Added popup mouse scrolling and fix popup drawing

Previously it was only possible to scroll windows and groups by mouse.
No it is possible to scroll popups, as well as nonblocking popups like
menus, contextuals and comboboxes. In addition I fixed a drawing bug
in dynamically growing panels.
This commit is contained in:
vurtun 2016-08-29 19:20:53 +02:00
parent 8e4d8ee741
commit 24f7096acc
2 changed files with 64 additions and 59 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Changelog
- 2016/08/29 (1.10) - Fixed drawing bug in dynamic popups
- 2016/08/29 (1.10) - Added experimental mouse scrolling to popups, menus and comboboxes
- 2016/08/26 (1.10) - Added window name string prepresentation to account for
hash collisions. Currently limited to NK_WINDOW_MAX_NAME
which in term can be redefined if not big enough.

View File

@ -14744,7 +14744,7 @@ nk_style_from_table(struct nk_context *ctx, const struct nk_color *table)
win->spacing = nk_vec2(4,4);
win->scrollbar_size = nk_vec2(10,10);
win->min_size = nk_vec2(64,64);
win->combo_border = 2.0f;
win->combo_border = 1.0f;
win->contextual_border = 1.0f;
win->menu_border = 1.0f;
win->group_border = 1.0f;
@ -16476,60 +16476,61 @@ nk_panel_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
nk_push_scissor(out, nk_null_rect);
/* cache configuration data */
window_padding = style->window.padding;
scrollbar_size = style->window.scrollbar_size;
scaler_size = style->window.scaler_size;
if (!(window->flags & NK_WINDOW_SUB))
window_padding = style->window.padding;
else if (window->flags & NK_WINDOW_COMBO)
window_padding = style->window.combo_padding;
else if (window->flags & NK_WINDOW_CONTEXTUAL)
window_padding = style->window.contextual_padding;
else if (window->flags & NK_WINDOW_MENU)
window_padding = style->window.menu_padding;
else if (window->flags & NK_WINDOW_GROUP)
window_padding = style->window.group_padding;
else if (window->flags & NK_WINDOW_TOOLTIP)
window_padding = style->window.tooltip_padding;
else window_padding = style->window.popup_padding;
/* update the current cursor Y-position to point over the last added widget */
layout->at_y += layout->row.height;
/* draw footer and fill empty spaces inside a dynamically growing panel */
/* handle dynamic panels */
if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED))
layout->height = layout->at_y - layout->bounds.y;
/* calculate panel height */
layout->height = layout->at_y + window_padding.y - layout->bounds.y;
layout->height = NK_MIN(layout->height, layout->bounds.h);
if ((layout->offset->x == 0) || (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) {
/* special case for dynamic windows without horizontal scrollbar
* or hidden scrollbars */
/* no horizontal scrollbar so fill empty space */
footer.x = layout->bounds.x;
footer.y = layout->at_y;
footer.h = scrollbar_size.y + style->window.padding.y;
footer.y = (layout->bounds.y + layout->height) - footer.h;
footer.w = layout->bounds.w + layout->border/2.0f;
nk_fill_rect(out, footer, 0, style->window.background);
layout->footer_h = 0;
footer.h = 0;
} else {
/* panel footer */
footer.x = layout->bounds.x;
footer.y = layout->bounds.y + layout->height;
footer.w = layout->bounds.w + layout->border/2.0f;
footer.h = style->window.padding.y;
nk_fill_rect(out, footer, 0, style->window.background);
layout->footer_h = 0;
nk_fill_rect(out, footer, 0, style->window.background);
footer.h = 0;
if ((layout->offset->x == 0) && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) {
/* special case for windows like combobox, menu require draw call
* to fill the empty scrollbar background */
struct nk_rect bounds;
bounds.x = layout->bounds.x + layout->width - layout->border*2;
bounds.y = layout->clip.y;
bounds.w = scrollbar_size.x + layout->border*2;
bounds.h = layout->height + layout->border;
nk_fill_rect(out, bounds, 0, style->window.background);
} else {
/* dynamic window with visible scrollbars and therefore bigger footer */
footer.x = window->bounds.x;
footer.w = window->bounds.w + scrollbar_size.x;
footer.h = layout->footer_h;
if ((layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_COMBO) || (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MENU) ||
(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_CONTEXTUAL))
footer.y = window->bounds.y + layout->height;
else footer.y = window->bounds.y + layout->height + layout->footer_h;
nk_fill_rect(out, footer, 0, style->window.background);
