added demo code + changed opengl demo

This commit is contained in:
vurtun 2015-05-09 14:26:44 +02:00
parent 24380a2dcf
commit 775d2d745a
2 changed files with 361 additions and 73 deletions

demo/demo.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
#define MAX_BUFFER 64
#define MAX_MEMORY (16 * 1024)
struct show_window {
struct gui_window win;
gui_char in_buf[MAX_BUFFER];
gui_size in_len;
gui_bool in_act;
gui_char cmd_buf[MAX_BUFFER];
gui_size cmd_len;
gui_bool cmd_act;
gui_bool check;
gui_float slider;
gui_size prog;
gui_int spinner;
gui_bool spin_act;
gui_size item_cur;
gui_size cur;
gui_bool diff_min;
gui_bool wid_min;
gui_bool tbl_min;
gui_float shelf_off;
gui_float tbl_off;
gui_int combo_sel;
gui_bool toggle;
gui_int option;
struct control_window {
struct gui_window win;
gui_flags show_flags;
gui_bool flag_min;
gui_bool style_min;
gui_bool color_min;
gui_bool picker_act;
gui_bool col_r_act;
gui_bool col_g_act;
gui_bool col_b_act;
gui_bool col_a_act;
struct gui_color color;
static void
table_panel(struct gui_panel_layout *panel, struct show_window *demo)
struct gui_panel_layout tab;
static const struct gui_color header = {178, 122, 1, 255};
gui_panel_row(panel, 250, 1);
gui_panel_group_begin(panel, &tab, "Table", demo->tbl_off);
gui_panel_table_begin(&tab, GUI_TABLE_HHEADER, 30, 2);
gui_panel_label_colored(&tab, "MOVEMENT", GUI_TEXT_CENTERED, header);
gui_panel_label_colored(&tab, "KEY/BUTTON", GUI_TEXT_CENTERED, header);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "Move foward", GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "w", GUI_TEXT_CENTERED);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "Move back", GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "s", GUI_TEXT_CENTERED);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "Move left", GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "a", GUI_TEXT_CENTERED);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "Move right", GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "d", GUI_TEXT_CENTERED);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "Jump", GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "SPACE", GUI_TEXT_CENTERED);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "Duck", GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "CTRL", GUI_TEXT_CENTERED);
demo->tbl_off = gui_panel_group_end(panel, &tab);
static void
graph_panel(struct gui_panel_layout *panel, struct show_window *demo)
enum {HISTO, PLOT};
struct gui_panel_layout tab;
static const char *shelfs[] = {"Histogram", "Lines"};
static const gui_float values[] = {8.0f, 15.0f, 20.0f, 12.0f, 30.0f, 12.0f, 35.0f, 40.0f, 20.0f};
gui_panel_row(panel, 200, 1);
demo->cur = gui_panel_shelf_begin(panel,&tab,shelfs,LEN(shelfs),demo->cur,demo->shelf_off);
gui_panel_row(&tab, 100, 1);
if (demo->cur == HISTO) {
gui_panel_graph(&tab, GUI_GRAPH_HISTO, values, LEN(values));
} else {
gui_panel_graph(&tab, GUI_GRAPH_LINES, values, LEN(values));
demo->shelf_off = gui_panel_shelf_end(panel, &tab);
static void
combobox_panel(struct gui_panel_layout *panel, struct show_window *demo)
gui_int i = 0;
static const char *options[] = {"easy", "normal", "hard", "hell", "doom", "godlike"};
struct gui_panel_layout tab;
demo->diff_min = gui_panel_tab_begin(panel, &tab, "Comobox", demo->diff_min);
gui_panel_row(&tab, 30, 3);
for (i = 0; i < (gui_int)LEN(options); i++) {
if (gui_panel_option(&tab, options[i], demo->combo_sel == i))
demo->combo_sel = i;
gui_panel_tab_end(panel, &tab);
