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synced 2024-11-29 17:03:17 +03:00
262 lines
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Executable File
262 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use FindBin;
push @INC, $FindBin::Bin. "/../ext/";
use utf8;
use strict;
use MyHTML::Base;
my $color_types = {
"rgb" => ["rgb", 3, "mycss_values_color_parser_rgb"],
"rgba" => ["rgba", 4, "mycss_values_color_parser_rgba"],
"hsl" => ["hsl", 3, "mycss_values_color_parser_hsl"],
"hsla" => ["hsla", 4, "mycss_values_color_parser_hsla"],
"hwb" => ["hwb", 3, "mycss_values_color_parser_hwb"],
"gray" => ["gray", 4, "mycss_values_color_parser_gray"],
"device-cmyk" => ["device-cmyk", length("device-cmyk")],
"color-mod" => ["color-mod", length("color-mod")],
"color" => ["color", 5],
"red" => ["red", 3],
"green" => ["green", 5],
"blue" => ["blue", 4],
"alpha" => ["alpha", 5],
"a" => ["a", 1],
"hue" => ["hue", 3],
"saturation" => ["saturation", length("saturation")],
"lightness" => ["lightness", length("lightness")],
"whiteness" => ["whiteness", length("whiteness")],
"blackness" => ["blackness", length("blackness")],
"tint" => ["tint", length("tint")],
"shade" => ["shade", length("shade")],
"blend" => ["blend", length("blend")],
"blenda" => ["blenda", length("blenda")],
"contrast" => ["contrast", length("contrast")]
# The Code
my $colors = load_from_file("data/color.txt");
my $static_index_size = test_result($colors);
my $static_function_index_size = test_result($color_types);
# Create Color Resources
my $result = create_result($colors, $static_index_size);
my $result_type = create_result($color_types, $static_function_index_size);
my $utils = MyHTML::Base->new(dirs => {source => "/new/C-git/Modest/source/mycss", template => "tmpl"});
my $data_const = $utils->read_tmpl("color_resources.h");
$utils->save_src("values/color_resources.h", $data_const, {
BODY => create_static_list_index($result, $static_index_size,
"mycss_values_color_index_static_entry_t mycss_values_color_name_index_static_for_search", "MyCSS_VALUES_COLOR_ID_",
sub {
return name_to_enum($_[0]->[0], $_[1]). ', '. $_[0]->[3];
"\n". mn_index($colors, "mycss_values_color_name_index") ."\n\n".
create_static_list_index($result_type, $static_function_index_size,
"mycss_values_color_function_index_static_entry_t mycss_values_color_function_index_static_for_search", "MyCSS_VALUES_COLOR_FUNCTION_ID_",
sub {
return name_to_enum($_[0]->[0], $_[1]) .", ". ($_[0]->[2] ? $_[0]->[2] : "mycss_values_color_parser_undef");
"\n". mn_index($color_types, "mycss_values_color_function_name_index"),
DEFINED => "#define MyCSS_COLOR_NAME_STATIC_INDEX_FOR_SEARCH_SIZE $static_index_size\n".
"#define MyCSS_COLOR_FUNCTION_STATIC_INDEX_FOR_SEARCH_SIZE $static_function_index_size"
# Create Color Const
$utils = MyHTML::Base->new(dirs => {source => "/new/C-git/Modest/source/mycss", template => "tmpl"});
$data_const = $utils->read_tmpl("color_const.h");
$utils->save_src("values/color_const.h", $data_const, {
BODY => mn_enum($colors, "mycss_values_color_id", "MyCSS_VALUES_COLOR_ID_") ."\n".
