tiled_layout *layout, enum zr_layout_format fmt, zr_float width, zr_float height) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout) return; zr_zero(layout->slots, sizeof(layout->slots)); layout->fmt = fmt; layout->bounds.w = width; layout->bounds.h = height; layout->spacing = zr_vec2(0,0); } void zr_tiled_begin(struct zr_tiled_layout *layout, enum zr_layout_format fmt, struct zr_rect bounds, struct zr_vec2 spacing) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout) return; zr_zero(layout->slots, sizeof(layout->slots)); layout->fmt = fmt; layout->bounds = bounds; layout->spacing = spacing; } void zr_tiled_slot(struct zr_tiled_layout *layout, enum zr_tiled_layout_slot_index slot, zr_float ratio, enum zr_tiled_slot_format fmt, zr_uint widget_count) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout) return; layout->slots[slot].capacity = widget_count; layout->slots[slot].format = fmt; layout->slots[slot].value = ratio; } void zr_tiled_slot_bounds(struct zr_rect *bounds, const struct zr_tiled_layout *layout, enum zr_tiled_layout_slot_index slot) { const struct zr_tiled_slot *s; ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout) return; s = &layout->slots[slot]; if (layout->fmt == ZR_DYNAMIC) { bounds->x = layout->bounds.x + s->pos.x * (zr_float)layout->bounds.w; bounds->y = layout->bounds.y + s->pos.y * (zr_float)layout->bounds.h; bounds->w = s->size.x * (zr_float)layout->bounds.w; bounds->h = s->size.y * (zr_float)layout->bounds.h; } else { bounds->x = layout->bounds.x + s->pos.x; bounds->y = layout->bounds.y + s->pos.y; bounds->w = s->size.x; bounds->h = s->size.y; } } void zr_tiled_bounds(struct zr_rect *bounds, const struct zr_tiled_layout *layout, enum zr_tiled_layout_slot_index slot, zr_uint index) { struct zr_rect slot_bounds; const struct zr_tiled_slot *s; ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout) return; ZR_ASSERT(slot < ZR_SLOT_MAX); s = &layout->slots[slot]; ZR_ASSERT(index < s->capacity); zr_tiled_slot_bounds(&slot_bounds, layout, slot); if (s->format == ZR_SLOT_HORIZONTAL) { slot_bounds.h -= (2 * layout->spacing.y); slot_bounds.w -= (zr_float)s->capacity * layout->spacing.x; bounds->h = slot_bounds.h; bounds->y = slot_bounds.y; bounds->w = slot_bounds.w / (zr_float)s->capacity; bounds->x = slot_bounds.x + (zr_float)index * bounds->w; } else { bounds->x = slot_bounds.x + layout->spacing.x; bounds->w = slot_bounds.w - (2 * layout->spacing.x); bounds->h = (slot_bounds.h - (zr_float)s->capacity * layout->spacing.y); bounds->h /= (zr_float)s->capacity; bounds->y = slot_bounds.y + (zr_float)index * bounds->h; bounds->y += ((zr_float)index * layout->spacing.y); } } void zr_tiled_load(struct zr_tiled_layout *parent, struct zr_tiled_layout *child, enum zr_layout_format fmt, enum zr_tiled_layout_slot_index slot, zr_uint index) { struct zr_rect bounds; ZR_ASSERT(parent); ZR_ASSERT(child); zr_tiled_bounds(&bounds, parent, slot, index); child->fmt = fmt; child->bounds = bounds; child->spacing = parent->spacing; } void zr_tiled_end(struct zr_tiled_layout *layout) { zr_float w; zr_float centerh, centerv; const struct zr_tiled_slot *top, *bottom; const struct zr_tiled_slot *left, *right; ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout) return; top = &layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_TOP]; bottom = &layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_BOTTOM]; left = &layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_LEFT]; right = &layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_RIGHT]; if (layout->fmt == ZR_DYNAMIC) { w = 1.0f; centerh = MAX(0.0f, 1.0f - (left->value + right->value)); centerv = MAX(0.0f, 1.0f - (top->value + bottom->value)); } else { w = layout->bounds.w; centerh = MAX(0.0f, layout->bounds.w - (left->value + right->value)); centerv = MAX(0.0f, layout->bounds.h - (top->value + bottom->value)); } /* calculate the slot size */ layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_CENTER].size = zr_vec2(centerh, centerv); layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_TOP].size = zr_vec2(w, top->value); layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_LEFT].size = zr_vec2(left->value, centerv); layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_BOTTOM].size = zr_vec2(w, bottom->value); layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_RIGHT].size = zr_vec2(right->value, centerv); /* calculate the slot window position */ layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_TOP].pos = zr_vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_LEFT].pos = zr_vec2(0.0f, top->value); layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_BOTTOM].pos = zr_vec2(0.0f, top->value + centerv); layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_RIGHT].pos = zr_vec2(left->value + centerh, top->value); layout->slots[ZR_SLOT_CENTER].pos = zr_vec2(left->value, top->value); } /* * ============================================================== * * Window * * =============================================================== */ void zr_window_init(struct zr_window *window, struct zr_rect bounds, zr_flags flags, struct zr_command_queue *queue, const struct zr_style *style, const struct zr_input *input) { ZR_ASSERT(window); ZR_ASSERT(style); ZR_ASSERT(input); if (!window || !style || !input) return; window->bounds = bounds; window->flags = flags; window->style = style; window->offset.x = 0; window->offset.y = 0; window->queue = queue; window->input = input; if (queue) { zr_command_buffer_init(&window->buffer, &queue->buffer, ZR_CLIP); zr_command_queue_insert_back(queue, &window->buffer); } } void zr_window_unlink(struct zr_window *window) { ZR_ASSERT(window); ZR_ASSERT(window->queue); if (!window || !window->queue) return; zr_command_queue_remove(window->queue, &window->buffer); window->queue = 0; } void zr_window_add_flag(struct zr_window *panel, zr_flags f) {panel->flags |= f;} void zr_window_remove_flag(struct zr_window *panel, zr_flags f) {panel->flags &= (zr_flags)~f;} zr_bool zr_window_has_flag(struct zr_window *panel, zr_flags f) {return (panel->flags & f) ? zr_true: zr_false;} zr_bool zr_window_is_minimized(struct zr_window *panel) {return panel->flags & ZR_WINDOW_MINIMIZED;} /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * Context * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ zr_flags zr_begin(struct zr_context *context, struct zr_window *window) { zr_flags ret = 0; const struct zr_style *c; zr_float scrollbar_size; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; struct zr_vec2 item_spacing; struct zr_vec2 window_padding; struct zr_vec2 scaler_size; struct zr_command_buffer *out; const struct zr_input *in; ZR_ASSERT(context); ZR_ASSERT(window); ZR_ASSERT(window->style); /* cache configuration data */ c = window->style; in = window->input; scrollbar_size = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_SCROLLBAR_SIZE).x; window_padding = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING); item_padding = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); item_spacing = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING); scaler_size = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_SCALER_SIZE); /* check arguments */ if (!window || !context) return ret; zr_zero(context, sizeof(*context)); if (window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN) { context->flags = window->flags; context->valid = zr_false; context->style = window->style; context->buffer = &window->buffer; return ret; } /* overlapping panels */ if (window->queue && !(window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_TAB)) { context->queue = window->queue; zr_command_queue_start(window->queue, &window->buffer); { zr_bool inpanel; struct zr_command_buffer_list *s = &window->queue->list; inpanel = zr_input_mouse_clicked(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT, window->bounds); if (inpanel && (&window->buffer != s->end)) { const struct zr_command_buffer *iter = window->buffer.next; while (iter) { /* try to find a panel with higher priorty in the same position */ const struct zr_window *cur; cur = ZR_CONTAINER_OF_CONST(iter, struct zr_window, buffer); if (ZR_INBOX(in->mouse.prev.x, in->mouse.prev.y, cur->bounds.x, cur->bounds.y, cur->bounds.w, cur->bounds.h) && !(cur->flags & ZR_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) && !(cur->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN)) break; iter = iter->next; } /* current panel is active panel in that position so transfer to top * at the highest priority in stack */ if (!iter) { zr_command_queue_remove(window->queue, &window->buffer); zr_command_queue_insert_back(window->queue, &window->buffer); window->flags &= ~(zr_flags)ZR_WINDOW_ROM; } } if (s->end != &window->buffer) window->flags |= ZR_WINDOW_ROM; } } /* move panel position if requested */ context->header.h = c->font.height + 4 * item_padding.y; context->header.h += window_padding.y; if ((window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_MOVEABLE) && !(window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM)) { zr_bool incursor; struct zr_rect move; move.x = window->bounds.x; move.y = window->bounds.y; move.w = window->bounds.w; move.h = context->header.h; incursor = zr_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, move); if (zr_input_is_mouse_down(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT) && incursor) { window->bounds.x = window->bounds.x + in->mouse.delta.x; window->bounds.y = window->bounds.y + in->mouse.delta.y; ret = ZR_WINDOW_MOVEABLE; } } /* setup panel context */ context->input = in; context->bounds = window->bounds; context->at_x = window->bounds.x; context->at_y = window->bounds.y; context->width = window->bounds.w; context->height = window->bounds.h; context->style = window->style; context->buffer = &window->buffer; context->row.index = 0; context->row.columns = 0; context->row.height = 0; context->row.ratio = 0; context->row.item_width = 0; context->offset = window->offset; context->header.h = 1; context->row.height = context->header.h + 2 * item_spacing.y; out = &window->buffer; /* panel activation by clicks inside of the panel */ if (!(window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_TAB) && !(window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM)) { zr_float clicked_x = in->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.x; zr_float clicked_y = in->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.y; if (zr_input_is_mouse_down(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT)) { if (ZR_INBOX(clicked_x, clicked_y, window->bounds.x, window->bounds.y, window->bounds.w, window->bounds.h)) window->flags |= ZR_WINDOW_ACTIVE; else window->flags &= (zr_flag)~ZR_WINDOW_ACTIVE; } } context->flags = window->flags; context->valid = !(window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN) && !(window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_MINIMIZED); context->footer_h = scaler_size.y + item_padding.y; /* calculate the window size and window footer height */ if (!(window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) context->width = window->bounds.w - scrollbar_size; context->height = window->bounds.h - (context->header.h + 2 * item_spacing.y); if (context->flags & ZR_WINDOW_SCALEABLE) context->height -= context->footer_h; /* draw window background if not a dynamic window */ if (!(context->flags & ZR_WINDOW_DYNAMIC) && context->valid) { zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, context->bounds, 0, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]); } else{ context->footer_h = scaler_size.y + item_padding.y; zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_rect(context->bounds.x, context->bounds.y, context->bounds.w, context->row.height), 0, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]); } /* draw top border line */ if (context->flags & ZR_WINDOW_BORDER) { zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, context->bounds.x, context->bounds.y, context->bounds.x + context->bounds.w, context->bounds.y, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); } { /* calculate and set the window clipping rectangle*/ struct zr_rect clip; if (!(window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)) { context->clip.x = window->bounds.x + window_padding.x; context->clip.w = context->width - 2 * window_padding.x; } else { context->clip.x = window->bounds.x; context->clip.w = context->width; } context->clip.y = window->bounds.y; context->clip.h = window->bounds.h - (context->footer_h + context->header.h); context->clip.h -= (window_padding.y + item_padding.y); zr_unify(&clip, &context->buffer->clip, context->clip.x, context->clip.y, context->clip.x + context->clip.w, context->clip.y + context->clip.h); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, clip); context->buffer->clip.x = context->bounds.x; context->buffer->clip.w = context->width; if (!(window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) context->buffer->clip.w += scrollbar_size; if (context->flags & ZR_WINDOW_BORDER) { context->buffer->clip.x -= 1; context->buffer->clip.w -= 2; } } return ret; } zr_flags zr_begin_tiled(struct zr_context *context, struct zr_window *window, struct zr_tiled_layout *tiled, enum zr_tiled_layout_slot_index slot, zr_uint index) { zr_flags ret = 0; ZR_ASSERT(context); ZR_ASSERT(window); ZR_ASSERT(tiled); ZR_ASSERT(slot < ZR_SLOT_MAX); ZR_ASSERT(index < tiled->slots[slot].capacity); if (!context || !window || !tiled) return ret; /* make sure that correct flags are set */ window->flags &= (zr_flags)~ZR_WINDOW_MOVEABLE; window->flags &= (zr_flags)~ZR_WINDOW_SCALEABLE; window->flags &= (zr_flags)~ZR_WINDOW_DYNAMIC; /* place window inside layout and set window to background */ zr_tiled_bounds(&window->bounds, tiled, slot, index); ret = zr_begin(context, window); zr_command_queue_remove(window->queue, &window->buffer); zr_command_queue_insert_front(window->queue, &window->buffer); return ret; } zr_flags zr_end(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_window *window) { zr_flags ret = 0; const struct zr_input *in; const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_command_buffer *out; zr_float scrollbar_size; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; struct zr_vec2 item_spacing; struct zr_vec2 window_padding; struct zr_vec2 scaler_size; struct zr_rect footer = {0,0,0,0}; ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(window); if (!window || !layout) return ret; config = layout->style; out = layout->buffer; in = (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 :layout->input; if (!(layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_TAB)) { struct zr_rect clip; clip.x = MAX(0, (layout->bounds.x - 1)); clip.y = MAX(0, (layout->bounds.y - 1)); clip.w = layout->bounds.w + 1; clip.h = layout->bounds.h + 1; zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, clip); } /* cache configuration data */ item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); item_spacing = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING); window_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING); scrollbar_size = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_SCROLLBAR_SIZE).x; scaler_size = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_SCALER_SIZE); /* update the current Y-position to point over the last added widget */ layout->at_y += layout->row.height; /* draw footer and fill empty spaces inside a dynamically growing panel */ if (layout->valid && (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)) { layout->height = MIN(layout->at_y - layout->bounds.y, layout->bounds.h); if ((layout->offset.x == 0) || (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) { footer.x = window->bounds.x; footer.y = window->bounds.y + layout->height + item_spacing.y; footer.w = window->bounds.w + scrollbar_size; layout->footer_h = 0; } else { footer.x = window->bounds.x; footer.w = window->bounds.w + scrollbar_size; footer.h = layout->footer_h; if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_COMBO_MENU) footer.y = window->bounds.y + layout->height; else footer.y = window->bounds.y + layout->height + layout->footer_h; zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, footer, 0, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]); if (!(layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_COMBO_MENU)) { struct zr_rect bounds; bounds.x = layout->bounds.x; bounds.y = window->bounds.y + layout->height; bounds.w = layout->width; bounds.h = layout->row.height; zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, bounds, 0, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]); } } } /* scrollbars */ if (layout->valid && !(layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) { struct zr_rect bounds; zr_float scroll_target, scroll_offset, scroll_step; struct zr_scrollbar scroll; scroll.rounding = config->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_SCROLLBAR]; scroll.background = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SCROLLBAR]; scroll.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR]; scroll.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_HOVER]; scroll.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_ACTIVE]; scroll.border = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]; { /* vertical scollbar */ bounds.x = layout->bounds.x + layout->width; bounds.y = (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_BORDER) ? layout->bounds.y + 1 : layout->bounds.y; bounds.y += layout->header.h + layout->menu.h; bounds.w = scrollbar_size; bounds.h = layout->height; if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_BORDER) bounds.h -= 1; scroll_offset = layout->offset.y; scroll_step = layout->clip.h * 0.10f; scroll_target = (layout->at_y - layout->bounds.y)-(layout->header.h+2*item_spacing.y); scroll.has_scrolling = (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ACTIVE); window->offset.y = zr_widget_scrollbarv(out, bounds, scroll_offset, scroll_target, scroll_step, &scroll, in); } { /* horizontal scrollbar */ bounds.x = layout->bounds.x + window_padding.x; if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_TAB) { bounds.h = scrollbar_size; bounds.y = (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_BORDER) ? layout->bounds.y + 1 : layout->bounds.y; bounds.y += layout->header.h + layout->menu.h + layout->height; bounds.w = layout->clip.w; } else if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_DYNAMIC) { bounds.h = MIN(scrollbar_size, layout->footer_h); bounds.w = layout->bounds.w; bounds.y = footer.y; } else { bounds.h = MIN(scrollbar_size, layout->footer_h); bounds.y = layout->bounds.y + window->bounds.h - MAX(layout->footer_h, scrollbar_size); bounds.w = layout->width - 2 * window_padding.x; } scroll_offset = layout->offset.x; scroll_target = layout->max_x - bounds.x; scroll_step = bounds.w * 0.05f; scroll.has_scrolling = zr_false; window->offset.x = zr_widget_scrollbarh(out, bounds, scroll_offset, scroll_target, scroll_step, &scroll, in); } }; /* draw the panel scaler into the right corner of the panel footer and * update panel size if user drags the scaler */ if ((layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_SCALEABLE) && layout->valid && in) { zr_float scaler_y; struct zr_color col = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SCALER]; zr_float scaler_w = MAX(0, scaler_size.x - item_padding.x); zr_float scaler_h = MAX(0, scaler_size.y - item_padding.y); zr_float scaler_x = (layout->bounds.x + layout->bounds.w) - (item_padding.x + scaler_w); if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_DYNAMIC) scaler_y = footer.y + layout->footer_h - scaler_size.y; else scaler_y = layout->bounds.y + layout->bounds.h - scaler_size.y; zr_command_buffer_push_triangle(out, scaler_x + scaler_w, scaler_y, scaler_x + scaler_w, scaler_y + scaler_h, scaler_x, scaler_y + scaler_h, col); if (!(window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM)) { zr_bool incursor; zr_float prev_x = in->mouse.prev.x; zr_float prev_y = in->mouse.prev.y; struct zr_vec2 window_size = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_SIZE); incursor = ZR_INBOX(prev_x,prev_y,scaler_x,scaler_y,scaler_w,scaler_h); if (zr_input_is_mouse_down(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT) && incursor) { window->bounds.w = MAX(window_size.x, window->bounds.w + in->mouse.delta.x); /* draging in y-direction is only possible if static window */ ret = ZR_WINDOW_SCALEABLE; if (!(layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)) window->bounds.h = MAX(window_size.y, window->bounds.h + in->mouse.delta.y); } } } if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_BORDER) { /* draw the border around the complete panel */ const zr_float width = (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR) ? layout->width: layout->width + scrollbar_size; const zr_float padding_y = (!layout->valid) ? window->bounds.y + layout->header.h: (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)? layout->footer_h + footer.y: layout->bounds.y + layout->bounds.h; if (window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_BORDER_HEADER) zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, window->bounds.x, window->bounds.y + layout->header.h, window->bounds.x + window->bounds.w, window->bounds.y + layout->header.h, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, window->bounds.x, padding_y, window->bounds.x + width, padding_y, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, window->bounds.x, window->bounds.y, window->bounds.x, padding_y, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, window->bounds.x + width, window->bounds.y, window->bounds.x + width, padding_y, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); } zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, zr_rect(0, 0, zr_null_rect.w, zr_null_rect.h)); if (!(window->flags & ZR_WINDOW_TAB)) { /* window is hidden so clear command buffer */ if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN) zr_command_buffer_reset(&window->buffer); /* window is visible and not tab */ else zr_command_queue_finish(window->queue, &window->buffer); } /* the remove ROM flag was set so remove ROM FLAG*/ if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM) { layout->flags &= ~(zr_flags)ZR_WINDOW_ROM; layout->flags &= ~(zr_flags)ZR_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM; } window->flags = layout->flags; return ret; } struct zr_command_buffer* zr_canvas(struct zr_context *layout) {return layout->buffer;} const struct zr_input* zr_input(struct zr_context *layout) {return layout->input;} struct zr_command_queue* zr_queue(struct zr_context *layout) {return layout->queue;} struct zr_rect zr_space(struct zr_context *layout) {ZR_ASSERT(layout); return layout->clip;} /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * Header * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ void zr_header_begin(struct zr_context *layout) { const struct zr_style *c; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; struct zr_vec2 item_spacing; struct zr_vec2 panel_padding; struct zr_command_buffer *out; struct zr_rect clip; ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout) return; if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN) return; c = layout->style; out = layout->buffer; /* cache some configuration data */ panel_padding = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING); item_padding = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); item_spacing = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING); /* update the header height and first row height */ layout->header.h = c->font.height + 2 * item_padding.y; layout->header.h += panel_padding.y; layout->row.height += layout->header.h; if (layout->valid) zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_rect(layout->bounds.x, layout->bounds.y + layout->header.h, layout->bounds.w, layout->row.height), 0, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]); /* setup header bounds and growable icon space */ layout->header.x = layout->bounds.x + panel_padding.x; layout->header.y = layout->bounds.y + item_padding.y; layout->header.w = MAX(layout->bounds.w, 2 * panel_padding.x); layout->header.w -= 2 * panel_padding.x; layout->header.front = layout->header.x; layout->header.back = layout->header.x + layout->header.w; layout->height = layout->bounds.h - (layout->header.h + 2 * item_spacing.y); layout->height -= layout->footer_h; zr_unify(&clip, &layout->buffer->clip, layout->bounds.x, layout->bounds.y, layout->bounds.x + layout->bounds.w, layout->bounds.y + layout->bounds.h); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, clip); zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_rect(layout->bounds.x, layout->bounds.y, layout->bounds.w, layout->header.h), 0, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_HEADER]); } zr_bool zr_header_button(struct zr_context *layout, enum zr_symbol symbol, enum zr_header_align align) { /* calculate the position of the close icon position and draw it */ struct zr_rect sym = {0,0,0,0}; zr_float sym_bw = 0; zr_bool ret = zr_false; const struct zr_style *c; struct zr_command_buffer *out; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); if (!layout || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN) return zr_false; /* cache configuration data */ c = layout->style; out = layout->buffer; item_padding = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); sym.x = layout->header.front; sym.y = layout->header.y; switch (symbol) { case ZR_SYMBOL_MINUS: case ZR_SYMBOL_PLUS: case ZR_SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE: case ZR_SYMBOL_X: { /* single character text icon */ const zr_char *X = (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_X) ? "x": (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE) ? "_": (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_PLUS) ? "+": "-"; const zr_size t = c->font.width(c->font.userdata, X, 1); const zr_float text_width = (zr_float)t; /* calculate bounds of the icon */ sym_bw = text_width; sym.w = (zr_float)text_width + 2 * item_padding.x; sym.h = c->font.height + 2 * item_padding.y; if (align == ZR_HEADER_RIGHT) sym.x = layout->header.back - sym.w; zr_command_buffer_push_text(out, sym, X, 1, &c->font, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_HEADER], c->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]); } break; case ZR_SYMBOL_CIRCLE_FILLED: case ZR_SYMBOL_CIRCLE: case ZR_SYMBOL_RECT_FILLED: case ZR_SYMBOL_RECT: { /* simple empty/filled shapes */ sym_bw = sym.w = c->font.height; sym.h = c->font.height; sym.y = sym.y + c->font.height/2; if (align == ZR_HEADER_RIGHT) sym.x = layout->header.back - (c->font.height + 2 * item_padding.x); if (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_RECT || symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_RECT_FILLED) { /* rectangle shape */ zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, sym, 0, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]); if (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_RECT_FILLED) zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_shrink_rect(sym, 1), 0, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_HEADER]); } else { /* circle shape */ zr_command_buffer_push_circle(out, sym, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]); if (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_CIRCLE_FILLED) zr_command_buffer_push_circle(out, zr_shrink_rect(sym, 1), c->colors[ZR_COLOR_HEADER]); } /* calculate the space the icon occupied */ sym.w = c->font.height + 2 * item_padding.x; } break; case ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_UP: case ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_DOWN: case ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_LEFT: case ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_RIGHT: { /* triangle icon with direction */ enum zr_heading heading; struct zr_vec2 points[3]; heading = (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_RIGHT) ? ZR_RIGHT : (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_LEFT) ? ZR_LEFT: (symbol == ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_UP) ? ZR_UP: ZR_DOWN; /* calculate bounds of the icon */ sym_bw = sym.w = c->font.height; sym.h = c->font.height; sym.y = sym.y + c->font.height/2; if (align == ZR_HEADER_RIGHT) sym.x = layout->header.back - (c->font.height + 2 * item_padding.x); /* calculate the triangle point positions and draw triangle */ zr_triangle_from_direction(points, sym, 0, 0, heading); zr_command_buffer_push_triangle(layout->buffer, points[0].x, points[0].y, points[1].x, points[1].y, points[2].x, points[2].y, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]); /* calculate the space the icon occupied */ sym.w = c->font.height + 2 * item_padding.x; } break; case ZR_SYMBOL_MAX: default: return ret; } /* check if the icon has been pressed */ if (!(layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM)) { zr_float mouse_x = layout->input->mouse.pos.x; zr_float mouse_y = layout->input->mouse.pos.y; zr_float clicked_x = layout->input->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.x; zr_float clicked_y = layout->input->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.y; if (ZR_INBOX(mouse_x, mouse_y, sym.x, sym.y, sym_bw, sym.h)) { if (ZR_INBOX(clicked_x, clicked_y, sym.x, sym.y, sym_bw, sym.h)) ret = (layout->input->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].down && layout->input->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked); } } /* update the header space */ if (align == ZR_HEADER_RIGHT) layout->header.back -= (sym.w + item_padding.x); else layout->header.front += sym.w + item_padding.x; return ret; } zr_bool zr_header_toggle(struct zr_context *layout, enum zr_symbol inactive, enum zr_symbol active, enum zr_header_align align, zr_bool state) { zr_bool ret = zr_header_button(layout, (state) ? active : inactive, align); if (ret) return !state; return state; } zr_bool zr_header_flag(struct zr_context *layout, enum zr_symbol inactive, enum zr_symbol active, enum zr_header_align align, enum zr_window_flags flag) { zr_flags flags = layout->flags; zr_bool state = (flags & flag) ? zr_true : zr_false; zr_bool ret = zr_header_toggle(layout, inactive, active, align, state); if (ret != ((flags & flag) ? zr_true : zr_false)) { /* the state of the toggle icon has been changed */ if (!ret) layout->flags &= ~flag; else layout->flags |= flag; /* update the state of the panel since the flag have changed */ layout->valid = !(layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN) && !(layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_MINIMIZED); return zr_true; } return zr_false; } void zr_header_title(struct zr_context *layout, const char *title, enum zr_header_align align) { struct zr_rect label = {0,0,0,0}; const struct zr_style *c; struct zr_command_buffer *out; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; zr_size text_len; zr_size t; /* make sure correct values and layout state */ ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout || !title) return; if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN) return; /* cache configuration and title length */ c = layout->style; out = layout->buffer; item_padding = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); text_len = zr_strsiz(title); /* calculate and allocate space from the header */ t = c->font.width(c->font.userdata, title, text_len); if (align == ZR_HEADER_RIGHT) { layout->header.back = layout->header.back - (3 * item_padding.x + (zr_float)t); label.x = layout->header.back; } else { label.x = layout->header.front; layout->header.front += 3 * item_padding.x + (zr_float)t; } /* calculate label bounds and draw text */ label.y = layout->header.y; label.h = c->font.height + 2 * item_padding.y; if (align == ZR_HEADER_LEFT) label.w = MAX((zr_float)t + 2 * item_padding.x, 4 * item_padding.x); else label.w = MAX((zr_float)t + 2 * item_padding.x, 4 * item_padding.x); label.w -= (3 * item_padding.x); zr_command_buffer_push_text(out, label, (const zr_char*)title, text_len, &c->font, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_HEADER], c->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]); } void zr_header_end(struct zr_context *layout) { const struct zr_style *c; struct zr_command_buffer *out; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; struct zr_vec2 panel_padding; ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout) return; if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN) return; /* cache configuration data */ c = layout->style; out = layout->buffer; panel_padding = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING); item_padding = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); /* draw panel header border */ if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_BORDER) { zr_float scrollbar_width = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_SCROLLBAR_SIZE).x; const zr_float width = layout->width + scrollbar_width; /* draw the header border lines */ zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, layout->bounds.x, layout->bounds.y, layout->bounds.x, layout->bounds.y + layout->header.h, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, layout->bounds.x + width, layout->bounds.y, layout->bounds.x + width, layout->bounds.y + layout->header.h, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_BORDER_HEADER) zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, layout->bounds.x, layout->bounds.y + layout->header.h, layout->bounds.x + layout->bounds.w, layout->bounds.y + layout->header.h, c->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); } /* update the panel clipping rect to include the header */ layout->clip.y = layout->bounds.y + layout->header.h; layout->clip.h = layout->bounds.h - (layout->footer_h + layout->header.h); layout->clip.h -= (panel_padding.y + item_padding.y); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, layout->clip); } zr_flags zr_header(struct zr_context *layout, const char *title, zr_flags flags, zr_flags notify, enum zr_header_align align) { zr_flags ret = 0; zr_flags old = layout->flags; ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN) return zr_false; /* basic standart header with fixed icon/title sequence */ zr_header_begin(layout); { if (flags & ZR_CLOSEABLE) zr_header_flag(layout, ZR_SYMBOL_X, ZR_SYMBOL_X, align, ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN); if (flags & ZR_MINIMIZABLE) zr_header_flag(layout, ZR_SYMBOL_MINUS, ZR_SYMBOL_PLUS, align, ZR_WINDOW_MINIMIZED); if (flags & ZR_SCALEABLE) zr_header_flag(layout, ZR_SYMBOL_RECT, ZR_SYMBOL_RECT_FILLED, align, ZR_WINDOW_SCALEABLE); if (flags & ZR_MOVEABLE) zr_header_flag(layout, ZR_SYMBOL_CIRCLE, ZR_SYMBOL_CIRCLE_FILLED, align, ZR_WINDOW_MOVEABLE); if (title) zr_header_title(layout, title, ZR_HEADER_LEFT); } zr_header_end(layout); /* notifcation if one if the icon buttons has been pressed */ if ((notify & ZR_CLOSEABLE) && ((old & ZR_CLOSEABLE) ^ (layout->flags & ZR_CLOSEABLE))) ret |= ZR_CLOSEABLE; if ((notify & ZR_MINIMIZABLE) && ((old & ZR_MINIMIZABLE)^(layout->flags&ZR_MINIMIZABLE))) ret |= ZR_MINIMIZABLE; if ((notify & ZR_SCALEABLE) && ((old & ZR_SCALEABLE) ^ (layout->flags & ZR_SCALEABLE))) ret |= ZR_SCALEABLE; if ((notify & ZR_MOVEABLE) && ((old & ZR_MOVEABLE) ^ (layout->flags & ZR_MOVEABLE))) ret |= ZR_MOVEABLE; return ret; } void zr_menubar_begin(struct zr_context *layout) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) return; layout->menu.x = layout->at_x; layout->menu.y = layout->bounds.y + layout->header.h; layout->menu.w = layout->width; layout->menu.offset = layout->offset; layout->offset.y = 0; } void zr_menubar_end(struct zr_context *layout) { struct zr_command_buffer *out; ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) return; out = layout->buffer; layout->menu.h = layout->at_y - layout->menu.y; layout->clip.y = layout->bounds.y + layout->header.h + layout->menu.h + layout->row.height; layout->height -= layout->menu.h; layout->offset = layout->menu.offset; layout->clip.h -= layout->menu.h + layout->row.height; layout->at_y = layout->menu.y + layout->menu.h; zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, layout->clip); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * LAYOUT * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void zr_panel_layout(struct zr_context *layout, zr_float height, zr_size cols) { const struct zr_style *config; const struct zr_color *color; struct zr_command_buffer *out; struct zr_vec2 item_spacing; struct zr_vec2 panel_padding; ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid) return; /* prefetch some configuration data */ config = layout->style; out = layout->buffer; color = &config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; item_spacing = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING); panel_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING); /* draw the current row and set the current row layout */ layout->row.index = 0; layout->at_y += layout->row.height; layout->row.columns = cols; layout->row.height = height + item_spacing.y; layout->row.item_offset = 0; if (layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_DYNAMIC) zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_rect(layout->bounds.x, layout->at_y, layout->bounds.w, height + panel_padding.y), 0, *color); } static void zr_row_layout(struct zr_context *layout, enum zr_layout_format fmt, zr_float height, zr_size cols, zr_size width) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid) return; /* draw the current row and set the current row layout */ zr_panel_layout(layout, height, cols); if (fmt == ZR_DYNAMIC) layout->row.type = ZR_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_FIXED; else layout->row.type = ZR_LAYOUT_STATIC_FIXED; layout->row.item_width = (zr_float)width; layout->row.ratio = 0; layout->row.item_offset = 0; layout->row.filled = 0; } void zr_layout_row_dynamic(struct zr_context *layout, zr_float height, zr_size cols) {zr_row_layout(layout, ZR_DYNAMIC, height, cols, 0);} void zr_layout_row_static(struct zr_context *layout, zr_float height, zr_size item_width, zr_size cols) {zr_row_layout(layout, ZR_STATIC, height, cols, item_width);} void zr_layout_row_begin(struct zr_context *layout, enum zr_layout_format fmt, zr_float row_height, zr_size cols) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid) return; zr_panel_layout(layout, row_height, cols); if (fmt == ZR_DYNAMIC) layout->row.type = ZR_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_ROW; else layout->row.type = ZR_LAYOUT_STATIC_ROW; layout->row.ratio = 0; layout->row.item_width = 0; layout->row.item_offset = 0; layout->row.filled = 0; layout->row.columns = cols; } void zr_layout_row_push(struct zr_context *layout, zr_float ratio_or_width) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); if (!layout || !layout->valid) return; if (layout->row.type == ZR_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_ROW) { zr_float ratio = ratio_or_width; if ((ratio + layout->row.filled) > 1.0f) return; if (ratio > 0.0f) layout->row.item_width = ZR_SATURATE(ratio); else layout->row.item_width = 1.0f - layout->row.filled; } else layout->row.item_width = ratio_or_width; } void zr_layout_row_end(struct zr_context *layout) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid) return; layout->row.item_width = 0; layout->row.item_offset = 0; } void zr_layout_row(struct zr_context *layout, enum zr_layout_format fmt, zr_float height, zr_size cols, const zr_float *ratio) { zr_size i; zr_size n_undef = 0; zr_float r = 0; ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid) return; zr_panel_layout(layout, height, cols); if (fmt == ZR_DYNAMIC) { /* calculate width of undefined widget ratios */ layout->row.ratio = ratio; for (i = 0; i < cols; ++i) { if (ratio[i] < 0.0f) n_undef++; else r += ratio[i]; } r = ZR_SATURATE(1.0f - r); layout->row.type = ZR_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC; layout->row.item_width = (r > 0 && n_undef > 0) ? (r / (zr_float)n_undef):0; } else { layout->row.ratio = ratio; layout->row.type = ZR_LAYOUT_STATIC; layout->row.item_width = 0; layout->row.item_offset = 0; } layout->row.item_offset = 0; layout->row.filled = 0; } void zr_layout_row_space_begin(struct zr_context *layout, enum zr_layout_format fmt, zr_float height, zr_size widget_count) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid) return; zr_panel_layout(layout, height, widget_count); if (fmt == ZR_STATIC) { /* calculate bounds of the free to use panel space */ struct zr_rect clip, space; space.x = layout->at_x; space.y = layout->at_y; space.w = layout->width; space.h = layout->row.height; /* setup clipping rect for the free space to prevent overdraw */ zr_unify(&clip, &layout->clip, space.x, space.y, space.x + space.w, space.y + space.h); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(layout->buffer, clip); layout->row.type = ZR_LAYOUT_STATIC_FREE; layout->row.clip = layout->clip; layout->clip = clip; } else layout->row.type = ZR_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_FREE; layout->row.ratio = 0; layout->row.item_width = 0; layout->row.item_offset = 0; layout->row.filled = 0; } void zr_layout_row_space_push(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_rect rect) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid) return; layout->row.item = rect; } struct zr_rect zr_layout_row_space_bounds(struct zr_context *ctx) { struct zr_rect ret; ret.x = ctx->clip.x; ret.y = ctx->clip.y; ret.w = ctx->clip.w; ret.h = ctx->row.height; return ret; } struct zr_vec2 zr_layout_row_space_to_screen(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_vec2 ret) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ret.x += layout->clip.x - layout->offset.x; ret.y += layout->clip.y - layout->offset.y; return ret; } struct zr_vec2 zr_layout_row_space_to_local(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_vec2 