static void
widget_panel(struct gui_panel_layout *panel, struct show_window *demo)
struct gui_panel_layout tab;
char buffer[MAX_BUFFER];
const char *items[] = {"Fist", "Pistol", "Shotgun", "Railgun", "BFG"};
demo->wid_min = gui_panel_tab_begin(panel, &tab, "Widgets", demo->wid_min);
gui_panel_row(&tab, 30, 1);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "text left", GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "text center", GUI_TEXT_CENTERED);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "text right", GUI_TEXT_RIGHT);
if (gui_panel_button_text(&tab, "button", GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
fprintf(stdout, "button pressed!\n");
demo->toggle = gui_panel_button_toggle(&tab, "toggle", demo->toggle);
demo->check = gui_panel_check(&tab, "checkbox", demo->check);
gui_panel_row(&tab, 30, 2);
if (gui_panel_option(&tab, "option 0", demo->option == 0)) demo->option = 0;
if (gui_panel_option(&tab, "option 1", demo->option == 1)) demo->option = 1;
demo->slider = gui_panel_slider(&tab, 0, demo->slider, 10, 1.0f);
sprintf(buffer, "%.2f", demo->slider);
gui_panel_label(&tab, buffer, GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
demo->prog = gui_panel_progress(&tab, demo->prog, 100, gui_true);
sprintf(buffer, "%lu", demo->prog);
gui_panel_label(&tab, buffer, GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
gui_panel_row(&tab, 30, 1);
demo->item_cur = gui_panel_selector(&tab, items, LEN(items), demo->item_cur);
demo->spinner = gui_panel_spinner(&tab, 0, demo->spinner, 250, 10, &demo->spin_act);
if (gui_panel_shell(&tab, demo->cmd_buf, &demo->cmd_len, MAX_BUFFER, &demo->cmd_act))
demo->cmd_len = 0;
demo->in_len = gui_panel_edit(&tab, demo->in_buf, demo->in_len,
gui_panel_tab_end(panel, &tab);
static void
show_panel(struct show_window *show, struct gui_panel_stack *stack,
struct gui_input *in, struct gui_canvas *canvas)
struct gui_panel_layout layout;
gui_panel_begin_stacked(&layout, &show->win.panel, stack, "Show", canvas, in);
combobox_panel(&layout, show);
widget_panel(&layout, show);
graph_panel(&layout, show);
table_panel(&layout, show);
gui_panel_end(&layout, &show->win.panel);
static void
flags_tab(struct gui_panel_layout *panel, struct control_window *control)
gui_flags i = 0x01;
gui_size n = 0;
gui_flags res = 0;
struct gui_panel_layout tab;
const char *options[] = {"Hidden", "Border", "Minimizable", "Closeable", "Moveable", "Scaleable"};
control->flag_min = gui_panel_tab_begin(panel, &tab, "Options", control->flag_min);
gui_panel_row(&tab, 30, 2);
do {
if (gui_panel_check(&tab, options[n++], (control->show_flags & i) ? gui_true : gui_false)) res |= i;
i = i << 1;
} while (i <= GUI_PANEL_SCALEABLE);
control->show_flags = res;
gui_panel_tab_end(panel, &tab);
static void
style_tab(struct gui_panel_layout *panel, struct control_window *control, struct gui_config *config)
struct gui_panel_layout tab;
control->style_min = gui_panel_tab_begin(panel, &tab, "Style", control->style_min);
gui_panel_row(&tab, 30, 2);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "scrollbar width:", GUI_TEXT_RIGHT);
config->scrollbar_width = gui_panel_spinner(&tab, 0, (gui_int)config->scrollbar_width, 20, 1, NULL);
gui_panel_row(&tab, 30, 3);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "padding:", GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
config->panel_padding.x = gui_panel_spinner(&tab, 0, (gui_int)config->panel_padding.x, 20, 1, NULL);
