Finished documenation conversion

This commit is contained in:
vurtun 2018-01-09 12:15:44 +01:00
parent 8027ebe0ee
commit c9189a250b
2 changed files with 1527 additions and 355 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
2. Input section
3. Drawing section
4. Window section
5. Layouting
5. Layouting section
6. Groups section
7. License section
8. Changelog section
9. Gallery section
@ -496,7 +497,9 @@ while (1) {
// [...]
const struct nk_command *cmd = 0;
nk_foreach(cmd, &ctx) {
switch (cmd->type) {
@ -531,6 +534,8 @@ while (1) {
// draw
const struct nk_command *cmd = 0;
nk_foreach(cmd, &ctx) {
switch (cmd->type) {
@ -561,10 +566,14 @@ use dynamically allocated memory).
//[... other defines ...]
#include "nuklear.h"
// setup context
struct nk_context ctx;
void *last = calloc(1,64*1024);
void *buf = calloc(1,64*1024);
nk_init_fixed(&ctx, buf, 64*1024);
// loop
while (1) {
// [...input...]
// [...ui...]
@ -616,12 +625,14 @@ cfg.curve_segment_count = 22;
cfg.arc_segment_count = 22;
cfg.global_alpha = 1.0f;
cfg.null = dev->null;
// setup buffers and convert
struct nk_buffer cmds, verts, idx;
nk_convert(&ctx, &cmds, &verts, &idx, &cfg);
// draw
nk_draw_foreach(cmd, &ctx, &cmds) {
if (!cmd->elem_count) continue;
@ -854,6 +865,367 @@ NK_WINDOW_SCROLL_AUTO_HIDE | Automatically hides the window scrollbar if no use
NK_WINDOW_BACKGROUND | Always keep window in the background
NK_WINDOW_SCALE_LEFT | Puts window scaler in the left-ottom corner instead right-bottom
NK_WINDOW_NO_INPUT | Prevents window of scaling, moving or getting focus
#### enum nk_collapse_states
State | Description
__NK_MINIMIZED__| UI section is collased and not visibile until maximized
__NK_MAXIMIZED__| UI section is extended and visibile until minimized
<br /><br />
#### nk_begin
Starts a new window; needs to be called every frame for every
window (unless hidden) or otherwise the window gets removed
NK_API int nk_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *title, struct nk_rect bounds, nk_flags flags);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__title__ | Window title and identifier. Needs to be persistent over frames to identify the window
__bounds__ | Initial position and window size. However if you do not define `NK_WINDOW_SCALABLE` or `NK_WINDOW_MOVABLE` you can set window position and size every frame
__flags__ | Window flags defined in `enum nk_panel_flags` with a number of different window behaviors
Returns `true(1)` if the window can be filled up with widgets from this point
until `nk_end or `false(0)` otherwise for example if minimized
#### nk_begin_titled
Extended window start with separated title and identifier to allow multiple
windows with same name but not title
NK_API int nk_begin_titled(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name, const char *title, struct nk_rect bounds, nk_flags flags);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Window identifier. Needs to be persistent over frames to identify the window
__title__ | Window title displayed inside header if flag `NK_WINDOW_TITLE` or either `NK_WINDOW_CLOSABLE` or `NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED` was set
__bounds__ | Initial position and window size. However if you do not define `NK_WINDOW_SCALABLE` or `NK_WINDOW_MOVABLE` you can set window position and size every frame
__flags__ | Window flags defined in `enum nk_panel_flags` with a number of different window behaviors
Returns `true(1)` if the window can be filled up with widgets from this point
until `nk_end or `false(0)` otherwise for example if minimized
#### nk_end
Needs to be called at the end of the window building process to process scaling, scrollbars and general cleanup.
All widget calls after this functions will result in asserts or no state changes
NK_API void nk_end(struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
#### nk_window_find
Finds and returns a window from passed name
NK_API void nk_end(struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Window identifier
Returns a `nk_window` struct pointing to the identified window or NULL if
no window with given name was found
#### nk_window_get_bounds
Returns a rectangle with screen position and size of the currently processed window
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
NK_API struct nk_rect nk_window_get_bounds(const struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns a `nk_rect` struct with window upper left window position and size
#### nk_window_get_bounds
Returns the position of the currently processed window.
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_window_get_position(const struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns a `nk_vec2` struct with window upper left position
#### nk_window_get_size
Returns the size with width and height of the currently processed window.
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_window_get_size(const struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns a `nk_vec2` struct with window width and height
#### nk_window_get_width
Returns the width of the currently processed window.
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
NK_API float nk_window_get_width(const struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns the current window width
#### nk_window_get_width
Returns the height of the currently processed window.
