/* nuklear - v1.32.0 - public domain */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NK_INCLUDE_FIXED_TYPES #define NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_IO #define NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_VARARGS #define NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR #define NK_IMPLEMENTATION #include "../../nuklear.h" #define NK_XCB_CAIRO_IMPLEMENTATION #include "nuklear_xcb.h" static void die(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); fputs("\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* =============================================================== * * EXAMPLE * * ===============================================================*/ /* This are some code examples to provide a small overview of what can be * done with this library. To try out an example uncomment the defines */ /*#define INCLUDE_ALL */ /*#define INCLUDE_STYLE */ /*#define INCLUDE_CALCULATOR */ /*#define INCLUDE_OVERVIEW */ /*#define INCLUDE_NODE_EDITOR */ /*#define INCLUDE_CANVAS */ #ifdef INCLUDE_ALL #define INCLUDE_STYLE #define INCLUDE_CALCULATOR #define INCLUDE_OVERVIEW #define INCLUDE_NODE_EDITOR #define INCLUDE_CANVAS #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_STYLE #include "../common/style.c" #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_CALCULATOR #include "../common/calculator.c" #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_OVERVIEW #include "../common/overview.c" #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_NODE_EDITOR #include "../common/node_editor.c" #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_CANVAS #include "../common/canvas.c" #endif /* =============================================================== * * DEMO * * ===============================================================*/ int main(void) { struct nk_xcb_context *xcb_ctx; struct nk_color background = nk_rgb(0, 0, 0); struct nk_cairo_context *cairo_ctx; struct nk_user_font *font; struct nk_context* ctx; int running = 1; int events; xcb_ctx = nk_xcb_init("Nuklear XCB/Cairo", 20, 20, 600, 800); cairo_ctx = nk_cairo_init(&background, NULL, 0, nk_xcb_create_cairo_surface(xcb_ctx)); /*cairo_ctx = nk_cairo_init(&background, "../../extra_font/DroidSans.ttf", 0, nk_xcb_create_surface(xcb_ctx));*/ font = nk_cairo_default_font(cairo_ctx); ctx = malloc(sizeof(struct nk_context)); nk_init_default(ctx, font); #ifdef INCLUDE_STYLE set_style(ctx, THEME_BLACK); /*nk_style_push_float(ctx, &ctx->style.window.rounding, 20.0f);*/ /*set_style(ctx, THEME_WHITE);*/ /*set_style(ctx, THEME_RED);*/ /*set_style(ctx, THEME_BLUE);*/ /*set_style(ctx, THEME_DARK);*/ #endif while (running) { /* Events */ events = nk_xcb_handle_event(xcb_ctx, ctx); if (events & NK_XCB_EVENT_STOP) { break; } if (events & NK_XCB_EVENT_PAINT) { nk_cairo_damage(cairo_ctx); } if (events & NK_XCB_EVENT_RESIZED) { nk_xcb_resize_cairo_surface(xcb_ctx, nk_cairo_surface(cairo_ctx)); } /* GUI */ if (nk_begin(ctx, "Demo", nk_rect(50, 50, 200, 200), NK_WINDOW_BORDER|NK_WINDOW_MOVABLE|NK_WINDOW_SCALABLE| NK_WINDOW_CLOSABLE|NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE|NK_WINDOW_TITLE)) { enum {EASY, HARD}; static int op = EASY; static int property = 20; nk_layout_row_static(ctx, 30, 80, 1); if (nk_button_label(ctx, "button")) fprintf(stdout, "button pressed\n"); nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 30, 2); if (nk_option_label(ctx, "easy", op == EASY)) op = EASY; if (nk_option_label(ctx, "hard", op == HARD)) op = HARD; nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1); nk_property_int(ctx, "Compression:", 0, &property, 100, 10, 1); } nk_end(ctx); if (nk_window_is_hidden(ctx, "Demo")) { break; } /* -------------- EXAMPLES ---------------- */ #ifdef INCLUDE_CALCULATOR calculator(ctx); #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_OVERVIEW overview(ctx); #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_NODE_EDITOR node_editor(ctx); #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_CANVAS canvas(ctx); #endif /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* Render */ nk_cairo_render(cairo_ctx, ctx); nk_xcb_render(xcb_ctx); nk_clear(ctx); } nk_free(ctx); free(ctx); nk_cairo_free(cairo_ctx); nk_xcb_free(xcb_ctx); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }