Second last doc conversion commit

This commit is contained in:
vurtun 2018-01-08 16:08:38 +01:00
parent 8709a881f0
commit 8027ebe0ee
2 changed files with 1555 additions and 712 deletions

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@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
6. API section
1. Context section
2. Input section
3. Drawing section
4. Window section
5. Layouting
7. License section
8. Changelog section
9. Gallery section
@ -81,14 +84,14 @@ Flag | Description
NK_PRIVATE | If defined declares all functions as static, so they can only be accessed inside the file that contains the implementation
NK_INCLUDE_FIXED_TYPES | If defined it will include header `<stdint.h>` for fixed sized types otherwise nuklear tries to select the correct type. If that fails it will throw a compiler error and you have to select the correct types yourself.
NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR | if defined it will include header `<stdlib.h>` and provide additional functions to use this library without caring for memory allocation control and therefore ease memory management.
NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_IO | if defined it will include header `<stdio.h>` and provide additional functions depending on file loading.
NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_VARARGS | if defined it will include header <stdio.h> and provide additional functions depending on file loading.
NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR | If defined it will include header `<stdlib.h>` and provide additional functions to use this library without caring for memory allocation control and therefore ease memory management.
NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_IO | If defined it will include header `<stdio.h>` and provide additional functions depending on file loading.
NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_VARARGS | If defined it will include header <stdio.h> and provide additional functions depending on file loading.
NK_INCLUDE_VERTEX_BUFFER_OUTPUT | Defining this adds a vertex draw command list backend to this library, which allows you to convert queue commands into vertex draw commands. This is mainly if you need a hardware accessible format for OpenGL, DirectX, Vulkan, Metal,...
NK_INCLUDE_FONT_BAKING | Defining this adds `stb_truetype` and `stb_rect_pack` implementation to this library and provides font baking and rendering. If you already have font handling or do not want to use this font handler you don't have to define it.
NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_FONT | Defining this adds the default font: ProggyClean.ttf into this library which can be loaded into a font atlas and allows using this library without having a truetype font
NK_INCLUDE_COMMAND_USERDATA | Defining this adds a userdata pointer into each command. Can be useful for example if you want to provide custom shaders depending on the used widget. Can be combined with the style structures.
NK_BUTTON_TRIGGER_ON_RELEASE | Different platforms require button clicks occurring either on buttons being pressed (up to down) or released (down to up). By default this library will react on buttons being pressed, but if you define this it will only trigger if a button is released.
NK_BUTTON_TRIGGER_ON_RELEASE | Different platforms require button clicks occurring either on buttons being pressed (up to down) or released (down to up). By default this library will react on buttons being pressed, but if you define this it will only trigger if a button is released.
NK_ZERO_COMMAND_MEMORY | Defining this will zero out memory for each drawing command added to a drawing queue (inside nk_command_buffer_push). Zeroing command memory is very useful for fast checking (using memcmp) if command buffers are equal and avoid drawing frames when nothing on screen has changed since previous frame.
The following flags will pull in the standard C library:
@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ NK_INPUT_MAX | Defines the max number of bytes which can be a
### Dependencies
Function | Description
NK_ASSERT | If you don't define this, nuklear will use <assert.h> with assert().
NK_MEMSET | You can define this to 'memset' or your own memset implementation replacement. If not nuklear will use its own version.
NK_MEMCPY | You can define this to 'memcpy' or your own memcpy implementation replacement. If not nuklear will use its own version.
@ -444,6 +447,713 @@ NK_API void nk_input_end(struct nk_context *ctx);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to a previously initialized `nk_context` struct
### Drawing
This library was designed to be render backend agnostic so it does
not draw anything to screen directly. Instead all drawn shapes, widgets
are made of, are buffered into memory and make up a command queue.
Each frame therefore fills the command buffer with draw commands
that then need to be executed by the user and his own render backend.
After that the command buffer needs to be cleared and a new frame can be
started. It is probably important to note that the command buffer is the main
drawing API and the optional vertex buffer API only takes this format and
converts it into a hardware accessible format.
#### Usage
To draw all draw commands accumulated over a frame you need your own render
backend able to draw a number of 2D primitives. This includes at least
filled and stroked rectangles, circles, text, lines, triangles and scissors.
As soon as this criterion is met you can iterate over each draw command
and execute each draw command in a interpreter like fashion:
const struct nk_command *cmd = 0;
nk_foreach(cmd, &ctx) {
switch (cmd->type) {
case //...:
In program flow context draw commands need to be executed after input has been
gathered and the complete UI with windows and their contained widgets have
been executed and before calling `nk_clear` which frees all previously
allocated draw commands.
struct nk_context ctx;
nk_init_xxx(&ctx, ...);
while (1) {
Event evt;
while (GetEvent(&evt)) {
if (evt.type == MOUSE_MOVE)
nk_input_motion(&ctx, evt.motion.x, evt.motion.y);
else if (evt.type == [...]) {
// [...]
const struct nk_command *cmd = 0;
nk_foreach(cmd, &ctx) {
switch (cmd->type) {
case ...:
// [...]
You probably noticed that you have to draw all of the UI each frame which is
quite wasteful. While the actual UI updating loop is quite fast rendering
without actually needing it is not. So there are multiple things you could do.
First is only update on input. This of course is only an option if your
application only depends on the UI and does not require any outside calculations.
If you actually only update on input make sure to update the UI two times each
frame and call `nk_clear` directly after the first pass and only draw in
the second pass. In addition it is recommended to also add additional timers
to make sure the UI is not drawn more than a fixed number of frames per second.
struct nk_context ctx;
nk_init_xxx(&ctx, ...);
while (1) {
// [...wait for input ]
// [ two UI passes ...]
const struct nk_command *cmd = 0;
nk_foreach(cmd, &ctx) {
switch (cmd->type) {
case ...:
The second probably more applicable trick is to only draw if anything changed.
It is not really useful for applications with continuous draw loop but
quite useful for desktop applications. To actually get nuklear to only
draw on changes you first have to define `NK_ZERO_COMMAND_MEMORY` and
allocate a memory buffer that will store each unique drawing output.
After each frame you compare the draw command memory inside the library
with your allocated buffer by memcmp. If memcmp detects differences
you have to copy the command buffer into the allocated buffer
and then draw like usual (this example uses fixed memory but you could
use dynamically allocated memory).
//[... other defines ...]
#include "nuklear.h"
struct nk_context ctx;
void *last = calloc(1,64*1024);
void *buf = calloc(1,64*1024);
nk_init_fixed(&ctx, buf, 64*1024);
while (1) {
// [...input...]
// [...ui...]
void *cmds = nk_buffer_memory(&ctx.memory);
if (memcmp(cmds, last, ctx.memory.allocated)) {
const struct nk_command *cmd = 0;
nk_foreach(cmd, &ctx) {
switch (cmd->type) {
case ...:
// [...]
Finally while using draw commands makes sense for higher abstracted platforms like
X11 and Win32 or drawing libraries it is often desirable to use graphics
hardware directly. Therefore it is possible to just define
`NK_INCLUDE_VERTEX_BUFFER_OUTPUT` which includes optional vertex output.
To access the vertex output you first have to convert all draw commands into
vertexes by calling `nk_convert` which takes in your preferred vertex format.
After successfully converting all draw commands just iterate over and execute all
vertex draw commands:
// fill configuration
struct nk_convert_config cfg = {};
static const struct nk_draw_vertex_layout_element vertex_layout[] = {
{NK_VERTEX_COLOR, NK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8, NK_OFFSETOF(struct your_vertex, col)},
cfg.vertex_layout = vertex_layout;
cfg.vertex_size = sizeof(struct your_vertex);
cfg.vertex_alignment = NK_ALIGNOF(struct your_vertex);
cfg.circle_segment_count = 22;
cfg.curve_segment_count = 22;
cfg.arc_segment_count = 22;
cfg.global_alpha = 1.0f;
cfg.null = dev->null;
// setup buffers and convert
struct nk_buffer cmds, verts, idx;
nk_convert(&ctx, &cmds, &verts, &idx, &cfg);
// draw
nk_draw_foreach(cmd, &ctx, &cmds) {
if (!cmd->elem_count) continue;
#### Reference
Function | Description
__nk__begin__ | Returns the first draw command in the context draw command list to be drawn
__nk__next__ | Increments the draw command iterator to the next command inside the context draw command list
__nk_foreach__ | Iterates over each draw command inside the context draw command list
__nk_convert__ | Converts from the abstract draw commands list into a hardware accessible vertex format
__nk_draw_begin__ | Returns the first vertex command in the context vertex draw list to be executed
__nk__draw_next__ | Increments the vertex command iterator to the next command inside the context vertex command list
__nk__draw_end__ | Returns the end of the vertex draw list
__nk_draw_foreach__ | Iterates over each vertex draw command inside the vertex draw list
#### nk__begin
Returns a draw command list iterator to iterate all draw
commands accumulated over one frame.
NK_API const struct nk_command* nk__begin(struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct at the end of a frame
Returns draw command pointer pointing to the first command inside the draw command list
#### nk__next
Returns a draw command list iterator to iterate all draw
NK_API const struct nk_command* nk__next(struct nk_context*, const struct nk_command*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct at the end of a frame
__cmd__ | Must point to an previously a draw command either returned by `nk__begin` or `nk__next`
Returns draw command pointer pointing to the next command inside the draw command list
#### nk_foreach
Iterates over each draw command inside the context draw command list
#define nk_foreach(c, ctx)
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct at the end of a frame
__cmd__ | Command pointer initialized to NULL
Returns draw command pointer pointing to the next command inside the draw command list
#### nk_convert
Converts all internal draw commands into vertex draw commands and fills
three buffers with vertexes, vertex draw commands and vertex indices. The vertex format
as well as some other configuration values have to be configured by filling out a
`nk_convert_config` struct.
NK_API nk_flags nk_convert(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_buffer *cmds,
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct at the end of a frame
__cmds__ | Must point to a previously initialized buffer to hold converted vertex draw commands
__vertices__| Must point to a previously initialized buffer to hold all produced vertices
__elements__| Must point to a previously initialized buffer to hold all produced vertex indices
__config__ | Must point to a filled out `nk_config` struct to configure the conversion process
Returns one of enum nk_convert_result error codes
Parameter | Description
NK_CONVERT_SUCCESS | Signals a successful draw command to vertex buffer conversion
NK_CONVERT_INVALID_PARAM | An invalid argument was passed in the function call
NK_CONVERT_COMMAND_BUFFER_FULL | The provided buffer for storing draw commands is full or failed to allocate more memory
NK_CONVERT_VERTEX_BUFFER_FULL | The provided buffer for storing vertices is full or failed to allocate more memory
NK_CONVERT_ELEMENT_BUFFER_FULL | The provided buffer for storing indicies is full or failed to allocate more memory
#### nk__draw_begin
Returns a draw vertex command buffer iterator to iterate each the vertex draw command buffer
NK_API const struct nk_draw_command* nk__draw_begin(const struct nk_context*, const struct nk_buffer*);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct at the end of a frame
__buf__ | Must point to an previously by `nk_convert` filled out vertex draw command buffer
Returns vertex draw command pointer pointing to the first command inside the vertex draw command buffer
#### nk__draw_end
Returns the vertex draw command at the end of the vertex draw command buffer
NK_API const struct nk_draw_command* nk__draw_end(const struct nk_context *ctx, const struct nk_buffer *buf);
Parameter | Description
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct at the end of a frame
__buf__ | Must point to an previously by `nk_convert` filled out vertex draw command buffer
Returns vertex draw command pointer pointing to the end of the last vertex draw command inside the vertex draw command buffer
#### nk__draw_next
Increments the vertex draw command buffer iterator
NK_API const struct nk_draw_command* nk__draw_next(const struct nk_draw_command*, const struct nk_buffer*, const struct nk_context*);
Parameter | Description
__cmd__ | Must point to an previously either by `nk__draw_begin` or `nk__draw_next` returned vertex draw command
__buf__ | Must point to an previously by `nk_convert` filled out vertex draw command buffer
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct at the end of a frame
Returns vertex draw command pointer pointing to the end of the last vertex draw command inside the vertex draw command buffer
#### nk_draw_foreach
Iterates over each vertex draw command inside a vertex draw command buffer
#define nk_draw_foreach(cmd,ctx, b)
Parameter | Description
__cmd__ | `nk_draw_command`iterator set to NULL
__buf__ | Must point to an previously by `nk_convert` filled out vertex draw command buffer
__ctx__ | Must point to an previously initialized `nk_context` struct at the end of a frame
### Window
Windows are the main persistent state used inside nuklear and are life time
controlled by simply "retouching" (i.e. calling) each window each frame.
All widgets inside nuklear can only be added inside function pair `nk_begin_xxx`
and `nk_end`. Calling any widgets outside these two functions will result in an
assert in debug or no state change in release mode.<br /><br />
Each window holds frame persistent state like position, size, flags, state tables,
and some garbage collected internal persistent widget state. Each window
is linked into a window stack list which determines the drawing and overlapping
order. The topmost window thereby is the currently active window.<br /><br />
To change window position inside the stack occurs either automatically by
user input by being clicked on or programmatically by calling `nk_window_focus`.
Windows by default are visible unless explicitly being defined with flag
`NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN`, the user clicked the close button on windows with flag
`NK_WINDOW_CLOSABLE` or if a window was explicitly hidden by calling
`nk_window_show`. To explicitly close and destroy a window call `nk_window_close`.<br /><br />
#### Usage
To create and keep a window you have to call one of the two `nk_begin_xxx`
functions to start window declarations and `nk_end` at the end. Furthermore it
is recommended to check the return value of `nk_begin_xxx` and only process
widgets inside the window if the value is not 0. Either way you have to call
`nk_end` at the end of window declarations. Furthermore, do not attempt to
nest `nk_begin_xxx` calls which will hopefully result in an assert or if not
in a segmentation fault.
if (nk_begin_xxx(...) {
// [... widgets ...]
In the grand concept window and widget declarations need to occur after input
handling and before drawing to screen. Not doing so can result in higher
latency or at worst invalid behavior. Furthermore make sure that `nk_clear`
is called at the end of the frame. While nuklear's default platform backends
already call `nk_clear` for you if you write your own backend not calling
`nk_clear` can cause asserts or even worse undefined behavior.
struct nk_context ctx;
nk_init_xxx(&ctx, ...);
while (1) {
Event evt;
while (GetEvent(&evt)) {
if (evt.type == MOUSE_MOVE)
nk_input_motion(&ctx, evt.motion.x, evt.motion.y);
else if (evt.type == [...]) {
if (nk_begin_xxx(...) {
const struct nk_command *cmd = 0;
nk_foreach(cmd, &ctx) {
case //...:
#### Reference
Function | Description
nk_begin | Starts a new window; needs to be called every frame for every window (unless hidden) or otherwise the window gets removed
nk_begin_titled | Extended window start with separated title and identifier to allow multiple windows with same name but not title
nk_end | Needs to be called at the end of the window building process to process scaling, scrollbars and general cleanup
nk_window_find | Finds and returns the window with give name
nk_window_get_bounds | Returns a rectangle with screen position and size of the currently processed window.
nk_window_get_position | Returns the position of the currently processed window
nk_window_get_size | Returns the size with width and height of the currently processed window
nk_window_get_width | Returns the width of the currently processed window
nk_window_get_height | Returns the height of the currently processed window
nk_window_get_panel | Returns the underlying panel which contains all processing state of the current window
nk_window_get_content_region | Returns the position and size of the currently visible and non-clipped space inside the currently processed window
nk_window_get_content_region_min | Returns the upper rectangle position of the currently visible and non-clipped space inside the currently processed window
nk_window_get_content_region_max | Returns the upper rectangle position of the currently visible and non-clipped space inside the currently processed window
nk_window_get_content_region_size | Returns the size of the currently visible and non-clipped space inside the currently processed window
nk_window_get_canvas | Returns the draw command buffer. Can be used to draw custom widgets
nk_window_has_focus | Returns if the currently processed window is currently active
nk_window_is_collapsed | Returns if the window with given name is currently minimized/collapsed
nk_window_is_closed | Returns if the currently processed window was closed
nk_window_is_hidden | Returns if the currently processed window was hidden
nk_window_is_active | Same as nk_window_has_focus for some reason
nk_window_is_hovered | Returns if the currently processed window is currently being hovered by mouse
nk_window_is_any_hovered | Return if any window currently hovered
nk_item_is_any_active | Returns if any window or widgets is currently hovered or active
nk_window_set_bounds | Updates position and size of the currently processed window
nk_window_set_position | Updates position of the currently process window
nk_window_set_size | Updates the size of the currently processed window
nk_window_set_focus | Set the currently processed window as active window
nk_window_close | Closes the window with given window name which deletes the window at the end of the frame
nk_window_collapse | Collapses the window with given window name
nk_window_collapse_if | Collapses the window with given window name if the given condition was met
nk_window_show | Hides a visible or reshows a hidden window
nk_window_show_if | Hides/shows a window depending on condition
#### enum nk_panel_flags
Flag | Description
NK_WINDOW_BORDER | Draws a border around the window to visually separate window from the background
NK_WINDOW_MOVABLE | The movable flag indicates that a window can be moved by user input or by dragging the window header
NK_WINDOW_SCALABLE | The scalable flag indicates that a window can be scaled by user input by dragging a scaler icon at the button of the window
NK_WINDOW_CLOSABLE | Adds a closable icon into the header
NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE | Adds a minimize icon into the header
NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR | Removes the scrollbar from the window
NK_WINDOW_TITLE | Forces a header at the top at the window showing the title
NK_WINDOW_SCROLL_AUTO_HIDE | Automatically hides the window scrollbar if no user interaction: also requires delta time in `nk_context` to be set each frame
NK_WINDOW_BACKGROUND | Always keep window in the background
NK_WINDOW_SCALE_LEFT | Puts window scaler in the left-ottom corner instead right-bottom
NK_WINDOW_NO_INPUT | Prevents window of scaling, moving or getting focus
### Layouting
Layouting in general describes placing widget inside a window with position and size.
While in this particular implementation there are five different APIs for layouting
each with different trade offs between control and ease of use. <br /><br />
All layouting methods in this library are based around the concept of a row.
A row has a height the window content grows by and a number of columns and each
layouting method specifies how each widget is placed inside the row.
After a row has been allocated by calling a layouting functions and then
filled with widgets will advance an internal pointer over the allocated row. <br /><br />
To actually define a layout you just call the appropriate layouting function
and each subsequent widget call will place the widget as specified. Important
here is that if you define more widgets then columns defined inside the layout
functions it will allocate the next row without you having to make another layouting <br /><br />
Biggest limitation with using all these APIs outside the `nk_layout_space_xxx` API
is that you have to define the row height for each. However the row height
often depends on the height of the font. <br /><br />
To fix that internally nuklear uses a minimum row height that is set to the
height plus padding of currently active font and overwrites the row height
value if zero. <br /><br />
If you manually want to change the minimum row height then
use nk_layout_set_min_row_height, and use nk_layout_reset_min_row_height to
reset it back to be derived from font height. <br /><br />
Also if you change the font in nuklear it will automatically change the minimum
row height for you and. This means if you change the font but still want
a minimum row height smaller than the font you have to repush your value. <br /><br />
For actually more advanced UI I would even recommend using the `nk_layout_space_xxx`
layouting method in combination with a cassowary constraint solver (there are
some versions on github with permissive license model) to take over all control over widget
layouting yourself. However for quick and dirty layouting using all the other layouting
functions should be fine.
#### Usage
1. __nk_layout_row_dynamic__<br /><br />
The easiest layouting function is `nk_layout_row_dynamic`. It provides each
widgets with same horizontal space inside the row and dynamically grows
if the owning window grows in width. So the number of columns dictates
the size of each widget dynamically by formula:
widget_width = (window_width - padding - spacing) * (1/colum_count)
Just like all other layouting APIs if you define more widget than columns this
library will allocate a new row and keep all layouting parameters previously
if (nk_begin_xxx(...) {
// first row with height: 30 composed of two widgets
nk_layout_row_dynamic(&ctx, 30, 2);
// second row with same parameter as defined above
// third row uses 0 for height which will use auto layouting
nk_layout_row_dynamic(&ctx, 0, 2);
2. __nk_layout_row_static__<br /><br />
Another easy layouting function is `nk_layout_row_static`. It provides each
widget with same horizontal pixel width inside the row and does not grow
if the owning window scales smaller or bigger.