config->panel_padding.y = gui_panel_spinner(&tab, 0, (gui_int)config->panel_padding.y, 20, 1, NULL);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "item spacing:", GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
config->item_spacing.x = gui_panel_spinner(&tab, 0, (gui_int)config->item_spacing.x, 20, 1, NULL);
config->item_spacing.y = gui_panel_spinner(&tab, 0, (gui_int)config->item_spacing.y, 20, 1, NULL);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "item padding:", GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
config->item_padding.x = gui_panel_spinner(&tab, 0, (gui_int)config->item_padding.x, 20, 1, NULL);
config->item_padding.y = gui_panel_spinner(&tab, 0, (gui_int)config->item_padding.y, 20, 1, NULL);
gui_panel_label(&tab, "scaler size:", GUI_TEXT_LEFT);
config->scaler_size.x = gui_panel_spinner(&tab, 0, (gui_int)config->scaler_size.x, 20, 1, NULL);
config->scaler_size.y = gui_panel_spinner(&tab, 0, (gui_int)config->scaler_size.y, 20, 1, NULL);
gui_panel_tab_end(panel, &tab);
static struct gui_color
color_picker(struct gui_panel_layout *panel, struct control_window *control, struct gui_color color)
gui_float r, g, b, a;
gui_panel_row(panel, 30, 3);
gui_panel_label(panel, "R:", GUI_TEXT_RIGHT);
r = color.r; g = color.g; b = color.b; a = color.a;
r = gui_panel_slider(panel, 0, r, 255, 10);
color.r = (gui_byte)r;
color.r = (gui_byte)gui_panel_spinner(panel, 0, color.r, 255, 1, &control->col_r_act);
gui_panel_label(panel, "G:", GUI_TEXT_RIGHT);
g = gui_panel_slider(panel, 0, g, 255, 10);
color.g = (gui_byte)g;
color.g = (gui_byte)gui_panel_spinner(panel, 0, color.g, 255, 1, &control->col_g_act);
gui_panel_label(panel, "B:", GUI_TEXT_RIGHT);
b = gui_panel_slider(panel, 0, b, 255, 10);
color.b = (gui_byte)b;
color.b = (gui_byte)gui_panel_spinner(panel, 0, (gui_int)color.b, 255, 1, &control->col_b_act);
gui_panel_label(panel, "A:", GUI_TEXT_RIGHT);
a = gui_panel_slider(panel, 0, a, 255, 10);
color.a = (gui_byte)a;
color.a = (gui_byte)gui_panel_spinner(panel, 0, (gui_int)color.a, 255, 1, &control->col_a_act);
return color;
static void
color_tab(struct gui_panel_layout *panel, struct control_window *control, struct gui_config *config)
gui_size i = 0;
struct gui_panel_layout tab;
static const char *labels[] = {"Text", "Panel", "Header", "Border", "Button", "Button Border",
"Button Hovering", "Button Toggle", "Button Hovering Text", "Check", "Check BG",
"Check Active", "Option", "Option BG", "Option Active", "Scroll", "Scroll Cursor",
"Slider", "Slider cursor", "Progress", "Progress Cursor", "Editbox", "Editbox Border",
"Spinner", "Spinner Border", "Selector", "Selector Border", "Histo", "Hist Bars",
"Histo Negative", "Histo Hovering", "Plot", "Plot Lines", "Plot Hightlight",
"Scrollbar", "Scrollbar Cursor", "Scrollbar Border", "Table lines", "Scaler"
control->color_min = gui_panel_tab_begin(panel, &tab, "Color", control->color_min);
if (control->picker_act) {
control->color = color_picker(&tab, control, control->color);
gui_panel_row(&tab, 30, 3);
gui_panel_seperator(&tab, 1);
if (gui_panel_button_text(&tab, "ok", GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT)) {
config->colors[i] = control->color;
control->picker_act = gui_false;
if (gui_panel_button_text(&tab, "cancel", GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
control->picker_act = gui_false;
} else {
gui_panel_row(&tab, 30, 2);
for (i = 0; i < GUI_COLOR_COUNT; ++i) {
struct gui_panel_layout layout;
gui_panel_label(&tab, labels[i], GUI_TEXT_CENTERED);