ret) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ret.x += -layout->clip.x + layout->offset.x; ret.y += -layout->clip.y + layout->offset.y; return ret; } struct zr_rect zr_layout_row_space_rect_to_screen(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_rect ret) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ret.x += layout->clip.x - layout->offset.x; ret.y += layout->clip.y - layout->offset.y; return ret; } struct zr_rect zr_layout_row_space_rect_to_local(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_rect ret) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ret.x += -layout->clip.x + layout->offset.x; ret.y += -layout->clip.y + layout->offset.y; return ret; } void zr_layout_row_space_end(struct zr_context *layout) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid) return; layout->row.item_width = 0; layout->row.item_height = 0; layout->row.item_offset = 0; zr_zero(&layout->row.item, sizeof(layout->row.item)); if (layout->row.type == ZR_LAYOUT_STATIC_FREE) zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(layout->buffer, layout->clip); } void zr_layout_row_tiled_begin(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_tiled_layout *tiled) { const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_vec2 padding; struct zr_vec2 spacing; ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid) return; zr_panel_layout(layout, tiled->bounds.h, 2); layout->row.type = (tiled->fmt == ZR_STATIC) ? ZR_LAYOUT_STATIC_TILED: ZR_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_TILED; config = layout->style; padding = config->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING]; spacing = config->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING]; tiled->spacing = spacing; tiled->bounds.x = layout->at_x + padding.x - layout->offset.x; tiled->bounds.y = layout->at_y - layout->offset.y; if (tiled->fmt == ZR_DYNAMIC) tiled->bounds.w = layout->width - (2 * padding.x); } void zr_layout_row_tiled_push(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_tiled_layout *tiled, enum zr_tiled_layout_slot_index slot, zr_uint index) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid) return; zr_tiled_bounds(&layout->row.item, tiled, slot, index); } void zr_layout_row_tiled_end(struct zr_context *layout) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid) return; zr_zero(&layout->row.item, sizeof(layout->row.item)); layout->row.columns = 0; } static void zr_panel_alloc_row(struct zr_context *layout) { const struct zr_style *c = layout->style; struct zr_vec2 spacing = zr_style_property(c, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING); const zr_float row_height = layout->row.height - spacing.y; zr_panel_layout(layout, row_height, layout->row.columns); } static void zr_layout_widget_space(struct zr_rect *bounds, struct zr_context *layout, zr_bool modify) { const struct zr_style *config; zr_float panel_padding, panel_spacing, panel_space; zr_float item_offset = 0, item_width = 0, item_spacing = 0; struct zr_vec2 spacing; struct zr_vec2 padding; ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(bounds); if (!layout || !layout->style || !bounds) return; /* cache some configuration data */ config = layout->style; spacing = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING); padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING); /* calculate the useable panel space */ panel_padding = 2 * padding.x; panel_spacing = (zr_float)(layout->row.columns - 1) * spacing.x; panel_space = layout->width - panel_padding - panel_spacing; /* calculate the width of one item inside the panel row */ switch (layout->row.type) { case ZR_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_FIXED: { /* scaling fixed size widgets item width */ item_width = panel_space / (zr_float)layout->row.columns; item_offset = (zr_float)layout->row.index * item_width; item_spacing = (zr_float)layout->row.index * spacing.x; } break; case ZR_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_ROW: { /* scaling single ratio widget width */ item_width = layout->row.item_width * panel_space; item_offset = layout->row.item_offset; item_spacing = (zr_float)layout->row.index * spacing.x; if (modify) { layout->row.item_offset += item_width + spacing.x; layout->row.filled += layout->row.item_width; layout->row.index = 0; } } break; case ZR_LAYOUT_STATIC_TILED: case ZR_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_TILED: { /* dynamic tiled layout widget placing */ bounds->x = layout->row.item.x; bounds->y = layout->row.item.y; bounds->w = layout->row.item.w; bounds->h = layout->row.item.h; layout->row.index = 0; if (((bounds->x + bounds->w + layout->offset.x) > layout->max_x) && modify) layout->max_x = bounds->x + bounds->w + layout->offset.x; return; } break; case ZR_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_FREE: { /* panel width depended free widget placing */ bounds->x = layout->at_x + (layout->width * layout->row.item.x); bounds->x -= layout->offset.x; bounds->y = layout->at_y + (layout->row.height * layout->row.item.y); bounds->w = layout->width * layout->row.item.w; bounds->h = layout->row.height * layout->row.item.h; return; } break; case ZR_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC: { /* scaling arrays of panel width ratios for every widget */ zr_float ratio; ZR_ASSERT(layout->row.ratio); ratio = (layout->row.ratio[layout->row.index] < 0) ? layout->row.item_width : layout->row.ratio[layout->row.index]; item_spacing = (zr_float)layout->row.index * spacing.x; if (layout->row.index < layout->row.columns-1) item_width = (ratio * panel_space) - spacing.x; else item_width = (ratio * panel_space); item_offset = layout->row.item_offset; if (modify) { layout->row.item_offset += item_width + spacing.x; layout->row.filled += ratio; } } break; case ZR_LAYOUT_STATIC_FIXED: { /* non-scaling fixed widgets item width */ item_width = layout->row.item_width; item_offset = (zr_float)layout->row.index * item_width; item_spacing = (zr_float)layout->row.index * spacing.x; } break; case ZR_LAYOUT_STATIC_ROW: { /* scaling single ratio widget width */ item_width = layout->row.item_width; item_offset = layout->row.item_offset; item_spacing = (zr_float)layout->row.index * spacing.x; if (modify) { layout->row.item_offset += item_width + spacing.x; layout->row.index = 0; } } break; case ZR_LAYOUT_STATIC_FREE: { /* free widget placing */ bounds->x = layout->clip.x + layout->row.item.x; bounds->x -= layout->offset.x; bounds->y = layout->clip.y + layout->row.item.y; bounds->y -= layout->offset.y; bounds->w = layout->row.item.w; bounds->h = layout->row.item.h; if (((bounds->x + bounds->w + layout->offset.x) > layout->max_x) && modify) layout->max_x = bounds->x + bounds->w + layout->offset.x; return; } break; case ZR_LAYOUT_STATIC: { /* non-scaling array of panel pixel width for every widget */ item_spacing = (zr_float)layout->row.index * spacing.x; item_width = layout->row.ratio[layout->row.index]; item_offset = layout->row.item_offset; if (modify) layout->row.item_offset += item_width + spacing.x; } break; default: break; }; /* set the bounds of the newly allocated widget */ bounds->x = layout->at_x + item_offset + item_spacing + padding.x - layout->offset.x; bounds->y = layout->at_y - layout->offset.y; bounds->w = item_width; bounds->h = layout->row.height - spacing.y; if (((bounds->x + bounds->w) > layout->max_x) && modify) layout->max_x = bounds->x + bounds->w; } static void zr_panel_alloc_space(struct zr_rect *bounds, struct zr_context *layout) { /* check if the end of the row has been hit and begin new row if so */ if (layout->row.index >= layout->row.columns) zr_panel_alloc_row(layout); /* calculate widget position and size */ zr_layout_widget_space(bounds, layout, zr_true); layout->row.index++; } void zr_layout_peek(struct zr_rect *bounds, struct zr_context *layout) { zr_float y = layout->at_y; zr_size index = layout->row.index; if (layout->row.index >= layout->row.columns) { layout->at_y += layout->row.height; layout->row.index = 0; } zr_layout_widget_space(bounds, layout, zr_false); layout->at_y = y; layout->row.index = index; } zr_bool zr_layout_push(struct zr_context *layout, enum zr_layout_node_type type, const char *title, zr_state *state) { const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_command_buffer *out; struct zr_vec2 item_spacing; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; struct zr_vec2 panel_padding; struct zr_rect header = {0,0,0,0}; struct zr_rect sym = {0,0,0,0}; ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); if (!layout) return zr_false; if (!layout->valid) return zr_false; /* cache some data */ out = layout->buffer; config = layout->style; item_spacing = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING); item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); panel_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING); /* calculate header bounds and draw background */ zr_layout_row_dynamic(layout, config->font.height + 2 * item_padding.y, 1); zr_panel_alloc_space(&header, layout); if (type == ZR_LAYOUT_TAB) zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, header, 0, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TAB_HEADER]); { /* and draw closing/open icon */ enum zr_heading heading; struct zr_vec2 points[3]; heading = (*state == ZR_MAXIMIZED) ? ZR_DOWN : ZR_RIGHT; /* calculate the triangle bounds */ sym.w = sym.h = config->font.height; sym.y = header.y + item_padding.y; sym.x = header.x + panel_padding.x; /* calculate the triangle points and draw triangle */ zr_triangle_from_direction(points, sym, 0, 0, heading); zr_command_buffer_push_triangle(layout->buffer, points[0].x, points[0].y, points[1].x, points[1].y, points[2].x, points[2].y, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]); /* calculate the space the icon occupied */ sym.w = config->font.height + 2 * item_padding.x; } { /* draw node label */ struct zr_color color; struct zr_rect label; zr_size text_len; header.w = MAX(header.w, sym.w + item_spacing.y + panel_padding.x); label.x = sym.x + sym.w + item_spacing.x; label.y = sym.y; label.w = header.w - (sym.w + item_spacing.y + panel_padding.x); label.h = config->font.height; text_len = zr_strsiz(title); color = (type == ZR_LAYOUT_TAB) ? config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TAB_HEADER]: config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; zr_command_buffer_push_text(out, label, (const zr_char*)title, text_len, &config->font, color, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]); } /* update node state */ if (!(layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM)) { zr_float mouse_x = layout->input->mouse.pos.x; zr_float mouse_y = layout->input->mouse.pos.y; zr_float clicked_x = layout->input->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.x; zr_float clicked_y = layout->input->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.y; if (ZR_INBOX(mouse_x, mouse_y, sym.x, sym.y, sym.w, sym.h)) { if (ZR_INBOX(clicked_x, clicked_y, sym.x, sym.y, sym.w, sym.h)) { if (layout->input->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].down && layout->input->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked) *state = (*state == ZR_MAXIMIZED) ? ZR_MINIMIZED : ZR_MAXIMIZED; } } } if (type == ZR_LAYOUT_TAB) { /* special node with border around the header */ zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, header.x, header.y, header.x + header.w, header.y, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, header.x, header.y, header.x, header.y + header.h, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, header.x + header.w, header.y, header.x + header.w, header.y + header.h, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, header.x, header.y + header.h, header.x + header.w, header.y + header.h, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); } if (*state == ZR_MAXIMIZED) { layout->at_x = header.x; layout->width = MAX(layout->width, 2 * panel_padding.x); layout->width -= 2 * panel_padding.x; return zr_true; } else return zr_false; } void zr_layout_pop(struct zr_context *layout) { const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_vec2 panel_padding; ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid) return; config = layout->style; panel_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING); layout->at_x -= panel_padding.x; layout->width += 2 * panel_padding.x; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * WINDOW WIDGETS * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ void zr_spacing(struct zr_context *l, zr_size cols) { zr_size i, n; zr_size index; struct zr_rect nil; ZR_ASSERT(l); ZR_ASSERT(l->style); ZR_ASSERT(l->buffer); if (!l) return; if (!l->valid) return; index = (l->row.index + cols) % l->row.columns; n = index - l->row.index; /* spacing over the row boundries */ if (l->row.index + cols > l->row.columns) { zr_size rows = (l->row.index + cols) / l->row.columns; for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) zr_panel_alloc_row(l); } /* non table layout need to allocate space */ if (l->row.type != ZR_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_FIXED && l->row.type != ZR_LAYOUT_STATIC_FIXED) { for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) zr_panel_alloc_space(&nil, l); } l->row.index = index; } void zr_seperator(struct zr_context *layout) { struct zr_command_buffer *out; const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; struct zr_vec2 item_spacing; struct zr_rect bounds; ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!layout) return; out = layout->buffer; config = layout->style; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); item_spacing = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_SPACING); bounds.h = 1; bounds.w = MAX(layout->width, 2 * item_spacing.x + 2 * item_padding.x); bounds.y = (layout->at_y + layout->row.height + item_padding.y) - layout->offset.y; bounds.x = layout->at_x + item_spacing.x + item_padding.x - layout->offset.x; bounds.w = bounds.w - (2 * item_spacing.x + 2 * item_padding.x); zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.x + bounds.w, bounds.y + bounds.h, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); } enum zr_widget_state zr_widget(struct zr_rect *bounds, struct zr_context *layout) { struct zr_rect *c = 0; ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); if (!layout) return ZR_WIDGET_INVALID; if (!layout->valid || !layout->style || !layout->buffer) return ZR_WIDGET_INVALID; /* allocated space for the panel and check if the widget needs to be updated */ zr_panel_alloc_space(bounds, layout); c = &layout->clip; if (!ZR_INTERSECT(c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h, bounds->x, bounds->y, bounds->w, bounds->h)) return ZR_WIDGET_INVALID; if (!ZR_CONTAINS(bounds->x, bounds->y, bounds->w, bounds->h, c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h)) return ZR_WIDGET_ROM; return ZR_WIDGET_VALID; } enum zr_widget_state zr_widget_fitting(struct zr_rect *bounds, struct zr_context *layout) { /* update the bounds to stand without padding */ enum zr_widget_state state; ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); if (!layout) return ZR_WIDGET_INVALID; if (!layout->valid || !layout->style || !layout->buffer) return ZR_WIDGET_INVALID; state = zr_widget(bounds, layout); if (layout->row.index == 1) { bounds->w += layout->style->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING].x; bounds->x -= layout->style->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING].x; } else bounds->x -= layout->style->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING].x; if (layout->row.index == layout->row.columns) bounds->w += layout->style->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING].x; else bounds->w += layout->style->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING].x; return state; } void zr_text_colored(struct zr_context *layout, const char *str, zr_size len, enum zr_text_align alignment, struct zr_color color) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_text text; const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(layout->style); ZR_ASSERT(layout->buffer); if (!layout) return; if (!layout->valid || !layout->style || !layout->buffer) return; zr_panel_alloc_space(&bounds, layout); config = layout->style; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); text.padding.x = item_padding.x; text.padding.y = item_padding.y; text.background = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; text.text = color; zr_widget_text(layout->buffer, bounds, str, len, &text, alignment, &config->font); } void zr_text(struct zr_context *l, const char *str, zr_size len, enum zr_text_align alignment) {zr_text_colored(l, str, len, alignment,l->style->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]);} void zr_label_colored(struct zr_context *layout, const char *text, enum zr_text_align align, struct zr_color color) {zr_text_colored(layout, text, zr_strsiz(text), align, color);} void zr_label(struct zr_context *layout, const char *text, enum zr_text_align align) {zr_text(layout, text, zr_strsiz(text), align);} void zr_image(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_image img) { const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; struct zr_rect bounds; ZR_ASSERT(layout); if (!zr_widget(&bounds, layout)) return; config = layout->style; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); bounds.x += item_padding.x; bounds.y += item_padding.y; bounds.w -= 2 * item_padding.x; bounds.h -= 2 * item_padding.y; zr_command_buffer_push_image(layout->buffer, bounds, &img); } static void zr_fill_button(const struct zr_style *config, struct zr_button *button) { struct zr_vec2 item_padding; zr_zero(button, sizeof(*button)); item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); button->rounding = config->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_BUTTON]; button->normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON]; button->hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER]; button->active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE]; button->border = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]; button->border_width = 1; button->padding.x = item_padding.x; button->padding.y = item_padding.y; } enum zr_button_alloc {ZR_BUTTON_NORMAL, ZR_BUTTON_FITTING}; static enum zr_widget_state zr_button(struct zr_button *button, struct zr_rect *bounds, struct zr_context *layout, enum zr_button_alloc type) { const struct zr_style *config; enum zr_widget_state state; if (type == ZR_BUTTON_NORMAL) state = zr_widget(bounds, layout); else state = zr_widget_fitting(bounds, layout); if (!state) return state; zr_zero(button, sizeof(*button)); config = layout->style; zr_fill_button(config, button); return state; } zr_bool zr_button_text(struct zr_context *layout, const char *str, enum zr_button_behavior behavior) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_button_text button; const struct zr_style *config; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_button(&button.base, &bounds, layout, ZR_BUTTON_NORMAL); if (!state) return zr_false; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; config = layout->style; button.alignment = ZR_TEXT_CENTERED; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERING]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_ACTIVE]; return zr_widget_button_text(layout->buffer, bounds, str, behavior, &button, i, &config->font); } zr_bool zr_button_color(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_color color, enum zr_button_behavior behavior) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_button button; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_button(&button, &bounds, layout, ZR_BUTTON_NORMAL); if (!state) return zr_false; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; button.normal = color; button.hover = color; button.active = color; return zr_widget_do_button(layout->buffer, bounds, &button, i, behavior, &bounds); } zr_bool zr_button_symbol(struct zr_context *layout, enum zr_symbol symbol, enum zr_button_behavior behavior) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_button_symbol button; const struct zr_style *config; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_button(&button.base, &bounds, layout, ZR_BUTTON_NORMAL); if (!state) return zr_false; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; config = layout->style; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERING]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_ACTIVE]; return zr_widget_button_symbol(layout->buffer, bounds, symbol, behavior, &button, i, &config->font); } zr_bool zr_button_image(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_image image, enum zr_button_behavior behavior) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_button_icon button; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_button(&button.base, &bounds, layout, ZR_BUTTON_NORMAL); if (!state) return zr_false; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; button.padding = zr_vec2(0,0); return zr_widget_button_image(layout->buffer, bounds, image, behavior, &button, i); } zr_bool zr_button_text_symbol(struct zr_context *layout, enum zr_symbol symbol, const char *text, enum zr_text_align align, enum zr_button_behavior behavior) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_button_text button; const struct zr_style *config; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_button(&button.base, &bounds, layout, ZR_BUTTON_NORMAL); if (!state) return zr_false; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; config = layout->style; button.alignment = ZR_TEXT_CENTERED; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERING]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_ACTIVE]; return zr_widget_button_text_symbol(layout->buffer, bounds, symbol, text, align, behavior, &button, &config->font, i); } zr_bool zr_button_text_image(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_image img, const char *text, enum zr_text_align align, enum zr_button_behavior behavior) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_button_text button; const struct zr_style *config; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_button(&button.base, &bounds, layout, ZR_BUTTON_NORMAL); if (!state) return zr_false; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; config = layout->style; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERING]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_ACTIVE]; return zr_widget_button_text_image(layout->buffer, bounds, img, text, align, behavior, &button, &config->font, i); } zr_bool zr_button_toggle(struct zr_context *layout, const char *str, zr_bool value) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_button_text button; const struct zr_style *config; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_button(&button.base, &bounds, layout, ZR_BUTTON_NORMAL); if (!state) return value; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; config = layout->style; button.base.border = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]; button.alignment = ZR_TEXT_CENTERED; if (!value) { button.base.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON]; button.base.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER]; button.base.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE]; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERING]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_ACTIVE]; } else { button.base.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE]; button.base.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER]; button.base.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON]; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_ACTIVE]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERING]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; } if (zr_widget_button_text(layout->buffer, bounds, str, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &button, i, &config->font)) value = !value; return value; } static enum zr_widget_state zr_toggle_base(struct zr_toggle *toggle, struct zr_rect *bounds, struct zr_context *layout) { const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_widget(bounds, layout); if (!state) return state; config = layout->style; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); toggle->rounding = 0; toggle->padding.x = item_padding.x; toggle->padding.y = item_padding.y; toggle->font = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; return state; } zr_bool zr_check(struct zr_context *layout, const char *text, zr_bool is_active) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_toggle toggle; const struct zr_style *config; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_toggle_base(&toggle, &bounds, layout); if (!state) return is_active; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; config = layout->style; toggle.rounding = config->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_CHECK]; toggle.cursor = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR]; toggle.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TOGGLE]; toggle.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER]; zr_widget_toggle(layout->buffer, bounds, &is_active, text, ZR_TOGGLE_CHECK, &toggle, i, &config->font); return is_active; } zr_bool zr_option(struct zr_context *layout, const char *text, zr_bool is_active) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_toggle toggle; const struct zr_style *config; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_toggle_base(&toggle, &bounds, layout); if (!state) return is_active; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; config = layout->style; toggle.cursor = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR]; toggle.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TOGGLE]; toggle.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER]; zr_widget_toggle(layout->buffer, bounds, &is_active, text, ZR_TOGGLE_OPTION, &toggle, i, &config->font); return is_active; } zr_size zr_option_group(struct zr_context *layout, const char **options, zr_size count, zr_size current) { zr_size i; ZR_ASSERT(layout && options && count); if (!layout || !options || !count) return current; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (zr_option(layout, options[i], i == current)) current = i; } return current; } zr_float zr_slider(struct zr_context *layout, zr_float min_value, zr_float value, zr_float max_value, zr_float value_step) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_slider slider; const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_widget(&bounds, layout); if (!state) return value; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; config = layout->style; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); slider.padding.x = item_padding.x; slider.padding.y = item_padding.y; slider.bg = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SLIDER]; slider.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR]; slider.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER]; slider.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE]; slider.border = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]; slider.rounding = config->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_SLIDER]; return zr_widget_slider(layout->buffer, bounds, min_value, value, max_value, value_step, &slider, i); } zr_size zr_progress(struct zr_context *layout, zr_size cur_value, zr_size max_value, zr_bool is_modifyable) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_progress prog; const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_widget(&bounds, layout); if (!state) return cur_value; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; config = layout->style; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); prog.rounding = config->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_PROGRESS]; prog.padding.x = item_padding.x; prog.padding.y = item_padding.y; prog.border = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]; prog.background = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_PROGRESS]; prog.