added panel group + panel border

This commit is contained in:
vurtun 2015-03-16 14:02:47 +01:00
parent de1cc580fe
commit b2abef3b5a
3 changed files with 155 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -1102,8 +1102,9 @@ gui_command(struct gui_draw_buffer *buf, gui_char *buffer, gui_size *length,
gui_spinner(struct gui_draw_buffer *buffer, const struct gui_spinner *spinner,
gui_int *value, const struct gui_font *font, const struct gui_input *in)
gui_spinner(struct gui_draw_buffer *buffer, gui_int *value,
const struct gui_spinner *spinner, const struct gui_font *font,
const struct gui_input *in)
struct gui_button button;
struct gui_input_field field;
@ -1271,7 +1272,7 @@ gui_histo(struct gui_draw_buffer *buffer, const struct gui_histo *histo,
return selected;
gui_scroll(struct gui_draw_buffer *buffer, const struct gui_scroll *scroll,
const struct gui_input *in)
@ -1280,8 +1281,8 @@ gui_scroll(struct gui_draw_buffer *buffer, const struct gui_scroll *scroll,
struct gui_button button;
gui_float scroll_y, scroll_w, scroll_h;
gui_size scroll_offset;
gui_size scroll_step;
gui_float scroll_offset;
gui_float scroll_step;
gui_float scroll_off, scroll_ratio;
gui_float cursor_x, cursor_y;
@ -1292,6 +1293,7 @@ gui_scroll(struct gui_draw_buffer *buffer, const struct gui_scroll *scroll,
scroll_w = MAX(scroll->w, 0);
scroll_h = MAX(scroll->h, 2 * scroll_w);
gui_draw_rectf(buffer, scroll->x, scroll->y, scroll_w, scroll_h, scroll->background);
gui_draw_rect(buffer, scroll->x, scroll->y, scroll_w, scroll_h, scroll->border);
if (scroll->target <= scroll_h) return 0;
button.x = scroll->x;
@ -1310,10 +1312,10 @@ gui_scroll(struct gui_draw_buffer *buffer, const struct gui_scroll *scroll,
scroll_h = scroll_h - 2 * button.h;
scroll_y = scroll->y + button.h;
scroll_step = MIN(scroll->step, (gui_size)scroll_h);
scroll_offset = MIN(scroll->offset, (gui_size)(scroll->target - (gui_size)scroll_h));
scroll_ratio = (gui_float)scroll_h/(gui_float)scroll->target;
scroll_off = (gui_float)scroll_offset/(gui_float)scroll->target;
scroll_step = MIN(scroll->step, scroll_h);
scroll_offset = MIN(scroll->offset, scroll->target - scroll_h);
scroll_ratio = scroll_h / scroll->target;
scroll_off = scroll_offset / scroll->target;
cursor_h = scroll_ratio * scroll_h;
cursor_y = scroll_y + (scroll_off * scroll_h);
@ -1324,14 +1326,14 @@ gui_scroll(struct gui_draw_buffer *buffer, const struct gui_scroll *scroll,
incursor = INBOX(in->mouse_prev.x, in->mouse_prev.y, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_w, cursor_h);
if (in->mouse_down && inscroll && incursor) {
const gui_float pixel = in->mouse_delta.y;
const gui_float delta = (pixel / (gui_float)scroll_h) * (gui_float)scroll->target;
scroll_offset = MIN(scroll_offset + (gui_size)delta, scroll->target - (gui_size)scroll_h);
const gui_float delta = (pixel / scroll_h) * scroll->target;
scroll_offset = CLAMP(0, scroll_offset + delta, scroll->target - scroll_h);
cursor_y += pixel;
} else if (button_up_pressed || button_down_pressed) {
scroll_offset = (button_down_pressed) ?