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
NK_API float nk_window_get_width(const struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns the current window width
#### nk_window_get_panel
Returns the underlying panel which contains all processing state of the current window.
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
Do not keep the returned panel pointer around it is only valid until `nk_end`
NK_API struct nk_panel* nk_window_get_panel(struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns a pointer to window internal `nk_panel` state.
#### nk_window_get_content_region
Returns the position and size of the currently visible and non-clipped space
inside the currently processed window.
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
NK_API struct nk_rect nk_window_get_content_region(struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns `nk_rect` struct with screen position and size (no scrollbar offset)
of the visible space inside the current window
#### nk_window_get_content_region_min
Returns the upper left position of the currently visible and non-clipped
space inside the currently processed window.
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_window_get_content_region_min(struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
returns `nk_vec2` struct with upper left screen position (no scrollbar offset)
of the visible space inside the current window
#### nk_window_get_content_region_max
Returns the lower right screen position of the currently visible and
non-clipped space inside the currently processed window.
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_window_get_content_region_max(struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns `nk_vec2` struct with lower right screen position (no scrollbar offset)
of the visible space inside the current window
#### nk_window_get_content_region_size
Returns the size of the currently visible and non-clipped space inside the
currently processed window
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_window_get_content_region_size(struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns `nk_vec2` struct with size the visible space inside the current window
#### nk_window_get_canvas
Returns the draw command buffer. Can be used to draw custom widgets
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
Do not keep the returned command buffer pointer around it is only valid until `nk_end`
NK_API struct nk_command_buffer* nk_window_get_canvas(struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns a pointer to window internal `nk_command_buffer` struct used as
drawing canvas. Can be used to do custom drawing.
#### nk_window_has_focus
Returns if the currently processed window is currently active
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
NK_API int nk_window_has_focus(const struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns `false(0)` if current window is not active or `true(1)` if it is
#### nk_window_is_hovered
Return if the current window is being hovered
Only call this function between calls `nk_begin_xxx` and `nk_end`
NK_API int nk_window_is_hovered(struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns `true(1)` if current window is hovered or `false(0)` otherwise
#### nk_window_is_collapsed
Returns if the window with given name is currently minimized/collapsed
NK_API int nk_window_is_collapsed(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of window you want to check if it is collapsed
Returns `true(1)` if current window is minimized and `false(0)` if window not
found or is not minimized
#### nk_window_is_closed
Returns if the window with given name was closed by calling `nk_close`
NK_API int nk_window_is_closed(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of window you want to check if it is closed
Returns `true(1)` if current window was closed or `false(0)` window not found or not closed
#### nk_window_is_hidden
Returns if the window with given name is hidden
NK_API int nk_window_is_hidden(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of window you want to check if it is hidden
Returns `true(1)` if current window is hidden or `false(0)` window not found or visible
#### nk_window_is_active
Same as nk_window_has_focus for some reason
NK_API int nk_window_is_active(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of window you want to check if it is active
Returns `true(1)` if current window is active or `false(0)` window not found or not active
#### nk_window_is_any_hovered
Returns if the any window is being hovered
NK_API int nk_window_is_any_hovered(struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns `true(1)` if any window is hovered or `false(0)` otherwise
#### nk_item_is_any_active
Returns if the any window is being hovered or any widget is currently active.
Can be used to decide if input should be processed by UI or your specific input handling.
Example could be UI and 3D camera to move inside a 3D space.