if (nk_begin_xxx(...) {
// first row with height: 30 composed of two widgets with width: 80
nk_layout_row_static(&ctx, 30, 80, 2);
// second row with same parameter as defined above
// third row uses 0 for height which will use auto layouting
nk_layout_row_static(&ctx, 0, 80, 2);
3. __nk_layout_row_xxx__<br /><br />
A little bit more advanced layouting API are functions `nk_layout_row_begin`,
`nk_layout_row_push` and `nk_layout_row_end`. They allow to directly
specify each column pixel or window ratio in a row. It supports either
directly setting per column pixel width or widget window ratio but not
both. Furthermore it is a immediate mode API so each value is directly
pushed before calling a widget. Therefore the layout is not automatically
repeating like the last two layouting functions.
if (nk_begin_xxx(...) {
// first row with height: 25 composed of two widgets with width 60 and 40
nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_STATIC, 25, 2);
nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 60);
nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 40);
// second row with height: 25 composed of two widgets with window ratio 0.25 and 0.75
nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 25, 2);
nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 0.25f);
nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 0.75f);
// third row with auto generated height: composed of two widgets with window ratio 0.25 and 0.75
nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 0, 2);
nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 0.25f);
nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 0.75f);
4. __nk_layout_row__<br /><br />
The array counterpart to API nk_layout_row_xxx is the single nk_layout_row
functions. Instead of pushing either pixel or window ratio for every widget
it allows to define it by array. The trade of for less control is that
`nk_layout_row` is automatically repeating. Otherwise the behavior is the
if (nk_begin_xxx(...) {
// two rows with height: 30 composed of two widgets with width 60 and 40
const float size[] = {60,40};
nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_STATIC, 30, 2, ratio);
// two rows with height: 30 composed of two widgets with window ratio 0.25 and 0.75
const float ratio[] = {0.25, 0.75};
nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 30, 2, ratio);
// two rows with auto generated height composed of two widgets with window ratio 0.25 and 0.75
const float ratio[] = {0.25, 0.75};
nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 30, 2, ratio);
5. __nk_layout_row_template_xxx__<br /><br />
The most complex and second most flexible API is a simplified flexbox version without
line wrapping and weights for dynamic widgets. It is an immediate mode API but
unlike `nk_layout_row_xxx` it has auto repeat behavior and needs to be called
before calling the templated widgets.
The row template layout has three different per widget size specifier. The first
one is the static widget size specifier with fixed widget pixel width. They do
not grow if the row grows and will always stay the same. The second size
specifier is nk_layout_row_template_push_variable which defines a
minimum widget size but it also can grow if more space is available not taken
by other widgets. Finally there are dynamic widgets which are completely flexible
and unlike variable widgets can even shrink to zero if not enough space
is provided.
if (nk_begin_xxx(...) {
// two rows with height: 30 composed of three widgets
nk_layout_row_template_begin(ctx, 30);
nk_layout_row_template_push_variable(ctx, 80);
nk_layout_row_template_push_static(ctx, 80);
nk_widget(...); // dynamic widget can go to zero if not enough space
nk_widget(...); // variable widget with min 80 pixel but can grow bigger if enough space
nk_widget(...); // static widget with fixed 80 pixel width
// second row same layout
6. __nk_layout_space_xxx__<br /><br />
Finally the most flexible API directly allows you to place widgets inside the
window. The space layout API is an immediate mode API which does not support
row auto repeat and directly sets position and size of a widget. Position
and size hereby can be either specified as ratio of allocated space or
allocated space local position and pixel size. Since this API is quite
powerful there are a number of utility functions to get the available space
and convert between local allocated space and screen space.