mn_enum($color_types, "mycss_values_color_function_id", "MyCSS_VALUES_COLOR_FUNCTION_ID_")
sub create_result {
my ($colors, $index_length) = @_;
my $result = {};
foreach my $name (keys %$colors) {
my $id = get_index_id($name, $index_length);
push @{$result->{$id}}, $colors->{$name};
sub test_result {
my ($colors) = @_;
my $op = [0, undef];
foreach my $idx (1..1024) {
my $result = create_result($colors, $idx);
my $res_max = test_result_max_value($result, 0);
if(!defined($op->[1]) || $op->[1] > $res_max) {
$op->[0] = $idx;
$op->[1] = $res_max;
print "Best:\n";
print $op->[0], ": ", $op->[1], "\n";
sub test_result_max_value {
my ($res, $is_print) = @_;
my $max = 0;
foreach my $id (sort {scalar(@{$res->{$a}}) <=> scalar(@{$res->{$b}})} keys %$res) {
print "$id: ", scalar(@{$res->{$id}}), "\n" if $is_print;
$max = scalar(@{$res->{$id}}) if $max < scalar(@{$res->{$id}});
sub get_index_id {
use bytes;
my @chars = split //, $_[0];
my $f = ord(lc($chars[0]));
my $l = ord(lc($chars[-1]));
((($f * $l * scalar(@chars))) % $_[1]) + 1;
sub create_sub_static_list_index {
my ($result, $struct, $offset, $enum_prefix, $sub) = @_;
my @list_sorted = sort {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} @$result[0..$#$result];
foreach my $i (1..$#list_sorted) {
my $cur = $offset;
push @$struct, "\t{".
'"'. $list_sorted[$i]->[0] .'", '. $list_sorted[$i]->[1] .', '.
$sub->($list_sorted[$i], $enum_prefix) .", ".
($i < $#list_sorted ? $offset : 0) .", $cur},\n";
sub create_static_list_index {
my ($result, $static_list_index_length, $static_name, $enum_prefix, $sub) = @_;
my @res;
my $struct = [];
my $offset = $static_list_index_length + 1;
foreach my $i (0..$static_list_index_length)
if(exists $result->{$i}) {
my $id = 0;
if(scalar @{$result->{$i}} > 1) {
$offset = create_sub_static_list_index($result->{$i}, $struct, $offset, $enum_prefix, $sub);
$id = $offset - (@{$result->{$i}} - 1);
my @list_sorted = sort {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} @{$result->{$i}}[0..$#{$result->{$i}}];
push @res, "\t{".
'"'. $list_sorted[0]->[0] .'", '. $list_sorted[0]->[1] .', '.
$sub->($list_sorted[0], $enum_prefix) .', ',
"$id, $i},\n";
else {
push @res, "\t{NULL, 0, ". $sub->(["undef", 5, 0, 0, 0], $enum_prefix) .", 0, 0},\n";
"static const $static_name\[] = \n{\n". join("", @res, @$struct) ."};\n"
sub mn_enum {
my ($color, $enum_name, $prefix) = @_;
my $idx = 1;
my (@res, @return);
push @res, [name_to_enum("undef", $prefix), "0x0000"];
foreach my $name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %$color) {
push @res, [name_to_enum($name, $prefix), sprintf("0x%04x", $idx++)];
push @res, [name_to_enum("last_entry", $prefix), sprintf("0x%04x", ++$idx)];
push @return, "enum $enum_name {";
push @return, "\t". join(",\n\t", @{MyHTML::Base->format_list_text(\@res, " = ")});
push @return, "}\ntypedef $enum_name\_t;\n\n";
join("\n", @return);
sub mn_index {
my ($color, $index_name) = @_;
my $idx = 0;
my (@res, @return);
push @res, "\t\"\"";
foreach my $name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %$color)
push @res, "\t\"$name\"";
push @return, "static const char * $index_name\[". (scalar(keys %$color) + 2) ."] = {";
push @return, join(",\n", @res). ",";
push @return, "\tNULL";
push @return, "};";
join "\n", @return;
sub name_to_enum {
my ($name, $prefix) = @_;
$name =~ s/[-]+/_/g;
$name = $prefix. uc($name);
sub load_from_file {
my ($filename) = @_;
my $res = {};
open my $fh, "<", $filename or die "Can't load $filename: $!";
binmode $fh, ":utf8";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($name, $hex, $r, $g, $b) = split /\s+/, $line;
$hex =~ s/^\#//;
$res->{$name} = [$name, length($name), $hex, hex($hex), $r, $g, $b];
close $fh;