NK_API int nk_item_is_any_active(struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns `true(1)` if any window is hovered or any item is active or `false(0)` otherwise
#### nk_window_set_bounds
Updates position and size of window with passed in name
NK_API void nk_window_set_bounds(struct nk_context*, const char *name, struct nk_rect bounds);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of the window to modify both position and size
__bounds__ | Must point to a `nk_rect` struct with the new position and size
#### nk_window_set_position
Updates position of window with passed name
NK_API void nk_window_set_position(struct nk_context*, const char *name, struct nk_vec2 pos);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of the window to modify both position
__pos__ | Must point to a `nk_vec2` struct with the new position
#### nk_window_set_size
Updates size of window with passed in name
NK_API void nk_window_set_size(struct nk_context*, const char *name, struct nk_vec2);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of the window to modify both window size
__size__ | Must point to a `nk_vec2` struct with new window size
#### nk_window_set_focus
Sets the window with given name as active
NK_API void nk_window_set_focus(struct nk_context*, const char *name);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of the window to set focus on
#### nk_window_close
Closes a window and marks it for being freed at the end of the frame
NK_API void nk_window_close(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of the window to close
#### nk_window_collapse
Updates collapse state of a window with given name
NK_API void nk_window_collapse(struct nk_context*, const char *name, enum nk_collapse_states state);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of the window to close
__state__ | value out of `enum nk_collapse_states`
#### nk_window_collapse_if
Updates collapse state of a window with given name if given condition is met
NK_API void nk_window_collapse_if(struct nk_context*, const char *name, enum nk_collapse_states, int cond);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of the window to either collapse or maximize
__state__ | value out of `enum nk_collapse_states` the window should be put into
__cond__ | condition that has to be met to actually commit the collapse state change
#### nk_window_show
updates visibility state of a window with given name
NK_API void nk_window_show(struct nk_context*, const char *name, enum nk_show_states);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of the window to either collapse or maximize
__state__ | state with either visible or hidden to modify the window with
#### nk_window_show_if
Updates visibility state of a window with given name if a given condition is met
NK_API void nk_window_show_if(struct nk_context*, const char *name, enum nk_show_states, int cond);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__name__ | Identifier of the window to either hide or show
__state__ | state with either visible or hidden to modify the window with
__cond__ | condition that has to be met to actually commit the visbility state change
### Layouting
Layouting in general describes placing widget inside a window with position and size.
While in this particular implementation there are five different APIs for layouting
@ -903,9 +1275,11 @@ functions should be fine.
nk_layout_row_dynamic(&ctx, 30, 2);
// second row with same parameter as defined above
// third row uses 0 for height which will use auto layouting
nk_layout_row_dynamic(&ctx, 0, 2);
@ -923,9 +1297,11 @@ functions should be fine.
nk_layout_row_static(&ctx, 30, 80, 2);
// second row with same parameter as defined above
// third row uses 0 for height which will use auto layouting
nk_layout_row_static(&ctx, 0, 80, 2);
@ -950,6 +1326,7 @@ functions should be fine.
nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 40);
// second row with height: 25 composed of two widgets with window ratio 0.25 and 0.75
nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 25, 2);
nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 0.25f);
@ -957,6 +1334,7 @@ functions should be fine.
nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 0.75f);
// third row with auto generated height: composed of two widgets with window ratio 0.25 and 0.75
nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 0, 2);
nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 0.25f);
@ -982,6 +1360,7 @@ functions should be fine.
// two rows with height: 30 composed of two widgets with window ratio 0.25 and 0.75
const float ratio[] = {0.25, 0.75};
nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 30, 2, ratio);
@ -989,6 +1368,7 @@ functions should be fine.
// two rows with auto generated height composed of two widgets with window ratio 0.25 and 0.75
const float ratio[] = {0.25, 0.75};
nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 30, 2, ratio);
@ -1005,13 +1385,14 @@ functions should be fine.
unlike `nk_layout_row_xxx` it has auto repeat behavior and needs to be called
before calling the templated widgets.
The row template layout has three different per widget size specifier. The first
one is the static widget size specifier with fixed widget pixel width. They do
not grow if the row grows and will always stay the same. The second size
specifier is nk_layout_row_template_push_variable which defines a
minimum widget size but it also can grow if more space is available not taken
by other widgets. Finally there are dynamic widgets which are completely flexible
and unlike variable widgets can even shrink to zero if not enough space
is provided.
one is the `nk_layout_row_template_push_static` with fixed widget pixel width.
They do not grow if the row grows and will always stay the same.
The second size specifier is `nk_layout_row_template_push_variable`
which defines a minimum widget size but it also can grow if more space is available
not taken by other widgets.
Finally there are dynamic widgets with `nk_layout_row_template_push_dynamic`
which are completely flexible and unlike variable widgets can even shrink
to zero if not enough space is provided.
if (nk_begin_xxx(...) {
// two rows with height: 30 composed of three widgets
@ -1020,9 +1401,12 @@ functions should be fine.
nk_layout_row_template_push_variable(ctx, 80);
nk_layout_row_template_push_static(ctx, 80);
// first row
nk_widget(...); // dynamic widget can go to zero if not enough space
nk_widget(...); // variable widget with min 80 pixel but can grow bigger if enough space
nk_widget(...); // static widget with fixed 80 pixel width
// second row same layout
@ -1047,6 +1431,7 @@ functions should be fine.
nk_layout_space_push(ctx, nk_rect(200,200,100,200));
// dynamic row with height: 500 (you can set column count to INT_MAX if you don't want to be bothered)
nk_layout_space_begin(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 500, INT_MAX);
nk_layout_space_push(ctx, nk_rect(0.5,0.5,0.1,0.1));
@ -1082,7 +1467,231 @@ nk_layout_space_to_screen | Converts vector from nk_layout_space c
nk_layout_space_to_local | Converts vector from screen space into nk_layout_space coordinates
nk_layout_space_rect_to_screen | Converts rectangle from nk_layout_space coordinate space into screen space
nk_layout_space_rect_to_local | Converts rectangle from screen space into nk_layout_space coordinates
### Group
#### nk_layout_set_min_row_height
Sets the currently used minimum row height.