if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_COMBO) && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MENU)) {
/* fill empty scrollbar space */
struct nk_rect bounds;
bounds.x = layout->bounds.x - layout->border/2.0f;
bounds.y = window->bounds.y + layout->height;
bounds.w = layout->bounds.w + layout->border;
bounds.h = layout->row.height + layout->border;
nk_fill_rect(out, bounds, 0, style->window.background);
if ((layout->offset->y == 0) || (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) {
/* No vertical scrollbar so fill empty space */
struct nk_rect bounds;
bounds.x = layout->bounds.x + layout->width - layout->border*2;
bounds.y = layout->bounds.y + layout->header_h + layout->menu.h;
bounds.w = scrollbar_size.x + layout->border*2;
bounds.h = layout->height - (layout->footer_h + layout->header_h + layout->menu.h);
bounds.h -= (2.0f * window_padding.y);
nk_fill_rect(out, bounds, 0, style->window.background);
layout->footer_h = 0;
@ -16548,15 +16549,13 @@ nk_panel_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
/* vertical scrollbar */
nk_flags state = 0;
bounds.x = layout->bounds.x + layout->width;
bounds.y = layout->bounds.y + layout->header_h + style->window.padding.y + layout->menu.h;
bounds.y = layout->bounds.y + layout->header_h + style->window.padding.y;
bounds.w = scrollbar_size.y;
bounds.h = layout->bounds.h - (layout->footer_h + layout->header_h + layout->menu.h);
bounds.h = layout->bounds.h - (layout->footer_h + layout->header_h);
bounds.h -= (2.0f * window_padding.y);
if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_BORDER)
bounds.x -= layout->border;
if (layout->menu.h) {
bounds.y += layout->menu.h;
bounds.h -= layout->menu.h + layout->row.height;
bounds.h -= layout->menu.h;
scroll_offset = layout->offset->y;
@ -16565,28 +16564,30 @@ nk_panel_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
scroll_target = (float)(int)(layout->at_y - bounds.y);
/* scrolling by mouse wheel */
if ((window->flags & NK_WINDOW_SUB) && (window->flags & NK_WINDOW_GROUP)) {
/* group scrollbar wheel scrolling */
struct nk_panel *root;
root = window->layout;
while (root->parent)
root = root->parent;
if ((window->flags & NK_WINDOW_SUB)) {
/* sub-window scrollbar wheel scrolling */
struct nk_window *root_window = window;
struct nk_panel *root_panel = window->layout;
while (root_panel->parent)
root_panel = root_panel->parent;
while (root_window->parent)
root_window = root_window->parent;
/* only allow scrolling if parent window is active */
scroll_has_scrolling = 0;
if (!(root->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) && layout->has_scrolling) {
/* and group is being hovered and inside clip rect*/
if ((root_window == ctx->active) && layout->has_scrolling) {
/* and panel is being hovered and inside clip rect*/
if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, layout->bounds) &&
NK_INTERSECT(layout->bounds.x, layout->bounds.y, layout->bounds.w, layout->bounds.h,
root->clip.x, root->clip.y, root->clip.w, root->clip.h))
root_panel->clip.x, root_panel->clip.y, root_panel->clip.w, root_panel->clip.h))
/* deactivate all parent scrolling */
root = window->layout;
while (root->parent) {
root->has_scrolling = nk_false;
root = root->parent;
root_panel = window->layout;
while (root_panel->parent) {
root_panel->has_scrolling = nk_false;
root_panel = root_panel->parent;
root->has_scrolling = nk_false;
root_panel->has_scrolling = nk_false;
scroll_has_scrolling = nk_true;
@ -16654,7 +16655,7 @@ nk_panel_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
const float padding_y = (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) ?
style->window.border + window->bounds.y + layout->header_h:
(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)?
layout->at_y + style->window.padding.y:
layout->bounds.y + layout->height:
layout->bounds.y + layout->bounds.h;
/* select correct border color */
@ -19402,6 +19403,7 @@ nk_popup_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
popup = win->;
if (!popup) {
popup = (struct nk_window*)nk_create_window(ctx);
popup->parent = win;
win-> = popup;
win-> = 0;
@ -19485,6 +19487,7 @@ nk_nonblock_begin(struct nk_panel *layout, struct nk_context *ctx,
if (!popup) {
/* create window for nonblocking popup */
popup = (struct nk_window*)nk_create_window(ctx);
popup->parent = win;
win-> = popup;
nk_command_buffer_init(&popup->buffer, &ctx->memory, NK_CLIPPING_ON);
} else {