created selector widget

This commit is contained in:
vurtun 2015-05-31 16:02:48 +02:00
parent 4d37ffbefb
commit 36415e0cd2
2 changed files with 84 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -1222,6 +1222,61 @@ gui_spinner(gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float w,
return value;
gui_size gui_selector(gui_command_buffer *out, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float w,
gui_float h, const struct gui_selector *s, const char *items[],
gui_size item_count, gui_size item_current, const struct gui_input *input,
const struct gui_font *font)
gui_size text_len;
gui_float label_x, label_y;
gui_float label_w, label_h;
struct gui_button button;
gui_bool button_up_clicked;
gui_bool button_down_clicked;
gui_float button_x, button_y;
gui_float button_w, button_h;
ASSERT(item_current < item_count);
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, x, y, w, h, s->border);
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, x+1, y+1, w-2, h-2, s->color);
button_y = y;
button_h = h / 2;
button_w = h - s->padding.x;
button_x = x + w - button_w;
button.border = s->border_button;
button.padding.x = MAX(3, (button_h - font->height) / 2);
button.padding.y = MAX(3, (button_h - font->height) / 2);
button.background = s->button_color;
button.foreground = s->button_border;
button.content = s->button_triangle;
button.highlight = s->button_color;
button.highlight_content = s->button_triangle;
button_down_clicked = gui_button_triangle(out, button_x, button_y, button_w,
button_h, GUI_UP, GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &button, input);
button_y = y + button_h;
button_up_clicked = gui_button_triangle(out, button_x, button_y, button_w,
button_h, GUI_DOWN, GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &button, input);
item_current = (button_down_clicked && item_current < item_count-1) ?
item_current+1 : (button_up_clicked && item_current > 0) ?
item_current-1 : item_current;
label_x = x + s->padding.x;
label_y = y + s->padding.y;
label_w = w - (button_w + 2 * s->padding.x);
label_h = h - 2 * s->padding.y;
text_len = strsiz(items[item_current]);
gui_command_buffer_push_text(out, label_x, label_y, label_w, label_h,
(const gui_char*)items[item_current], text_len, font,
s->text_bg, s->text);
return item_current;
* ==============================================================
@ -2257,20 +2312,10 @@ gui_size
gui_panel_selector(struct gui_panel_layout *layout, const char *items[],
gui_size item_count, gui_size item_current)
gui_size text_len;
gui_float label_x, label_y;
gui_float label_w, label_h;
struct gui_rect bounds;
struct gui_button button;
struct gui_selector selector;
const struct gui_config *config;
gui_command_buffer *out;
struct gui_vec2 item_padding;
gui_bool button_up_clicked;
gui_bool button_down_clicked;
gui_float button_x, button_y;
gui_float button_w, button_h;
@ -2278,45 +2323,20 @@ gui_panel_selector(struct gui_panel_layout *layout, const char *items[],
if (!gui_panel_widget(&bounds, layout))
return item_current;
config = layout->config;
out = layout->buffer;
item_padding = gui_config_property(config, GUI_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING);
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.w, bounds.h,
gui_command_buffer_push_rect(out, bounds.x+1, bounds.y+1, bounds.w-2, bounds.h-2,
config = layout->config;
button.border = 1;
button_y = bounds.y;
button_h = bounds.h / 2;
button_w = bounds.h - item_padding.x;
button_x = bounds.x + bounds.w - button_w;
button.padding.x = MAX(3, (button_h - config->font.height) / 2);
button.padding.y = MAX(3, (button_h - config->font.height) / 2);
button.background = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BUTTON];
button.foreground = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BUTTON_BORDER];
button.content = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SELECTOR_TRIANGLE];
button.highlight = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BUTTON];
button.highlight_content = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SELECTOR_TRIANGLE];
button_down_clicked = gui_button_triangle(out, button_x, button_y, button_w,
button_h, GUI_UP, GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &button, layout->input);
button_y = bounds.y + button_h;
button_up_clicked = gui_button_triangle(out, button_x, button_y, button_w,
button_h, GUI_DOWN, GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &button, layout->input);
item_current = (button_down_clicked && item_current < item_count-1) ?
item_current+1 : (button_up_clicked && item_current > 0) ?
item_current-1 : item_current;
label_x = bounds.x + item_padding.x;
label_y = bounds.y + item_padding.y;
label_w = bounds.w - (button_w + 2 * item_padding.x);
label_h = bounds.h - 2 * item_padding.y;
text_len = strsiz(items[item_current]);
gui_command_buffer_push_text(out, label_x, label_y, label_w, label_h,
(const gui_char*)items[item_current], text_len, &config->font,
config->colors[GUI_COLOR_PANEL], config->colors[GUI_COLOR_TEXT]);
return item_current;
selector.border_button = 1;
selector.button_color = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BUTTON];
selector.button_border = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_BUTTON_BORDER];
selector.button_triangle = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SELECTOR_TRIANGLE];
selector.color = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SELECTOR];
selector.border = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_SELECTOR_BORDER];
selector.text = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_TEXT];
selector.text_bg = config->colors[GUI_COLOR_PANEL];
selector.padding = gui_config_property(config, GUI_PROPERTY_ITEM_PADDING);
return gui_selector(out, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.w, bounds.h, &selector,
items, item_count, item_current, layout->input, &layout->config->font);

View File

@ -375,6 +375,18 @@ struct gui_spinner {
gui_bool show_cursor;
struct gui_selector {
gui_size border_button;
struct gui_color button_color;
struct gui_color button_border;
struct gui_color button_triangle;
struct gui_color color;
struct gui_color border;
struct gui_color text;
struct gui_color text_bg;
struct gui_vec2 padding;
void gui_text(gui_command_buffer*, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float w, gui_float h,
const char *text, gui_size len, const struct gui_text*, enum gui_text_align,
const struct gui_font*);
@ -408,6 +420,10 @@ gui_int gui_spinner(gui_command_buffer*, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float w,
gui_float h, const struct gui_spinner*, gui_int min, gui_int value,
gui_int max, gui_int step, gui_bool *active, const struct gui_input*,
const struct gui_font*);
gui_size gui_selector(gui_command_buffer*, gui_float x, gui_float y, gui_float w,
gui_float h, const struct gui_selector*, const char *items[],
gui_size item_count, gui_size item_current, const struct gui_input*,
const struct gui_font*);
gui_float gui_scroll(gui_command_buffer*, gui_float x, gui_float y,
gui_float w, gui_float h, gui_float offset, gui_float target,
gui_float step, const struct gui_scroll*, const struct gui_input*);