MIN(scroll_offset + scroll_step, scroll->target - (gui_size)scroll_h):
MIN(scroll_offset + scroll_step, scroll->target - scroll_h):
MAX(0, scroll_offset - scroll_step);
scroll_off = (gui_float)scroll_offset / (gui_float)scroll->target;
scroll_off = scroll_offset / scroll->target;
cursor_y = scroll_y + (scroll_off * scroll_h);
@ -1353,7 +1355,7 @@ gui_default_config(struct gui_config *config)
config->item_padding = gui_make_vec2(4.0f, 4.0f);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_TEXT] = gui_make_color(255, 255, 255, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_PANEL] = gui_make_color(45, 45, 45, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BORDER] = gui_make_color(0, 0, 0, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BORDER] = gui_make_color(100, 100, 100, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_TITLEBAR] = gui_make_color(45, 45, 45, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BUTTON] = gui_make_color(45, 45, 45, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER] = gui_make_color(100, 100, 100, 255);
@ -1378,8 +1380,9 @@ gui_default_config(struct gui_config *config)
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_PLOT] = gui_make_color(100, 100, 100, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_PLOT_LINES] = gui_make_color(45, 45, 45, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_PLOT_HIGHLIGHT] = gui_make_color(255, 0, 0, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SCROLLBAR] = gui_make_color(100, 100, 100, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR] = gui_make_color(45, 45, 45, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SCROLLBAR] = gui_make_color(41, 41, 41, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR] = gui_make_color(70, 70, 70, 255);
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_BORDER] = gui_make_color(45, 45, 45, 255);
@ -1427,12 +1430,16 @@ gui_panel_begin(struct gui_panel *panel, struct gui_draw_buffer *out,
clip.x = x; clip.w = w;
clip.y = y + panel->header_height;
clip.h = h - panel->header_height;
if (panel->flags & GUI_PANEL_SCROLLBAR)
clip.h -= config->panel_padding.y;
gui_push_clip(out, &clip);
} else {
clip.x = x; clip.y = y;
clip.w = w; clip.h = h;
if (panel->flags & GUI_PANEL_SCROLLBAR)
clip.h -= config->panel_padding.y;
gui_push_clip(out, &clip);
panel->header_height = 0.0f;
panel->header_height = config->panel_padding.y + config->item_padding.y;
panel->out = out;
@ -1832,7 +1839,7 @@ gui_panel_spinner(struct gui_panel *panel, gui_int min, gui_int *value,
spinner.foreground = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SPINNER_BORDER];
spinner.button = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SPINNER_BUTTON];
spinner.font = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_TEXT];
return gui_spinner(panel->out, &spinner, value, panel->font, panel->in);
return gui_spinner(panel->out, value, &spinner, panel->font, panel->in);
@ -1888,26 +1895,123 @@ gui_panel_histo(struct gui_panel *panel, const gui_float *values, gui_size count
return gui_histo(panel->out, &histo, panel->in);
void gui_panel_end(struct gui_panel *panel)
gui_panel_group_begin(struct gui_panel *group, const char *title, struct gui_panel *panel)
struct gui_rect bounds;
struct gui_rect clip;
const struct gui_config *config;
const struct gui_color *color;
if (!panel || !panel->config || !panel->in || !panel->out || !group ||
panel->minimized) return;
gui_panel_alloc_space(&bounds, panel);
config = panel->config;
color = &config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BORDER];
gui_panel_init(group, panel->config, panel->font, panel->in);
group->out = panel->out;
group->x = bounds.x;
group->y = bounds.y;
group->at_y = group->y;
group->width = bounds.w;
group->width -= config->scrollbar_width;
group->index = 0;
group->header_height = 0;
group->offset = 0;
group->row_height = 0;
