38 lines
2.3 KiB
38 lines
2.3 KiB
## Submitting changes
Please send a GitHub Pull Request with a clear list of what you've done (read more about [pull requests](http://help.github.com/pull-requests/)).
## Features
If you have an idea for new features just [open an issue](https://github.com/vurtun/zahnrad/issues) with your suggestion.
* Find and correct spelling mistakes
* Add (insert your favorite platform or render backend here) demo implementation
* Add clipboard user callbacks back into all demos
* Add additional widgets [some possible widgets](http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/widget-classes.html#the-widget-classes)
* Extend xlib demo to support image drawing with arbitrary image width and height
* Change cursor in `zr_widget_edit_box` and `zr_widget_edit_field` to thin standard cursor version used in editors
* Rewrite the chart API to support a better range of charts (maybe take notes from Javascript chart frameworks)
* Create an API to allow scaling between groups (maybe extend and convert the demo example)
* Add Tab support (maybe use `zr_group` and add a header)
* Come up with a better way to provide and create widget and window styles
* Add support for multiple pointers for touch input devices (probably requires to rewrite mouse handling in `struct zr_input`)
* Extend context to not only support overlapping windows but tiled windows as well
## Bugs
* Text pixel width is bugged at the moment if you edit text with enabled font baking and vertex buffer API.
* Text handling is still a little bit chanky and probably needs to be further tested and polished
## Coding conventions
* Only use a C89 (ANSI C) compiler or rather style
* For indent use four spaces
* Do not typedef structs, unions and enums
* Variable, object and function names should always be lowercase and use underscores instead of camel case
* Whitespace after for, while, if, do, switch
* Always use parentheses if using the sizeof operator (e.g: sizeof(struct zr_context) and not sizeof struct zr_context)
* Beginning braces on the new line for functions and on the same line otherwise.
* Only use fixed size types (zr_uint, zr_size, ...) if you really need to and use basic types otherwise
* Do not include any header files in either zahnrad.h or zahnrad.c
* Do not add any dependencies
* Do not use any compiler specific extensions