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_PROGRESS_CURSOR]; prog.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_PROGRESS_CURSOR_HOVER]; prog.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_PROGRESS_CURSOR_ACTIVE]; prog.rounding = config->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_PROGRESS]; return zr_widget_progress(layout->buffer, bounds, cur_value, max_value, is_modifyable, &prog, i); } static enum zr_widget_state zr_edit_base(struct zr_rect *bounds, struct zr_edit *field, struct zr_context *layout) { const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; enum zr_widget_state state = zr_widget(bounds, layout); if (!state) return state; config = layout->style; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); field->border_size = 1; field->rounding = config->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_INPUT]; field->padding.x = item_padding.x; field->padding.y = item_padding.y; field->show_cursor = zr_true; field->background = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_INPUT]; field->border = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]; field->cursor = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_INPUT_CURSOR]; field->text = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_INPUT_TEXT]; return state; } void zr_editbox(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_edit_box *box) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_edit field; const struct zr_style *config = layout->style; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_edit_base(&bounds, &field, layout); if (!state) return; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; zr_widget_editbox(layout->buffer, bounds, box, &field, i, &config->font); } zr_size zr_edit(struct zr_context *layout, zr_char *buffer, zr_size len, zr_size max, zr_state *active, zr_size *cursor, enum zr_input_filter filter) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_edit field; const struct zr_style *config = layout->style; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_edit_base(&bounds, &field, layout); if (!state) return len; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; return zr_widget_edit(layout->buffer, bounds, buffer, len, max, active, cursor, &field, filter, i, &config->font); } zr_size zr_edit_filtered(struct zr_context *layout, zr_char *buffer, zr_size len, zr_size max, zr_state *active, zr_size *cursor, zr_filter filter) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_edit field; const struct zr_style *config = layout->style; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_edit_base(&bounds, &field, layout); if (!state) return len; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; return zr_widget_edit_filtered(layout->buffer, bounds, buffer, len, max, active, cursor, &field, filter, i, &config->font); } static enum zr_widget_state zr_spinner_base(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_rect *bounds, struct zr_spinner *spinner) { struct zr_vec2 item_padding; enum zr_widget_state state; const struct zr_style *config; ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(bounds); ZR_ASSERT(spinner); if (!layout || !bounds || !spinner) return ZR_WIDGET_INVALID; state = zr_widget(bounds, layout); if (!state) return state; config = layout->style; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); zr_fill_button(config, &spinner->button.base); spinner->button.base.rounding = 0; spinner->button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; spinner->button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERING]; spinner->button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_ACTIVE]; spinner->button.base.padding = item_padding; spinner->padding.x = item_padding.x; spinner->padding.y = item_padding.y; spinner->color = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SPINNER]; spinner->border = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]; spinner->text = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; spinner->show_cursor = zr_true; return state; } zr_int zr_spinner(struct zr_context *layout, zr_int min, zr_int value, zr_int max, zr_int step, zr_state *active) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_spinner spinner; struct zr_command_buffer *out; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_spinner_base(layout, &bounds, &spinner); if (!state) return value; out = layout->buffer; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; return zr_widget_spinner(out, bounds, &spinner, min, value, max, step, active, i, &layout->style->font); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * GRAPH * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ void zr_graph_begin(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_graph *graph, enum zr_graph_type type, zr_size count, zr_float min_value, zr_float max_value) { struct zr_rect bounds = {0, 0, 0, 0}; const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_command_buffer *out; struct zr_color color; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; if (!zr_widget(&bounds, layout)) { zr_zero(graph, sizeof(*graph)); return; } /* draw graph background */ config = layout->style; out = layout->buffer; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); color = (type == ZR_GRAPH_LINES) ? config->colors[ZR_COLOR_PLOT]: config->colors[ZR_COLOR_HISTO]; zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, bounds, config->rounding[ZR_ROUNDING_GRAPH], color); /* setup basic generic graph */ graph->valid = zr_true; graph->type = type; graph->index = 0; graph->count = count; graph->min = min_value; graph->max = max_value; graph->x = bounds.x + item_padding.x; graph->y = bounds.y + item_padding.y; graph->w = bounds.w - 2 * item_padding.x; graph->h = bounds.h - 2 * item_padding.y; graph->w = MAX(graph->w, 2 * item_padding.x); graph->h = MAX(graph->h, 2 * item_padding.y); graph->last.x = 0; graph->last.y = 0; } static zr_bool zr_graph_push_line(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_graph *g, zr_float value) { struct zr_command_buffer *out = layout->buffer; const struct zr_style *config = layout->style; const struct zr_input *i = layout->input; struct zr_color color = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_PLOT_LINES]; zr_bool selected = zr_false; zr_float step, range, ratio; struct zr_vec2 cur; ZR_ASSERT(g); ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(out); if (!g || !layout || !g->valid || g->index >= g->count) return zr_false; step = g->w / (zr_float)g->count; range = g->max - g->min; ratio = (value - g->min) / range; if (g->index == 0) { /* special case for the first data point since it does not have a connection */ g->last.x = g->x; g->last.y = (g->y + g->h) - ratio * (zr_float)g->h; if (!(layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) && ZR_INBOX(i->mouse.pos.x,i->mouse.pos.y,g->last.x-3,g->last.y-3,6,6)){ selected = (i->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].down && i->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked) ? zr_true: zr_false; color = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_PLOT_HIGHLIGHT]; } zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_rect(g->last.x - 3, g->last.y - 3, 6, 6), 0, color); g->index++; return selected; } /* draw a line between the last data point and the new one */ cur.x = g->x + (zr_float)(step * (zr_float)g->index); cur.y = (g->y + g->h) - (ratio * (zr_float)g->h); zr_command_buffer_push_line(out, g->last.x, g->last.y, cur.x, cur.y, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_PLOT_LINES]); /* user selection of the current data point */ if (!(layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) && ZR_INBOX(i->mouse.pos.x, i->mouse.pos.y, cur.x-3, cur.y-3, 6, 6)) { selected = (i->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].down && i->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked) ? zr_true: zr_false; color = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_PLOT_HIGHLIGHT]; } else color = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_PLOT_LINES]; zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_rect(cur.x - 3, cur.y - 3, 6, 6), 0, color); /* save current data point position */ g->last.x = cur.x; g->last.y = cur.y; g->index++; return selected; } static zr_bool zr_graph_push_column(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_graph *graph, zr_float value) { struct zr_command_buffer *out = layout->buffer; const struct zr_style *config = layout->style; const struct zr_input *in = layout->input; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; struct zr_color color; zr_float ratio; zr_bool selected = zr_false; struct zr_rect item = {0,0,0,0}; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); if (!graph->valid || graph->index >= graph->count) return zr_false; if (graph->count) { zr_float padding = (zr_float)(graph->count-1) * item_padding.x; item.w = (graph->w - padding) / (zr_float)(graph->count); } ratio = ZR_ABS(value) / graph->max; color = (value < 0) ? config->colors[ZR_COLOR_HISTO_NEGATIVE]: config->colors[ZR_COLOR_HISTO_BARS]; /* calculate bounds of the current bar graph entry */ item.h = graph->h * ratio; item.y = (graph->y + graph->h) - item.h; item.x = graph->x + ((zr_float)graph->index * item.w); item.x = item.x + ((zr_float)graph->index * item_padding.x); /* user graph bar selection */ if (!(layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) && ZR_INBOX(in->mouse.pos.x,in->mouse.pos.y,item.x,item.y,item.w,item.h)) { selected = (in->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].down && in->mouse.buttons[ZR_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked) ? (zr_int)graph->index: selected; color = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_HISTO_HIGHLIGHT]; } zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, item, 0, color); graph->index++; return selected; } zr_bool zr_graph_push(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_graph *graph, zr_float value) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(graph); if (!layout || !graph || !layout->valid) return zr_false; switch (graph->type) { case ZR_GRAPH_LINES: return zr_graph_push_line(layout, graph, value); case ZR_GRAPH_COLUMN: return zr_graph_push_column(layout, graph, value); case ZR_GRAPH_MAX: default: return zr_false; } } void zr_graph_end(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_graph *graph) { ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(graph); if (!layout || !graph) return; graph->type = ZR_GRAPH_MAX; graph->index = 0; graph->count = 0; graph->min = 0; graph->max = 0; graph->x = 0; graph->y = 0; graph->w = 0; graph->h = 0; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * TREE * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ void zr_tree_begin(struct zr_context *p, struct zr_tree *tree, const char *title, zr_float height, struct zr_vec2 offset) { struct zr_vec2 padding; const struct zr_style *config; ZR_ASSERT(p); ZR_ASSERT(tree); ZR_ASSERT(title); if (!p || !tree || !title) return; zr_group_begin(p, &tree->group, title, 0, offset); zr_panel_layout(&tree->group, height, 1); config = tree->group.style; padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); tree->at_x = 0; tree->skip = -1; tree->depth = 0; tree->x_off = tree->group.style->font.height + 2 * padding.x; } static enum zr_tree_node_operation zr_tree_node(struct zr_tree *tree, enum zr_tree_node_symbol symbol, const char *title, struct zr_image *img, zr_state *state) { struct zr_text text; struct zr_rect bounds = {0,0,0,0}; struct zr_rect sym, label, icon; struct zr_context *layout; enum zr_tree_node_operation op = ZR_NODE_NOP; const struct zr_input *i; const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; struct zr_color col; ZR_ASSERT(tree); ZR_ASSERT(state); ZR_ASSERT(title); if (!tree || !state || !title) return ZR_NODE_NOP; layout = &tree->group; if (tree->skip >= 0 || !zr_widget(&bounds, layout)) { if (!tree->depth) tree->at_x = bounds.x; return op; } if (tree->depth){ bounds.w = (bounds.x + bounds.w) - tree->at_x; bounds.x = tree->at_x; } else tree->at_x = bounds.x; /* fetch some configuration constants */ i = layout->input; config = layout->style; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); col = zr_style_color(config, ZR_COLOR_TEXT); /* calculate symbol bounds */ sym.x = bounds.x; sym.y = bounds.y + (bounds.h/2) - (config->font.height/2); sym.w = config->font.height; sym.h = config->font.height; if (img) { icon.x = sym.x + sym.w + item_padding.x; icon.y = sym.y; icon.w = bounds.h; icon.h = bounds.h; label.x = icon.x + icon.w + item_padding.x; } else label.x = sym.x + sym.w + item_padding.x; /* calculate text bounds */ label.y = bounds.y; label.h = bounds.h; label.w = bounds.w - (sym.w + 2 * item_padding.x); /* output symbol */ if (symbol == ZR_TREE_NODE_TRIANGLE) { /* parent node */ struct zr_vec2 points[3]; enum zr_heading heading; if (zr_input_mouse_clicked(i, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT, sym)) { if (*state & ZR_NODE_ACTIVE) *state &= ~(zr_flags)ZR_NODE_ACTIVE; else *state |= ZR_NODE_ACTIVE; } heading = (*state & ZR_NODE_ACTIVE) ? ZR_DOWN : ZR_RIGHT; zr_triangle_from_direction(points, sym, 0, 0, heading); zr_command_buffer_push_triangle(layout->buffer, points[0].x, points[0].y, points[1].x, points[1].y, points[2].x, points[2].y, col); } else { /* leaf node */ zr_command_buffer_push_circle(layout->buffer, sym, col); } if (!(layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM)) { /* node selection */ if (zr_input_mouse_clicked(i, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT, label)) { if (*state & ZR_NODE_SELECTED) *state &= ~(zr_flags)ZR_NODE_SELECTED; else *state |= ZR_NODE_SELECTED; } /* tree node operations */ if (zr_input_is_key_pressed(i, ZR_KEY_DEL) && (*state & ZR_NODE_SELECTED)) { *state &= ~(zr_flags)ZR_NODE_SELECTED; op = ZR_NODE_DELETE; } else if (zr_input_is_key_pressed(i, ZR_KEY_COPY) && (*state & ZR_NODE_SELECTED)) { *state &= ~(zr_flags)ZR_NODE_SELECTED; op = ZR_NODE_CLONE; } else if (zr_input_is_key_pressed(i, ZR_KEY_CUT) && (*state & ZR_NODE_SELECTED)) { *state &= ~(zr_flags)ZR_NODE_SELECTED; op = ZR_NODE_CUT; } else if (zr_input_is_key_pressed(i, ZR_KEY_PASTE) && (*state & ZR_NODE_SELECTED)) { *state &= ~(zr_flags)ZR_NODE_SELECTED; op = ZR_NODE_PASTE; } } /* output label */ text.padding.x = item_padding.x; text.padding.y = item_padding.y; text.text = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; text.background = (*state & ZR_NODE_SELECTED) ? config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER]: config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; zr_widget_text(layout->buffer, label, title, zr_strsiz(title), &text, ZR_TEXT_LEFT, &config->font); return op; } enum zr_tree_node_operation zr_tree_begin_node(struct zr_tree *tree, const char *title, zr_state *state) { enum zr_tree_node_operation op; ZR_ASSERT(tree); ZR_ASSERT(state); ZR_ASSERT(title); if (!tree || !state || !title) return ZR_NODE_NOP; op = zr_tree_node(tree, ZR_TREE_NODE_TRIANGLE, title, 0, state); tree->at_x += tree->x_off; if (tree->skip < 0 && !(*state & ZR_NODE_ACTIVE)) tree->skip = tree->depth; tree->depth++; return op; } enum zr_tree_node_operation zr_tree_begin_node_icon(struct zr_tree *tree, const char *title, struct zr_image img, zr_state *state) { enum zr_tree_node_operation op; ZR_ASSERT(tree); ZR_ASSERT(state); ZR_ASSERT(title); if (!tree || !state || !title) return ZR_NODE_NOP; op = zr_tree_node(tree, ZR_TREE_NODE_TRIANGLE, title, &img, state); tree->at_x += tree->x_off; if (tree->skip < 0 && !(*state & ZR_NODE_ACTIVE)) tree->skip = tree->depth; tree->depth++; return op; } enum zr_tree_node_operation zr_tree_leaf(struct zr_tree *tree, const char *title, zr_state *state) {return zr_tree_node(tree, ZR_TREE_NODE_BULLET, title, 0, state);} enum zr_tree_node_operation zr_tree_leaf_icon(struct zr_tree *tree, const char *title, struct zr_image img, zr_state *state) {return zr_tree_node(tree, ZR_TREE_NODE_BULLET, title, &img, state);} void zr_tree_end_node(struct zr_tree *tree) { ZR_ASSERT(tree->depth); tree->depth--; tree->at_x -= tree->x_off; if (tree->skip == tree->depth) tree->skip = -1; } void zr_tree_end(struct zr_context *p, struct zr_tree* tree, struct zr_vec2 *scrollbar) {zr_group_end(p, &tree->group, scrollbar);} /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * GROUPS * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ void zr_group_begin(struct zr_context *p, struct zr_context *g, const char *title, zr_flags flags, struct zr_vec2 offset) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_window panel; const struct zr_rect *c; struct zr_rect temp; ZR_ASSERT(p); ZR_ASSERT(g); if (!p || !g) return; if (!p->valid) goto failed; /* allocate space for the group panel inside the panel */ c = &p->clip; zr_panel_alloc_space(&bounds, p); zr_zero(g, sizeof(*g)); if (!ZR_INTERSECT(c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.w, bounds.h) && !(flags & ZR_WINDOW_MOVEABLE)) goto failed; /* initialize a fake window to create the layout from */ flags |= ZR_WINDOW_BORDER|ZR_WINDOW_TAB; if (p->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) flags |= ZR_WINDOW_ROM; temp = p->buffer->clip; zr_window_init(&panel, bounds, flags, 0, p->style, p->input); panel.buffer = *p->buffer; zr_begin(g, &panel); *p->buffer = panel.buffer; g->buffer = p->buffer; g->offset = offset; g->queue = p->queue; { /* setup correct clipping rectangle for the group */ struct zr_rect clip; struct zr_command_buffer *out = p->buffer; zr_unify(&clip, &temp, g->bounds.x, g->clip.y, g->clip.x + g->bounds.w, g->clip.y + g->clip.h); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, clip); /* calculate the group clipping rect */ if (title) zr_header(g, title, 0, 0, ZR_HEADER_LEFT); zr_unify(&clip, &p->clip, g->clip.x, g->clip.y, g->clip.x + g->clip.w, g->clip.y + g->clip.h); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, clip); g->clip = clip; } return; failed: /* invalid panels still need correct data */ g->valid = zr_false; g->style = p->style; g->buffer = p->buffer; g->input = p->input; g->queue = p->queue; } void zr_group_end(struct zr_context *p, struct zr_context *g, struct zr_vec2 *scrollbar) { struct zr_window pan; struct zr_command_buffer *out; struct zr_rect clip; ZR_ASSERT(p); ZR_ASSERT(g); if (!p || !g) return; if (!p->valid) return; zr_zero(&pan, sizeof(pan)); out = p->buffer; pan.bounds.x = g->bounds.x; pan.bounds.y = g->bounds.y; pan.bounds.w = g->width; pan.bounds.h = g->height; pan.flags = g->flags|ZR_WINDOW_TAB; /* setup clipping rect to finalize group panel drawing back to parent */ zr_unify(&clip, &p->clip, g->bounds.x, g->clip.y, g->bounds.x + g->bounds.w, g->bounds.y + g->bounds.h); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, clip); zr_end(g, &pan); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, p->clip); if (scrollbar) *scrollbar = pan.offset; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * SHELF * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ zr_size zr_shelf_begin(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *shelf, const char *tabs[], zr_size size, zr_size active, struct zr_vec2 offset) { const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_command_buffer *out; const struct zr_user_font *font; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; struct zr_vec2 panel_padding; struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_rect *c; struct zr_window panel; zr_float header_x, header_y; zr_float header_w, header_h; ZR_ASSERT(parent); ZR_ASSERT(tabs); ZR_ASSERT(shelf); ZR_ASSERT(active < size); if (!parent || !shelf || !tabs || active >= size) return active; if (!parent->valid) goto failed; config = parent->style; out = parent->buffer; font = &config->font; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); panel_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING); /* allocate space for the shelf */ zr_panel_alloc_space(&bounds, parent); zr_zero(shelf, sizeof(*shelf)); c = &parent->clip; if (!ZR_INTERSECT(c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.w, bounds.h)) goto failed; /* calculate the header height for the tabs */ header_x = bounds.x; header_y = bounds.y; header_w = bounds.w; header_h = panel_padding.y + 3 * item_padding.y + config->font.height; { /* basic button setup valid for every tab */ const struct zr_input *input; struct zr_button_text button; zr_float item_width; zr_size i; input = (parent->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : parent->input; item_width = (header_w - (zr_float)size) / (zr_float)size; zr_fill_button(config, &button.base); button.base.rounding = 0; button.alignment = ZR_TEXT_CENTERED; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { struct zr_rect b = {0,0,0,0}; /* calculate the needed space for the tab text */ zr_size text_width = font->width(font->userdata, (const zr_char*)tabs[i], zr_strsiz(tabs[i])); text_width = text_width + (zr_size)(4 * item_padding.x); /* calculate current tab button bounds */ b.y = header_y; b.h = header_h; b.x = header_x; b.w = MIN(item_width, (zr_float)text_width); header_x += MIN(item_width, (zr_float)text_width); /* set different color for active or inactive tab */ if ((b.x + b.w) >= (bounds.x + bounds.w)) break; if (active != i) { b.y += item_padding.y; b.h -= item_padding.y; button.base.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF]; button.base.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF]; button.base.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF]; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF_TEXT]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF_TEXT]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF_TEXT]; } else { button.base.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF_ACTIVE]; button.base.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF_ACTIVE]; button.base.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF_ACTIVE]; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF_ACTIVE_TEXT]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF_ACTIVE_TEXT]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SHELF_ACTIVE_TEXT]; } if (zr_widget_button_text(out, b, tabs[i], ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &button, input, &config->font)) active = i; } } bounds.y += header_h; bounds.h -= header_h; { /* setup fake panel to create a panel layout */ zr_flags flags; flags = ZR_WINDOW_BORDER|ZR_WINDOW_TAB; if (parent->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) flags |= ZR_WINDOW_ROM; zr_window_init(&panel, zr_rect(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.w, bounds.h), flags, 0, config, parent->input); panel.buffer = *parent->buffer; zr_begin(shelf, &panel); *parent->buffer = panel.buffer; shelf->buffer = parent->buffer; shelf->offset = offset; shelf->height -= header_h; shelf->queue = parent->queue; } { /* setup clip rect for the shelf panel */ struct zr_rect clip; zr_unify(&clip, &parent->clip, shelf->clip.x, shelf->clip.y, shelf->clip.x + shelf->clip.w, shelf->clip.y + shelf->clip.h); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, clip); shelf->clip = clip; } return active; failed: /* invalid panels still need correct data */ shelf->valid = zr_false; shelf->style = parent->style; shelf->buffer = parent->buffer; shelf->input = parent->input; shelf->queue = parent->queue; return active; } void zr_shelf_end(struct zr_context *p, struct zr_context *s, struct zr_vec2 *scrollbar) { struct zr_command_buffer *out; struct zr_rect clip; struct zr_window pan; ZR_ASSERT(p); ZR_ASSERT(s); if (!p || !s) return; if (!p->valid) return; zr_zero(&pan, sizeof(pan)); out = p->buffer; pan.bounds = s->bounds; pan.flags = s->flags|ZR_WINDOW_TAB; zr_unify(&clip, &p->clip, s->bounds.x, s->bounds.y, s->bounds.x + s->bounds.w, s->bounds.y + s->bounds.h); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, clip); zr_end(s, &pan); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, p->clip); if (scrollbar) *scrollbar = pan.offset; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * POPUP * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ zr_flags zr_popup_begin(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *popup, enum zr_popup_type type, zr_flags flags, struct zr_rect rect, struct zr_vec2 scrollbar) { struct zr_window panel; ZR_ASSERT(parent); ZR_ASSERT(popup); if (!parent || !popup || !parent->valid) { popup->valid = zr_false; popup->style = parent->style; popup->buffer = parent->buffer; popup->input = parent->input; return 0; } /* calculate bounds of the panel */ zr_zero(popup, sizeof(*popup)); rect.x += parent->clip.x; rect.y += parent->clip.y; parent->flags |= ZR_WINDOW_ROM; /* initialize a fake panel */ flags |= ZR_WINDOW_BORDER|ZR_WINDOW_TAB; if (type == ZR_POPUP_DYNAMIC) flags |= ZR_WINDOW_DYNAMIC; zr_window_init(&panel, zr_rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h),flags, 0, parent->style, parent->input); /* begin sub-buffer and create panel layout */ zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(parent->buffer, zr_null_rect); zr_command_queue_start_child(parent->queue, parent->buffer); panel.buffer = *parent->buffer; zr_begin(popup, &panel); *parent->buffer = panel.buffer; parent->flags |= ZR_WINDOW_ROM; popup->buffer = parent->buffer; popup->offset = scrollbar; popup->queue = parent->queue; return 1; } void zr_popup_close(struct zr_context *popup) { ZR_ASSERT(popup); if (!popup || !popup->valid) return; popup->flags |= ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN; popup->valid = zr_false; } void zr_popup_end(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *popup, struct zr_vec2 *scrollbar) { struct zr_window pan; struct zr_command_buffer *out; ZR_ASSERT(parent); ZR_ASSERT(popup); if (!parent || !popup) return; if (!parent->valid) return; zr_zero(&pan, sizeof(pan)); if (popup->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN) { parent->flags |= ZR_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM; popup->flags &= ~(zr_flags)~ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN; popup->valid = zr_true; } out = parent->buffer; pan.bounds.x = popup->bounds.x; pan.bounds.y = popup->bounds.y; pan.bounds.w = popup->width; pan.bounds.h = popup->height; pan.flags = ZR_WINDOW_BORDER|ZR_WINDOW_TAB; /* end popup and reset clipping rect back to parent panel */ zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, zr_null_rect); zr_end(popup, &pan); zr_command_queue_finish_child(parent->queue, parent->buffer); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, parent->clip); if (scrollbar) *scrollbar = pan.offset; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * CONTEXTUAL * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ static zr_bool zr_popup_nonblocking_begin(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *popup, zr_flags flags, zr_state *active, zr_state is_active, struct zr_rect body, struct zr_vec2 scrollbar) { /* deactivate popup if user clicked outside the popup*/ const struct zr_input *in = parent->input; if (in && *active) { zr_bool inbody = zr_input_is_mouse_click_in_rect(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT, body); zr_bool inpanel = zr_input_is_mouse_click_in_rect(in, ZR_BUTTON_LEFT, parent->bounds); if (!inbody && inpanel) is_active = zr_false; } /* recalculate body bounds into local panel position */ body.x -= parent->clip.x; body.y -= parent->clip.y; /* if active create popup otherwise deactive the panel layout */ if (!is_active && *active) { zr_popup_begin(parent, popup, ZR_POPUP_DYNAMIC, flags, body, scrollbar); zr_popup_close(popup); popup->flags &= ~(zr_flags)ZR_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; parent->flags &= ~(zr_flags)ZR_WINDOW_ROM; } else if (!is_active && !