if (nk_begin_xxx(...) {
// static row with height: 500 (you can set column count to INT_MAX if you don't want to be bothered)
nk_layout_space_begin(ctx, NK_STATIC, 500, INT_MAX);
nk_layout_space_push(ctx, nk_rect(0,0,150,200));
nk_layout_space_push(ctx, nk_rect(200,200,100,200));
// dynamic row with height: 500 (you can set column count to INT_MAX if you don't want to be bothered)
nk_layout_space_begin(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 500, INT_MAX);
nk_layout_space_push(ctx, nk_rect(0.5,0.5,0.1,0.1));
nk_layout_space_push(ctx, nk_rect(0.7,0.6,0.1,0.1));
#### Reference
Function | Description
nk_layout_set_min_row_height | Set the currently used minimum row height to a specified value
nk_layout_reset_min_row_height | Resets the currently used minimum row height to font height
nk_layout_widget_bounds | Calculates current width a static layout row can fit inside a window
nk_layout_ratio_from_pixel | Utility functions to calculate window ratio from pixel size
nk_layout_row_dynamic | Current layout is divided into n same sized growing columns
nk_layout_row_static | Current layout is divided into n same fixed sized columns
nk_layout_row_begin | Starts a new row with given height and number of columns
nk_layout_row_push | Pushes another column with given size or window ratio
nk_layout_row_end | Finished previously started row
nk_layout_row | Specifies row columns in array as either window ratio or size
nk_layout_row_template_begin | Begins the row template declaration
nk_layout_row_template_push_dynamic | Adds a dynamic column that dynamically grows and can go to zero if not enough space
nk_layout_row_template_push_variable | Adds a variable column that dynamically grows but does not shrink below specified pixel width
nk_layout_row_template_push_static | Adds a static column that does not grow and will always have the same size
nk_layout_row_template_end | Marks the end of the row template
nk_layout_space_begin | Begins a new layouting space that allows to specify each widgets position and size
nk_layout_space_push | Pushes position and size of the next widget in own coordinate space either as pixel or ratio
nk_layout_space_end | Marks the end of the layouting space
nk_layout_space_bounds | Callable after nk_layout_space_begin and returns total space allocated
nk_layout_space_to_screen | Converts vector from nk_layout_space coordinate space into screen space
nk_layout_space_to_local | Converts vector from screen space into nk_layout_space coordinates
nk_layout_space_rect_to_screen | Converts rectangle from nk_layout_space coordinate space into screen space
nk_layout_space_rect_to_local | Converts rectangle from screen space into nk_layout_space coordinates
### Group
Groups are basically windows inside windows. They allow to subdivide space
in a window to layout widgets as a group. Almost all more complex widget
layouting requirements can be solved using groups and basic layouting
fuctionality. Groups just like windows are identified by an unique name and
internally keep track of scrollbar offsets by default. However additional
versions are provided to directly manage the scrollbar.
#### Usage
To create a group you have to call one of the three `nk_group_begin_xxx`
functions to start group declarations and `nk_group_end` at the end. Furthermore it
is required to check the return value of `nk_group_begin_xxx` and only process
widgets inside the window if the value is not 0.
Nesting groups is possible and even encouraged since many layouting schemes
can only be achieved by nesting. Groups, unlike windows, need `nk_group_end`
to be only called if the corosponding `nk_group_begin_xxx` call does not return 0:
if (nk_group_begin_xxx(ctx, ...) {
// [... widgets ...]
In the grand concept groups can be called after starting a window
with `nk_begin_xxx` and before calling `nk_end`:
struct nk_context ctx;
nk_init_xxx(&ctx, ...);
while (1) {
// Input
Event evt;
while (GetEvent(&evt)) {
if (evt.type == MOUSE_MOVE)
nk_input_motion(&ctx, evt.motion.x, evt.motion.y);
else if (evt.type == [...]) {
// Window
if (nk_begin_xxx(...) {
// [...widgets...]
if (nk_group_begin_xxx(ctx, ...) {
//[... widgets ...]
// Draw
const struct nk_command *cmd = 0;
nk_foreach(cmd, &ctx) {
switch (cmd->type) {
case ...:
// [...]
#### Reference
Function | Description
nk_group_begin | Start a new group with internal scrollbar handling
nk_group_end | Ends a group. Should only be called if nk_group_begin returned non-zero
nk_group_scrolled_offset_begin | Start a new group with manual separated handling of scrollbar x- and y-offset
nk_group_scrolled_begin | Start a new group with manual scrollbar handling
nk_group_scrolled_end | Ends a group with manual scrollbar handling. Should only be called if nk_group_begin returned non-zero
scores --------- */
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