The passed height needs to include both your preferred row height
as well as padding. No internal padding is added.
NK_API void nk_layout_set_min_row_height(struct nk_context*, float height);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
__height__ | New minimum row height to be used for auto generating the row height
#### nk_layout_reset_min_row_height
Reset the currently used minimum row height back to `font_height + text_padding + padding`
NK_API void nk_layout_reset_min_row_height(struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
#### nk_layout_widget_bounds
Returns the width of the next row allocate by one of the layouting functions
NK_API struct nk_rect nk_layout_widget_bounds(struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
Return `nk_rect` with both position and size of the next row
#### nk_layout_ratio_from_pixel
Utility functions to calculate window ratio from pixel size
NK_API float nk_layout_ratio_from_pixel(struct nk_context*, float pixel_width);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
__pixel__ | Pixel_width to convert to window ratio
Returns `nk_rect` with both position and size of the next row
#### nk_layout_row_dynamic
Sets current row layout to share horizontal space
between @cols number of widgets evenly. Once called all subsequent widget
calls greater than @cols will allocate a new row with same layout.
NK_API void nk_layout_row_dynamic(struct nk_context *ctx, float height, int cols);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
__height__ | Holds height of each widget in row or zero for auto layouting
__columns__ | Number of widget inside row
#### nk_layout_row_dynamic
Sets current row layout to fill @cols number of widgets
in row with same @item_width horizontal size. Once called all subsequent widget
calls greater than @cols will allocate a new row with same layout.
NK_API void nk_layout_row_static(struct nk_context *ctx, float height, int item_width, int cols);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
__height__ | Holds height of each widget in row or zero for auto layouting
__width__ | Holds pixel width of each widget in the row
__columns__ | Number of widget inside row
#### nk_layout_row_begin
Starts a new dynamic or fixed row with given height and columns.
NK_API void nk_layout_row_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_layout_format fmt, float row_height, int cols);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
__fmt__ | either `NK_DYNAMIC` for window ratio or `NK_STATIC` for fixed size columns
__height__ | holds height of each widget in row or zero for auto layouting
__columns__ | Number of widget inside row
#### nk_layout_row_push
Specifies either window ratio or width of a single column
NK_API void nk_layout_row_push(struct nk_context*, float value);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
__value__ | either a window ratio or fixed width depending on @fmt in previous `nk_layout_row_begin` call
#### nk_layout_row_end
Finished previously started row
NK_API void nk_layout_row_end(struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
#### nk_layout_row
Specifies row columns in array as either window ratio or size
NK_API void nk_layout_row(struct nk_context*, enum nk_layout_format, float height, int cols, const float *ratio);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
__fmt__ | Either `NK_DYNAMIC` for window ratio or `NK_STATIC` for fixed size columns
__height__ | Holds height of each widget in row or zero for auto layouting
__columns__ | Number of widget inside row
#### nk_layout_row_template_begin
Begins the row template declaration
NK_API void nk_layout_row_template_begin(struct nk_context*, float row_height);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
__height__ | Holds height of each widget in row or zero for auto layouting
#### nk_layout_row_template_push_dynamic
Adds a dynamic column that dynamically grows and can go to zero if not enough space
NK_API void nk_layout_row_template_push_dynamic(struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
__height__ | Holds height of each widget in row or zero for auto layouting
#### nk_layout_row_template_push_variable
Adds a variable column that dynamically grows but does not shrink below specified pixel width
NK_API void nk_layout_row_template_push_variable(struct nk_context*, float min_width);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
__width__ | Holds the minimum pixel width the next column must always be
#### nk_layout_row_template_push_static
Adds a static column that does not grow and will always have the same size
NK_API void nk_layout_row_template_push_static(struct nk_context*, float width);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
__width__ | Holds the absolute pixel width value the next column must be
#### nk_layout_row_template_end
Marks the end of the row template
NK_API void nk_layout_row_template_end(struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
#### nk_layout_space_begin
Begins a new layouting space that allows to specify each widgets position and size.