group->row_columns = 0;
group->minimized = gui_false;
group->header_height = config->panel_padding.y + config->item_padding.y;
group->row_height = group->header_height;
group->height = bounds.h - group->header_height - config->panel_padding.y;
if (title) {
const struct gui_color *font = &config->colors[GUI_COLOR_TEXT];
const char *p = title;
gui_size text_len = 0;
gui_float label_x, label_y;
gui_float label_w, label_h;
gui_float offset = group->font->height / 2;
gui_int font_width = group->font->glyphes['X'].width;
gui_size text_width;
while (*p++ != '\0') text_len++;
text_width = gui_font_text_width(group->font, (const gui_char*)title, text_len);
label_x = group->x + (gui_float)font_width;
label_y = group->y + group->font->height;
label_w = (gui_float)text_width;
label_h = group->font->height;
gui_draw_line(group->out, group->x, group->y + offset,
label_x, group->y + offset, *color);
gui_draw_string(group->out, group->font, label_x, label_y,
label_w, label_h, *font, (const gui_char*)title, text_len);
gui_draw_line(group->out, label_x + label_w, group->y + offset,
group->x + group->width, group->y + offset, *color);
} else {
gui_draw_line(panel->out, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.x + bounds.w, bounds.y, *color);
clip.x = group->x - 1; clip.w = group->width + 1;
clip.y = group->y - 1; clip.h = group->height + 1;
clip.h -= config->panel_padding.y;
gui_push_clip(group->out, &clip);
gui_panel_group_end(struct gui_panel *group)
gui_panel_end(struct gui_panel *panel)
if (panel->flags & GUI_PANEL_SCROLLBAR && !panel->minimized) {
gui_float padding_y;
struct gui_scroll scroll;
const struct gui_config *config;
gui_float space = (panel->at_y + panel->row_height) - panel->y - panel->header_height;
gui_float space = (panel->at_y + panel->row_height) - panel->y;
space -= (panel->flags & GUI_PANEL_HEADER) ? panel->header_height : 0;
config = panel->config;
scroll.w = config->scrollbar_width;
scroll.h = panel->height;
scroll.y = panel->y + panel->header_height;
scroll.y = (panel->flags & GUI_PANEL_BORDER) ? panel->y + 1 : panel->y;
if (panel->flags & GUI_PANEL_HEADER)
scroll.y += panel->header_height;
else scroll.h += panel->header_height;
scroll.h = (panel->flags & GUI_PANEL_BORDER) ? scroll.h - 1: scroll.h;
scroll.x = panel->x + panel->width;
scroll.offset = (gui_size)panel->offset; = (gui_size)space;
scroll.step = (gui_size)(panel->height * 0.25f);
scroll.offset = panel->offset; = space;
scroll.step = panel->height * 0.25f;
scroll.background = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SCROLLBAR];
scroll.foreground = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR];
scroll.border = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_BORDER];
panel->offset = (gui_float)gui_scroll(panel->out, &scroll, panel->in);
padding_y = panel->y + panel->height + panel->header_height - config->panel_padding.y;
gui_draw_rectf(panel->out, panel->x, padding_y, panel->width, config->panel_padding.y,
} else {
panel->height = panel->at_y - panel->y;
panel->height = panel->at_y + panel->row_height - panel->y;
if (panel->flags & GUI_PANEL_BORDER) {
const struct gui_config *config;
gui_float padding_y, width;
config = panel->config;
padding_y = panel->y + panel->height + panel->header_height;
width = (panel->flags & GUI_PANEL_SCROLLBAR) ?
panel->width + config->scrollbar_width : panel->width;
gui_draw_line(panel->out, panel->x, padding_y, panel->x + width,
padding_y, config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BORDER]);
gui_draw_line(panel->out, panel->x, panel->y, panel->x,
padding_y, config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BORDER]);
gui_draw_line(panel->out, panel->x + width, panel->y, panel->x + width,
padding_y, config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BORDER]);

View File

@ -9,14 +9,13 @@
* ------------- TODO-List ------------
* - Input cursor is fucked!!!