*active) { *active = is_active; popup->flags |= ZR_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; return zr_false; } else { zr_popup_begin(parent, popup, ZR_POPUP_DYNAMIC, flags, body, zr_vec2(0,0)); popup->flags &= ~(zr_flags)ZR_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; } *active = is_active; return zr_true; } static void zr_popup_nonblocking_end(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *popup, struct zr_vec2 *scrollbar) { ZR_ASSERT(parent); ZR_ASSERT(popup); if (!parent || !popup) return; if (!parent->valid) return; if (!(popup->flags & ZR_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)) zr_popup_end(parent, popup, scrollbar); } void zr_contextual_begin(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *popup, zr_flags flags, zr_state *active, struct zr_rect body) { ZR_ASSERT(parent); ZR_ASSERT(popup); ZR_ASSERT(active); if (!parent || !popup || !active) return; zr_popup_nonblocking_begin(parent, popup, flags, active, *active, body, zr_vec2(0,0)); } static zr_bool zr_contextual_button(struct zr_context *layout, const char *text, enum zr_text_align align, enum zr_button_behavior behavior) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_button_text button; const struct zr_style *config; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_button(&button.base, &bounds, layout, ZR_BUTTON_FITTING); if (!state) return zr_false; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; config = layout->style; button.base.border_width = 0; button.base.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; button.base.border = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERING]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_ACTIVE]; button.alignment = align; return zr_widget_button_text(layout->buffer, bounds, text, behavior, &button, i, &config->font); } static zr_bool zr_contextual_button_symbol(struct zr_context *layout, enum zr_symbol symbol, const char *text, enum zr_text_align align, enum zr_button_behavior behavior) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_button_text button; const struct zr_style *config; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_button(&button.base, &bounds, layout, ZR_BUTTON_FITTING); if (!state) return zr_false; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; config = layout->style; button.base.border_width = 0; button.base.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; button.base.border = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERING]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_ACTIVE]; return zr_widget_button_text_symbol(layout->buffer, bounds, symbol, text, align, behavior, &button, &config->font, i); } static zr_bool zr_contextual_button_icon(struct zr_context *layout, struct zr_image img, const char *text, enum zr_text_align align, enum zr_button_behavior behavior) { struct zr_rect bounds; struct zr_button_text button; const struct zr_style *config; const struct zr_input *i; enum zr_widget_state state; state = zr_button(&button.base, &bounds, layout, ZR_BUTTON_FITTING); if (!state) return zr_false; i = (state == ZR_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : layout->input; config = layout->style; button.base.border_width = 0; button.base.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; button.base.border = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERING]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_ACTIVE]; return zr_widget_button_text_image(layout->buffer, bounds, img, text, align, behavior, &button, &config->font, i); } zr_bool zr_contextual_item(struct zr_context *menu, const char *title, enum zr_text_align align) { ZR_ASSERT(menu); if (zr_contextual_button(menu, title, align, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT)) { zr_contextual_close(menu); return zr_true; } return zr_false; } zr_bool zr_contextual_item_icon(struct zr_context *menu, struct zr_image img, const char *title, enum zr_text_align align) { ZR_ASSERT(menu); if (zr_contextual_button_icon(menu, img, title, align, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT)){ zr_contextual_close(menu); return zr_true; } return zr_false; } zr_bool zr_contextual_item_symbol(struct zr_context *menu, enum zr_symbol symbol, const char *title, enum zr_text_align align) { ZR_ASSERT(menu); if (zr_contextual_button_symbol(menu, symbol, title, align, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT)){ zr_contextual_close(menu); return zr_true; } return zr_false; } void zr_contextual_close(struct zr_context *popup) { ZR_ASSERT(popup); if (!popup) return; zr_popup_close(popup); popup->flags |= ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN; } void zr_contextual_end(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *menu, zr_state *state) { ZR_ASSERT(parent); ZR_ASSERT(menu); if (!parent || !menu) goto failed; if (!parent->valid) goto failed; if ((!parent->valid) || (!menu->valid && !(menu->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN))) goto failed; zr_popup_nonblocking_end(parent, menu, 0); if (menu->flags & ZR_WINDOW_HIDDEN) goto failed; if (state) *state = zr_true; return; failed: if (state) *state = zr_false; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * COMBO * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ void zr_combo_begin(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *combo, const char *selected, zr_state *active) { struct zr_rect bounds = {0,0,0,0}; const struct zr_input *in; const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_command_buffer *out; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; struct zr_rect header; zr_state is_active; ZR_ASSERT(parent); ZR_ASSERT(combo); ZR_ASSERT(selected); ZR_ASSERT(active); if (!parent || !combo || !selected || !active) return; if (!parent->valid || !zr_widget(&header, parent)) goto failed; zr_zero(combo, sizeof(*combo)); in = (parent->flags & ZR_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : parent->input; is_active = *active; out = parent->buffer; config = parent->style; item_padding = zr_style_property(config, ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING); /* draw combo box header background and border */ zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, header, 0, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BORDER]); zr_command_buffer_push_rect(out, zr_shrink_rect(header, 1), 0, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SPINNER]); { /* print currently selected item */ zr_size text_len; struct zr_rect clip; struct zr_rect label; label.x = header.x + item_padding.x; label.y = header.y + item_padding.y; label.w = header.w - (header.h + 2 * item_padding.x); label.h = header.h - 2 * item_padding.y; text_len = zr_strsiz(selected); /* set correct clipping rectangle and draw title */ zr_unify(&clip, &parent->clip, label.x, label.y, label.x + label.w, label.y + label.h); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, clip); zr_command_buffer_push_text(out, label, selected, text_len, &config->font, config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW], config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]); zr_command_buffer_push_scissor(out, parent->clip); } { /* button setup and execution */ struct zr_button_symbol button; bounds.y = header.y + 1; bounds.h = MAX(2, header.h); bounds.h = bounds.h - 2; bounds.w = bounds.h - 2; bounds.x = (header.x + header.w) - (bounds.w+2); button.base.rounding = 0; button.base.border_width = 0; button.base.padding.x = bounds.w/4.0f; button.base.padding.y = bounds.h/4.0f; button.base.border = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SPINNER]; button.base.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SPINNER]; button.base.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SPINNER]; button.base.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_SPINNER]; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERING]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT_ACTIVE]; if (zr_widget_button_symbol(out, bounds, ZR_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_DOWN, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &button, in, &config->font)) is_active = !is_active; } { /* calculate the maximum height of the combo box*/ struct zr_rect body; body.x = header.x; body.w = header.w; body.y = header.y + header.h; body.h = zr_null_rect.h; if (!zr_popup_nonblocking_begin(parent, combo, ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR, active, is_active, body, zr_vec2(0,0))) goto failed; combo->flags |= ZR_WINDOW_COMBO_MENU; } return; failed: zr_zero(combo, sizeof(*combo)); combo->valid = zr_false; combo->style = parent->style; combo->buffer = parent->buffer; combo->input = parent->input; combo->queue = parent->queue; } zr_bool zr_combo_item(struct zr_context *combo, enum zr_text_align align, const char *title) {return zr_contextual_item(combo, title, align);} zr_bool zr_combo_item_icon(struct zr_context *menu, struct zr_image img, const char *title, enum zr_text_align align) {return zr_contextual_item_icon(menu, img, title, align);} zr_bool zr_combo_item_symbol(struct zr_context *menu, enum zr_symbol symbol, const char *title, enum zr_text_align align) {return zr_contextual_item_symbol(menu, symbol, title, align);} void zr_combo_end(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *menu, zr_state *state) {zr_contextual_end(parent, menu, state);} void zr_combo_close(struct zr_context *combo) {zr_contextual_close(combo);} /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * MENU * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ void zr_menu_begin(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *menu, const char *title, zr_float width, zr_state *active) { const struct zr_input *in; const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_rect header; zr_state is_active; ZR_ASSERT(parent); ZR_ASSERT(menu); ZR_ASSERT(title); ZR_ASSERT(active); if (!parent || !menu || !title || !active) return; if (!parent->valid) goto failed; is_active = *active; in = parent->input; config = parent->style; zr_zero(menu, sizeof(*menu)); { /* exeucte menu button for open/closing the popup */ struct zr_button_text button; zr_zero(&button, sizeof(header)); zr_button(&button.base, &header, parent, ZR_BUTTON_NORMAL); button.alignment = ZR_TEXT_CENTERED; button.base.rounding = 0; button.base.border = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; button.base.normal = (is_active) ? config->colors[ZR_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER]: config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; button.base.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_WINDOW]; button.normal = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; button.active = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; button.hover = config->colors[ZR_COLOR_TEXT]; if (zr_widget_button_text(parent->buffer, header, title, ZR_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &button, in, &config->font)) is_active = !is_active; } { /* calculate the maximum height of the menu */ struct zr_rect body; body.x = header.x; body.w = width; body.y = header.y + header.h; body.h = (parent->bounds.y + parent->bounds.h) - body.y; if (!zr_popup_nonblocking_begin(parent, menu, ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR, active, is_active, body, zr_vec2(0,0))) goto failed; menu->flags |= ZR_WINDOW_COMBO_MENU; } return; failed: zr_zero(menu, sizeof(*menu)); menu->valid = zr_false; menu->style = parent->style; menu->buffer = parent->buffer; menu->input = parent->input; menu->queue = parent->queue; } zr_bool zr_menu_item(struct zr_context *menu, enum zr_text_align align, const char *title) {return zr_contextual_item(menu, title, align);} zr_bool zr_menu_item_icon(struct zr_context *menu, struct zr_image img, const char *title, enum zr_text_align align) {return zr_contextual_item_icon(menu, img, title, align);} zr_bool zr_menu_item_symbol(struct zr_context *menu, enum zr_symbol symbol, const char *title, enum zr_text_align align) {return zr_contextual_item_symbol(menu, symbol, title, align);} zr_state zr_menu_close(struct zr_context *menu) {zr_popup_close(menu); return zr_false;} void zr_menu_end(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *menu) { ZR_ASSERT(parent); ZR_ASSERT(menu); if (!parent || !menu) return; if (!parent->valid) return; zr_popup_nonblocking_end(parent, menu, 0); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * TOOLTIP * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ void zr_tooltip_begin(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *tip, zr_float width) { const struct zr_input *in; struct zr_rect bounds; ZR_ASSERT(tip); ZR_ASSERT(parent); if (!tip || !parent) return; in = parent->input; bounds.w = width; bounds.h = zr_null_rect.h; bounds.x = (in->mouse.pos.x + 1) - parent->clip.x; bounds.y = (in->mouse.pos.y + 1) - parent->clip.y; zr_popup_begin(parent, tip, ZR_POPUP_DYNAMIC, ZR_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR, bounds, zr_vec2(0,0)); } void zr_tooltip_end(struct zr_context *parent, struct zr_context *tip) { zr_popup_close(tip); zr_popup_end(parent, tip, 0); } void zr_tooltip(struct zr_context *layout, const char *text) { zr_size text_len; zr_size text_width; zr_size text_height; struct zr_context tip; const struct zr_style *config; struct zr_vec2 item_padding; struct zr_vec2 padding; ZR_ASSERT(layout); ZR_ASSERT(text); if (!layout || !text) return; /* calculate size of the text and tooltip */ config = layout->style; padding = config->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_PADDING]; item_padding = config->properties[ZR_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING]; text_len = zr_strsiz(text); text_width = config->font.width(config->font.userdata, text, text_len); text_width += (zr_size)(2 * padding.x + 2 * item_padding.x); text_height = (zr_size)(config->font.height + 2 * item_padding.y); zr_tooltip_begin(layout, &tip, (zr_float)text_width); zr_layout_row_dynamic(&tip, (zr_float)text_height, 1); zr_text(&tip, text, text_len, ZR_TEXT_LEFT); zr_tooltip_end(layout, &tip); }