NK_API void nk_layout_space_begin(struct nk_context*, enum nk_layout_format, float height, int widget_count);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_begin_xxx`
__fmt__ | Either `NK_DYNAMIC` for window ratio or `NK_STATIC` for fixed size columns
__height__ | Holds height of each widget in row or zero for auto layouting
__columns__ | Number of widgets inside row
#### nk_layout_space_push
Pushes position and size of the next widget in own coordinate space either as pixel or ratio
NK_API void nk_layout_space_push(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_rect bounds);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_layout_space_begin`
__bounds__ | Position and size in laoyut space local coordinates
#### nk_layout_space_end
Marks the end of the layout space
NK_API void nk_layout_space_end(struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_layout_space_begin`
#### nk_layout_space_bounds
Utility function to calculate total space allocated for `nk_layout_space`
NK_API struct nk_rect nk_layout_space_bounds(struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_layout_space_begin`
Returns `nk_rect` holding the total space allocated
#### nk_layout_space_to_screen
Converts vector from nk_layout_space coordinate space into screen space
NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_layout_space_to_screen(struct nk_context*, struct nk_vec2);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_layout_space_begin`
__vec__ | Position to convert from layout space into screen coordinate space
Returns transformed `nk_vec2` in screen space coordinates
#### nk_layout_space_to_screen
Converts vector from layout space into screen space
NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_layout_space_to_local(struct nk_context*, struct nk_vec2);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_layout_space_begin`
__vec__ | Position to convert from screen space into layout coordinate space
Returns transformed `nk_vec2` in layout space coordinates
#### nk_layout_space_rect_to_screen
Converts rectangle from screen space into layout space
NK_API struct nk_rect nk_layout_space_rect_to_screen(struct nk_context*, struct nk_rect);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_layout_space_begin`
__bounds__ | Rectangle to convert from layout space into screen space
Returns transformed `nk_rect` in screen space coordinates
#### nk_layout_space_rect_to_local
Converts rectangle from layout space into screen space
NK_API struct nk_rect nk_layout_space_rect_to_local(struct nk_context*, struct nk_rect);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct after call `nk_layout_space_begin`
__bounds__ | Rectangle to convert from layout space into screen space
Returns transformed `nk_rect` in layout space coordinates
### Groups
Groups are basically windows inside windows. They allow to subdivide space
in a window to layout widgets as a group. Almost all more complex widget
layouting requirements can be solved using groups and basic layouting
@ -1120,6 +1729,7 @@ while (1) {
// Window
if (nk_begin_xxx(...) {
// [...widgets...]
@ -1130,6 +1740,7 @@ while (1) {
// Draw
const struct nk_command *cmd = 0;
nk_foreach(cmd, &ctx) {
@ -1154,6 +1765,60 @@ nk_group_end | Ends a group. Should only be called if nk_grou
nk_group_scrolled_offset_begin | Start a new group with manual separated handling of scrollbar x- and y-offset
nk_group_scrolled_begin | Start a new group with manual scrollbar handling
nk_group_scrolled_end | Ends a group with manual scrollbar handling. Should only be called if nk_group_begin returned non-zero
#### nk_group_begin
Starts a new widget group. Requires a previous layouting function to specify a pos/size.
NK_API int nk_group_begin(struct nk_context*, const char *title, nk_flags);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__title__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__flags__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
Returns `true(1)` if visible and fillable with widgets or `false(0)` otherwise
#### nk_group_end
Ends a widget group
NK_API void nk_group_end(struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
#### nk_group_scrolled_offset_begin
starts a new widget group. requires a previous layouting function to specify
a size. Does not keep track of scrollbar.
NK_API int nk_group_scrolled_offset_begin(struct nk_context*, nk_uint *x_offset, nk_uint *y_offset, const char *title, nk_flags flags);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__x_offset__| Scrollbar x-offset to offset all widgets inside the group horizontally.
__y_offset__| Scrollbar y-offset to offset all widgets inside the group vertically
__title__ | Window unique group title used to both identify and display in the group header
__flags__ | Window flags from `enum nk_panel_flags`
Returns `true(1)` if visible and fillable with widgets or `false(0)` otherwise
#### nk_group_scrolled_begin
Starts a new widget group. requires a previous
layouting function to specify a size. Does not keep track of scrollbar.
NK_API int nk_group_scrolled_begin(struct nk_context*, struct nk_scroll *off, const char *title, nk_flags);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
__off__ | Both x- and y- scroll offset. Allows for manual scrollbar control
__title__ | Window unique group title used to both identify and display in the group header
__flags__ | Window flags from `enum nk_panel_flags`
Returns `true(1)` if visible and fillable with widgets or `false(0)` otherwise
#### nk_group_scrolled_end
Ends a widget group after calling nk_group_scrolled_offset_begin or nk_group_scrolled_begin.
NK_API void nk_group_scrolled_end(struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct
scores --------- */
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