* - panel
* o Group (3)
* o Border (2)
* o Group (1)
* o Moveable
* o Scaleable
* o Tabs (5)
* o Tabs (2)
* o Icon
* o combobox
* o listView (4)
* o listView (3)
* o treeView
* o textBox
* ---------------------------------------
@ -212,11 +211,12 @@ struct gui_progress {
struct gui_scroll {
gui_float x, y;
gui_float w, h;
gui_size offset;
gui_size target;
gui_size step;
gui_float offset;
gui_float target;
gui_float step;
struct gui_color background;
struct gui_color foreground;
struct gui_color border;
enum gui_input_filter {
@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ enum gui_colors {
@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ struct gui_config {
enum gui_panel_flags {
@ -389,10 +390,10 @@ gui_int gui_input(struct gui_draw_buffer *buf, gui_char *buffer, gui_size *leng
gui_size gui_command(struct gui_draw_buffer *buf, gui_char *buffer, gui_size *length,
gui_int *active, const struct gui_input_field *input,
const struct gui_font *font, const struct gui_input *in);
gui_int gui_spinner(struct gui_draw_buffer *buf, const struct gui_spinner *spinner,
gui_int *value, const struct gui_font *font,
gui_int gui_spinner(struct gui_draw_buffer *buf, gui_int *value,
const struct gui_spinner *spinner, const struct gui_font *font,
const struct gui_input *in);
gui_size gui_scroll(struct gui_draw_buffer *buf, const struct gui_scroll *scroll,
gui_float gui_scroll(struct gui_draw_buffer *buf, const struct gui_scroll *scroll,
const struct gui_input *in);
gui_int gui_histo(struct gui_draw_buffer *buf, const struct gui_histo *histo,
const struct gui_input *in);
@ -432,6 +433,8 @@ gui_int gui_panel_plot(struct gui_panel *panel, const gui_float *values,
gui_size value_count);
gui_int gui_panel_histo(struct gui_panel *panel, const gui_float *values,
gui_size value_count);
void gui_panel_group_begin(struct gui_panel *panel, const char *t, struct gui_panel *tab);
void gui_panel_group_end(struct gui_panel *tab);
void gui_panel_end(struct gui_panel *panel);

View File

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ struct GUI {
struct gui_font *font;
struct gui_config config;
struct gui_panel panel;
struct gui_panel group;
/* State */
gui_char input_text[INPUT_MAX];
@ -502,23 +503,30 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
gui_begin(&gui.out, &gui.memory);
xw.running = gui_panel_begin(&gui.panel, &gui.out, "Demo",
20, 20, 200, 260);
20, 20, 200, 400);
gui_panel_layout(&gui.panel, 30, 1);
if (gui_panel_button_text(&gui.panel, "button", 6, GUI_BUTTON_SWITCH))
fprintf(stdout, "button pressed!\n");
gui.slider = gui_panel_slider(&gui.panel, 0.0f, gui.slider, 10.0f, 1.0f);
gui.prog = gui_panel_progress(&gui.panel, gui.prog, 100, gui_true);
gui.selected = gui_panel_toggle(&gui.panel, s[gui.selected],
strlen(s[gui.selected]), gui.selected);
strlen(s[gui.selected]), gui.selected);
gui.typing = gui_panel_input(&gui.panel, gui.input_text, &gui.input_len, INPUT_MAX,
GUI_INPUT_DEFAULT, gui.typing);
GUI_INPUT_DEFAULT, gui.typing);
gui.submit = gui_panel_command(&gui.panel, gui.cmd_input, &gui.cmd_len, INPUT_MAX,
gui.spinning = gui_panel_spinner(&gui.panel, 0, &gui.spinner, 250, 10, gui.spinning);
gui_panel_layout(&gui.panel, 100, 1);
gui_panel_group_begin(&, NULL, &gui.panel);
gui_panel_layout(&, 30, 1);
if (gui_panel_button_text(&, "button", 6, GUI_BUTTON_SWITCH))
fprintf(stdout, "button group pressed!\n");
gui_panel_layout(&gui.panel, 100, 1);
gui_panel_plot(&gui.panel, values, LEN(values));
gui_panel_histo(&gui.panel, values, LEN(values));
gui_end(&gui.out, &gui.draw_list, NULL);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------*/