if (gui_panel_button_color(&tab, config->colors[i], GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT)) {
if (!control->picker_act) {
control->picker_act = gui_true;
control->color = config->colors[i];
} else continue;
gui_panel_tab_end(panel, &tab);
static gui_bool
control_panel(struct control_window *control, struct gui_panel_stack *stack,
struct gui_input *in, struct gui_canvas *canvas, struct gui_config *config)
gui_bool running;
struct gui_panel_layout layout;
/*running = gui_panel_begin_stacked(&layout, &control->win.panel, stack, "Control", canvas, in);*/
running = gui_panel_begin(&layout, &control->win.panel, "Control", canvas, in);
flags_tab(&layout, control);
style_tab(&layout, control, config);
color_tab(&layout, control, config);
gui_panel_end(&layout, &control->win.panel);
return running;
static void
init_demo(struct show_window *show, struct control_window *control,
struct gui_panel_stack *stack, struct gui_config *config, struct gui_font *font)
memset(show, 0, sizeof(*show));
gui_panel_init(&show->win.panel, 50, 50, 300, 500,
gui_stack_push(stack, &show->win.panel);
show->wid_min = gui_true;
show->diff_min = gui_true;
show->slider = 5.0f;
show->prog = 50;
show->spinner = 100;
memset(control, 0, sizeof(*control));
gui_panel_init(&control->win.panel, 380, 50, 400, 350,
gui_stack_push(stack, &control->win.panel);
control->show_flags = show->win.panel.flags;
control->style_min = gui_true;
control->color_min = gui_true;
static gui_bool
run_demo(struct show_window *show, struct control_window *control, struct gui_panel_stack *stack,
struct gui_config *config, struct gui_input *in, struct gui_command_buffer *buffer,
gui_size width, gui_size height)
gui_bool running;
struct gui_command_buffer sub;
struct gui_canvas canvas;
gui_buffer_begin(NULL, buffer, width, height);
gui_buffer_lock(&canvas, buffer, &sub, 0, width, height);
running = control_panel(control, stack, in, &canvas, config);
gui_buffer_unlock(&control->win.list, buffer, &sub, &canvas, NULL);
show->win.panel.flags = control->show_flags;
gui_buffer_lock(&canvas, buffer, &sub, 0, width, height);
show_panel(show, stack, in, &canvas);
if (show->win.panel.flags & GUI_PANEL_HIDDEN)
control->show_flags |= GUI_PANEL_HIDDEN;
gui_buffer_unlock(&show->win.list, buffer, &sub, &canvas, NULL);
gui_buffer_end(NULL, buffer, NULL, NULL);
return running;

View File

@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
#include "../gui.h"
/* macros */
#define MAX_BUFFER 64
#define MAX_MEMORY (8 * 1024)
#define MAX_PANELS 4
#define WIN_WIDTH 800
#define WIN_HEIGHT 600
#define DTIME 16
@ -33,6 +30,8 @@
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a)[0])
#define UNUSED(a) ((void)(a))
#include "demo.c"
struct texCoord {
float u;
float v;
@ -407,54 +406,7 @@ draw_circle(float x, float y, float r, struct gui_color color)
static void
demo_panel(struct gui_panel_layout *panel, struct demo *demo)
gui_int i = 0;
enum {HISTO, PLOT};
const char *shelfs[] = {"Histogram", "Lines"};
const gui_float values[] = {8.0f, 15.0f, 20.0f, 12.0f, 30.0f};
const char *items[] = {"Fist", "Pistol", "Shotgun", "Railgun", "BFG"};
const char *options[] = {"easy", "normal", "hard", "hell", "doom", "godlike"};
struct gui_panel_layout tab;
/* Tabs */
demo->tab_min = gui_panel_tab_begin(panel, &tab, "Difficulty", demo->tab_min);
gui_panel_row(&tab, 30, 3);
for (i = 0; i < (gui_int)LEN(options); i++) {
if (gui_panel_option(&tab, options[i], demo->option == i))
demo->option = i;
gui_panel_tab_end(panel, &tab);
/* Shelf */
gui_panel_row(panel, 200, 2);
demo->cur = gui_panel_shelf_begin(panel,&tab,shelfs,LEN(shelfs),demo->cur,demo->shelf_off);
gui_panel_row(&tab, 100, 1);
if (demo->cur == HISTO) {
gui_panel_graph(&tab, GUI_GRAPH_HISTO, values, LEN(values));
} else {
gui_panel_graph(&tab, GUI_GRAPH_LINES, values, LEN(values));
demo->shelf_off = gui_panel_shelf_end(panel, &tab);
/* Group */
gui_panel_group_begin(panel, &tab, "Options", demo->group_off);
gui_panel_row(&tab, 30, 1);
if (gui_panel_button_text(&tab, "button", GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
fprintf(stdout, "button pressed!\n");
demo->toggle = gui_panel_button_toggle(&tab, "toggle", demo->toggle);
demo->check = gui_panel_check(&tab, "advanced", demo->check);
demo->slider = gui_panel_slider(&tab, 0, demo->slider, 10, 1.0f);
demo->prog = gui_panel_progress(&tab, demo->prog, 100, gui_true);
demo->item_cur = gui_panel_selector(&tab, items, LEN(items), demo->item_cur);
demo->spinner = gui_panel_spinner(&tab, 0, demo->spinner, 250, 10, &demo->spin_act);
demo->in_len = gui_panel_edit(&tab, demo->in_buf, demo->in_len,
demo->group_off = gui_panel_group_end(panel, &tab);
static void
draw(struct gui_command_list *list, int width, int height)
execute(struct gui_command_list *list, int width, int height)
static const struct gui_color col = {255, 0, 0, 255};
const struct gui_command *cmd;
@ -510,6 +462,8 @@ draw(struct gui_command_list *list, int width, int height)
const struct gui_command_text *t = (const void*)cmd;
font_draw_text(t->font, t->x, t->y, t->h, t->fg, t->string, t->length);
} break;
default: break;
cmd = gui_list_next(list, cmd);
@ -523,6 +477,18 @@ draw(struct gui_command_list *list, int width, int height)
static void
draw(struct gui_panel_stack *stack, int width, int height)
struct gui_panel *iter = stack->begin;
if (!stack->count) return;
while (iter) {
struct gui_window *win = (void*)iter;
execute(&win->list, width, height);
iter = iter->next;
static void
key(struct gui_input *in, SDL_Event *evt, gui_bool down)
@ -592,13 +558,11 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct gui_input in;
struct gui_font font;
struct gui_memory memory;
struct gui_memory_status status;
struct gui_config config;
struct gui_canvas canvas;
struct gui_command_buffer buffer;
struct gui_command_list list;
struct gui_panel panel;
struct gui_panel_layout layout;
struct gui_panel_stack stack;
struct show_window show;
struct control_window control;
font_path = argv[1];
if (argc < 2) {
@ -627,17 +591,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
font.height = glfont->height;
font.width = font_get_text_width;
gui_panel_init(&panel, 50, 50, 450, 310,
GUI_PANEL_MINIMIZABLE, &config, &font);
/* Demo */
memset(&demo, 0, sizeof(demo));
demo.tab_min = gui_true;
demo.spinner = 100;
demo.slider = 2.0f;
demo.prog = 60;
init_demo(&show, &control, &stack, &config, &font);
while (running) {
/* Input */
@ -658,16 +613,13 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* GUI */
SDL_GetWindowSize(win, &width, &height);
gui_buffer_begin(&canvas, &buffer, (gui_size)width, (gui_size)height);
running = gui_panel_begin(&layout, &panel , "Demo", &canvas, &in);
demo_panel(&layout, &demo);
gui_panel_end(&layout, &panel);
gui_buffer_end(&list, &buffer, &canvas, &status);
running = run_demo(&show, &control, &stack, &config, &in, &buffer,
(gui_size)width, (gui_size)height);
/* Draw */
glClearColor(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f);
draw(&list, width, height);
draw(&stack, width, height);
/* Timing */